PRetty Jesus-Like, Not Gonna Lie

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Evidence of Jesus

Jesus was a man said to be born at 1AD (although this is said to be slightly
incorrect) who was said to make miracles and help people in need. The
existence of him although has been controversial if or if not, he ever existed.
The fact that there were 4 books written about him which are found in the
bible, these were called the gospels and are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
These were written close to his lifetime and the fact that 4 different people
had wrote 4 separate books makes the point stronger and more believable. In
the Bible it is said that Jesus had died on a cross by crucifixion with nails in the
palms of his hand. Although, they did crucify people in this place of time, they
did not crucify people through the palms of their hands, this was proven by the
archaeological discovery made when they found the bones of Johanan,
someone who was crucified and the iron nails were not in the palms of his
hand but in the wrists. However, the original word that is said in the Bible can
also mean wrist, so this is also historically correct. Some evidence of Jesus that
still exists today is the fact of the worldwide agreed calendar that the year is
2020AD and that 2020 years ago, BC became AD because of Jesus’ birth. Not
only does the Bible talk about Jesus but also other sacred books from different
religions also mention him a lot as the Qur’an says he was a prophet. A man
called Flavius Josephus was not a follower of Jesus but still called Jesus a
‘worker of wonders’, this shows that non-followers also said he existed which
supports the existence of Jesus. Another historically correct piece of evidence
was the fact that Pontius Pilate, a governor who ordered Jesus’ death, was
alive and existed at that point of time and was the governor at that point of

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