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DEFECTIVE CONTRACTS and to put an end to it as though it never

was. It is not merely to terminate it and

Kinds of defective contracts release the parties from further obligations
1. Rescissible contracts; to each other, but to abrogate it from the
2. Voidable contracts; beginning and restore the parties to their
3. Unenforceable contracts; and relative positions as if no contract has
4. Void and inexistent contracts. been made.

CHAPTER 6 Accordingly, when a decree for rescission

is handed down, it is the duty of the court
RESCISSIBLE CONTRACTS to require both parties to surrender that
which they have respectively received and
Art. 1380. Contracts validly agreed upon to place each other as far as practicable in
may be rescinded in the cases established his original situation. The rescission has
by law. (1290) the effect of abrogating the contract in all
What is Rescission?
Rescission, as contemplated in Articles
The Supreme Court ruled that rescission
1380, et seq., of the New Civil Code, is a
of a contract will not be permitted for a
remedy granted by law to the contracting
slight or casual breach, but only for such
parties and even to third persons, to
substantial and fundamental breach as
secure the reparation of damages caused
would defeat the very object of the parties
to them by a contract, even if this should
in making the agreement; the question of
be valid, by restoration of things to their
whether a breach of contract is substantial
condition at the moment prior to the
depends upon the attending
celebration of the contract. It implies a
contract, which even if initially valid,
produces a lesion or a pecuniary damage
Cancellation of a contract and its
to someone.
rescission, distinguished.
There is a distinction in law between
Rescission is a relief which the law grants
cancellation of a contract and its
on the premise that the contract is valid for
rescission. To rescind is to declare a
the protection of one of the contracting
contract void in its inception and to put an
parties and third persons from all injury
end to it as though it never were. It is not
and damage the contract may cause, or to
merely to terminate it and release parties
protect some incompatible and preferential
from further obligations to each other but
right created by the contract.
to abrogate it from the beginning and
restore the parties to relative positions
Effect of Rescission
which they would have occupied had no
Rescission has the effect of "unmaking a
contract ever been made.
contract, or its undoing from the
beginning, and not merely its termination."
Termination of a contract is congruent with
Hence, rescission creates the obligation to
an action for unlawful detainer. The
return the object of the contract. It can be
termination or cancellation of a contract
carried out only when the one who
would necessarily entail enforcement of its
demands rescission can return whatever
terms prior to the declaration of its
he may be obliged to restore. To rescind is
cancellation in the same way that before a
to declare a contract void at its inception
lessee is ejected under a lease contract, between, first, fulfillment of the contract
he has to fulfill his obligations thereunder and, second, its rescission. An action to
that had accrued prior to his ejectment. enforce a written contract (fulfillment) is
However, termination of a contract need definitely an "action upon a written
not undergo judicial intervention. The contract," which prescribes in 10 years
parties themselves may exercise such (Article 1144). It will not be logical to make
option. Only upon disagreement between the remedy of fulfillment prescribe in 10
the parties as to how it should be years while the alternative remedy of
undertaken may the parties resort to rescission (or resolution) is made to
courts. prescribe after only four years as provided
in Article 1389 when the injury from which
Rescission described in Article 1380 the two kinds of actions derive is the
and 1381 distinguished from same.
Resolution referred to in Article 1191
and 1592 We must stress however, that the
"rescission" in Article 1381 is not akin to
The remedy of "rescission" is not confined the term "rescission" in Article 1191 and
to the rescissible contracts enumerated Article 1592. In Articles 1191 and 1592,
under Article 1381. Article 1191 of the Civil the rescission is a principal action which
Code gives the injured party in reciprocal seeks the resolution or cancellation of the
obligations, such as what contracts are contract while in Article 1381, the action is
about, the option to choose between a subsidiary one limited to cases of
fulfillment and "rescission." Arturo M. rescission for lesion as enumerated in said
Tolentino, a well-known authority in civil article.
law, is quick to note, however. that the
equivalent of Article 1191 in the old code The prescriptive period applicable to
actually uses the term "resolution" rather rescission under Articles 1191 and 1592,
than the present "rescission." The is found in Article 1144, which provides
calibrated meanings of these terms are that the action upon a written contract
distinct. should be brought within ten years from
the time the right of action accrues.7
"Rescission" is a subsidiary action based
on injury to the plaintiff's economic Art. 1381. The following contracts are
interests as described in Articles 1380 and rescissible:
1381. "Resolution," the action referred to
in Article 1191, on the other hand, is 1. Those which are entered into by
based on the defendant's breach of faith, guardians whenever the wards whom they
a violation of the reciprocity between the represent suffer lesion by more than
parties. As an action based on the binding one-fourth of the value of the things which
force of a written contract, therefore, are the object thereof;
rescission (resolution) under Article 1191 2. Those agreed upon in representation of
prescribes in 10 years. Ten years is the absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion
period of prescription of actions based on stated in the preceding number;
a written contract under Article 1144. 3. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors
when the latter cannot in any other
manner collect the claims due them;
The distinction makes sense. Article 1191
gives the injured party an option to choose
4. Those which refer to things under in the contract allows him to collect his
litigation if they have been entered into by claim, and thus protect him from fraud.11
the defendant without the knowledge and
approval of the litigants or of competent Note:
judicial authority;
5. All other contracts specially declared by Article 1191 of the New Civil Code refers
law to be subject to rescission. to rescission applicable to reciprocal
obligations. Reciprocal obligations are
those which arise from the same cause,
"Rescission" in Article 1191 and
and in which each party is a debtor and a
"Rescission" in Article 1381,
creditor of the other, such that the
obligation of one is dependent upon the
obligation of the other. They are to be
"Rescission" in Article 1191 performed simultaneously such that the
● The rescission is a principal action which performance of one is conditioned upon
seeks the resolution or cancellation of the the simultaneous fulfillment of the other.
contract. Rescission of reciprocal obligations under
● The prescriptive period applicable to Article 1191 of the New Civil Code should
rescission under Articles 1191 is found in be distinguished from rescission of
Article 1144, which provides that the contracts under Article 1383. Although
action upon a written contract should be both presuppose contracts validly entered
brought within ten years from the time the into and subsisting and both require
right of action accrues." mutual restitution when proper, they are
not entirely identical.
"Rescission" in Article 1381
● The action is a subsidiary one limited to
While Article 1191 uses the term
cases of rescission for lesion as
"rescission," the original term which was
enumerated in said article.
used in the old Civil Code, from which the
● The action to claim rescission must be
article was based, was "resolution."
commenced within four (4) years.
Resolution is a principal action which is
based on breach of a party, while
Rescissible contracts, not being vold, they
rescission under Article 1383 is a
remain legally effective until set aside in a
subsidiary action limited to cases of
rescissory action and may convey title, 10
rescission for lesion under Article 1381 of
the New Civil Code.
Article 1381 of the Civil Code provides that
contracts entered into in fraud of creditors
When a party seeks the relief of rescission
may be rescinded when the creditors
as provided in Article 1381, there is no
cannot in any manner collect the claims
need for reciprocal prestations to exist
due them. Article 1381 applies to contracts
between or among the parties. All that is
where the creditors are not parties, for
required is that the contract should be
such contracts are usually made without
among those enumerated in Article 1381
their knowledge. Thus, a creditor who is
for the contract to be considered
not a party to a contract can sue to rescind
rescissible. Unlike Article 1191, rescission
the contract to prevent fraud upon him. Or,
under Article 1381 must be a subsidiary
the same creditor can instead choose to
action because of Article 1383.
enforce the contract if a specific provision
Note: Rescission or resolution under Article
1191, therefore, is a principal action that is
Justice J.B.L. Reyes' concurring opinion in immediately available to the party at the
the landmark case of Universal Food time that the reciprocal prestation was
Corporation v. Court of Appeals gave a breached. Article 1383 mandating that
definitive explanation on the principal rescission be deemed a subsidiary action
character of resolution under Article 1191 cannot be applicable to rescission or
and the subsidiary nature of actions under resolution under Article 1191
Article 1381:
Who is a ward?
The rescission on account of breach of
stipulations is not predicated on injury to
A person, usually a minor, who is under a
economic interests of the party plaintiff but
guardian's charge e protection.14
on the breach of faith by the defendant,
that violates the reciprocity between the
Who is an absentee?
parties. It is not a subsidiary action, and
Article 1191 may be scanned without
A person who disappears from his
disclosing anywhere that the action for
domicile, his whereabouts being unknown,
rescission thereunder is subordinated to
and without leaving an agent to administer
anything other than the culpable breach of
his property.
his obligations by the defendant. This
rescission is a principal action retaliatory
Elementary is the principle that the validity
in character, it being unjust that a party be
of a contract does not preclude its
held bound to fulfill his promises when the
rescission. Under Articles 1380 and 1381
other violates his. As expressed in the old
(3) of the Civil Code contracts that are
Latin aphorism "Non servanti fidem, non
otherwise valid between the contracting
est fides servanda." Hence, the reparation
parties may nonetheless be subsequently
of damages for the breach is purely
rescinded by reason of injury to third
persons like creditors. In fact, rescission
implies that there is a contract that, while
On the contrary, in the rescission by
initially valid, produces a lesion or
reason of lesion or economic prejudice,
pecuniary damage to someone.
the cause of action is subordinated to the
existence of that prejudice, because it is
the raison d'etre as well as the measure of
the right to rescind. Hence, where the
The spouses H and W, own the majority
defendant makes good the damages
capital stock of B Corp. On October 10,
caused, the action cannot be maintained
1990, the spouses executed a Continuing
or continued, as expressly provided in
Surety Agreement in favor of Z Bank to
Articles 1383 and 1384. But the operation
secure a P40,000,000-credit line facility
of these two articles is limited to the cases
made available to B Corp.
of rescission for lesión enumerated in
Article 1381 of the Civil Code of the
On October 22, 1991, H and W, for
Philippines, and does not apply to cases
P12,500,000, sold their lot. together with
under Article 1191.
the house and other improvements
standing thereon, to X At about this time,
B Corp. had already availed itself of the
credit facilities, and had in fact executed a In the present case, spouses H and W
total of 22 promissory notes in favor of Z had sufficiently established the validity and
Bank. legitimacy of the sale in question.

On November 22, 1991, B Corp. filed a Unfortunately for Z Bank, it failed to

Petition for Rehabilitation and for discharge this burden. Its bare allegation
Declaration of Suspension of Payments respecting the sale having been executed
with the Securities and Exchange in fraud of creditors and without adequate
Commission (SEC). To protect its interest. consideration cannot, without more,
Z Bank lost no time in filing an action for prevail over H, W, and X's evidence which
rescission of the sale between H and W more than sufficiently supports a
and X for purportedly being in fraud of conclusion as to the legitimacy of the
creditors. 2 Bank, alleged that H and W transaction and the bona fides of the
and X entered into the transaction in parties.
question for the lone purpose of
fraudulently removing the property from Parenthetically, the rescissory action to set
the reach of Z. Bank and other creditors. aside contracts in fraud of creditors is
accion pauliana, essentially a subsidiary
Answering. H and W, and X, maintained, remedy accorded under Article1383 of the
that both contracts of sale over the Civil Code which the party suffering
property were founded on good and valid damage can avail of only when he has no
consideration and executed in good faith. other legal means to obtain reparation for
the same.

Does the contract of sale partake of a

It does not appear in this case that Z Bank
conveyance to defraud Z Bank?
sought other properties of the spouses
other than the subject property. Absent
proof, therefore, that H and W had no
Essentially, Z Bank anchors its case on
other property except their home, the sale
Article 1381 of the Civil Code which lists
thereof to X cannot simplistically be
as among the rescissible contracts "Those
considered as one in fraud of creditors.
undertaken in fraud of creditors when the
Neither was evidence adduced to show
latter cannot in any other manner collect
that the sale in question peremptorily
the claims due them."
deprived 2 Bank of means to collect its
claim against H and W. Where a creditor
Contracts in fraud of creditors are those
fails to show that he has no other legal
executed with the intention to prejudice
recourse to obtain satisfaction for his
the rights of creditors. To creditors seeking
claim, then he is not entitled to the
contract rescission on the ground of
rescission asked.
fraudulent conveyance rest the onus of
proving by competent evidence the
It cannot be overemphasized that
existence of such fraudulent intent on the
rescission is generally unavailing should a
part of the debtor, albeit they may fall back
third person, acting in good faith, is in
on the disputable presumptions, if proper,
lawful possession of the property, that is to
established under Article 1387 of the
say, he is protected by law against a suit
for rescission by the registration of the
transfer to him in the registry. 17
Parenthetically, the rescissory action to set
Note: aside contracts in fraud of creditors is
accion pauliana, essentially a subsidiary
Article 1381 and Article 1383, on the other remedy accorded under Article1383 of the
hand, pertain to rescission where creditors Civil Code which the party suffering
or even third persons not privy to the damage can avail of only when he has no
contract can file an action due to lesion or other legal means to obtain reparation for
damage as a result of the contract. 10 the same. In net effect, the provision
applies only when the creditor cannot
Art. 1382. Payments made in a state of recover in any other manner what is due
insolvency for obligations to whose him. 21
fulfillment the debtor could not be Problem:
compelled at the time they were effected,
are also rescissible. (1292) On May 10, 1983, X, on the one hand,
and spouses H and W, on the other hand,
What is insolvency? executed an "Agreement of Purchase and
Sale respecting two parcels of land. The
It is when the debtor has more liabilities terms and conditions of the contract read:
than his assets.
1. That for and in consideration of the
Art. 1383. The action for rescission is agreed purchase price of P2,000,000, the
subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except mode and manner of payment is as
when the party suffering damage has no follows:
other legal means to obtain reparation for
the same. (1294) A. The initial payment of P600,000, shall
be broken down as follows: i. P103,499
What is subsidiary remedy? shall be paid, by X to H and W on March
22, 1983, xxx covered by a check of even
The term "subsidiary remedy" has been date.
defined as "the exhaustion of all remedies
by the prejudiced creditor to collect claims ii. That the sum of P496,500 shall be paid
due him before rescission is resorted directly by X to Z bank to answer for the
to."19 loan of H and W xxx.

An action for rescission may not be raised B. That the balance of P1,400,000 shall
or set up in a summary proceeding be paid by X to H and W in four equal
through a motion, but in an independent quarterly instaliments of P350,000, the
civil action and only after a full-blown trial. first to be due and payable on June 15,
As Article 1383 of the Civil Code provides: 1983, xxx.

Art. 1383. The action for rescission is i. That upon the payment of the total
subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except purchase price by X, H and W bind
when the party suffering damage has no themselves to deliver to the former a deed
other legal means to obtain reparation for of sale xxx.
the same.
ii. That immediately upon the execution of
this document, H and W shall deliver,
surrender and transfer possession of the 3. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors
said parcels of land including all the when the latter cannot in any manner
improvements that may be found thereon, collect the claims due them;
to X.
4. Those which refer to things under
XXX litigation if they have been entered into by
the defendant without the knowledge and
On May 15, 1983, X took possession of approval of the litigants or of competent
the subject parcels of land together with judicial authority; and
the improvements thereon.
5. All other contracts specially declared by
Pursuant to the contract they executed, X law to be subject to rescission.
paid H and W the sum of P103,499 by
depositing it with Q Bank. To answer for Obviously, the contract, entered into by
his balance of P1,400,000 X issued 4 the parties in the case at bar does not fall
post-dated checks payable to H and W in under any of those mentioned by Article
the amount of P350,000 each. When 1381. Consequently, Article 1383 is
presented for payment, however, the inapplicable. 22
checks were dishonored due to insufficient
funds. Art. 1384. Rescission shall be only to the
extent necessary to cover the damages
On August 2, 1985, H and W, through caused.
counsel, sent X a demand letter asking for
the return of the properties. Their demand Rationale:
was left unheeded, so, on September 2,
1985, they filed, a complaint for rescission This is because the purpose of rescission
of contract. is to repair the damages caused.

Is Article 1383, New Civil Code of the Note:

Philippines applicable? Answer:
The remedy of rescission is not a principal
Rescission under Article 1383 is a
action retaliatory in character but becomes
subsidiary action limited to cases of
a subsidiary one which by law is available
rescission for lesion under Article 1381 of
only in the absence of any other legal
the New Civil Code, which expressly
remedy, 23
enumerates the following rescissible
Art. 1385. Rescission creates the
obligation to return the things which
1. Those which are entered into by
guardians whenever the wards whom they
were the object of the contract, together
represent suffer lesion by more than one
with their fruits, and the price with its
fourth of the value of the things which are
interest; consequently, it can be carried
the object thereof; 2. Those agreed upon
out only when he who demands rescission
in representation of absentees, if the latter
can return whatever he may be obliged to
suffer the lesion stated in the preceding
restore. Neither shall rescission take place
when the things which are the object of
the contract are legally in the possession
of third persons who did not act in bad positions as if no contract has been made.
faith. 26

In this case, indemnity for damages may Problem:

be demanded from the person causing the
loss Sometime on October 9, 1984, X entered
into a verbal contract with Spouses H and
W and Y for her purchase of the latter's
What is mutual restitution?
house and lot, for and in consideration of
the sum of $100,000. One week
Mutual restitution entails the return of the
thereafter, and shortly before she left for
benefits that each party may have
the United States, X paid to the Spouses
received as a result of the contract. This
H and W and Y the amounts of $1,000
means bringing the parties back to their
and P40,000 as earnest money, in order
original status prior to the inception of the
that the same may be reserved for her
purchase, said earnest money to be
deducted from the total purchase price.
Accordingly, when a decree for rescission
The purchase price of $100,000 is
is handed down, it is the duty of the court
payable in two payments $40,000 on
to require both parties to surrender that
December 4, 1984 and the balance of
which they have respectively received and
$60,000 on January 5, 1985. On January
to place each other as far as practicable in
25, 1985, although the period of payment
his original situation. The rescission has
had already expired, X paid to Y in the
the effect of abrogating the contract in all
United States, the sum of $30,000, as
partial payment of the purchase price.
Spouses H and W and Y's counsel, Atty.
Effect if it is no longer possible to return
J, wrote a letter to X dated pricech 15,
the object of a contract?
1985, demanding that she pay the
balance of $70,000 and not receiving any
Indeed, mutual restitution is required in all
response thereto, said lawyer wrote
cases involving rescission. But when it is
another letter to dated August 8, 1986,
no longer possible to return the object of
informing her that she has lost
the contract, an indemnity for damages
operates as restitution. The important her "option to purchase" the property
consideration is that the indemnity for subject of this case and offered to sell her
damages should restore to the injured another property.
party what was lost.25
Under date of September 5, 1986, Atty. K,
To rescind, meaning. counsel for X, wrote a letter to Atty. J
informing him that X "is now ready to pay
To rescind is to declare a contract void at the remaining balance to complete the
its inception and to put an end to it as sum of $100,000, the agreed amount as
though it never was. Rescission does not selling price" and on October 24, 1986, X
merely terminate the contract and release filed the instant complaint.
the parties from further obligations to each
other, but abrogates it from the beginning Did the Court of Appeals err in ordering
and restores the parties to their relative Spouses H and W and y to return the
$30,000 paid by X? Answer:
Since it has been shown that the appellee
Despite the fact that X's failure to pay the who was not in default, was willing to
amounts of US$ 40,000 and US$ 60,000 perform part of the contract while the
on or before December 4, 1984 and appellants were not rescission of the
January 5, 1985 respectively was a contract is in order. The power to rescind
breach of her obligation under Article 1191 obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in
of the Civil Code, spouses H and W and Y case one of the obligors should not
did not sue for either specific performance comply with what is incumbent upon him,
or rescission of the contract. Spouses H (Article 1191), Rescission creates
and W and Y were of the mistaken belief obligation to return the things which were
that X had lost her "option" over the the object of the contract. together with
property when she failed to pay the their fruits, and the price with its interest
remaining balance of $70,000 pursuant to XXX (Article 1385)
their August 8, 1986 letter. In the absence
of an express stipulation authorizing the In the case at bar, the property involved
sellers to extrajudicially rescind the has not been delivered to the appellee.
contract of sale, spouses H and W and Y She has therefore nothing to return to the
cannot unilaterally and extrajudicially appellants. The price received by the
rescind the contract of sale. Accordingly, X appellants has to be returned to the
acted well within her rights when she appellee as aptly ruled by the lower court,
attempted to pay the remaining balance of for such is a consequence of rescission,
$70,000 to complete the sum owed of which is to restore the parties in their
$100,000 as the contract was still former situations"
subsisting at that time When spouses H
and W and Y refused to accept said Art. 1386. Rescission referred to in Nos. 1
payment and to deliver the property, X and 2 of Article 1381 shall not take place
immediately sued for the rescission of the with respect to contracts approved by the
contract of sale and prayed for the return courts. (1296a)
of the $30,000 she had initially paid.
Rescission referred to in Nos. 1 and 2 of
Under Article 1385 of the Civil Code, Article 1381 are hereto below reproduced,
rescission creates the obligation to return to wit:
the things which were the object of the
contract but such rescission can only be Art. 1381. The following contracts are
carried out when the one who demands rescissible: 1. Those which are entered
rescission can return whatever he may be into by guardians whenever the wards
obliged to restore. This principle has been whom they represent suffer lesion by more
applied to rescission of reciprocal than one-fourth of the value of the things
obligations under Article 1191 of the Civil which are the object thereof; and
Code. The Court of Appeals therefore did
not ert in ordering spouses H and W and Y 2. Those agreed upon in representation of
to return the amount of $30,000 to X after absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion
ordering the rescission of the contract of stated in the preceding number;
sale over the property. We quote with
approval the Court of appeals' decision to XXX
Art. 1387. All contracts by virtue of which
the debtor alienates property by gratuitous
title are presumed to have been entered action of a last resort. For as long as the
into in fraud of creditors, when the donor creditor still has a remedy at law for the
did not reserve sufficient property to pay enforcement of his claim against the
all debts contracted before the donation. debtor, the creditor will not have any
Alienations by onerous title are also cause of action against the creditor for
presumed fraudulent when made by rescission of the contracts entered into by
persons against whom some judgment and between the debtor and another
has been issued. The decision or person or persons. Indeed, an accion
attachment need not refer to the property pauliana presupposes a judgment and the
alienated, and need not have been issuance by the trial court of a writ of
obtained by the party seeking the execution for the satisfaction of the
rescission. In addition to these judgment and the failure of the Sheriff to
presumptions, the design to defraud enforce and satisfy the judgment of the
creditors may be proved in any other court. It presupposes that the creditor has
manner recognized by the law of exhausted the property of the debtor. The
evidence. (1297a) date of the decision of the trial court
against the debtor is immaterial. What is
What is accion pauliana? important is that the credit of the plaintiff
antedates that of the fraudulent alienation
The action to rescind contracts in fraud of by the debtor of his property. After all, the
creditors is known as uccion pauliang. For decision of the trial court against the
this action to prosper, the following debtor will retroact to the time when the
requisites must be present: debtor became indebted to the creditor.29

1. The plaintiff asking for rescission has a An accion pauliana thus presupposes the
credit prior to the alienation, although following:
demandable later;
2. The debtor has made a subsequent 1. A judgment;
contract conveying a patrimonial benefit to
a third person; 2. The issuance by the trial court of a writ
3. The creditor has no other legal remedy of execution for the satisfaction of the
to satisfy his claim; judgment, and
4. The act being impugned is fraudulent;
and 3. The failure of the sheriff to enforce and
5. The third person who received the satisfy the judgment of the court.
property conveyed, if it is by onerous title,
has been an accomplice in the fraud. 28 It requires that the creditor has exhausted
the property of the debtor. The date of the
In one case, the Supreme Court held: We decision of the trial court is immaterial.
quote with approval the following What is important is that the credit of the
disquisition of the Court of Appeals on the plaintiff antedates that of the fraudulent
matter: alienation by the debtor of his property.
After all, the decision of the trial court
An accion pauliana accrues only when the against the debtor will retroact to the time
creditor discovers that he has no other when the debtor became indebted to the
legal remedy for the satisfaction of his creditor.
claim against the debtor other than an
accion pauliana. The accion pauliana is an
Presumption of fraud is not conclusive. limited to the two instances set forth in the
This article presumes the existence of first and second paragraphs of Article
fraud made by a debtor. Thus, in the 1387 of the Civil Code. Under the third
absence of satisfactory evidence to the paragraph of the same article, "the design
contrary, an alienation of a property will be to defraud creditors may be proved in any
held fraudulent if it is made after a other manner recognized by the law of
judgment has been rendered against the evidence."
debtor making the alienation. This
presumption of fraud is not conclusive and In Oria v. Mcmicking, this Court
may be rebutted by satisfactory and considered the following instances as
convincing evidence. All that is necessary badges of fraud:
is to establish affirmatively that the
conveyance is made in good faith and for 1. The fact that the consideration of the
a sufficient and valuable consideration.30 conveyance is fictitious or is Inadequate.
2. A transfer made by a debtor after suit
Regarding contracts undertaken in fraud
has begun and while it is pending against
of creditors, the existence of the intention
to prejudice the same should be
3. A sale upon credit by an insolvent
determined either by the presumption
established by Article 1387 or by the
4. Evidence of large indebtedness or
proofs presented in the trial of the case. In
complete insolvency.
any case, the presumption of fraud
5. The transfer of all or nearly all of his
established by this article is not
property by a debtor, especially when he
conclusive, and may be rebutted by
is insolvent or greatly embarrassed
satisfactory and convincing evidence. An
independent action is necessary to prove
6. The fact that the transfer is made
that the contract is rescissible. 31
between father and son, when there are
present other of the above circumstances.
Indeed, Article 1387 of the Civil Code
7. The failure of the vendee to take
provides that alienations made by a debtor
exclusive possession of all the property.
by gratuitous title are presumed fraudulent
when the donor did not reserve sufficient
Among the circumstances indicating fraud
property to pay his outstanding debts.
is a transfer of all or nearly all of the
Likewise, alienations by onerous title are
debtor's assets, especially when the
presumed fraudulent when made by
debtor is greatly embarrassed financially.
persons against whom some judgment
Accordingly, neither a declaration of
has been rendered or some writ of
insolvency nor the institution of insolvency
attachment has been issued. These,
proceedings is a condition sine qua non
however, are mere presumptions which
for a transfer of all or nearly all of a
are in no way conclusive. The
debtor's assets to be regarded in fraud of
presumption of fraud can be overthrown
creditors. It is sufficient that a debtor is
by evidence showing that the conveyance
greatly embarrassed financially.
was made in good faith and for a sufficient
and valuable consideration.
The above enumeration, however, is not
an exclusive list. The circumstances
Badges of fraud, explained.
evidencing fraud are as varied as the men
Notably, the presumption of fraud or
who perpetrate the fraud in each case.
intention to defraud creditors is not just
The Supreme Court has therefore (5) the third person who received the
declined to define it, reserving the liberty property conveyed, if it is by onerous title,
to deal with it under whatever form it may has been an accomplice in the fraud.
present itself.34
In the instant case, the alleged debt of Y
Problem: in favor of X was incurred in August 1990,
while the deed of donation was
On August 25 and 26, 1990, Y issued two purportedly executed on August 10, 1989.
Metrobank checks in the sums of
P300,000 and P241,668, respectively, The Supreme Court is not convinced with
payable to "cash." Upon presentment by X the allegation of X that the questioned
with the drawee bank, the checks were deed was antedated to make it appear
dishonored for the reason "account that it was made prior to X's credit.
closed." Demands to make good the Notably, that deed is a public document, it
checks proved futile. having been acknowledged before a
notary public. As such, it is evidence of the
Meanwhile, a Deed of Donation conveying fact which gave rise to its execution and of
parcels of land and purportedly executed its date.
by Y on August 10, 1989 in favor of her
children, A, B, and C, was registered with X's claim against Y was constituted only in
the Office of the Register of Deeds. August 1990, or a year after the
questioned alienation. Thus, the first two
On June 23, 1993, X filed an accion requisites for the rescission of contracts
pauliana against Y and her children to are absent.
rescind the questioned Deed of Donation.
Even assuming arguendo that X became
On the other hand, Y denied any liability to a creditor of Y prior to the celebration of
X. As regards the questioned Deed of the contract of donation, still her action for
Donation, she maintained that it was not rescission would not fare well because the
antedated but was made in good faith third requisite was not met. It is, therefore,
"essential that the party asking for
rescission prove that he has exhausted all
Was the questioned Deed of Donation
other legal means to obtain satisfaction of
made in fraud of X rescissible?
his claim. X neither alleged nor proved
that she did so. On this score, her action
for the rescission of the questioned deed
is not maintainable even if the fraud
The action to rescind contracts in fraud of
charged actually did exist."
creditors is known as accion pauliana. For
this action to prosper, the following
The fourth requisite for an accion pauliana
requisites must be present: (1) the plaintiff
to prosper is not present either.
asking for rescission has a credit prior to
the alienation, although demandable later;
(2) the debtor has made a subsequent Art. 1387, first paragraph, of the Civil
contract conveying a patrimonial benefit to Code provides: "All contracts by virtue of
a third person; (3) the creditor has no which the debtor alienates property by
other legal remedy to satisfy his claim; (4) gratuitous title are presumed to have been
the act being impugned is fraudulent; and entered into in fraud of creditors when the
donor did not reserve sufficient property to is insolvent or greatly embarrassed
pay all debts contracted before the financially;
donation. Likewise, Article 759 of the
same Code, second paragraph, states 6. The fact that the transfer is made
that the donation is always presumed to between father and son, when there are
be in fraud of creditors when at the time present other of the above circumstances;
thereof the donor did not reserve sufficient and
property to pay his debts prior to the
donation. 7. The failure of the vendee to take
exclusive possession of all the property.
For this presumption of fraud to apply, it
must be established that the donor did not X failed to discharge the burden of proving
leave adequate properties which creditors any of the circumstances enumerated
might have recourse for the collection of above or any other circumstance from
their credits existing before the execution which fraud can be inferred. Accordingly,
of the donation. since the four requirements for the
rescission of a gratuitous contract are not
Nevertheless, a creditor need not depend present in this case, X's action must fail.
solely upon the presumption laid down in 35
Articles 759 and 1387 of the Civil Code.
Under the third paragraph of Article 1387, Art. 1388. Whoever acquires in bad faith
the design to defraud may be proved in the things alienated in fraud of creditors,
any other manner recognized by the law shall indemnify the latter for damages
of evidence. Thus, in the consideration of suffered by them on account of the
whether certain transfers are fraudulent, alienation, whenever, due to any cause, it
the Court has laid down specific rules by should be impossible for him to return
which the character of the transaction may them. If there are two or more alienations,
be determined. The following have been the first acquirer shall be liable first, and
denominated by the Court as badges of so on successively. (1298a)
fraud: Art. 1389. The action to claim rescission
must be commenced within four years.
1. The fact that the consideration of the
conveyance is fictitious or is inadequate; For persons under guardianship and for
absentees, the period of four years shall
2. A transfer made by a debtor after suit not begin until the termination of the
has begun and while it is pending against former's incapacity, or until the domicile of
him; the latter is known. (1299)

3. A sale upon credit by an insolvent Prescriptive Period for Action for

debtor; Rescission

4. Evidence of large indebtedness or General Rule:

complete insolvency;
The action to claim rescission must be
5. The transfer of all or nearly all of his commenced within four years.
property by a debtor, especially when he
1. For persons under guardianship Within Code for P Insurance Co. to file its action
four years from the time of the termination for rescission of the subject deeds of
of the incapacity of the ward. donation commence to run? Answer:

2. For absentees known. Within four years Article 1389 of the Civil Code simply
from the time the domicile of the absentee provides that, "The action to claim
is rescission must be commenced within four
years." Since this provision of law is silent
Problem: as to when the prescriptive period would
commence, the general rule, ie, from the
X, is the owner of B Shipping Lines. It moment the cause of action accrues
appears that on or about October 4, 1985, therefore, applies.
T Corp. shipped on board the vessel M/V
Z, owned by X, 3,400 bags of copra. The To count the four-year prescriptive period
said shipment of copra was covered by a to rescind an allegedly fraudulent contract
marine Insurance policy issued by P from the date of registration of the
Insurance Co. M/V Z, however, sank. conveyance with the Register of Deeds,
Because of the loss, the insurer, P as alleged by X, S, and R, would run
Insurance Co., paid the amount of counter to Article 1383 of the Civil Code
P354,000 (the value of the copra) to the as well as settled jurisprudence. It would
consignee. likewise violate the third requisite to file an
action for rescission of an allegedly
Having been subrogated into the rights of fraudulent conveyance of property, i.e., the
the consignee, P Insurance Co. instituted creditor has no other legal remedy to
a case to recover the money paid to the satisfy his claim.
consignee, based on breach of contract of
carriage. While the case was still pending. P Insurance Co. only learned about the
X executed deeds of donations of parcels unlawful conveyances made by X in
of land in favor of his children, S and R. January 1997 when its counsel
Subsequently, P Insurance Co. discovered accompanied the sheriff to attach the
that X no longer had any property and that properties of X. There they found that he
he had conveyed the subject properties to no longer had any properties in his name.
his children. It was only then that P Insurance Co.'s
action for rescission of the deeds of
On February 25, 1997, P Insurance Co. donation accrued because then it could be
filed a complaint, for the rescission of the said that P Insurance Co. had exhausted
deeds of donation executed by X in favor all legal means to satisfy the trial court's
of his children. P Insurance Co, alleged, judgment in its favor. Since P Insurance
that X executed the aforesaid deeds in Co. filed its complaint for accion pauliana
fraud of his creditors. against X, S, and R on February 25, 1997,
barely a month from its discovery that X
X, S, and R subsequently filed their had no other property to satisfy the
answer and moved for its dismissal on the judgment award against him, its action for
ground that the action had already rescission of the subject deeds clearly had
prescribed. not yet prescribed
When did the 4-year prescriptive period as
provided for in Article 1389 of the Civil CHAPTER 7
VOIDABLE CONTRACTS A contract is inexistent and void from the
very beginning when (i) its cause, object
or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy; (ii) it
Art. 1390. The following contracts are
is absolutely simulated or fictitious; (iii) its
voidable or annullable, even though there
cause or object did not exist at the time of
may have been no damage to the
the transaction; (iv) its object is outside the
contracting parties:
of men; (v) it contemplates an impossible
service; (vi) the intention of the parties
relative to the principal object of the
1. Those where one of the parties is contract cannot be ascertained; or (vii) it is
incapable of giving consent to a contract; expressly prohibited or declared void by
law. The action or defense for the
declaration of the inexistence of a contract
does not prescribe.
2. Those where the consent is vitiated by
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue
influence or fraud.
A void or inexistent contract is one which
has no force and effect from the very
beginning. Hence, it is as if it has never
These contracts are binding, unless they been entered into and cannot be validated
are annulled by a proper action in court. either by the passage of time or by
They are susceptible of ratification. (n) ratification. There are two types of void
contracts: (1) those where one of the
essential requisites of a valid contract as
provided for by Article 1318 of the Civil
What are voidable contracts?
Code is totally wanting; and (2) those
declared to be so under Article 1409 of the
Civil Code.
Voidable or annullable contracts are
existent, valid, and binding, although they
can be annulled because of want of
capacity or vitiated consent of one of the
parties, but before annulment, they are A voidable or annullable contract is one
effective and obligatory between parties. where (i) one of the parties is incapable of
Hence, it is valid until it is set aside and its giving consent to a contract; or (ii) the
validity may be assailed only in an action consent is vitiated by mistake, violence,
for that purpose. They can be confirmed or intimidation, undue influence or fraud. The
ratified. action for annulment must be brought
within four (4) years from the time the
intimidation, violence or undue influence
ceases, or four (4) years from the time of
Void and voidable contracts, distinguished the discovery of the mistake or fraud.
dishonored, the plaintiff sued to recover
By contrast, a voidable or annullable the vehicle from Jimenez on the ground
contract is one in which the essential that she had been unlawfully deprived of it
requisites for validity under Article 1318 by reason of Feist's deception. In ruling for
are present, but vitiated by want of Jimenez, the Court of Appeals held:
capacity, error, violence, intimidation,
undue influence, deceit.
The point of inquiry is whether
plaintiff-appellant Tagatac has been
Vices of Consent unlawfully deprived of her car. At first
blush, it would seem that she was
unlawfully deprived thereof, considering
that she was induced to part with it by
Contracts which were entered into by a reason of the chicanery practiced on her
person whose consent was obtained and by Feist. Certainly, swindling, like robbery,
vitiated through: is an illegal method of deprivation of
property. In a manner of speaking,
plaintiff-appellant was "illegally deprived"
of her car, for the way by which Feist
1. Mistake;
induced her to part with it is illegal and is
2. Violence; punished by law. But does this "unlawful
3. Intimidation; deprivation" come within the scope of
4. Undue influence; or Article 559 of the New Civil Code?
5. Fraud.

Thus, contracts where consent is given
through fraud, are voidable or annullable.
These are not void ab initio since voidable xxx. The fraud and deceit practiced by
or anullable contracts are existent, valid, Feist earmarks this sale as a voidable
and binding, although they can be contracts. Being a voidable contract, it is
annulled because of want of capacity or susceptible of either ratification or
the vitiated consent of one of the parties. annulment. If the contract is ratified, the
However, before such annulment, they are action to annul it is extinguished6 and the
considered effective and obligatory contract is cleansed from all its defects; if
between parties. the contract is annulled, the contracting
parties are restored to their respective
situations before the contract and mutual
Example: restitution follows as a consequences.

In Tagatac v. Jimenez, the plaintiff sold her However, as long as no action is taken by
car to Feist, who sold it to Sanchez, who the party entitled, either that of annulment
sold it to Jimenez. When the payment or of ratification, the contract of sale
check issued to Tagatac by Feist was remains valid and binding. When
plaintiff-appellant Tagatac delivered the
car to Feist by virtue of said voidable Answer:
contract of sale, the title to the car passed
to Feist. Of course, the title that Feist
acquired was defective and voidable.
Nevertheless, at the time he sold the car We are hard put to conclude in this case
to Sanchez, his title thereto had not been that there was any undue influence.
avoided and he therefore conferred a
good title on the latter, provided he bought
the car in good faith, for value and without
There is ultimately no showing that
notice of the defect in Feist's title (Article
spouses H and W's consent to the loan
1506, N.C.C.). There being no proof on
and mortgage agreements was vitiated by
record that Sanchez acted in bad faith, it
undue influence. The financial condition of
is safe to assume that he acted in good
spouses H and W may have motivated
them to contract with M and N, but undue
influence cannot be attributed to M and N
simply because they had lent money.
Problem: Article 1391, in relation to Article 1390 of
the Civil Code, grants the aggrieved party
the right to obtain the annulment of
contract on account of factors which vitiate
Spouses H and W borrowed from N and M consent. Article 1337 defines the concept
the amount of P175,000. To secure the of undue influence, as follows:
payment of the loan, H and W mortgaged
their residential house and lot, which lot is
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title
(TCT) No. 1234. Spouses H and W failed There is undue influence when a person
to pay the loan upon demand. takes improper advantage of his power
Consequently, the real estate mortgage over the will of another, depriving the latter
was extra judicially foreclosed and the of a reasonable freedom of choice. The
mortgaged property sold at a public following circumstances shall be
auction. The and lot was awarded to M considered: the confidential, family,
and N, who were the only bidders. TCT spiritual and other relations between the
No. 1234 was cancelled and, in its stead, parties or the fact that the person alleged
TCT No. 5678 was issued in the name of to have been unduly influenced was
M and N. suffering from mental weakness, or was
ignorant or in financial distress.

On July 23, 1999, spouses Hand W filed a

complaint for annulment of real estate While spouses H and W were allegedly
mortgage and the consequent foreclosure financially distressed, it be proven that
proceedings. there is deprivation of their free agency. In
other words, for undue influence to be
present, the influence exerted must have
so or subjugated the mind of a contracting
Is there undue influence? party as to destroy his free agency,
making him express the will of another
rather than his own. The alleged lingering 6. If plaintiff is indemnified, rescission
financial woes of spouses H and W per se cannot prosper.
cannot be equated with the presence of 7. Compatible with the perfect validity of
undue influence. 10 the contract.
8. To prevent rescission, ratification is not
What is ratification?

Ratification, or confirmation, is defined as 1. The basis here is vitiated consent or
the act or means by virtue of which incapacity to consent.
efficacy is given to a contract which 2. The defect here is intrinsic (in the
suffers from a vice of curable nullity. 11 meeting of the minds).
3. The action is principal.
4. Plaintiff must be a party to the contract
Requisites of Ratification or Confirmation (whether bound principally or subsidiarily).
5. Damage to the plaintiff is immaterial.
6. Indemnity here is no bar to the
1. The contract should be tainted with a prosecution of the action.
vice which is susceptible of being cured. 7. Here, a defect is presupposed.
2. The confirmation should be effected by 8. To prevent annulment, ratification is
the person who is entitled to do so under required.
the law.
3. It should be effected with knowledge of
the reason which renders the contract
Art. 1391. The action for annulment shall
be brought within four years. This period
4. The reason which renders the contract shall begin:
voidable should have already

In cases of intimidation, violence or undue

influence, from the time the defect of the

RESCISSION In case of mistake or fraud, from the time

1. The basis here is lesion (damage). of the discovery of the same.
2. The defect here is external or extrinsic.
3. The action is subsidiary.
4. Plaintiff may be a party or a third And when the action refers to contracts
person. entered into by minors or other
5. There must be damage to the plaintiff. incapacitated persons, from the time the
guardianship ceases. (1301a)
were being sold together for P180,000.
Inasmuch as W had only P144,000 at
hand, she asked her sister, Y, to contribute
Action for annulment of contract and
P36,000 to complete the purchase price.
action for nullity of contract, distinguished.
The sisters agreed that Lot 503 and the
apartment unit thereat would belong to Y
upon full payment of its purchase price of
Action for annulment contract P80,000, while Lot 505 with a residential
An action for annulment of contract is one house would belong to W. The properties
filed where consent is vitiated by lack of were then registered in the name of H
legal capacity of one of the parties, or by married to W. The parties, however,
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue verbally agreed that Y and her family
influence or fraud. By its very nature, would stay at Lot 505 until she had fully
annulment contemplates a contract which paid for Lot 503.
is voidable, that is, valid until annulled.
Such contract is binding on all the
contracting parties until annulled and set
Sometime in 1991, Z, a sister of W and Y,
aside by a court of law. It may be ratified.
arrived from the United States. Z noticed
An action for annulment of contract has a
the strained relations between her two
four-year prescriptive period.
siblings. When she inquired about the
status of her sisters' agreement regarding
Lot Y informed Z that the agreement was
Action for nullity of contract yet to be reduced into a formal contract. Z
offered to prepare a contract between W
An action for declaration of nullity of
and Y who acceded to the offer. Thus, on
contract presupposes a void contract or
September 9, 1991, W and Y signed an
one where all of the requisites prescribed
Agreement embodying the detailed
by law for contracts are present but the
scheme of payment for the lot by the
cause, object or purpose is contrary to
sisters' agreement, to wit:
law, morals, good customs, public order or
public policy, prohibited by law or declared
by law to be void. Such contract as a rule
produces no legal and binding effect even We, X and Y, husband and wife, of legal
if it is not set aside by legal action. Neither age, Manila, jointly agrees to pay W the
may it be ratified. An action for the sum of P34,000 in the following terms and
declaration of nullity of contract is conditions:


3. The borrowers (Sps. X and Y) agree to

Sometime in July 1985, W wanted to put their real property as guarantees for
purchase 2 parcels of land, Lot 503 with the above loan, which has a monthly rent
an apartment unit erected thereon and Lot of P1,200 and will be collected by W
505 with a residential house. The two lots
(Lender) as part of the agreement of the the parties because W's consent thereto
loan. was vitiated by mistake. Allegedly, W did
not know that the agreement provided that
the ten-year period for payment of the
balance commenced from September
4. As part of the agreement, the borrowers
1991 and not from July 1985 which was
will live in the Lender's house, located at
her true intention.
505 Floydie St. in exchange for her
property rents.

Is the September 9, 1991 Agreement


6. If payment was not made after 10
years, the Lender will take ownership of
the property described above.
The Supreme Court agreed with the lower
courts when they declared that the 4-year
period for filing an action for annulment of
the September 9, 1991 Agreement, on
ground of vitiated consent, had already
lapsed when the complaint subject of
Thereafter, Y continued paying the present controversy was filed on March 8,
balance she owed W. Particularly, she 1996.
paid the amount of P10,000 in September
1990 and P7,555 on May 16, 1995.
Finally, in October 1995, Y attempted to
This is in accordance with Article 1391 of
pay the remaining balance of P26,444 in
the Civil Code, which pertinently reads:
full satisfaction of her obligation but W
refused to accept the same on the ground
that, the ten-year period for the payment
of the balance, reckoned from July 1985, Art. 1391. The action for annulment shall
the alleged date of the verbal agreement be brought within four years. This shall
between them, had already expired. begin:
Thereafter W demanded that Y and her xxx
family vacate the house at 505 Floydie
In case of mistake or fraud, from the time
Street, which prompted X and Y to
of the discovery of the same.
consign the P26,444 in court.

On March 8, 1996, spouses H and W filed,

The complaint for Nullity of Contract/
a complaint for Nullity of
Agreement was filed on March 8, 1996,
Contract/Agreement on the ground that
while the agreement subject thereof was
the Agreement executed on September 9,
entered into on September 9, 1991. The
1991 did not contain the true intention of
Agreement was read to the parties before
they affixed their signatures thereon. Y, in consideration of a loan in the amount
Spouses H and W were thereafter of P400,000, out of which the sum of
furnished a copy of the subject P336,100 was released to her, mortgaged
Agreement. Spouses H and W are in favor of the Government Service
presumed to have discovered the alleged Insurance System (GSIS) a parcel of land,
mistake on September 9, 1991. Hence, with 21 bungalows.
the action for annulment which was filed
four years and six months from the time of
the discovery of the mistake had already
prescribed. Evidently, the Agreement GSIS extrajudicially foreclosed the
could no longer be set aside. 14 mortgage on the ground that up to that
date Y was in arrears on her monthly
installments in the amount of P52,000.
Payments made by Y at the time of
Art. 1392. Ratification extinguishes the foreclosure amounted to P130,000. GSIS
action to annul a voidable contract. itself was the buyer of the property in the
(1309a) foreclosure sale.

Effects of Ratification On 20 February 1959, Y's father, Atty. V,

sent a letter to the general manager of
GSIS, R, the material portion of which
recited as follows:
1. The action to annul a voidable contract
is extinguished; hence, the contract
becomes valid.
I now propose to pay said amount of
P30,000 to the GSIS if it would agree that
after such payment the foreclosure of my
2. The contract is cleansed of its defect
daughter's would be set aside. I am aware
from the beginning. 15
that the amount of P30,000 which I offer to
pay will not cover the total arrearage of
P52,000 but as regards the balance, I
Art. 1393. Ratification may be effected propose this arrangement: for the GSIS to
expressly or tacitly. It is understood that take over the administration of the
there is a tacit ratification if, with mortgaged property and to collect the
knowledge of the reason which renders monthly installments, amounting to about
the contract voidable and such reason P5,000, due on the unpaid purchase price
having ceased, the person who has a right of more than 31 lots and houses therein
to invoke it should execute an act which and the monthly installments collected
necessarily implies an intention to waive shall be applied the payment of arrearage
his right. (1311a) until the same is fully covered.

Problem: xxx
In reply, Atty. V sent a letter, dated March
On the same date, February 20, 1959, 11, 1960, protesting against GSIS's
Atty. V received the following telegram: request for proposal of payment and
inviting its attention to the contract
generated by his offer of February 20,
1959, its by telegram of the same date,
GSIS BOARD APPROVED YOUR the compliance of the terms of the offer
REQUEST RE REDEMPTION OF already commenced by Y, and the
FORECLOSED PROPERTY OF YOUR misapplication by GSIS of the she had
DAUGHTER. made, and requesting the proper
(Sgd.) R, General Manager

By letter, dated May 31, 1960, GSIS

On February 28, 1959, Atty. V remitted to countered the preceding protest that the
GSIS, through R, a check for P30,000. telegram should be disregarded in view of
GSIS received the amount of P30,000, its failure to express the contents of the
and issued its official receipt No. 12345. It board resolution due to the error of its
did not, however, take over the employees in couching the correct
administration of the compound. On March wording of the telegram.
4, 1960, Y remitted, through her father, the
amount of P44,121, representing the total
monthly installments that she received
In as much as, according to GSIS, the
from the occupants for the period from
remittances previously made by Atty. V
March to December 1959 and January to
were allegedly not sufficient to pay off her
February 1960. GSIS also received this
daughter's arrears and the one-year
amount, and issued the corresponding
period for redemption has expired, GSIS,
official receipt.
on July 5, 1960, consolidated the title to
the compound in its name, and gave
notice thereof to Y on July 26, 1960 and to
Remittances, all accompanied by letters, each occupant the compound.
corresponding to the months of March,
April, May, and June, 1960 and totaling
P24,604 were also sent by Y to GSIS from
Hence, Y instituted the present suit, for
time to time, all of which were received
specific performance.
and duly receipted for.

Did the telegram generate a contract that

Then GSIS sent 3 letters, asking Y for a
is valid and binding upon the parties?
proposal for the payment of her
indebtedness, since according to GSIS
the one-year period for redemption had
expired. Answer:
The offer of compromise made by Y in the Art. 1395. Ratification does not require the
letter, had been validly accepted, and was conformity of the contracting party who
binding on GSIS. The terms of the offer has no right to bring the action for
were clear, and over the signature of annulment. (1312)
GSIS's general manager, R, Y was
informed telegraphically that her proposal
had been accepted. There was nothing in
The consent of the party who is in bad
the telegram that hinted at any anomaly,
faith is not required.
or gave ground to suspect its veracity, and
Y, therefore, cannot be blamed for relying
upon it.
Art. 1396. Ratification cleanses the
contract from all its defects from the
moment it was constituted. (1313)
Yet, notwithstanding this notice, GSIS
pocketed the amount, and kept about the
telegram not being in accordance with the
true facts, as it now alleges. This silence, The above article explains that ratification
taken together with the unconditional has a retroactive effect.
acceptance of three other subsequent
remittances from Y, constitutes in itself a
binding ratification of the original
agreement (Civil Code, Art. 1393). Art. 1397. The action for the annulment of
contracts may be instituted by all who are
thereby obliged principally or subsidiarily.
However, persons who are capable
ART. 1393. Ratification may be effected cannot allege the incapacity of those with
expressly or tacitly. It is understood that whom they contracted; nor can those who
there is a tacit ratification if, with exerted intimidation, violence, or undue
knowledge of the reason which renders influence, or employed fraud, or caused
the contract voidable and such reason mistake base their action upon these flaws
having ceased, the person who has a right of the contract. (1302a)
to invoke it should execute an act which
necessarily implies an intention to waive
his right.
General Rule:

Art. 1394. Ratification may be effected by

the guardian of the incapacitated person. The action for the annulment of contracts
(n) may be instituted by all who are thereby
obliged principally or subsidiarily.

The ward can ratify provided he becomes

capacitated. Requisites:
1. The plaintiff must have an interest in the
contract; and
2. The action must be brought by the To secure loans in the aggregate amount
victim and not the party responsible for the of P7 Million obtained by one X from Z
defect. Bank, H, executed on July 1994 a Real
Estate Mortgage (REM) in favor of Z Bank.
Before the words "With my Marital
Consent" appearing in the REM is a
Exception to the rule in Article 1397, NCC
signature attributed to H's wife, W.

Indeed, a contract takes effect only

On October 5, 1998, H executed an
between the parties who made it, and also
Amendment to the Real Estate Mortgage
their assigns and heirs, except in cases
(AREM) increasing the amount secured by
where the rights and obligations arising
the mortgage to P26 Million, also bearing
from the contract are not transmissible by
a signature attributed to his wife W above
their nature, or by stipulation or by
the words "With my Marital Consent." H
provision of law. Since a contract may be
died on December 26, 1999.
violated by the parties thereto as against
each other, in an action upon that
contract, the real parties in interest, either
as plaintiff or as defendant must be parties The loan obligation having remained
to said contract. In relation thereto, Article unsettled, Z Bank filed a "Petition for
1397 of the Civil Code lays the general Sale", for the extrajudicial foreclosure of
rule that an action for the annulment of the AREM and the sale at public auction
contracts can only maintained by those of the lot covered Acting on the petition,
who are bound either principally or the RTC Clerk of Court and Ex-Oficio
subsidiarily by virtue thereof. The rule, Sheriff scheduled the public auction.
however, admits of an exception. The
Court, in Teves v. People's Homesite and
Housing Corporation held that a person
A day before the scheduled auction sale,
who is obliged principally or subsidiarily in
the heirs of H, namely B, C, D, and E, filed
a contract may exercise an action for
a Complaint/Petition against Z Bank for
nullity of the contract if he is prejudiced in
annulment of the AREM, alleging, among
his rights with respect to one of the
other things, that
contracting parties, and can show the
detriment which could positively result to
him from the contract in which he had no
intervention. This exception to the rule has xxx the said AREM is without force and
been applied in Banez v. CA; effect, the same having been executed
Development Bank of the Philippines v. without the valid consent of W who at the
CA; Dilson Enterprises Inc. v. IAC. time of the execution of the said
instrument was already suffering from
advanced Alzheimer's Disease and,
incapable of giving consent, more so
writing and signing her name.
Z Bank argues, that the heirs of H are not
the real parties in interest, hence, their
complaint states no cause action. Z Bank
The AREM was executed by H, with the
adds that since the party in interest is W
marital consent of W. Since the mortgaged
but the complaint is not brought in her
property is presumed conjugal, she is
name, the heirs of H's complaint states no
obliged principally under the AREM. It is
cause of action.
thus she, following Art. 1397 of the Civil
Code vis a vis Sec. 2 of Rule 3 of the
Rules of Court, who is the real party in
Is W obliged principally under the AREM? interest, hence, the action must be
prosecuted in her name as she stands to
be benefited or in the action.


Art. 1398. An obligation having been

annulled, the contracting parties restore to
The pertinent provision of the Civil Code each other the things which have been the
on annulment of contracts reads: subject matter of the contract, with their
fruits, and the price with its interest, except
in cases provided by law.
Art. 1397. The action for the annulment of
contracts may be instituted by all who are
thereby obliged principally or subsidiarily. In obligations to render service, the value
However, persons who are capable thereof shall be the basis for damages.
cannot allege the incapacity of those with (1303a)
whom they contracted; nor can those who
exerted intimidation, violence, or undue
influence, or employed fraud, or caused
mistake base their action upon these flaws Now, if a voidable contract is annulled, the
of the contract. restoration of what has been is proper.
The effect of annulment of the contract is
to wipe it out of existence and to restore
the parties, insofar as legally and
Upon the other hand, the pertinent equitably possible, to their original
provision of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court situation before the contract was entered
(Parties to Civil Actions) read: into.

SEC. 2 Parties in interest. - A real party in Art. 1399. When the defect of the contract
interest is the party who stands to be consists in the incapacity of one of the
benefited or injured by the judgment in the parties, the incapacitated person is not
suit, or the party entitled to the avails of obliged to make any restitution except
the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by insofar he has been benefited by the thing
law or these Rules, every action must be or price received by him. (1304)
prosecuted or defended in the name of the
real party in interest.
Problem: Is X obliged to make a restitution?

X is the owner of a lot and a five-door Answer:

apartment constructed thereon. The lot is
registered in his name under TCT No.
1234. The apartment units are occupied
Here, as borne by the facts on hand, X
by lessees.
signed the deed without the remotest idea
of what it was.

On December 29, 1985, X, assisted by his

brother, Y, entered into a Deed of Absolute
The circumstances surrounding the
Sale with brothers J and K, represented by
execution of the contract manifest a
their father Atty. Z, involving the subject
vitiated consent on the part of X. Undue
property for a consideration of P187,000.
influence was exerted upon him by his
Consequently, X's title to the property was
brother Y and Atty. Z. It was his brother Y
cancelled and in lieu thereof, TCT No.
who negotiated with Atty. Z. However, they
5678 was registered and issued in the
did not explain to him the nature and
names of J and K. In January, 1986, Atty.
contents of the document. Worse, they
Z, then still alive, started collecting rentals
deprived him of a reasonable freedom of
from the lessees of the apartments.
choice. It bears stressing that he reached
only grade three. Thus, it was impossible
for him to understand the contents of the
On March 10, 1987, X filed, a complaint contract written in English and
for annulment of the Deed of Absolute embellished in legal jargon.
Sale. He averred that his brother Y, and
Atty. Z convinced him to work abroad.
Through insidious words and
Even the if any, was not shown to be
machinations, they made him sign a
actually paid to X. Extant from the records
document purportedly a contract of
is the fact that Y profited from the entire
employment, which document turned out
transaction gave only small amounts of
to be a Deed of Absolute Sale. By virtue of
money to X.
the said sale, J and K, were able to
register the title to the property in their
names. X further alleged that he did not
receive the consideration stated in the The effect of annulment is to restore the
contract. He was shocked when his sister parties to the status quo ante insofar as
told him that J and K sent a letter to the legally and equitably possible-- this much
lessees of the apartment informing them is dictated by Article 1398 of the Civil
that they are the new owners. Finally, he Code. As an exception however to the
claimed that Y, J and K, conspired with principle of mutual restitution, Article 1399
one another in taking advantage of his provides that when the defect of the
ignorance, he being only a third grader. contract consists in the incapacity of one
of the parties, the incapacitated person is
not obliged to make any restitution, except
when he has been benefited by the things Where the thing is lost due to the fault of
or price received by him. Thus, since the the plaintiff, the action for annulment of
Deed of Absolute Sale between X and J contracts shall be extinguished.
and K brothers is voidable and hereby
annulled, then the restitution of the
property and its fruits to X is just and
proper. Y, J, K, and Z should turn over to X If the right of action is based upon the
all the amounts they received starting incapacity of any one of the contracting
January, 1986 to the time the property parties, the loss of the thing shall not be
shall have been returned to the latter. J an obstacle to the success of the action,
and K received from the lessees monthly unless said loss took place through the
fraud or fault of the plaintiff.

Art. 1400. Whenever the person obliged

by the decree of annulment to return the Art. 1402. As long as one of the
thing can not do so because it has been contracting parties does not restore what
lost through his fault, he shall return the in virtue of the decree of annulment he is
fruits received and the value of the thing at bound to return, the other cannot be
the time of the loss, with interest from the compelled to comply with what is
same date. (1307a) incumbent upon him. (1308)

Where the thing is lost due to the fault of

the defendant, he shall return the fruits
received and the value of the thing at the
time of the loss, interest from the same

Art. 1401. The action for annulment of

contracts shall be extinguished when the
thing which is the object thereof is lost
through the fraud or fault of the person
who has a right to institute the

If the right of action is based upon the

incapacity of any one of the contracting
parties, the loss of the thing shall not be
an obstacle to the success of the action,
unless said loss took place through the
fraud or fault of the plaintiff. (1314a)

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