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Rizal’s Resonance: A Poetic Tribute to the Patriot

Old image, long history,

Born with patriotism and bravery,
Conquered the agony and cruelty,
Fought for the rights of the Filipinos.

Giving tribute to the patriot,

He symbolized the Independence,
He was a multifaceted and a political activist,
Best known for his political writings.

Freed the Philippines in an exceedingly silent but powerful way,

Express his love for the Philippines through novels and essay,
Believed that everyone should be free,
And risk everything to save his country.
"A Filipinas" is a patriotic poem written by Jose Rizal, in February 1880.
In this poem, Rizal expresses his deep love and admiration for his
homeland, the Philippines. And encouraging Filipino artists to thank the
country through their artworks. He portrays the Philippines as a
beautiful and beloved country with a rich cultural heritage. Rizal also
highlights the natural beauty of the land, its lush landscapes, and its
people. The poem serves as a call to action, urging Filipinos to take
pride in their nation and strive for its betterment. Rizal encourages his
fellow Filipinos to awaken their sense of patriotism and work towards
achieving freedom and justice for their country.
Moral Lesson ➢ The sonnet is dedicated to the album of the Society of
Sculptures, the sonnet is full of similes and metaphors that describe
how pristine and beautiful the Philippines is. We can say one of many
lessons inside the sonnet is how should we value our homeland, despite
being far from his own country, Rizal still remembers how beautiful the
Philippines. It feels like he has never forgotten it all these years, it gives
us an idea of how important to love and to take care of our own country
because at the end of the day, we are still Filipino and Filipina.
Moreover, as I write above, the sonnet is for the Society of Sculpture,
which is artists, Rizal also called Philippine artists to use their art to be
their inspirations to love the Philippines. This is a good message for
artists in the country, that we can inspire youth and the younger
generation using our arts to voice out our opinions in this world. Dr.
Jose Rizal, he used pen and paper as instruments to express and fight
for the Philippines, youth also can do it using their creative hands and

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