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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU ‘DEMECorgan Vises rou, ian, Quezon ly 118 “pone Nes: 2715-7, 282096 (yy Era: enoder. ooh etapa oe ay 15 25 ‘Memorandum Circular No. OD6 Series of 2015 SUBJECT: Guidelines for Recreational Waters Monitoring m ‘The DENR, through EMB, is mandated by Section 2 of Republic Act (RA) 9275 for the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 to: 1) streamline processes and procedures in the prevention, control, and abatement of pollution of the country’s water resources; 2} promote public information and education; and 3) encourage the participation of an informed and aetive public in water quality management and monitoring Pursuant to RA 9275, this Memorandum Circular is issued to provide clear guidance on the monitoring of recreational waters and subsequent reporting to, ‘but not limited to, the following agencies for the purpose of public notification in order to protect public health: + Department of Health (DOH) + Department of Tourism (DOT) + Local Government Units (LGU) 1.0SCOPE AND COVERAGE ‘This Memorandum Circular shall cover all recreational waters pursuant to the following criteria: ‘+ Officially classified Class B or SB waters; or + Water bodies intended for primary contact recreation; or + Water bodies identified by the DOT and LGUs as tourist recreational areas 2.0DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purposes of this Memorandum Circular, the following terms shall have the following meanings: “EMB™ refers to the Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR. “Class B” refers to a classification for freshwater bodies intended for primary contact recreation such as bathing, swimming, etc. (Recreational Water Class I) “Class SB” refers to a classification for marine water bodies with the following intended beneficial uses: + Tourist Zones ~ For tourism and recreational activities + Recreational, Water Class 1 — Intended for primary contact recreation (bathing, swimming, skin diving, ete} Protect the environment... Protect if : “DENR” refers the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. “Geometric Mean” means the n' root of the product of a series of n numbers, Itisa calculation to determine an average when the set of numbers covers a wide range. “Primary Contact Recreation” refers to any form of recreation, where there is intimate contact of the human body with water, such as bathing, swimming, water skiing, skin diving, or other water-related recreational activities. “Primary Water Quality Parameters” are the required minimum water quality parameters to be monitored. “Public Notification” refers to the dis protect public health, semination of information in order to “Secondary Water Quality Parameters” are other water quality parameters to bbe monitored with known sources of the identified secondary water quality parameters being discharged into the said water body. 3.0 APPLICABLE WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS For the purposes of this Memorandum Circular, recreational waters shall be monitored using the primary water quality parameters and supplemented by secondary water quality parameters; provided that there are known sources of the identified secondary water quality parameters being discharged into the said water body. ‘3.1 PRIMARY WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS FOR RECREATIONAL WATERS All recreational waters shall be monitored using the primary water quality parameters shown in Table I and the corresponding allowable limits shall be ‘observed to maintain the intended water quality of the recreational waters. ‘Table 1. Water Quality Criteria for Primary Water Quality Parameters [ Parameter Unit ‘Water Quality Criteria i Class B Class Si ‘Fecal Coliform | MPN/100 mL | 200 200 pH (range) o5-85 50-85 “ete INT TOO MGR PODS Ru 100 (2) Geometric mean of a east hve data sts por quart ofa aifirm. Barth, maxinun ‘Sloe na for ocalcalfor' ace estar ahi pene pr ape Frequency of monitoring for primary water quality parameters shall be monthly for at least 10 months per year. 8.2 SeconpaRy WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS FOR RECREATIONAL WATERS ‘Where appropriate, secondary water quality parameters as listed in Table 2 shall be included in monitoring recreational waters in addition to the primary water quality parameters presented in Section 3.1 of this Memorandum Circular. Correspondingly, the allowable limits shall be observed to maintain the intended ‘water quality of the recreational waters, ‘Table 2. Water Quality Criteria for Secondary Water Quality Parameters, aoe Parameter” ——~|«Unit | Water Quality Criteria_—_| | Class B Class SB | “Toxic Metal Total Mercury magi [ 0.002 0.002} [Organtes ‘Organophoaphate mgiL ail ail ‘Oil and Grease mg/L 10. 20 Phenol and Phenolic Substaneeat_| mg/L | 0.005 ‘oor Tots fe Allowable ange fr 1B) sama allot fer toe metas ar onan parameters Frequency of monitoring for secondary water quality parameters shall be atleast semi-annual. 4.0 IDENTIFICATION, MONITORING, AND REPORTING ‘The protocols discussed in this section shall be used in identifying and ‘monitoring recreational waters and in reporting to concerned agencies for the ‘purpose of public notification in order to protect public health. 4.1 Inewniricarion ‘The EMB Regional Offices (ROS), in collaboration with the regional offices of DOT and DOH as well as concerned LGUs, shall identify recreational waters that meet the criteria specified in Section 1.0 of this Memorandum Circular, These waters shall then be included in the Regional Recreational Waters Monitoring Program, Recreational waters shall be identified by the name of the water body. The municipality or region can be appended to the name of the water body if recreational waters were identified at various sections of the water body traversing a different municipality or region. 4.2, Moxrronixe ‘The EMB ROs shall develop and implement their Regional Recreational Waters Monitoring Program adopting a two-level system, The prescribed system is shown in Table 3. ‘Table 3. Two-Level System of the Regional Recreational Waters ‘Monitoring Program Level Sultablty | Monitoring Reporting ‘Surveillance [>All parameters |» Monthly for at |» No reporting ‘within the feast 10 months |” required | Mlowabletimte | peryear + Hurater body was forall samping | Sampling for previously under events; oF primary ‘Alert Level, orn + ny primary parameters; and | the regional parameter not [+ Atleast semi~ ‘ices of DOH Satna the fannual sampling | and DOTas well ‘Slowabe limit for | for secondary fs the concerned Sangleortwo | parameters LGUs the current | consecutive __ eondition ofthe sampling events ‘rater body “io ——|= Any primary [© Inorease sampling | Ramediaely report parameternot |” frequency to twice | tothe reglonal offecs feithin the Smonth for | ofDOH and DOT as Mlowate mit for | primary vel as the ce consecutive | parameters; | concerned LGUs the Sampling events; | — and/or Condition of the and/or Increase sampling | water body. Reporta + Any secondary |" frequency 0 | shall bein arameternet | quarteryfor | accordance with Satan the Stcondary Section 43 of this Allowable imitfor | parametere | Memorandum | ange sampling Gireulae (0) Alert loot shal be reverted to surveiance lave! when olf alwable tne of te primary ‘pometarshawe et met fr two conan samping oven, andthe alow ot ‘cowry parameter hau ben ma ora sgl amp coor 1) cass where a prinary parameter exceads salable limit for sie eonzeutie sampling hens; manoring eguctey sabe sera to ory th ode? to consrse rescuer” For ‘Sccbclary poraatare marry recy can be revere to emery once a paraneter ‘hens alld on or eons somping cuts Monitoring stations and sampling points shall be designated as prescribed in Annex 1 of this Memorandum Circular. On the other hand, the sample containers and protocols for sample collection, sample preservation and handling, and chain-of-custody shall be in accordance with the Ambient Water and Effluent Quality Monitoring Manuals issued through EMB Memorandum Circular 2008-008. 4.3. Repornine ‘The EMB ROs shall report the status of their Regional Recreational Waters Monitoring Program ta the regional offices of DOH and DOT as well as the concerned LGUs. Reporting schedule shall be based on the results of the ‘monitoring, Reports shall also be submitted to the EMB Central Office according to the schedule in Table 4. ‘Table 4. Submission Schedule of the Recreational Waters Monitoring Program Status Report Period Covered ‘Submission Schedule January to June Daly of the present year | ‘uly to December January of the following year All reports shall be in accordance with the prescribed format provided in Annex 2 of this Memorandum Circular. ‘S.OINSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS For the purposes of this Memorandum Circular, each EMB.RO shall establish a Regional Inter-Agency Technical Committee whose members shall be composed of, but not limited to, the following agencies: + DoH + por + Lous ‘The Regional Inter-Agency Technical Committee shall have the following functions: ‘+ Identify recreational waters that meet the criteria specified in Section 1.0 of this Memorandum Circular ‘+ Formulate and implement a plan of action for the notification of the public when a water body and/or sections thereof are deemed temporarily unsuitable for recreational use ‘Annex 3 presents the sample Memorandum of Agreement for the establishment of the Regional Inter-Agency Technical Committee while Annex 4 shows a sample notification and management program incorporated in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Regional Inter-Agency Technical Committee. 6.OEFFECTIVITY ‘This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. arry. TEONES DENR Undbfsffretary and Concurrent EMB Director wee OW Annex 1. Establishing Monitoring Stations and Sampling Points 1, Recreational Freshwater Bodies a) Monitoring Stations For lakes, at least three monitoring stations should be established at the section designated as recreational area. If there is more than one designated recreational area within the lake, then each area should be treated individually and sampled accordingly. Figures 1A and 1B present illustrations of establishing monitoring stations in a lake with one and two designated recreational areas, respectively. 1. Example of Mor Stations in Lakes. For rivers, a minimum of wo monitoring stations (ic. one upstream station and one downstream station) should be established to a segment ff the river used for primary contact recreation. Figure 2 presents an illustration of establishing monitoring stations in rivers, Figure 2. Example of Monitoring Stations in Rivers 'b) Sampling Points and Depth ‘Samples should be collected where water is one meter deep or knee deep ‘ata minimum. Samples should be taken from a depth of 0.1 meter below the water surface. If the water is less than one meter, collect the sample at mid-depth. For rivers, sampling at the water's edge and stagnant water should be avoided, 2. Recreational Marine Water Bodies a) Monitoring Stations ‘The monitoring stations at recreational marine water bodies should be representative of the beach area. For beaches less than one kilometer long, at least three monitoring stations should be established. On the other hand, for beaches more than one kilometer long; more monitoring stations may be needed. Monitoring stations must be spaced 300 meters ‘apart and fixed throughout the year. Figure 3 presents an illustration of establishing monitoring stations in marine waters, Figure 3. Example of Monitoring Stations in Marine Waters ) Sampling Points and Depth Samples should be collected at designated monitoring stations where ‘water is about one meter deep or knee deep at a minimum. Samples should be taken from a depth of 0.1 meter below the water surface. Ifthe water is lesa than one meter, collect the sample at mid-depth. Annex 2, Recreational Waters Monitoring Program Report Format (To be printed on DENR Letterhead) RECREATIONAL WATERS MONITORING PROGRAM ‘SAMPLE STATUS REPORT 1.0 RECREATIONAL WATER PROFILE This ction contains an overview ofthe recreational water bodies that the EME RO has monitored for the couered period. ‘Table 1 summarizes the recreational water bodies monitored by EMB Region 4- A from January to June 2014. ‘Table 1, Recreational Water Bodies of Re; Freshwater Bodies Belanac River ~ |« Swimming area~0.0 |Home to Taytay | Section identified Majayiay Average depth ~ 2m Falls located in | by LGU as © Averagelength—Ikm | Majayjay. tourist Average width 3 m Laguna. recreational area Caliraya Lake = [4 Surface area~ 1,050ha | Man-made lake | Water used for Tumban, Cavin | Average depth ~ 15m bordering the | hydroclectic ti, Kalayaan | 4 Average width — 3 lem towns of power but has Lumban, become a Cavinti, amd | popular spot for Kalayaan, Water sports and Laguna futcloor __| ‘including fishing | Lake Bunot=S |» Surface area 0.6 oq km | One ofthe seven | Section identified fan Pablo City |» Average depth — 1m lakes of San | by LGU as Average width — 1 ken Pablo City, tourist Laguna recreational area | Marine Water Bodies “Tayabas Bay ~ ‘Swimming area —3 aq, ken Targe bay in the Tdentified by fand the coastal ‘wetlands ofthe Calatagan Peninstl Serge Average depth = 2 me others part of | LGU as tourist Average iengih~i'km | Eason Tien. | ecretonal area portion ofthe Bay located in Sas Tayabas Baye Swimming area aq kom | Large bay inthe’ | Water ody |Stmuuan | Average depth 3.m southern part of | intended for | { Meroge length 12m | Euan. This a | primary contact | partion ofthe | Fecreaon | By locaee sn | San Juan | | Batangas | Balayan Bay= 6 Swimming area=2 oq Kt Lange bay with Tented by | Catatagan |S Average depth =m foterial fat, | LGU and DOT as | Acros lengih~Lhim | mangrove forest, | tourist feereational area | 1a Rtn praia Fw Bent fe tr BO eae PAT 1 2.0 RECREATIONAL WATER MONITORING STATIONS. This section summarizes the monitoring stations identified per water body, which includes the location and coordinates of each station. From the water bodies listed in the previous section, Table 2 presents the monitoring stations established by EMB Region 4-A per water body. The Tocations and coordinates of each station have also been specified ‘Balanac River 1 |Taytay Falls 14°09'N 120°28E “Msi” [2 [Om dowsmean eT yopogn | 12026105 | 3 1 km downstream of Taytay_ "097 " | iiss opi | ia027e Caiaya tae Celaya Re Creation Conte, famoen,Cevin| 1 [Sugclewn, tambon tag | ti75e | 1202736" oeeaiaae i ‘| 2 pint of Cage Take | —T99N—| aS Case Resor, By. ECT], - alaungan, Cavinti, Laguna brad = “yea itp Br Calla | srsoaan ; ate lion, Be wes0isw | 121308 5 Beg Sen Juan Kalavean.t | yeaiy | iar aee Taiz Banai=5 [1 pen oT ET Twoswsy [Tar se0TE tnablohy” [2 [infront of ars Teosorn_[ialsebe's [* 5A ten ora 0 Hosoen [arse ‘Masne Water Boas [ones | — [Be iy Waters SSN PESTER Saray 2— {i et rae Besar 1SSreoN | 1aES1S0E 5 [Mining att Seek Reson | “19568 [1231S 3 {Bitton gan Beach Renom_|—I3'3e 10 [12-81 SE Tapabes Bayt — tito Beh ear son [alae om | Reuuco Bese Reson | TS'S0 190 | 1229 e'E 3 [baie Coe Greve Beach RS | ssouery | iatze2z'e 3 Bue Cort Beach ear aEaase Simin Bach Reno (ogi ararese Site One Reort eta tase 5 {pam Beach Resme ipsien aia 12e {Publ Berek 1pslasn [ar zs207 3—tos tar Beach Sersew | 2b 2595 Batayan Bay | —1 | Ronco Sens sor TSN | 20 088 Caanenn” |—2—t Pups Caste iSs0o0N | 10 3 — [Lag de Ore Rear Ss045N | 0S 3.0 WATER SAMPLING PLAN This section contains the sampling plan implemented by the EMB RO which specties the monitoring stations, parameters, and sampling frequency, ‘This section presents the sampling plan implemented by EMB Region 4-A. ‘Table 3. Recreational Waters Sampling cod See peered Peed ‘Stations cy Freshwater Bodies = Balanac River = Majayjay |__3__[ Primary Monthly Caliraya Lake—Lumban, |, | Primary Month Cavint, Kalayaan Secondary (Mercury) | Semiannually Lake Buinot ~ San Pablo Primary Monthly City 8 [eae Oren ———- Marine Water Bodies Primary Monthly nema asceasn 4 [Secondary (0N& Grease) | Semiansually Tayabas Bay-San Juan | 9 | Primary ‘Month Primary ‘Monthly Balayan Bay-Calatagon | 3 [Secondary (Oil and semiannual | Grease 4.0 RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION “This section contains the monitoring results per water body. Subsequent, each ‘set of data will be interpreted ‘This section contains the monitoring results per water body and its interpretation. 4.4 BaLAnac RIVER MAJAYJAY Ferrero PH Coat) oo eee ae aE ae Me Ee aad ‘200 100] 90 [110 | 100] 90 [10 [7a Zi 90 | 90 | 85 | 90 | 90 | 85 [6a oo a5 [rio] 9585 | 110) 95 [7.1 7.0) Results show that primary parameters monitored from January to June 2014 ‘were all within the allowable limits for Class B waters. 4.2. CALIRAVA LAKE ~ LUMBAN, CAVINTI, KALAYAAN prererrs ees ory NETO TRE NRT CT “Allowable Lim! aaa 200 65-85 0.002 i Too [170] 740] 150] 78|[76[76[80[ 78] 77] 0.001 Fi 135|128| 190 [180/150 [14s] 7.0/7.0|71|72[ 72171] 0.001 3 140/145 | 140, ¥40|72|70| 70/69] 68 | 68 | 0.001 4 100/125 140, 145 |70[70| 7.1] 72] 72 [71] ND. 5 105/100 [115 135] 78/76 [76/80] 78|7.7| 0.001 Results of analyses for Caliraya Lake from January to June 2014 are as follows: + Fecal coliform concentrations were within the allowable limit for the ‘months of January, February, March, and June for all monitoring stations ‘+ Except for monitoring station #2, fecal coliform concentrations did not ‘meet the allowable limit for the months of April and May or two consecutive ‘sampling events. Influx of tourists in the area may have resulted to the increase in fecal coliform concentrations. ‘+ pH and mercury concentrations were all within the allowable limits for all monitoring stations. 4.3. Lake Bunor— San Paso Cry ‘Table 6. Monito Does Cooper) on) pa Pee Oa eae a ee ea ea + {Class B) 1 Too [110 [140 [6a [ 70 [71 [68 | 70 [7A ai 140/145 | 140, [eo [70] 70/69/68 [69 3 105 [100 [115, s[ro[69 [7217.01 7.0 17.0 Results of analyses for Lake Bunot from January to June 2014 are as follows: + Fecal coliform concentrations did not meet the allowable limit for the ‘months of April, May, and June for all monitoring stations. Influx of domestic wastes from tributaries may have resulted to the increase in the Tecal coliform concentrations. ‘+ pH were all within the allowable limits for all monitoring stations. + Gil,and grease concentrations were exceeded for all monitoring stations ‘which may be attributed to the increase in discharge of industrial wastes from tributaries. 4.4 TavaBas Bay— Samara ‘Table 7. Monitoring Results of Tayabas Bay - Tao [145 [140 [a30. 10/110 [120 [105 135125 | 120 [140 100/110} 140 [140 Results show that primary and secondary parameters monitored from January to June 2014 were all within the allowable limits for Class SB waters, 4.5 Tavanas BAY -Sax June ‘Table 8. Monitoring Results of Tayabas Bay — San Juan 200 60-85 Too] 90 [170] 100] 90 [110 | FA] 7a [AI [Fa Fa 140/145 | 140, Zool ss [su] 70, 105/100 115, 71[7a{ 70 [741] 74 85 [110] 95, 70[72|7.0|7.0| 74 138/125 [120 7a[74|70|72| 74 100/90 110) 7a[77|75|78| 80 100 | 125 [140 75[78|76[76| 75 ‘90 | 90 [35 7072 [71 | 72/73) 100/110 140 7z1[71 [7.0 [70] 70 Results of analyses for Tayabas Bay ~ San Juan from January to June 2014 are as follows: ‘+ pH were within the allowable limit set except for station #2 recorded in two ‘consecutive sampling events. ‘+ Fecal coliform concentrations were within the allowable limit for monitoring stations #1 and #6. ‘+ Fecal coliform concentrations did not mect the allowable limit for the ‘months of April, May, and June or three consecutive sampling events for Seven monitoring stations. Influx of tourists in the area may have resulted to the increase in fecal coliform concentrations. 4.6 BALAVAN BAY - CALATAGARE ‘Table 9. Monitoring Results of Balay eno PE on Monitoring Stat Ppt) oot comes rt rr) Pee ed Paes om "Allowable Limit 70-88 ae 180 2.0 1 700] 10] 140] 150] 150 [150| 7a [76 [76 [ SO, FBI TT a 135 | 125] 120/150 150145] 70 [7.0 [7.1 [72 | 72 | 7.2 si 140/145] 140] 130 138 [140] 7.0 [7.0/7.0 [74] 74 | 7.0) Results of analyses for Balayan Bay ~ Calatagan for primary parameters from January to June 2014 were all within the allowable limits. However, Oil and ‘grease concentrations did not meet the allowable limit during the monitoring period. A transformer fire near the area may have contributed to the increase in ‘concentration in the water body. 5.0 RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ‘This section contains the recommenced actions to be shared to the regional offices of DOH and DOT as well]as the concemed LGUs. ‘The contents of these should be aligned with the prescribed TwoLevel System of the Regional Recreational Waters Monitoring Program. Consequently, any changes in the ‘monitoring program as well as the recommended monitoring level shall be reflected in this section. ‘Table 8 summarizes the recreational waters monitoring program action plan of EMB Region 4A. Table 8. Recreational Waters ce iia ‘Action Plan. Freshwater Bodies ‘Balanac River ~| Surveillance | Continue monthly monitor | No reporting requised Majayjay ‘ng of primary parameters Caliraya Lake | Surveillance | Continue monthly monitor | No reporting required Lumban, ing of primary parameters Cavin, {and semi-annual monitor Kelayann nngof secondary parameter |_ Take Bunot —| Alert ‘+ Increase sampling | Convene the Inter-Age San Pablo City frequency to twiee a [ney Technical Committ ‘month for primary | ee parameters + Increase sampling frequency to quarterly for oil and grease Marine Water Bodies Tayabas Bay — | Surveillance [Continue monthly No reporting required Sariaya ‘monitoring of primary parameters and sem annual monitoring of oil & TTayabas Bay = | Alert Increase sampling Convene the Inter-hge San uaa, frequency to twice & rey Technical Committ ‘month for primary ee - parameters Balayan Bay~ | Alert * Continue monthly | Convene the Tater-Age Calatagan ‘monitoring of primary | ney Technical Commit parameters ee + Increase sampling frequency to quarterly fori and grease ‘The water bodies monitored for this period represent 20 percent of all recreational water bodies of Region 4-A. We are still coordinating with other Local Government Units in identifying water bodies that they have designated as recreational waters. Prepared by: Technical Staff Reviewed by: Division Chief Approved by: Regional Director Annex 3. Template Memorandum of Agreement (MOA can be entered with concerned parties within the region ‘oF per water body, whichever is more easily implementable) ‘MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT INTER-AGENCY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR TAYABAS BAY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) made and entered into by and among! ‘The DENR-ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU REGION 4A, 0 government agency with office address at 6% Flr, DENR by the Bay Bldg, 1515 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila, represented herein by EMB Regional Director Engr. Carlos J. Magno, and hereinafter referred to as DENR-EMB R4A; and ‘The CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT NO. 4A, the Department of Health (DOH) Regional Field Office for CALABARZON with office address at Quirino Memorial Medical Center (QMMC) Compound, Prpject 4, Quezon City, represented herein by DOH Regional Director ‘and hereinafter referred to as CHD 4A; and ‘The DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM REGION 4 CALABARZON, a government agency with office address st Dencris Business Center, Halang, National Highway, Clana is yqeprgpented herein by DOT Regional Disctor Ms. Louella C. Juvilla, and hereinalles referred to as DOT R4 CALABARZON; and ‘The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SARIAYA, QUEZON, an LOU with address at, Sariaya, Municipal Hall, Maharlika Highway, Sariaya, Quezon, represented herein by Honorable Mayor Rosauuro "Boyet® V. Masilang, and hereinafter referredsto as the MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SARIAYA; and ‘Tho: MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN JUAN, BATANGAS, an LGU with address at San Juan Municipal Hall, San Juan, Batangas, represented herein by Honorable Mayor Rodolfo H, Manalo, and hereinafter referred to as the ‘MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN JUAN. ‘The DENR-EMB R4A, CHD 4A, DOT R¢ CALABARZON, Municipal Government of Sariaya, and Municipal Government of San Juan are hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties” and individually as “Party.” WITNESSETH: That WHEREAS, the DENR, through EMB, is mandated by Republic Act 9275 otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 to: 1) streamline processes and procedures in the prevention, control, and abatement of pollution of the country’s water resources; 2) promote public information and education; and 3) encourage the participation of an informed and active public in water quality management and monitoring; WHEREAS, the DOT is mandated by Republic Act 9593 otherwise known fas Tourism Act of 2009 to: 1) monitor conditions of any community in the Philippines and, in consultation with the local government units (LGUs) and law enforcers, issue timely advisories on the safety of viability of travel to particular places within the Philippines and on patronage of entities engaged in tourism related activities and of tourism products; and 2} ensure the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology through the promotion of activities geared towards environmental protection, conservation and restoration; WHEREAS, the DOH is mandated by Executive Ordér No. 102, Series of 1999 entitled Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the Department of Health to provide assistance to LGUs, people's organization and other members of civie society in effectively implementing programs, projects and services that ‘will promote the health and well-being of every Filipino and preventuand control diseases among populations at risks; WHEREAS, the MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENS OF SARIAYA, QUEZON and SAN JUAN, BATANGAS by virtue of Section 20-0f Republic Act 9275 which stipulates that local government units shall/sharé\the wresponsibility in the management and improvement of water quality within their territorial jurisdictions; and furthermore by RA 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of the re loecta 's and regulations relating 1 pollution control and protection oftheenvironment; 2) execute and enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations to public health; and 3) protect the environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts which endanger the environment; WHEREAS, the DEWR-EMB lined Memorandum Circular No. _, Series £2014 or the Guide lies fn Recreatonal Waters Monitoring Progam, to provige ‘lear guidance on ee gringo reeeatnal wate and ruboowuent reporting forthe parpisBef pubic notification inorder to protect public healthy NOW, THEREFORE, tne forasing premises considered, the Parties hereby scputte angie abfolows ‘A. General Agreements py Y. 1) "Fhe Parties shall form part of the Inter-Agency Technical Committee created for the implementation of Region 4A Recreational Waters ‘Monitoring Program for Tayabas Bay; 2) The Parties shall designate a focal person/s within their departments to the Inter-Agency Technical Committee for Tayabas Bay; 2) ‘The Parties shall convene semi-annually unless a more frequent meeting is warranted; 4) The Parties shall create and implement a plan of action for the notification of the public when Tayabas Bay and/or sections thereof are deemed temporarily unsuitable for recreational use based on DENR-EMB R6A Recreational Waters Monitoring Program Report; 5) The Parties shall develop and implement a plan of action for the ‘management of Tayabas Bay for primary contact recreation, B. Party Responsibilities 1) The DENR-EMB R4A shal! 4) Identify within Tayabas Bay: + Sections officially classified as Class SB waters 2 Sections intended for primary contact recreation; or + Sections identified by DOT and LGUs as tourist recreational by Collaborate with DOT R4 CALABARZON, CHD 4A, and concerned LGUs in identifying sections within Tayabas Bay that are frequently visited by local and foreign tourists; ) Include these waters in the development and implementation of Region 4 Recreational Waters Monitoring Program; a Monitor Tayabas Bay and/or sections thereof identified as recreational waters using the primary water quality parameters and supplemented by secondary water quality parameters; 4 Convene meetings for the*Inter-Ageney Technical Committee for Tayabas Bay; 1) Report to the Inter-AgencY echnical Committee for Tayabas Bay, the status of the feereational Waters monitoring program. 2) The DOT R4 CALABARZON, CHD 4A, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SARIAYA, AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN JUAN shall Collaborate With DENR-EMB R4A in identifying sections within ‘Tayabae Bay that are frequently visited by local and foreign tourists; by ‘Attend tie’ meetings of the Inter-Agency Technical Committee for Tayabas Bay; cf"Formulate and implement the plan of action for the notification of the public when Tayabas Bay and/or sections thereof are deemed, temporarily unsuitable for recreational use; 4) Implement the plan of action for the management of Tayabas Bay and /or sections thereaf designated for primary contact recreation. . Professionalism Good Faith/Cooperation 1) The Parties shall observe, practice, and apply the standards of professionalism, good faith, and due diligence. 2) The Parties agree to cooperate with each other to achieve the objectives of this Agreement and ensure the successful implementation of the Region 4A Recreational Waters Monitoring Program for Tayabas Bay. 3) The Parties shall closely coordinate with and/or consult each other within the framework of this Agreement and explore areas of cooperation related to the Program. D. Termination 1) This Agreement may be terminated at anytime by mutual agreement of all Parties in writing. 2) Any termination of the Agreement shall be without prejudice to any other right or remedy that the aggrieved Party may avail of under this, Agreement or under existing laws, E. Venue of Actions Any dispute or action arising from or in connection with this. Agreement ‘shall be filed with the proper courts of. F, Other Provisions ‘This Agreement may be revised, amended, “md"modified in a written instrament duly executed and signed by the Parties hereto . Duration ( ‘This Agreement shall be effectiveszom the date’of signing by the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thé partles hereby set their hands this __ day of »year__, at Denn. envinomensTAL ws WARRMENT BUREAU RAA By: Engr. Carl " Regional Ditestor CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT NO. 4A, By: Dr, Nestor F, Santiago, Jr Regional Director DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM R4 CALABARZON By: ‘Ms.Loutlla C. Jurilla, Regional Director MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SARIAYA, QUEZO1 By: Honorable Mayor Rosauro “Bovet” V. Masilang ‘Municipal Mayor MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN JUAN, BATANGAS By. Municipal Mayor SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Representative Representative DENR-EMB R4A \/ DOH CHD 4a, ay) Representative DOT RAA Represencative Barangay Captain ‘Municipal’Government of Sariaya Bray. Guis-guis, Sariaya, Quezon Representative ‘Barangay Capiain Municipal Government of San Juan Brgy. Laiya Aplaya, San Juan, Batangas ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) 8.5. BEFORE ME on the day of — personally appeared: Name ‘CAC /Passport No [Issued On known to me to be the same persons who executed the forgoing undertaking find acknowledging to me that the same is of their own free el and wl WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL " NOTARY PUBLIC Doe No, a Kr») &eyS fem \,* Annex 4. Sample Notification Strategy (To be printed on DENR Letterhead) MINUTES OF MEETING Inter-Agency Technical Committee for Tayabas Bay ‘Conference Room, 6" Fir, DENR by the Bay Bldg, ‘515 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila 10 August 2014 (9:00AM-12-00NN) Participants: See attached attendance sheet Proceedings: ‘The meeting began at around 9:00 AM. DENR-EMB led the prayer. DENR-EMB presided the meeting. DENR-EMB presented the results of the Program of Tayabas Bay. During the moj 2014), fecal coliform concentrations did n months of April, May, and June for seven Batangas. The exceedances were 5, DENR-EMB to increase sampli ‘month due to exceedances 6. The Tayabas Bay Recreati tification and Management Strategy was developed by the se are presented in Table 1 7. DENR-EMB to cons results of Tayabag Bal allowable limits 8, DENR-EMB participating 9. The mee zrhed at around 12:00 NN. al Waters Monitoring (anuary to June Je allowable limit for the ig stations in San Juan, Juda continuously failed to comply with the ing and thanked all attendees for actively ‘Table 1. Tayabas Bay Recreational Waters Notification ‘and Management Strategy Tmpiementin Level | Deseription Notification ‘Management ae ‘Non-compliant | For internal one DENR, DOT, for Is ime (3 | information only DOH, LGUs: : [imonins) | ‘Non-compliant_| For internal None DENR, BOT, | during summer | information only DOH, Laus' | months Tnvestigate cause(s) of | DENR, LGUs 2 |Non-compliant | For internal non-compliance and forSmonths | information only | implement necessary action(s) Investigate cause(a) of PGENR, LGUs Non-compliant | Notify concemed | non-compliance and fore months | Barangay Implement neces schon “Temporary ca Picts + Issue temporary Glowsre eter to rt ‘Non-compliant concerned ——s + |ferio Barangay rmontha/year |» Posting of sure en DOT, LGUs fptablshment ial) Prepared Todppical Star MB os Noted by: Division Chief

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