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ARTICLE 7 MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION as) T710 SCOPE ‘en secede erecig Coe Sato he {hi Artcl shal be se. genera his Are non formance with E702, Standard vie or Magnet Per ‘ie Caminstion. Te document provides deal oe Seton the magnetic patce method deserted i hs ‘rece sal be sed together with Artie 1, General Re Sulerens Definition a terme ded inhi fice are In artele 1, Mandatory Append 12.4, 0 Mag 720. GENERAL ‘Themapoetcpartc tamination method apedto etc cra op athe leone nthe sure oF ferromagnetic mater The ems eee fr race dicontinitor and diminishes oy wh ‘ening dept of dst blow there Typ ‘Gliypes of eucominute tht canbe detected by tis tmethod are cracks, laps, seams, cold shits and poi thi mtd involves ageing on area tolweramned.and appingleromagnete parle (he ‘Stanistan’: media othe sua Pato pate form on the rrface wher the magni fl forced ‘uta th pt sd ove ducati ous elage eld that atracts the particles. Parle patterns are ‘aly characters the ype af dont ha ‘hin the prt matin srs wi be tolinear oinutes vented yorpensasr tthe ne of ix. fontnules exc arene to bs enmined a st te ‘st the ine of Bus ding one examination being ap proximately perpendieaie othe liner a ong he ‘1721 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS TALL. Requirements. Magnetic parsele examina tion shall be parton scardance wh a wren po fedure, whieh shal aba minimum, contain the fare sal estolsn a single valu, or ang of values for eachrequcemene T7212 Procedure Qualifeaton When procedure ‘quae is peta byte relerencing Ce Seton, Changs of requirement inal Tat ete oka ‘seal vrai shall eq reqaaicaton the rt {en procedure by damanstain A change ef require ‘nent Hentied as a nonerrental variable does not quite requalifietion ofthe wettn prcedure. All "ange of essentl enone varies em the ‘pected win the writen precede shal require et Sono ran addendun a the writen pace. 7-730 EQUIPMENT A sulle and sppreprie mans fr naducing the necessary magne inthe part sal be employe thing one or ore of the techniques ited in tad de T-73L_ EXAMINATION MEDIUM ‘The ely ved eromagnei porter a forthe ‘amination shall mee theflawing requirement a) Price Types. The prises shal be treated on pare color (Ruorescen pigments, nonfuorsscent pig tests or both) inorder to ake them hily ise [conrsting agains the background athe face beng (0) Price Dry and wet parle and susension ve Iles should be In aecordanee ith S70, (6) Temperatre Linton Parts sl be used tin ne trpertre range haan by the ma Stata of he prices. Aerated, parte ay be {sed ouside the parce manaactrnec roman ‘Sone proving the prostdare quid rondances th ride 1-450 38 the propos tenance 1-740 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS T-7AL_ SURFACE CONDITIONING T7411. Preparation. (o) Sista reals ace uray obtained when the surfaces aren he ab welded. salle, seat ors. forged conditions, Mowever surface prepration by finingor machining maybe acesary where sural guar could mast ndketons aeta sono Tara euros ape St xainon Proce — a ‘ecg mo Op orange ne ug pce cos ely (Pp micron be nee 7450. TECHNIQUE coterie ange Tn Tecmaues ‘jcagnayearaned imgtarnase “tata ee a eae = earuoes Seekers ergs” 932 prop TECHMQUE the demonerstn slo inacodans wth andy T7SBL_ Magnetng Proce. orth prod tc oped a i are agtmapetnin saci rier oe 17012 Nonmagnte Surface Contrast Eaance- basil Ty ee aren anos caal sith Inst Nong sce ota maybe pled 6Y en myo bul seed es sal We Pee theetninetounnated sures ony names sll: acd om he renee apie sr he Pos clarence parle conrany When ronmapneue ete he cen Sure oman ohncoent ed alo dr Sad tatindcotonscon be feteted Gouge eon, TTS22_ Magnetiing caret. Direc orchid Reechenee TEcT nore crore eee Tet, magnon shal bees the rae habe nonmagneic surface contrat enhancement isnot 108 (minimum) ampyie. (4 amp/mm) to rented toresng in (Bene) opr far sears 2015 ee ato etn re ermine econ {18 mm) tek eer shal be 30 amy/in. (8.6 amp/ am) to 110 omp/i0 (84 ape) lied pacing 7323. Pred pac Fr pcg shal a need on 20 Sete spcy ny ed nsec datethe eet ens eres bn ore ‘han 3,73 mi) sve ly nop de ts band ing the paier around he prod The prod ps alt ‘Sekt dean sd dase tho pen eet voleage of the mapnetsng cron surcets greater than 25a Stel or amor (rather tam copper) Upped pads are ‘econmended to atod copper apes on he pat beng wom 7-753 LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIZATION ‘TECHNIQUE FISL1 Magntan Procedure. For this wbnigu, ‘magnetization ts aecompllsned by passing current "heouph a ule i al (oreo hai eropped ‘ound part or sot othe party be examined. Tis rode longa goed pra! othe sis aod prewound ca sused ce parts be pice’ wath dd oft cl during inspector Tas pe ‘Sa tmpertance when the eal opening Is more than me the coset sea ae are 7512 Magnet Feld Strength Directo ected curren sl be aso nage prs xine byte fecheqe. The equ eld sen gh sal be eluted {hoe onthe length andthe diameter Df the part i ccrdanea with (3) sad (8) oF a8 established fn (8) Sod) elo, Long prs shal be exsned mses ‘nat exceed 1 (94mm). an 18 (489 mn) shall ‘ese fr the pat Lin casting the reglrd fold "Songih For nonlin prt D hale he me tmumerosysetonldsgoal. {e) Pres ih L/D Rais Equal tor Grater Than ‘rhe magnetizing currant sal be within 10% ofthe Imperetun vale deeriped 3 lows for example,» par 10 9. (250-m) long «2 in (st mm) dameter has 1/0 ean o Therefore, 38100. sccamprctune wor (2) Parts Wh 1/0 Bais Les Than ¢ ut Not Less Thon 2.Themagetang mere tres hal be wit 10% of the ampere-une van deveined 3 ows Ampere «$500 (6) Parts With L/ Rates Lee Thon 2 Cll msgnetiea sontechnguecasot be id 198 (a) ears tobe magnetized extends boyond 9 in (228 rm) on eter deo he o's contr, ed ake se sal be demonstrated sing a mgt eld ns (Forge arts deo sae ashe, tbe magnet» ing cureent shall be 1200 amperecturns to Ssbeompore-turn. The fd adequacy shal be de tmonsesed wang stil Raw shims or ple-shaged Hallet probe gaussmetr shall not be used with ei ‘eg el mapnetiston techs T7523 Magneticing Current The caren required to obtain the necessary Magneting ol eng shal ‘eddetrmined by diving the apereturnsabtane Ste 1.9539) or 754.20) bythe number a tras Ampere) = Smet For erample ia Stars call i uted and the ampere turns rqured are 5000, use 5282 woosmpee (£108) “1-794 CIRCULAR MAGNETIZATION TECHNIQUE TSA Direct Contact Technique. (o} Magresing Procure Forts technig, map zation accomplished by passing curred tough the arto be svamined This produces a creulr magete [el thats approximately pepeniclr to the econ (tearent ow tthe pte (8) Mogiing Current Diet or rete (have rete uae rected) mga aren sal burs {2 The eurrent sat be 300 amp (12 sm) 0 ‘00 amin (38 A/mm) af ote lamer {Gj arts with geomet shapes other than roe tthe genes efoseeectinal agonal 8 plane at eng tthe caret ow sal termine he ines tobe we in} abo 1 ho crrone vas ered or (1) canna eb ‘sine mason correntabtamabe sal be edn the fed deguny shal be demented a eccvdace 1.7542 Cama Conductor Technique, (a) MegtingProceare For thar tecbige, 3 cent cendudors edt examine the nea sufces f Tinaraly ering shaped part The cesta conducor {eclqieay 9 B sed for examining he tide se ‘Seecethare shapes Where large ameter cinder are {obs examine, he conduc esllbe postoned dace ‘th eral sua other When the condor or ented the greumferenc of te eye shall be cramined in ntanents Feld strength measurement in {ent ofthe ae thet may be amined for ech conductor ositon or the resin () bla maybe flowed Bars Sresbes pased trough te bore o 9 ender may be ‘Sed indoce cesar agoainnon (a) Sognetisine Carre The fel trength rule shall be equal to that determined in 775430) for Seles conic, Te moped wl enductreble pases hough a hallow par Fo exam isi 6000 ampere ee epuired toctaranes parsing 2 Single pass cena conductor. hen 3000 amperes are Fequtred when 2 partes of he rough cle ae ae {nd 1200 ampers are requlred 5 passes are used (Ge igre 175421) When the cena conductor tec {sng magnet particle ld instr in accordance (6) Of Cverel Condor When the condor pa sy ough tee othe parts ped api oh ‘F7SA0)) Sal spy, gp atte dete sed tthe canal cordctor and ewe th wal kes. “Tedlstanes slong the part ccumference (eter) st ISefleively moped sal be tkan as ou times the 4.75423, The ere creuference sal be spec by ‘tely 210% mage el vel. 7-785 YOKE TECHNIQUE magnetic yokes, o permanent magnet yokes, shall be Figure Single-Pass and Two-Pass oO Figure 7.73822 ‘The Effective Regln of Examination When ‘Using an Ost Cetra Conductr 17-756 MULTIDIRECTIONAL MAGNETIZATION TECHNIQUE 1-756. _Magretizing Proceure. Fo thi techie, rmgnetastion accomplice by high ampaage power aks operating as many as thee cuts tt are ener. ‘ily alternating magneting currents s wo prduce 20 ‘heal magnetization of he port n mule iectione Gresleorlongttinal magn de maybe generted ered in 7.753 287.794. 4.7562 Magnetic Fld Seng Ot tiree phase, fullwnve rected current shal be used tomagnetze the prt The nl magctsingenrent eirements foreach cre shall be eablahed uring he previously esr guideline (see 7-753 and 7754) The ade ‘uaty ofthe magnet elé sal be demonst ated using Sat aw shins ors pleahaped magnese patle fel indetor in aecordance with T-766 A Hal ec 175421 Central Conductor Technique probe gaussmeter sal nat be used meaaire fi ade {har fr the mulddecdonal magnetization tacos Un adaquate fi shal Be tied in a eat 0 neaiy perpendlealr ection. ond held nests sal be ‘verb the field nthe ator ection Far arest here ade fal strengtscanot be demonstrated “liana mapnte prise ecrigus shal Be sed ‘Shin the requred two-crectonal coverage. 760 CALIBRATION ‘7-161 FREQUENCY OF CALIBRATION 761.1 Mageeting quent (a) Frequency Mapnetising equipment with an am seers be coral tea one a ea. oF whenever the eqlpment hasbeen subject o major electric r= fe protic ovrhao or mag equipment es tot Seen se fora Yat or mor calibration ball be done Prior ie wee (0) Procedure Te scaracy ofthe unis meter sal be vetted annuaty by equipment traceable to navoral ‘anda Compaaive resting shal be ken for east, the fee orrnteutpat evel ncomparsing the tesblerange (e) Tolerance The ues meter ening al nt de ust more than 108 of alee relive to the {leon vale os shawn bythe est meter Y-761.2 Light Meters Ligh meters shall be cl bated a ee once ayer or whenever ameter as ben ‘Spare, M meer ave not beni se fr one yea ‘7-762 UFTING POWER OF YOKES {o) To magnning power of yokes stl be verified print tau ach day the ye aed The magnet Power of yoke sbllbevried whenever the yo he Bron damaged or repaired [o Eahaleratng current electromagnetic yoke shall haves ing owe ft art 101 (4g) athe se um pole pacing that wil be we [e each drcteurreat or permanent magnet yoke hol fave ing power of east 40 18 (10 Fg) 2 tax pole sping tot wl be sed (a) Each weg shal be weighed witha sale from ae- putable manufacturer and stened wich the apple omit lg pnts ase. Avwelght need only be ‘erie gain if damaged manner at couy have 762 GAUSSMETERS abet probe pasimetrs wad wen magna bated at ast once a year or whenever the equipment has ren subjected 10 mor repair, pride verbal or ste eget sober at 1-764 MAGNETIC FIELD ADEQUACY AND DIRECTION T2641 Application. The se of magnet fe in ators fetal shia, or set tangential ld robes are only perma wen spcnealy reference bythe rlstngmagnsnng ehigus: o) vongtuana (F753) (O)orer (F754) (e)Munsdreionl (7.756) T7642 Magnti Fea Afequy- Tho ali ag netic el shall save sun sent to produce a Factory indieaions but shal wot Beso strong that it fuse asking ofrelevant natn by nnreleanta fmoltonral magnetic pares Face thst aes the requed fed strength nude the ste, shape, and ‘mei pemyeniyofthe part the chigue of mae rat: esting the mated! pre aplestn;snd "he ype and Ioeaon of dscoatnutes tobe detected When tis ncesary to veh he adegcy’ af magnetic ‘elsetrongh le shal be verted by wing one more ofthe flowing three method (6) le Shape Megnel Parl Fl Indica. The tr svn Pig 7420) sabe poston pine ses away rom the spectedsurace A sabe ld song is nated whens dearly diet ne (or Ine) of mapret parce arms) aerethe caper Se ff te inestor when the mage partces se spied ‘tear eee of partes mt ormed the magne "ng ecu stall be charge needed Pye a ‘tors are tet sed wih ry price process (b) Arial Faw Shims Cee ofthe shins shows gure 764201) or igue T7642 ()2) whose or ‘sar tothe appli magnet eld sal be use. Sime ‘iia notches shal be rented ott alee one ‘Shins wth oy eeular notes maybe used In any oF Tnntaion, Sesh be tached tothe surface tbe ex. ined such that the aril a sie ofthe shi ft toward the spate src A table Bld eongh Indeted when» early defied ine (or lines ete parte reprererting he 208 depeh fa, appr [hon the shim face when snpeti partes are apple nltancousiy withthe magnetizing force When ‘ear deed ine of parts not formed the magne "ig technque shal be ehaged a8 needed. Shiney Inaeators are best used wth wet particle precedes NOTE cedar ine on ig 7642190 Shan (Spacohae fw deen ol pee on 38 1% @ Figure 7.764218) Pie-Shaped Maghetie Parte Field Indcator inti, (0 Hall Eee Tangent Fed Probe. A gaussmetee and Hall tet angetal-eld probe hall Be wed for Imesorng the pat valu of angen ie The probe ‘hall be pstoned onthe surlce to be examined such that hemi Bld srengin isdetermined A sible Meld svength is ndeated when the measured et it Within the range of 30 G to 60'G (24 kam to 48 kam) whe she magnetiing frees belng op T7643. Magaetc Fas Direction. The drcion() of magaeaton sal be determined by paste di lone obtained sigan idestr or sims chon Figure T-768.2(a), Figure T-768.2(0)(1), oF igure “T.1642(0)2), When = lesry deine line of parier sre nottormed (a) he desire decon or (@)inat east rear perpendiesar rections for ‘ne mukiectionlwchoigoe he magneingechaique sl be changed 25 nede, 17.765. WET PARTICLE CONCENTRATION AND CONTAMINATION andtnh contrition eterna by measuring tse ‘lg volume Ts is accomplished trough the abe of 2 [ASTM Tertlthod 09 prarshaped cane be ith 2 Tom stem (005. dvisins for oreo parce Suspension or 215m stem (0. sions) or now ‘crescent suspensions Before sping the sepsis ane 1 EE rans 242000 iam ss “HB ae de ae foamy eee Fresazin ain Tr] can TOI Poses TI Lem | een IeneXAL NOTE, Ao re exe fl aw hme sd Jy ny rear tease at sa [depth of 3 of tf co i | powtc T i ‘ould bere through the eelting system for at ast ‘ul have sted onthe sump screen andslong theses for brtom of te tak 765. Concentration. Take 2100+ portion ofthe suspension fromthe hose o otal, demagetze ad lew rt sete or apretinately 6 in wth petrleun ‘suite suspensions or 30 min wth water based sr sions belre rating, The volume sting out 3 he tom the tse inset the pal concentra: on inthe th 7-165. Setting Volumes. For Guoresen parties the required sting volume fom Ot 04 mL In 100 mL bath sample sod from 12 to 24 mL per 100 ml of vehi for nonfuorescent prices unless cherie specie by the partie manufacture. Cncen tration cet shal be mace at eat evry eg hour. Figure 1708202) sich law Sh fein tp eso fears pis ~ {sens fesenes| 03 dan 00. eam» aan 00 fe and fs. | oma te) ee ‘cree ei S00 ec ort. L Sr me) eri ata) imine or ms in OO farein essa) a p75 te cos om) —j {1288 mm) oe | “isram | 0258. am.0.. } 2a sar. 00. ‘en ‘essa ‘ovo “So oon Boren Go, Gob oo. so coot Saoomin ‘oraoot ‘hin peace ‘Gnomon (toot. Shi Taman Oona Om) AD ™ 79 yo) 9.06) a _H = 27019 9p) 20.08 en) =a Dp |= ‘Shimtipe cx Sa Ee pes | 1 Bl cre a shinee X30 | 1-765 Contamination, Both vorescent snd won Forcontaminarts such edie selon oor Muaes feet pigment water (Inte ase of suspensions). and paris oglomerates which can avesey afl the er Fermance ofthe magnet partie examination proms. once per week (a) Corer Contamination. For aresen bath, ‘uid recy above the precpat should be examina ‘with treet excton igh The gud wilbave it sade amp goes marsh {is purpose the “used sample swoiceaby more ‘Borecot han the compare standard he ath hal be replaced, (2) Portle Contmination. The graduated peston of, ‘ete shall oxaminod unr foresent excaon (or bot Nootesont a nontuorerent price) fot ‘trations or buds diferences in exlororappearuace. ‘endear sritane may ines contamination Ihe {al volume of te contaminates ncleding bands or se ons seme 20% the ome magnet particles, if the igus mticealyMuorescet the bath sal be Hos (et cag specimen we Figure 12661) Tormance and entity of bh ary and wet, Noreen nd nonfioresant mao pote technique sg 3 ental conducar mogntaton technique (a) Rtas (Bae) Tet Ring oteril. Te ol te (Ke tes) agsheld be machined fom AS 1 mater nae. or the ste! blank should be anneated at 1.550°F (200%), cooled So"F (26°C) per hour to 1,000°F (540°C) an then ale cooled to ambient temperture to ad there treatment Matra and hes testment the softest of ering by hardess (9019S HR) alone (0) Using te Test ning. The test rng (see Figure "1 Jos:} erty magne with flava ected AC passing through a central conductor witha 1 In to Tin (25 am to 32 mm) diameter hol lost in ‘heringconter The conc tou have enh gy ‘ethan 16 in 400m) The curents wed sal be 1400, 2500, nd 3400 amps The minimum punber of oes Shown shal be thre, ve andi repecvey The ng ‘Se thoulé beamined th ahr back ight or ible ight, dependig on the type of pacticies involved. Ths test shall bern at he tre amperage the unit wil 199 be asda thes or higher amperages. The amperage a cessed stllntbevarededin the ot Ito tet oes ot eval be required number of tle, the eqepment Sha be ken oto sere site eae fe fre of cnt determined and corrected. This test shal be raat leasconce per Weck T-710_ EXAMINATION THT71_ PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Belore the magne pri examination conduct, Tact any eacntnsy sue openings wich may ot test and hold magnetic pres Decree th, ‘F772 DIRECTION OF MAGNETIZATION ‘Actes two separate eamiatos sal be performed on each ares Dung the send examination the nes of Imagoeti fx shall be aproxatelyparpendcilrt> those used ring the st sana. A diferent tech ‘1-773 METHOD OF EXAMINATION ‘The fecomagntic parle used in an examination smedamcante ether we ry, andiay beter ar ‘rent or noniorescen Eamon) sabe done hy (6) Dy Pails. The mayeicing current hal coal on wl the examination medium ir elng ape an hie ay excess ofthe eaminaton mem emote (2) Wet Paracler Te aagnetisingcrent thal Be ‘ured ona the pares hve been applied Flow of Dares sal top with the appieton a rent Wat Dares applied fom asa spe ans may be apeied [efor and/or ser mgnatnng erent sapped Wet Darteles maybe pple ding be apltin of magne Ug cect they ae at applied erect tthe ex Imation aes nd ae alowed te flow over th ection ‘rear ar pp rete exomination area with Tow velocities insufficient to remove aecumulaced T-774 EXAMINATION COVERAGE iver 7en 1-775 RECTIFIED CURRENT (a) Whenever dzet cten required rectified cu. rentinaybe tne The reed cerent or mapnetzato9 Shale ether trephase (lave recied) curen, br ange phase (aeave eed) current 0) The amperage requ wih thee phase, ul-wnee rece carrent shal be wre by sessing the 3 be curent a (o) The amperage regaled with singephase (hale ‘wave rected) current shal be veried by messing ‘heseerag coon oupat rag the ondacng al fle ony (a) When measuring ha-vave ei aren wth rect cure teet ater, cong sal berm by TTI6_ EXCESS PARTICLE REMOVAL Accurations of excess dy partes in eatin shall be removed with ight airstream fom 3 bul fringe oratherseure flow pressure dy Te x ination cotrent ar power tal be minted while re ‘moving the exes pote, “F777 INTERPRETATION fae oonrlevanor relevant Fase an pneleran in ‘estions sal be proven a leo nonrdavan ner Pretacan shall beer oto enti te locatons of TATA. Wille (Color Contrast) Magnet Parts Sura dont op indented by seamuatins of ‘magnet prices whch shoul eontast lt the a= [nation sure The elo he aoe price hall beaitrert than the clr of the examin suas Tomiation (tural ar sppleentl white ght) the ‘examination uroe is required forthe evaton of a- {tions The minimum ght intensity sal be 100 fe {000 ete lghe testy, eters or sapplemena ‘ite ight source stl be measured eis whte ight ‘meter prior tthe evasion of destin ors vered {gat sturee sal be wed. Veriton of lh sources ‘nd alate on Be Terma _worescet Magnetic Pats With Back ght Wien sorercent mapete parce the process {esenly the soe asin 7.777, the exception gh (nominal 365 am) clo bck Hoe Te xe (a) sal be perormed Ina darkened area (2 Ermer al be in darkened are fra art 5 min pir to performing amination to nate thet by examiners shall ot be photochromic er exil any {Black lights shall achieve a minimum of 10008 om the sre of the part beng eae hroughout te examinton. (a) Rector, ter, glazes an lenses should be checked and necesny ceed peor tose Cracked for broten reflectors ter, gisele shall bee paced ined (e) Te black ight ent shal be measered with 3 Sarees nerpted or changed and athe complevon T-7713._Fuorescent Manele Parties With Other Fworescen Exltatlon Mavelenghs. Alternatively 0 Performed using alternate wavelength light sources ‘ny aherat ht wavelengh ight sores apa specie {ance wth Mandatory Appendiy IV. The examination Sl be performed as fas: fe) eal be perormed in darkened ars, (2) Eeaminers hall ein a darkened aes fora art ‘5 min prior to performing examination o enable thelr yes adapt ar ein aseor eaes war ‘orescence (eth orescence excatinliht sore mis is eg intesies greater than 2 (2013 th examiner ‘hallwnar faorescenon enhancing ter Bsr aprored bythe light source manfaturer for we wth hat ight {athe Quorescence excitation ight source shall chive at leas the misins lih itensty on the sur fae of te part throughout te examination a qualted {o) Reecors, er, lasses, and lenses should be checked and neces lene pre our. Cacked br broken rectors, ers, ges, or lenses hall bere {The hurescone excitation light atest sal be eter por to use, wheneer te BBs power sources tminaton er eis of examinations ‘T-78_ DEMAGNETIZATION he esa agit he prt col err ‘mamnetaed any ne afer completion of he examination, ‘7-719. POST-EXAMINATION CLEANING When psteaminsonclening i reared, shold be conducted a5 soon a praccal using 3 process tat oe ot edversey alle he par 7-780 EVALUATION (2) Alindcains sal be evaluated ter of the a ceplanee standards ofthe reorencng Coe Scion 12) Discontinue om or near he sures ae nde ty rtnton ofthe examination med However, les aed surface Lregalarties due to maching marks oF ster surfs condons may produce fi intetons (6c) Broad arse of par accomaation, which might smskindications from daconintes, are probed, 7-790 DOCUMENTATION ‘T-791 MULTIDIRECTIONAL MAGNETIZATION. ‘TECHNIQUE SKETCH metry ermine, sowing the part geometry able a. Fngamen spd onsecons magnetizing cure or exch ‘ican the aren of amination where adequate eld rea ae abe Parsi epee gsi sletch provied that the magnete eld strength is ade- "7792. RECORDING OF INDICATIONS T7001, Nanrlectable natlons.Nonrsiai seston sabe recorded ar seed byte rarencng 1.7922. Reecable indetions Rejecabe indie tons al be retarded fe anu he pe of eee: ‘ons (near or rund). feston and ete (lng wt ddameter of sbgnd) shall be neared 17.793 EXAMINATION RECORDS. For ach examination, the flowing Information shall berecoiet (othe requirements of Are 1.1903) (by magne parle equpent and rye of cant (c)mognetic ports (vsti or Tarescent, wet oF om Te) map or record findeatns per 7.192 (c) mater sed wiekness {bang equipment, sowenrveva03s MANDATORY APPENDIX | MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION USING THE AC YOKE TECHNIQUE ON FERRITIC MATERIALS COATED WITH NONMAGNETIC COATINGS [70 SCOPE “This Append provides the Magnetic Par examin tion mthodoogy and eauipment requirements applic 1720. GENERAL Aeqirmens of Atle 7 appl unless moi this Append 721 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS E7ALL_Requlements. Magnetic Parc tamination hal be performed ceordance wth 3 writen proce ‘sted Tables 7-721 an +721. The writen procedure ‘hal esa ing valu orange vale, foes [7212 Procedure Quaifeation/Technique Valia~ ton. Wsen proce ualieton specie, a change (a equrefent in Table T-72 oF Table 1721 ented ‘values sal require reqeaication ofthe wren fo {birement enfin nner vane om he Spected valve orange of values, des na eure = {talfestion ofthe writen procedire Al changes of ential or nonessential variables from the value, oF range of values specified bythe writen procedure sal Feauire revision of or an addendum fo the writen F722. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION. Personnel qulifcatin equicements shal te nae dance th he referencing Cade Seton Table 721 Requirements of AC Yoke Technique on Coated Ferric Component 1-723 PROCEDURE/TECHNIQUE DEMONSTRATION “Te praceur/techique hal be demonstrated othe sntnaton af th Inspector accordance with the re F730 EQUIPMENT 1730.2 When the dry powder technou® suse, a compressed sr powder Wwe hal euued or Bo ‘er appision inary positon Other ppc ‘sd aiid nthe same surface pation isto Ge srt px hailed tre re op aed a ett a be ed 1-720. Magnccpartcts shall coat with the 17304 Nonconductve materi suchas plates _nock maybe used simulbt nonconductive nonnag ove cating for procedure a personel qian, 1-740 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS L741 COATING THICKNESS MEASUREMENT inatons shal be preceded by messaremct ofthe ‘etc technique may be used to measure the coating ‘Diners The magnde cig shal be a acordance ‘oth S118 Sandan Tet Methods for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagetic conductive and nonmapne, cxting thickness techn fue sal e used in seordance with SD-1186 Coating Wt he equipment manufacturers naruto, Coating tons ot a 2m (50 mm) maxim rd pater ever the tes of examination ad test one hal he maximum Yate leg separation beyond the examination ae The ‘inf (6 mi) af each terseeton 1-750 TECHNIQUE F751 TECHNIQUE QUALIFICATION. (6) A quaicaton specimen i reqled The speconen stale efsmlar geometry or weld pro and conan at lest nesurface race longer tha the ait ‘aaeraltobe examined Aran ahernve toe tral ‘sie provided: (1) The mesnie yok maxima iting ore onthe ‘mart be examined sequal too greter an the ‘asain Hig force othe gualfcaon Specimen ma {erat Both vies shal be Setting! wth these OF ‘comparable equipment and sal be documented a qwetn {2)Al the equreent f(b) tough (gare met forthe orate materi 12) Brain the uncoated species inthe mos un: vornle orton expected uring he performance of ‘he production examination fe bocumant te mosrured yoke maximum ling power sminmton rl an the rt (a) Mearare the maximum costing tickets on the temtobe examined in accordance wn he relents () oat the specimen withthe ae pe of ang, caput r nanconducvto the makin tse ‘mexufed on te produ am tobe examined Aker” (7 Examine the canted seamen ete mest ufsor abe onertation expected durngthe perormance of te production examination. Dacment he mesured yoke sé Mg power luminncn evel snd examin {@) amparthe length ofthe nein resulting fom thelonges fawn lage tha the mat da a at lowed bythe spate seepance tr, bere a ter cong. The cating tess squalid when ‘he lengt ofthe ncaa om the coated saree Ie 3° lesa S0% of teenth the corremonding neson ort cong (0) Requaltcaton of he procedure i rage for» erase ether the ACJ ing swe oh = ‘stantevl or fora nrsee nthe coming then 1-760 CALIBRATION 1-701 YOKE MAXIMUM LIFTING FORCE ‘The maki Bing fre of he AC yoke shall be do- termined a the oealegseporasonta be sed nthe Sminaion Ths maybe complished bling the yoke seth 3 101 (4b) sromagnede weight Botween the Veg ofthe yoke nd adn ato weight crated ‘rights released. The iting power af he yo shall nd the afded wets re the fromagnete weBht as Ylabal. ther medads may beused su 3 nad ‘Teblack ght or wet ight ment (es appropeit) the surface ofthe compotent shal Be no les tan tat ‘ed inthe goalies tet An appropriate clad Wisk ight and/or white lige meter shal be efor ‘hee. Minimum wht It or Dk ight nests Shall mee the requlversents of F777 06 T1772 36 spplebie 17621 Whe Light The whee ight ites shalbe rmenired a the napetion utes. The white gna [Sy forthe examinaion sal be les than wha as sed in he alfeaton. 17622 Black ght The bac ght tens shale reared atthe distance rom he lace igh in he eo Sinaon specimen, The black ight ftensity sal be fa es than tat used 0 gully the procedure. nah ‘onthe msdn hie ipitintansty hal bemesared {Se background light onthe iepectionsrace. The bak {round wht ih forthe examina shal ben greater ‘hn what wat ed in the alien 170. EXAMINATION (o) rte tobe examined a al adjacent areas swthin at eatin. (25 mm), shal be fee o al cre rset seal welding x nd spate, sels, ‘istered faking or peeing coun a) ecamine ec uated procedure |-790 EVALUATION fan naeston greater than SO ofthe maximum rowable Maw siete gece the cotig inthe are of the inccstion sal be removed and the examination repeated 1-790 DOCUMENTATION F791 EXAMINATION RECORD For ech examination th formation equred ia the recnrds section a 1.793 and the flowing Information (2) antiation fhe prcadreigae (2 descpion and deavings sath ofthe qualit- cation specimen, cuding enating thickness measure ‘nent and Maw diensions (6 equipment and materials sed (@ tuition ee a yoke iting power (@ avalifeaton esl, ning maximum cating thine and fae dete MANDATORY APPENDIX I " GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION need; terms and definon inthis Aspedic have bes incorporated int Arie 1, Mandatow Append, MANDATORY APPENDIX anne MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION USING THE YOKE TECHNIQUE WITH FLUORESCENT PARTICLES IN AN UNDARKENED AREA M710 SCoPE “This Append provides the Mago Parc examina: tion methodology sod equipment requtemeas apple tbe for performing Magectie Parte examinations ‘eng ake wth aorscent parties in a darkened 1-720 GENERAL Requirement of Ale 7 apply nls modified by his ‘pend 1-721 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS TAA Requlements. The requests of Tables ‘1721 and 721 apy W-7212 Procedure Quatieatian. The reuiesents i723 PROCEDURE DEMONSTRATION The procedure shal be demonstrate oth alsa: tina te nepectorin accordance withthe requirements ofthe referencing Coe Section 1-750 TECHNIQUE 1U-75L QUALIFICATION STANDARD ‘A sandard stated shins) a desrbed in 7.768200) 1-760 CALIBRATION WL76L BLACK LIGHT INTENSITY MEASUREMENT. ‘The blac ight mens onthe srface ofthe compo ent shal be noles than Sha sed the qulieation 1.762. WHITE LIGHT INTENSITY MEASUREMENT. ‘The white igh intensity om the setae af the compo= nen shalbe ro peter than hat ein the uation 1-770 EXAMINATION. ‘The question standard shal be placed on a carbon (ore fo be quaied ad a standard procedure that has previously bean demonstrated arse for use. The ‘Bandar proce nay wehzet vb or fvorescot {ecniqu The fw ndetone sl be compares the “Table Requirements fr an AC oF HWOC Yoke Technique Wit h Fluorescent Particles in an Ui ‘i anne ety ime pe aa aw Indication obtained under the propsed conditions ap fats the same or beter than at csaned under stan “considered qualified for use 777 INTERPRETATION fren et ack ee est 1-790 DOCUMENTATION W791 EXAMINATION RECORD For etch examination, the information requred in 17.783 Sn the ellowing norman sha Yew (o)ealifetion standard Wensestion (0) deen ofthe personel peearming ad wi (6) equipment and materia sed (4) tamination ees (wean Back Hg) (6) stein ets sme vcvans amas? MANDATORY APPENDIX IV QUALIFICATION OF ALTERNATE WAVELENGTH LIGHT SOURCES FOR EXCITATION OF FLUORESCENT PARTICLES W-710 SCOPE “This Append provides the methodology to quay the performance of foreseen parle examinaton ing karate wavelength sources 1-720 GENERAL Resuremens of Arie 7 ppl unless modified by this 721 WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS IW-72LA _Requcements. The requirements of Table 1-721 apply to Wrten Procedure Requirements (rata) aod when speed bythe referencing Code Section o Procedure Qualiintion (7721.2). 1V-723 PROCEDURE DEMONSTRATION ‘The procedure shal be damorstrate othe sata thn oe inspector nateordance wih the equrements fhe referencing Code Seton, 1-750 TECHNIQUE IV.751 QUALIFICATION STANDARD ‘Sot shins) 002i, (208 mm hc having 309% nop rte removed deserted In T-7642(0) shal bee oul thealerate wavelength ght source ‘rt goes mame moe ‘rat oes pa a une a fee Table v-721 Regutemens or Quang Alterate Wavelength ight Sources or Exciation of pei tt rt ‘maitre and specie prices Shins) salle tape sad ta fe- Fomognatc object's surface and used as desribed im 76820) oth the note gaat the abet src, Iv-7s2 FILTER GLASSES pe skeratve wavelength gh source ems pe ‘ne rie portion the spectra (wavelength of 400 fo longer) theese sl wear iter ses hat ‘ave been suplieg by the manafactuer ofthe ight eure ta block the refed vb excation HE wile IV-770 QUALIFICATION EXAMINATIONS IV-TTL_ BLACK LIGHT INTENSITY ‘The black ight intensity onthe examination surlace salle ajstedby varying the dance or powers that ‘ea minimam intent af 1000 8m ad 2 ‘um tensity of 1100 Nem. IV-772 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS “The examination parameter forth object hose shall ‘be dterined by te ales of 750 aplabe othe ob- ect chocaa ap he mata of magneton Any of Be ‘mapocising techniques listed In 1-751 may be used ‘The same incieston() ofthe shim dante) Sal be used fr both black Hight ad akernte Wave Tongs lot examination. 18-7722 Examination With Black Light THe gilt ‘atin standard wth the attached in) sal be exam Snedwith the extblished parameters nd specif ‘arele ina datas area wth lak ight Homnaton he resulting particle Indication(s) shall be phoned 1V-7722 Examination with Alternate Wevetength ght: sing the same prise indaton() ermine INo724, ete to he senate wavelength gt sours and adjat the igh intensity by varying the distance or over, to ettsh parle inatin() eet the Sars a hat (those) eae withthe black gh above ‘Thelight nent hl be measured wih the sersatie wavelength light meter. The resulting particle Tnateaon(s) shall be phatograghed using Wenties Phsopraphetecniqaer a used forthe acpi How ‘ve, roms le ites appropriate rune he ‘seerdng the indeston() when rege V-773 QUALIFICATION OF ALTERNATE WAVELENGTH LIGHT SOURCE AND SPECIFIC PARTICLES. ‘nen the same partie indcaa(e a cheved with Lindt canbe stained wit te senate wavelength Ughtsourcetheltermate wavelengh bgt ature may be sed for magnetic partie examinations The aiernate “wsvlngt iit source wth 3 ae th mina nen iy aiid shal be ved with he spec partie der Ignadonenployed in the question 1-790 DOCUMENTATION V.791 EXAMINATION RECORD For each examination the information required ia "1993 and the fang norton salle recorded (a) aternative wavelength ight source, manufter, sd model (ternative wavelength ight soerce mete, mar ‘stare, nd moe (er ase, when necessary {)oresen partie manufacture and designation {ej aalfction andar intention @)secknigue deta {@)etieaton ofthe personel performing and wi essing qulieaton {h)esupment nd materials used (i) minum terns veers ih intensity (Pace pad aerate wavelength ih geal catoe potas exparre stings 9nd filters. used MANDATORY APPENDIX V REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TECHI v-n0 scope Particle examinations sing apneic rbberteclgues Inplace ot wet or ry magnet particles The rei p+ a) lined vel or mechanics acer, suck (2) eoted sures {6 complex shape or poor surace conons {@) dscontiules at ele magneton fer ee "e) prmanen rece of he cal pectin V-720 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.720. Regulremens Requirement of Arle 7 3p pyle macied by te Append 1.7202 Appleton. To accommodate the exaning sion os varie of uae, gu plmercovctang Feromagnete partes I apled tothe surface instead ‘ct convention dy or suspended wet parties. Daring {he ure tino, he pperton of magnet els ese the pars to mite ad form patterns contin. Iie The poimmar ates forming am dase sold (eg. ‘ber repli) with indlenton permanenty Saeco Irene \V-721. WRITTEN PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS V.721.Raquerents. Magnetic robber techni shal ow performed in accordance with a writen rece. ‘re ta shal a2 mnie, contin the regents Ite a Tale 721 The writen procedare sal esa Tish single value, or range of values, foreach V.7212 Procedure Quaiteaion. hes procedure ule specie by the referencing Code Scion, change ofa eqtrement Tale 721 Wend ah fssenl arable shal require requalfcton ft wit ten procedure by demonsraton A change of rege: tent identified ar a nonareenal variable does aot quire requlifiation ofthe writen procedare. Al ‘hanger of eset ronesental varies rom hose Specie within the writen procedure sal require rev: on of or sn sédendum te writen procedure USE OF MAGNETIC RUBBER INIQUES V-730 EQUIPMENT V-721 MAGNETIZING APPARATUS A sulableneans for pring the mages elo. ‘sing directo rectified current except where coatings srtiveved. ld generate by seratingcorent eee ‘magnetic costings are used on external suPlaces, Gaameter rari shine shall be aed for il ‘Strength ad cretion determination. 732 MAGNETIC RUBBER MATERIALS “he materi shall be nthe form of vulcniing oly mer (reber) io emia containing ferromat. ‘ete parler The material shal be atlzed atthe tater When dimension I Feqle, the tempertare hal be eorded 733. MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH ‘Acalratedgsusmeter or atl shins sal bused to ermine ie mages el suengh and recon on Equlpped with both transverse and axl el probes. Dial oraimiar typecast meters of sata range may be ‘ed, proving they ae capable of making transverse: nd aril mecuretens. ales for (kan) or the {ne of aril shine sabe im acerdane wth 7768. 734 MAGNIFICATION Replica viewing may be aided by the wre of V-740 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 781 SURFACE PREPARATION (a) Porto magnet price examination, tes {ate tobe eamined and nace aren within est "fi (3 mm) theses of ret hall be ry ad re fal do grease, pal, int Seae and welding i, Snd ater etrines mater htc ce ‘movement ad incerfre withthe examination by Table v mm Requirements fr the Magnetic Rubber Examination Procedure eer neo a el be magn Bh Prseed gato egres ‘etc surtaceestlns eed no: be med for techn ‘oes using an aerating eure etrmaenetc yoke (2) When nonmagnetic canis are le onthe pat n the area being eramipd, esl be demonstrated eh tions cam be detected hough the ensting maximum \v-742 TAPING AND DAMNING Tepe, uty, lags, and ether supabe means hall be ‘used form dans or encapslions that wil prowde = Teeerver oconainment ool the gud ors guid htinaon and ut curing icmp, The sonatacton ftw (2) Herzl Traugh-holes lee adhesive tape ver one side ofthe toe, making pinhole the ape at the tap of te bole forrlense er daring pearing Aca, fi my be ached ith pe opty oth pene the tial polymer. {8 Plt ere Paty dae nay costed around the aren of interest to contain he gad polymer ater (6 tered Surfaces & pty reservaie may be placed with cul pemer allowing rapped att escape by lacing asmall ventholein he am best tthe aes oi terest Inverted hols maybe fe by presse eeding ‘heal plyer athe upperside ofthe danmed hole Places tube, open at each en, next oh tbe {ube Pressure feed unl te polymer overtows fom the second tobe, Remove bes when i iscompleted VorAS) RELEASE TREATMENT with the exanaton or oer surfaces may tesutn temporary adhesion of the rubber. To ands con "on the ares were the gl pyr wil en once Shallbe ented witha Talon ype release agent pir {he applician othe haul palmer Tee reese tet ‘mone agent sl nt contain icone V-750 TECHNIQUES 751 TECHNIQUES. Magnetisation tchaiques ured ate comparable to ‘hose desea in -750 Direct curentelervomagietie Jokes are he pretred ageing deve V-752._ APPLICATION OF MAGNETIC FIELD Flaws are dleplyed mare vid when» decntinay i: orened perpenilae wo the magnet ees fers. Magnetism sale apple oo atu fo ar re ection, where ro ofthe magnet ines force are ‘pproxmatelyperpendsr to each othe od a east neo the ines of force re perpendicds te sspected =) V-760 CALIBRATION 764 MAGNETIC FIELD ADEQUACY AND DIRECTION meer The rea ube earned shal be cheched 00 bron the surface tobe inspected ad noting the fl $trengit and recon othe magnet ls Arial a ‘hime a dosrbd in -7642(0) may tobe ured she ‘ces lows to determine te fed stength ahd \V-770 EXAMINATION APPLICATION OF LIQUID POLYMER MAGNETIC PARTICLE MATERIAL pated polyner magnetic partie mix shall be east oF ‘led ftom the prepared are. The maprtc Rl, ‘revouly determined wa have the required minimum field strength recommended bythe paiymer-partile ‘manulcarer shal be applied othe area of interest. A foram equal smount of ume during the cae tine ofthe guid poymer-parsise misused. When mare than te fads are tobe appli. amnimor ine nee cre: ‘on shall be alge before agetzaian i the ne tosre directo hal be bats on the mis cue time Se ded by the number of magnet elds spied 774 MOVEMENT DURING CURE Dring the cur tine ofthe gl polymer parce mi tmaveneot of he tam shall be soied fe ese incr tone te not sora. \V-776 REMOVAL OF REPLICAS carey caret ee of tela compressed ar Aas ‘fick to the examination sre. V-780 EVALUATION ()Atindeaons shal be ctalted in terms ofthe 3 {following rove replicas shal be examined visual inorder to detec any damage tothe surface of the replica When te aea a terest shows damage (When dimensional das requ a luminating agnlyng device pablo making measurement hl V-790 DOCUMENTATION For ech eration, the lowing information stall bw recorded {ads of the examination {@) procedure entiation ond reson (magnetic rubber mix = manufacturer and \aeniixton| (Gesamte ein egy he fren {) map oF record of indications for evaluation, per v8 (seep and power ef maprieation (a)materl and tienes (A) magnate parte gupment and typeof current (0) useretr mnofctare made sri umber ot artical shine eed (es sens (1 gussmeter wad) daraton ond twa ine of appiton when ore than two Feds ar appli number end exquencing of the appitons (0 temperature NONMANDATORY APPENDIX A MEASUREMENT OF TANGENTIAL FIELD STRENGTH WITH GAUSSM| ‘AT10 SCOPE ‘Ths Nnmandatory Append is used for the purpose of etalitingprocodres and qupment speciation: for nossaring the angantial applied magnetic eld ‘A-720. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Persone qualifeton requirements sal bein aor dance wit Arie in acorn with 1763, non tnd termina ape ‘A730. EQUIPMENT Cousmeter having the capably of blag se to read pc vas of el nes. The fequeng? response of {he gaaneter sab at sO Het 30 He "he Ha fec tanger’ lal probe shoul ben arg dan 02 ( mmfby On (Sonn) a seal aves ‘atimin center Ineion 2 (Sm) fam the pare Sac, robe leads sal be teed a wed to pe ‘ent reading otors Yo votage iced daring the [ge ld eanges encountered daring magne parte ‘A750. PROCEDURE Care stall be exert when measuring tangent spp fidsveng specie in 764210), The pane fhe pose must be perpediaar othe surace othe ETERS: part a the ocaton of measurement to within eg Tht tm be die to seams by Hard orton A ig ‘or ficure may be used to ensure this erientation 1 "he diveian and magnide of the tangent Fld on Hane tangent felt probe on hepa surface in the ren fimarest The deen ofthe el canbe eer ‘ned drig the application a he magn Ald by outing the tangent el probe while contact with ‘he part ul the highest ld reading obtained on gest ld i obtained, wa inate the held decon the adequacy of magnetnng efor maetona ‘Once adequate et strength hasbeen Somonsrated ‘sr artical iw shim Gnuscmeter readings may Be ‘similar configurations to wea fel intensity and ‘recon ‘4-790 DOCUMENTATION/RECORDS {ehequpmen mode and probe Sgro, {G)skeeh or drawing showing where mesuroments srmade an (liens dad direction of measurement.

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