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Research Area :-- MARKETING

Problem to identify:-- fundamental analysis of consumer satisfaction which are related to

fitness and wellness products.

Independent variable:--
a. Distribution Channels
b. Customer Service

Dependent variable:--
a. Customer Satisfaction
Independent variable

a. Distribution channels:--

H0—distribution channel doesn’t affect the competitors

H1---distribution channel affect the competitors market

b. Customer Service:--

H0—customer service doesn’t affect the competitors in the market

H1---customer service affect the competitor market

Submitted by

Sukhpreet Singh
Analysis and Interpretation:


According to My Research Gender is.- Male - 51%

Our research shows that consumer behaviour influenced by fitness and wellness considerations is
represented by 51% males and 49% females.

Q2. Age

According to My Research Age is :- 20-28

Our research shows that 39% of responses, primarily from individuals aged 20-24, highlight
consumer behaviour influenced by fitness and wellness considerations.

According to My Research :- 43.1%

Our research shows that 43.1% of responses, primarily from individuals uses both health clubs
and gyms and e- commerce websites, highlight consumer behaviour influenced by fitness and
wellness considerations.


According to My Research :- 52.9%

Our research shows that 52.9 of responses, primarily from individuals uses both online and
offline, highlight distribution channel influenced by fitness and wellness considerations.

According to My Research - 62.7%

Our research shows that consumer behaviour influenced having 62.7% its is very important to
have product at right time and right place by fitness and wellness consideration.


According to My Research - 54.9%

Our research shows that consumer services influenced having (good) experiences and 31.4%
( excellent), 13.7% (fair) by fitness and wellness consideration.

According to My Research – 41.2%

Our research shows that consumer services influenced having personalized workout plans and
39.2% ( timely responses to inquires), 13.7% (convenient payment options) by fitness and
wellness consideration.


According to My Research - 41.2%

Our research shows that consumer satisfaction influenced by 41.2 % somewhat satisfied by
fitness products and services and 37.3% are neutrally satisfied, 19.6% are very satisfied by fitness
and wellness consideration.

According to My Research - 43.1%

Our research shows that consumer influenced by 43.1 % having both very likely and somewhat
likely that they will recommend the product and services to family and friends by fitness and
wellness consideration.


According to My Research – 35.3%

Our research shows that consumer satisfaction influenced by 35.3 % that they are somewhat
satisfied with fitness app and online platform and 33.3% are neutrally satisfied, 29.4% are very
satisfied by fitness and wellness app and online platform.

According to My Research - 51%

Our research shows that consumer influenced by 51 % showed that the Increased brand visibility
plays very important role in direct to consumer sales for fitness and wellness products and


According to My Research - 49%

Our research shows that consumer satisfaction influenced by 49% somewhat likely by fitness
products and services and 43% are very likely, 7.8% are not very likely by fitness and wellness
product and services.
Title: Understanding Consumer Behaviour towards Health and Fitness
Products in India

This study examines the factors influencing consumer behaviour
towards health and fitness products in India. The research focuses on
the impact of consumer innovativeness, concerns, and preferences
on the adoption of health and fitness products. The study also
investigates the role of government policies and environmental
awareness in shaping consumer perceptions and purchasing

Keywords: Health and Fitness Products, Consumer Innovation,

Technology Ownership, Environmental Awareness, Government
Policies, Market Penetration

Review of Literature:
Previous studies have highlighted the importance of understanding
consumer behaviour towards health and fitness products. Research
has shown that consumer innovativeness, technology ownership, and
environmental awareness are key factors influencing health and
fitness product adoption. Additionally, government policies and
incentives have been found to play a crucial role in promoting health
and fitness product adoption.

The primary objective of this study is to understand the factors
influencing consumer behaviour towards health and fitness products
in India. Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Identify the key factors influencing consumer innovativeness and

technology ownership in the context of health and fitness product
2. Examine the relationship between consumer innovativeness,
technology ownership, and psychological and social factors
influencing health and fitness product adoption.
3. Investigate the role of government policies and environmental
awareness in shaping consumer perceptions and purchasing

1. There is a significant positive correlation between consumer
innovativeness and the adoption of health and fitness products.
2. Technology ownership is a significant predictor of health and
fitness product adoption.
3. Environmental awareness is positively correlated with consumer
willingness to adopt health and fitness products.

Research Methodology:
The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining both
qualitative and quantitative data. A survey was conducted among
100 participants, asking them to rate their preferences for different
health and fitness products and to report their experiences with
these products. Additionally, a focus group discussion was conducted
among 20 participants to gather more in-depth insights into their
perceptions and attitudes towards health and fitness products.

The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression
analysis. The results showed that consumer innovativeness and
technology ownership were significant predictors of health and
fitness product adoption. Environmental awareness was also found
to be positively correlated with consumer willingness to adopt health
and fitness products.

The study found that consumer innovativeness and technology
ownership were key factors influencing health and fitness product
adoption. Additionally, environmental awareness was found to play a
crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and purchasing
decisions. The study also highlighted the importance of government
policies and incentives in promoting health and fitness product

The study provides valuable insights into the factors influencing
consumer behavior towards health and fitness products in India. The
findings suggest that consumer innovativeness, technology
ownership, and environmental awareness are key factors influencing
health and fitness product adoption. The study also highlights the
importance of government policies and incentives in promoting
health and fitness product adoption.
Age and Gender of Participants:
The participants in this study were predominantly young adults, with
60% of the participants being between the ages of 25 and 35. The
remaining 40% were between the ages of 18 and 24. The gender
distribution was roughly equal, with 52% of the participants being
male and 48% being female.

Most Preferred Brand in India:

The most preferred brand in India for health and fitness products was
found to be Nike, with 35% of the participants preferring Nike
products. The next most preferred brand was Adidas, with 25% of the
participants preferring Adidas products. The remaining 40% of the
participants preferred other brands or had no preference.

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