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d]/f] of] zf]wdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf ;Dk"0f{ ;"rgf, tYof+s tyf hfgsf/L
oyfy{ /
;To 5g\. k|:t't zf]w lgtfGt] df}lns k|:t'lt xf] . zf]w lg/LIfssf] lgoldt
;Nnfx /
;'emfjsf cfwf/df of] ¿kdf k|:t't ul/Psf] xf] . zf]wdf ;dfj]z
ul/Psf ;Dk"0f{ zAb,
jfSo / ;Gbe{sf ;DaGwdf d]/f] k"0f{ lhDd]jf/L /x]sf] cjut u/fpg
rfxG5' .
ljz'4 z}lIfs k|of]hgfy{ tof/ ul/Psf] of] zf]wkqdf k|of]u ePsf
tYo /
tYof+s ;DalGwt ;+3, ;+u7g, ;+:yf / JolQmaf6 k|fKt ul/Psf x'g\ .
o;sf] cnfjf
zf]w;Fu ;DalGwt sltko ;"rgf / hfgsf/L ljleGg k':ts, k|ltj]bg,
;fef/ ul/Psf x'g\. To:tf ;"rgf / hfgsf/Lsf] ;|f]tsf] k"0f{
Joxf]/f ;DalGwt k[i7sf]
k'm6gf]6df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
oL ;Dk"0f{ ;Gbe{df tof/ ul/Psf] o; zf]wdf pNn]v ul/Psf tYo /
s'g} sdhf]/L /x]sf] cj:yfdf To;df yk ;+zf]wgsf] lglDt d tof/ 5' .
o;sf] lglDt
/rgfTds ;'emfj / ;Nnfxsf] ;b}j ck]Iff u/]sf] 5' .
dlGb/f aflgofF

k|:t't zf]w k"jf{~rn ljZjljBfno, dfgljsL tyf ;fdflhszf:q ;+sfo
cGtu{t cfd;~rf/ tyf kqsfl/tf ljefu, :gftsf]Q/ tx, rf}yf] ;]d]:6/sf]
lgwf{l/t kf7\oqmdcg';f/ zf]wkq PdPPd;Lh]sf nflu tof/ kfl/Psf] xf]
. o; zf]wnfO{ cgfjZos If]qflwsf/leq k|j]z gu/fO{ lgtfGt
zf]wljlwnfO{ cjnDag u/L zf]wsf] ljifoj:t'nfO{ oyf;So k|i6 kfg]
{ sf]l;; ul/Psf] 5 .
o; dsjgfk'/ lhNnfdf l;l;l6eL Sofd]/fn] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf
lbPsf] ;xhtf tyf r'gf}tL ljljw kIfnfO{ ;d]6\g] k|of; ul/Psf] 5 .
kl5Nnf] ;dodf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] nflu k|of]u x'Fb} cfO{/x]sf]
l;l;l6eL gofF k|ljlwsf] ljifodf vf]Hg'nfO{ ;fGble{s g} 7fg]sf] 5' .
tTsflng ;dob]lv dsjfgk'/ lhNnfn] l;l;l6eL gx'Fbf ef]u]sf] r"gf}tL /
cfO{;s]kl5sf] cj:yfsf] af/]df casf] ck/fwsf 36\gfx?df s]xL dfulgb]
{z kfpg] / Oltxf;sf] af/]df pko'Qm x'g] ePsf]n] klg of] ljifodf
zf]w cWoog u/]sf] x'F .
ck/fwn] ;fdflhs, cfly{s, /fhg}lts kl/jtg{df v]nsf] e'ldsf
cfkm}df :d/0fLo 5 . dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf Oltxf;df ck/fw lgoGq0fn]
lhNnfsf] ;du| ljsf;df v]n]sf] e'ldsf klgsd 5}g . t;y{ o; If]qdf ul/Psf
ljleGg cWoogdWo] k|:t't zf]w g} lj:t[t / ;d;fdlos x'g;Sg] d]/f]
7DofO 5 .
dlGb/f aflgofF
dsjfgk'/, g]kfn

CCTV is now something we take for granted. Many premises, streets and even homes are fitted with
such technology and it is something we have come to accept and expect. Businesses and
consumers alike can benefit from using it to boost security and to increase their peace of mind. Of
course, the CCTV systems available today are very different from earlier versions. Here is a quick
synopsis of the evolution of the technology. The earliest documented use of CCTV technology was
in Germany in 1942. The system was designed by the engineer Walter Bruch and it was set up for
the monitoring of V-2 rockets. It wasn’t until 1949 that the technology was launched on a commercial
basis. In that year, an American government contractor named Vericon began promoting the system.
These primitive solutions comprised cameras and monitors and they could only be used for live
monitoring. They did not have components that allowed users to record footage. Later, primitive reel-
to-reel recording systems were introduced to help preserve the data gathered. However, the
magnetic tapes had to be swapped manually, which was a difficult, unreliable and costly process.
Operators had to thread the tape from the reel through the recorder and onto an empty take-up real.
Unsurprisingly, such systems were rare. A major development in the history of CCTV occurred
when video cassette recordings (VCRs) became widely available in the 1970s. This technology was
quickly incorporated into surveillance systems, offering a new way for the cameras to be used. It was
no longer necessary for people to monitor the screens live. Instead, the systems could be set up and
left to run by themselves. Users could then review the information recorded as and when they
wanted to. This made CCTV much more popular among businesses.

However, it’s important to note that these solutions were far from perfect. The tapes had to be
changed on a regular basis or re-written. If users wanted to store information for any length of time,
they had to keep a library of tapes. Another significant development in the history of CCTV occurred
during the 1990s, when multiplexing solutions became available. This technology allows video
signals from a number of CCTV cameras to be combined and displayed on one monitor. For
example, it means that if a company has four security cameras, each of these video signals is
synchronised by the multiplexer and recorded on the same tape. This step forward made CCTV
solutions more efficient and it helped to increase their popularity. Progress in digital technology since
the turn of the millennium has led to further improvements. VCRs have been replaced with digital
video recorders (DVRs), making CCTV systems simpler and more user-friendly. Multiplexers are
now built into these solutions, meaning the kits are easier to install and operate. Digital systems
have also removed the need for video tapes, meaning organisations no longer have to stockpile
tapes in order to store information. Coming right up-to-date, it’s possible to purchase network video
recorders (NVRs). These systems work by encoding and processing video in cameras and then
streaming the footage to NVRs for storage or remote viewing. The solutions are particularly useful
for firms with many site locations because they allow users to view various departments at any one
time across the network or internet more easily and in higher quality than remote viewing with a DVR

Given the impressive features that CCTV products now boast and the ease with which they can be
used, it is no wonder that the technology is in such high demand.

g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ;g\ @))& ;fndf Sofd]/f OG:6n ePsf] lyof] .

PE/]hdf %) j6f htL 36\gfsf] Sofd]/fn] s}b u5{ . g]kfn k|x/Lsf]
dftxtdf clxn] @ xhf/ ;ft;o @@ j6f Sofd]/fx?sf] lgu/fgL ul//x]sf] 5
. cGo k|fO{e]6 lgsfo / ;/sf/L lgsfodf ul/ nfvf}+sf] ;+Vof
l;l;l6eL ;'rf? /x]sf] cg';Gwfg Ao'/f] g]kfn k|x/L dsjfgk'/sf] l6dn]
@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–
atfPsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df
r/0f u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg eof] . clxn] tL dWo]
tLg j6f dfq} ;~rfngdf 5g\ . tL b'O{ j6fn] klg dw'/f]
b]lvG5 . /fd|/L rn]sf 5}gg\ . lhNNff k|x/L sfof{no
dsjfgk'/sf] cg';f/ ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] lgoGq0f ug]{ lhDdf
lhNnfnfO{ g} xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf kl5Nnf]
w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfu]sf] sfof{non] hgfPsf] 5 . kfFr
dlxgfcl3 dfq} /ftf]df6]df df]6/afO{s b'3{6\gf eof],
To; 7fFpdf l;l; Sof]d/f h8fg ul/Psf]n] 36\gfsf] lj:t[t
Tolxaf6 kQf nufPsf lyP .
of] cg'zGwfg ck/fw lgoGq0f k|j[lQ, cfly{s, k|fljlws / hgzlQmsf]
cj:yfaf/] cWoog s]lGb|t 5 . ljz]ift\ ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] nfuL l;l;l6eL
Sofd]/fn] v]n]sf] e'ldsf h:tf kIf klg cWoog u/L k|:t't zf]wdf
ljZn]if0f ul/Psf]5 . ck/fw lgoGq0fdf b]lvPsf ;d:of,
sf/0f / ;dfwfgsf] pkfo vf]hL ub}{ cWoognfO{ lgisif{df k'¥ofP/
pkfox¿ ;'emfjsf] ¿kdf k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .
dlGb/f aflgofF
dsjfgk'/, g]kfn
cWofo ! M
!=! k[i7e"ld
!=!=! l;l; Sofd]/f ck/fw lgoGq0f
!=!=@ g]kfndf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] lj:tf/
!=@=# dsjfgk'/sf]
!=@=#= dsjfgk'/df P]ltxfl;s
!=@=$ l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg' cl3sf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf]
!=@=% l;l; Sofd]/f cfPkl5sf]
!=# cWoogsf]
!=$ cWoogsf]
!=% ;d:of

cWofo @
M ;flxTo ;dLIff==================================
k"j{ sfo{x¿======================================
k"j{ cg';Gwfg====================================

cWofo # M cWoog
#=!= cg';Gwfg ljlw
#=@= cWoogsf]
#=#= gd"gf 5gf}6 /
#=$= tYofÍx¿sf] k|s[lt / ljZn]if0f k|
#=%= cg';Gwfg k|
#=^= cWoogsf]
#=& cg';Gwfg k|ltj]bgsf] ;

cWofo $
tYo k|:t'lt /
$=@ dsjfgk'/df l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljsf;qmd / k|
$=@=! k|f/lDes
$=@=@ l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg'cl3sf]
$=@=#= l;l; Sofd]/f cfPkl5sf]
$=#= ck/fw
Go'lgs/0fsf ;d:of==================================
$=#=!= ef}uf]lns sl7gfO
$=#=@= ck/fwsf
$=#=#= /fhgLlts
$=#=$= ck/fw Go'lgs/0fdf
$=$= ck/flws s[ofsnfksf JotmLsf]
$=$=!= ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf hgzlQmsf]

cWofo %
lgisif{ / ;'emfj====================================
%=@= ;'emfjx¿==================================
===================================== $#
cWofo !—kl/ro
!=! k[i7e'dL
The earliest video surveillance systems involved constant monitoring because there was no way to
record and store information. The development of reel-to-reel media enabled the recording of
surveillance footage. These systems required magnetic tapes to be changed manually, which was a
time-consuming, expensive and unreliable process, with the operator having to manually thread the
tape from the tape reel through the recorder onto an empty take-up reel. Due to these shortcomings,
video surveillance was not widespread. VCR technology became available in the 1970s, making it
easier to record and erase information, and the use of video surveillance became more common. [15]
During the 1990s, digital multiplexing was developed, allowing several cameras to record at once, as
well as time lapse and motion-only recording. This saved time and money which then led to an
increase in the use of CCTV=
Recently CCTV technology has been enhanced with a shift toward Internet-based products and
systems, and other technological developments.[17]
Closed-circuit television was used as a form of pay-per-view theatre television for sports such
as professional boxing and professional wrestling, and from 1964 through 1970, the Indianapolis
500 automobile race. Boxing telecasts were broadcast live to a select number of venues, mostly
theaters, where viewers paid for tickets to watch the fight live. [18][19] The first fight with a closed-circuit
telecast was Joe Louis vs. Joe Walcott in 1948.[20] Closed-circuit telecasts peaked in popularity
with Muhammad Ali in the 1960s and 1970s,[18][19] with "The Rumble in the Jungle" fight drawing
50 million CCTV viewers worldwide in 1974, [21] and the "Thrilla in Manila" drawing 100 million CCTV
viewers worldwide in 1975.[22] In 1985, the WrestleMania I professional wrestling show was seen by
over one million viewers with this scheme. [23] As late as 1996, the Julio César Chávez vs. Oscar De
La Hoya boxing fight had 750,000 viewers.[24] Closed-circuit television was gradually replaced by pay-
per-view home cable television in the 1980s and 1990s.
Marie Van Brittan Brown first pioneered and patented a CCTV home security system, much of the
technology of which is still used in home security systems today (U.S. Patent 3,482,037).
In September 1968, Olean, New York was the first city in the United States to install video cameras
along its main business street in an effort to fight crime. [25] Another early appearance was in 1973
in Times Square in New York City.[26] The NYPD installed it in order to deter crime that was occurring
in the area; however, crime rates did not appear to drop much due to the cameras. [26] Nevertheless,
during the 1980s video surveillance began to spread across the country specifically targeting public
areas.[16] It was seen as a cheaper way to deter crime compared to increasing the size of the police
departments.[26] Some businesses as well, especially those that were prone to theft, began to use
video surveillance.[26] From the mid-1990s on, police departments across the country installed an
increasing number of cameras in various public spaces including housing projects, schools and
public parks departments.[26] CCTV later became common in banks and stores to discourage theft, by
recording evidence of criminal activity. In 1998, 3,000 CCTV systems were in use in New York City.
Experiments in the UK during the 1970s and 1980s, including outdoor CCTV in Bournemouth in
1985, led to several larger trial programs later that decade. The first use by local government was
in King's Lynn, Norfolk, in 1980. CCTV can also be used to help solve crimes. In London alone, six
crimes are solved each day through CCTV footage. [47] Sometimes, footage from CCTV cameras of
citizens can even be used for this purpose. [ Criminals may use surveillance cameras to monitor the
public. For example, a hidden camera at an ATM can capture people's PINs as they are entered,
without their knowledge. The devices are small enough not to be noticed, and are placed where they
can monitor the keypad of the machine as people enter their PINs. Images may be transmitted
wirelessly to the criminal. Even lawful surveillance cameras sometimes have their data go into the
hands of people who have no legal right to receive

g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ;g\ @))& ;fndf Sofd]/f OG:6n ePsf] lyof] .

PE/]hdf %) j6f htL 36\gfsf] Sofd]/fn] s}b u5{ . g]kfn k|x/Lsf]
dftxtdf clxn] @ xhf/ ;ft;o @@ j6f Sofd]/fx?sf] lgu/fgL ul//x]sf] 5
. cGo k|fO{e]6 lgsfo / ;/sf/L lgsfodf ul/ nfvf}+sf] ;+Vof
l;l;l6eL ;'rf? /x]sf] cg';Gwfg Ao'/f] g]kfn k|x/L dsjfgk'/sf] l6dn]
atfPsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df @)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f
u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg eof] . clxn] tL dWo] tLg j6f
dfq} ;~rfngdf 5g\ . tL b'O{ j6fn] klg dw'/f] b]lvG5 . /fd|/L rn]sf
5}gg\ . lhNNff k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf] cg';f/ ;L;L Sofd]/fsf]
lgoGq0f ug]{ lhDdf lhNnfnfO{ g} xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf
kl5Nnf] w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfu]sf] sfof{non] hgfPsf] 5 . kfFr
dlxgfcl3 dfq} /ftf]df6]df df]6/afO{s b'3{6\gf eof], To; 7fFpdf l;l;
Sof]d/f h8fg ul/Psf]n] 36\gfsf] lj:t[t Tolxaf6 kQf nufPsf lyP . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fg x'g'eGbf w]/} 36\gfx? kQf nufpgg} d'l:sn x'GYof] .
w]/} r'gf}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ug'{k/]sf] k|x/Lsf] egfO{ 5 . xfn dsjfgk'/sf
ljleGg :yfgx?df l;l;l6eL km'6]h /flvPsf] 5 . ;a}eGbf ;'?df
dsjfgk'/df x]6f}+8f cfBf]uLs If]qdf @)^& ;fndf l;l; l6eL h8fg
ul/Psf] lyof] . cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf ck/fwls s[ofsnfk a9\g]ePkl5
ToxfFsf ;~rfnsn] l;l; Sofd]/f /fv]sf lyP . cfkm\gf sd{rf/L / cfpg]
u|fxsx?nfO{ dWo] gh/ ub}{ plgx?n] Sofd]/f h8fg u/]sf] e]6\
g ;lsG5 .

!=!=! l;l; Sofd]/f ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] P]ltxfl;s

losed-circuit television utilizes video cameras in surveillance of a particular area using a limited
number of surveillance monitors. Almost all video cameras fit in the usage as the CCTV
cameras, although the ones used must have high definition for accuracy in monitoring mainly in
banks, supermarkets, casinos, airports, military institutions, and convenience stores. In most
cases, the cameras function in deterring crime from occurrence and minimizing the levels in
places where it cannot stop completely. According to Jewitt (2007), in many parts of America,
Europe, and Asia, CCTV surveillance proved one of the best ways of crime prevention as the
criminal cases decreased proportionately as more of the cameras came into existence. However,
the comfort from their use lasted no long s the people soon went back to the old ways. Old
crimes started to resurface thus a good number of people began to lose faith in the cameras. This
paper evaluates how effectively CCTV can help deal with the criminal cases with the goal of
determining the relevance and benefits of their application and use.

On one front, CCTV does a great job in prevention and reduction of the criminal activities
committed throughout the economy. However, paradoxically, there are factors that reduce the
effectiveness of the cameras. The surveillance prevents crime to high levels due to various
factors. First, the cameras provide evidence of crime hence it deems easier to track the criminals
(Murphy, 1999 p. 396). Previously, proving crimes presented some of the greatest challenges to
the courts in many countries thus many criminals did not face any charges for their crimes,
which encouraged more crimes. However, security surveillance changed the whole game and as
long as they installed them on scene before the occurrence of the crime, evidence tracking deems
more specific and reliable due to the unity of direction in investigations. In tests for their
efficiency, the cameras reduced theft and general crimes in the casinos and the parking lots in the
United Kingdom by over 51% thus they proved efficient in crime prevention. The few people
attempting crime with the cameras find themselves in court with clear evidence of their acts and
mostly get conviction.

Alarm notification is the best way that the CCTVs can function in prevention and reduction of
crime. According to Guha (2002), in most of the stores where the surveillance security applies,
the commodities or area covered deems specific and clear. The case withstanding, the security
personnel can protect the main item or area of focus by connecting it to alarm notification in case
of criminal moves. In this kind of protection, the activities and movements in a particular area
must fit into a program from which deviation alerts the alarm. Items made of glass prove the best
to secure using the automatic alarm connection because the breaking attempts fit into many
alarm programs easily. Any attempt made to break the glass trickles the alarm hence the whole
security detail gets the signal and action can follow faster. Using the automatic alarm notification
prevents the crimes from occurrence by short intervals, although the protection cannot miss the
attention of the security due to its attention demand and command.

The psychological effect of the presence of surveillance serves as the greatest step in crime
reduction and prevention. CCTV protection serves to remind the people of their security
measures that they would otherwise forget easily. Psychologically, people understand that a
place under surveillance may deem insecure if the security did not exist. In such cases, people
walking, working, or operating in the protected areas take more measures to protect their
property thus the CCTV psychologically prevents crime by influencing the potential victims. The
potential criminals can also experience the psychological effect not to commit crime in places,
which appear secured (Baum, 1997 p. 23). Robbery on moving trains in Brazil deemed so
rampant before the trains started using the CCTVs because the criminals felt no pressure in
executing the illegal activities towards the passengers. Immediately the CCTVs came to force,
the cases disappeared. The criminals understand that any evidence beyond doubt of their
activities may lead them to court (Harris et el, 1998 p. 160). Due to experiences, the criminals
also understand that the CCTVs maximally provide any evidence of crime in the areas targeted.
Psychologically, the criminals fear executing their activities as the authorities can easily catch
them. CCTVs thus affect the criminals psychologically to stop their activities.

The first cause of crime occurs as the fear that the crime will actually occur among the people.
Most of the people living in insecure areas believe that they may fall under attack any time and
become the next victims of the criminal losses. The CCTVs eradicate the fear among the people
in order to deter crime occurrence. Presence of the surveillance services assures the people that
the surveyed areas deem more secure than the areas under no surveillance hence more people
access the protected areas compared to the areas with no CCTV (Gips, 2006 p. 24). When the
number of people in a particular place increases, the criminal activities actually decrease, as there
are more witnesses in case any crime would occur. More so, targeting particular people when the
crowd deems large cannot happen easily thus the CCTV presence only can deter crime.

The CCTVs receive unlimited praise for their proven prowess in crime prevention and protection
although they do not function to maximum prevention. Deterring crime using the CCTVs may
deem tricky due to several factors. First, the criminals could easily change their target. The cost
of making sure that all the avenues for crime seal using surveillance cameras deems too high to
undertake. When a particular areas attracts attention as prone too crime, security will likely beef
up in the area and the next step likely falls to the CCTVs (Devine, 2006 p. 29). When the
criminals observe the cameras from the one look of their installation, they can plan on new
targets for their activities thus prove hard to track. The series of change in targets can go on
changing for as long as the leadership appears determined to stop the criminals. Whenever the
security agents cannot identify the exact place to put a trap for the criminals, catching up with
them toughens. The criminals seem aware of the same fact thus they utilize it to the best that they

Strict observation of the monitors may become tough if the area under surveillance deems larger
than expected. Some areas prove hard for the cameras and the observers to monitor and follow
up easily. The toughness to observe and follow the areas appears due to the cat that the place has
more cameras hence many screens’ observation must take place at the same time. When the area
watched over appears big and complicated with many people, confusions and misinterpretation
of activities can easily occur thus provide loopholes for occurrence of crime. A person can
hibernate before one camera and go unnoticed because the monitors deem a little many.
Misinterpretation of the signals sent from different points can also create loopholes for advanced
crimes in the area.

Lack of independence in the CCTV system gives a huge loophole to the criminals in case the
gang may come when organized. Guthrie (2001) infers that most of the criminals understand that
the CCTVs function with electric power and that it takes them time to readjust after the lights go
off. Consequently, an organized group of people with criminal intentions can easily undertake
criminal activities and go unnoticed if they tamper with the power line first. The transfer of the
video signals from the high definition cameras to the monitor screens occurs through signals sent
through straight transmissions. Due to advances in technology, the criminals can easily hack into
the signals and tamper with them to facilitate their criminal activities (Duguid, 2006 p. 69).

CCTV helps in monitoring and not the actual eradication of crimes. According to Guha (2002),
most of the people wonder about those who commit intentional crimes publicly. Some people
know the repercussions of the activities they engage in, especially the criminal activities yet they
still go ahead and do them. The CCTVs provide evidence that the people actually committed the
crimes but do not deter them from the same. In fact, the people may get motivation to do more
damage because they know that they get into the trap anyway. In this regard, as much as the
surveillance creates a feeling of security in a particular area, some crimes go beyond the mere
ability of surveillance thus the security agents cannot fall back and resign to the CCTVs. In
advanced cases especially with the alarm-programmed CCTVs, some activities do not deem
criminal to the CCTVs apart from the programmed crimes. People can thus commit unique
mistakes and crimes and still get away with them because the crimes do not show in the CCTV
cameras (Wilner, 2005).

At the face of it, CCTV appears as one of the most effective ways to prevent occurrence of
crimes. People with plans to undertake criminal activities cannot go ahead because they can
appear on the monitoring screens and face trial. Evidence deems circumstantial and accurate
when the CCTVs function in security. Crimes can also reduce due to the feeling of security
among the people that eradicates fear thus CCTVs yield more results that are positive. However,
the CCTV security can yield enormous setbacks especially where they do not have sufficient
monitoring. Consequently, the CCTVs show the best protection and security beef although they
should not function to replace but rather to supplement the existing security systems.

dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df, l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ePkZrft em08} Ps xhf/eGbf

a9L ck/flws 36\gfx?sf] cg'zGwfg ug{ ;kmn ePsf] k|x/Lsf]
egfO{ 5 . @)&) ;fnb]lv xfn;Dd w]/} 36\gfx? l;l; Sofd]/f dfkm{t
kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . !# xhf/ $^ 36\gfx? btf{ ePsf] dWo] Psxhf/
Sofd]/f dfkm{t kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . ;ft jif{sf] cGt/fndf of] pknAwL
d'ns /x]sf] k|x/Lsf] tYofªdf pknAw 5 . w]/}h;f] afO{srf]/Lsf 36\
gf / a}+s sf/f]af/sf 36\gfx? kTtf nfu]sf 5g\ . of] cjlwdf %)! afO{s
rf]/Lsf 36\gf / rf/ ;oeGbf a9L a}+ssf 36\gfx? ;+nUg /x]sf 5g\ .

!=!=@ g]kfndf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] lj:tf/

g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ;g\ @))& ;fndf Sofd]/f OG:6n ePsf] lyof] .
PE/]hdf %) j6f htL 36\gfsf] Sofd]/fn] s}b u5{ . g]kfn k|x/Lsf]
dftxtdf clxn] @ xhf/ ;ft;o @@ j6f Sofd]/fx?sf] lgu/fgL ul//x]sf] 5
. cGo k|fO{e]6 lgsfo / ;/sf/L lgsfodf ul/ nfvf}+sf] ;+Vof
l;l;l6eL ;'rf? /x]sf] cg';Gwfg Ao'/f] g]kfn k|x/L dsjfgk'/sf] l6dn]
atfPsf] 5 . ;'?jftg} g]kfn k|x/Ln] u/]sf] eGg] Ps cWoogn] b]vfPsf]
cem}klg l;l; Sofd]/fsf] dxTjjf/] ko{fKt hfgsf/L x'g ;s]sf] 5}g .
/fHon] ;d]t o;sf] dxTj a'em]sf] eP nufgL u/] Jofkf/Ls zx/x?
nfO{ ;'l/Ift ug{ ;SYof] t/ o;sf] dxTj a'em\g g;s]sf] cj:yf 5 .
Sofd]/f k|of]u ub{f x'g] kmfObf / j]kmfObfsf jf/]df
yf]/}nfO{ yfxf 5 . o; ljifodf hfgsf/L / r]tgfd'n's sfo{qmd ;~rfng
ug{ cfjZos 5 . l;l; Sofd]/f cj g]kfn / g]kfnLx?sf] nflu cfjZostfsf]
lrh ePsf] 5 . g]kfndf clxn] l;ldt JolQm / ;+3 ;+:yfn] dfq o;sf] k|
of]u ul//x]sf 5G . a}+s, ljQLo ;+3, ;+:yfn] k|of]u ub} cfPsf 5g\ .
ckf6{d]G6, snsf/vfgf, uf]bfd, ;'g k;n, ;'k/dfs{]6, hg;Dks{sf ;/sf/L
sfo{fnox? / dGqfnox?df klg o;sf] k|of]u j ePsf] kfO{G5 .
sf7df8f}+ dxfgu/kflnsf leqsf s]xL d'Vo :yfgx?df l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg
ul/Psf 5g\ . Go"/f]8, b/jf/dfu{ If]qsf] ;8sdf o:tf] k|ljlw h8fg
ul/Psf] 5 . kf]v/f,hgsk'/nufot :yfgdf klg h8fg ul/Psf] 5 . O6x/L,
lj/f6gu/, bdsnufotsf zx/df klg h8fg ug{ kxn eO{/x]sf] 5 .
o; ljifodf ;/sf/sf] Wofgfsif{0f x'g' h?/L 5 . Toltdfq xf]Og rf]/L,
8s}tL, xTof, ckx/0f, n'6kf6 / ;8s b'3{6gfnfO{ Go"lgs/0f ug{ klg
l;l; Sofd]/fn] 7"nf] ;xof]u k'‍{ofpg ;S5 . /fhwfgLnufot 7"nf zx/df
6«flkms hfdnfO{ sd ug{ klg ;8sx?df o:tf] k|ljlw h8fg ug{ clgjfo{
eO;s]sf] 5 . cef]/6]s ug{] k|j[lQs} sf/0f 306f} ;8s hfd x'g] u/sf
5G . s:n], sltj]nf cf]e/6]s u/]sf] xf] eg]/ 6«flkms k|x/Ln] klxrfg
ug{;ls/x]sf] 5}g . olb Toxff l;l; Sofd]/f ePsf] eP t ;j} b[io :sLgdf
j;]/ x]g{ ;lsGYof] . To;kl5 ;jf/L lgod pn\n3+g ug{]x?nfO{
sf/jfxL ug{ klg ;lhnf] kb{Yof] . vf;u/L rfOgfaf6 cfpg] l;l;
Sofd]/fx? g} nf]slk|o / u'0f:tl/ePsf] atfOG5 . tfOjfg / cd]l/sfjf6
cfpg] Sofd]/fx? cem al9 nf]slk|o dflgG5g\ .

!=@=# dsjfgk'/sf] cj:yf

ahf/ If]qdf b'3{6gf x'Fbf b'a} ;jf/LwgLn] Ps
csf{nfO{ bf]if nufpg] ub{5g\ . b'3{6gf :yndf s;}n]
gb]Vbf s;nfO{ ;f]Wg] k|x/Ln] < k|x/LnfO{ g} bf]wf/df
kfl/lbG5 . sof} hl6n 36\gfdf k|x/L cndNndf kg'{ k/]sf]
5 dfq Ps—l;l; Sofd]/fn] . x]6f}+8f ahf/df 7fFp 7fpFdf t
l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/sf] 5 t/ rfn' 5}g\ . ;Defljt cfk/flws
36gf / ;'/IffnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ d'Vo ahf/df
nufOPsf ;L;L Sofd]/f oltv]/ gfd dfq}sf 5g\ . x]6f}+8f
ahf/e/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf] 5, t/ xfn rfn' cj:yfdf
lgs}g} sd /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/n] hgfPsf]
5 . ;DalGwt lgsfosf] rf;f] ghfbf ;'/Iff r"gf}tL al9/x]sf]
@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #*
j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg ePsf] lyof] / lj:tf/} x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf]
lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg rf]sx?df
u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 h;df @! Jf6f dfq} rfn'
cj:yfdf /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosdf k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs
hoZj/ l/dfnn] hfgsf/L lbP . x]6f}+8f ahf/sf] d'Vo rf]s a'4
rf]sdf /x]sf] l;l; Sofd]/f ;d]t grn]sf] cj:yf /x]sf] k|jQmf
l/dfnn] atfP . k|x/L k|jQmf l/dfnsf cg';f/ l;l; Sofd]/fx?
dd{t eO{/x]sf] hgfPsf] 5 . k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf k|
x/L gfoj pkl/Ifs l/dfn eG5g\, ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] lgoGq0f
ug]{ lhDdf lhNnfnfO{ g} xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf
w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfUg] x'Fbf ljlu|P/ a;]sf l;l; Sofd]/fx?
l56\6} dd{t u/L rfn' ug{ pgn] hfgsf/L lbP .
clwsf+; ;L;L Sofd]/fn] sfd gu{bf cfk/flws 36gfdf ;
+nUgx¿ kQf nufpg ;d:of x'g] sfof{nosf k|x/L gfoa
pkl/Ifs l/dfnn] atfP lbP . k|b]zsf] /fhwflg ;d]t eO{;s]sf]
x]6f}+8f l;l; Sofd]/f gx'g' la8Dagf ePsf] pgn] atfP .
ultljlw lgoGq0fdf ;d:of k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs l/dfnn] u'gf;f]
u/] . pgn] ;'/Iffsf] lx;fan] x]6f}+8fsf] d'Vo rf]sdf ;L;L
l6eLsf] cfjZostf /x]sf] atfP .
dsjfgk'/ lhNnf el/ s/La !% xhf/ j6f l;l; l6eL
Sofd]/f :yfgLo k|x/L k|zf;gnfO{ yfx} glbO{ ;~rfngdf
/x]sf] tYo ;fj{hlgs ePsf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/ u[x dGqfnon] l;l;
l6eL Sofd]/f ;~rfng lgb{]lzsf klg hf/L u/]sf] 5 .
lgb{]lzsf cg';f/ Sofd]/f h8fg u/]sf] !% lbg leq l;l; Sofd]/f
;~rfng u/]sf] ldlt / :yfg, Sofd]/fn] k|efljt kfg{] If]qsf]
u'un Dofk, Sofd]/fsf] sDkgL, Ifdtf / /]s8{ ul/Psf]
8f6f ;'/lIft /xg] ;do, k|zf;gn] rfx]sf] a]nf ;a} km'6]h
pknAw u/fpg] lnlvt d~h'/L;lxt :yfgLo k|zf;g jf glhssf] k|
x/L sfo{fnodf clgjfo{ k]z ug{' kg{] x'G5 . sf]xL s;}sf]
JolQmut uf]klgotf, ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff r'gf}lt
nufotnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ ;/sf/n] lgb{]lzsf hf/L u/]sf] xf] .
t/ dsjfgk'/df ;~rfngdf /x]sf !% xhf/ Sofd]/f dWo]
d'lZsnn] s]xL ljQLo ;+:yf, a}+sx?n] dfq} Sofd]/fsf]
ljj/0f :yfgLo k|zf;gdf a'emfPsf] lhn\nf k|zf;g sfo{fno
dsjfgk'/sf ;"rgf clwsf/L b]jrG› ut{f}nfn] atfPsf 5Gg\
lgb{]lzsfsf] $ sf] s / v cg';f/ k|To]s k|x/L OsfO{n] cfkm\
gf] Onfsf If]qleq /x]sf ;a} l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljj/0f
clgjfo{ cBfjlws ug{'kg{] / ;f] ljj/0f Psd'i7 lhn\nf k|zf;g
sfo{fnonfO{ a'emfpg'kg{] lgb{]zg u/]sf] ePklg dsjfgk'/
k|x/L;Fu To:tf] ljj/0f cfh;Dd g/x]sf] dsjfgk'/ k|x/L k|
jQmf l8P;kL OG›axfb'/ /fgfn] atfPsf 5g\ . lgodfg';f/
lecfO{kL, lelecfO{kLsf] lghL hLjgdf c;/ kfg{], sf]xL
s;}sf] JolQmut uf]Kotfdf c;/ kfg{], ;'/Iff
r'gf}ltnfO{ a9fjf lbg] u/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ug{ / To:tf
b[Zo ;fj{hlgs ug{ lgif]w ul/Psf]5 . lgb{]zgsf] kfngf
gug{]nfO{ ljB'tLo sf/f]af/ P]g @)^# adf]lhd sfj{fxL
x'g] pn\n]v ul/Psf] 5 eg] dsjfgk'/df #) j6f eGbf a9L l;l;
l6eL Sofd]/f ljqmL ug{] k;n tyf l8n/x? /x]sf 5g\ .

!=@=#= dsjfgk'/df P]ltxfl;s ljsf;qmd

dsjfgk'/sf Joj;foL e'jgnfn >]i7sf cg';f/ @)^& ;fndf ;'?df cf}Bf]uLs
If]qdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ;'?jft eof] . w]/} ck/flws 36\gf / rf]/Lsf 36\
gfx? cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf a9\g yfn]kl5 Sofd]/fsf] k|of]hg ul/Psf]
pgsf] egfO{ 5 . o;sf] nflu ef/taf6 Sofd]/f NofO{Psf] pgsf]
egfO{ 5 . To; kZrft x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfn] l;l; Sofd]/f cfkm\
gf] sfof{nodf /fVof] . sfof{nodf b}lgs rf]/L x'g yfn]kl5 To:tf 36\
gfnfO{ dWo gh/ ub}{ pkdxfgu/kflnsfn] /fv]sf] xf] . @)&) ;fndf
cfO{;s] kZrft @)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #*
j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg ePsf] lyof] / lj:tf/} x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf]
lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg rf]sx?df
u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 .
lj=; @)^% ;fnsf] k|x/Lsf] tYofªnfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg], @^
% j6f ck/fwsf 36\gf btf{ ePsf 5g\ eg], @)&% ;fnsf] 36\
gfnfO{ x]bf{ ()% 36\gf /x]sf] 5 . o; cjlwdf sl/a
Ps ;oeGbf a9L 36\gfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] /fd|f] e'dLsf v]n]sf]
k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfgdf v'n]sf] 5 . k|x/Ln] l;l; Sofd]/fn]
ubf{ cg'zGwfgdf /fd|f] ;3fp k'u]sf] ;d]t atfP . x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsf / cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf Tof] a]nfdf l;l;
Sofd]/f hf]8\bf ck/flws s[ofsnfkdf lgs}g} sdL cfPsf]
e'jgnfn >]i7sf] egfO{ lyof] . >]i7 dsjfgk'/sf] k'/fgf
Joj;foL x'g . pgnfO{ l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/flws s[ofsnfk
v]n]sf] e'ldsfsf] af/]df /fd|f];+u hfgsf/ /x]sf] 5g\ . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fg x'bf o:tf n'6kf6 rf]/L 8s}tL, nfu'cf}ifw k|
of]u / a]rljifg ug{] JolQmsf] ;xh} klxrfg ug{ ;lhnf] x'g]
lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf k|x/L k|d'v k|x/L
pkl/Ifs ;f]d]Gb| /f7f}/n] hfgsf/L u/fP . /fhdfu{df x'g]
ofq' / oftfoft dhb'/ Jojf;oLx?sf] pl5În ultljwL lgoGq0f
ug{ klg Sofd]/f ;xof]uL x'g] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;Dkltdfly
tf]8kmf]8 ug{], ;fj{hlgs :yndf P]g lgodljkl/tsf
lqmofsnfk ug{]x?nfO{ Sofd]/fsf] dfWodaf6 /f]Sg ;lsg]
P;kL /f7f}/ atfFp5g\ . …w]/} dfG5]nfO{ ;r]t u/fPsf] 5 .
rf}sdf lx8\g] x/]s dflg;x? cfkm" Sofd]/fsf] lgu/fgLdf
5f} eGg ;r]tgf a9]sf] 5 .
dsjfgk'/ pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfnn] eg] –
…dlxnfafnaflnsf ;'/lIft x'G5g\, /fqL Jofj;fosf]
klg ;Defjgf a9\g] 5 . ;'/Iff, hgr]tgfnufot x/]s b[li6df
Sofd]/f kmnbfos ePsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/df b}lgs xhf/ eGbf
a9L ;jf/L ;fwgx? cfjfudg x'g] u/]sf] 5 eg] ofq'x?sf] rfk
klg Tolt g} w]/} x'g] u/]sf] 5 . h;sf] sf/0f b'3{6gf;fu}
cJojl:yt kfls{ª x'g] / rf]/Lsf 36gfnfO{ klg lgoGq0f
ug{ ;lsg] ePsfn] l;l;l6eL dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf] cWoIf
s6'jfnn] atfP . …b}lgs xhf/f}+ a9L ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk
x'G5, Tof] cj:yfdf s] eO/x]sf] 5 Tof] lgofNg] ;lsg] 5,
pgn] eg] .
!=@=$ l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg' cl3sf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf

dsjfgk'/sf] l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg'eGbf cl3 ck/flws ls|ofsnfksf]

Oltxf;nfO{ s]nfpFbf b'O{ efudf ljefhg u/]/ x]g{'kg{]
x'G5 . l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg' cl3 / kl5sf] cj:yf . tTsflng ;dosf]
b:tfj]h / clen]v ge]l6g] xF'bf tTsflng ;dosf] Oltxf; cem}
vf]tNg' cfjZos 5 . l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg'eGbf cl3
k|x/LnfO{ 36\gf cg'zGwfgdf w]/} ;d:ofx? cfO{kg]
{ dsjfgk'/sf k|x/L gfoj pkl/Ifs hoZj/ l/dfnn] hfgsf/L
u/fP . dsjfgk'/sf] ck/flws s[ofsnfknfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg]
Tof] ;dodf lgs} sl7gfO{ /x]sf] sfof{nosf] tYofªn]
b]vfPsf] 5 .
@)^% ;fndf dsjfgk'/df b'O{;o ^% j6f ck/flws d'4f
btf{ ePsf lyP . h;df lgj]bg kg]{dfq} !@@ j6f lyof] .
w]/}h;f] df]6/jfO{s x/fPsf] eGg] lgj]bg k/]sf] k|x/L
l/dfnn] hfgsf/L u/fP . tL df]6/jfO{s hDdf Tof] ;dodf ^
j6fdfq} km]nf kfg{ ;kmn eP . Tof] ;dodf df]6/jfO{s
x]6f}+8fsf d'Vo rf]saf6g} x/fpg] u/]sf] lyof] .
clxn]sf] ;do h:tf] lyPg Tof] ;do . l;l; Sofd]/f gx'Fbf
dlGb/sf] 306L ;d]t rf]/L ePsf] 36\gfx?sf] ;Demgf w]/}
a'9fkfsfx?nfO{ ofbg} /x]5 . x]6f}+8fdf l;l; Sofd]/f
x'Fbf w]/} ck/flws s[ofsnfkx? a9]sf] tYofª lhNnf k|x/L
sfof{no dsjfgk'/;+u 5 . w]/} 36\gfx? kQf nufpg g;s]sf]
w]/} tYofªn] b]vfFp5 .
ljz]ift\ rf]/Lsf 36\gfx?df l;l; Sofd]/f gx"Fbf sl7gfO{ x'g]
u/]sf] k|ltqmLof lbG5g\ . @)^^ ;fndf dfq} *% j6f
rf]/Lsf 36\gf d'4f btf{ ePsf] lyof] t/, To;df % j6fdfq}
36\gfsf] cg';Gwfg ;kmn ePsf] tYofªn] b]vfPsf] 5 .
rf]/Lsf] 36\gfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] w]/}g} d4t k'Ug] atfFp5g\

!=@=% l;l; Sofd]/f cfPkl5sf] cj:yf

@)^& ;fndf cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf /x]sf] x]6f}+8f

l;d]G6df /flvPsf] l;l; Sofd]/fg} dsjfgk'/sf] klxnf] Sofd]/f
xf] . Tof;+u} @)^* ;fndf x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfn]
cfkm\gf] sfof{no ;'/Iffsf] nflu /flvPsf] a'emLG5 .
gu/kflnsfn] s]lx ;do l;l; Sofd]/f rnfpg ;kmn ePtfklg lardf
/f]lsPsf] lyof] . Sofd]/f lau|LP kZrft s]lx ;do aGb ePsf]
lyof] . Tof] ;dodf klg w]/} sfof{nodf x'g] rf]/Lsf 36\
gfx? a9\]sf] k'/fgf sd{rf/L ljs] dxh{gn] hfgsf/L u/fP .
To; kZrft lj:tf/} lhNnf k|zf;g dsjfgk'/n] ;d]t /fVg yfNof]
cfkm\gf] sfof{no ;'/Iffsf] nflu . lhNnfsf] le8ef8 x'g] :yfg
dWo] k|zf;g sfof{no klg Ps xf] . em08}+ Psjif{sf]
cGt/fndf @)^( ;fndf lhNnf k|Zff;gn] l;l; Sofd]/f cfkm\
gf] sfof{nodf /fv]sf] lyof] . @)&) ;fndf lhNnf k|x/L
sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf] lgu/fgL / dsjfgk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;
+3n] !% j6f l;l; Sofd]/f /fVof] . x]6f}+8f ahf/sf] d'Vo
rf]sx?df /fVg ;kmn ePsf] lyof] .
clxn] lhNnfsf] ljleGg 7fFpx?df l;l; Sofd]/f /flvPsf] 5 .
Tof] sf/0fn] klg k|x/LnfO{ rf]/Lsf 36\gf, ck/fwsf 36\
gfsf] nflu lgs} ;xh ePsf] 5 . x/]s :yfgdf rf]/Lsf 36\gf
x'Gbf l;l; Sofd]/f x]/]/g} kQf nufpg] u/]sf] 5g\ . x]6f}
+8fdf Psjif{sf] cjlwdf ^ ;o df]6/jfO{s rf]/Lsf em08}
%)) xf/fx/Ldf e]l6Psf] 5 Tof] Sofd]/f dfkm{t g} e]6\
g ;kmn ePsf] l8P;kL hoZj/ l/dfnn] hfgsf/L u/fP . x/]s
7fFpsf rf]/Lsf 36\gf b]lv lnP/, xTof tyf cGo 36\gfdf l;l;
Sofd]/fsf] kl5Nnf] ;do k|of]u x'g] u/]sf] k|ltqmLof
lbG5g\ . l;l; Sofd]/fn] w]/}g} ;xof]u ul//x]sf] k|x/Lsf] k|
ltqmLof 5 . x/]s :yfgdf l;l; l6eL Sofd]/f x'g]
ePsf]n] ;lhnf] 5 . k|x/Ln] cem} rf]ssdf uNnLx?df
/fVg ;d]t dfu u/]sf 5g\ .
!=# cWoogsf] p2]Zo

dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf] l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf

k'¥ofPsf] ljut, jt{dfg, 6«]08, ;'?jftb]lv xfn;Dd tYofªsf]
cj:yf s]nfpg' of] cWoogsf] p4]Zo /x]sf] 5 . xfdLn] o;cl3
klg l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw Go'lgs/0f e'ldsfsf] af/]df
rrf{ ul/;s]sf 5f}+ . g]kfn h:tf] ljsf;f]Gd'v /fi6«sf] ck/fw
lgoGq0f If]qsf] cj:yf, ;d:of, r'gf}tL, cj;/ ;dfg k|sf/s}
5g\ . dsjfgk'/ lhNnf Ps k|ltlglwd'ns lhNnf x'g ;S5 .
dsjfgk'/sf] ljz]iftf, ;s/fTds / gs/fTds kf6f]x¿ ;dfg x'g
hfG5g\ . o; cy{df of] klg eGg ;lsG5 sL dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf]
ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cWoogaf6 cGo lhNnfsf] klg k|j[lQ
kQf nfUg ;S5 . l;l; Sofd]/f gx'Fbfsf] k|x/LnfO{ kfg]
{ r'gf}tL tyf ;d:ofx? of] ;a} ;dfg 5g\ .
kl5Nnf] ;do l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf /fd|f] e'ldsf
lgjf{x ul//x]sf] 5 . l;l; Sofd]/fs} s'/f ubf{ ;fdflhs
pQ/bfoL Joj;fo x'Fbfx'Fb} klg o;df gfkmf, 3f6f
x]g{ yflnPsf] 5, Joj;flostfsf] b[li6sf]0faf6 of] hfoh klg
x'g ;Snf . ;dfh;]jfs} p4]Zoaf6 ;~rflnt ePsf l;l; Sofd]/f
To;df ;+nUg Joj:yfksLo kf6f] g]t[Tj cfly{s ¿kdf 6f6
klN6sf sog pbfx/0fx¿ 5g\ . l;l; Sofd]/fx? y'k|} lau|LPsf]
cj:yfdf e]6\g ;lsG5 .
o; cWoogdf log} k|;Fusf] k[i7e"lddf cln km/s ljifosf]
vf]hL ul/g] 5
of] cg';Gwfgsf] p2]Zo b]xfo adf]lhd /x]sf] 5 M
!=dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf
k'¥ofPsf] ljsf;qmd cWoog ug]{ .
@=ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cfly{s, k|ljlw / hgzlQmsf] cj:yf
yfxf kfpg] .
#= ck/fw lgoGq0fdf ;d:of ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ klxrfg
u/L ;'emfj k|:t't ug]{ .

!=$ cWoogsf] cf}lrTo

The earliest documented use of CCTV technology was in Germany in 1942. The system was
designed by the engineer Walter Bruch and it was set up for the monitoring of V-2 rockets. It wasn’t
until 1949 that the technology was launched on a commercial basis. In that year, an American
government contractor named Vericon began promoting the system. These primitive solutions
comprised cameras and monitors and they could only be used for live monitoring. They did not have
components that allowed users to record footage. Later, primitive reel-to-reel recording systems
were introduced to help preserve the data gathered. However, the magnetic tapes had to be
swapped manually, which was a difficult, unreliable and costly process. Operators had to thread the
tape from the reel through the recorder and onto an empty take-up real. Unsurprisingly, such
systems were rare. A major development in the history of CCTV occurred when video cassette
recordings (VCRs) became widely available in the 1970s. This technology was quickly incorporated
into surveillance systems, offering a new way for the cameras to be used. It was no longer
necessary for people to monitor the screens live. Instead, the systems could be set up and left to run
by themselves. Users could then review the information recorded as and when they wanted to. This
made CCTV much more popular among businesses.

g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df ;g\ @))& ;fndf Sofd]/f OG:6n ePsf] lyof] .

PE/]hdf %) j6f htL 36\gfsf] Sofd]/fn] s}b u5{ . g]kfn k|x/Lsf]
dftxtdf clxn] @ xhf/ ;ft;o @@ j6f Sofd]/fx?sf] lgu/fgL ul//x]sf] 5
. cGo k|fO{e]6 lgsfo / ;/sf/L lgsfodf ul/ nfvf}+sf] ;+Vof
l;l;l6eL ;'rf? /x]sf] cg';Gwfg Ao'/f] g]kfn k|x/L dsjfgk'/sf] l6dn]
atfPsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df @)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f
u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg eof] . clxn] tL dWo] tLg j6f
dfq} ;~rfngdf 5g\ . tL b'O{ j6fn] klg dw'/f] b]lvG5 . /fd|/L rn]sf
5}gg\ . lhNNff k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf] cg';f/ ;L;L Sofd]/fsf]
lgoGq0f ug]{ lhDdf lhNnfnfO{ g} xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf
kl5Nnf] w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfu]sf] sfof{non] hgfPsf] 5 . kfFr
dlxgfcl3 dfq} /ftf]df6]df df]6/afO{s b'3{6\gf eof], To; 7fFpdf l;l;
Sof]d/f h8fg ul/Psf]n] 36\gfsf] lj:t[t Tolxaf6 kQf nufPsf lyP . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fg x'g'eGbf w]/} 36\gfx? kQf nufpgg} d'l:sn x'GYof] .
w]/} r'gf}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ug'{k/]sf] k|x/Lsf] egfO{ 5 . xfn dsjfgk'/sf
ljleGg :yfgx?df l;l;l6eL km'6]h /flvPsf] 5 . ;a}eGbf ;'?df
dsjfgk'/df x]6f}+8f cfBf]uLs If]qdf @)^& ;fndf l;l; l6eL h8fg
ul/Psf] lyof] . cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf ck/fwls s[ofsnfk a9\g]ePkl5
ToxfFsf ;~rfnsn] l;l; Sofd]/f /fv]sf lyP . cfkm\gf sd{rf/L / cfpg]
u|fxsx?nfO{ dWo] gh/ ub}{ plgx?n] Sofd]/f h8fg u/]sf] e]6\
g ;lsG5 .

;sf/fTds / gsf/fTds kIfnfO{ s]nfP/ l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw

lgoGq0f Oltxf;sf] vfsf tof/ ug{ of] zLif{s ;fGble{s dfg]/
5gf]6 ul/Psf] xf] . lhNnfsf nflu of] cWoog Ps ;fGble{s /
pkof]uL b:tfj]h aGg ;Sg]5 . ck/fw lgoGq0f Oltxf;af/]
hfgsf/L lng / Oltxf; vf]tNg rfxg]sf] nflu 1fg / cj;/ k|bfg
ug]{5 . oxL clek|fon] cWoog cfjZos 7flgPsf] xf] .
cWoogdf k|:t't ul/Psf ;'emfj ck/fw lgoGq0fdf
yk ;xof]usf] nflu gLlt, lgdf{0f ug]{
;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ emSemsfpF5 eGg] ljZjf; klg ul/Psf] 5 .

!=% ;d:of syg

lhNnfdf ljlwjt ?kdf ;~rfngdf cfPsf] &( l;l; Sofd]/fsf] lgoldt
sfo{ ck/fw lgoGq0fsf nflu ;~rfng eO{/x]sf] 5 . ut xKtf dfq}
x]6f}+8f—! /flKt/f]8df b'O{ df]6/afO{s Pscfk;df 7f]Sof] . k|x/L
To; 36\gfsf] cg';Gwfg ug{] qmddf cndNn k¥of] .sf/0f lyof],
b'a} ;jf/LwgLn] Ps cs{fnfO{ bf]if nufpg] . ToxfF b]Vg sf]lx
lyPgg\ s;nfO{ ;f]Wg] k|x/Ln] o; 36\gfn] k|x/LnfO{ g} bf]wf/df
kfl/lbof] . of] t s]an ;fdfGo 36\gfsf] eof] . sof} hl6n 36\gfdf k|x/L
cndn\ndf kg{' k/]sf] 5 dfq Ps—l;l; Sofd]/fn] . x]6f}+8f ahf/df
7fFp 7fpFdf t l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/sf] 5 t/ rfn' 5}G . ;Defljt
cfk/flws 36gf / ;'/IffnfO{ dWogh/ ub{} d'Vo ahf/df nufOPsf ;L;L
Sofd]/f oltv]/ gfd dfq}sf 5g\ . x]6f}+8f ahf/e/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg
ul/Psf] 5, t/ xfn rfn' cj:yfdf lgs}g} sd /x]sf] lhn\nf k|x/L sfo{fno
dsjfgk'/n] hgfPsf] 5 . ;DalGwt lgsfosf] rf;f] ghfbf ;'/Iff r"gf}tL
al9/x]sf] 5 .

@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg

eof] . clxn] tL dWo] tLg j6f dfq} ;~rfngdf 5g\ . tL b'O{ j6fn] klg
dw'/f] b]lvG5 . /fd|/L rn]sf 5}gG . k|x/L lgl/Ifs dw's'df/ yfkf
eG5g\, ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] lgoGq0f ug{] lhDdf lhNnfnfO{ g}
xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf kl5n\nf] w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfu]sf] yfkf
atfpF5g\ . pgn] eg], kfFr dlxgfcl3 dfq} /ftf]df6]df df]6/afO{s
b{'36gf eof], To; 7fFpdf l;l; Sof]d/f h8fg ul/Psf]n] 36\gfsf] lj:t[t
Tolxaf6 kQf nufFof} .
clwsf+; ;L;L Sofd]/fn] sfd gu{bf cfk/flws 36gfdf ;+nUgx¿ kQf
nufpg ;d:of x'g] sfo{fnosf k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs o1 k|;fb e6«fO{n] k|
ltqmLof lbP . k|b]zsf] /fhwflg ;d]t eO{;s]sf] x]6f}+8f l;l; Sofd]/f
gx'g' la8Dagf ePsf] pgn] atfP . s]lx /f]8df 36]sf 36\gf tyf rf]/Lsf]
36gfdf ;+nUg /x]sf k|x/Ln] xfn;Dd kqmfp ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . ;L;L
Sofd]/fsf] s'g} klg lgsfon] xfn;Dd ah]6 pknAw gu/fPsf] pBf]u
jfl0fHo ;+3 dsjfgk'/sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfnn] atfP . t/ klg dd{tdf g
t :yfgLo ;/sf/n] Wofg lbPsf] 5 g t cGo lgsfon] g} .;+3sf cWoIf
s6'jfn eG5G, …dd{tsf] nflu tof/L eO/x]sf] 5 . xfdLn] 5nkmn
ul//x]sf 5f}+ . s6'jfnn] eg], casf] PsxKtf leqdf s]lx a}+sn] ah]6
pkn\aw u/fpg] eg]sf] 5 To; kZrft xfdL o; l;l; Sofd]/f h8fgdf nflu
k5{f} .
lhNnf k|x/L l;l; Sofd/f gx'Fbf cfk/flws ultljlw lgoGq0fdf ;d:of k|
x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs e6«fO{n] u'gf;f] u/] . pgn] ;'/Iffsf] lx;fan] x]6f}
+8fsf] d'Vo rf]sdf ;L;L l6eLsf] cfjZostf /x]sf] atfP . x]6f}+8f
ahf/ If]q ;'dfu{L sdKn]S;, x]6f}+8f Psj6f / rfO{gf u]6df b'O{ j6f
rfn'df /x]sf] 5 . e'sDk tyf jif{fsf] sf/0fn] lau|LPsf] ptm l;l; Sofd]/f
ljut kfFr dlxgfb]lv ylGsPsf 5g\
lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf ljleGg k|x/L clwsf/Lx?;+u ul/Psf]
s'/fsfgLdf cfwfl/t ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿sf] rf;f] lrGtf klg ;s/fTds ¿kdf
lng ;lsG5 . lhNnfsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] k|j[lQ s;/L cl3 a9]sf] 5 <
lhNNffdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgcj:yf s:tf] 5 < ck/fw
lgoGq0f ;Defjgf / r'gf}tL s] x'g\ < sltko 36\gf cg'zGwfg ;kmn
gx'g'sf] sf/0f s] x'g\< cflYf{s kf6f] s] 5 <eGg] ljifodf of] cWoog
s]lGb|t 5 .

cWofo @ M ;flxTo ;dLIff

@=! k"j{ sfo{x¿=
clxn] dsjfgk'/df ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] nflu l;l; Sofd]/fn] 7'nf] e'ldsf
lgjf{xf ul//x]sf] 5 . Oltxf;, tYo / tYofs+n] oL s'/fsf] k'i6L u/]sf
5g\ . l;l; Sofd]/fn] cg';Gwfgdf k'¥ofPsf 36\gfx?
dxTjk"0f{ dflgPsf] 5 . l;l; Sofd]/fn] lhNNffdf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf]
nflu u/]sf] of]ubfg eg] Tolt nfdf] x'g ;s]sf] 5}g\ . t/ klg
nfdf] ;do;Dd u/]sf] h:t} b]vfFPsf] 5 of] !) jif{sf] cGt/fndf . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fgdf cfPkl5 w]/} rf]/Lsf 36\gfx? lgoGq0fdf cfPsf]
kfO{G5 . o2kL rf]/Lsf 36\gf lgoGq0fdf cfPsf] eGg] rflx xf]O{g
t/ klg w]/}g} cg';Gwfgdf ;kmn ePsf] dflgG5 .
. l;l; Sofd]/f lhNnfdf h8fg eO{ ck/fwsf 36\gfx? lgoGq0fdf cfPsf]
sl/a Ps bhzs gfl3;s]sf] 5 . ljleGg cf/f]x cj/f]x kf/ ub}{ dsjfgk'/sf]
cg';Gwfgsf] 36\gfdf Oltxf; /r]klg xfn;Dd o;sf] af/]df uxg cWoog,
Jojl:yt / a:t'lgi7 cWoog, cg';Gwfg ug]{ / To;nfO{ lnlkj4 ug]{ sfd
ePsf] kfOb}g . ck/fw tyf cGo ck/fw ;DaGwL ljifodf lhNnfdf k|
z:t cWoog ePsf kfOG5g\ . t/, klg sltko 7fFpdf l;l; Sofd]/f lau|Ls}
sf/0fn] ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf sl7gfO{ ePsf] b]Vg ;lsG5 .
o;sf] ljifodf ;dfrf/x? t ag] t/ lsg l;l; Sofd]/f ag]g\< lsg ck/fw
cg';Gwfg c;kmn eP eGg] uxg cWoog, cg';Gwfg eg] ePsf]
kfOb}g . ljleGg tYofªnfO{ Ps} 7fpFdf hDdf u/]/ To;nfO{ Plss[t
u/]sf] v08df klg ck/fw lgoGq0fsf ljsf;qmd, k|j[lQ / Oltxf; a'em\
g ;xh x'g] b]lvG5 . dsjfgk'/sf ljleGg ;+3 ;+u7gn] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf
nflu cfkm\gf ultljlw cWofjlws u/]sf] kfOG5 . ck/fw lgoGq0fdf
l;l; Sofd]/fsf] yfngL, k|j[lQ, ;d:of, r'gf}tL cj;/ k|sflzt ug]{ u/]sf
5g\ .
@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #*
j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg ePsf] lyof] / lj:tf/} x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf]
lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg rf]sx?df
u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 h;df @! Jf6f dfq} rfn'
cj:yfdf /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosdf k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs
hj]Zj/ l/dfnn] hfgsf/L lbP .
dsjfgk'/ lhNnf el/ s/La !% xhf/ j6f l;l; l6eL
Sofd]/f :yfgLo k|x/L k|zf;gnfO{ yfx} glbO{ ;~rfngdf
/x]sf] tYo ;fj{hlgs ePsf]5 . g]kfn ;/sf/ u[x dGqfnon] l;l;
l6eL Sofd]/f ;~rfng lgb{]lzsf klg hf/L u/]sf] 5 .
lgb{]lzsf cg';f/ Sofd]/f h8fg u/]sf] !% lbg leq l;l; Sofd]/f
;~rfng u/]sf] ldlt / :yfg, Sofd]/fn] k|efljt kfg{] If]qsf]
u'un Dofk, Sofd]/fsf] sDkgL, Ifdtf / /]s8{ ul/Psf]
8f6f ;'/lIft /xg] ;do, k|zf;gn] rfx]sf] a]nf ;a} km'6]h
pknAw u/fpg] lnlvt d~h'/L;lxt :yfgLo k|zf;g jf glhssf] k|
x/L sfo{fnodf clgjfo{ k]z ug{' kg{] x'G5 . sf]xL s;}sf]
JolQmut uf]klgotf, ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff r'gf}lt
nufotnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ ;/sf/n] lgb{]lzsf hf/L u/]sf] xf] .
t/ dsjfgk'/df ;~rfngdf /x]sf !% xhf/ Sofd]/f dWo]
d'lZsnn] s]xL ljQLo ;+:yf, a}+sx?n] dfq} Sofd]/fsf]
ljj/0f :yfgLo k|zf;gdf a'emfPsf] lhn\nf k|zf;g sfo{fno
dsjfgk'/sf ;"rgf clwsf/L b]jrG› ut{f}nfn] atfPsf 5Gg\
lgb{]lzsfsf] $ sf] s / v cg';f/ k|To]s k|x/L OsfO{n] cfkm\
gf] Onfsf If]qleq /x]sf ;a} l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljj/0f
clgjfo{ cBfjlws ug{'kg{] / ;f] ljj/0f Psd'i7 lhn\nf k|zf;g
sfo{fnonfO{ a'emfpg'kg{] lgb{]zg u/]sf] ePklg dsjfgk'/
k|x/L;Fu To:tf] ljj/0f cfh;Dd g/x]sf] dsjfgk'/ k|x/L k|
jQmf l8P;kL OG›axfb'/ /fgfn] atfPsf 5g\ . lgodfg';f/
lecfO{kL, lelecfO{kLsf] lghL hLjgdf c;/ kfg{], sf]xL
s;}sf] JolQmut uf]Kotfdf c;/ kfg{], ;'/Iff
r'gf}ltnfO{ a9fjf lbg] u/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ug{ / To:tf
b[Zo ;fj{hlgs ug{ lgif]w ul/Psf]5 . lgb{]zgsf] kfngf
gug{]nfO{ ljB'tLo sf/f]af/ P]g @)^# adf]lhd sfj{fxL
x'g] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 eg] dsjfgk'/df #) j6f eGbf a9L l;l;
l6eL Sofd]/f ljqmL ug{] k;n tyf l8n/x? /x]sf 5g\ .
cWofo#M cWoog ljlw

#=!= cg';Gwfg ljlw

k|:t't zf]w cWoogdf ljleGg ljlwx¿sf] k|of]u ePsf]
5 . ;f]xL ljlwsf cfwf/df cWoog / ljZn]if0f u/L lgisif{df
k'lUfPsf] xf] . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no dsjfgk'/df l;l;
Sofd]/fsf] ljj/0f ;f] cflwsfl/s lgsfoaf6 tL xfn;Ddsf] cj:yf
;DjlGwt k|ToIf pkl:yt eO cjnf]sg, cWoog, ljZn]if0f
ul/Psf] 5 . of] cWoogdf k|fylds / dfWolds tYof+s
ljZn]if0f u/L lgisif{ lgsflnPsf] 5 .
k|:t't cWoog;Fu ;DjlGwt o; ljifo;sf km/s–km/s ljwfsf
sl/a !) hg lj1;Fu ;+/lrt cGtjf{tf{ ljlw4f/f k|fylds tYof+s ;
+sng ul/Psf] 5 . cGtjf{tf{sf nflu ;xh gd"gf ljlw k|of]u
ul/Psf] lyof] . ljifo;Fu ;DjlGwt ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] tYofª
ljlw;d]t cjnDag ul/Psf] 5 . k|:t't ljifodf zf]w k|:tfj kfl/t
ePkl5 tYof+s ;+sng / cGtjf{tf{ yflnPsf] lyof] . l4tLos ;|
f]tsf ¿kdf o;cl3 k|sflzt ;fdfu|Lsf] ;d]t cWoog, ljZn]if0f
ul/Psf] 5 .
dsjfgk'/df ck/fw lgoGq0fsf l;l; Sofd]/fn] v]n]sf] e'ldsf<
s;/L ;'?jft eof] < k|j[lQ -6«]08_ s:tf] 5 < s] s:tf ;d:of b]lv
k/] . ck/fw lgoGq0fdf :yfgLo txaf6 s:tf] e"ldsf lgjf{x
eof] < cflb kIfsf] cWoog k|:t't zf]wdf ePsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/
lhNnfdf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf b]lvPsf ;d:of, k|j[lQ sd ub}
{ o; If]qsf] ljsf;df cem s] ug{ ;lSg5 eGg] ;jfndf
plrt ;'emfj;d]t ;d]6\b} k|:t't zf]wnfO{ a}1flgs / tfls{s
lgisif{df k'ofpg lgDg
ljlwnfO{ ckgfOPsf] 5 M
– ljleGg sfof{nosf] tYofª
– ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo;+usf] cGtjf{tf{
– cWoog, cjnf]sg
ljleGg sfof{no ljlw cGtu{t lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no
dsjfgk'/, dsjfgk'/ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3, x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsf / lhNNff k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf]
cGtu{tdf uP/ tYofª ;+sng ul/Psf] lyof] . ljleGg k|ltj]bg ;
+sng u/L cWoog ul/Psf] 5 .
lhNnf k|Zff;gdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ;'?jft, To:t} lhNnfdf
ck/fw lgoGq0fdf v]n]s]f e'ldsf ;s]kl5 ;xh gd"gf 5gf]6
ljlwaf6 5flgPsf ;Da4 If]qsf % hgf;Fu k|ToIf ¿kdf
cGtjf{tf{ lnOPsf] 5 . k"j{lgwf{l/t p2]Zodf k'Ug ;+/lrt k|
ZgfjnL ljlwaf6 ljleGg ;dodf cGtjf{tf{ ;~rfng ul/of] .
dsjfgk'/sf k'/fgf Joj;ofL Ps hf] xfn;Dd klg lg/Gt/ s[oflzn
x'g'x'G5, To:t} sfof{nosf k|d'v Ps÷Ps u/L kfFr hgf;Fu
k"j{lgwf{l/t k|Zg ;f]w]/ tYof+s, hfgsf/L, ljrf/ lnOof] .
k'/fgf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] ljifodf k|ToIf e]6af6 /
6]lnkmf]gaf6 ;d]t s'/fsfgL u/Lklqsf l;l; Sofd]/fsf]
cj:yfaf/] hfgsf/L lnOof] .
dsjfgk'/ Joj;foLdf ;xof]u k'/fpg] pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf
kbflwsf/L tyf ;b:ox? ;d]t k|ToIf e]6]/ s'/fsfgL ul/Psf] 5 .
oL ljlwaf6 k|fylds / dfWolds tYof+s ;+sng ePkl5 ;f]xL
cfwf/df cWoog, ljZn]if0f u/L lgrf]8df k'luPsf] 5 . k|:t't
cWoogdf cjnf]sgljlwaf6 klg cWoog, ljZn]if0f u/L
lgisif{df k'u]/ ;'emfj k|:t't ul/Psf] xf] . dsjfgk'/df ck/fw
lgoGq0fdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljsf; s;/L eof], oxfFsf ck/fw
lgoGq0fsf k|j[lQ s:tf] 5, l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ePklg lsg
lgoldt rNg ;s]sf] 5}g\, k|fljlws / hgzlQmsf] cj:yf s] 5,
ck/fw cg'zGwfgdf ef]uL /x]sf k|x/Lx?sf] ;d:of <
h:tf ;jfndf ;'Id cWoog / ljZn]if0f u/L
lgrf]8;lxt ;d:of ;fdfwfgfy{ ;'emfj lbOPsf] 5 .
#=@= cWoogsf] 9fFrf=
k|:t't zf]w cWoogdf JofVofTds / ljZn]if0ffTds u/L b'O{y/L 9fFrf
ul/Psf] 5 . ljZjdf ePsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf nflu l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljsf;,
g]kfnsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf Sofd]/fsf] ljsf;, df]km;ndf l;l;
Sofd]/fsf] yfngL nufot, k"j{sfo{x¿sf] ;dLIff / jt{dfg cj:yfsf]
vf]hL u/L To;sf] ljZn]if0f / j0f{g ul/Psf] 5 . k':tsfno ljlw, k|ToIf
cGt/jf{tf{ h:tf ljlw k|of]u u/]/ tYo / tYof+sx¿sf] ;+sng ul/Psf]
xf] . lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no dsjfgk'/, lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk',
pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3;+u jflif{s k|ltj]bg / cGo ljleGg k|sfzgaf6 ;d]t
s]xL tYof+sx¿ lnOPsf] 5 .
ck/fw lgoGq0fdf ljutb]lv lgofn]/ ljZn]if0f Ifdtf /fVg] lj1, :yfgLo
Joj;foL, sd{rf/Laf6 k|fKt tYofs+df cfwfl/t eO ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] 5 .
k|x/Lsf pRr clwsf/Lx?, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf kbflwsf/L, lhNnfsf
dxTjk"0f{ sfof{no / lj1x¿;Fu cGtjf{tf{ / s'/fsfgL u/L ljljw
hfgsf/L k|fKt ul/Psf] 5 . ljleGg tYofªx?sf] zf]w, kqklqsfsf]
cWoog ljZn]if0f u/L zf]wnfO{ j0f{gfTds / ljZn]if0ffTds 9+un]
k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .

#=#= gd"gf 5gf}6 / cfwf/

k"j{lgwf{l/t nIodf k'Ug ;+/lrt cGtjf{tf{ ljlw ckgfOPsf] lyof] .
o;sf nflu
;xh gd"gf 5gf]6 ljlw canDag ul/of] . ;xL / k"0f{ tYo tyf ;"rgf k|
fKt ug{
;xh gd"gf ljlwaf6 lj1 Ps, lhNnf k|x/L sfof{noaf6 kfFr, x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsfaf6 b'O{, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3af6 b"O{ lhNnf k|
Zff;g sfof{no dsjfgk'/af6 PsnfO{ cGtjf{tf{sf] nflu 5gf]6 ul/of] .
o;f] ug{'sf] sf/0f vf; tYo, ;"rgf cfcf]; eGg] g} lyof] . dsjfgk'/sf]
ck/fw lgoGq0fdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] e'ldsf af/] /fd|f];+u a'e]msf k'/fgf
Joj;foL e'jgnfn >]i7, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nosf ;'rgf clwsf/L b]jrGb|
utf}{nf, x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf ;'rgf clwsf/L /fds[i0f yfkf,
pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfn, lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosf
clkm;{, ;'lzn l;+x /f7f}+/, d's]z l;+x, OGb|afb'/ /fgf, o1k|;fb
e6\/fO{, dw's'df/ yfkf cGt/jftf{sf nflu 5flgof] .
pgLx¿;Fu km/s–km/s lbg Pp6} k"j{lgwf{l/t k|Zg ;f]lwof] .
dsjfgk'/df ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf, l;l; Sofd]/fsf] s;/L ;'?jft eof]<
ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] k|j[lQ s:tf] 5, lsg < l;l; Sofd]/fsf] k|fljlws /
hgzlQmsf] cj:yf s:tf] 5< /fd|f] 5 eg] lsg / g/fd|f] 5 eg] lsg < ck/fw
lgoGq0fsf ;d:of s]–s] x'g\< ;d:ofsf ;fdfwfg pkfox¿ s] x'g ;S5g\<
h:tf k"j{lgwf{l/t k|Zg ;f]w af/] cGtjf{tf{ lnOPsf] 5 . pgLx¿;Fu
cGtjf{tf{sf] qmddf cfPsf lhNnfsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf of]ubfg lbg]
dxTjk"0f{ JolQm / ;+:yf;Fu ;d]t s'/fsfgL / 5nkmn ub}{ tYo / ljrf/
;+sng u/L k|:t't zf]w cWoogdf JofVof, j0f{g / ljZn]if0f u/L
p2]Zodf k'Ug] k|of; ul/Psf] 5 .

#=$= tYofÍx¿sf] k|s[lt / ljZn]if0f k|lqmof

k|:t't zf]wdf tYof+sx¿sf] ;+sng / ljZn]if0f u/L lgrf]8df k'luPsf] 5 .
cWoogdf ;+VofTds -Quantitative_ / u'0ffTds -Qualitative_ b'a}
tYof+ssf] k|of]u ePsf] 5 . ;+VofTds tYof+s ;|f]tsf nflu ;xfos ;|
f]tsf] k|of]u
ul/Psf] 5 eg] u'0ffTds tYof+ssf nflu k|fylds ;|f]tsf] k|of]u ul/Psf]
;+VofTds tYof+ssf nflu lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nodf ePsf l;l;
Sofd]/fsf] ;+Vof, lhNnf k|x/L sfof{noaf6 jflif{s k|ltj]bgaf6 k|fKt
tYof+s, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 / cGo ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfosf] ;xof]u
lnOPsf] 5 . cGtjf{tf{ ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L k|fylds ;|f]taf6} u'0ffTds
tYof+sx¿ k|fKt ul/Psf] 5 . x]6f}+sf d'Vorf]sdf /x]sf 3/sf JotmLx?
;d]t ;|f]tsf ¿kdf lnOPsf] 5 . zf]wsf qmddf pQ/bftfx¿af6 k|fKt
tYo / ;"rgfnfO{ cWoogsf] p2]Zo;Fu d]n vfg]u/L juL{s/0f u/]/
JofVof / ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] 5 . s]xL tYof+sx¿nfO{
tflnsf jf rf6{ jf u|fkmdf ¿kdf ;d]t k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . ljleGg ;dodfdf
l;l; Sofd]/f x'Fbfsf] cj:yf / gx'Fbfsf] cj:yfdf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf]
tflnsf, rf6{ / lrqsf] ¿kdf k|:t't u/L JofVofTds, ljZn]if0ffTds /
ljj]rgfTds z}nLdf cWoog ul/Psf] 5 .
#=%= cg';Gwfg k|Zg
dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf ljsf;qmd a'em\g],
ljsf;qmd / k|j[lQ a'‰g], cfly{s, k|fljlws / hgzlQmsf] cj:yf yfxf
kfpg] p2]Zo k|:t't zf]w cWoogn] lnPsf] 5 . cg';Gwfg k|ZgfjnLaf6
nIodf k'Ug ;lsg] kl/sNkgf k|:t't zf]w cWoogn] u/]sf] 5 . k|:t't zf]w
cWoogsf cg';Gwfg k|Zg b]xfo adf]lhd 5g\.
-s_ ck/fw lgoGq0fdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf ljsf;qmd / k|j[lQ s:tf] /Xof] <
-v_ l;l; Sofd]/fdf ;xof]u ug]{ JotmLsf] cfly{s cj:yf s:tf] 5 <
-u_ l;l; Sofd]/fsf] k|ljlw -k|fljlws cj:yf_ s:tf] 5 <
-3_ ck/fw lgoGq0fdf hgzlQmsf] cj:yf s:tf] 5 <

#=^= cWoogsf] l;df

cflwsfl/s lgsfodf xfn;Dd ck/fw lgoGq0fdf ePsf] cj:yfsf] cWoog,
ljZn]if0fdf of] cg';Gwfg s]lGb|t 5 . dsjfgk'/df ck/fw lgoGq0f s;/L
cl3 a9]sf] 5 < ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf s:tf] 5 < lhNnfsf] ck/fw
lgoGq0f ljsf;df cj/f]w k'ofpg] kIf s]–s] x'g\< lsg oxfF sltko ck/fw
lgoGq0f ;kmn x'Gg< eGg] ljifodf of] cWoog s]lGb|t u/L
lgisif{df k'luPsf] 5 .
;a} ljifosf] k"0f{¿kdf cWoog ug{ ;lsb}g . o; cWoogdf k[i7e"ld
afx]s of]
kf6f] ;d]l6Psf] 5}g . ljleGg ;+3 ;+:yfx?n] cfkm\g} ;'/Iffsf] nflu
l;l; Sofd]/fsf] k|of]u ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . tL k|sfzgsf] af/]df klg oxfF
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5}g . lhNnfsf] yfxfgu/kflnsf / OGb|;/f]j/
ufFpkflnsfsf] tYofª o; cWoggdf ;d]l6Psf 5}gg\ . ToxfFsf k|x/L
lgsfo;+usf] o;sf] tYofª g/x]sf] atfOPsf] 5 . ltgsf af/]df klg oxfF
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5}g . of] cWoog d"nt dsjfgk'/ ck/fw
lgoGq0fdf ;xof]usf] ljsf;;Fu ;DjlGwt 5 .
To;}n] l;l; Sofd]/fsf] 7'nf] e'ldsf ck/fw lgoGq0fdf /x]sf] cWoog
s]Gb|Lt 5 . cGoljifox¿ k[i7e"dLsf] ¿kdf 5f]6sf/Ldf cWoogdf
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . h;n] cWoognfO{ yk a:t'lgi7, ljZjfl;nf], tYok/s /
k"0f{ agfpg] ljZjf; ul/Psf] 5 .
#=& cg';Gwfg k|ltj]bgsf] ;+u7g
k|:t't zf]wnfO{ kfFr kl/R5]bdf ljefhg u/L cWoog ul/Psf] 5 .
df cWoogsf] k[i7e"dL, l;l; Sofd]/f ck/fw lgoGq0f P]ltxfl;s,
g]kfndf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] lj:tf/, dsjfgk'/sf] cj:yf, dsjfgk'/df P]ltxfl;s
ljsf;qmd, l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg' cl3sf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf, l;l;
Sofd]/f cfPkl5sf] cj:yf, cWoogsf] p2]Zo, cWoogsf]
cf}lrTo, ;d:of syg cWoog af/]rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 .

kl/R5]b–@ df k"j{sfo{
;ldIff ul/Psf] 5 . o;cGtu{t k|:t't zf]w ;DjlGwt ljleGg rf/ lgsfonfO{
cWoog ul/Psf] 5 . kl/R5]b–# df cg';Gwfg k4ltaf/] pNn]v ul/Psf]
5 . o;
cGtu{t tYof+sx¿sf] k|s[lt / ljZn]if0f k|lqmof, gd"gf 5gf}6 / cfwf/,
9fFrf, cg';Gwfg ljlw, cg';Gwfg k|Zgaf/] rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 . kl/R5]b
tYo k|:t'lt / ljZn]if0f, dsjfgk'/df l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljsf;qmd / k|j[lQ, k|
f/lDes sfn, l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg'cl3sf] cj:yf, l;l; Sofd]/f cfPkl5sf]
cj:yf, ck/fw Go'lgs/0fsf ;d:of, ef}uf]lns sl7gfO, ck/fwsf
s[ofsnfk, /fhgLlts /+u, ck/fw Go'lgs/0fdf g}ltstf, ck/flws
s[ofsnfksf JotmLsf] cj:yf, ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf hgzlQmsf] cj:yf af/]
rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 . cWofo % df lgZsif{af/] rrf{ ub}{ To;s} cfwf/df
cfjZos ;'emfjx¿ ;d]t k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .

cWofo$M tYo k|:t'lt / ljZn]if0f

zf]w cWoogsf] qmddf k|fKt tYofs+nfO{ oxfF k|:t't / ljZn]if0f
ul/g]5 . k|Zgf]t/, k|ToIf cjnf]sg, 5nkmncflb ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L k|
fKt tYofs+nfO{ oxfF k|:t't u/L ljZn]if0f ul/Psf] xf] .
$=! tYok|:t'lt
lhNnfdf l;l; Sofd]/f k|of]udf cfPkl5 em08} Ps xhf/eGbf a9L
rf/Lsf 36\gfx? kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . @)&% ;fnsf] 36\
gfnfO{ x]bf{ ()% 36\gf /x]sf] 5 . o; cjlwdf sl/a
Ps ;oeGbf a9L 36\gfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] /fd|f] e'dLsf v]n]sf]
k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfgdf v'n]sf] 5 . ;'/jftb]lv xfn;Ddsf] l;l;
Sofd]/fdf ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yfnfO{ rf6{df o;/L k|:t't
ug{ ;lsG5 .

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3


s'n Sofd]/f Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
lrq g+= l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/fw lgoGq0fdf u/]sf] ;xof]u .
k|:t't lrq g+ ! n] dsjfgk'/ lhNnfdf ;~rfngdf cfPsf l;l; Sofd]/fsf]
ljj/0f, @)^% ;fndf l;l; Sofd]/f gx'Fbfsf] ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf,
@)&% ;fndf l;l; Sofd]/f cfO{;s]kl5sf] cj:yf . aGb ePsf Sofd]/fsf
cj:yf / 6f]6n ;/sf/L lgsfo;+u /x]sf] l;l; Sofd]/fsf] cj:yf . sjfgk'/
lhNnf el/ s/La !% xhf/ j6f l;l; l6eL Sofd]/f :yfgLo k|x/L
k|zf;gnfO{ yfx} glbO{ ;~rfngdf /x]sf] tYo ;fj{hlgs
ePsf]5 . g]kfn ;/sf/ u[x dGqfnon] l;l; l6eL Sofd]/f ;~rfng
lgb{]lzsf klg hf/L u/]sf] 5 . lgb{]lzsf cg';f/ Sofd]/f h8fg
u/]sf] !% lbg leq l;l; Sofd]/f ;~rfng u/]sf] ldlt / :yfg,
Sofd]/fn] k|efljt kfg{] If]qsf] u'un Dofk, Sofd]/fsf]
sDkgL, Ifdtf / /]s8{ ul/Psf] 8f6f ;'/lIft /xg] ;do, k|zf;gn]
rfx]sf] a]nf ;a} km'6]h pknAw u/fpg] lnlvt
d~h'/L;lxt :yfgLo k|zf;g jf glhssf] k|x/L sfo{fnodf
clgjfo{ k]z ug{' kg{] x'G5 . sf]xL s;}sf] JolQmut
uf]klgotf, ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff r'gf}lt nufotnfO{ Wofgdf
/fv]/ ;/sf/n] lgb{]lzsf hf/L u/]sf] xf] .
t/ dsjfgk'/df ;~rfngdf /x]sf !% xhf/ Sofd]/f dWo]
d'lZsnn] s]xL ljQLo ;+:yf, a}+sx?n] dfq} Sofd]/fsf]
ljj/0f :yfgLo k|zf;gdf a'emfPsf] lhn\nf k|zf;g sfo{fno
dsjfgk'/sf ;"rgf clwsf/L b]jrG› ut{f}nfn] atfPsf 5Gg\
lgb{]lzsfsf] $ sf] s / v cg';f/ k|To]s k|x/L OsfO{n] cfkm\
gf] Onfsf If]qleq /x]sf ;a} l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljj/0f
clgjfo{ cBfjlws ug{'kg{] / ;f] ljj/0f Psd'i7 lhn\nf k|zf;g
sfo{fnonfO{ a'emfpg'kg{] lgb{]zg u/]sf] ePklg dsjfgk'/
k|x/L;Fu To:tf] ljj/0f cfh;Dd g/x]sf] dsjfgk'/ k|x/L k|
jQmf l8P;kL OG›axfb'/ /fgfn] atfPsf 5g\ . lgodfg';f/
lecfO{kL, lelecfO{kLsf] lghL hLjgdf c;/ kfg{], sf]xL
s;}sf] JolQmut uf]Kotfdf c;/ kfg{], ;'/Iff
r'gf}ltnfO{ a9fjf lbg] u/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ug{ / To:tf
b[Zo ;fj{hlgs ug{ lgif]w ul/Psf]5 . lgb{]zgsf] kfngf
gug{]nfO{ ljB'tLo sf/f]af/ P]g @)^# adf]lhd sfj{fxL
x'g] pn\n]v ul/Psf] 5 eg] dsjfgk'/df #) j6f eGbf a9L l;l;
l6eL Sofd]/f ljqmL ug{] k;n tyf l8n/x? /x]sf 5g\ .
tLg} ;d:ofsf] klxrfg ;dfwfgsf] nflu cfjZos ;'emfj lbg' g} o;
cWoogsf] p4]Zo xf] . of] cWoog slt l;l; Sofd]/f btf{ eP, slt ;do
rn] / slxn] aGb eP eGg] hfgsf/L lng dfq} s]lGb|t 5}g . o;f] x'Fbf
dsjfgk'/ lhNnfsf] ljsf;sf] nflu ;a} If]qsf] e"ldsf x'g hfG5 .
lhNnfsf] kqsfl/tfsf] ljsf;nfO{ # r/0fdf ljefhg u/L cWoog /
ljZn]if0f ug{] k|of; ul/Psf] 5 .

$=@ dsjfgk'/df l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ljsf;qmd / k|j[lt

@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #*
j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg ePsf] lyof] / lj:tf/} x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf]
lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg rf]sx?df
u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 h:df @! Jf6f dfq} rfn'
cj:yfdf /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosdf k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs
hj]Zj/ l/dfnn] hfg/L lbP . x]6f}+8f ahf/sf] d'Vo rf]s a'4
rf]sdf /x]sf] l;l; Sofd]/f ;d]t grn]sf] cj:yf /x]sf] k|jQmf
l/dfnn] atfP . k|x/L k|jQmf l/dfnsf cg';f/ l;l; Sofd]/fx?
dd{t eO{/x]sf] hgfPsf] 5 . k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf k|
x/L gfoj pkl/Ifs l/dfn eG5g\, ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] lgoGq0f
ug]{ lhDdf lhNnfnfO{ g} xf] .
l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ePkZrft em08} Ps xhf/eGbf a9L ck/flws 36\gfx?
sf] cg'zGwfg ug{ ;kmn ePsf] k|x/Lsf] egfO{ 5 . @)&) ;fnb]lv
xfn;Dd w]/} 36\gfx? l;l; Sofd]/f dfkm{t kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . rf/ xhf/
kfFr;o $^ 36\gfx? btf{ ePsf] dWo] Psxhf/ Sofd]/f dfkm{t kQf
nfu]sf 5g\ . ;ft jif{sf] cGt/fndf of] pknAwL d'ns /x]sf] k|x/Lsf]
tYofªdf pknAw 5 . w]/}h;f] afO{srf]/Lsf 36\gf / a}+s sf/f]af/sf
36\gfx? kTtf nfu]sf 5g\ . of] cjlwdf %)! afO{s rf]/Lsf 36\gf /
rf/ ;oeGbf a9L a}+ssf 36\gfx? ;+nUg /x]sf 5g\ .
;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf w]/} 36gfx¿ kQf nfUg] x'Fbf ljlu|
P/ a;]sf l;l; Sofd]/fx? l56\6} dd{t u/L rfn' ug{ pgn]
hfgsf/L lbP . clwsf+; ;L;L Sofd]/fn] sfd gu{bf cfk/flws
36gfdf ;+nUgx¿ kQf nufpg ;d:of x'g] sfof{nosf k|x/L
gfoa pkl/Ifs l/dfnn] atfP lbP . k|b]zsf] /fhwflg ;d]t
eO{;s]sf] x]6f}+8f l;l; Sofd]/f gx'g' la8Dagf ePsf] pgn]
atfP . ultljlw lgoGq0fdf ;d:of k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs l/dfnn]
u'gf;f] u/] . pgn] ;'/Iffsf] lx;fan] x]6f}+8fsf] d'Vo
rf]sdf ;L;L l6eLsf] cfjZostf /x]sf] atfP .

$=@=! k|f/lDes sfn

l;l; Sofd]/f ck/fw lgoGq0fsf] P]ltxfl;s
losed-circuit television utilizes video cameras in surveillance of a particular area using a limited
number of surveillance monitors. Almost all video cameras fit in the usage as the CCTV
cameras, although the ones used must have high definition for accuracy in monitoring mainly in
banks, supermarkets, casinos, airports, military institutions, and convenience stores. In most
cases, the cameras function in deterring crime from occurrence and minimizing the levels in
places where it cannot stop completely. According to Jewitt (2007), in many parts of America,
Europe, and Asia, CCTV surveillance proved one of the best ways of crime prevention as the
criminal cases decreased proportionately as more of the cameras came into existence. However,
the comfort from their use lasted no long s the people soon went back to the old ways. Old
crimes started to resurface thus a good number of people began to lose faith in the cameras. This
paper evaluates how effectively CCTV can help deal with the criminal cases with the goal of
determining the relevance and benefits of their application and use.

On one front, CCTV does a great job in prevention and reduction of the criminal activities
committed throughout the economy. However, paradoxically, there are factors that reduce the
effectiveness of the cameras. The surveillance prevents crime to high levels due to various
factors. First, the cameras provide evidence of crime hence it deems easier to track the criminals
(Murphy, 1999 p. 396). Previously, proving crimes presented some of the greatest challenges to
the courts in many countries thus many criminals did not face any charges for their crimes,
which encouraged more crimes. However, security surveillance changed the whole game and as
long as they installed them on scene before the occurrence of the crime, evidence tracking deems
more specific and reliable due to the unity of direction in investigations. In tests for their
efficiency, the cameras reduced theft and general crimes in the casinos and the parking lots in the
United Kingdom by over 51% thus they proved efficient in crime prevention. The few people
attempting crime with the cameras find themselves in court with clear evidence of their acts and
mostly get conviction.

Alarm notification is the best way that the CCTVs can function in prevention and reduction of
crime. According to Guha (2002), in most of the stores where the surveillance security applies,
the commodities or area covered deems specific and clear. The case withstanding, the security
personnel can protect the main item or area of focus by connecting it to alarm notification in case
of criminal moves. In this kind of protection, the activities and movements in a particular area
must fit into a program from which deviation alerts the alarm. Items made of glass prove the best
to secure using the automatic alarm connection because the breaking attempts fit into many
alarm programs easily. Any attempt made to break the glass trickles the alarm hence the whole
security detail gets the signal and action can follow faster. Using the automatic alarm notification
prevents the crimes from occurrence by short intervals, although the protection cannot miss the
attention of the security due to its attention demand and command.

The psychological effect of the presence of surveillance serves as the greatest step in crime
reduction and prevention. CCTV protection serves to remind the people of their security
measures that they would otherwise forget easily. Psychologically, people understand that a
place under surveillance may deem insecure if the security did not exist. In such cases, people
walking, working, or operating in the protected areas take more measures to protect their
property thus the CCTV psychologically prevents crime by influencing the potential victims. The
potential criminals can also experience the psychological effect not to commit crime in places,
which appear secured (Baum, 1997 p. 23). Robbery on moving trains in Brazil deemed so
rampant before the trains started using the CCTVs because the criminals felt no pressure in
executing the illegal activities towards the passengers. Immediately the CCTVs came to force,
the cases disappeared. The criminals understand that any evidence beyond doubt of their
activities may lead them to court (Harris et el, 1998 p. 160). Due to experiences, the criminals
also understand that the CCTVs maximally provide any evidence of crime in the areas targeted.
Psychologically, the criminals fear executing their activities as the authorities can easily catch
them. CCTVs thus affect the criminals psychologically to stop their activities.

The first cause of crime occurs as the fear that the crime will actually occur among the people.
Most of the people living in insecure areas believe that they may fall under attack any time and
become the next victims of the criminal losses. The CCTVs eradicate the fear among the people
in order to deter crime occurrence. Presence of the surveillance services assures the people that
the surveyed areas deem more secure than the areas under no surveillance hence more people
access the protected areas compared to the areas with no CCTV (Gips, 2006 p. 24). When the
number of people in a particular place increases, the criminal activities actually decrease, as there
are more witnesses in case any crime would occur. More so, targeting particular people when the
crowd deems large cannot happen easily thus the CCTV presence only can deter crime.

The CCTVs receive unlimited praise for their proven prowess in crime prevention and protection
although they do not function to maximum prevention. Deterring crime using the CCTVs may
deem tricky due to several factors. First, the criminals could easily change their target. The cost
of making sure that all the avenues for crime seal using surveillance cameras deems too high to
undertake. When a particular areas attracts attention as prone too crime, security will likely beef
up in the area and the next step likely falls to the CCTVs (Devine, 2006 p. 29). When the
criminals observe the cameras from the one look of their installation, they can plan on new
targets for their activities thus prove hard to track. The series of change in targets can go on
changing for as long as the leadership appears determined to stop the criminals. Whenever the
security agents cannot identify the exact place to put a trap for the criminals, catching up with
them toughens. The criminals seem aware of the same fact thus they utilize it to the best that they

Strict observation of the monitors may become tough if the area under surveillance deems larger
than expected. Some areas prove hard for the cameras and the observers to monitor and follow
up easily. The toughness to observe and follow the areas appears due to the cat that the place has
more cameras hence many screens’ observation must take place at the same time. When the area
watched over appears big and complicated with many people, confusions and misinterpretation
of activities can easily occur thus provide loopholes for occurrence of crime. A person can
hibernate before one camera and go unnoticed because the monitors deem a little many.
Misinterpretation of the signals sent from different points can also create loopholes for advanced
crimes in the area.

Lack of independence in the CCTV system gives a huge loophole to the criminals in case the
gang may come when organized. Guthrie (2001) infers that most of the criminals understand that
the CCTVs function with electric power and that it takes them time to readjust after the lights go
off. Consequently, an organized group of people with criminal intentions can easily undertake
criminal activities and go unnoticed if they tamper with the power line first. The transfer of the
video signals from the high definition cameras to the monitor screens occurs through signals sent
through straight transmissions. Due to advances in technology, the criminals can easily hack into
the signals and tamper with them to facilitate their criminal activities (Duguid, 2006 p. 69).

CCTV helps in monitoring and not the actual eradication of crimes. According to Guha (2002),
most of the people wonder about those who commit intentional crimes publicly. Some people
know the repercussions of the activities they engage in, especially the criminal activities yet they
still go ahead and do them. The CCTVs provide evidence that the people actually committed the
crimes but do not deter them from the same. In fact, the people may get motivation to do more
damage because they know that they get into the trap anyway. In this regard, as much as the
surveillance creates a feeling of security in a particular area, some crimes go beyond the mere
ability of surveillance thus the security agents cannot fall back and resign to the CCTVs. In
advanced cases especially with the alarm-programmed CCTVs, some activities do not deem
criminal to the CCTVs apart from the programmed crimes. People can thus commit unique
mistakes and crimes and still get away with them because the crimes do not show in the CCTV
cameras (Wilner, 2005).

At the face of it, CCTV appears as one of the most effective ways to prevent occurrence of
crimes. People with plans to undertake criminal activities cannot go ahead because they can
appear on the monitoring screens and face trial. Evidence deems circumstantial and accurate
when the CCTVs function in security. Crimes can also reduce due to the feeling of security
among the people that eradicates fear thus CCTVs yield more results that are positive. However,
the CCTV security can yield enormous setbacks especially where they do not have sufficient
monitoring. Consequently, the CCTVs show the best protection and security beef although they
should not function to replace but rather to supplement the existing security systems.
dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df, l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ePkZrft em08} Ps xhf/eGbf
a9L ck/flws 36\gfx?sf] cg'zGwfg ug{ ;kmn ePsf] k|x/Lsf]
egfO{ 5 . @)&) ;fnb]lv xfn;Dd w]/} 36\gfx? l;l; Sofd]/f dfkm{t
kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . rf/ xhf/ kfFr;o $^ 36\gfx? btf{ ePsf] dWo]
Psxhf/ Sofd]/f dfkm{t kQf nfu]sf 5g\ . ;ft jif{sf] cGt/fndf of]
pknAwL d'ns /x]sf] k|x/Lsf] tYofªdf pknAw 5 . w]/}h;f]
afO{srf]/Lsf 36\gf / a}+s sf/f]af/sf 36\gfx? kTtf nfu]sf 5g\ . of]
cjlwdf %)! afO{s rf]/Lsf 36\gf / rf/ ;oeGbf a9L a}+ssf 36\gfx? ;
+nUg /x]sf 5g\ .

$=@=@ l;l; Sofd]/f cfpg'cl3sf] cj:yf

dsjfgk'/sf Joj;foL e'jgnfn >]i7sf cg';f/ @)^& ;fndf ;'?df cf}Bf]uLs
If]qdf l;l; Sofd]/fsf] ;'?jft eof] . w]/} ck/flws 36\gf / rf]/Lsf 36\
gfx? cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf a9\g yfn]kl5 Sofd]/fsf] k|of]hg ul/Psf]
pgsf] egfO{ 5 . o;sf] nflu ef/taf6 Sofd]/f NofO{Psf] pgsf]
egfO{ 5 . To; kZrft x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfn] l;l; Sofd]/f cfkm\
gf] sfof{nodf /fVof] . sfof{nodf b}lgs rf]/L x'g yfn]kl5 To:tf 36\
gfnfO{ dWo gh/ ub}{ pkdxfgu/kflnsfn] /fv]sf] xf] . l;l; Sofd]/f
cfpg' cl3 w]/}g} r'gf}tLk'0f{ cj:yf /x]sf] b]Vg ;lsG5 .
@)&) ;fndf cfO{;s] kZrft @)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f
u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg ePsf] lyof] / lj:tf/} x]6f}
+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg
ul/Psf] lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg
rf]sx?df u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 h;df @! Jf6f dfq}
rfn' cj:yfdf /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosdf k|x/L gfoa
pkl/Ifs hj]Zj/ l/dfnn] hfgs/L lbP .
lj=; @)^% ;fnsf] k|x/Lsf] tYofªnfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg], @^
% j6f ck/fwsf 36\gf ePsf 5g\ eg], @)&% ;fnsf] 36\
gfnfO{ x]bf{ ()% 36\gf /x]sf] 5 . o; cjlwdf sl/a
Ps ;oeGbf a9L 36\gfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] /fd|f] e'dLsf v]n]sf]
k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfgdf v'n]sf] 5 . k|x/Ln] l;l; Sofd]/fn]
ubf{ cg'zGwfgdf /fd|f] ;3fp k'u]sf] ;d]t atfP . x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsf / cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf Tof] a]nfdf l;l;
Sofd]/f hf]8\bf ck/flws s[ofsnfkdf lgs}g} sdL cfPsf]
e'jgnfn >]i7sf] egfO{ lyof] . >]i7 dsfgk'/sf] k'/fgf
Joj;foL x'g . pgnfO{ l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/flws s[ofsnkdf
v]n]sf] e'ldsfsf] af/]df /fd|f];+u hfgsf/ /x]sf] 5g\ . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fg x'bf o:tf n'6kf6 rf]/L 8s}tL, nfu'cf}ifw k|
of]u / a]rljifg ug{] JolQmsf] ;xh} klxrfg ug{ ;lhnf] x'g]
lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf k|x/L k|d'v k|x/L
pkl/Ifs ;f]d]Gb| /f7f}/n] hfgsf/L u/fP . /fhdfu{df x'g]
ofq' / oftfoft dhb'/ Jojf;oLx?sf] pl5În ultljwL lgoGq0f
ug{ klg Sofd]/f ;xof]uL x'g] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;Dkltdfly
tf]8kmf]8 ug{], ;fj{hlgs :yndf P]g lgodljkl/tsf
lqmofsnfk ug{]x?nfO{ Sofd]/fsf] dfWodaf6 /f]Sg ;lsg]
P;kL /f7f}/ atfFp5g\ . …w]/} dfG5]nfO{ ;r]t u/fPsf] 5 .
rf}sdf lx8\g] x/]s dflg;x? cfkm" Sofd]/fsf] lgu/fgLdf
5f} eGg ;r]tgf a9]sf] 5 .
dsjfgk'/ pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfnn] eg] –
…dlxnfafnaflnsf ;'/lIft x'G5g\, /fqL Jofj;fosf]
klg ;Defjgf a9\g] 5 . ;'/Iff, hgr]tgfnufot x/]s b[li6df
Sofd]/f kmnbfos ePsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/df b}lgs xhf/ eGbf
a9L ;jf/L ;fwgx? cfjfudg x'g] u/]sf] 5 eg] ofq'x?sf] rfk
klg Tolt g} w]/} x'g] u/]sf] 5 . h;sf] sf/0f b'3{6gf;fu}
cJojl:yt kfls{ª x'g] / rf]/Lsf 36gfnfO{ klg lgoGq0f
ug{ ;lsg] ePsfn] l;l;l6eL dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf] cWoIf
s6'jfnn] atfP . …b}lgs xhf/f}+ a9L ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rffk
x'G5, Tof] cj:yfdf s] eO/x]sf] 5 Tof] lgofNg] ;lsg] 5,
pgn] eg] .

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+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ;xof]udf yk l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg
ul/Psf] lyof] . xfn x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf] ljleGg
rf]sx?df u/L $^ j6f l;l; Sofd/f /x]sf] 5 h;df @! Jf6f dfq}
rfn' cj:yfdf /x]sf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosdf k|x/L gfoa
pkl/Ifs hj]Zj/ l/dfnn] hfgs/L lbP .
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% j6f ck/fwsf 36\gf ePsf 5g\ eg], @)&% ;fnsf] 36\
gfnfO{ x]bf{ ()% 36\gf /x]sf] 5 . o; cjlwdf sl/a
Ps ;oeGbf a9L 36\gfdf l;l; Sofd]/fn] /fd|f] e'dLsf v]n]sf]
k|x/Lsf] cg';Gwfgdf v'n]sf] 5 . k|x/Ln] l;l; Sofd]/fn]
ubf{ cg'zGwfgdf /fd|f] ;3fp k'u]sf] ;d]t atfP . x]6f}+8f
pkdxfgu/kflnsf / cf}Bf]uLs If]qdf Tof] a]nfdf l;l;
Sofd]/f hf]8\bf ck/flws s[ofsnfkdf lgs}g} sdL cfPsf]
e'jgnfn >]i7sf] egfO{ lyof] . >]i7 dsfgk'/sf] k'/fgf
Joj;foL x'g . pgnfO{ l;l; Sofd]/fn] ck/flws s[ofsnkdf
v]n]sf] e'ldsfsf] af/]df /fd|f];+u hfgsf/ /x]sf] 5g\ . l;l;
Sofd]/f h8fg x'bf o:tf n'6kf6 rf]/L 8s}tL, nfu'cf}ifw k|
of]u / a]rljifg ug{] JolQmsf] ;xh} klxrfg ug{ ;lhnf] x'g]
lhNnf k|x/L sfof{no dsjfgk'/sf k|x/L k|d'v k|x/L
pkl/Ifs ;f]d]Gb| /f7f}/n] hfgsf/L u/fP . /fhdfu{df x'g]
ofq' / oftfoft dhb'/ Jojf;oLx?sf] pl5În ultljwL lgoGq0f
ug{ klg Sofd]/f ;xof]uL x'g] 5 . ;fj{hlgs ;Dkltdfly
tf]8kmf]8 ug{], ;fj{hlgs :yndf P]g lgodljkl/tsf
lqmofsnfk ug{]x?nfO{ Sofd]/fsf] dfWodaf6 /f]Sg ;lsg]
P;kL /f7f}/ atfFp5g\ . …w]/} dfG5]nfO{ ;r]t u/fPsf] 5 .
rf}sdf lx8\g] x/]s dflg;x? cfkm" Sofd]/fsf] lgu/fgLdf
5f} eGg ;r]tgf a9]sf] 5 .
dsjfgk'/ pBf]u afl0fHo ;+3sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfnn] eg] –
…dlxnfafnaflnsf ;'/lIft x'G5g\, /fqL Jofj;fosf]
klg ;Defjgf a9\g] 5 . ;'/Iff, hgr]tgfnufot x/]s b[li6df
Sofd]/f kmnbfos ePsf] 5 . dsjfgk'/df b}lgs xhf/ eGbf
a9L ;jf/L ;fwgx? cfjfudg x'g] u/]sf] 5 eg] ofq'x?sf] rfk
klg Tolt g} w]/} x'g] u/]sf] 5 . h;sf] sf/0f b'3{6gf;fu}
cJojl:yt kfls{ª x'g] / rf]/Lsf 36gfnfO{ klg lgoGq0f
ug{ ;lsg] ePsfn] l;l;l6eL dxTjk"0f{ /x]sf] cWoIf
s6'jfnn] atfP . …b}lgs xhf/f}+ a9L ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rffk
x'G5, Tof] cj:yfdf s] eO/x]sf] 5 Tof] lgofNg] ;lsg] 5,
pgn] eg] .
$=@=$ ck/fw Go'lgs/0fsf ;d:of=
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7f]Sof] . k|x/L To; 36\gfsf] cg';Gwfg ug{] qmddf cndn\n
k¥of] .sf/0f lyof], b'a} ;jf/LwgLn] Ps cs{fnfO{ bf]if nufpg] .
ToxfF b]Vg sf]lx lyPgG s;nfO{ ;f]Wg] k|x/Ln] o; 36\gfn]
k|x/LnfO{ g} bf]wf/df kfl/lbof] . of] t s]an ;fdfGo 36\gfsf] eof] .
sof} hl6n 36\gfdf k|x/L cndn\ndf kg{' k/]sf] 5 dfq Ps—l;l;
Sofd]/fn] . x]6f}+8f ahf/df 7fFp 7fpFdf t l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/sf] 5
t/ rfn' 5}G . ;Defljt cfk/flws 36gf / ;'/IffnfO{ dWogh/ ub{} d'Vo
ahf/df nufOPsf ;L;L Sofd]/f oltv]/ gfd dfq}sf 5G . x]6f}+8f
ahf/e/L l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf] 5, t/ xfn rfn' cj:yfdf lgs}g} sd
/x]sf] lhn\nf k|x/L sfo{fno dsjfgk'/n] hgfPsf] 5 . ;DalGwt lgsfosf]
rf;f] ghfbf ;'/Iff r"gf}tL al9/x]sf] 5 .
@)&) ;fndf x]6f}+8fdf r/0f–r/0f u/]/ #* j6f ;L;L Sofd]/f h8fg
eof] . clxn] tL dWo] tLg j6f dfq} ;~rfngdf 5g\ . tL b'O{ j6fn] klg
dw'/f] b]lvG5 . /fd|/L rn]sf 5}gg\ . lhn\nf k|x/L sfo{fno dsjfgk'/sf
k|x/L lgl/Ifs dw's'df/ eG5Gg\ ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] lgoGq0f ug{] lhDdf
lhn\nfnfO{ g} xf] . ;L;L Sofd]/fsf] d2tdf kl5n\nf] w]/}
36gfx¿ kQf nfu]sf] yfkf atfpF5g\ . pgn] eg], kfFr dlxgfcl3 dfq}
/ftf]df6]df df]6/afO{s b{'36gf eof], To; 7fFpdf l;l; Sof]d/f h8fg
ul/Psf]n] 36\gfsf] lj:t[t Tolxaf6 kQf nufFof} .
clwsf+; ;L;L Sofd]/fn] sfd gu{bf cfk/flws 36gfdf ;+nUgx¿ kQf
nufpg ;d:of x'g] sfo{fnosf k|x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs o1 k|;fb e6«fO{n] k|
ltqmLof lbP . k|b]zsf] /fhwflg ;d]t eO{;s]sf] x]6f}+8f l;l; Sofd]/f
gx'g' la8Dagf ePsf] pgn] atfP .s]lx /f]8df 36]sf 36\gf tyf rf]/Lsf]
36gfdf ;+nUg /x]sf k|x/Ln] xfn;Dd kqmfp ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g . ;L;L
Sofd]/fsf] s'g} klg lgsfon] xfn;Dd ah]6 pknAw gu/fPsf] pBf]u
jfl0fHo ;+3 dsjfgk'/sf cWoIf s[i0f s6'jfnn] atfP . t/ klg dd{tdf g
t :yfgLo ;/sf/n] Wofg lbPsf] 5 g t cGo lgsfon] g} .;+3sf cWoIf
s6'jfn eG5g\ dd{tsf] nflu tof/L eO/x]sf] 5 . xfdLn] 5nkmn
ul//x]sf 5f}+ . s6'jfnn] eg], casf] PsxKtf leqdf s]lx a}+sn] ah]6
pkNaw u/fpg] eg]sf] 5 To; kZrft xfdL o; l;l; Sofd]/f h8fgdf nflu
k5{f} .
lhNnf k|x/L l;l; Sofd/f gx'Fbf cfk/flws ultljlw lgoGq0fdf ;d:of k|
x/L gfoa pkl/Ifs e6«fO{n] u'gf;f] u/] . pgn] ;'/Iffsf] lx;fan] x]6f}
+8fsf] d'Vo rf]sdf ;L;L l6eLsf] cfjZostf /x]sf] atfP . x]6f}+8f
ahf/ If]q ;'dfu{L sdKn]S;, x]6f}+8f Psj6f / rfO{gf u]6df b'O{ j6f
rfn'df /x]sf] 5 . e'sDk tyf jif{fsf] sf/0fn] lau|LPsf] ptm l;l; Sofd]/f
ljut kfFr dlxgfb]lv ylGsPsf 5G . dsjfgk'/ lhNnfd} &( sf] ;+Vofdf
l;l; Sofd]/f h8fg ul/Psf] 5 .
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¿kdf lgs} ljs6 5 . gofF ;+3Lo ;+/rgf cg';f/ afudtL k|b]zsf] !#
lhNnf dWo]sf] dsjfgk'/ /fhwflg ;d]t /x]sf] lhNnf xf] . b'O{ lgjf{rg
If]q /x]sf] dsjfgk'/df k|b]z ;efsf $ j6f k|b]z ;ef lgjf{rg If]q 5g\ . @
gu/kflnsf / * ufpFkflnsf /x]sf] sfe|]df !!( j8f 5g\ . x]6f}+8f,
yfxfgu/kflnsf, OGb|;/f]j/ ufFpkflnsf k|d'v Jofkfl/s s]Gb| x'g\ .
lhNnf ;b/d'sfd x]6f}8f g} xf] . k|fo x]6f}+8fd} ck/flws
s[ofsnfkx? eO{/x]sf x'G5g\ . w]/} n'6kf6 / rf]/Lklg x]6f}+8fd}
x'G5 .
rf8kj{sf] ;dodf w]/} le8ef8 x'g] ePsf]n] x]6f}+8f ahf/df lgs}g}
rf]/Lsf 36\gfx? x'g] u/]sf] k|x/Lsf] tYofªdf 5 . k|x/Lsf] tYofª cg';f/
rf]/Lsf 36\gfsf clwsf+z d'4fx? l;l; Sofd]/faf6g} ;kmn x'g] u/]sf] k|
ltqmLof lbG5g\ . x]6f}+8fkl5 o:tf] 36\gfdf as}of bf];|f] :yfgdf
kg]{ k|x/Lsf] cg'dfgdf pNn]v 5 . kl5Nnf] ;do ck/flws 36\gf
as}ofdf ;d]t x'g yfn]sf] 5 . ufFpkflnsfdf ePsf 36\gfx? ;d]t yf]/}
ePklg l9nf kQf nfUg] u/]sf] 5 . ef}uf]nLstfsf] cfwf/n] klg ck/fw
lgoGq0fdf 7'nf] e'ldsf v]Ng] ub{5 .
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ljif v'jfP/ 5f]/Lsf] xTofb]lv, l/;/fudf bfh'n] efO{sf]

xTof;Dd . ;fdfGo ljjfbdf h3Go ck/fw g]kfnL ;dfhdf
a9\b} uPsf] 5 . k|x/Lsf cg';f/ xTofsf 36gfdWo]
em08} $) k|ltzt cfkmGt}af6 ePsf 5g\ .
;dfhsf d"No dfGotf km]l/Fb} uPsf] / larng a9\bf
cfkmGtleq} xTofsf 36gf a9]sf] k|x/L k|jQmf k|x/L
gfoj pkl/Ifs O{Gb|axfb'/ /fgfn]
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5 pgn] eg], o:tf 36gf /f]Sg k|x/Ln] ljleGg hgr]tgfdf
d'ns sfo{qmdnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbO{ /x]sf] pgn] hfgsf/L
u/fP .
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xfn;Dd dsjfgk'/df !% j6f xTof ePsf] 5 . h;dWo] ;ftj6f
xTof cfkmGtaf6} ePsf] lhNnf k|x/L sfof{nosf]
tYofªdf pNn]v 5 . tYofªdf cfdfn] 5f]/LnfO{ ljv v'jfP/
xTof u/]sf] / bfh'efO{sf] emu8fn] d[To'sf] d'v;Dd
k'¥ofPsf] b]vfPsf] 5 .

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ut] cfkm\g} tLg jlif{o 5f]/LnfO{ b'wdf ljif xfln
v'jfO{ df/]sL lyO{g . 3/af6 efO{ l6sfsf] nflu dfO{tL
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p=d=g=kf=j8f g+=^ /fdgu/df cfPsL
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NofO{ pkrf/ ug]{ qmddf aflnsfsf] d[To' ePsf] eGb}
d[tssf jfj' df]xg s[i0f ;fksf]6fsf] hfx]/L b/vf:t lbPsf
lyP .

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g+=!^ xl6of vdf/] l:yt ;8sdf gfdy/ jtg gv'n]sf] k'?if
hftsf] gj hft lzz'sf] b'u{lGwt cj:yfdf d[t nfz km]nf
k/]sf] lyof] . 36gfsf] ;DaGwdf pQm
lzz'nfO{ hGdfO{ kmfNg] JolQmsf] klxrfg ug]
qmddf x]6f}8f j8f g+=!^ xl6of vdf/] a:g] @#
jlif{o ;'l:dtf k|hfn] pQm aRRff lhpFbf]
hGdfO{ kmfn]sL lyO{g\ .

36\gf g #— v's'/L k|xf/ ul/ klTgsf] xTof

ut jif{ df3 % ut] cfO{taf/ x]6f}+8f pkdxfgu/kflnsf
j8f g= !* efn'vf]nf h/fof]6f/ l:yt o1/fh clwsf/Ln]
cfkmgf] >LdtL jif{ @! sf] ldgf kf08]
clwsf/LnfO{ v's'/L k|xf/ u/L df/L 3/ glhs /x]sf] kfgL
hd]sf] vfN8f]df /x]sf] hd]sf] kfgLdf kmfnL lbPsf lyP
. 3/of;L emu8fs} sf/0f clwsf/Ln] cfkm\gL >Ldltsf]
xTof u/]sf] k|x/Ln] v'nfPsf] 5 .
36\gf g $ —HjfO{4f/f v's'/L k|xf/ul/ ;f;'sf] xTof
h]i7 @* ut] ns8fpgdf ;;'/fnL cfP/ sl/a @ dlxgf ;;'/fnL
a;]sf HjfO{n] ;f;'sf] xTof u/]sf lyP . dsjfgk'sf]
dsjfgk'/u9L ufpFkflnsf j8f g+a/ ! df cfkm\g}
HjfO{n] a[4 ;f;'sf] xTof u/]sf lyP . dsjfgk'/ u9L ! df
/flg;]/fdf cfkm\g} HjfO #( jifs{sf kbdaxfb'/
g]kfnLn] ;f;' &@ jif{sL sfG5Ldfof
ef]DhgnfO{ xTof u/]sf lyP . k|x/Lsf cg';f/ HjfFO{n]
cfkm\gL >Ldlt;Fu ePsf] emu8fsf] l/; ;f;'dfly kf]v]sf]
k|f/flDes cg';Gwfgaf6 kQf nfu]sf] atfP .

36\gf g %— cfkm\g} efO{nfO{ sf7sf] bfp/f]n] xflg

ut jif{ efb| % ut] yfxf gu/kflnsf j8f g+ % 7'nf]
kmfs]n l:yt ch{'g anfdLn] cfkm\g} efO{ aif{ @( sf]
pd]z anfdLnfO{ ws]ln e¥ofªaf6 n8fO{ k'g sf7sf]
bfp/f]n] k]6 ;d]tdf 3f]rL ;Vt 3fO{t] agfPsf lyP .
pkrf/sf] nfuL sf7df08f} l:yt /fli6«o 6«df ;]G6/
sf7df08f}df nluPsf]df pkrf/sf] qmddf ldlt ^ ut] pgsf]
d[To' ePsf] lyof] . d[tssf] >LdtL Hofg' anfdLn] sfg'g
adf]lhd u/L kfpF eGg] hfx]/L d'4f xf]n]sL lyO{g\ .
3/df l/;/fu ePs} sf/0fn] ubf{ bfh'efO{sf] a]nf—a]nfdf
emu8f kl//xg] s'/f k|x/Ln] cg'zGwfgdf v'nfPsf] 5 .
36\gf g ^— klTgnfO{ s'6lk6 ul/ em'08fO{Psf]
@! Jflif{o ;'l:dnf cof{nnfO{ cfkm\g} klt lbks bfxfnn]
ut jif{ >fj0f @@ ut] em'08fP/ xTof u/]sf] eGg]
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . lbks bxfnn] To; cl3klg @)&$
a}zfv !# ut]sf lbg b]lv af/Daf/ ;'l:dtfnfO{ s'6lk6 u/L
zfl//Ls Pj+ dfgl;s oftgf lbb} cfPsf lyP . ;'l:dnf cof{n
bxfnnfO{ st{Jo u/L e'm08\ofO{ df/]sf] cj:yfdf
k|x/Ln] hgfPsf] 5 . ;fdfGo 3/ emu8fs} sf/0f ljjfb
lg:s]sf] k|x/Lsf] cg'zGwfgdf v'n]sf] 5 .

36\gf g &— klTgnfO{ s'6lk6 ul/ em'08fO{Psf]

ut jif{ efb| & ut] wgaxfb'/ lhDdfn] #& jlif{o
b]ptLdfof d'Qmfg lhDafnfO{ 3/ leq e'O{df ;'tfO{
/fv]sf] / bfofF cfFvf, sGr6, 6fpsf] / k5f8L 9f8df ;d]t
rf]6 k6s, lgn8fd eO{ d[t cj:yfdf e'08fO{Psf] lyof] .
36gf:yn j/k/sf dflg;x?;+u k|x/Ln] a'em\bf efb| ^
ut ;fFem wgaxfb'/ ;lxt cGo b'O{hgfn] s'6lk6 u/]sf]
lyP . s'6lk6 st{Jo u/L df/]sf] x'Fbf lghx?nfO{ kqmfp
u/L sfg'g adf]lhd u/L kfpF eGg] pgsf j'jf O{Gb|
axfb'/ d'Qmfgsf] hfx]/L b/vf:t lbPsf lyP
$=#=#= /fhgLlts /+u
ck/fw lgoGq0f ;To, tYo, lgikIf / ;Gt'lnt x'g'k5{ . s'g} a]nf
g]kfndf /fhgLlts ld;g o:tf ck/fw lgoGq0fdf lyof] t/ clxn] Tof] ld;g
km]l/Psf] 5 . oBkL /fhgLlts ljrf/, cf:yfsf] cfwf/df kqsfl/tf
ug{ cem} 5f]l8Psf] 5}g . k'j{ l8P;kL lzz' zdf{;+u ul/Psf]
s'/fsfgL . /fhgLlts ljifoa:t' lbg] eGbf klg d'4fdf /fhgLlts /+u
b]vfpg] vfnsf] ck/flw 36\gfdf cem} /x]sf] kfOG5 . lhNnfdf
ljleGg lgsfosf xflsd of k|d'v g} eg'd plgx? pkl:yt eP eg] cfd
hgtfn] /fhgLlt cfZyfsf cfwf/df pgn] u/]sf] sfdnfO{ kmnfgf]
kf6L{ lgs6 eGg] ul/Psf] 5 . s]xL xb;Dd To:tf cf/f]k ;To ePklg
k]zfut ?kdf nuglzn eP/ nfu]sf k|x/L lgsfosf xf];\ of ck/fw
lgoGq0fdf hf]l8Psf JotmLnfO{ xf];\ To;n] c;/ ul//x]sf] 5 . s'g}
txsf] lgjf{rg, bndf cfpg] ljjfb nufotn] hgtfn] cg'dfg ;d]t nufpg
Eofp5g\ . ck/fw lgoGq0fdf /x]sf JotmLx? cfkm" cg'sn k|of]u
ug{ rfxg] /fhgLlts bn / cfj4tfsf cfwf/df pgLx¿sf] :jfy{ cg';f/ k|
of]u x'g] sf/0f klg ;d:of b]lvPsf 5g\ .
$=#=$= ck/fw Go'lgs/0fdf g}ltstf
;a} k]zfsf cfkm\g} d'No dfGotf x'G5g\ . ;a} k]zfsdL{ cfr/0fdf
a;]sf] h:t} ck/fw lgoGq0fdf /x]sf] JotmL ljz]ift\ k|x/L cfkm\gf]
cfr/0fdf a:g'k5{ . k|x/LnfO{ ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf sl7gfO{ x'g]xf]sL
eGg] ljifodf ljleGg sfo{qmdsf] cfof]hgf ;d]t ub}{ cfPsf] kfO{G5
. ck/fw lgoGq0fdf k|x/LnfO{ x'g] ;xh kx'Fr, ;/f]sf/jfnsf]
cfb/ ;Ddfg, /]:kf]G; cfbLsf sf/0f k|x/L aGg rfxg]sf] ;+Vof a9\bf]
5 . ck/fw Go'lgs/0fs} ;jfndf 3'; /sd lnP/ cfkm\gf] abL{sf] b'¿kof]u
ug]{ hdft klg al9/x]sf] 5 . of] unt xf] . x/]s k]zfsdL{ ck/fw
lgoGq0fdf vl6Psf k|x/L c;n x'g'k5{ .
kl5Nnf] ;do 3'; lbg] / ck/fw lgoGq0fnfO{ 7]; x'g] ul/
lkl8tnfO{ Goof glbPsf] 36\gfx?klg sd 5}gg\ . w]/} k|x/Lx? o:t}
36\gfsf] sf/0f lgnlDat x'g ;d]t k/]sf] 5 . ck/flwnfO{ ;hfo glbFbfsf]
kmn:j?k cfkm\gf] OHht ;d]t u'dfpg' k/]sf] ;dfrf/x? ;'lgG5 klg .
ck/fw lgikIf 9+uaf6 ug]{ xf] eg] To;df dxTjk'0f{ e'ldsf k|x/Ls}
x'G5 / To;kl5 ;'rgf lbg]sf] . 36\gfsf] ljifodf ;'rgf lbg]sf] klg ck/fw
cg';Gwfgdf 7''nf] e'ldsf x'G5 . ;lx ;'rgf / unt ;'rgfdf w]/} cGt/ x'g]
x'Fbf ck/fw lgoGq0fdf dxTjk'0f{ e'ldsf v]n]sf] x'G5 .
$=! ck/flws s[ofsnfksf JotmLsf] cj:yf
Ps ck/fwsf] c;/ p :jo+nfO{ dfq} xf]Og p;sf cfkmGtnfO{ ;d]t k|
ToIf kb{5 . ck/fwL dfgl;stfsf] ;'if'Kt kf6f] slta]nf sxfF ;lqmo
x'G5 / eo+s/ ?k lnG5 eGg ;lsb}g . cem 8/nfUbf] cj:yf oxfFg]/ 5,
cfj/0fdf ;Eo, enfßL, lgbf]{if b]lvg] r]x/f leq n's]sf] ck/fw e';sf]
cfuf] em} ;lNsPsf] 5 . aflx/ ;flng / ;f}Do b]lvg]x? cg';Gwfgsf]
3]/faf6 k6s–k6s aRg] u/]sf 5G t/ To; leqsf] ck/flws dfgl;stfsf]
a}1flgs hfFr cem} x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . cfj/0f x]/]/ agfOg] wf/0ffn]
p;sf] Jojxf/ / rfnrngsf] kIfdf b[li6 u'dfO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . kl5Nnf]
qmddf b]zsf] cj:yf / ;dfrf/sf] ck8]6nfO{ x]g{] xf] eg] ck/fwsf
36gfx? XjfQ} a9]sf 5g\ . ;dfh c;'/lIft alg/x]sf] 5 . ljleGg cfofdaf6
ck/fwsf 36gf al9/x]sf] 5 . tYof+sdf l;ldt xfd|f] dfgl;stfn] o; leq
df}nfO/x]sf] ck/flws dfgl;stfsf] vf]hL ug{ g;Sbf 36gf
x]g{' ;'Gg' / lha|f] 6f]Sb} a:g' lgolt ag]sf] 5 . xTof, anfTsf/afx]s
rf]/L 8s}tL, b'Jo;{gL, ckx/0f nufotsf ljleGg 36gfx? klg xfdLn]
lbgx'F h;f] b]Vg], ;'Gg], k9\b} cfPsf 5f} . h3Go afx]s sltko
36gfn] t ca xfd|f] ;+j]bgfnfO{ 5'g 5f8]sf] 5 . xfdL ;fdfGo ?kdf
lng cEo:t eO;s]sf 5f} . ;dfhdf o;/L ck/fwx¿ al9/x]sf 5G ls,
clt ;fdfGo eGbf ;fdfGo 36gfaf6 o;sf] ljhf/f]k0f eP/ cGtt: eo+s/ ¿k
lnb} df}nfO/x]sf] 5 .
;dfhdf ck/fw a9\g' s'g} Ps sf/0f dfq} lglxt x'b}g . lg/fzf, a]r}gL,
s'07f, cfj]z, k|ltzf]w, c1fgtf, dxTjfsf+Iff ;Fu;Fu} a]/f]huf/Lsf
sf/0f ;[lh{t ljljw kIfn] ;'if'Kt ?kdf dflg;nfO{ ;[hgzLn sd / ck/fw
pGd'v a9L agfO/x]sf] x'G5 .;Eo ;dfh lgd{f0fsf nflu 1fg, l;k, g}lts
d'n\o, dfGotf;lxtsf] Jojxfl/s lzIffsf] cefjn] klg ck/fwsf] >[v+nf
al9/x]sf] 5 . b]zsf] lkmtnf] sfg'g / /fhgLlts ;+/If0fsf] cf8df b]zsf
xf]gxf/ o'jfzlQm ck/flws lqmofsnfkaf6 cl3 al9/x]sf 5g\ . o;n]
b]zsf] cfly{s ;fdflhs tyf af}l4s ljsf;sf] nfuL Pp6f k|Zg v8f
ul/lbPsf] 5 .
;dfh hlt ljsl;t x'Fb} uof], Tolt dflg;sf rfxgf /
cfjZostfx¿ ylkg' :jefljs xf] . oBlk dflg;df b':v / d]xgtn] eGbf klg
ck/flws ultljlwaf6 cufl8 a9\g] dgf]sf+Iff a9\b} uPsf] b]lvG5 .
kmn:j¿k ljsf;;Fu} ck/fwn] klg cfw'lgs ¿k lng yfn]sf] 5 . lj1fgn]
leqfPsf] k|ljlwsf] b'¿kof]u ub{} xTof, ckx/0f ug{] / s/f]8f}+
lkm/f}tL lnP/ hLjgnfO{ df]hdl:tsf] w'Fjfdf p8fpg]x? lgoGq0f
aflx/ 5G .k[YjL gf/fo0f SofDk; ;dfhzf:q dfgjzf:q tyf u|fdL0f ljsf;
ljefuLo k|d'v zflGt e'iffnsf cg';f/ ;dfhdf Ps ju{;Fu P]z cf/fd /
ljnf;L hLjgz}nL 5 . t/, cs{f] ju{ ul/aaf6 cem ul/a x'Fb} uPsf] 5 .
oL b'O{ ju{ aLr b]lvPsf] c;dfgtfn] klg ck/fwnfO{ k|>o lbO/x]sf]
pgsf] ts{ 5 .dflg;sf] pu| :jefjnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{] b'O{ s'/f 5g\
cf}krfl/s sfg'g / cgf}krfl/s wfld{s d"n\o dfGotf, g}lts lzIff,
;+:sf/x¿ lgod . t/, dflg; cfkm'nfO{ oLeGbf dfly /fv]/ lqmofsnfk
ul//x]sf] 5 . cfkm'n] cfkm"nfO{ s]G›ljGb'df /fv]/ Jojxf/ ub{}
hfFbf ck/flws dfgl;stf a9\b} uPsf] 5 . …tfd;L’ k|j[lQsf] vfgkfgn]
klg dflg;sf] dfgl;stf pu| agfO/x]sf] x'G5 . dflg;df x'g] …Ouf]’n]
klg ck/fwnfO{ k|>o lbO/x]sf] e"iffn atfpFl5g\ . csf]{ kf6f] ;dfh
ck/fw pGd'v x'g'df sfdk|lt ;Ddfg gx'g' klg xf] eG5g\ –
afndgf]ljZn]ifs w'j|/fh vgfn . pgsf cg';f/ ;dfhn] klg sfd ug{]
JolQm b':vL / ul/a elglbg] / sfdsf] ;Ddfg gul/lbFbf n'lsl5kL
ck/flws lqmofsnfkdf o'jfx¿ nfUg yfn]sf] atfpF5g . cs{f]tkm{
/fhg}lts bnx¿n] /fhg}lts bz{g, l;4fGt, d'n\o / dfGotf ljk/Lt e"ldut
xf]: jf v'nf cfkm\gf dftxtsf sfo{st{fnfO{ ha/h:tL rGbf c;'n\g
nufpg] / kf/blz{tf gx'g] x'Fbf klg o'jfx¿ lj:tf/} unt dfgl;stfaf6 k|]l/t
eO/x]sf] pgsf] a'emfO 5 . ck/fwsf] :j?k ablnb} uPsf] atfpF5g\
dsjfgk'/sf k|x/L k|d'v ;f]d]Gb| l;+x /f7f}/ . …;dfh h;/L ljsl;t x'Fb}
5, ck/fwsf 36gfx¿ klg ljleGg dfWodaf6 al9/x]sf 5g\ . cfh df]afOn
kmf]g, ;fdflhs ;+hfn nufotsf] k|of]u u/]/ ck/fwsf] ;f+u7lgs ;
+hfn ;d]t tof/ eO/x]sf] 5 . wfswDsL, qf;n] /ftf/ft dfnfdfn x'g]
b';kgf af]s]/ sltko lzlIft JolQm ;d]t ck/fwdf ;+nUg x'g yfn]sf
b]lvG5,’ pgL eG5g\ .sfg'gL 1fgsf] cefj, ;fyL ;+ultsf] k|efj / dfbs
kbfy{sf] cToflws ;]jgn] ck/flws dgf]j[lQ a9\b} u}/x]sf] kfnsf]
egfO 5 . ck/fw Go'lgs/0f sfg'gn] dfq} eGbf klg Jojxfl/s cfr/0fsf]
z'l4s/0fn] x'g] x'Fbf ck/fw /lxt ;dfhsf] kIfdf k|x/L k|zf;g dfq}
xf]Og ;dfhsf x/]s JolQmsf] e'ldsf dxTjk"0f{ x'g] wf/0ff pgsf]
5 .;dfhnfO{ ck/fw d'Qm, ljsl;t / ;'–;Eo agfO{ cufl8 a9fpg] xf] eg]
;dfhdf x'g] x/]s s'/fnfO{ lgofn]/ ck/fwnfO{ lg?T;flxt ug{] ;+oq
lgd{f0f ug{ h?/L 5 . ck/fw eGg] s'/f ;fdflhs k|lqmof ePsf] / ck/fw
ljgfsf] ;dfh gx'g] x'Fbf o;nfO{ k"0f{ lg/fs/0f ug{ g;s] klg
Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;lsG5 eGg]tkm{ gfu/Ls ;dfh / /fHosf] ljz]if rf;f]
x'g'kg{] b]lvG5 .
$=$=!= ck/fw cg';Gwfgdf hgzlQmsf] cj:yf=
s'g} klg b]zdf k|x/Lsf] :yfkgf ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf nflu g} ul/Psf]
x'G5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df zflGt ;'/Iff sfod ug{'kg{] cs.]
dxTjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L klg k|x/Ln] lgj{fx ug{'kg{] cj:yf 5 .
u[x k|zf;g dftxt /xg] k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Lsf] cfb]zdf zflGt ;'/Iff
kl/rfngsf nflu k|x/L kl/rfng x'G5 . o;/L x]b{ zflGt ;'/Iff sfod ug{]
dfdnfdf k|x/Lsf] e"ldsf bf];|f] txsf] x'G5 . ck/fw cg';Gwfgsf nflu
k|x/Ln] s;}sf] cfb]z s'/]/ a:g'kg{] x'Fb}g . ck/flws 36gfsf]
cg';Gwfg ug{] k|x/Lsf] klxnf] / clgjfo{ lhDd]jf/L xf] . ck/fw
cg';Gwfgsf] If]qdf g]kfn k|x/Ln] ljZjdf g} pbfx/0fLo ;+u7gsf]
kl/ro agfO;s]sf] 5 . b]z leqsf xf]pg of b]z aflx/sf, ck/flws 36gfsf]
cg';Gwfgdf g]kfn k|x/Ln] cAan ;+u7gsf] kl/ro agfPsf] 5 .
nfu'cf}ifw, ;+ul7t ck/fw / cft+sjfb;Fu ;DalGwt ck/fwsf 36gfdf
g]kfn k|x/Ln] u/]sf cg';Gwfg ;kmn ePsf 5g\ .
dsjfgk'/s} ;Gbe{df s'/f ug]{ xf] eg],

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