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Kenyan Farmers Weather

Climate Crisis
Contents Directors

8 Dr Bimal Kantaria joins the

Commonwealth Enterprise and
Investment Council 40 Elgon Kenya’s partnership with UoN will
enhance farming culture among youths
Dr. Bimal Kantaria, OGW
Dr Bimal Kantaria has been a Director in the
group since 1991, after graduating from the
UK, initially starting his career in Purchasing,
then unto Sales and finally in operations.

His education background is B.Soc. Sc in

Economics, Masters in Business Administration
14 Elgon Kenya’s partnership
with Agriculture
(MBA) and a MSc. in Packaging Technology.

ministry revives 4K Club Bimal is a member of the Rotary Club of

programme Industrial Area, Nairobi and also Chairman
of Agriculture Sector Network, Agriculture
10 IFTEX Let us leverage our ideal conditions
to explore more flower markets
Confederation of East Africa, Director, KEPSA,
President Lohana Mahaparishad, Kenya. He
served as Rotary District Governor for Kenya,
South Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia for one

48 Sustainable packaging solutions

Also Inside Page

Editorial.............................................................................................. 4
Director's Message.................................................................................. 5
Flower industry’s growing sustainability makes a case for sea transportation............ 6 Director:
IFTEX Pictorial....................................................................................... 12-13 Baiju Kantaria
Youth in Agriculture................................................................................ 16
Baiju Kantaria has been a Director in the
Women in Agriculture.............................................................................. 17 group since 1992, after graduating from the
UK, initially starting his career in Purchasing
Physically Challenged Persons in Agriculture................................................... 18
and is now responsible for overall sales in the
National Farmers Awards Pictorial............................................................... 19-23 group.

Elgon Kenya Product Portfolio.................................................................... 24-39 His education background is BSc. in

Economics from Manchester University and
Preparing Agriculture Students For the Job Market........................................... 42-46 Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Feeding the nation is a noble calling that should warm every Kenyan’s heart............ 50 from City University in London.

Thabiti Granulated Lime promises more benefits for farmers............................... 52 Baiju is a past Chairman of the Round Table
no.21, a charitable organisation which looks
How to stop the silent enemy that every livestock farmer fears............................ 54 after the welfare of the less-able.


Editorial Director’s Message
Why we need to do more to build We can grow a prosperous future in
resilient food systems agriculture through partnerships
With erratic weather patterns, reliance on Building a bridge between farmers and digital
rain-fed agriculture is becoming a timeworn solutions is imperative to enable them tap s the world gets back on its feet Rigathi Gachagua for their proactive and a
culture which has to be minimized. Farmers into applications that will assist their ventures. after the crippling effects of the hands-on approach to agriculture. Their
must learn to farm even with little water. With the right policies, and enhanced measures, Covid-19 pandemic, it is encouraging pro-smallholder farmer policies have a
challenges facing farmers can be overturned to see the tenacity and resilience of long-term effect on the agriculture sector,
So how can they do this? transforming the country from perennially food Kenyans. The resolve with which they have which demonstrates why we should take
insecure, to abundance agriculturally that even bounced back is amazing. Of course, it will the sector and the economy to the next
The answer lies in proper water conservation supplies to its neighbours. take time to fully recover, but the fighting spirit level.
and management practices. It is common to
entrenched in our people will definitely get us
see rainwater flowing away; going to waste Our farmers, especially the smallholders, are the The private sector, in partnership with
never to be recovered, during heavy rainfalls. driving engine of our food security train. Their Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET),
The irony is just a few days later, there sheer willpower and determination protect During the pandemic, the agriculture sector equally deserves recognition for its role in
follows a lack of water for irrigating our us from food insecurity, the more reason suffered its fair share of challenges. It saw advancing the country’s agricultural ideals.
crops. Floods have been known to sweep they should be cherished. With small-scale Their efforts to beat the scourge of food
businesses close down resulting to job and
away roads and bridges. But not much has production accounting for over 75 percent of and nutrition insecurity and lack of jobs
livelihood losses. Disruption of global supply
been done to redirect these flood waters

the total agricultural output in the country and chains ultimately had an effect on our food and livelihoods, is admirable.
he climate change challenge is steadily into storage facilities for use in future. 70 percent of marketed agricultural produce, it and nutrition security. But the sector, has
becoming more pronounced in makes sense why Kenya’s smallholder farmers As a player in the agriculture sector, Elgon
A paradigm shift is required. As a country, consistently shown remarkable resilience and
African countries, and the threat of need to be rewarded for their unrelenting Kenya pledges its commitment to working
we must act fast and embark on practices recovery.
food insecurity is equally growing. The attitude. with the government and the private
erratic weather patterns, dwindling arable land, that ensure rainwater and floods do not
Our farmers have always strived to ensure sector for the benefit of all Kenyans. Our
unpredictable rains, emergence of new pests and go to waste. Building water conservation
ecosystems, ponds, dams, swales, and other
We also need not forget the enthusiasm and
Kenya remains food and nutritionally secure resolve is to do our best to keep the Dr. Bimal Kantaria, OGW
diseases, and farm input challenges, are becoming commitment the government has demonstrated
the norm. Yet our fast-growing population similar structures, should be our priority, to through massive investments, and its leadership and that the economy grows. For that, they agriculture sector going strong and our
customers satisfied through providing high
Director, Elgon Kenya,
deserve to be acknowledged. Smallholder
requires sustainable food provision. maximize on the benefit of rainwater and
floods whenever they come. Rain torrents no
from the frontline in the agricultural value
chain. This points to a timely shift of mind by farmers, who form the bulk of our food quality agriculture inputs at the right time Chairman - UAN
longer have to come, devastate then ‘leave’ producers, are our greatest partners at Elgon and most affordable prices.
Kenya’s food systems are currently in a wobbly our policymakers on the need to get serious
state. Food production is unsteady and hence untapped. Technology, coupled with science with the food security situation. It couldn’t have Kenya. And we endeavour to celebrate them Still in partnership with the UON, we have
as much as we can. As part of our investment in crop nutrition an internship programme in which we strive
the threat of serious food insecurity is ever- and innovation, are also critical concepts in come at a better time and we can only hope we have gone into fertilizer blending to match training with the requirements of
looming. This phenomenon is now, surprisingly, efforts to transform our food production this momentum is sustained.
systems. This year, we rolled the carpet for them, for and recently unveiled a blending facility the job market while addressing the skills gap.
commonplace even in counties that have where we unveiled a new line of blended
traditionally been regarded as the country’s food Given the government’s diverse responsibilities, the ninth time, to celebrate the best through Students from UON are recruited into a six-
Covid-19 drove the surge of digitization of the private sector is coming in handy; filling in the annual National Farmers Awards, whose fertilizers under the Thabiti brand name. month paid internship at Elgon Kenya, where
agriculture supply chains, food distribution where the government encounters challenges. application process has now gone digital! This is an NPK brand targeting coffee, tea they work in our different departments. We
Accessibility to sufficient water for farming is and marketing, laying a foundation for The private sector is proving an effective The event held in February after a break due and horticulture farmers and is intended mentor them to ensure they gain the hands-
becoming a serious issue. Its availability -and lack future scaling of efforts in agriculture. The partner to the government. It aggressively to the pandemic, saw us reward winners in for planting and top-dressing. on experience required in today’s hectic job
of it- is adversely affecting livelihoods and families’ growing digital space should become part provides solutions to the challenges that nine different categories among them youth, market.
food and nutritional sustenance. This heightens of the entire food production value chain, bedevil our agricultural productivity. This is We have also invested in granulated lime,
women and persons with disabilities. Farmers
the risk of food insecurity and a deteriorating extending from our smallholder farmers to commendable. which has numerous benefits for farmers The first cohort of students underwent the
have been pivotal in sparking a farming
economy. But we can readjust our bearing and policymakers. Providing quality, up-to-date ranging from correcting soil pH to the internship and already graduated. Some have
revolution in their respective areas, the more
learn to live with some of these challenges, and data that is accessible and transparent is, A convergence of minds among players in most productive levels, to strengthening joined us as new staff members. Others have
reason why we celebrate them.
even turn some to our benefits. As they say, when therefore, key to digital transformation in the agriculture sector, a shift from traditional plants’ physical structures, and others in been absorbed in different institutions. Yet
life gives you lemons, make lemonade! agriculture and will assist guide policy, craft ways of doing things, adopting modern trends, More good news is that this year, we introduced between. With this product, farmers can still others started their own enterprises as
food security interventions and drive food and acknowledging the serious challenge that the 4K Clubs segment in the awards scheme. rest easy knowing it will address most of the new batch of agripreneurs.
Farming smarter to increase productivity amid trade and distribution efforts. climate change poses, are key in advancing The category aims to celebrate school their crop production challenges.
these challenges, is the key. This speaks to the our agricultural production practices now children and their agriculture clubs doing all When we embarked on the journey with
need for better farming methods and optimal Supporting data-driven models will require a and in future. Food insecurity is, after all, the Even as we do these, we continue to these students, it was refreshing to learn from
they have to rejuvenate our farming and food build relationships with our partners, and
use of fertiliser, and better water management vibrant enabling environment that is inclusive, common enemy. But in agriculture, we have the some of them that they planned to start their
and partnerships and policies which mobilize production systems. We seek to encourage engage with new ones who possess similar
practices. Farmers must quickly learn to do more ammunition to fight it. own agribusinesses and even employ others.
leadership necessary to empower collective more young people into farming, since they goals to ours, in ensuring our country’s
with less. It all requires improving our soils’ health, This is the kind of motivation that we want
action. The policies must be designed in hold the future of our country. If we want a food security.
increasing biodiversity, improving nutritional for the future of this nation.
diversity and content of the food they cultivate, a user-driven and consultative manner to food secure, prosperous future, we have to
and perhaps most importantly, enhancing water respond to the needs of farmers who are the bring them to the discussion table. We want Our groundbreaking partnership with Lastly, I acknowledge the Commonwealth
management. primary beneficiaries. them to realise agriculture is not all about the University of Nairobi, for a series Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC)
tilling land and that numerous opportunities of activities will definitely revolutionise for choosing Elgon Kenya as its strategic
await them in the value chain. Kenya’s farming and agriculture scene. First,
EDITORIAL BOARD Elgon Kenya we are building an ultramodern agriculture
partner and appointing me to its global
advisory council.
 Dr. Bimal Kantaria, OGW We are honoured to work with the Ministry of
East Gate Road, off Mombasa Road, * * Elgon Kenya News is published Agriculture in this noble initiative to actualise
innovation and technology centre in
 Baiju Kantaria the university’s Kabete Campus, in our This demonstrates Kenya’s respect as
 Dr John Muchibi
P.O. Box 46826 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya regularly by: the ambitious plan.This teamwork is recruiting mission to actualise new and innovative an innovative country that elevates
 Vaibhav Deshmukh Tel: +254 20 6534 410, Fax: +254 20 6534 807 Elgon Kenya and circulated to its schools across the country into the 4k Club ways through which we can work with the entrepreneurship. With such achievements,
 Nelson Maina Email:, Website: partners in the region movement. I also commend the government academia and research institutions to take we believe Kenya will achieve much more in
 Mahesh Sharma led by President William Ruto and his Deputy agriculture to the next level. its farming and food production systems.

Flower industry’s growing sustainability
makes a case for sea transportation
This mode of transport is convenient, The country’s flower industry stakeholders
affordable even for small scale producers, are accordingly making all the efforts
and creates more space for more produce and investments in achieving just that;
to be shipped, not forgetting the fact it enabling sustainable practices across all
is a sustainable means of transport in their production and logistics processes.
our modern production trends, where The industry will, in turn, create more
sustainability is key. Data shows while jobs as per the Sustainable Development
there are on average about 5,000 tonnes of Goals (SDG 8) and ensure a significant
weekly flowers ready to be transported to reduction of its carbon footprint (SDG
various international destinations, only 70 13). By harnessing the possibilities of both
tonnes of weekly cargo capacity is available. sea and air transport, Kenya will be at a
This is far much below what is required. pole position to become the East-African
perishable goods hub and position itself for
By embracing sea transport, the industry a sustainable floriculture future. And by that,
accordingly creates a green alternative to the country’s flower industry and definitely
air transport. An alternative known to have the economy, stand to gain immensely.
Baiju Kantaria less greenhouse emissions. Sea freight also These sentiments have been accentuated
Director, Elgon Kenya. opens new markets for Kenya. Such include by Ambassador Maarten Brouwer.

the Gulf States and the Far East.

enya’s flower industry is achieving During the signing of the framework
unimaginable global feats amid The recent development in the industry to of cooperation between Kenya and the
numerous bottlenecks that have stalled ship flowers and horticultural products by Netherlands, the Dutch Ambassador’s
its growth. Lately, our flower industry has, in sea is a welcome relief for all players. Across avowal that his country has all the technical
many ways, shown resilience in the face of the globe, flower producers like Colombia expertise required and its keenness to work
numerous adversities. In 2020, it faced the full have embraced this mode of transport. And with Kenya’s flower industry to enhance its
brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic. Then the
Russia-Ukraine conflict came and its effects
it has proven successful, convenient and
success, is a development Kenya can leverage
to promote its floriculture. All we have to QUALITY
slowed flower sales in our traditional flower do is to ensure right policies are established
markets. The industry’s enthusiasm and optimism and all the required infrastructural logistics

Despite all these, the flower industry

towards this initiative is therefore
heartwarming, with some flower growers in
are in place to support sea freight.
Keep your precious flowers fresh
with trusted Botrytis control
weathered the challenges to emerge Kenya already trialing this model partnering In essence, Kenya is becoming a regional
stronger. However, transportation of flowers with the Kenya Flower Council (KFC). The pioneer in sustainable floriculture ventures,
from farm to the market has continued to be signing of the framework of cooperation including the use of solar energy, biological
a huge challenge. Industry players decry the between KFC and Dutch Embassy during pest control methods, environmentally
high costs and limited cargo space leading to last year’s International Floriculture Trade friendly packaging, green mobility in the
production losses and decreased profitability. Exhibition (IFTEX) further bolstered the farms, and now sea freight. Unique MoA Efficacy & Reduced
Industry stakeholders have lamented the resolve to move towards the sea transport against Botrytis protection chemical charge
unaffordable charges incurred in transporting model. The development of sea freight and
flowers by air, which accounts for about 50 investment in innovative practices are
percent of all production costs on average. The adoption of sea freight for perishables positive steps towards a more sustainable
in Kenya, as highlighted in the framework production model for the Kenyan
A solution had to be found. And real fast. of cooperation between the Kenya Flower floriculture. It demonstrates that we are
Our country’s flower producers require a Council and the Netherlands, will definitely not just renowned for our leading flower
sustainable way that is cost effective, to have lead to clear benefits for the Kenyan public growing culture but also as a home to
their flowers reach the markets in Europe and private sector. innovative people always looking for ways
and across the world. This is why the Kenyan to address challenges affecting them.
floriculture industry is now embracing At the centre of these developments
sustainable practices that extend beyond are sustainability and environmental- With such sustainable farming practices
the flower farms’ production process, to the consciousness trends which are gaining and innovative approaches, Kenya’s flower
freight and logistics component. The industry premium in virtually all sectors across the industry is indeed poised for more great
is adopting sea transport to ship its flowers to globe. The market, for instance, demands things and a sustainable future. TRANSFORMING FARMS & LIVES THROUGH TECHNOLOGY

global markets. Such is a welcome move that that flowers be produced and delivered
heralds better tidings for the flower industry, sustainably and in ways friendly to the We should therefore give these innovative
as it to a significant extent, assuages the environment and demonstrate concern for developments all the support.
Home of Botrytis Solutions Appointed Distributor
freight challenges our flower producers face. the people working in the sector.


Commonwealth Appointment
Going global: Dr Bimal Kantaria joins the
Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council

he Commonwealth Enterprise and The network has since gone regional,
Investment Council (CWEIC) has following establishment of the Agriculture
picked Kenya’s agro input company Confederation of East Africa (ACEA), which
Elgon Kenya Limited as a strategic seeks to negotiate with governments and
partner and appointed its Managing Director businesses in the region to formulate a
Dr Bimal Kantaria to its global advisory policy to support a seamless movement of
council. The not-for-profit organization goods across borders to spur agriculture
forms the Commonwealth’s business development within the East African
network, with over 100 business and Community (EAC) borders.
government strategic partners from
31 countries and territories. CWEIC This effort, despite the EAC Heads of
facilitates trade and investment across the State Summit pledging since 2011 to
54 member nations of the Commonwealth. spearhead a regional approach to agriculture
development, has not taken off but with
The council hosts the Commonwealth ACEA, the dream is close to being realized.
Business Forum alongside the biennial Dr Bimal chairs the ACEA.
Commonwealth Heads of Government
Meeting, every two years. Through its Dr Bimal also serves as a national board
networks, at its events, and on international director at the Kenya Private Sector Alliance
delegations, the organization’s activities, (KEPSA) since 2021 and leads on Food
create a platform for meaningful engagement position. At the helm of one of the largest
Security and Climate Change. He is also
among business leaders and Government agro input company, Elgon Kenya Limited, in
the patron of the annual Kenya’s National
decision makers across the Commonwealth. Eastern and Central Africa, Dr Bimal oversees
Farmers Awards that seek to reward farming
its operations in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda,
Accepting the appointment, Dr Bimal noted Ethiopia and Zambia. champions ranging from small enterprises to
the significance of the council in global business large commercial entities.
networking and high-level decision making. “I He also applies his skills and knowledge
extensively towards philanthropic endeavours The all-inclusive scheme recognizes women,
am honoured to be part of this prestigious
network group and I look forward to more spanning education, health and social services. persons with disabilities and the youth. Past
interactions and engagement with other At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, winners have become icons, mentors and
members while driving its transformation Dr Bimal working with the Kenya Private model farmers, demystifying agribusiness as
agenda. I thank Lord Jonathan Marland, the Sector Alliance, Rotary International and the a career of choice. The awards have been
Chairman of CWEIC, for acknowledging us Kenya Flower Council, formed the Caravan recognized widely and earned a Presidential
through the nomination,” Dr Bimal said. of Hope Initiative that delivered flowers to trophy.
caregivers in Kenyan hospitals and the UK,
Back home, the Kenya Kwanza government to encourage first-line health workers as the The scheme is also supporting the recently
led by President William Ruto, recently virus tormented the world. revived 4K Clubs movement that seeks to
appointed Dr Bimal as a representative of the reintroduce farming initiatives in primary
private sector to the crucial newly-formed Kenyan flower industry was among the schools and young farmers in secondary
Food Reserve Balance Sheet Committee. most hit by global lockdowns and the flower schools.Dr Bimal is also the patron of
donations were meant to give hope to the the Agriculture Media Society of Kenya
Under the new NCPB Board Act Regulations world. For his efforts, the then President (Agrimedia) that supports training of
March 2023, the Food Reserve Balance Sheet Uhuru Kenyatta named Dr Bimal among the journalists reporting on issues about the
Committee will monitor and advise the Uzalendo Award winners, for their exemplary sector.
government on the national strategic food support to the war against Covid-19.
reserves, including data collection and food In 2011, Dr Bimal was awarded the
In 2020, Dr Bimal was elected chairman of the
price stabilisation mechanisms. Productive Business Civility Award by
Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET), the
US-based iChange Nations Organization
The committee’s first meeting was chaired umbrella entity of agribusiness organizations
and stakeholders seeking to steer the in recognition of his role, investment and
by State Department Crop Development impact in agriculture, education, health
industry and drive Kenya’s economic growth.
Principal Secretary Dr Harsama Kello and social services. The award is set aside
Among international organizations working
together with Cabinet Affairs Principal for Top World Civility Leaders, who are
with ASNET is the SDG Partnership of the
Secretary Julius Korir. Several government making a global impact with their businesses,
UN – Food Agriculture Organization (FAO)
departments’ representatives also attended, innovations and initiatives.
and the International Fund for Agriculture
as Dr Bimal articulated the private sector’s
Development (IFAD).


Let us leverage our ideal conditions to
explore more flower markets
Noteworthy is the fact that the flower European Union (EU) with a market share
industry in Kenya plays quite a significant of approximately 38 percent. Flowers also
role in different areas and segments of the form the bulk of our horticultural export
country’s economic development. And earnings and employ a significant number
hence with these positive indications, more of people, especially women, and youth.
sectors will further gain from floriculture.

Flowers earn the country significant

But we can still improve these factors
by enhancing our market presence and
Dagonis® 125 SC
amounts in terms of foreign exchange.
As of September 2022, Kenya exported
getting even more people employed in
this revolutionary industry, and with
Dreamlike harvest!
cut flowers worth approximately KSh3.3 that, boost the economy. We can, for
Your new innovative preventative and curative
billion (about USD 26 million). instance, expand our market reach across
Europe and beyond by venturing into new fungicide for the control of powdery mildew in Roses.
Indeed our flower industry is growing very frontiers.
fast. And this, as you know, is helped by
the unique and conducive conditions in the While Europe remains the largest market
country that make this sub-sector thrive. for Kenyan flowers, there has to be
Vaibhav Deshmukh We, for instance, have the best climatic concerted efforts to diversify and explore
Head of Agribusiness conditions only comparable to Colombia, emerging markets in Asia, the Middle East,
Ecuador, and Ethiopia, which are - in their and North America. This strategy can help
Dagonis® contains Xemium®, an innovative active ingredient belonging to the

own rights - leading flower producers as mitigate the impacts of any fluctuations in
he International Flower Trade
Exhibition (IFTEX) made its
well. demand from traditional markets and even carboxamide class (SDHI) and Difenoconazole, a well-established and known
comeback this year, being the
open up new avenues for growth. Triazole (DMI). It provides broad spectrum disease control with focus on
We are also located in a geographic powdery mildew.
second edition after the Covid-19
location that straddles the equator A growth in Kenya’s floriculture
pandemic. For the second year running
and this enhances these good flower production and export of flowers will
now - after Covid-19 - it is a gratifying
cultivation conditions. Plus the fact that further consolidate the country’s position How it works
feeling to realize just how much Kenya’s
the country is a regional logistics hub as the leading global supplier of cut Dagonis® builds on the complementary strengths of Xemium® and Difenoconazole
floriculture sub-sector has improved and
has a knowledgeable workforce and is flowers, and this is a fact that, as Kenyans, giving rise to a broad-spectrum product with a reduced resistance risk.
gotten back on track just two years after
innovative in different aspects. All these we should be proud of.
the pandemic almost destabilized it.
factors place us in a pole position, giving
us an edge over most of the countries that Going forward, it is our earnest belief that
It is truly impressive to witness Kenya’s
grow flowers across the globe. the Government will further implement Resistance management
steady rise to be one of the top five
policies that support the country’s flower Repetitive/continual use of Dagonis® 125 SC can lead to pesticide resistance. It is
flower-producing countries globally. It is
Accordingly, taking advantage of these industry and make all the efforts to expand
also impressive, the fact that Kenya is still recommended that Dagonis® 125 SC is alternated with pest control products with
conditions will definitely enhance our beyond our traditional markets and in
maintaining this admirable position given a different mode of action as well as adhere to good farming practices.
flower productivity and more than improve turn guarantee that our flower sub-sector
that the country is most likely already
our position as a leading floriculture hub. maintains its upward trajectory or perform
the largest and most diverse producer of
As you may be aware, Kenya is already the even better.
prime-cut flowers in the world.
leading exporter of rose cut flowers to the Try Dagonis® 125 SC today!

Joseph Maina BASF East Africa Limited

Ornamentals Manager – Kenya Phone: +254 20 407 2000
+254 786 856 973 P.O. Box 24271, Nairobi, 00100 The Pavilion, 6th Floor Lower Kabete Road. Nairobi, Kenya



Elgon Kenya 4K club

Elgon Kenya’s partnership with

4K Club programme, according to the through offering innovative solutions The youth, for instance, are technology-
Elgon Kenya Ltd boss. -especially in agriculture- for our savvy and are exposed to the numerous
national challenges in KENYA. This technological innovations that are

Agriculture ministry revives 4K Club

“We are looking to have between would in turn create an educated, coming up to facilitate agricultural
700 and 900 schools in the 4K Club healthy, self-reliant KENYAN nation that productivity and significantly boost
competition. And there is a big team at is assured of prosperity and economic the country’s agriculture and in

programme the Ministry of Agriculture training the

participants on the same, as well as an
online app that facilitates participation.

Kenya, as widely indicated and just like

turn, guaranteeing food security and
economic growth.

The only problem is that there has the rest of the countries across the Elgon Kenya Ltd, has accordingly
always been a stigma that the youth continent and globally, has a rapidly taken up the mantle of spurring the
them to see the immense benefits of The launch, which serves to strengthen
associate with agriculture,” Dr Kantaria growing human population that has its development of these 4K clubs in the
this sector to the country’s economy the 4K Club movement in Kenya, took
says. needs. country, in partnership with both the
and food security. place on February 17 2023, during the
government, academia and other private
National Farmers Awards gala dinner,
However, an important factor is that Demand for nutritious food is sector partners, in a bid to motivate
This is expected to translate to a more where Elgon Kenya Ltd in collaboration
there are numerous opportunities subsequently increasing and hence a the youths to join the agriculture
youthful generation embracing farming with the Ministry of Agriculture and
that the youth can leverage across need to have an informed, passionate, bandwagon.
and agriculture and in turn boosting the Livestock Development introduced the
the sector’s value chain, including and energetic youthful generation with
sector’s fortunes in the country. The 4K Clubs Presidential Award Scheme
in transportation, logistics, IT, and an enthusiasm to drive the agriculture “The National Farmers Awards
vast majority of farmers in the country competition (4K ClubPAS). The 4K
sales. The youth can engage in any of sector in the country, to ensure that we Scheme inspires farmers to contribute
are now elderly, with an average Kenyan Club category is the latest addition to
these value chains in agriculture and remain both food and nutrition secure. more towards the country’s food and
farmer being between 55-60 years old. the annual National Farmers Awards
immensely benefit. nutrition security. And the inclusion
Therefore, the relaunch of the 4K of the 4K Clubs competition as the
These are the sentiments of Livestock
For starters, the 4K Club programme in Club programme is largely aimed at tenth category demonstrates Elgon
Development PS, Harry Kimutai, and Through its Managing Director, Dr
Kenya was founded in 1962 after a local bringing on board more youth into Kenya Limited’s commitment to
many other concerned stakeholders Bimal Kantaria who is a firm believer in
leaders’ visit to the USA where they the agriculture and food production ensuring that our youth are not left
in the country’s agriculture sector, the development of agriculture, Elgon
George Ogutu were exposed to various agricultural sector, according to Jane Njeru, the behind in the quest to showcase
highlighting the crucial need to bring Kenya Ltd is continuing to reiterate
General Manager more youths into this important sector. its adage of not leaving anyone behind
programmes including the 4-H club. Communications Officer at the Youth their talents and agripreneurship
Unit of the 4K Clubs Programme, skills. Such developments contribute

when it comes to enhancing food
n June, 2021, former President Uhuru When they came back to the country, within the Ministry of Agriculture and to improved livelihoods and a firm
“The formation and relaunch of the security in Kenya. And this has, by and
Kenyatta relaunched a branded the Kenyan leaders decided to adopt Livestock Development. shift of the young in their perception
4K Club programme is a novel idea large, been the motivation behind Elgon
4K Club programme for schools the 4-H club concept and principles towards agriculture,” Ms Njeru says.
expected to attract more youth to Kenya involvement in the programme.
in the country during the Nairobi which were customized to the 4K Club “We have started by ensuring that “School children in 4K Clubs will now
agriculture. This will ensure there is
International ASK show. for ownership and identity. there is a 4K Club in every ward in be energized to contribute their best
an agricultural production continuity During the launch of the 4K Club
Kenya. Thus far we have trained 4K efforts to improving the country’s food
in the country. We need to encourage Presidential Awards Scheme, Dr
The programme, which had in the past Its guiding principle is to empower the Club patrons in 27 counties across the and nutrition security.”
Kenya’s youth to come into this space Kantaria highlighted the key role that
years been very well established in youth with agricultural and life skills country,” says Ms Njeru.
and help them to love agriculture from young people would potentially play in
schools, especially during the 1980s and which will contribute towards better Noteworthy is that the champions being
their very youthful ages and realize that creating a farming revolution in Kenya,
1990s had, hitherto gradually become nutrition, health and higher standards The 4K Club programme is consequently recognized in the 4K Club competition
farming is indeed beneficial especially in which informed his company’s resolve
defunct as Kenyan schools’ curriculum of living. The four Ks in the club’s name on course to achieving the goal of will not be limited to students, patrons
terms of creating self-employment,” Mr to support the 4K Club programme.
evolved in the latter years and in due stand for Kuungana, Kufanya, Kusaidia, enhancing Kenya’s agriculture sector and headteachers, but will also feature
Kimutai says.
course, significantly changed. Kenya. by investing in the youth to motivate other players such as private sector
“A key message that we would like
them to embrace agriculture, not just practitioners, teachers, and anyone else
Farming and agriculture inputs to pass to the youths in the 4K Club
Students soon forgot about the KUUNGANA implies the UNITY as a pastime or hobby, but as a full-time enthusiastic about walking this journey.
company, Elgon Kenya Ltd recently programme is that agriculture is not just
programme, and the danger of of the youth and young farmers as profession.
unveiled a new category in its annual about tilling land and crop cultivation. It
completely neglecting agriculture members of the club to foster growth There currently are about 700
National Farmers Awards Scheme, to is all about the entire value chain. And
among school children and the youth, and empowerment in the society. Kenya’s population of youth is big, registered 4K Clubs mainly found in
acknowledge players and individuals in an immense world of opportunities
suddenly loomed ever large. and with the serious challenges in job primary schools, with an estimated
4K clubs across the country. exists within this value chain,” he said.
KUFANYA defines ENGAGING in creation, the agriculture sector could membership of over 50,000 individuals
“We therefore need more young
The revived 4K Club programme, doing work with one’s hands and mind potentially provide more than enough countrywide.With the relaunch and the
This takes place alongside the awarding people to get into agriculture and fully
is essentially an initiative to create in bid to meet the society’s present opportunities for these youths to subsequent introduction of the other
of other farmers that the scheme fetes engage in it.”
awareness and inculcate a positive needs. create rewarding jobs for themselves incentives, the belief is that more young
for their efforts in the rejuvenation
mindset towards agriculture among and others along the sector’s value people will join and the youth will adopt
of Kenya’s economy, and ensuring the The partnership between Elgon Kenya
school going children, encouraging KUSAIDIA denotes to AID or ASSIST chain. a culture of farming and agribusiness.
country’s food security. Ltd and the Ministry of Agriculture,
therefore, has an ambitious plan for the the country by ensuring its progress

Women in Agriculture
Model farm that helps neighbouring farmers
improve their agriculture prospects
bumper harvest, a model farm for among the youth. The awards scheme
others to emulate, and an award as the took a brief hiatus after the Covid-19
best woman in agriculture nationwide pandemic struck and crippled economies
are the end results of a farming venture that around the world, with Kenya being among
Priscah Chelagat Keter started in 2008 after the countries affected. This year’s awards
she lost her husband. Lutiet Farm (which scheme held on February 17, was the first
means the presence of nice things in the after the Covid-19 induced break, and saw
local language ) has demonstrated how the winners announced and feted at a gala
vanguard farmers can turn challenges into dinner in Nairobi.
opportunities to spur food security and
improve their livelihoods. During the gala night to fete the winners,
Elgon Kneya Ltd Managing Director, Dr Bimal
Lutiet Farm started quite unexpectedly. Kantaria reiterated the efforts to ensure Priscah Chelagat Keter, Winner in the in Women
Chelegat reminisces about her humble that Kenya’s young generation are involved Agriculture category receives award from Crop
beginnings as a mixed farmer trying to feed in agribusiness to support the country’s Development Principal Secretary Philip Kello
her five children and fend for the family food security agenda and create meaningful Harsama.
after the death of her husband. The farm careers for themselves in the farming and the country. Before she gained insights from the
progressively transformed into one that agriculture industry. For Chelagat, the award numerous farmer field days and training, she
neighbours could emulate and Chelegat and recognition, she explains, opened doors was recording low productivity from her crops,
herself was now being viewed as a model for her. She not only got recognition but also but now the yields have improved. She explains:
farmer. Chelagat has gradually increased became an instant celebrity in the village. “I used to harvest around 18 bags (90kg bags)
her mastery of farming and is reaping the Her farm is now a buzz of activities receiving of maize per acre. Nine bags of wheat per acre.
fruits. She also grows a range of indigenous visitors from all walks of life. Today, I harvest between 20-25 bags (90kg bags)
vegetables including cabbages, cowpeas of maize from one acre.”
(kunde), spider plants (sucha), and black “I took the trophy to my local church for
nightshade (managu) which she sells at prayers. I have now become a model farmer She adds that she milks 15 cows and gets
Merewet, and Soy markets. Her farm was receiving visitors every week seeking to between 50 and 60 litres of milk per day
recently recognized as the winner in the learn about good agricultural practices. which the farm supplies to the neighbouring
Women in Agriculture category at the 2022 The award also came with a voucher and Kipchangui Girls Secondary School (20 litres)
National Farmers Awards Scheme organized other farm input packages from Elgon and also Sirikwa Dairy Cooperative Society. “I
by Elgon Kenya Limited and the Ministry of Kenya Limited,” says Chelegat.But her sell a litre of milk at between Ksh 60-70 to the
Agriculture. journey to this recognition has not always school. I sell another 10 litres t the co-operative
been rosy. “When I inherited the farm after society at between Ksh 43-50 per litre.We have
“I was really delighted. Sometimes you do the death of my husband, I was just doing a ready market for milk,” says Chelegat adding
not know you are doing a good job until normal farming. I had little knowledge about that she feels it more profitable selling the milk
you get noticed. I didn’t know that women farming,” she recalls. “But gradually I learned directly to the institutions.
farmers too can be recognized,” she says and incorporated good agricultural practices
joyfully after her model farm in Kongasis and now, I’m among those recognised across Poor infrastructure, lack of water for irrigation,
village, Soy constituency Uasin Gishu County the country for my farming practices.” cost of farm inputs, and maize price volatility
was acknowledged during the National are still a hindrance to her farm’s productivity,
Farmers Awards and to date, continues to In 2010, she attended several agricultural she indicates, noting that animal feed prices
awe her neighbours. field days, training and keenly followed have shot up while the leading milk processors
agribusiness TV programs. Through these, in her locality continue to offer low prices
Held every year, the National Farmers she sought to gain more knowledge on for milk. She also weighed in on the ongoing
Competition Award Scheme started in 2013 farming and agribusiness to help her carve maize importation urging the government not
as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with a niche in agribusiness, with the agricultural to interfere with the prices of maize. “The
an objective of scaling up the Presidential best practices she gained. Chelagat now Government should let maize farmers sell
Farmers Competition which only focused grows maize on 30 acres, and wheat on 15 their produce at a better price and only import
on soil conservation and farm management. acres. She also has 30 high-pedigree dairy maize when there is a shortage” Chelagat,
It expanded to include the recognition of cows and 300 chickens, and has also adopted however, has no regrets about getting into
Kenya’s farmers in their efforts to keep the dry planting technology to improve her farming and agribusiness. For now, she says she
country food and nutritionally secure. maize yield. enjoys transferring her knowledge on farming
to other prospective farmers and engaging in
The National Farmers Awards scheme is The farm today epitomizes how the power of mentorship for fellow farmers, as she ensures
also promoting agribusiness prospects and partnerships, and farmer training can improve her farming venture grows. “I urge my fellow
encourages participation and adaptation of livelihoods and change the food insecurity farmers to work hard and believe in their
commercial farming as a career-especially narrative among smallholder farmers across dreams,” she concludes.


Youth in Agriculture
Despite initial challenges, young farmer
is now making a fortune from farming
“It was now time to bring the best out of hold a cumulative 40,000 litres, which have,
my earlier agriculture experience.” consequently, been serving his farming
Mwangi’s family land, which is in the arid
parts of Laikipia County was idle and He later encountered more challenges
nobody seemed to want to use if for when his onion crops were ready for
anything. But with just enough water, harvest. One night, a herd of elephants
he knew he could farm it. And with that, invaded the farm just after a buyer had
Kamuru Farm which specialises in allium paid for the onions and was just waiting
crops that include onion, garlic, and bullet for them to be harvested and delivered.
chili was born. He also grows tomatoes Mwangi says he lost roughly 30 tonnes
and tamarillos. Kamuru Farm sits on a five- of onions, and saw nearly KSh2.4 million
acre piece of land. worth of potential yields and investment go
down the drain as the elephants destroyed
Reuben Kamuru Mwangi, Winner in the Youth In the course of his farming activities, practically all the crops on the farm and a
in Agriculture category receives award from Mwangi realized that just like any other even huge water tank that he had installed.
Crop Development Principal Secretary Philip business, farming also has its ups and
Kello Harsama. downs, given the changing weather “I only managed to salvage two tonnes
patterns, crop and livestock diseases, and from the entire crop,” he says, indicating

n his graduation from the market downturns that many new entrants that then, his only consolation was his chili
University of Nairobi with a into the farming and agriculture space face. crop, which now produces between 600kgs
Bachelor’s degree in Commerce But in due course, he learnt to manage and one tonne weekly and sells at KSh80
(Finance option), Reuben Kamuru Mwangi some of these challenges and even afford per kilogram. “If farming wasn’t my passion,
was among a few lucky individuals who got some advice for upcoming farmers. I would no longer be doing it,” he muses.
an opportunity to work outside Kenya.. He
got employed in Qatar where he worked “As a farmer I realized that it is always In 2018, after reducing the size of the land
for about four years. But he did not quite prudent to work backwards,” he advices. on which he farmed onions to just half
like his work and stay in Doha. “Start with the market first. Learn its an acre the crop did so well that during
dynamics. Oftentimes, farmers keep saying harvesting villagers sought to learn from
Having saved a bit of his earnings, he came brokers steal from them, yet it is them who him how he manages to achieve such yields
back to Kenya and decided to launch a may not be keen on the market dynamics despite the unfavourable conditions in the
water project in his rural home in Daguret and how to satisfy what the market needs.” region.
area in Nanyuki, Laikipia County at a cost Located next to Mt Kenya Forest, Kamuru
of KSh500,000. With a finance background Farm is always prone to wild animal A big break, however, came for him during
and a passion for farming, while growing invasions. And thus, even before the crops the 2023 National Farmers Awards.
up, the idea of venturing into agribusiness are mature enough wild animals often Mwangi’s efforts paid off as he clinched
soon struck his mind. “I grew up in Uthiru invaded and destroyed virtually all the the best Youth in Agriculture title in the
area, Nairobi County. I remember my plants. awards scheme sponsored by agriculture
friends used to laugh at me when I said in inputs company, Elgon Kenya Limited and
class that I would like to become a farmer “I remember when I had planted chili and the Ministry of Agriculture. “Actually, I was,
when I grow up. In Uthiru, I had a small even observed all the good agricultural by and large, recognised because of the soil
kitchen garden where I planted spinach and practices until the crop was ready for the management practices that I employed on
carrots,” he recalls. market. Then one night I woke to find my my farm,” he says.
farm invaded by different animals, all feeding
While still a student years At Upperhill on crops that were then nearly mature,” His mixed farming practices, and the idea
High School years earlier, he had studied says Mwangi. He, says that he consequently of comprehensively using the available
agriculture as a subject both in form one made a higher fence to especially keep resources on the farm also helped him
and two. But as time went by, he grew into off the ravenous gazelles which were the win the recognition. He, now, also has a
“a cool guy” who never wanted anything most troublesome, and even did some fish pond on the farm which provides fish
to do with “dirty soil”. He finally dropped research on which crop gazelles didn’t like, for consumption. Mwangi, says that he
agriculture completely. all in a bid to make more profits from his realises that despite the initial challenges
agribusiness. In due course, Mwangi sought in his agriculture ventures, he was destined
“But now a little older and wiser, the urge to find a solution for the water challenges for success and now several years later
to go back to the farm became stronger,” prevalent in the region where his farm is after starting out, he smiles back at the
he recalls. located. He therefore built two dams that milestones he has achieved.


Physically Challenged Persons in Agriculture
Handicapped farmer relies on his one
hand to farm and get bumper yields
he Ahero-Kisumu Road always offers In 2000, his mother gave him
an exciting ride save for the numerous Sh5,000 to start farming. It was
lorries transporting sugarcane to the a noble gesture that would
nearby sugar mills and the numerous often later turn into a blessing in
unmanageable bodaboda (motorcycle) disguise.“I started with sukuma
operators crisscrossing the busy highway. wiki, which I planted on half an
Along the way are expansive rice fields acre plot. After harvesting I got
stretching as far as the eye can see, patches a profit of roughly KSh15,000-
of green leafy maize and bean crops blooming 20,000,” Oyoo recalls.
as a result of the ongoing heavy rains.
Having tasted the fruits of
James Oyoo’s farm in Kochogo village, farming, Mr Oyoo would in
Nyando Constituency Kisumu County, 2001, venture into tomatoes
several kilometres from the busy road, and maize. He plants tomatoes
however, is a sight to behold. He grows on half-an-acre and earned
tomatoes, collard greens (sukuma wiki), and about KShs150,000. He also
maize. He has three acres of maize, one acre earned Sh70,000 from his
relied fully on local traders for his marketing,
of tomatoes, and sukuma wiki on half an acre. maize plantation. “I bought 50 kilograms of
an idea that has not disappointed him.
However, Oyoo stands out among other tomato seeds at KSh18,500. I later utilized
farmers in that even though he is physically the profit to build a house for my family
challenged and farms using one hand, his and pay school fees for my four children in “I market my produce through referrals.That
crops tell a different story. “Most people school,” he adds. Oyoo further elaborates is the only way I know. I thank God that word
think I can’t do it. But I have been farming for on his journey to fame: “In 2019, my farm of mouth reaches traders and my customers
several years with only one hand,” he starts was chosen for an exhibition that brought and they come here,” Oyoo says. “I sell
our conversation. together Kisumu County officials, private half a sack of sukuma wiki at KShs600. And
sector players, seed and fertilizer companies. sometimes when there is high demand, I just
I emerged as number two in the county count five rows of the vegetable plantation at
He has earned accolades both from the
ranking” a cost of Shs600. While a crate of tomatoes
locals and on the national stage. In mid-
sells at between Ksh 1500-2000.”
February this year, he was among farmers
honoured by Elgon Kenya and the Ministry During the exhibition, we were trained on
of Agriculture during the 2019 National the latest farming technologies that would However, his main challenge is the lack
Farmers Awards Scheme in Nairobi. The increase our productivity, the right seed of farm equipment including a pump to
awards which are sponsored by agriculture varieties to tackle the changing weather distribute the water that he uses to irrigate
inputs company, Elgon Kenya Ltd and the patterns, and the appropriate inputs for our the tomatoes and vegetables on his farm.
Ministry of Agriculture seek to recognize crops among others. He also received two The adverse effects of climate change, pests
farmers’ efforts in ensuring that Kenya bags of fertilizer to improve his productivity. and diseases are also challenges that stall his
remains food secure. He would later that same year grace the farming’s full productivity.
national stage when he emerged winner in
Oyoo was honoured for being among the the physically challenged category. “I used to farm near the River Nyando.
best in the Physically Challenged Persons in But I moved to a new area after the soil
Agriculture Prize category in the country. He Since he bagged the award, he has continued degenerated and fertility declined and this
vividly remembers his name being announced to teach locals about the right time to plant, too has now come at a cost. I am now forced
on Television and receiving so many calls from which varieties to plant, how to top dress, to connect extra pipes to pump water
family and friends within the community. and apply folia and pesticides for a bumper to irrigate my tomatoes and vegetables,”
“I was overjoyed when I learnt about the harvest. “I’m happy that those who come Oyoo says. “And because of climate change,
award,” says the father of four -three girls to my farm to learn have started reaping nowadays when I plant tomatoes, especially
and one boy. “Every morning when I wake the fruits of good agricultural practices,” he in the month of June or July, the plants do
up and see the farm it reminds me of my notes. abort a lot more.”
Two years after the award, he ventured into Oyoo, who is still thrilled with the recognition
Until he ventured into full-time farming, he rice farming by leasing one and a half acres by the National Farmers Awards, advises
had been staying and fully depending on his in Kakola and Kadibo villages respectively. farmers to adopt new farming technologies
mother for practically every of his provisions “I used Shs 30,000 to lease the two pieces and also water management practices to
following the death of his father. Oyoo says of land and buy seeds from Ahero irrigation tackle the harsh weather and ever changing
he once worked as a farmhand for several board. From an acre I harvest about 35,000 climatic conditions. “I urge farmers to work
people but quit to go into menial jobs bags of unprocessed rice and can fetch up hard on their farms, because this is the only
within Ahero town before later getting into to Sh180,000 as profit when milled,” Oyoo way that we can tackle food insecurity in
agribusiness. explains. He indicates that he has previously Kenya,” he concludes.

National Farmers Awards National Farmers Award
Farmers are the backbone of Kenya's economy. This is why Elgon Kenya Ltd has always strived to acknowledge
them and the much that they do to ensure that Kenya remains food secure. On February 17, 2023, Elgon
Kenya partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture to acknowledge and reward our country's farmers for their
efforts, through the National Farmers Awards. Here are some photos that showcase how the event was.

National Farmers Awards National Farmers Award

Pest Control Pest Control



nsect pests can cause significant harm to crops by reducing yield
and quality. They can feed on leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers
Insecticide for control
of the plants which can cause direct damage. This can lead to Insecticide for
of Diamond back moth
stunted growth, wilted leaves, and reduced photosynthesis, which can in cabbage, African control of aphids,
ultimately result in reduced crop yields. bollworm and tomato whiteflies, and
leaf moth( Tuta absoluta) thrips on french
In addition to direct damage, insect pests can also transmit diseases, in Tomatoes. Fall army beans, snow peas,
worm in maize. and tomatoes.
which can further harm the crop. This can lead to reduced crop
quality, as well as lower yields.

Insect pests can also cause economic losses by reducing the Benefits.
Fast protection from insect damage Benefits.
marketability of the crop. Some examples of the damage caused by within zero to four hours. Fast acting, pest stop feeding within
specific insect pests include: short pre harvest interval l day minutes after exposure..
Long lasting protection.
Active ingredient: Indoxacarb 150g/L Short pre harvest interval, tomatoes,
french beans, snow peas 1 day
Rate: 6ml/20L: 300ml/Ha
Active ingredient: Cyantraniliprole
Pre harvest Interval: tomato, cabbage
Mahesh Sharma, 1 day; maize 3 days.
Rate: 9 -12ml/20L: 450-600ml/Ha

INSECTICIDES Head of Business in agriculture, Elgon Kenya

Pre harvest Interval: 1day

Aphids can cause leaf curling, yellowing and wilting, and can ERGO PRO 120EC
also transmit viral plant diseases.
Insecticide for control of
Armyworms can defoliate entire crop, leaving only the caterpillars in tomatoes.
Insecticide/miticide for
stems of the plants. french beans. snow peas.
control of spidermites.
Cutworms can damage seedlings by cutting off the stem at sugar snap, and tomatoes.
caterpillars, thrips,
the soil tuta absoluta in tomatoes.
whiteflies in tomatoes
fall armyworm in maize
surface, causing the plant to die. and diamond back moth in
and roses.
Whiteflies can cause yellowing and shriveled leaves and can cabbage.
also transmit viral diseases.
Therefore, managing insect pests is important for maintaining Fast acting, pest stop feeding within Benefits.
crop production and economic viability for farmers. minutes after exposure .. Low dosage rates.
Long lasting protection.
Highly effective insecticides.
Pre harvest Interval: tomatoes 1 day, Acts on all stages of insect develop­
french beans, snowpeas, sugar snaps, ment- eggs, larvae, adult
cabbage 3 days, maize 7 days
Active ingredient: Acetamiprid 100g/L
Active ingredient: Chlorantraniliprole + Eamamectin benzoate 20g/L
200gl L Rate: 6ml/20L:300ml/Ha
Rate: 6ml/20L: 125ml-150ml/Ha Interval: 7days

Pest Control Pest Control
for control of
caterpillars in Insecticide for Insecticide for control Insecticide for control
tomatoes and control of aphids, of thrips, of aphids,
capsicum. whiteflies, thrips aphids, grasshopper in diamond backmoth,
on tomatoes, tobacco, whiteflies, african
french roses. bollworm in cabbages,
beans, roses roses, tomatoes

Highly cost effective insecticide Benefits. Benefits.
Has Long lasting protection. Benefits. Effective and economical insecticide. quick knock down effect.
Fast acting pest stop feeding with Rapid knockdown A systemic insecticide controlling short pre harvest interval.
hours of ingestion, preventing Long lasting protection. major sucking and chewing insects.
further crop damage.
EC formulation ensures easy mixing. Been used by farmers over the
years as an execellent tool for pest
Active ingredient: Emamectin benzoate Active ingredient:Etofenprox 300g/L
Active ingredientLambda cyhalothrin management.
Active ingredient: Acephate 970g/Kg Rate: 6ml/20L: 0.25-0.5L/Ha
Rate: 10ml/20L: 0.5L/Ha
Rate: 10ml/20L: 350ml/Ha
Rate: 10g/20L: 0.5Kg/Ha Pre harvest Interval: cabbage; 3 days,
Pre harvest Interval: 1day tomato; 1 day
Pre harvest Interval:4 days
Pre harvest Interval: 3 days


for control of miticide and insecticide
caterpillars in roses for the control of mites
Insecticide for and leafminers in Roses.
control of thrips, Miticide for and false codling
moth in avocado. Tomatoes & French
whiteflies, the control of
nematodes in spidermites
tomatoes and

Benefits. Benefits. Benefits.

Good control at low application Acts quickly and has a long lasting Highly effective insecticide.
rate. Benefits. Long lasting protection of leafminer
Long lasting protection. Has multiple effect on all insect stages- and spidermited
Controls nymphs and adult stages of
eggs, larvea, adults.
Controls eggs and larvae. mites. Has translaminar activity. protects
Has both ingestion and contact activity. upper and lower side of leafs.
A systemic insecticide Long lasting protection.
difficuIt for pest to escape its action.
Active ingredient: Imidacloprid 120g/L +
Abamectin 30g/L Active ingredient: Abamectin 18g/L
Active ingredient: Spinoteram 60g/L +
Active ingredient: Chlorfenapyr 240g/L Methoxyfenozide 300g/L Rate: 10ml/20L: 0.5L/Ha
Rate: Foliar; 6ml/20L: 300ml/Ha
Drenching; 2L/Ha Rate: 3ml/20L: 0.3L/Ha Rate: 400ml/Ha Pre harvest Interval: tomatoes, french
Pre harvest Interval: 7 days beans 7 days
Pre harvest Interval: Avocado 14days

Pest Control Pest Control
Crops are susceptible to a wide range of Bacterial diseases: Bacterial diseases such
diseases caused by various pathogens such as fire blight and bacterial wilt can affect
Fungicide for the Fungicide for control
as viruses, bacteria, fungi. These diseases fruit trees and some vegetable crops.
control of leaf, stem & of downy mildew on
can These diseases can cause wilting, dieback,

yellow rust in wheat, Roses; Early & late
and fruit rot. rust, angular leaf spot, blight on Potatoes
have a significant impact on crop yields,
reducing the quantity and quality of the Viral diseases:Viral diseases such as mosaic anthracnose in french
harvest. To maintain high crop yields and virus can affect a wide range of crops, beans.
protect the including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental
health of crops, it is essential to implement
effective disease management strategies. These diseases can cause leaf mottling, Benefits.
stunted growth, and reduced yields. It's
There are many different type of diseases Has good activity aganist rust. High quality yields.
important to note that these are just a
that can affect crops, and they can vary Systemic activity, penetrates the
few examples of the many diseases that Long protections of aganist blight
depending on the type of crop and the plant rapidly and becomes evenly
can affect crops. There are many other disease.
region where it is grown. Here are some distributed throughout the leaf.
diseases that can also cause significant Has excellent disease control.
examples of common diseases that can Cost effective solution.
damage to crops. It is important to stay
affect various crops:
informed about the diseases that can affect
Fungal diseases: Fungal diseases such as your crops and to be able to recognize the Active ingredient: Tebuconazole Active ingredient: Metalaxyl 40g/Kg +
240g/L Mancozeb 640g/Kg
powdery mildew, rust, and downy mildew symptoms of those diseases so that you
can affect a wide range of crops, including can take appropriate action to manage Rate: Wheat 100ml/20L: 1lt/Ha Rate: 50g/20L: 2.5Kg/Ha
cereals, fruits, and vegetables. These them. 10ml/20L: 0.5L/Ha
diseases can cause leaf spotting, wilting, Pre harvest Interval: potatoe;14
Pre harvest Interval: french beans 14 days.
and reduced yields. days, wheat 36 days

Wear Protective Clothing

Before using Pesticides

Fungicide for the control

of early & late blight in Fungicide for the
potatoes, tomatoes, control of early &
CHAMPION 50WP CUPROS 50WP downy mildew in snow late blight in tomatoes.
peas, sugarsnap, onions,
flowers, powdery mildew
Fungicide for the control Fungicide for the in cucurbits, bean rust,
of coffee berry disease control of coffee leaf anthracnose & angular
and leaf rust in coffee, rust, coffee berry leaf spot in french beans.
early & late blight on disease in coffee,
tomatoes,angular lead spot, anthracnose, rust &
rust & anthracnose in french bacterial blight in Benefits.
beans, botrytis & black spots french beans Benefits. Provides protection at increased
in roses. Provides multi layer and longer disease pressure.
duration of protection-14 days. Quickly absorbed by the leaves.
Benefits. Benefits. A complete disease control and also Ideal to use for disease resistance
Small particle size resulting in Hi-load copper formulation. checks further disease spread. management.
excellent coverage and disease
Long term protection and excellent
protection. Active ingredient: Dimethomorph
rainfastness Active ingredient: Famoxadone 225g/
Multi site mode of action. Easy mixing and clean spraying. 400g/Kg + Cymoxanil 100g/Kg
Kg + Cymoxanil 300g/Kg
Active ingredient: Copper oxychloride Rate: 10g/20L: 400g/Ha Rate: 15g/20L: 750g/Ha
Active ingredient: Copper hydroxide 77%
84% (equivalent to metallic copper 50%)
(equivalent to metallic copper 50%) Pre harvest Interval: tomatoes; 3
Pre harvest Interval: potatoe;14
Rate: Coffee 140g/Kg: 7.7Kg/Ha40g/20L: Rate: Coffee 140g/Kg: 7.7Kg/Ha 40g/20L: days.
days, tomatoes,snow peas,sugar snap,
2Kg/Ha 1.6Kg/Ha
onions, french beans,cucurbit; 3 days
Pre harvest Interval: coffee 14days, Pre harvest Interval: coffee 14 days,
tomatoe, french beans 3 days french beans 3 days

Pest Control Pest Control

Weeds are unwanted plants that manual removal of weeds, using tools
compete with crops for resources such as hoes or cultivators.
Fungicide for the control such as sunlight, water, and nutrients.
Fungicide for the Integrated weed management: A
of powdery mildew, Effective management of
control of early & late combination of these methods is
anthracnose, leafspots,
blight on tomatoes. weeds in crop production can involve often the most effective way to
black rot, fusarium,
potatoes. botrytis in a combination of methods, including: control weeds in crop production.
botrytis, blackrot in french
roses. beans, mangoes, pawpaw, Cultural control: This includes It's important to note that proper
roses, avocado, banana, practices such as crop rotation, identification of the weed species
grapes, wheat tillage, and mulching, which can is crucial to choose the right
help to reduce weed growth and seed management strategy. Some weeds
are resistant to certain herbicides, and
Chemical control: Herbicides can be others may have multiple resistance.
Benefits. used to control weeds in crop fields, Therefore, it's always recommended
Benefits. Systemic mode of action, protects new but it is important to choose the to use a combination of methods
growth. correct herbicide for the and to monitor the field regularly
A multi site inhibitor. stops
fungi development at various A preventative, curative and to check for new weed emergence
specific weeds present and to use it
points during development. eradicative action for complete disease and adapt the management strategy
at the correct time and rate.
control. accordingly.
Has high margin of crop safety Mechanical control: This includes
Active ingredient: Thiophanate
methyl 500g/L
Active ingredient:
Mancozeb 800g/Kg Rate: 20-25ml/20L: 1-2L/Ha

Rate: 50g/20l Pre harvest Interval: rice; 15 days, Wear Protective Clothing
french beans, oranges;10 days,
Pre harvest Interval: avocado, wheat, barley, mango,
While mixing & spraying Pesticides
tomatoes, potatoes 14 days. orange, banana; 14days

CONSENTO 450 SC Fast absorption rate A post emergence, non
Pre-emergence selective herbicide for
Systemic and translaminar action, herbicide for the the control of annual
growth and reproduction of pathogens control of annual and perennial weeds
stops broadleaf weeds in in wheat, maize,
dry beans sugarcane, coffee, tea
Prevents the development of resistant
A fungicide for pathogens.
the control of Used at any phase of plant development
downy mildew in
roses, late blight Benefits.
in potatoes, and Active ingredient:
Fenamidone 75g/L + Propamocarb
Benefits. Consistency in weed control.
purple blotch in
onions. hydrochloride 375g/L. Highly selective to weeds. A good crop safety.
Allows weeds to be controlled early. Convinient to use.
compactible with a wide range of
Roses 2.5L/Ha
heribicides and insecticides. Active ingredient: Glyphosate
Potatoes 2.0L/Ha isopropylamine salt 480g/L
Onions 1.0L/Ha
Active ingredient: Flumetsulam 800g/Kg Rate: 300-600ml/20L, 2-3L/Ha
Pre harvest Interval: Rate: 36g/Ha
Onions/ Potatoes 14 days Pre harvest Interval: coffee,maize,
Pre harvest Interval: beans;85 days. wheat,tea; 24 days.

Pest Control Plant Nutrition
Early post-emergence Post-emergence
Pre & post-emergence herbicide for control herbicide for control
Pre-emergence and
herbicide for the control of annual and of annual and
post emergence
of broadleaf weeds & perennial grasses perennial grasses and
herbicide for the
some grasses in wheat, & broad leaf weeds broad leaved weeds in
control of annual and
barley. in sugarcane and non cropped areas
perennial broadleaf
weeds in maize, wheat,

Benefits. Benefits.
Benefits. Benefits. Controls a wide range of weeds early Easy to use paunch l00gm.
A good weed control for 1-4 weeks. Long period of weed control. on leading to increased yields Efficient use in hardwater because
Applied to weeds, adhere well to the A pre and post emergence, flexible Acts through the roots and leaves. of ammonium sulphate.
surface of the leaf and penetrate to to farmer use. Its economical and with low dose works fast 2-4 hours after
the plant. Broad spectrum of broad leaf weed rate. application.
Active ingredient : Metribuzin 700g/Kg
Active ingredient:
Active ingredient: Dimethylamine salf of Active ingredient : Chlorsulfuron Rate: potatoes 17.5g/20L: 350g/Ha, Ammonium salt of glyphosate
2,4 - dichlorophenyl acetic acid 720g/L 750g/Kg sugarcane 50g/20L: 500g/Ha 710g/Kg
Rate: 100-200ml/20L, 1-2L/Ha Rate: 20g/Ha Pre harvest Interval: potatoes; 60 days, Rate: 75-100g/20L:
Pre harvest Interval: coffee;14 days, Pre harvest Interval: wheat,barley; sugarcane; 90 days.
maize; 7 days, wheat; 30 days. 70 days.

Plants require a variety of essential and root development, blossom-end rot, and
nutrients to survive and grow. Essential tip burn.
nutrients are those that plants cannot

Sulfur (S): Sulfur is necessary for the
GLYCEL NEMESIS synthesize on their own and must be
obtained from the soil or other sources.
synthesis of amino acids and proteins.
Deficiency results in stunted growth,
The essential elements include:
yellowing of the leaves and poor seed
A post emergence, non Post-emergence Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen is necessary for formation.
selective herbicide for the herbicide for control of the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, and
Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium is necessary
control of annual annual and perennial chlorophyll, which are all essential for
for the synthesis of chlorophyll and the
and perennial weeds in grasses and broad healthy growth. Nitrogen deficiency
transfer of energy within the plant.
tea and minimum tillage in leaved weeds in non results in yellowing of the leaves and
Deficiency results in yellowing of the
cropped areas. stunted growth.
carnation. leaves and stunted growth.
Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is necessary
Besides essential elements, there are also
for root development, energy transfer,
micronutrients that plants need in small
and the production of flowers and
amounts, including zinc (Zn), iron (Fe),
fruits. Deficiency results in poor root
copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), boron (B),
Benefits. development, slow growth, and small,
molybdenum (Mo).
Benefits. discolored leaves.
A great tool for minimum tillage.
Plant nutrition plays a vital role in
Consistency in weed control. Non residual. no delay in planting Potassium (K): Potassium is necessary for
crop production. Adequate nutrition is
the next crop. the regulation of water uptake and the
A good crop safety. necessary for plants to produce healthy
synthesis of proteins and sugars. Deficiency
Convinient to use. Controls grasses and broad leafed growth, resist disease, and produce a
results in stunted growth, wilting, and leaf
weeds. high yield. Proper management of plant
nutrition through techniques such as
Active ingredient: Glyphosate Calcium (Ca): Calcium is necessary for cell soil testing, crop rotation, and fertilizer
Active ingredient: Glyphosate 371g/L wall development and the regulation of application can help farmers optimize
isopropylamine salt 480g/L + 2,4-D 24g/L enzyme activity. Deficiency results in poor crop production and increase yield.
Rate: 250ml/20L: 2.5L/Ha Rate: 125ml/20L: 2.5L/Ha
Pre harvest Interval: tea 21 days.

Explore Our World

Of Plant Nutrition

Plant Nutrition Plant Nutrition
aton AZ K leaf Benefits.
Efficient bio stimulant and anti stress A concentrated pottasium Improves the yield and quality of fruits
Aton AZ a biostimulant that effect. booster for and vegetables.
is easily uptaken by the plant foliar appliction during periods
Great efficiency in foliar absorption.Its Provides increased durability and
leaf and contains a mixture of crop
economical and with low dose rate. resistance; firmer fruits and vegetables
of essential micronutrients growth when pottasium is at its
together amino acids that helps Rate: 50-80ml/20L highest demand. It contains Is cost effective.
reduce plant stress i.e. drought 52%
stress. potash-(K2O) and 47% sulfur(S) Rate: 5-10kg/Ha

Calitech Megafol Benefits.

Benefits. Anti-stress and growth activator
Calitech is a concentrated Prevents calcium deficiency; blossom Contains a line of vitamins,
solution containing calcium end rot, tip burn in leafy vegetables, amino acid, and proteins, Stimulates growth of plants and
nitrate formulated to prevent cracking and disfigurement in fruits betaines and growth factors. improves effectiveness of treatments.
and correct disorders caused Improves pollination success. Promotes vegetal growth during
Applied regularly, promotes
by calcium deficiency such as environmental stress.
Decreases fruit drop and abortions. balanced vegetative
blossom end rot.
development and productivity. Rate: 50m/20L
Rate: 50-100ml/20L

Benefits. tradebor Mo Benefits

Corrects soil pH to the most
productive level. Prevents and corrects boron defencies.
tradebor Mo is a
Provides calcium nutrition Provides essential calcium to enhance Improves flowering, pollen germination,
mix of boron with
and soil conditioning in crop quality flower fecundation. fruit set and fruit
molybdenum, boron
a convenient granular development.
Maximizes utilization of key fertilizers stops flower
form. ensures effective pH drop and helps Improves the quality of grains.
management, resulting in a Rate: 300-600kg/Ha pollination. mo is the
rapid crop response. key for nitrogen Rate 50-100ml/20L

final K Benefits Nutrivant triple 19 Benefits.

Optimise the uptake of pottasium into 19-19-19 +2MgO +TE+FV
the leaf The accelerated nutrient penetration
Final K is a concentrated A balanced fully soluble persists for as long as 4 weeks.
potassium liquid fertiliser for Improves fruit coloration and sugar formulation that contains
Firmly attaches to the leaf surface
crop nutrition. content macro-micro nutrients that
anddelays evaporation.
prevents and treats potassium cover the crops’s need.
deficiency. Improves firmness and yield. Improves penetration of nutritional
The nutrient balance promote
macro and micro elements.
tillering and higher grain
Rate: 50-100ml/20L number and quality Rate: 100-200g/20L

Granu potasse
A high grade granular sulfate of Improves crop yield and quality Contains calcium ammonium
potash (SOP) for direct Contains all the registered nutrients.
Helps boost the crop resistance to nitrate for use in crops
application to
stress. Its uniformed sized granules Uniform distribution of nutrients
the soil. it contains 50% potash-
Free flowing robust grannules, free of ensure well distribution and across the entire field.
(K2O) and 18% sulfur(S)
dust. spreading thus immediately
available for plant growth. Each granule contains the correct
Rate: 200-500kg/Ha ratio of all the nutrients.

Plant Nutrition Plant Nutrition
THABITI DAP, 18-46-0 Benefits.
THABITI super fertilizer planting; Benefits.
General horticulture Tailor made fertiliser blend based
Ensures good root system growth.
A great source of plant Provides immediate needs on soil test information
nutrients phosphorus and Optimal fertiliser for planting. of the young seedlings to Crop specific requirement.
nitrogen, quickly dissolve in the ensure stronger seedlings
Uniform distribution of nutrients Provides balanced nutrition.
soil to liberate phosphate and that can better tolerate
across the entire field. Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
ammonium for plant stress conditions. disease
uptake. and pests. acidity.


46% THABITI super Benefits
fertilizer top dress; maize/cereals Tailor made fertiliser blend based
Has high nitrogen content.
Provides the plants with on soil test information
Optimal fertiliser for top dressing. Provides immediate needs
nitrogen to promote green Crop specific requirement.
of the crop to ensure crop
leafy growth leading to optimal Uniform distribution of nutrients vigor, vegetative, Provides balanced nutrition.
yields. across the entire field flowering, fruiting and
higher yields during crop Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
production. acidity


THABITI super THABITI super Benefits

fertilizer planting; maize Benefits fertilizer top dress; potato Tailor made fertiliser blend based on
Tailor made fertiliser blend based soil test information
Provides immediate on soil test information.
needs of the young Provides immediate needs Crop specific requirement.
seedlings to ensure Crop specific requirement. of the crop to ensure crop
Provides balanced nutrition. vigor, vegetative, Provides balanced nutrition.
stronger seedlings that
can better tolerate stress Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil flowering, fruiting and Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
conditions. disease and acidity. higher yields during crop acidity
pests. production.
17-30-6+3S+2Ca+0.4Zn 24-0-24+4S+1Ca+0.2Mg+0.1Zn+0.1B+0.1Mn

THABITI super Benefits. THABITI super fertilizer top dress; Benefits

fertilizer planting; Potato Tailor made fertiliser blend based on General horticulture Tailor made fertiliser blend based on
soil test information soil test information
Provides immediate needs Crop specific requirement.
Provides immediate needs of Crop specific requirement.
of the young seedlings to Provides balanced nutrition.
ensure stronger seedlings that the crop to ensure crop vigor, Provides balanced nutrition.
Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil vegetative, flowering, fruiting
can better tolerate stress Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
acidity. and higher yields during crop
conditions. disease and pests. acidity
13-26-13+3S+2Ca+0.2Zn+0.1B+0.2Mn 16-9-20+1S+3Ca+1Mg+0.3Zn+0.2B+0.4Mn

THABITI super Benefits.

THABITI super fertilizer top dress;
fertilizer planting; Rice Tailor made fertiliser blend based on
soil test information Tailor made fertiliser blend based
Crop specific requirement. on soil test information
Provides immediate needs Provides balanced nutrition. Provides immediate needs of Crop specific requirement.
of the young seedlings to the crop to ensure crop vigor,
ensure stronger seedlings that Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil Provides balanced nutrition.
vegetative, flowering, fruiting
can better tolerate stress acidity.
and higher yields during crop Keeps soil healthy by balancing
conditions. disease and pests. production. soil acidity

11-23-22+3S+1.5Ca+0.2Mg+0.1Zn+0.1B 30-1-11+4S+2.5Ca+1Mg

Plant Nutrition Plant Nutrition
fertilizer top dress; Tea Benefits
Tailor made fertiliser blend based THABITI super
on soil test information Benefits.
Provides immediate needs fertilizer Ratoon; Sugarcane
of the crop to ensure Crop specific requirement. Tailor made fertiliser
crop vigor, vegetative, A great source of plant blend based on soil test
Provides balanced nutrition.
flowering, fruiting and nutrients phosphorus. information
higher yields during crop Keeps soil healthy by balancing nitrogen. pottasium Crop specific requirement.
production. soil acidity plus essential micro Provides balanced nutrition.
nutrients to improve the
Keeps soil healthy by
yield and quality and
balancing soil acidity.
resistance to disease of
25-5-5+3.5S+5.5Ca+1Mg+0.5Zn+0.3B your sugarcane crop.

THABITI super 14-7-21+4S+5Ca+2.5Mg+1Zn

fertilizer top dress;Coffee
Tailor made fertiliser blend based
Provides immediate needs
of the crop to ensure
on soil test information THABITI super
crop vigor, vegetative, Crop specific requirement.
fertilizer top dress; Sugarcane Benefits.
flowering, fruiting and Provides balanced nutrition.
Tailor made fertiliser
higher yields during crop Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil Provides immediate blend based on soil test
production. acidity. needs to ensure crop information
crop vigor, vegetative,
Crop specific requirement.
flowering. fruiting and
22-6-12+3S+4Ca+0.5Mg+0.4Zn+0.2B higher yields Provides balanced nutrition.
during crop production Keeps soil healthy by
balancing soil acidity.

fertilizer triple 17 Benefits.
Tailor made fertiliser blend based on 26-0-26+2S+2Ca+1Mg+0.5Zn
An all purpose and soil test information
balanced fertiliser that
Crop specific requirement.
provides the necessary
nutrients for your crop Provides balanced nutrition.
in order to thrive and Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
boost new growth acidity. THABITI super
fertilizer planting; Sugarcane Benefits.
17-17-17+0.4Zn Tailor made fertiliser blend
based on soil test information
Provides immediate Crop specific requirement.
THABITI super needs of the young Provides balanced nutrition.
fertilizer 23:23:0 Benefits. seedlings to ensure Keeps soil healthy by balancing
Tailor made fertiliser blend based stronger seedlings that soil acidity.
Provides the plants on soil test information can better tolerate stress
with nitrogen and conditions, disease and
Crop specific requirement. pests.
phosphorus plus
micro nutrients Provides balanced nutrition.
to promote crop Keeps soil healthy by balancing soil
growth. germination, acidity.
flowering and yield. 14-30-7+3S+4Ca+0.5Zn



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Partnership Partnership
Elgon Kenya’s partnership with UoN will “The experience I gained in sales and
marketing made me acknowledge the

enhance farming culture among youths

challenges and learn, making them a stepping
stone to move forward. I also learned a lot
in regard to agriculture, for instance pest
scouting and disease management,chemical
handling,sanitary and phyto-sanitary
integrating into the agriculture career and If the same strategy is replicated and scaled regulations among many other fields in
partaking in virtually all the workings that the up, Kenya’s agricultural productivity would be agriculture,” says Meshack Kimutai, who
sector entails, according to Dr Kantaria. greatly enhanced and jobs created for millions studied Crop Protection at UON, and was
of youths along the agriculture value chain, stationed at Elgon Kenya’s sales and marketing
“The venture is born out of the need to according to Prof Kiama. He reckons that when department for the internship programme.
foster a culture of innovation, promote complete, ATIC will be a hub for agriculture “This experience helps in building resilience
resource mobilization for development and technology, hopefully, the same strategy will and making bold steps when it comes to
commercialization of market-demanded diffuse across the rest of the country. making choices and decisions, and also builds
products and services,” said Prof. Gitahi, during
a zeal for work.
the signing of the MoU between the two Echoing Dr Kantaria’s sentiments, UON
institutions. “At the same time, it will train and Faculty of Agriculture’s Prof John Kimenju, Gift Kipkoech who was attached at Elgon
mentor innovators and entrepreneurs in order who is the Chair of the committee driving the Kenya’s sales and marketing division for her
to increase chances of commercial success and establishment of the ATIC explains that the apprenticeship noted that the collaboration
to accelerate uptake of technology along the main motivation behind this partnership has enabled them to bridge the gap between
agricultural value chains.” always been the existent disconnect between academia and the professional field.
theoretical and practical competencies of
Mit Gudka GAICD, CA Essentially, the KSh50 million ATIC, whose graduates. “It provided the platform to practice what we
Regional Financial Controller plan has already been approved by the county have learnt in school and avenues to further
council, is a bestowal from Elgon Kenya Ltd to While, on one hand, these graduates possessed leaving it for the elderly generation. right from the farmers themselves. They
On April 6, 2022, twenty two students from practically learn how these issues affect the explore the field. It has been an eye-opener
UON, for the development of the agriculture greater theoretical skills, they, on the other to various entrepreneurial opportunities
the University of Nairobi’s (UON) Faculty of Such challenges can only be fully addressed farmers, and the country’s food security and
sector in Kenya. hand, lacked practical skills to address the within the field, all which we would otherwise
Agriculture were announced by the institution’s through partnerships such as the one between sustainability, and how they can be addressed.
current challenges that bedevil Kenya’s food have overlooked,” Gift says. “The experience
Vice Chancellor, Prof Kiama Gitahi, Dr Bimal When complete and fully operational, the UON and Elgon Kenya Ltd, and other The apprentices even take part in solving the
security efforts. gave us an opportunity to appreciate the
Kantaria, the CEO of leading agriculture input state of the art ATIC is expected to nurture prospective similar ones. issues affecting farmers,” Prof Kimenju says.
supplier Elgon Kenya Ltd, and the then PS for agricultural field, and the chance to grow
prospective youthful agriculturists and farmers, The partnership, therefore, seeks to train
Treasury, Dr Julius Muia. The institutions’ internship programme And the news gets even better for the trainees within it. Furthermore, Elgon Kenya Ltd has
and also strengthen innovations in agriculture the learners and also bridge the knowledge
involves UON first publishing a call for as Elgon Kenya Ltd provides them with a created job opportunities for us, graduates
and entrepreneurship. gap between academia and the industrial
The students who hailed from 13 different expression of interest and the students monthly stipend to support their upkeep and for that we are grateful.”
requirements for these graduates.
counties, including Elgeyo Marakwet, West The aim is, however, to foster the adoption of from different faculties -including Agriculture, during the training which lasts six months.
Pokot, Trans-Nzoia, Nandi, Homa Bay, Siaya, Veterinary Studies, and Engineering- apply. Lila Esther Nyokabi, who underwent the
cutting-edge innovations that would ensure job “We -alongside prospective employers from
Vihiga, Kericho, Nakuru, Kiambu, Nairobi, The shortlisting is done through interviews The partnership also has provided the interns internship programme at the farm inputs
creation, product development, and enhanced the private sector- realized that graduates
Murang’a, and Nyeri, had been selected and conducted by both the university and Elgon with an award certificate from Elgon -Kenya company, also acknowledged the importance
agricultural productivity in the country. largely fell short in terms of hands-on skills,
were ushered into a new programme seeking Kenya Ltd. after the end of the internship programme, a of the internship.
despite being adept in theoretical skill sets.And
to train and impart them with the necessary The ultimate goal of the project, which is Elgon Kenya Ltd came in as a private sector document which is crucial for interns in the
and practical skills to address real-life issues The successful applicants are placed in job market. “Elgon Kenya plays a leading role in closing
being implemented through the partnership partner volunteering to provide the requisite
that farmers in Kenya face. different establishments that the agriculture the gap between classroom training and
between Elgon Kenya Ltd and UON, is to resources and all that is needed to inculcate
input supplier runs across different counties in At the end of the training, the students have industry. This internship programme provided
guarantee a thriving agricultural sector in the the necessary practical skills to our students,”
This event marked a milestone in a purpose- the country, based on wherever the applicant the freedom to venture wherever they believe an opportunity for us and other cohorts to
country -and hence food security- and ensure Prof Kimenju says.“Elgon Kenya basically wants
driven partnership between the UON and selects. their acquired knowledge will be put into put into practice knowledge gained from
enhanced economic growth that provides to address the issue of practical, hands-on skills
Elgon Kenya Ltd; a partnership that, to date, practice and be beneficial in enhancing Kenya’s purposive classroom training, in addition to
sources of livelihoods for all Kenyans. that the students require to succeed.
remains and seeks to enhance the country’s Kenya’s different regions possess different economic growth and food security through learning new skills and work ethics,” she noted.
food security, grow the economy and provide Agriculture remains the backbone of Kenya’s challenges that affect farming and agricultural farming and agriculture.
The agriculture inputs company is a leader Elgon Kenya Ltd, Prof Kimenju opines, is fully
employment opportunities for Kenya’s youth, economy, the more the reason Kenya’s youth productivity. However, being an all-round
in the latest agricultural technology and committed to building Kenya’s agriculture
and attract more young people to agriculture. need to be comprehensively involved in the agricultural solutions provider, Elgon Kenya Ltd Of the 22 trainees in the first cohort of
innovations for both crop productivity and sector.
sector. Across the globe, such agriculture has, over the years, amassed vast experience interns, at least six have already been absorbed
livestock production. It is for this reason
Just a few months before, in December 2021, programmes and agricultural technology in addressing these challenges based on their by Elgon Kenya Ltd and now work with the
that the trainee programme felt comfortable “The company gives in a great way back to
the two institutions had signed a memorandum incubation centers are becoming instrumental specific regions of occurrence. company in different departments including
working with Elgon Kenya Ltd, according to society and does not expect anything in
of understanding that paved the way for the in developing this sector. animal health, sales and marketing and fertilizer
Prof Kimenju. The successful students, therefore, get all the return. The only expectation is that Kenya’s
construction of an Agricultural Technology and blending. Some have already been hired by
Innovation Centre (ATIC) at UON’s College required hands-on training as they work in different agriculture-focused companies in agriculture sector is enhanced, the economy
“Our youths and graduates need to be Currently, there are an array of challenges
of Agriculture and Veterinary Services, at its real-life situations, at the grassroots levels with the country, while others have started their rejuvenated and the country achieves and
smart and savvy enough when it comes to that agriculture as a sector in Kenya faces.
Upper Kabete Campus. farmers. They also work hand-in-hand with farming and agriculture startups. maintains food security,” he says.“Through this
being practical in agriculture. This is why we From climate change to the emergence of
Elgon Kenya’s competent agricultural experts partnership, the university seeks to deepen its
partnered with UON to come up with both new pests and diseases, poor and ineffective
The idea behind establishing the center was and supervisors, and those from UON. All these, the bubbly trainees said, were made collaboration with Elgon Kenya and nurture
the ATIC project and also this internship farming inputs such as seeds and chemicals,
a necessity for universities to churn out well- possible through the practical knowledge the spirit of innovation and community service
programme,” says Dr Kantaria. inappropriate equipment and machinery, and
rounded graduates capable of effortlessly “The trainees, in this case, get the gist of the and hands-on skill sets they gained from the among students and Kenyans.”
the challenge of youths shunning agriculture, issues that affect our agricultural productivity programme.

Preparing Agriculture Students Preparing Agriculture Students
For the Job Market For the Job Market
The first-of-its-kind partnership between Elgon Kenya Limited and the University of Nairobi to grow
the agriculture sector saw the agro-inputs company open up its doors to students from the university
in an internship programme.
Derick Andalia Victor Lituli
During the placement programme, the students served in various departments from sales and
marketing to animal health at the agro-input company. In this section, we profile the first cohort Lumasia Matunda
of 20 students who benefitted from the programme and afford them the platform to discuss their
experiences. Derick studied for a Victor worked as an
degree in Management intern in the Department
of Agroecosystems and of animal health. While in
Gift Kipkoech Environment. Working in the university he pursued
the marketing department Bachelor’s Degree in
Kibet during the internship Veterinary Medicine. His
programme, he did stock- work revolved around
Kimutai Kiptoo taking on the different sales and marketing of
Meshack Gift studied BSc in Horticulture Elgon Kenya dealers within animal health products
and was attached to Elgon Kenya’s the Nairobi Metropolitan Service area by comparing the such as veterinary drugs
sales and marketing division movement of stocks on a weekly basis if there were any to agrovets within the Nairobi region to push sales and
Kimutai studied Bachelor of where among other duties he slow-moving products. He also visited farmers and offered make sure that these products reach the end user. He was
Science Degree in Agriculture, did over-the-counter sales of them advice while marketing the company’s products to also involved in the training of agrovet shop attendants
Crop Protection Major and products and got acquainted them. He also carried out farm demos of products while on the use of veterinary products, how they work, their
was attached to the sales and with customers. He also provided pushing Elgon Kenya’s products in agrovets and doing application and the benefits of using them as well as how to
marketing department where extension services. random visits to farmers to assist them in any challenges convert the knowledge into solving the farmers’ problems.
he took part in marketing Elgon Kenya products to farmers, that they faced
and distributors, and in agricultural trade fairs. With this, he “My experience with Elgon Kenya has been great. I learnt quite
sought to expand the retail base of the company’s products a lot about marketing and the agricultural field in general.
throughout the given regions and beyond. I also gained social skills and learnt how to interact with
different people. The team at Elgon Kenya is very welcoming
and ready to teach.This has impacted me positively and given
me the opportunity to learn more and better myself,” he says. Gideon Onyango Bernice Wangechi
Okumu Wangome

Mahmoud Gideon studied Agriculture,

As a marketer, Bernice
represented the
Education and Extension
Mohamed Ali Pkopus face of Elgon Kenya
and interned at the mar-
Limited's products
Norman keting department. He was
and services. With a
Mahmoud graduated in attached in Kisumu County
team of five members,
September 2021 from the Norman took part in the where he worked with the
attached to Nyeri
University of Nairobi, College internship programme with marketing team to create
County, she reached
of Agriculture and Veterinary Elgon Kenya Ltd and shares his demand for Elgon Kenya’s
out to customers. She
Medicine with a Bachelor of experience. products in the county. In the course of the programme,
implemented strategies that promote brand awareness
Science Degree in Agriculture he took part in ground-works and farm visits to individual
and drive sales of the company’s products and services.
(Crop Science Major). He says: “I studied BSc. farms, training them based on the crops they grow and
This, they did by creating awareness through door-to-
Agriculture Education and creating awareness to them of Elgon Kenya’s new prod-
He underwent the internship door campaigns, farmers' field days and exhibitions.With
Extension and went on to ucts. He also visited stockists in the region to introduce
programme at Elgon Kenya in the sales and marketing department. her team, she also visited key stockists and distributors
be a marketing trainer working in West Pokot and Uasin and train them on the products and connect them to
Part of his duties included attending farmers' training to learn to push the products from their shelves and place new
Gishu Counties where I trained farmers and stockists and various distributors in Kisumu. Gideon further did mar-
how to train farmers on agricultural practices while marketing orders. Bernice is now employed by Elgon Kenya where
marketed Elgon Kenya’s products. I also worked on creating ket surveys among distributors to check the number of
Elgon Kenya products. He also visited farmers to offer them she works in the sales and marketing department.
awareness for farmers of new products being introduced into products in stock.
extension advice and conduct field demonstrations. Mohamed is the market by the company. Such products include Thabiti
currently employed by Elgon Kenya where he works in the sales
blended fertilizers, fungicides and nutritive foliar fertilizers. I
and marketing department.
also facilitated the preparation of demo plots.”

Preparing Agriculture Students Preparing Agriculture Students
For the Job Market For the Job Market

Nathan Kipkirui Awino Haggai

Kevin Otieno Kosgei Liech
Glory Chebet Dande
Nathan Kipkirui Kosgei Haggai studied Agricultural
Glory is a recent Biosystems Kevin studied for an was an intern in the animal Education and Extension
Engineering graduate. Environmental and health department at Elgon and was attached in
During her internship with Biosystems Engineering Kenya Limited. He pursued Homabay County where
Elgon Kenya, she worked Degree.As an intern, he a Bachelor’s Degree in he worked alongside
in the fertilizer blending worked as an assistant veterinary medicine at the the marketing team in
department where she machine operator and University of Nairobi. His main enhancing the market
also honed her engineer- with the help of his duties during the internship system for Elgon Kenya’s
ing skills. Her role encom- supervisor got to work included sales and marketing products in the county. He took part in training farmers
passed using and monitor- on various fields in the of veterinary pharmaceutical and introducing them to the company’s products.
ing PLC software from two department. Among products to various agrovets within the Nairobi region. He was To those interested he collected the products from
flat screens, making blend orders of the type of fertilizer the duties he was also involved in training and educating agrovet personnel on distributors and stockists and delivered them to their
required, daily maintenance and repair of the machines, assigned was the collection of data (production) across various products. The training involved walking them through farms. Haggai also went around the counties and
including greasing, adjusting the conveyor belt and drilling the department and analyzing the data to determine the various components of their products, the functions of introduced the products to stockists. He also took part
bolts to support shamrock weight, and preparing samples day-to-day production. He also managed the office by each component, the rationale and the expected outcome as a in the counter promotion of products and trained some
for farmers’ demos. responding to queries from workers on the ground result of using the products. The main reason for this training of the counter staff in agrovets. With the help of lead
and calls in the absence of the supervisor. Kevin also was to ensure that farmers are advised accordingly on why farmers, he likewise organized farmer’s training together
supervised the working team in the absence of the they should use the products with the aim of maximizing with his supervisors and the regional teams.
supervisor and his assistant. production and output. This is in line with the company’s
mission of transforming farms and lives through technology.

Isaac Mariga
Lila Esther Nyokabi
Mulwa Nyoro
Johnstone Talia
Esther who recently Malvine Akula Isaac graduated last year and
completed a Bachelor of was pursuing Agricultural
Science in Management Johnstone studied BSC Education and Extension. He
of Agroecosystems and Agriculture majoring Malvine graduated with a underwent the internship
Environment was an in crop protection. Bachelor of Science Degree programme with Elgon
intern at the Fertilizer His main activities in Agriculture (Crop Science Kenya Limited as a marketer
Department as a Quality as an intern at Elgon major). He is currently of agricultural inputs and
Inspector. Kenya involved visiting employed at Elgon Kenya Ltd fertilizer in the marketing
farmers on their farms in the sales and marketing department.
“My experience at Elgon Kenya was educative and department. As an intern
and offering extension
exciting. Elgon Kenya set a strong foundation for me in during the programme, he In the course of the internship, he was involved in
services. He also visited
the process of building a professional career as a soil worked in the marketing department where with the creating a chain between customers and Elgon Kenya.
agrovets, making follow-ups on the flow of products.
scientist. I gained so much knowledge including that team, he took part in promoting the company’s products This he did by maintaining sufficient stocks of goods for
Johnstone, who currently is employed in the sales and
of the raw materials, fertilizer blending, bagging and to distributors, stockists and farmers. supply to agrovets and advertising the products to invite
marketing department at Elgon Kenya, also did over-
transport machine and the final product of the blended enhanced sales. His day-to-day activities involved training
the-counter sales at the main distributors and offered “During the time that I was on internship, I interacted
fertilizer. Soil is the main anchor to successful agriculture farmers during field days where together with the team,
extension services to farmers during his internship with different kinds of our distributors and stockists and
and Elgon Kenya contributes greatly to successful he educated them about new products ranging from
days at the agro-inputs company. got skills on the product demand on season and off-
agriculture by blending fertilizers with specific nutrient animal products and crop products such as fertilizer,
requirements for the soil. In addition, I honed my skills in season. I also interacted with different types of farmers, and foliar at different crop stages, knapsack sprayers,
record keeping and organizational and communication identifying the challenges that they face in the farms and fungicides, and insecticides.
skills,” she says. coming up with possible solutions,” he says.

Preparing Agriculture Students
For the Job Market

John Brian
Atlanta says: “I was a
marketing trainer for Elgon
John studied for a
Kenya Ltd. working in
Bsc. in Agribusiness Uasin Gishu County where
Management and was I trained farmers and
attached to the sales and stockists, did marketing
marketing department in sales of the company’s
Kiambu County during products workability and
his internship at Elgon also created awareness to every farmer on new products
Kenya. However, he is being introduced into the market by the company. These
now fully employed by products included Thabiti blended fertilizers.”
Elgon Kenya Ltd in its
“My experiences include a variety of training and marketing
sales and marketing department. opportunities. In college where I was a trainer I managed
to transform agriculture programmes in the college and
Back then during the internship programme, his duties
students through training. And this helped me in my work
involved marketing products such as pesticides, Thabiti at Elgon Kenya, my interactions with farmers directly, and
super fertilizers, and farm equipment like knapsack in putting the training to practical and real-life use out in
sprayers and seeds to both farmers and agrovets. the field. As a social media specialist, I want to continue
sharing my research insights and improving my ability
“At Elgon Kenya gained vital skills such as communication, to transform consumer data into actionable, engaging
operations research, sales and marketing and hard work. content,” Atlanta says.
I also learnt how new products are introduced into
the market. I believe that if this internship program is Atlanta notes that the partnership programme between
continued, it will help students to learn about the job Elgon Kenya and the University of Nairobi indeed helped
markets,” he indicates. the trainees by exposing them to the real world of work
opportunities. They met key stakeholders from different
institutions, who are prospective employers. It also got
Florence Adoyo the trainees to learn more and transform what they studied
in college into practice and hence improve their skills and
Tuju experience in the agriculture field.
A graduate of BSC. Agriculture,
Animal Science Major and
attached in the Animal Health Beverlyne
Department at Elgon Kenya,
Florence was based in Kisii town Okumu
during the internship where she
took part in selling animal health Beverlyne studied Bachelor
products over the counter. She is now among those who got of Science in Agriculture
employed by Elgon Kenya Ltd and works in the sales and majoring in Crop Protection
marketing department in the company. at the University of Nairobi.
During the internship
“During the training at Elgon Kenya, I got the opportunity to programme, she was
interact with farmers on a one-on-one basis and we discussed attached in the sales and
diseases affecting their livestock, and the treatments that they marketing department at
have been using to treat these diseases. I always gave solutions Elgon Kenya. She got involved in reaching out to farmers
through farmer visits, marketing products and offering
to their challenges by selling them the most appropriate drugs
extension services. She was also involved in holding
from Elgon Kenya Limited and advising them on how to use
farmer and stockist training to educate them on the
these medications carefully and effectively,” she says. different products, and also conduct visits to various
agrovets while making follow-ups on product flow.


Sustainable packaging solutions
n the last few years, there has been a push to
tackle the twin problems of global warming
and environmental pollution. Environmentalists,
climate change experts, and advocacy groups have
raised concern over the earth’s heating and the
waste choking its oceans and finding its way into
the food chain. Consumers are also demanding
products with reduced carbon footprints, that
are compostable or easily recyclable in existing
recycling facilities, all to save the earth.
According to the United Nations (UN), to
mitigate climate change and achieve the 1.5
Celsius goal, emissions must fall by half by 2030
and reach zero net carbon emission no later than For a start, Elgon Kenya has introduced 30 quality. What this means is that they have the
2050. The window period within which people percent recycled content BOPP, which is in line same food contact status as plastics of virgin
need to act to avert a global catastrophe is, with existing legislation expected to come into origin and so there should be no apprehension Elgon Kenya cares about YOU and OUR ENVIRONMENT through:
therefore, fast closing. effect in a few years in Europe. Several local farms in using recycled plastic, especially for hygiene-

To achieve net zero emissions there is a need to

are already using flower sleeves made from this
particular material with many more showing a
sensitive products.
protect, preserve and expand the existing forests keen interest. It is worth noting that this material As previously indicated, Elgon Kenya’s packaging
while reducing greenhouse emissions at the same is not, in any way, inferior to virgin material and materials are 100 percent recyclable and that
time. Forests are not only carbon sinks but also retains all the qualities of the virgin material. Elgon includes polythene bags, pails, buckets, crates, - Agriculture Technology Innovation Centre
serve as the lungs of the planet, absorbing carbon Kenya expects to push the recycled content to flower sleeves, and self-adhesive labels. One of
dioxide and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. a higher percentage without compromising the the biggest challenges faced by recycling facilities - University Of Nairobi Agriculture Graduates
functional integrity of the flower sleeves. is how to go around the issue of separating the Internship Programme
To be sure, a lot of waste building up in landfills primary packaging material from the secondary
and oceans is plastic packaging material but With legislations also coming up demanding ones which in most cases are labels. To recycle
biodegradable substitutes lack. In many instances, extended producer responsibilities and an both the labels and the primary packaging, the - Special Needs Homes & Institutions Support
it is the desired functional properties that make expanding client base that wants to make more two have to be separated since they go through
plastics so desirable and easy to use. Again many sustainably conscious purchase decisions, Elgon different recycling processes. This is why the - National Farmers Awards
of the biodegradable substitutes are derived from Kenya has also introduced the low-density material used to make Elgon Kenya’s self-adhesive
trees and their production leads to deforestation polyethylene (LDPE) flower sleeves. LDPE is labels are carefully chosen to allow them to easily - School Feeding Programme
with a concomitant climate impact. This makes much more easily recyclable than BOPP largely slip off the primary packing by use of a suitable
recycling the most viable solution for achieving because more investments have been done to solvent. This eases the recycling processes of the - 4-k Clubs
sustainability as well as reducing the waste that establish collection centers and recycling plants primary packaging material.
ends up in oceans, incinerators, and landfills. for this material.
Where the nature of the labels is different from
As a package-manufacturing company, plastic
forms a huge part of Elgon Kenya’s portfolio. But
At the moment, the agro-inputs company is only
doing plain LDPE flower sleeves but intends to
that of the primary packaging, it is important
that this label easily slips off, so that each can be
together with other stakeholders, the company install a modern printing machine capable of recycled separately. The adhesive used in Elgon
aims to achieve circularity in packaging. The printing on LDPE material later in the year. The Kenya’s tags is, accordingly, environmentally - Biodegradable Sleeves
ultimate goal is to create a situation in which company expects to start the production of friendly and allows for easy separation of labels
waste does not exist. This entails diverting post- printed LDPE sleeves before the turn of the year. and primary packaging under the right conditions.
consumer plastics from the waste stream to the The material for the company’s paper-based - Biofriendly Fertilizers
recycling facilities,then to packaging manufacturers, Reducing plastic waste is a growing movement labels is also sourced from suppliers who are
and back to the consumer. When these materials and the industry is increasing the amount of FSC certified. FSC stands for Forest stewardship - Biofriendly Chemicals
are circulated, they give waste a new lease of life, recycled content in packaging. It is precisely for council and certification under this standard
and in turn, people reap the benefits of a cleaner this reason that Elgon Kenya introduced these confirms that the forest is being managed in a - Irrigation Water Recycling System
planet and a safer environment materials with a percentage of recycled content manner that preserves biological diversity. For
and going forward the company expects to have the plastic labels, Elgon Kenya is moving towards
To play this role, Elgon Kenya has ensured that all more of its clients moving towards this direction. thinner labels that use less plastic which is by itself
its plastic products portfolio is in line with existing This option affords the company’s clients a role another step towards sustainability.
recycling guidelines, which means that they are to play in mitigating the plastic waste menace by
100 percent recyclable. The company does not giving a new life to post-consumer plastic waste In summary, Elgon Kenya is all about sustainability
manufacture plastic material that is not recyclable. which would otherwise end up polluting the and playing its role in saving the planet and
environment. bequeathing it to the next generation in the same
The company has gone a notch higher to become way this current generation was handed by the
the first local company to introduce biaxially There are two methods of recycling plastics: previous ones.
oriented polypropylene (BOPP), a material that mechanical and chemical. While mechanical
has a percentage of recycled content. BOPP is the recycling maintains the polymer structure of
most commonly used plastic in the manufacture the plastic, chemical recycling breaks it down Elgon cares.
of flower sleeves. into more basic building blocks. The beauty of George Omuok
chemically recycled plastic waste is its virgin-like Head of labels and sleeves department


Magazine Ad Arima_Hortfresh_21st Mar PRESS.pdf 1 21/03/2017 15:49

Feeding the Nation

Feeding the nation is a noble calling
that should warm every Kenyan’s heart
Now, farming has often been touted an improved infrastructure in terms of
as the mainstay of Kenya’s economy. road networks and railway transport,
Farmers offer the primary incentive for Kenyan farmers will easily profit from
Kenya’s economic take-off. Should our their venture. To be food secure, all
farmers succeed and reap sustainably hands must be on the deck as we roll
from their sweat, Kenya will experience up our sleeves and step up production.
unprecedented growth in all sectors.
As the Agriculture Media Society of
At various phases since independence Kenya, which I coincidentally chair for
in 1963, the promise of a food secure the second year now, we will be with the
country has always been at the centre farmers, private sector players and the
of all key presidential contenders. It was government to check on the progress.
therefore no surprise that President As journalists covering the agriculture
William Ruto and his main challenger and environment beat, we will highlight
Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga the hits and misses in the sector even as C

in the August 9, 2022 General Election, we inform Kenyans on the latest trends M

pitched tent at Kenyan farmers’ ‘hearts’. and technological advancements. Y

They promised to turn around the We will seek out the experts on

Gathenya Njaramba dwindling fortunes of Kenyan farmers crop farming, animal husbandry, value MY

and make their toil worthwhile. As it addition, food processing and climate CY

were, President Ruto triumphed and he watch then package information that
y The heartrending story of

is at the helm now. Kenyan farmers are is useful to the farmer, industry players
parents accompanying their K

looking up to him and his administration. and the policy makers.

children to school for a free plate
of food at a village in the vast Kajiado
Being a famer himself, President Ruto has There are numerous aspects of farming
County should prick the conscience
a first-hand experience of what Kenyan that our members in newspaper, radio,
of every Kenyan. After five consecutive
farmers need to prosper and feed the television and digital platforms follow
failure of rainfall, the parents lost their
nation adequately. His passion and while telling their stories. Our main
livestock to drought and there is hardly
knowledge in farming is demonstrated objective is to ensure the farmer reaps
any food at home.
through his private farms and during his maximum income from their venture
tenure as Agriculture minister in former even as Kenya feeds itself and the
Food production should always be every
President Mwai Kibaki’s government. surplus gets a lucrative market abroad.
Kenyan’s concern, especially those in
positions of authority. When a country
Today, Kenyan farmers are listening With a huge pool of experts and
is able to feed itself, all other challenges
keenly to Agriculture Cabinet Secretary partners like Elgon Kenya Limited,
can be dealt with. Indeed, countries like
Mithika Linturi and watching his every Green Africa Group, KENAFF, the
Singapore and India were able to grow
action and policy direction. Industry University of Nairobi, the 4-K Clubs and
their economies exponentially after
players wish Mr Linturi well in the many other players, the society will put
solving food production.
docket and are already supporting farming on forefront and a topic ever
him to deliver for Kenyan farmers. All Kenyan will be interested in. That will
After feeding their populations, the
of them are rooting for the grassroots be our contribution to Kenya’s journey
developed countries could now venture
farmer and their interests are both towards food security and prosperity.
into finance, information technology,
long-term and short term. We promise to make every story count.
aviation and other lucrative sectors.
Even at the household level, if a family
They also want to increase farm -The writer is chairman of the
has enough food, the children and other
production and expand the market for Agriculture Media Society of Kenya and
members begin thinking big and are able
Kenyan agricultural produce. With an an editor at The Standard newspaper
to innovate big things.
expanded market, value addition and


Farm Input
Thabiti Granulated Lime promises
more benefits for farmers
Acidic soils have less than 7.0 pH values neutral compound, and its presence in the
and cover about 13 percent (7.5 million soil increases the pH, making it less acidic.
hectares) of agricultural land in Kenya. The
areas covered by acidic soils contribute While there have been different brands of
significantly to the Kenyan economy lime available for addressing the challenge of
through cash crop and dairy production, soil acidity in Kenya’s soils, the results have
according to a study conducted by the often been varied due to the application
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research strategies by farmers, as well as the
Organization (KALRO) composition and structure of this input.

Soil testing, which is an important Agriculture inputs company, Elgon Kenya
prerequisite in any crop farming activity, is Ltd recently unveiled a brand of granulated
used to determine the conditions of the lime, which comes with a host of benefits
soil; whether it is acidic or alkaline. This is for the farmer using it.
why crop nutrition experts always advice

Granulated Lime
farmers to test and know the condition of The Thabiti Granulated Lime corrects
their soils before growing any crops on a soil pH to the most productive level,
Premal R. Bhatt provides essential calcium to enhance
B.Sc M.Sc M.Phil patch of land.
crop productivity, maximizes utilization of
Technical and Sales Manager Irrigation key fertilizers, can be applied easily with
Lime, however, is the common remedy for
standard fertilizers spreaders, and manually,

the challenge of soil acidity and can be used
enya is an agricultural country that to increase the pH of the soil, making it and its granular structure enables precise
significantly relies on good conditions more suitable for crop cultivation. variable rate application.
of its soils and their fertility for its
food production. Poor soils, essentially In its basic form, lime is a natural mineral This granulated lime also strengthens
mean poor yields for farmers. that is commonly used in agriculture to the plant’s physical structure, presents
neutralize acidic soils. The most commonly no opportunity for drift, as compared to
The country’s soils condition is used types of lime in Kenya are calcitic lime dust lime which may cause health issues,
unfortunately deteriorating, and this poses and dolomitic lime. and improves the uptake of Nitrogen,
a significant threat to the country’s food Phosphorus and Pottasium. However, other
and nutrition security, and the livelihoods of Calcitic lime is made from crushed micronutrients availability increases as pH
millions of farmers, especially smallholders. limestone and contains calcium carbonate, decreases.
while dolomitic lime is made from crushed
In 2014, the then Kenyan President Uhuru dolomite and contains both calcium and This lime also stimulates biological activity
Kenyatta launched the national soil report magnesium carbonates. in soils as well as more vigorous root
on fertility to inform a policy that would systems. It improves legumes symbiotic
correct this deterioration and save the Based on soil test results, a recommendation nitrogen fixation, reduces the possibility
country’s soils. can be made on the amount of lime to apply of manganese and aluminium toxicity,
and the best time to apply it. improves physical condition of the soil
The failing fertility in the country’s soils was such as better structure, workability,
then mainly blamed on the continuous use There are different ways through which lime and better drought tolerance, as well as
of acidic fertilizers. Other than misuse of can be applied to the soil. One common enhancing the palatability of forages, and
fertilizer, soil acidity can also be caused by method is to broadcast the lime over the providing an inexpensive source of calcium
factors such as natural weathering, and acid
Reduces Soil Acidity
soil surface and then till it into the soil. This and magnesium when these nutrients are
rain. ensures that the lime is distributed evenly deficient at lower pH.
throughout the soil. Another method is to
One of the major consequences of this poor apply the lime in bands or rows, particularly The benefits for farmers are therefore
use of acidic fertilizers is soil acidity, which is
now a significant problem in Kenya’s farming
and agriculture ecosystem. The challenge is
for crops that are planted in rows. This
method ensures that the lime is applied
Enriched with Micro Elements
where it is most needed, and it reduces the In addition to applying lime, it is also

For High Yields

more pronounced in the highlands regions amount of lime required. important to practice good soil management
and parts of the Rift Valley. practices to maintain soil health and fertility.
When lime is applied to the soil, it reacts This includes proper crop rotation, the
It diminishes soil productivity, causing with the acidity and neutralizes it. This use of cover crops, and the application of
deteriorated yields because such soils have reaction produces calcium ions, which organic fertilizers. These practices help to
a low pH, which makes it difficult for crops combine with the carbonate ions in the maintain the soil pH, prevent soil erosion,
to grow and thrive in them. lime to form calcium carbonate, which is a and improve soil structure.


Livestock Health PARTNERS
How to stop the silent enemy that Unity of Purpose
every livestock farmer fears
lack of extension service providers,
high cost of feeds, poor productivity,
apparent resistance to drugs of pests &
other parasites of economic importance,
counterfeit products, and in some
instances, cheap imported livestock
produce. All these at a time of economic

Keeping Cattle healthy, comfortable and

well-fed is one of the main challenges
a farmer faces. Animal diseases pose a
risk not just to the animals which may
die but also loss of production hence
family incomes. Public health is also at
risk since some diseases are transferable
from animals to Man. For happy, healthy
Dr. John Muchibi,
and comfortable animals, farmers
Animal Health Manager
must be upto date with their herd
health programs including vaccinations,

spraying/dipping and deworming. as the animal feeds, digests the feeds and
he Livestock sector in Kenya
then they steal the nutrients just before
is a key social economic driver
Many Kenyan farmers understand the these are assimilated into the animal’s
contributing significantly to our
threat their cattle face from the visible body. They steal what they have not
national economy. Livestock
external parasites, particularly ticks. labored for. Lack of the nutrients causes
contributes 42% to the Agricultural
Many are aware of the need for weekly the cattle to look unthrifty, have rough
Gross Domestic Product and about
spraying or dipping using a powerful hair coat, emaciated and with loss of
12% to the National Domestic Product.
acaricidal agent. Many farmers are production(milk/meat).Young calves may
Among the key sub-sectors is the Dairy
already aware of the potent acaricide die from scouring/diarhoea. At slaughter,
and Beef production. CHEMICAL WORKS
from Elgon Kenya Ltd, that which was organs such as the lungs and liver may
Livestock rearing plays a key role in a mouthful to pronounce initially but get condemned causing a farmer further
supporting the livelihoods of rural which is now a household name and loss of income. The good news is that
farmers in Kenya. Milk and meat are quite well pronounced, VECTOCLOR a farmer does not need to feed the
the most economically important PLUS. Vectoclor Plus takes away threats worms again. At Elgon Kenya, we now
livestock products and contribute a to Cattle, sheep and goats posed by all have brand new remedies to eliminate
significant part of the household food ticks, fleas, mites and even flies.Vectoclor worms and do so completely. We
requirements and household incomes. plus kills even parasites resistant to have not one, but three antihelmintics
With climate change acting as a catalyst other products in the market. Vectoclor that kill Roundworms, Lungworms,
in the strain in agricultural productivity, comes in farmer friendly pack sizes at Liver flukes and tapeworms. These
the importance of livestock farming friendly prices. include Albenol-100, Interzan Oral and
has increased manifold. Animal diseases Interzan Gold, products from the Dutch
devastate some of our Country’s But then there is the other bigger threat Company, Interchemie. The products
poorest communities and damage the that cattle faces, the threat posed by the come in farmer friendly pack sizes with
health of vulnerable populations. Safe, invisible internal parasites commonly friendly prices. The time to deworm is
sufficient and nutritious food supply called worms. There are different types now, when pastures are lush and plenty.
depends on healthy, productive animals. of worms, the roundworms, lungworms, Stop the silent thief, stop the loss of
tapeworms and Liver Flukes. They milk/meat, stop the loss of income, use
Cattle farmers continue to grapple with inhabit organs such as the lungs, the the drenches from Elgon Kenya that are
a myriad of challenges ranging from intestines, the liver, the rumen, others in now in the agrovet near you. Repeat the
emerging diseases, frequent drought, the eyes, skin etc. The worms lay in wait treatments every 3 or so months.

Provine-Orizon_corporate advert.pdf 3 07/03/2023 12:24





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