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% Tnlergelation with Unevenly Spaced peinls Cone Soe We Lave ahucdied the opplication of inbexpeletion frtmula orkeu the angumink ou equally dpocd. Now, we sil Abad inlerpelating the vakues whan the ore nat equally foes) by inhoducing hs Concigh of divided advance, ve Logranges ‘tnlexpetadion femal, X* Rooile's nlexpelation -femula Vs Newton's Grenucal Fnkexpatation feeimulo, X+ Aitken methed a \nferpetoibion by ihxatkion + Logromge’s Inlerpatatiion formula, Lat Yoo be Continusus and diferentiobk (+) ime in the intoval (,b), Given the @+) beinks Gate), Gah), --- » Got) echo the Nobis of x need not racenarrily equally apace. we find a pebyromiad dagiwe n Any yt Auch that Ly = HOG) = Ye, deo, --)0 by poricular, tuk fink we dbave 400 poinks Ge,¥e) and Ca¥). Then Ceap ef sk Lina pasting Annmugh 420 pein) a, = a (7) yy . drt ety = Ege) pts ELH Gp co SE ‘Fhe = OW) - OO FY LO y+ he ty a Ys FhWH® —O Equation ® is frown as Lograrge’s pelynomind of dipurl. = &% =e Aa) Se heo= 335 Aod= L hon = 6 Woy =0 Aye! fe we Gn wrolt 2, ie Fass itn Mee Kies ' ie Simdlonds, fe Row foiuk 6), Cu), Gu,8) we ave, ee Qo%) x), * Gap Gent * eu) Gen) Ge) (48) == (HX) Gena) --— Ces) y | iP GG 608) ask oe Gard 8) OD OD) ys + G6) 0) eR) ~ OB) NSTESL Thin Jamul ie useful wbsothur He veluus 4, % ow equally Apoced te not. he main cbuawboek of, ik Ja the of notte Tnlexpetikion Vals iy inserted, than the wkxpetsttion crdfidients ot suquied te racaleubsted. 3. The maja odvariage of this fetrmulla is He codficients dra eouily dalermined: — caroaspondiing Nakano ond Sag yx Ore 00, 2 0, A4FFL) , (304, 2-4829), (305, 2-4843), dind (30+, 48d). Find fag, 20h Osing Lagrange's tolerpotattion Krmulae yoo = CADEAD EAD) (aeX8) 1%) 0%) (qx) He%) Gen) + Cay Fee) 8) aH Gagaaned, (AA) OH) yy” eGo = (eel) fiend) cn) gy 4 CADDIE. ay aN Ger) Gn GAIN) CABS GHD G80 C8) O23) (aes 208) (eS-209) (5-350) ‘s (x-300) (1-364) (038 s) (257-309) Gas GID) Get) beDOIA) y 5, (20D CHD EIA) yy tno = in WAC) (x-300) Be) (4308) epee ie C)CDED ee (200 OB y, . OO . 4g, 308 = Ga-2etp (2e1-268) (21-25 rs (e\~206) (301-308) Ga-34),, Ete) G2) (2ei-200) (2et-30t) (201364),, Go) dex) 2el-3e) @ol-3e8) C9 Mais yz ees a EPC) y , MDEYED MOCO Soe +t ep a ht te , Qo te = 2% Sy, — 18 13 apie + Fgh ~ eth a3 23) - 2 (2484) + a (oust) 18 = (a.q9H) + 2 (us: (o-si4g) (ous) + 49652 C8) (oust) + (6208) G48) 1243F +4-9658 — 4 GHF + O-Hos = 6 ASQ- 4-UHF y Head, Wyele, t,=39 ond Y¥,=4 find X. wt dove (Yon) Gh.) (th, 78) Then Anprange's interpatedtion formula w _ @ a) bem) (me) G2) eH) OH 3 = Ga aeag et BY + eee (7) (%7%9) Ge) GX) > changing x and y, we have GH) CH) = -3) G4 (y¥o) 8) TeEa te + GayGce) 7 Ge) Gt) as “Thy ik row aa Inveue Interpetaihion Aamule. _ Gg) C19) ty + CED OHD ey 4 @-4) 12) (yy ae Gay G15) (ta-u) (10518) (19-4) (19-13) _ 8 C1” Ou 1 OW BD: * OD 3 *t5e 4 Se a eae pate ee See 14 6) O& Divided _Ailjounces ord they 4b GW, (8) =, OHHH) be the Gren cnt) Points. The She divided edna of oder $2,3,---9 ara dfined by ths ralethions, toh te [wal = Tain = “ea ted ~ yet Yu%,--- 2} ~ [toy => Tram, %,--%9) = cae Poportien 1. The aividad eiffounas ort tymmabiiead tn thea umants, wy exp = Ah aah = [ae] Vare|-Peoad 4 ,, (teral- tered) + [xt = ae at (de _ Ire ety 7G HX Stee * 3he ae an Xe Ke Fae eS ae Fa 2 a ST \ Ga) Ga) *, 4 (74-%) Gy) Cape) = ™, 4 a GG) ~ GOED * ajo aL +] bere] = ah PG x Geyer OT )* IE ra he oe eke eeu Gx) 9) ty Piers Sgn eae ea Gerke) --~ Cor%nd) aa eee Sot - Sty Seer en Sieh = Be. Lay, Vem Coa F #4 cee coe) To.) = eg %yeHyt % ea une 2. Khu ution & peypomind ef oh dapus, AY, would constant. ond ane pas ae nasil allie be Gratorh * Newton's Geno) Tntexpetadion Fetmuta. \- Ye Uy t OA) Leoni] + GHD) Len, 6] + (a oaNoH yee pete oe (210) been) == HD LH He sO] Thin emule, & colllad Newer genwcal ‘nlexpotakion Fecmula usith divided bounces. Txt, %-- nd =o 0,74, 25] + - aioe z il + ODOR) “a (hee) (4H) = + Ola) V9 A= ah \ GB cng A wing ile fod F< pena j 5-8) _ ¢ 4-6 Ce)” 5 (aacdh. 43 0 789-26), = 132 ean We il-822_ rae sing Neaton's Genow) ‘nkerpetation formal We Wot (Re) Le Ae] (HH) MG) [14,25] + (HH) (eH) eH) 0 24,3] AR (128) (18) OE) (4299) Yat Be 24,22, 93, 10) = 3 (xs): C9) + GD) (2-8) ©) 4 (OD (9) GD © + OD) 9) GDS): GW) (3) 0-6) ae GAD ES) + HAD -HG + CAND CO IED # HD Gxyecd) + ax) (4 3)0-8) B-W-9 + LEEK + SH 1418) 2 aos pedtnon+ 5t (eau) + (24D OE 63 = Bie at pitt 15% + peade een Batted Trrerse. Trlexpetation, semudai- Given a sek of volun of x ard gy the procan of, birding He value fe 4x a cottain valu of ys colded inveut ee ’ dof Auccessive Auccemsive APprDrum ramakions 5- We Rnow tab Newton's frewand diffouna Feemublo, te ave xemytuh we have, ‘Gye tot Obs + 2 ies le ie ulus), &y,- uc 4, ee > ° Negteting Ame Ancond ond Jighor difounas , we obfan fost arena Next, re dacend ee es He = ae a Sate byy- uu (ut) U2) 2 wud fy 4 WED aha --— oS prrces, ay he tu Succemive approximation, bu agate sith Cash other bo ruquind aceuraely. Ex3% Tabutetad yaw? : neh veatentated =18 g=* fee x=3, 3,4 and 5, c ert cube meet rh Lo crnort to Hour dacimel places. tore 4 a a | ee he LG 97-8 = 19 ae laeoF 37-19 = 18 6U-2F2 3% \-4 6-34 =34 195-64 = 6! w5 k95 The skuscoensive approximations, te UL are gen by, y= gi lich) = & (e-8) = 3, = O15 Uy = & [Yur #e- tired, Fy] (eee es ends ‘a oo ‘3 = 45 [a- otesx (-0.%98) «9 meals 9 {ar o<0gtes| = (2845) ee uu, UD | J. y= de Liter BOD Ay SND. dy] 4 is 498) (0198-4) 1498) (0-1498-4) (0-1498-2) = ty [to-b- Gumus) yg 199 ONE De WIE 4] s a [a (ois) (-0-8502): 9 — (01498) (08502) © (.85%2)] = & lat Huea— 0.2356] mene: =a5 A-U06 632 U5 U3) Us?) 3, 4 ty = Flue, - Be? A, - 1s ( =a say, +o| {0s Ato 4 832-2) net _ Cisa9) (orsar-D, 9! _ (1832) (011832-D (0: vr = 7p le 8- ee EF | = fh (2 - (ese Co-sues): 9 - pep opel iy = Jy [as burs e936] se ay — Maly) (Uy Cys Us = ay Warts ee Je AA Js [o-8- dessin Gr). 1g. — Corsa (@18W-D (oust) 9} = dp [ae Cte Goatsd-9 — (esti) Comes crs4s9)] = & [ay 14a - ¢-auee] « 29326 a2 13 [us = asta} We osu Crouch +e Hue dscimal ploees . the Vou hx Cosntsponching to Yyete, we ger a= Ky Ue = At olsux) Exerclea From o doable ef diflownus fot tha function fe = Ces for x=-1,0,1,2,3,4,5. Condinus Hu Fable +o obtain 4(© and ca). fed= 2450-7 A a a Fi -13 {7415-6 At is 6-6 =0 4 4) W726 ; = In-6 = bt siete ut Sule 19 35-ll ay 35 49-34 = 18 4435242 Fie 66-49 = 94 103-FFe 66 P ? L To find 4, x= aHPh : ge-14p- > Wpesh 2 Using forward differance feemubla, Y = Tor Ade oo ay WOOO? A+ a. re Hot bay + MED Ay 4 RODOD ay, ae? zi 4) | 442 4 4©@ + Yo 4 COED. = -\3+4Q4+0 +310 + Peas] Te find FE), we have, x =%+ph to -14 pO > bee) (P-8) G dot bAG + ro Ye + & at ay, = 7348-4 ee o+ ates B&D. 6 =-13+48+0 +336 ee Prove the Aptlowsing 180 ¢ @ Y= + 4 fu 4d a Ny a eg + eat Stat Oba tot A then + atin WO Ay, 7 4 {tem — "tain ahaa 7 + Oy 8) = Oe hey + Yet Shee, + Byte = Ren + SH cent RUG 2 3. mt y Yay t Stent Mina? Stheayt - > +4 Gren + 4 Bator) 5 eA 4 cia nom, city = BYTE Ay t EA EOYs FEA GE ohn Ee Bute herr, cto 2s eas Eds ewe FE a's 28) Ye 23 (wartetesn: {esat “Fe obtained marks bebe 60 and 4o. Sense SUE SNES Pipes ae we ee oblaind : 0-40 40-66 60-80 Be-100 0-120 350 120 too to & a |8 4o 60 sto EETEEI | op -nofe=Zi) Fe 2 ne a ras foo 540 $20 540 + Uy deuward dipesnu formule, Xe At p& = 4ot p-@) bears pt ¥ b+) b2) bCbAD (bb 3) aly ye yee bayer MEP je ih, POE o at > i“ an lirll SSA) A905) 9 = 904 (9 (18+ ye oo+ a $e) = A+ 100- 75 + LIGNEOS. (5), WNOND UP Jy =d50+180- FS +0: 6954 0.46875 4930-698 - 7 9687S = 431-093#S- TS = Y93-S93tES dl) = 493-59 No- af dtucleuls,, who obtained marks upto Fe = 423-S7 = 4a4y (appx) 604 Fo 2 Nee Atuderls he obtain marks behoen 8° = 4au-3fo [ES Gr fa ete Find the pelynomiad which approximestia thx fatiowing voluts ee Saat eS ees $3 t- B af st 43 ose gs gt te numbor st i the Jilth foun ef the aad, find Mu bist ond the denth loons rf the dou. 4 ae ae 2H3 =8 Jo-B= 3i-a) =/0 tato =3 43-31 =12. ta-la= SP-UB= IG w-We Faste Ib 18-16=2 Q-F3= 18 = Ea or find fist foam ie when x=L yo? x= HtpPA 1=34p00 = [p=-2 Newton aiffeane fetmuta. e 2) Y= Poth fot MOP aby + PERMA + =~ — yd = 98 + b 4y, + ted ay, = 134 69.8 + Coe a = BA6+S 7 Again -to fied denth dem ie whin xel0, 4+? X= %tbh lo= 34 ~0) > | pet Using Naokons difarane deemula yeoe y, that 22 Be Y= B+ F@+ Wa = atsGt4L Ee Prove thal 2 8 @ A= use = : &§ REA s2 = Eee). (Ce +L Cee ! a =L(e-t)4 bests) Sipe (e-peere%s) = $Ge-» = E-1 = A =LHS b) OC 3 &® AYLav LHS By, = F(A = Sst = 4 Mts at) = Alters Wed} = 4 (8,2stY) = AY, 3 Ata t Ads = (Yea) -2 Certs) + (ts) = Fe 28th RS. ve = V (vas) =T'(4s-44) = V (Wis-Vih 2) = V[Wsto- Get) = V (Ye 2tyt ts) = Wye - 3 Vy t Vis = (Hs¥))- atid) + Cts) Wie = Ho By ae : Honea proved, al ee Palit degeenette 4,V,6,E ond € EF ond ho tht & Bia eee Baan, © ge 448 wd paate= Grey w 1y\.- An. WO #2 Ur Os Or SQ) 2a. 0 AVE = VAIK= SH a r, x ® OH4=T ta, = Sb d n= CED Yy A=E-4 Vel =E otk Een = tan eA be Ete ps i, Tren aE (Ley Yk Agen By = os sy ce ae Ye "WAVER = VAH= Sik AVY = CED (HEY = CE) cy Ye = ED 94% = (2) CEDYR = VAY, avyy= (2D G-8> tx = (E11 EY, = (EXEDY, = hi ey ‘tn Box Rand 2 or = VAYy = Stk | = - Nk Se dee * ath - tek he Set, Mched = — Cheat) te Hea 312 ghee ar anal: " gave (4-48) = 8+) RWS. \ (is By. € [a eceeeyy "2 Yo = s(t rea) ats(u+er eay” a ake =4s [ere +2] a; sees? aed +4 (E +€=3) en-4 ee" 2 Spas = LHS pane pave Prove the flowing Haldions a wh @ke=a wo era u- & @ d-we8 © = cosh SP 2. @) > A-v=8& VHS. 8 “I Ce (EES = Bte-2 = erent | = (E-D- U-ED = A-V =n. ane dD ost s LHS wedi) =4(e% et) 2 oY, a a = txh =Rbs. _ Ox: 314, Ex 3.19 WA pant “Pia

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