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ERGO Life Insurance SE

Personal Health Insurance Service description

Personal health insurance services 5. Dental treatment
1. Outpatient treatment 6. Preventive health check-up, vaccination
2. Inpatient treatment Annex No. 1. Non-insured events
3. Treatment of serious diseases Annex No. 2. Special insurance conditions, non-insured events
4. Insurance of medical costs after an accident

Personal health insurance services

1. Outpatient treatment Having chosen the insurance option with the day surgery service, ex-
penses for routine surgeries and specialized care provided during the
In case of an acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease, the insured’s stay at the hospital for up to 24 hours shall be reimbursed.
insured may refer to all physicians holding a license for their practice.
80% of the price of these services shall be covered according to insur-
Insurance coverage shall be valid in Lithuania.
ance agreement conditions.
Expenses for the following services shall be reimbursed:
• consultations of a physician (holding a degree) and diagnostic
and treatment procedures performed at the time thereof (ex- 2. Inpatient treatment
cept for outpatient rehabilitation procedures and injections in-
jecting personal body fluids with or without blood cells (includ- In case of the need for inpatient treatment, in 3 months from the start
ing PRP, Sanakin, Plasmolifting, etc.); of the insurance agreement, services in inpatient personal health care
institution, when the insured requires medical aid lasting for more than
• services and procedures of nurses; 24 hours, shall be compensated.
• diagnostic tests (laboratory, functional and instrumental). Personal health care services in a state health care institution (a
Consultations and diagnostic and treatment procedures of the fol- hospital):
lowing medical specialists shall be reimbursed: a) comfort services (a single or double ward);
• therapeutants; b) nursing services prescribed by a doctor;
• surgeons; c) medical aid, orthopaedic technical and care measures;
• neurologists; d) medications prescribed by a doctor used during a hospital stay.
• traumatologists; 100% of the price of these services shall be paid according to the condi-
• otolaryngologists; tions provided for in the agreement.
• ophthalmologists;
• gastroenterologists;
3. Treatment of serious diseases
• gynecologists;
• mammologists; In 6 months from the start of the agreement and having diagnosed
one of serious diseases indicated in the list, expenses for such services
• urologists;
shall be reimbursed:
• endocrinologists;
• inpatient treatment services;
• cardiologists;
• outpatient treatment services;
• rheumatologists;
• acquisition of the necessary medications;
• pulmonologists;
• rehabilitation services.
• dermatologists;
Expenses of services for treating the following diseases shall be
• oncologists; compensated:
• endoscopy specialists; • malignant tumor;
• echoscopy specialists; • myocardial infarction;
• radiologists; • stroke (cerebral infarction);
• rehabilitation specialists. • kidney disease;
• multiple sclerosis;

Personal Health Insurance Service description 1

• Parkinson‘s disease; 5. Dental treatment
• Alzheimer‘s disease;
Dental and oral hygiene services:
• bacterial meningitis;
• general endodontic, periodontal and surgical treatment of tooth
• aplastic anemia; diseases;
• active tuberculosis; • treatment of teeth caries and complications caused thereby;
• Crohn‘s disease; • dental filling;
• liver failure; • radiographic examination;
• coronary artery bypass surgery; • oral hygiene.
• heart valve surgery; The Insurer shall not cover: fluoride varnish, dental sealants, tooth
• transplantation of large organs / bone marrow. whitening (veneering), prostheses, implants, orthodontic treatment,
moulds (healing, whitening, for bruxism).
Insurance coverage shall be valid 12 months from the day of the in-
sured event in all Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). The In- 80% of the price of these services shall be covered according to insur-
sured may refer to any state and/ or private treatment institution. ance agreement conditions.
Depending on the insurance option, 80% or 100% of the price of these
services shall be paid according to the conditions laid down in the
agreement. 6. Preventive health check-up, vaccination
The following shall be considered preventive health check and shall
be compensated:
4. Insurance of medical costs after an accident • mandatory health checks according to the nature of work in ac-
In case of an accident, expenses of treatment in any state and/or pri- cordance with the procedure prescribed by laws;
vate treatment institutions in Lithuania shall be reimbursed: • tests conducted at the wish of the Insured;
4.1.In case of dental trauma (tooth or its root fracture, tooth disloca- • consultations and tests according to health check programs
tion, tooth displacement or tooth loss), the following dental treatment drawn up and approved in a health care institution;
services shall be compensated:
• consultations, tests or procedures that are carried out in order
• X-ray; to determine predisposition to disease or in order to prevent a
• filling; possibility of getting sick;
• prostheses; • tests that are not necessary and medically justified in a specific
clinical situation;
• implants;
• preventive medical consultations and tests that are necessary
• orthodontic treatment.
to regularly monitor health condition of the insured suffering
4.2. After treating trauma consequences in inpatient health care from a chronic illness, or after surgeries.
institution, the following medically justified outpatient and/or inpa-
The following shall be considered vaccination and shall be compen-
tient rehabilitation services prescribed by the doctor shall be reim-
• doctor’s consultation on vaccination;
• consultations of a physical medicine, rehabilitation doctor or a
physical therapist; • vaccine chosen by the insured or prescribed by a doctor;
• occupational therapist; • vaccination.
• speech therapist services; Depending on the insurance option, 80% or 100% of the price of these
services shall be paid according to the conditions laid down in the
• physiotherapy;
• kinesiotherapy;
• healing massage procedures and services.
100% of the price of these services shall be covered according to the
conditions laid down in the agreement.

Personal Health Insurance Service description 2

ERGO Life Insurance SE

Annex No. 1. Non-insured events

Extract from Personal Health Insurance Rules No. 23
4.1. The Insurer shall not pay an insurance benefit: the date and circumstances whereof cannot be deter-
4.1.1. for the provided health care services, and/or other services mined having investigated the event;
for: when the prescription of diagnostic tests and treatment health problems that were caused to the Insured by him are not medically justified;
having injured himself intentionally or by gross negligence, or according to a prescription or referral issued by the In-
when trying to commit a suicide. Gross negligence is non-compli- sured himself;
ance with simple commonly understandable rules of behaviour or joint replacement surgeries and joint prostheses, pros-
ignorance and/ or a failure to comply with well-known safe behav- thetic systems;
iour requirements; surgeries for the correction of vision; health problems that occurred when the Insured was pregnancy care, childbirth and post-natal care, treat-
committing a crime or preparing to commit a crime and/or due to
ment of health disorders resulting from pregnancy or childbirth;
other actions in conflict with law. Signs of criminal acts or prepa-
ration to commit them, or actions or omission in conflict with law abortion in the absence of any medical indications and/
are proved by and the Insurer may use the following as a basis or giving birth in non-medical institution;
for making a decision on declaring an event to be non-insured: treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis,
conclusions of pre-trial investigation authorities and bodies au- gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, human papilloma virus,
thorized to examine cases of administrative offenses, procedural herpes genitalis, etc.), genital warts, AIDS and HIV diagnosis and
decisions and/or court resolutions, decisions, judgements and rul- treatment;
ings; diagnosis and treatment of potency problems, artificial health problems that occurred as a result of pandemics insemination procedures;
and impact of natural disasters (such as a violent storm, cyclones, diagnosis and treatment of warts and moles, benign skin
earthquakes, sea or river floods, lightning), war of any form, ac- formations, vascular lesions, spots, and pigmentation disorders;
tions of military nature (regardless of whether or not a war was surgical treatment of benign tumours;
declared), introduction of the state of emergency, rebellion, riots,
internal unrest having reached the scope of exertion of military or sclerotherapy procedures and surgical treatment of vari-
illegal power, also for participation in acts of violence; cose veins; health problems having occurred at the fault of the Poli- therapeutic and surgical treatment of obesity;
cyholder or the insurance beneficiary (offenses committed with cosmetic - plastic surgeries, cosmetology / beauty proce-
direct or indirect intent); direct intent shall mean cases, when, dures (aesthetic, improvement of body lines, anti-cellulite proce-
conducting certain actions, a person realized their dangerous na- dures, body scrub, wraps, etc.), and the use of functional, diagnos-
ture to health and wanted to act that way; indirect intent shall tic equipment, devices and instruments directly related to these
mean that cases, when, conducting certain actions, a person re- procedures;
alized their dangerous nature (in this case - to health), he knew services provided in a health care institution and / or by a
that his actions were likely to result in adverse consequences (to
health care professional, who do not hold a valid license issued by
health), and, even though unwillingly, he consciously allowed
the State Health Care Accreditation Agency under the Ministry of
them to happen;
Health of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Dental Cham- health problems having occurred due to radiation or ber or the State Medicines Control Agency under the Lithuanian
other nuclear energy effects (excluding the effects of radiation Ministry of Health;
therapy); applying methods of alternative medicine treatment; health problems suffered by the Insured from the use of acquisition of medical aids, diagnostic and therapeutic
alcohol, drugs, toxic substances used for intoxication purposes, or
devices (thermometers, inhalers, testers, warmers, hearing aids,
medicines that were not prescribed by a doctor;
scales and blood pressure meters, glucometers, etc.); health problems having occurred during non-validity of medicinal products unregistered in the Republic of Lithu-
insurance coverage;
ania or the Community Register of Medicinal Products; congenital health problems and their complications; weight loss drugs, drugs to increase potency, treat vari- costs associated with the issuance and/or presentation ous addictions, steroids, nutritional supplements, hygiene, cos-
of medical and other documents; metics and contraceptives;
4.1.2. for the provided health care services and/or treatment: medicinal products acquired in places other than phar- when a service was provided by a spouse, parents or chil- macies.
dren of the Insured; 4.2. Other non-insured events are indicated in special insurance unprovided for in the insurance agreement; con- ditions to these insurance rules. when the Insured exceeded the limits of the sums in-
sured for the health care service of the insurance option provided
for in the insurance agreement;

Personal Health Insurance Service description 3

ERGO Life Insurance SE

Annex No. 2. Special insurance conditions,

non-insured events
The information is provided in accordance
with the Personal Health Insurance Rules No. 23

1. Insurance conditions for outpatient treatment 3. Special conditions for insurance of serious
service expenses disease treatment expenses
Non-insured events Non-insured events
The Insurer shall not pay insurance benefits for the following provided The insurer shall not pay the insurance benefits for the provision of
health care services and/or treatment: health care services and/or treatment:
a) advice on family planning and contraception-related issues; in- a) if a severe disease is diagnosed during the first six months of the
sertion, control and removal of contraceptives, diagnostic tests insurance agreement effectiveness (excluding the cases with re-
before prescribing contraceptives and tests in order to avoid newed insurance agreements);
complications from the use of these measures; b) if the severe disease does not meet the criteria for acknowledge-
b) immunotherapy, psychotherapeutic treatment; ment as a severe disease and an insured event set out in para-
c) immunologic - immunoenzymatic tests for the detection of anti- graph 15.3.4.
bodies-antigens (except for the thyroid gland hormone antibod-
d) diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis;
4. Special conditions for insurance of costs of
e) genetic and cytogenetic, allergen-specific IgE (food, inhaled),
treatment after accidents
sex hormone tests; Non-insured events
f) tests of medicines, narcotic substances and heavy metals; The insurer shall not pay insurance benefits for medical costs related
g) somnography examination, trichogram; to accidents where the insured person:
h) treatment of diseases included in the list of severe diseases; a) used alcohol or other intoxicating substances after the accident
before medical examination or avoided a check for intoxication
i) services of specialized doctors not specified in the insurance
with alcohol or other intoxicating substances. In these rules in-
toxication with alcohol or other intoxicating substances shall be
j) rehabilitative therapy services (physiotherapy, physical therapy, understood in accordance with the procedure set out in laws of
occupational therapy, massages); the Republic of Lithuania;
k) day care and day surgery services, unless the insurance agree- b) serves in an army or another similar formation, participates in a
ment establishes otherwise. peacekeeping mission;
c) participates in air, land or water vehicle competitions as a motor
vehicle driver, co-driver or a passenger, including their workouts,
2. Special conditions for insurance of inpatient which are aimed at high speed;
service expenses d) participates in any sports competitions, trainings, unless the in-
Non-insured events surance agreement establishes otherwise; Officially organized
The Insurer shall not pay insurance benefits for the following provided sports competitions and training shall be those, which are held
health care services and/ or treatment: by sports organizations, sports clubs, sports schools, sports cen-
tres, sports facilities, sports federations, associations, societies
a) if the inpatient treatment service was provided in the first 3 in- and other physical culture and sports organizations and institu-
surance agreement validity months (excluding the cases of re- tions that have the rights of legal persons and creates condi-
newed insurance agreements); tions for practicing physical culture and sports, train athletes,
b) organ transplantation, bone marrow transplantation; organize sports competitions and other physical culture and
c) supportive treatment and care in specialized inpatient institu- sports events. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to
tions (permanent, long-term care for the elderly, disabled sports activities, which are not held by sports organizations and
are the form of leisure of the insured;
d) persons and patients with chronic diseases);
e) used air transport means without motor, motor airplanes, light
e) diagnosis and treatment of diseases included in the list of severe
aircraft, engaged in extreme life-threatening sports or
f) activities, or in extreme entertainment (mountain climbing, par-
f) rehabilitation (physiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational
achuting, bungee jumping, surfing, kite surfing, scuba
therapy, massages) and sanatorium (anti-recurrence) treatment
services, day care and day surgery services. g) diving, mountain biking, rock climbing, auto-motor sports, etc.),
unless the insurance agreement establishes otherwise;
h) being under the influence of alcohol and/or narcotic substanc-
es, strong medications, toxic, psychotropic or other intoxicat-
ing substances, which causes actions of third parties impairing
health of the insured.

Personal Health Insurance Service description 4

The insurer shall not pay insurance benefits for medical services re-
lated to:
a) chronic, congenital or degenerative diseases, mental disorders
(affective states, mental illness or other mental disorders) or
impaired consciousness, apoplexy, epilepsy or other convulsive
seizures, affecting the entire body of the insured;
b) health disorders resulting from treatment, surgery or other
medical procedures. If surgery or treatment was necessary be-
cause of an accident, it shall be treated an insured event;
c) pathological bone fractures; damage to intervertebral discs, her-
nia; stomach or abdominal hernia;
d) fracture of osteosynthesis structures and dislocation, joint pros-
theses fracture and dislocation; dental injury due to internal in-
juries (in the process of chewing, biting, eating);
e) dental aesthetic surgical treatment, oral hygiene, tooth whiten-
ing, laminating, jaw bone integrity recovery; injury of facial soft

5. Special conditions for insurance of dental

treatment costs
Non-insured events
The insurer shall not pay insurance benefits for provision of the follow-
ing dental services:
a) fluoride application, covering teeth in sealants;
b) teeth whitening, laminating (veneering);
c) prosthesis, implantation, orthodontic treatment, moulds (heal-
ing, whitening, for bruxism).

Personal Health Insurance Service description 5

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