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Module II

Storage, Collection and Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste

• Storage and collection

• General considerations for waste storage at source
• Collection components
• Types of collection systems
• Design of collection system
• Transportation of solid waste: Means and methods
• Routing of vehicles.
Waste Handling and Separation, Storage and
Processing at Source:
• The handling and separation, storage and processing at source before
they are collected is the second of the six functional elements in the
SWM system.
• It is important to know this element.
I) Handling and Separation of SW at Source:
• Is a critical step in the management of residual SW.

Waste Handling:
• In general, handling refers to the activities associated with managing
solid wastes until they are placed in the containers used for their
storage before collection.
• Handling may also be required to move the loaded containers to the
collection point and to return the empty containers to the point
where they are stored between collections.
Separation for Recycling:
• The separation of SW components includes, wastepaper, cardboard,
etc. at source of generation is one of the effective ways.
1) Waste Handling and Separation at
Residential Dwellings:
A classification based on the number of stories is adequate for
residential dwellings.
Classified as:
• Low-rise – under 4 stories
• Medium-rise – from 4 to 7 stories
• High-rise – over 7 stories
Low-rise are further subdivided into:
• Single-family detached
• Single-family attached – such as row houses and multifamily.
a) At low-rise detached dwellings:
• Residents or tenants are responsible for placing the SW and
recyclable materials in storage containers.
• The types of storage containers used depend on whether waste
separation is mandated.
b) At low-and medium-rise apartments:
• Handling methods in most low- and medium-rise apartment buildings
resemble those used for low-rise dwellings, but methods may vary
somewhat depending on the waste storage location and collection
• Typical solid waste storage locations include
i) basement storage/curbside collection,
ii) outdoor storage/mechanical collection, and, occasionally,
iii) compactor storage.
• Wastes discharged in chutes are
collected in large containers,
compacted into large containers, or
baled directly-Recyclable materials
may be put outside in the hall or
entry way for pickup, or they may
be taken by the tenants to the
service area located on each floor
for pickup.
• The entrance to the waste chute is
Fig. Typical chute openings for the discharge usually located in the service area.
of waste materials in high-rise apartment
• Bulky items are usually taken to
the service area by the tenants or
the building maintenance crew.
• Diameters ranging from 12 to 36”,
the most common size is 24”
i) Basement storage/curbside collection:
• Curbside collection is common in low-and medium-rise apartments.
• Building owner provides area for storage of SW.
• Containers used for recycling are located within or next to the SW
storage area.

ii) Outdoor storage/mechanical collection:

• Large containers are located in special enclosures.
• The large containers are emptied mechanically using collection
vehicles equipped with unloading mechanisms.
2) Waste handling and separation at
commercial and industrial facilities:
a) At commercial:
• SW collected relatively large containers mounted on rollers.
• Once filled, these containers are removed by means of the service

b) At industrial:
• Waste handling and separation of non-industrial at industrial facilities
is the as for the commercial facilities.
II) Storage of Solid Wastes at the Source:
Factors that must be considered in the onsite storage of solid wastes
1. The effects of storage on the waste components
2. The type of container to be used
3. The container location, and
4. Public health and aesthetics.
1) Effects of storage on waste components:
• An important consideration in the onsite storage of wastes are the
effects of storage itself on the characteristics of the wastes being
• These effects of storing wastes include:
a. Biological decomposition,
b. The absorption of fluids and
c. The contamination of waste components.
a) Biological decomposition or microbiological
• Food and other wastes placed in on site storage containers will almost
immediately start to undergo microbiological decomposition (often
called putrefaction) as a result of the growth of bacteria and fungi.
• If wastes are allowed to remain in storage containers for extended
periods of time, flies can start to breed and odorous compounds can
b) Absorption of fluids:
• Because the components that comprise solid wastes have differing
initial moisture contents re-equilibration takes place as wastes are
stored onsite in containers.
• Where mixed wastes are stored together, paper will absorb moisture
from food waste sand fresh garden trimmings.
• The degree of adsorption that takes place depends on the length of
time the waste are stored until collection.
c) Contamination of waste components:
• Perhaps the most serious effect of onsite storage of wastes is the
contamination that occurs.
• The major waste components may be contaminated by small
amounts of wastes such as motor oils, household cleaners, and
• The effect of this contamination is to reduce the value of the
individual components for recycling.
2) Types of Containers:
To a large extent, the types and capacities of the containers used
depend on:
a. The characteristics and types of solid wastes to be collected,
b. The type of collection system in use,
c. The collection frequency, and
d. The space available for the placement of containers.
Types of Containers:
a) Low-rise dwellings with manual curbside waste collection service:
• Because solid waste is collected manually from most residential low-
rise detached dwellings, the container should be light enough to be
handled easily by one collector when full.
• Injuries to collectors have resulted from handling containers that
were loaded too heavy.
b) Low-rise dwellings with mechanized curbside waste collection
• In this system, the container used is an integral part of the collection
• The containers are designed specifically to work with the container
unloading mechanism attached to the collection vehicle.
c) Low-and medium-rise apartments:
Two most common types are;
• Individual plastic or galvanized metal container
• Large portable or fixed containers
d) High-rise apartments:
The most common types of containers include;
• Enclosed storage
• Large open-top for uncompacted waste
• Large open-top for recycled materials.
e) Commercial facilities:
• Typically, large open-top containers are used for unseparated wastes.
3) Container Storage Locations:
Container storage locations depends on the type of the dwelling or
commercial and industrial facilities, the available space, and access to
collection services.

a) Residential dwellings
b) Commercial and industrial facilities
a) Residential dwellings:
• At the sites
• In alleys
• In or next to the garage

b) Commercial and industrial facilities:

• Containers are not owned by these facilities, so the location and its
types must be worked out jointly between the building owners and
the public or private collection agency.
4) Public Health and Aesthetics:
Public health concerns are related primarily to the infestation of areas used
for the storage of solid wastes with vermin and insects that often serve as
potential disease vectors.
By far the most effective control measure for both rats and flies is proper
sanitation. Typically, proper sanitation involves:
• The use of containers with tight lids,
• The periodic washing of the containers as well as of the storage areas, and
• The periodic removal of biodegradable materials (usually within less than 8
days), which is especially important in areas with warm climates.
Aesthetic considerations are related to the production of odors and
the unsightly conditions that can develop when adequate attention is
not given to the maintenance of sanitary conditions.
• Most odors can be controlled through the use of containers with tight
• Maintenance of a reasonable collection frequency.
• If odors persist, the contents of the container can be sprayed with a
masking deodorant as a temporary expedient.
• To maintain aesthetic conditions, the container should be scrubbed
and washed periodically.
III) Collection components:

As mentioned earlier waste collection is highly complex and costly

process. It consists of the following components:
1. Collection points
2. Collection frequency
3. Storage containers
4. Collection crew
5. Collection routes
6. Transfer station
1. Collection points:

• Are the sources from where the waste is generated or points where
the waste is collected.
• These collection points can be located in residential, commercial or
industrial area.
• The collection points determine the size of the crew, storage points
and the time required for collection.
• The overall cost of waste collection is again determined by collection
2. Collection frequency:
• The rate at which the waste is collected from a collection is called as collection
• Collection frequency depends on many factors such as population, community,
income group, life style and climatic conditions.
• Climatic conditions and requirements of a locality as well as containers and costs
determine the collection frequency.
• In hot and humid climates, for example, solid wastes must be collected at least
twice a week, as the decomposing solid wastes produce bad odor and leachate.
• And, as residential wastes usually contain food wastes and other putrescible
(rotting) material, frequent collection is desirable for health and aesthetic
• Besides climates, the quality of solid waste containers on site also determines the
collection frequency. For instance, while sealed or closed containers allow
collection frequency up to three days, open and unsealed containers may require
daily collection.
• While deciding collection frequency, the following points should be
• cost, e.g., optimal collection frequency reduces the cost as it
involves fewer trucks, employees and reduction in total route distance;
• storage space, e.g., less frequent collection may require more
storage space in the locality;
• sanitation, e.g., frequent collection reduces concerns about
health, safety and nuisance associated with stored refuse.
3. Storage containers:

• Proper container selection can save collection energy, increase the

speed of collection and reduce crew size.
• Most importantly, containers should be functional for the amount and
type of materials and collection vehicles used.
• Containers should also be durable, easy to handle, and economical, as
well as resistant to corrosion, weather and animals.
• In residential areas, where refuse is collected manually, standardised
metal or plastic containers are typically required for waste storage.
• When mechanised collection systems are used, containers are
specifically designed to fit the truck-mounted loading mechanisms.
The characteristics to be considered while selecting a container
• Low cost
• Size and weight
• Containers should not be rough
• Containers should not have sharp edges
• Containers should be inert
• Containers should be covered
• The containers should not absorb moisture
• While evaluating residential waste containers, consider the following:
a. efficiency, i.e., the containers should help maximise the overall
collection efficiency.
b. convenience, i.e., the containers must be easily manageable both
for residents and collection crew.
c. compatibility, i.e., the containers must be compatible with
collection equipment.
d. public health and safety, i.e., the containers should be securely
covered and stored.
e. ownership, i.e., the municipal ownership must guarantee
compatibility with collection equipment.
Types of storage containers:
Broadly, there are two principle types of collection containers:
stationary and hauled/ movable containers.
a) Stationary containers
b) Hauled/ movable containers
c) Communal or public containers
a) Stationary containers:

• These are immovable and fixed

at the site of storage.
• The waste stored in these
containers is manually
transferred by the waste
collection crew.
• At certain times the stationary
containers are emptied directly
into the collection vehicle by
mechanical means.
b) Hauled/ movable containers:

• These types of containers are

fixed with wheels to facilitate its
movement to waste processing
site, transfer station or directly
to the disposal site.
• These containers are used for
special type of wastes (i.e.)
when the wastes need separate
treatment and processing.
c) Communal or public containers:
• Generally, there is third type of containers called
communal or public containers.
• It is conventional type of containers that is in use
for almost 3 to 4 decades.
• Communal containers are those which are fixed in
public places such as parks, residential colonies,
shopping streets, office buildings and institutions.
• They can be stationary (i.e.) fixed on the ground
and movable.
• In India, these are cemented structure which is
used by public to dump their wastes. These
containers are open and hence face problems
during rain.
• It also attracts flies, insects, rodents and other
stray animals.
• Communal containers require manual cleaning
which further increases the cost of collection.
• The major disadvantage of these communal
containers is, they emit foul odour due to limited
maintenance. High rate of failure is .observed in
fixed communal containers.
4. Collection crew:
• The persons involved in collecting the waste from house to house; trucks and
taking it to the transfer station or disposal site are termed as ‘collection crew’.
• The crew consists of 8-12 persons and headed by the supervisor.
• The size of the crew varies from community to community and region to region.
• The optimum crew size for a community depends on labour and equipment costs,
collection methods and route characteristics.
• The size of the collection crew also depends on the size and type of collection
vehicle used, space between the houses, waste generation rate and collection
• For example, increase in waste generation rate and quantity of wastes collected
per stop due to less frequent collection result in a bigger crew size.
• Note also that the collection vehicle could be a motorised vehicle, a
pushcart or a trailer towed by a suitable prime mover (tractor, etc.).
• It is possible to adjust the ratio of collectors to collection vehicles such that
the crew idle time is minimised.
• However, it is not easy to implement this measure, as it may result in an
overlap in the crew collection and truck idle time.
• An effective collection crew size and proper workforce management can
influence the productivity of the collection system.
• The crew size, in essence, can have a great effect on overall collection
costs. However, with increase in collection costs, the trend in recent years
is towards:
• decrease in the frequency of collection;
• increase in the dependence on residents to sort waste materials;
• increase in the degree of automation used in collection.
• This trend has, in fact, contributed to smaller crews in municipalities.
5. Collection route:
• The route planned by collection crew to collect waste in a specific area is called as
collection routing.
• The collection programme must consider the route that is efficient for collection.
• An efficient routing of collection vehicles not only helps in decrease costs by
reducing the labour expended for collection but also reduce the working hours.
• Proper planning of collection route also helps conserve energy and minimise
working hours and vehicle fuel consumption.
• It is necessary therefore to develop detailed route configurations and collection
schedules for the selected collection system.
• The size of each route, however, depends on the amount of waste collected per
stop, distance between stops, loading time and traffic conditions.
• Barriers, such as railroad, embankments, rivers and roads with heavy traffic, can
be considered to divide route territories.
Routing (network) analyses and planning can:
• increase the likelihood of all streets being serviced equally and
• help supervisors locate or track crews quickly;
• provide optimal routes that can be tested against driver
judgement and experience.
6. Transfer station:
• It is a centralised facility located between the collection and disposal site.
• It is also called as an intermediate station where waste from smaller collection vehicles
are unloaded and re-loaded back into large vehicles for transport to a disposal or
processing site.
• The transfer station also act as storage and processing station. Waste processing such as
sorting, shredding, compacting, incineration, composting is done in transfer station.
• However, transfer stations involve additional capital costs of building transfer stations,
extra labour and energy required for transferring wastes from collection truck to transfer
• The problems associated with transfer station are that it attract flies and other insect
vectors and creates odours.
• Traffic and noise due to small and large collection vehicles, collectors, drivers, etc., invite
the resentment of the communities living in the vicinity of transfer stations.
Note that waste collection often proves to be the costliest component
of any waste management system. However, with a proper collection
system design and management, we can significantly reduce the costs.
Consider the following criteria to evaluate, and make decisions about,
collection systems:
• Efficiency: Do the services help minimise the cost per
• Effectiveness: Do the services satisfy the community needs?
• Equity: Do the services address equally the concerns of all social
and demographic groups?
• Reliability: Do the services ensure consistency?
• Safety and environmental impact: Do the services ensure safety
of workers, public health and protection of the environment?
Types of collection systems:
Two types of collections:
• Primary Collection- Collection Services
• Secondary collection- Collection system
Primary Collection/ Collection Services:
• Collection of solid waste from the source of generation
• The collection points can be located outside individual household or
communal containers that serve a no of households/apartments
• Depending upon the collection vehicle and distance to the disposal
site /waste treatment the waste may taken to the disposal or to
transfer stations.
Collection Services:
Collection of unseparated waste:
• Low rise detached dwellings
• Medium rise apartments
• High rise apartments
• Commercial/industrial facilities
Collection of separated waste:
• Residential
• Commercial
Low rise detached dwellings:
• Curb
• Curb(mechanised)
• Alley
• Setout- Setback
• Setout
• Backyard carry
Different Collection Services
•For low rise detached apartments
Curb Services
• Homeowner/ resident is responsible for placing the containers to emptied at
the curb on the collection day
• Homeowner/ resident is also responsible for returning the empty containers
to their storage locations until the next collection
• crew can move quickly
• Crew does not enter the private property, so fewer accidents and trespassing
• This method is less costly than backyard collection because it generally
requires less time and fewer crew members
• Adaptable to automated and semi automated collection equipment
• On collection days waste containers are visible from the streets
• Collections days must be scheduled
• Residents are responsible for placing containers at the proper collection
Alley Services
• This is preferred where alleys are apart of the layout of the city
• Storage of containers is done in the alleys
• The collection is similar to curb services
Advans. & Disadvans. similar to Curb Services
Set out-Set back
• Containers are set out from house owners property and set back after
being emptied by additional crews that work in conjunction with the
collection crew responsible for loading the collection vehicle
• Collection days need not be scheduled
• Waste containers are not usually visible from the streets
• Use of additional crew members reduces loading times as compared to
backyard collection method
• Crews enter the private property more injures and trespassing
complaints are likely
• This method is time consuming
• Residents are not involved and more crew member than for curb side
and alley collection are required
• This is more costly than curb side and alley collection because
additional crew are required
• Set out services essentially the same as setout-setback service, except that
the homeowner is responsible for returning the container to their storage
Backyard carry
• Collection crew is responsible for entering the home owners
property and removing the waste from their storage locations
• Collection days need not be scheduled
• Waste containers are not usually visible from the street
• Residents are not involved with container setout or movement
• This method requires fewer crew member than setout/setback methods
Manual methods commonly used for the collection of residential
wastes include the following:
• The direct lifting and carrying of loaded containers to the collection
vehicle for emptying
• The rolling of loaded containers on their rims to the collection vehicle
for emptying
• The rolling of loaded containers equipped with wheels to the
collection vehicle for mechanically assisted emptying
• The use of small lifts for rolling loaded containers to the collection
Systems for solid waste collection (Secondary
Secondary collection is the collection of waste from communal bins, storage
points or transfer station and transportation to the final disposal site.

Two types:
1) Hauled container system (HCS)
2) Stationary container system (SCS)
Systems for solid waste collection:
1) Hauled container system:
Equipment and Personnel Requirements for Hauled Container System (HCS)
collection systems in which the containers used for the storage of wastes are hauled to a materials recovery
facility (MRF), transfer station, or disposal site, emptied, and returned to either their original location or some
other location.
• Hauled container systems are ideally suited for the removal of wastes from sources where the rate of
generation is high because relatively large containers are used (The use of large containers eliminates handling
time as well as the unsightly accumulations and unsanitary conditions associated with the use of numerous
smaller containers.
• Another advantage of HCSs is their flexibility: Containers of many different sizes and shapes are available for the
collection of all types of wastes.
• So here it is possible that this entire hauling could be planned in on highways or bigger roads so that the traffic
issues and the time required to reach the disposal site or treatment facility isn’t very high.
Collection Truck:
Collection Truck
• Three main Types
1. Hoist Truck System:
• In the past, hoist truck were used at military installations.
• The application of mechanically loaded collection vehicles with large capacity is limited for
the areas where a considerable amount of waste is generate.
• It is used for the collection of bulky items and industrial rubbish not suitable for the
collection with the compaction vehicle
2. Tilt frame container system:
• Used to haul large volume of solid waste.
• Also called drop or debris boxes
• Ideally suited for all types of solid waste and rubbish the generation rate warrants use of
large containers
• Usually used at apartments complexes, commercial services and transfer stations
• Due to its large hauling capacity they are popular among private collectors serving
commercial accounts
3. Trash trailer
• Similar to that for tilt frame container system.
• These are better for the collection of heavy rubbish, such as sand, timber
and metal scrap and used for collection of demolition wastes
• To establish vehicle and labour requirement for the collection system and methods,
the unit time required to perform each task must be determined
• By separating the collection activities into unit operation it is possible to-
- Develop design data and relationship that can be used universally
- To evaluate both the variables associated with collection activities and variables
related to or controlled by the particular location.
Definition of unit operations
The activates involved in the collection of solid waste can be resolved into four unit
1. Pick up
3.At site
4. Off route
Pickup(Phcs )
It refers to the time spent in-
• Picking up the loaded container (pc)
• Re-desposition of the container after it
has been emptied(uc)
• Driving to the next container after an
empty container has been deposited
Haul (hhcs ):
T h e t i m e re q u i re d to reac h th e
location where the waste will be
emptied, starting when the container
has been loaded on the truck and
continuing through unloading until
the truck arrives at the location
where the empty container is to be
Offroute (W):
• The unit operation off route (W) includes all time spent on activities that are non
productive from the point of view of the overall collection operations. The off-route
factor (W) varies from 0.10 to 0.40 Typically 0.15 is representative for most
• Off route time divided into two
1. Necessary off route:
Includes-time spending checking in and out in the morning at the end of the day
- Time spent driving to the first pickup point and from location of last pickup point to the
dispatch station at the need of the day
- Time lost due to unavoidable congestion
- Time spent on equipment repairs and maintenance
2. Unnecessary off route:
Time spent for lunch
Time spent on taking unauthorized coffee breaks, talking to friends
• Time per trip
Thcs (h/trip)= Phcs + s+ h
Phcs= pickup time , Phcs = pc+uc+dbc
s = time at site
h = haul time
• The haul time (h/trip)
Generally haul time depends on the haul speed and
The haul time (h/trip) mat be expressed as a function
of the distance travelled
h = a + bx
a= empirical haul-time constant (h/trip)
b= empirical haul-time constant (h/mi)
x =average round trip haul distance (mi/trip)
• Number of trips Nd = [H(1-w)-(t1+t2)]/Thcs
Nd = No of trips per day (trips/d)
H = length of work day (h/d)
w= off route factor, expressed as a fraction
t1 = time to drive between dispatch station to first container location to be services for the day(h)
t2 = time to drive between last container location to be serviced for the day to the dispatch
station(garage) (h)
Thcs = pickup time per trip (h/trip)
Analysis of HCS:

1) Determine the pickup time per trip using following equation:

Phcs = pc + uc + dbc
Phcs = pickup time per trip for HCS, h/trip
pc = time required to pickup loaded container h/trip
uc = time required to unload empty container h/trip
dbc = time required to drive between container locations, h/trip
2) Determine the time per trip:

Thcs= (Phcs+ s + a+ bx)

Where Thcs = time for trip for HCS, h/trip

S = at site time per trip h/trip (table 8.5)
a = empirical haul constant h/ trip (figure 8.16)
b = empirical haul constant h/ trip (figure 8.16)
x = round trip haul distance mi/trip
3. Determine the number of trips that can be made per day:

Nd = [ H(1 – W) – (t1 + t2 ) ] / (Phcs+ s + a+ bx)

Nd = [ H(1 – W) – (t1 + t2 ) ] / Thcs

Where Nd =number of trips per day trip/d

W= off-route factor, expressed as a fraction
H = length of work day, h/d
t1 = time from garage to first container location, h
t2= time from last container location to garage, h
The off-route factor (W) varies from 0.1 to 0.4 a factor of 0.15 is representative for
most operations

4. Finally determine the actual length of the workday:

Example on HCS:
Solid waste from a new industrial park is to be collected in large
container (drop boxes), some of which will be used in conjunction with
stationary compactors. Based on traffic studies at the similar parks, it is
estimated that the average time to drive from the garage to the first
container (t1) and from the last container (t2) to the garage each day
will be 15 and 20 min., respectively. If the average time required to
drive between containers is 6 min and the one-way distance to the
disposal site is 15.5 mi(speed limit: 55 mi/h), determine the number of
containers that can be emptied per day, based on 8-h workday. Assume
the off-route factor, W, is 0.15.
1. Determine the pick-up time per trip

Phcs= pc + uc + dbc

• Use : pc + uc = 0.4 h/trip

(table 8.5)
• dbc= 0.1 h/trip (6min/60 =
0.1 given)
• Phcs = (0.4 + 0.1) h/trip
= 0.5 h/trip
2. Determine the time per trip
Thcs= (Phcs+ s + a+ bx)
Use : Phcs = 0.5 h/trip (from step
S = 0.133 h/trip (Table 8.5)
a = 0.016 (Figure 8.16)
b = 0.018 (Figure 8.16)
x = 15.5 mi =(15.5*2 = 31)
Thcs = [ 0.5+ 0.133 + 0.016+
0.018 (31)] h/trip
= 1.21 h/trip
3. Determine the number of trips that can be
made per day
Nd = [ H(1 – W) – (t1 + t2 ) ] / Thcs Nd = [8(1 – 0.15) – (0.25 + 0.33)] / 1.21
Use : = 5.14 trips/d
H = 8 h (given) Use Nd = 5 trips/d
W= 0.15 (assumed)
t1= 0.25 h (given)
t2= 0.33 h (given)
Thcs = 1.21 h/trip
4. Determine the actual length of the workday:

5 trips/d = [H(1 – 0.15) – 0.58]/1.21

H = 7.80 h (essentially 8h)
Pickup(Phcs )
• It refers to the time spent in loading the vehicle, beginning with the stop
to load the first container and ending when the last container has been
Haul (hscs )
• The time required to reach the location
where full vehicle will be emptied and
continuing until the truck arrives at the
location where the first container will be
emptied for the next route
• It neither include actual picking up of
loading container or re deposition if the
empty container nor time spent at the
location where the waste is unloaded
• At site (s)
• Off Route (w)
Mechanically Loaded vehicles
1. The time per trip is:
Tscs (h/trip)= Pscs + s+ a + bx
Tscs = time per trip for SCS, (h/trip)
Pscs= pickup time per trip (h/trip)
s = at site per trip (h/trip)
a , b = empirical constant (h/trip)
x = average round trip haul distance(mi/trip)

2. Pickup Time per trip (h/trip) Pscs = Ct (uc)+ (np-1)(dbc)

Ct = no. of container emptied per day( container /trip)

uc = avg unloading time per stationary container (h/container)
np = no. of container pickup location per trip(location/ trip)
dbc= time required to drive between container location(h/location)
The pickup time depends upon the number of containers multiplies by the unit loading time
plus the number of location times the driving time between the locations
Ct = vr/cf

Ct = no. of container emptied per day ( container /trip)
v = volume of collection vehicle, m3/trip
r = compaction ratio
c = container volume, m3/container
f = weighted container utilization factor.
3. No of trips per day
Nd =Vd/vr
Nd = no of collection trips required per day (trips/d)
Vd = avg daily quantity of waste collected (yd3/d)
V = volume of collection vehicles (yd3/trip)
r = compaction ratio
4. Time required per day
H = [(t1+t2)+Nd * Tscs]/(1-W)
t1 = time to drive between dispatch station to first container location to be picked up on the first route
of the day, h
t2 = time to drive from the approximate location of the last container pickup on last route of the day
to the dispatch station, h
Manually Loaded collection vehicles
Np =60nPscs/tp
Np =no of pickup locations per trip
60 = conversion factor from hour to minutes
Pscs = pickup time per trip(h/trip)
n = no of collectors(labours)
tp = pickup time per pickup locations
The pick up location (tp) per location depends on the time required to drive between container
locations, the number of containers per pickups locations and the percent of rear of house
pickup locations
tp = dbc+k1+Cn+k2(PRH)
Tp = avg pickup time per pickup locations(collector –min/location)
dbc = avg time spent driving b/w container locations(h/locations)
K1= constant related to the pickup time per container (min/container)
Cn= avg no of container at each pickup locations
K2= constant related to the time required to collect waste from the backyard of residence (min/PRH)
PRH= rear of house pickup locations(percent)
Example on SCS:
Solid wastes from a commercial area are to be collected using a stationary-container collection
system having 4m³ containers. Determine the appropriate truck capacity for the following
(a) Container size = 4 m³
(b) Container utilization factor = 0.75
(c) Average number of containers at each location = 2
(d) Collection-vehicle compaction ratio = 2.5
(e) Container unloading time = 0.1 h/container
(f) Average drive time between container locations = 0.1 h
(g) One-way haul distance = 30 km
(h) Speed limit = 88 km/h (55 mi/h)
(i) Time from garage to first container location = 0.33 h
(j) Time from last container location to garage = 0.25 h
(k) Number of trips to disposal site per day = 2
(l) Length of workday = 8 h
1. Using following Eq. determine the time available for each trip.

H = [(t₁ + t₂) + Nd(Tscs)]/(1-W)

where Tscs = time per trip

Use: H = 8 h
t₁ = 0.33 (given)
t₂ = 0.25 (given)
Nd = 2.0 (given)
W = 0.15 (assumed)
Tscs = [(1 – 0.15)*8 – (0.33 + 0.25)]/2
= 3.1 h
2. Determine the pickup time per trip using Eq.

Tscs = (Pscs + s + a + bx)

Use: Tscs = 3.1 hr (calculated in step 1)

s = 0.1 h/trip (see Table 11-8)
a = 0.016 (see Table 11-7)
b = 0.011 (see Table 11-7)
x = 60 km (given)
Pscs = Tscs – (S + a + bx)
= 3.1 – [0.1 + 0.016 + 0.011(60)]
= 2.32 h/trip
3. Using Eq., determine the number of containers that can be emptied
per trip.
Pscs = Ctuc + (np − 1)dbc

Use: Pscs= 2.32 h/trip

uc = 0.1 h/container (given)
np = Ct/2 (2 containers/location)
dbc = 0.1 h

Ct0.1 + (0.5Ct – 1)*0.1 = 2.32

0.15Ct = 2.42
Ct = 16.13 use 16
4. Using Eq., determine the required capacity of the collection truck.

Ct = vr/cf

Use: Ct = 16
r = 2.5 (given)
c = 4 m³ (given)
f = 0.75 (given)

16 4 ∗ 0.75

= 19.2 m³

Use 20.0 m³ or nearest larger standard size.

Transportation of solid waste: Means and
Transfer & Transport:
• Functional element of transfer and transport refers to the means and
facilities used to affect the transfer of wastes from one location to
another, usually more distant, location.
• Contents of relatively small collection vehicles are transferred to
larger vehicles that are used to transport the waste over extended
distances either to MRFs or to disposal sites.
• Transportation of the waste itself takes up most of the total budget for
solid waste management and can be a big financial commitment for many
short-haul waste transporters.
• The transportation of the wastes collected in the various community bins
accounts for about 60-80% of the total expenditure incurred in solid waste
• The refuse collected at the roadside dust bins has to be collected and
transported to the processing and disposal site by using a variety of
vehicles. In general, these vehicles can be grouped into two types:
i) Vehicles which move through narrow streets and bylanes and do not travel
a long distance before unloading their contents at a transfer station,
processing or disposal facility.
ii) Vehicles which move through wider roads and travel long distances before
discharging their contents at processing or disposal site.
• The vehicles make a number of trips every day to the disposal site on
Transportation of Solid Waste:
There is many methods to transport the solid waste, some of them are given
1. Hand Cart
2. Tri-Cycle
3. Animal Cart
4. Tripper Truck
5. Dumper Placer
6. Bulk Refuse Carrier
7. Railroad Transport
8. Water Transport
9. Conveyors
1. Hand Cart:
• The use of traditional hand carts should
be discontinued and instead, hand carts
having 4-6 detachable containers of
capacity ranging from 30-40 litres i.e.
0.03-0.04 cum each should be used.
• The containers should be of steady
material preferably strong
polyethylene/plastic with a handle on top
and rim at the bottom for easy handling
of the container.
• The handcarts should have preferably
three wheels and sealed ball bearing.
There should be locking arrangement
with a chain and a lock. These are
generally used to collect waste door to
2. Tri-Cycle:
• Local bodies can use tri-cycles
instead of handcarts in the area
which are spread out and distances
are long. The tri-cycles could have
8 containers of 0.04 cum (40 litre)
• These containers should also be
detachable from the tri-cycle and
should have a locking arrangement.
• These are also used to pick waste
door to door where handcarts
can’t be used because of avoid
3. Animal Cart:
• These are preferred in small towns where
road surfaces are not good.
• Bullock/Buffalo/Horse are used.
• Person driving the cart transfers materials
from bins to cart.
• Municipal hires them and pays by trip basis.
• Main advantage is, no fuel used but tends to
obstruct the traffic due to slow speed of
movement, iron rims of wheel damage
asphalt pavement, so rubber tires are used.
• They empty it into truck waiting at lower level
• Instead of human pedalling, a small engine is
also used.
4. Tripper Truck:
• The tipper shall be useful for
transportation and refuse collection from
narrow lanes, individual houses to its
disposal point shall be hydraulic.
• The capacity of container shall be
approximately 1.5cum.
• It is used for quick and efficient garbage
collection from the individual dwelling
and suitable for handling both dry and
wet garbage material.
• It is also used for transportation
unloading it into bigger container/dump
area and suitable for secondary collection
system from narrow by lanes and
individual dwellings.
5. Dumper Placer:
• The twin dumper placer shall be useful for
transportation of refuse, silt, grit or any other
waste from the collection point to its disposal point
by two containers at a time.
• The operation of lifting and placing the container
on the vehicle, transporting to its disposal point
and unloading shall be hydraulic.
• The lifting capacity of steel garbage container shall
be 2.5 cum.
• It is used for handling wet refuse and suitable for
primary collection from main streets using
containers ‘relay’ system.
• It allows safe, hygienic containerized collection and
storage of refuse.
• It also allows multiple-pickup point of truck
through specially designed containers.
6. Bulk Refuse Carrier:
• Bulky waste or bulky refuse is a
technical term taken from waste
management to describe waste
types that are too large to be
accepted by the regular waste
• It is usually picked-up regularly in
many countries from the streets or
pavements of the area.
• The service is provided free of
change in many places but often a
fee has to be paid.
7. Railroad Transport:
• Waste by rail is a long-haul transportation
system that provides municipalities,
manufacturers, environmental firms,
commercial entities and other major waste
producers with convenient and efficient
access to specially equipped landfills.
• Waste by rails offers creative solutions to
even the most complex solid waste
transportation challenges.
• Having formed strategic partnerships within
all area of the national rail transportation
• Waste management can now move virtually
any volume of solid or industrial waste to
landfills equipped to handle their disposal in a
cost-effective manner.
8. Water Transport:
• The transportation of waste is the movement
of waste over a specific area by trains,
tankers, truck or other vehicles.
• Hazardous waste may be transported to be
treated, stored or disposed off.
• Facilities that generates hazardous waste are
required to prepare a shipping document or
manifest to accompany the waste as it is
transported from the site of generation.
• This manifest must accompany the waste
until its final destination and used to track the
wastes from cradle to grave (a term used in
industries that generate HW to describe how
a generator is responsible for its waste from
initial generation through its ultimate
9. Conveyors:
• Waste conveyors offer spans
numerous modular equipment for the
transport of bulk material or sorted
material, in different areas of
application of the manufacturing of
raw materials and waste treatment.
• Designed to withstand time and
specific for all the heavy work that will
be submitted to.
• All parts of conveyor belt should be
bolted and interchangeable.
• Conveyor belts, flat and concave, are
built with a modular structure.
Collection Route:
• In either private or public operations, it is important to set labor and equipment
requirements for each type of service.

• Once the equipment and labor requirements have been determined, collection routes
must be laid out so that both the collectors and equipment are used effectively.

• In general, the layout of collection routes involves a series of trials

• There is no universal set of rules that can be applied to all situations.

• Thus, collection vehicle routing remains today a heuristic (common-sense) process.

Guidelines for laying collection routes
●Existing policies and regulations related to such items as the point of collection and frequency of

collection must be identified.

● Existing systems, such as crew size and vehicle types, must be coordinated.
●Wherever possible, routes should be laid out so that they begin and end near arterial streets, using

topographical and physical barriers as route boundaries.

●In hilly areas, routes should start at the top of the grade and proceed downhill as the vehicle becomes

●Routes should be laid out so that the last container to be collected on the route is located.
Collection Routes:
- The collection programme must consider the route that is efficient for collection.
- An efficient routing of collection vehicles reduces the costs by reducing the labour
expended for collection.
- Proper planning of collection route also helps conserve energy and minimize
working hours and vehicle fuel consumption.
- Routing (road network) analysis and planning can,
i. Increase the likelihood of all streets being serviced equally and consistently.
ii. Help supervisors to locate (or) track crew quickly.
iii. Provide optimal routes that can be tested against driver judgment and
Collection Vehicle Routing:
- Efficient routing and re-routing of solid waste collection vehicles can help to decrease the cost by reducing
the labour expended for collection.
- Routing procedures usually consists of the following two separate components:
(a) Macro Routing – Defining size of routes
(b) Micro Routing – Defining exact path of each route
Macro Routing:
- It consists of dividing the total collection area into routes, in such a way as to represent a day‘s collection for
each crew.
- The size of each route depends on the amount of wastes collected per stop, distance between stops, loading
time and traffic conditions.
- Natural barriers such as rail road embankments, rivers and roads with heavy competing traffic, can be used to
divide route territories.
- As much as possible, the size and shape of route areas should be balanced.
Micro Routing:
- Using the results of the macro-routing analysis, micro-routing can define the specific path that each crew and
collection vehicle will take on each collection day.
- Results of micro-routing analysis should also be done by the review of experienced collection drivers.
Deciding Factors for Collection Vehicle
- The heuristic (trial & error) route development process is a relatively simple manual approach that applies
specific routing patterns to block configurations.
- The map should show collection, service locations, disposal (or) transfer sites, one-way streets, natural
barriers and the area of heavy traffic flows.
- Then, routes should be traced out onto the tracing paper using the following factors:
(a) Routes should not be fragmented (or) overlapping.
(b) Total collection (+) Hauling time reasonably constant for each route in the community.
( c ) The collection route should be started as close to the garage (or) motor pool as possible.
(d) Heavily travelled streets should not be visited during rush hours.
(e) In case of one-way streets, it is best to start the route near the upper end of the street.
(f) In case of dead-end streets, wastes must be collected by walking down, reversing the vehicle (or) taking a U-
(g) Higher elevations should be at the start of the route.
(h) For collection from one side of the street at a time, it is generally best to route with many anti-clockwise
turns around the blocks.
Layout of Routes:
This is a four-step process which is:
1. Prepare collection location maps on a relatively large scale of the area to be served. Data
should be plotted for each solid waste pickup point, location, number of containers, collection
2. Prepare data summaries. Estimate the quantity of waste generated from pickup locations
serviced each day where the stationary system is used.
3. Layout of preliminary collection routes starting from the dispatch station. A route should be
laid out that connects all the pickup location to be served during each collection day.
4. Develop balanced routes. The haul distance for each route should be determined. In some
cases, it may be necessary to re-adjust the collection routes to balance the work load on the
distance travelled.

After the balance, routes have been established and they should be drawn of the master map.

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