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Verbs and Plural ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Rule 31 (Verbal) ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Rule 32 (Plural)....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Rule 19

Countable Uncountable

Few Little

A Few A Little

The Few The Little

The following adjectives should be noted carefully.

S.No Positive Comparative Superlative

1 Much (Uncountable) More Most

Many (Countable)
2 Little (Uncountable) Less Least

3 Few (Countable) Fewer Fewest

➢ Little- Almost zero

➢ A little- Some quantity

➢ The little- Sufficient but not full

➢ Few- Almost zero

➢ A Few- Some quantity

➢ The Few- Sufficient but not full

• He met with a fatal accident, there is ____________ chance of his recovery.

• He never feels alone as ____________ of his friends are always available for him.

➢ Some

• For Affirmative & making Request

• Used as an adjective.

• Somewhat is used as adverb.

E.g.- Please allow me to take some sheets of paper.

E.g.- I can send some students there.

➢ Any

• For Negative sentences.

• For interrogative sentences.

Is there any staff member available?

➢ Farther

• Comparative of “Far”
Place A is farther than Place B.

➢ Further

• Means additional.

Is there any further query?

➢ Other

• The second of the two.

The other student is waiting with him.

➢ Another

• Additional one (More)

• I want another pizza.

Let’s check !!

1. I am already late and now you are ordering a pizza from a place further than the previous one.
2. The people in arid areas survive with little amount of water which they get.
3. This burger is very tasty, after eating this one, I want other too.
4. The manager slipped because even after extensive cleaning there was the little oil left on the floor.
5. We will be giving one more chocolate farther with this gift purchase.

Comparative Comparative

Rule 20
➢ Older

• Comparative of old

• Used with persons (not blood relations) and things.

He is older than my brother.

Building A is older than Building B.

• Superlative of old

• Used with Used with persons (not blood relations) and things.

He is the oldest in our friend group.

Building A is the oldest in this lane.

❖ Elder

• Comparative of old

• Used with persons only. (Same family)

• Followed by “To” not “Than”

My brother is elder to me.

• Superlative of old

• Used with persons only. (Same family)

He is the eldest member in our family.

➢ Later

• Comparative of late.

• Refers to time.

He reported later than Ramesh in office.

• Superlative of late.

• Refers to time.

• Means recent/up to now only.

This is the latest news.

➢ Former

• When 2 things are compared.

• The previous thing.

The former President decided this.

➢ Latter

• Opposite of former.

• Used when two things are talked about.

The latter Prime Minister will not accept this policy.

➢ First

• Superlative of “Fore”.

• When more than 2 things are tested.

• The thing which stands on the top.

The first android phone is of no value now.

➢ Last

• Superlative of late

• Refers to position in the end.

The last car in the queue is Mercedes.

Let’s check !!

1. Statue of liberty is elder to the Statue of Unity.

2. Those two covid waves were fatal, out of which the last was very severe though.
3. He is elder to me although he does not look 30 years old.
4. My grandfather is elder to your grandfather but he never considers this to be true.
Previous YEAR Questions (pyq’s)
Let’s check !!

1. The soil was moist as (1)/there was little rain (2)/the day before (3)/No error. (4)
2. Though its gloss can (1)/fool few unwary customers, (2)/it wouldn’t be difficult for the clever ones to
judge its real worth (3)/No error. (4)
3. Of the billions of stars in the galaxy, (1)/ how much are (2)/ suitable for life (3)/?. No error. (4)
4. In that wholesale shop (1)/ they do not sell (2)/ fewer than ten bags of rice. (3)/ No error (4).

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