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6. Last inspection of school according to findings.

As a group of ten people, each one of us presented his findings on when was the school last
inspected. The findings were the following: Mr Akampurira Frankline who was also the group
leader visited Buloba High School and had a physical conversation with the headteacher
Madam Margaret A who told him of when the last supervision was carried out which was in
October 2023 on 16th. The headteacher looked not to be sure about the date because she had
a bit of guess work about the date though remembered that it was on Monday.

Mr Nasasira Julius one of our group member also visited Nambole High School and got a chance
to talk to the head teacher Mrs Naluyima Evelyn who responded positively after reading the
letter he had sent her. Madam Naluyima responded to the question asked to her by Teacher
Nasasira Julius about when the school was last inspected and gave a clear date which was on
13th september 2022 two years ago.

Kazoora Silverio also individually visited St Johns College Mpigi and had a face to face interview
with the headteacher Mr Kwijuka Leonard about when the school was last inspected. The
response was positive because the headteacher responded that last inspection was done in
January this year just two days after the beginning of first term that started on Saturday 27th
2024, in actual sense it was 29th Monday January 2024 though the headteacher talked like
guessing. Ms Namuwaya Petience also as a group member presented her findings to the group.
We found out that she had a talk to the one of head of history department Mr Isabirye Derrick
Kiira College Butiiki and responded to when the school was last inspected but he was not sure
of the date and month because it had taken long without being inspected but at least told her
the year that it was in 2021.

Nasiima Miria visited Kazo Secondary School with a questionnaire having questions and had a
chance to fill it with the headteacher Mr Bwogere Abas who told her that the School was last
inspected last year in 2023 but was not specific on time date and the month though tried to
One of our group member by the names of Ndagire Jemima also presented her findings from
Director of Studies of Wakiso Christian High School Mr Katende Mathias who told her the date
of last inspection as on 17th may, 2022. The Director of Studies continued and related that time
to Covid 19 period but in guessing. Evelyne Kanyesigye also according to her findings by visiting
Kajjansi Progressive School and had a talk with one of the administrators Mr Amanya Collins
contact number 0783741471 who is the deputy headteacher, he told her that the School was
last inspected in second term of the year 2023 during sports time but was not sure of the date
and the day. He just guessed basing on circumstances that was prevailing by that time which
was sports.

Teacher Asiimwe Teresia visited Busia Border Seed High School and according to the findings
from conversation with the Deputy Head teacher Mr Bwire Stephen, according to the findings,
it was some time after he had sent a letter to him on WhatsApp and the response about when
the school was last inspected was that it was on Thursday 7th march, 2024 the man was so
acculate to the extent that he opened his notebook for evidence.

Mr Wamuwaya Ivan had a conversation with Mr Kiiza Godfrey the Director of Studies of Lugazi
Home stone in Lugazi town who told him when the school was last inspected and he responded
that the School was last inspected last year in November, of course last year was 2023 to be
clear. The last group member to present the findings was Mr Swaibu Kategaya reg number
20/U/18425/ps. Swaibu who visited the School where he made his first school practice from
Central College Kawala and had a talk with the headteacher about last inspection. The head
teacher welcomed him well and gave him valid time when the school was last inspected which
was last inspected and told him it was last year 2023 but did not specify the month and date.

We sat as a group and compiled different finding by different individuals from different schools
and according to when schools was last inspected those were the findings.

7. Who conducted the inspection?

Different school stakeholders gave the response of who carried out inspection some by names
and others by titles either they had forgotten the name of inspector due to time and some
never had time to check records and they ended up giving just the title as summarised below:

The headteacher of Buloba High School told Franklin Akampurira that the School was inspected
by The inspector by the names of Mr Jibril. In the last inspection of Nambole High School
according to Julius's findings after communication with the Headteachers He was told that the
School was inspected by Alice Night and Okecho who were from directorate of Education
Standards. ST. Johns College Mpigi according to Kazoora's findings it was inspected by The
Inspector in charge of Mpigi schools but did not capture the name of the inspector because the
headteacher's file were abit far and he never had time to search for it.

According to Namuwaya Petience who went to Kiira College Butiiki the head of history
department told her that the inspection was done by District inspector Mr Isanga Joseph. At
Wakiso Christian High School according to conversation with the Director of Studies the School
was inspected by Ministry of Education and did not specify who specifically. According to
Evelyn's findings Kajjansi Progressive School was inspected by District Education Officer and
other two people from ministry. Busia Border Seed High School was inspected by the Inspector
by the names of Barasa Mangeni and this is according to Teresia's findings.

Lugazi Homestone Lugazi was inspected by District inspector by the names of Mr Kabambwe
Bernard according to Ivan's findings. Kategaya Swaibu's findings shows that Central College
Kawala was last inspected by District Education Officer, the division inspector of schools and
Division inspector of Health.

The table summarizing people who inspected Schools according to group members findings.

Group member School Who inspected

Buloba High School Akampurira Frankline Inspector Mr Jibril

Nambole High School Nasasira Julius Alice Night and Okecho

St Johns College Kazoora Silverio Inspector - Mpigi Schools

Kiira College Butiiki Namuwaya Petience Mr Isanga Joseph

Wakiso Christian High Ndagire Jemima Inspector!

Kajjansi Progressive School Kanyesigye Evelyne DEO and other two

Busia Border Seed School Asiimwe Teresia Inspector Barasa Mangeni

Lugazi Homestone Wamuwaya Ivan Mr Kabambwe Benard

Central College Kawala Kategaya Swaibu DEO

Kazo Secondary School Nasiima Miria Municipal Inspector

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