Note On Meniere's Dse

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Meniere's Disease

● It is an ear disease
● Still unknown for the treatment of Meniere's disease
● Attacks the ear and not the brain
● Scientists still not sure of the cause of Meniere's disease
● Diagnosis is symptoms and medical history, also tests (electrical frequency)
● Same with other diseases such as labrynthitis, sinusitis, otitis media, lime disease
● Surgery can be an option
● No medication yet for this disease
● ANAPHY: outer (hear and collect the sounds), inner (ear cannal), eardrum (vibrations), cochlea, there is
fluid that will send the sound waves, auditory nerve that will send soundwaves to the brain
● Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes vertigo attacks, fluctuating hearing loss,
tinnitus, and aural fullness
● It is a progressive disease
● Named after Prosper Meniere
● Possible Etiology: poor drainage, autoimmune response, allergic reaction, viral infection, inherited
tendency, blow to the head, migraine headaches
● Signs and symptoms: muffled hearing (hearing loss), a feeling of pressure in the fear, sudden dizzy
spells, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), trembling, cold sweat, rapid pulse, anxiety, blurry vision, nausea
● Patients with Meniere's disease have out of balance
● Stages of Meniere's disease: early (sudden unpredictable vertigo, hearing loss and tinittus, hearing and
full sensation returns between attacks), middle (vertigo attacks less severe, hearing loss and tinnitus
often become worse, periods of remission), late
● Diagnostics: Audiometric Exam (test both the intensity and tone of sounds, balance issues and other
functions related to the ear); (speech discrimination)
● Diagnostics: Electronystagmogram (evaluate balance, placed in darkened room, measure eye
● Diagnostics: Rotary Chair Testing (to see how eye movements affects the inner ear)
● Diagnostics
● Diagnostics: Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential aka VEMP (measures reaction to sudden loud
noises, detects vestibular lesions)
● Diagnostics: Postugraphy (test balance and how long one can keep it)
● Diagnostics: Video Head Impulse Test (users video image)
● Diagnostics
● Diagnostics: MRI/CT Scans
● Treatment: hearing aid (to aid in hearing loss), diuretics (to remove excess ear fluids), steroids
(because there is swelling formation), physical therapy (due to affected balance), vestibular
rehabilitation therapy, positive pressure therapy, gentamycin infections
● Treatment can also be surgical: endolymphatic shunt surgery (to remove excess fluids), vestibular
nerve sectioning, cochleosacculotomy, labyrinthectomy
● Reduce or avoid consumption of: salt (fluid retention), caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, MSG

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