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Teacher: Frederic Deschoenmaeker

Kimaya Chaudhari

By this project stage, I began thorough research and created a general outline of the
possible research question. As the research question would be the ‘stem’ of our entire project, I
spent the majority of my time collecting information to outline a plan for a research question that
would suit our task the most. As a group, and to make this process easier, we collaboratively
made a Google doc that has a list of several websites, our previously done research, as well as
lab reports related to our projects.

Throughout this month, my biggest setback was spending too much time focusing on
developing the research question and less time planning our essay. I attempted to fix this time
management problem by distributing the planning roles in our group and assigning tasks to
each person in the group so that the work would be more distributed and we would get more
things done effectively.

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