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Chapter 05.

Strings and
Table of contents

5.1 String

5.2 Type of array

5.1 String

Big Data Analytics &

Artificial Intelligence
Starting with Python

▪ Quote
– Strings can use both double and single quotes

– Use double quotes for strings that need to be printed in single quotes.

– Question?
Read string

▪ Index
– When you store a string in a variable, an array is automatically created.

– If there are n storage locations, the indices range from 0 to n-1.

– Python also provides an indexing method that starts with -1 from the last item and
decreases by 1.
String slicing

▪ Argument format [start:end+1:step]

▪ When there is 1 argument

▪ When there are 2 arguments

▪ When there are 3 arguments

String slicing

▪ If argument is omitted
– If there is only one colon (:)

– If there are two colons (:)

Merging of strings

If you put a '+' sign between two strings, the preceding and following
strings are merged.
String functions (methods)

▪ len() function
– Returns the length of the string (object) in parentheses

▪ method call
– Call various methods (functions) provided by string-type objects by
connecting them with dots (.)
String functions (methods)

▪ information collection

find vs rfind?

▪ in
– Determine whether a specific character or string exists in that string
String functions (methods)

▪ Changing information
– Methods (functions) that can modify the contents of a string

Swapcase ?

– Execute the following statement to modify the original contents:

String functions (methods)

▪ Information segmentation
– Method to remove whitespace from string
Randomizing arrays

▪ choice()
– print random characters

▪ shuffle()
– In fact, the order of the array is reversed and stored
5.2 Types of Arrays

Big Data Analytics &

Artificial Intelligence
Starting with Python
Array data structure
▪ Array data structure
– String type, Unicode string type, list, tuple, byte array, xrange()
– Store multiple data in one variable and access them conveniently

▪ Mutable and immutable

Mutable data types Immutable data types
list int, float
dict bool
set str

– immutable - Integer types are immutable

Difference between mutable and

immutable in python? (tutorialspoi

▪ List
– Multiple data types can also be entered
– Square brackets ([]) are used and each item is separated by a
comma (,)

▪ One-dimensional list
Copy of list
▪ Copy of list
- If you copy a to b and change the value stored at index 0 of b

– Two different variables pointing to the same object

– Modified up to the array of a


▪ Slicing the list

– Same as string slicing
– Lists store various data such as integers, real numbers,
and strings.
– Structure [start:end+1:step]
Merge and Insert in Lists

▪ Merge multiple variables

▪ Merge multiple lists

Insert an element into a list
▪ append() method
– Accepts 1 argument as input
– You can additionally paste that value at the end of the list.

– An example of repeatedly entering an integer value one by one in an

empty list
Insert element into list

▪ insert() method
– The first of the two input arguments is an index number
– Enter the value of the second factor at the position just before
the index number
List comprehension

▪ List comprehension
– For all elements stored in a specific list, only elements that meet the
condition are selectively added.
– After reading the elements of the list (①) into i(②) and testing the value in
the conditional expression (③), if the result is true, i(④) is entered into the
[i for i in (List name) if (conditional expression)]
Delete an item in a list

▪ Delete with the del statement

– Delete the item corresponding to the specified location

– Use the slice function to delete multiple items

Delete an item in a list

▪ Delete with pop() function

– Delete function provided by list object

– If you enter an input value, it is recognized as an index and the

item is deleted.
Delete an item in a list

▪ Delete with empty list ([])


▪ in
– Check if a string contains a specific character

▪ not in
– Example: Checking if a specific fruit is not present in the list
Repetition of elements

– Repeat the element twice and output:

– Multiply each element by 2:

len() and count()

▪ len()
– Count the number of elements

▪ count()
– Measure the number of specific values
Find your index number

▪ index()
– Returns the index number of the first occurrence of x in the
array list

– In the nums list, 3 is at indexes 2 and 5, but index(3) returns the

first index.

▪ sort()

▪ reverse() (in reverse order)

Two-dimensional list
▪ Example: fruitdb list

– fruits: one-dimensional list

– fruitdb: 2D list (3x2 matrix)

– Read and print the contents stored in a specific location

Two-dimensional list
– Example: Create a new index list by gathering only the contents stored at
index 1 of all lists stored in the 2-dimensional list record.

– Example: Extract only items with the number of elements 2 from mylist and
create newlist
▪ Tuple
– Arrays that cannot be changed after initialization
– Items are connected with a comma (,) in the format enclosed in
parentheses (())
– parentheses can be omitted
– Can contain strings, numbers, tuples, and lists
– Indexing, slicing, and method functionality are similar to lists.

▪ indexing, slicing

▪ Cannot change once entered

▪ Superposition

▪ Tuple containing list

– Tuples cannot contain new values

– A list that exists as an element inside a tuple can be modified


▪ List containing tuples

– It is possible to modify the elements of the list (not the contents
of the tuple)
Functions of tuples compared to lists

▪ Slicing ▪ Absorption

Multiple variables can be

packed or unpacked into a
single tuple.

No ability to insert data with

append() or insert() or delete items
using the del command and pop()
Functions of tuples compared to lists

▪ Existence ▪ Counting the number of


▪ reiteration
Functions of tuples compared to lists

▪ search function
– frequency check

– find index number

Two-dimensional tuple

Construct the elements of a tuple in two dimensions


▪ Dictionary dictionary
– A pair of key and value
– index by key (string, number, tuple)
– A dictionary must contain unique keys
– Cannot be used as a key if it contains an object that can be
directly or indirectly modified
Creating and inserting dictionaries

▪ Creation of a dictionary
– Curly braces { } create an empty dictionary
▪ Insertion
– Input as a set of unordered key:value pairs in the form of {key:value}
– Instead of using sequential numbers for indexes, use keys as if they were
– If there are two or more items in the dictionary, they are connected by
commas (,)

▪ Entering multiple pieces of information into one


▪ indexing and slicing

– Both indexing and slicing do not work and generate an error
Delete dictionary entry

▪ Delete dictionary entry

– del command
Dictionary entry search
▪ Dictionary entry search
– Key in Dictionary: True if key value exists, False otherwise
– None --- get(): Returns the value of the key if it exists, or None if it does not.
– keys(): return all keys
– values(): return all values
– items(): return all key:value pairs
Merge dictionary

▪ Merge dictionary
– Using the update() method
Create a dictionary with another array

▪ Create a dictionary with another array

– You can use the dict() function (constructor) to create an array of key:value
pairs in dictionary format.
– Lists and tuples can also be written as dictionaries.

– Use an equal sign ('=') to associate a key with a corresponding value


▪ (Set)
– Composed of non-duplicate and ordered elements
– Use { } symbols as in a dictionary and separate elements with commas (,)
– Unlike a dictionary, a type with only keys and no values

– A list or tuple can be created in the form of a set using the set() function
Adding and deleting elements of a set

▪ Add
– add()

– update()

▪ Delete
– remove()
– pop()

▪ presence or absence
– Use 'in' or 'not in' to check if the corresponding value is a
set operation

Operator Meaning
| union
& intersection
- difference
^ Symmetric difference
Relational Operators on Sets

Operator Meaning

<= Check if all elements of the set on the left are on the right

< Check if all elements of the set on the left are on the right
However, the two must not be the same
>= Check if all elements of the set on the right are on the left

> Check if all elements of the set on the right are on the left
However, the two must not be the same
Big data analytics example

– training_data: input data (2-dimensional list)

– fruit_counts() Counts the number of fruits stored in the input
data and stores the information in dictionary format

{'apple': 2, 'grape': 2, 'lemon': 1}

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