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(VINSKLY FORMAT)..............

1-Hello christy

2-How are you doing?

3-Hope my adding you doesn't seems so embarrassing to you..i was searching for an
old friend of mine and i came across your profile so i decided to send you a
friendly hello
OR..i saw your profile on Facebook suggestion so i decided to send you a friendly

4-I'm Vinskly and you?.....Nice to meet you Christy

5-I'm from Mexico but lives in New York and you?

6-so tell me are you married or single?....sorry for the silly question

7-I'm divorced for the past 3 years now,although i was married to an Australian
lady i found here in my home town Monterrey Mexico but she always like cheating on
me and mingling with my friend when i'm not around after i trained her in a nursing
school and also got job for her in a hospital i also bought her a new car to make
life so easy for her but she paid me back by hurting me

8-Ever since we got divorced,I've vowed to be alone without a woman but i later
became aware that i keep getting older each passing day and has therefore decided
to give my life the chance once again as i never know what the future holds

9-Do you have kid's?.......i have my daughter Kimberly she's my everything

10-What's your occupation?.......I'm in the US marine corps,i'm an E-6 staff


11-How old are you?........I'm 35 years old

12-How tall are you?........I'm 6'1 tall or 6'2 tall

13-But right now i'm not in the states I'm Deployed here in Aleppo Syria for a
peace keeping mission

14-I came here since last year November and my mission will be ending up soon but i
don't know the actual date yet.I promise to let you know whenever i'm coming back
home because i will love to meet you in person and get to know you better
15-I must tell you that things work differently here when compared to the real
world,we call it the control unit or war room,it's heavenly secured and monitored
constanly,Most times it's verry dificult to have personal conversations without
them decoded and recorded by the military authorities.This is to ensure discipline
among our troops

16-I work here in the information monitoring unit device, here in Camp that's why i
have access chatting with you

17-Do you have Gmail hangout so we can get to know each other better,cause i'm not
always on messenger?

18-Talking with you here on Facebook is safe as long as i don't get caught. Most
soldiers find it difficult to cope and would sneak out of camp to get the
satisfaction they desire. Though a heavy penalty await those who default the camp

19-I know i shouldn't be telling you all of these but i see you as a very
understanding and caring woman. I want you to know that i find pleasure chatting
with you not withstanding these rules


20-We don't make use of social media here in camp, i�m texting you with a military
Dtms monitoring device and it works together with the Gmail hangout

21-I'm using a military Wi-Fi device it has no mouthpiece, no camera, it's use to
track locations It's use to monitor and disconnect bombs

22-It�s more safer and better here due to the current situation going on here in
Syria,so the ISIS won�t get into our military firmware

23-That�s why I asked you for the Gmail hangout so we can get to know each other

24-I believe we can get to understand each other and also get to make things right
which has to do with our level of understanding

25-Here in camp i also work as an information management.My work here is to monitor

military Intelligence including network administration, database management and
computer hardware and software implementation.I also join the combat team on
special missions

26-Most here in camp we go out to the city, teach the less privileged and also feed
the poor children, while some soldiers go out to the field and low laying areas,
looking for the Terrorist

27-The Terrorist kill innocent people and even go to the schools, kill students and
stop teachers from working. kidnap them too that is why we are in Syria to fight
against them

28-We go for patrols, drive around the town may be escort the red cross society
people to distribute food and medication to the sick citizens of Syria

29-During the weekend on fridays we go to schools and show love and care to the
kids who are the Syrians and feed some of their little kids too and the love us for
very much and most of this kids call us daddy

30-The kids here keeps telling us not to leave them and each time we stay with them
the don't want us to leave .The are wonderful kids and we love them so much

31-If there is an attack, like riot in schools, or fighting and killing of innocent
citizens by the Talibans, we go there and fight against them. It is a hard job, a
life line one and a risky one

32-I am making arrangements to retire once my mission is Completed, I want try and
found a lady whom i can settle down with, who I can love and trust, take good care
of me and my daughter

33-Coming to our feeding habit in the camp, It's been long I ate good home made
food, most of our food comes from the US marine and Red cross international, most
times canned food. Gaining access to the kitchen at Officers mess can be wise but
most times I don't have that kind of time or zeal to cook, here on free time. It
pains me a lot that my work is a life line one and any one can die at any time

34-A lot of soldiers have died here and some even had mental problem because of
work. Any one here has an ability of having mental illness because of the continues
situation of events

35-Many soldiers here have died saving the world and innocent citizens. Last
months, a soldier died saving a little girl from being run down by a vehicle driven
by ISIS terrorist group

36-It's not easy to die for some one may be for a certain reason termed serving the
nation and the rest of the world. Most of us down here have sacrificed one or two
things for our nation

37-Most times doing it comes from the heart but remembering that we are being used
as machinery in securing wealth, in terms of natural resources in order to enrich
themselves other than doing the normal serving humanity
38-Our top leaders have really gone deep into corruption. Most soldiers are not
supposed to be here, some have been deployed here 2 times and 3 to 4 times to other
countries having crisis

39-If you check the statistics and compare human life to our salaries as soldiers,
you will find out life can't be bought with money, and for the reason every soldier
should be given right and treated well and not using them, and dumping them at the

40-This time around the Military now pays in money direct to your banks in the
united states.Right now we soldiers don't have access to our money here in camp
till we all have completed our mission here in camp and return back to the
states,we can only have access to your bank once we get to the states

41-Everything we need is provided here in Camp by the u.s military

authorities.Sometimes i ask myself what if i loose my life for my country who will
take care of my daughter

42-life in military is very risky and deadly me myself might even die at any time
if not God who gave me a brave heart and also to be smart i would have gone.I have
lost 4 of friends here in Camp

43-Tell me will you love any of your kids to join the Military and witness all we
have been through ?


44-What do you do for fun?..........I love travelling, swimming, hunting, surfing

the net, soccer and music.

Hunting is my favorite because i hardly miss games. I like camping, fishing,

reading and writing, tennis, American Football, Basketball, Baseball, golfing..I
love cooking and the type of food i love eating is Seafood, Italian, Pizza and
spaghetti but is depend on the moment i am lol

45-What's your dream as a woman?........My dream is to find a woman whom God

fearing and who will love me and my daughter and will take good care of me and I
will also love her endlessly

I DO NOT expect a woman to be a servant to me, spending all her time working and
and cleaning; I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize
that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no
problem doing that because I believe and I have being thought by my Father that
it's also man's responsibility to do the house works and house chores as well

46-What makes you smile?........What makes me smile is seeing those I love smiling
and knowing I put that smile on their faces
47-Are you a romantic type?.........I'm a helpless romantic... I love being with my
woman and doing little things for her to put a smile on her face. I enjoy
surprising her and doing my part to making her dreams come true

48-What's your favorite book?........My favorite book is the Bible!! It's got the
greatest stories ever told as well as words from our heavenly father

49-What do you like to do?.........I love being in the great outdoors seeing the
natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of.I love snuggling
with the ones I love while watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others and making a
difference in the lives of those around me. I recently found out that some special
people in my life really look up to me and the feeling of that is amazing

50-How will you treat your man?.........Although every relationship has it's ups
and downs, I will treat my woman with lots of love and respect. I like to hold her
hand while walking side by side, I enjoy the little kisses stolen throughout the
day, and the little smiles she gives me from across the room.I believe a man and
woman are to walk side by side in life and so communication and honesty are very

51-Do you wish to remarry?........Yes!! I am looking to meet that person that

respects simplicity. The person that when I meet her... I will just know that she
is the one for me. I believe that understanding is a very important part of the
relationship so she must be trust worthy, lovely and caring

52-Where will you love to spend your honeymoon in case you find the right
man?..........I've always dreamed of going to a Hawaii for a couple of weeks.
couples could stay in a romantic bungalow. Windows open, there would be lace
curtains blowing in a light breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine
shining through the lace. Although this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven
just being with the woman God intended me to go through life's journey with

53-Can you tell me more about yourself when you were a little girl?........As far
back as I can remember I've always cared for people and had a big heart. I cared
for people even after they hurt me

54-Do you cry a lot and what make you cry?..........I do have a tendency to cry
easily, but not always are my tears sad ones.I cry also when I'm happy and
surprised. I don't like to cry in front of others so am embarrassed when I do

55-What's your favorite music?........I love music. The songs I listen to will
usually tell you what kind of mood I'm in or tell you what's in my heart when words
can't begin to describe who I am. When I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing
(assuming I know the song)

56-Do you love rose flowers?..........My favorite Rose is a Purple rose, they are
not as common as the other types
57-What is your idea of a romantic getaway?...........Romance can be found anywhere
there's a romantic lady. smiles

58-What is your idea of a perfect first date?............A walk along the

waterfront or beach... great time to talk and get to know each other

59-What do you like and dislike? ........... I don't like cheaters, liars, thief's,
or shallow people. other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much
everything .I'm very easy going.When my loved ones are happy and when I have a
woman who treats me like a king

60-what kind of sport do you like best? ....... I like Football !!! GO RAMS !!! I
also like shooting baskets, playing volleyball, and a few others. I've been to a
St. Louis Cardinals baseball game also it was fun

61-Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your
feelings?.............I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know
it's not good to keep them locked up. It's important to express to others that you
care for them and are there to support and encourage. I love sharing sweet moments
with the woman I love... it makes my heart happy

62-Can you take my kids as yours if we are meant to be together? ............ I

love kids and I treat all kids as if they are my own. Please none but give my love
and support to them and try to be the godly man I am supposed to be. My daughter
has friends that call me dad also

(Vinskly FORMAT).......LOVE

63-I feel good happy and love chatting with a pretty girl like you Christy

63-I don't know how to approach this with you on line,I have been fighting a battle
within myself, my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not
to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and that you
wouldn't be interested

64-Let me start by saying that I thank God since I met you. As you may have known,
the fountain of any relationship or Friendship must spring up in the mind

65-It is very important for me to express to you how much i feel chatting with you
here. I wish I could do this in person while gazing into your eyes,but since we are
physically separated by miles of emptiness

66-To me, you are first of all my friend and then...... something more greater in
the near future..... God willing. To be honest with you, I am really short of words
here, but one thing I do know is that I have the arms to give you a hug, ears to
listen to whatever you want to talk about through chat, and I have a heart, a heart
that is aching to see your smile. I would like to use this opportunity to say...I
am delighted to have met you

67-I want to let you know i really feel for you i don't know but the feelings is
real and i'm happy whenever we are texting....I find great pleasure chatting with

68-I know everything is happening fast but i really feel for you and i really don't
want to stop feeling this way.I want to let you know that with you in my life I
will be a complete man...I�m a honest person and all that matters in a relationship
is trust and honest

69-I believe everything happens for a reason and we also come across people for a
reason.....Mami we connect so well and i really want this relationship...I haven't
been in a long distance relationship but i'm at a point in my life were i know what
is good and bad...I want this babe and i know we can make it work....I feel like i
have known you for a very long time

70-Like i told you,...I need a woman for myself, I mean woman I can settle down
with once i return back from mission.. A woman that will be there for me and I will
be there for her too. There is a smile of love, and there is a smile of Deceit, and
there is a smile of smiles, in which these two smile meet.Here i found that in you
and i want you to give me a chance


71-I hope I�m not disturbing you at work. I know how hard you�re working at your
job. I appreciate how much you love what you do because it just goes to show how
motivated you are to achieve your goals. Remember not to stress yourself out too
much. I know you�re a smart and capable woman whom your coworkers can rely on to
get the job done. I�m so proud of you, babe! Keep it up, and I�ll see you later


72-I bet you just want to crash onto your bed and fall into a deep slumber. But
because I care a lot about you, I just thought I�d give you a few reminders before
you do that. Remember to wash your face before you head off to bed. I know how much
you hate having breakouts, and not washing your face is surefire way to get them!
Also, don�t forget to brush your teeth, because without healthy teeth you won�t get
to flash that sweet smile that gets you everything you want. And lastly, have a
glass of water before bed to keep you hydrated. I want you to stay as healthy as
possible because I can�t stand to see you feeling under the weather. So good night,
and I hope you know I�ll be dreaming about you


73-I know you�re going through a difficult time right now, and I can�t even imagine
what it�s like for you. While I may not be able to solve your problems, I promise
that I�ll always be here when you need a shoulder to cry on. Nothing shatters my
world like knowing you�re feeling down. My greatest joy is to see you happy,
because you�re the light of my life, my sun and stars. And seeing you so sad breaks
my heart. So when you need something from me � anything from doing chores to
driving you around to running errands for you � just say the word and I�ll do it
for you

74-This is your man reminding you that there is always time to unwind and clear
your mind. You may feel like your overwhelmed with balancing all the things in your
life, but I believe in your ability to make it through. I want to help you out
because nothing gets me down worse than seeing you so stressed out. So just say the
word and I�ll carry some of the burden for you. Need help with chores? I�m your
guy. Need help running some errands? Count on me. Need a relaxing foot massage at
the end of each day? You know I�ll do that for you.


75-I know you're mad at me right now, but that doesn�t mean I don�t love you,
because it will take more than just a fight to make me stop loving you. So for now,
all I want to say is that I�m sorry for all the hurtful things I said and did. I
was out of line, and I really wish I never did those things. It may take a while
for you to forgive me, and that's okay. I'll spend all my time and effort trying to
make it up to you


76-Once I was told that I would fall in love with a gorgeous woman, but I could
never imagine that this woman will be fantastically pretty with the most
extraordinary personality I�ve ever met

77-I adore you, I have never seen more sparkling eyes and more dazzling smile than

78-Never forget that you are a talented, amazing, and wonderful woman in the world

79-Believe in yourself, you are strong inside and marvelous outside

you were in the kitchen making dinner. i came home and i snuck up behind you. i hug
you from behind. you turn around and I you give you that look. we start to kiss.
you start to unbutton my shirt. i pull my shirt off. . Then i undo your bra. I
start to rub my breasts and then i start kissing and sucking on them. you unbutton
my belt and pants and pull them down. you pull your underwear down start
to rub my penis. It�s hard thick and strong. you start to sucking on my dick. I'm
rubbing your breasts while you're sucking on your dick. you stop and get up. I pick
you up and lay you on the kitchen table. I unbutton your pants and pull off your
pants and underwear. I start rubbing your breasts again and then i start sucking on
them. We start to kiss again. Then i go down on you i use my tongue to play with
the clit.
Then i move to your pussy. Once i play that for a few mins i stop and you're still
laying on table and i am standing i put my dick in your pussy and i start thrusting
in and out fast and slow
We both start to moan and i push harder. Then we both reach climax and orgasm.
After we got done we went into the shower

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