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Read the passage below carefully and answer the question on them. Shade the answer space which
bears the same letter as the answer you have chosen.

The Chief of our town in those days was a great man. He was a very powerful ruler, and so he had many
wives. He was also famous as a very mighty hunter and he had killed so many wild animals that people
stopped counting. He killed antelope and small game, leopards and elephant. His craftsmen took the
tusks of the elephants and carved them into ornaments for the chief to wear. You can see some of those
ornaments in the palace today. Like King Solomon in the Bible, who had many wives, the Chief too was
much troubled by his wives, for they fought and quarreled and shouted so much that they filled the
palace with the noise. Their children were so bad, and they fought and quarreled and argued and
shouted in the same way, from the elder princes old enough to take part in battles, right down to the
little children who could barely walk. No wonder the poor Chief was happiest when he was hunting in
the bush.


1. The Chief had many wives because_________A. He was very strong rulerB. He was a famous hunterC.
He had many ornamentsD. He had killed many wild animalsE. The woman were attracted by the chief

2. Why did people stop counting the animals the Chief had killed?A. The chief did not like itB. The people
were too lazy to countC. A chief should not hunt animalsD. The animals were getting too many to be
counted E. They thought it was stupid

3. The Chiefs craftsmen carved tusks of elephants into ornaments because________A. they wanted to
sell the ornamentsB. they meant to keep them in the palace for visitors C. the king ordered them to do
soD. they wanted the chief to wear them E. the chief killed elephants

4. The Chief was like King Solomon in the Bible because______A. He was famousB. He was wiseC. He
hunted animalsD. He had many quarrelsome wivesE. He wore ornaments

5. There was so much noise in the Chief’s palace because_________A. The wives and children quarreled
with one another B. There was always one festival or the other C. The animals which the Chief captured
made the noise D. The Chief’s soldier were fighting near the palaceE. The people in the palace were

6. From that passage we know that________A. The Chief liked staying in his palace B. The Chief was very
happy when he went out hunting C. Chiefs are famous hunters D. The Chief descended from King

7. Why did the Chief go out to the bush to hunt so frequently?A. The chief was poor B. The people
feared the Chief C. The people liked the Chief to go hunting D. The Chief felt uncomfortable at homeE. A
Chief should hunt

From the option lettered A-E, choose the correct answers

8. The principal decided to __________ an emergency staff meetingA. Convened B. Has convenedC.
ConveningD. Convey
9. I am _______ with his work.A. FamiliarlyB. FamiliarC. FamiliarityD. Familiarize

10. His daughter is very_______-to his heart.A. DearB. DearerC. CloseD. Closer

11. He had almost died of hunger when help came at the__________ minute.A. LeastB. LessC. LatestD.

12. The students were encouraged to_____ cultural heritage.A. AdoptB. PreserveC. CirculateD. Maintain

Read the following sentences carefully and underline the tense given to each of the questions

13. “Adeola is in school”A. Past tenseB. Future tenseC. Present tense

14. “I will soon be in America”A. Past tenseB. Future tenseC. Present tense

15. “She ate rice and beans yesterday”A. Present tenseB. Future tenseC. Past tense.

16.“The robbers were killed last week”A. Future tenseB. Past tenseC. Present tense

Instruction: Fill in the blank spaces with the most suitable verb in the Present Tense. Pick a verb from
the words given to fill the spaces. (likes, protects, drives, sets).

17. The sun______in the west everyday

18.. My father______to eat pounded yam.

19. The senator_______his compound with electric wire.

20. Mr Teju______his car to School regularly.


1. Write an essay on any of the following topics :

How I spent my last holiday

My Family

My first day in secondary school

2. Write the plural of the following words:

a. Child-

b. Ox-

c. Woman-

d. Tooth-

e. Book-
f. Fish-

g. Lady-

h. Sheep-

I. Girl-

J. Student-

Jss2 English


Instruction: Form the list of words or group of words lettered A-D, choose the word that best complete
the sentence

1. I own that car; that car is _________ (a)mine (b)my (c)me (d)I
2. You own that house; that house is ________ (a)them (b)yours (c)your’s (Id)thems
3. He owns that shop; that shop is ____________ (a)is (b)his (c)his’s (d)theirs
4. They own those house items; those household items are ___________ (a)themselves (b)there’s
(c)theirs (d)theirs’
5. He told me everything that happened __________ (a)herself (b)him (c)himself (d)he self
6. She hurt _______ badly when she fell down (a)hers (b)myself (c)herself (d)she self
7. She owns that dress; that dress is ___________ (a)hers (b)her ’s (c)hers’ (d)them
8. Look at that dog shaking ___________ in the rain (a)herself (b)itself (c)himself (d)themselves
9. Temi and Ademidun helped _____________ to some food (a)each other (b)themselves
(c)ourselves (d)one another
10. They agree to do the work ___________ (a)their self (b)themselves (c)weselves (d)ourselves

Fill in the blanks with the correct word lettered option A – D, choose the word that best complete the

11. I’ve drunk all ____________ juice, so can I have some of ____________ (a)mine/yours
(b)my/yours (c)your/mine (d)them/theirs
12. Tell tamilore not to forget ___________ homework. And you mustn’t forget ___________
(a)his/you (b)her/yours (c)you/ours (d)ours/theres
13. I just heard from that friend of ________ I told you about (a)we (b)them (c)mine (d)my
14. While in UK, we stayed with a south African friend of __________ (a)mine (b)we (c)them (d)he’s
15. We’ve had _________ lunch. Have they had __________? (a)them/him (b)ours/is (c)we/him

Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word or group of words from the options lettered A-D

16. The food seller does not have __________ food for everyone (A) all (B) some (C)enough
17. Oprah is one of the ________ women in the word (A) wealthy (B) wealthier (C) wealthiest (D)
more wealthier
18. The poor man has seen _______ days (A) happy (B) happier (C) happiest (D) most happy
19. This man his ___________ knowledge (A) number (B) many (C) little (D) feal
20. The child _________ ate the food (A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicklier (D) quickies

Section B

1. You changed school recently and have been at the new school for six weeks, write a letter to
your uncle explaining why you left your former school and describe at least three things you find
more interesting in the new school.
2. Read the comprehension passage and answer the questions below.


There is a popular saying that if there were no mosquitoes there would be no malaria. This is
true, mosquitoes are blood feeders. If they happen to bite an individual harbouring some malaria
parasites, they suck up these micro-organism together with their blood meal. Inside the stomach
of the mosquito, the parasites develop to the infective stage. When the same mosquito, in search
of blood, bites a healthy person, it transfers these parasites into the new host. This individual
then develops malaria. If we can control mosquitoes, then we can control malaria.

a. How can malaria be transferred to a healthy individual?

b. When is mosquito dangerous to man?
c. What happens in the stomach or the mosquitoes?
d. How can we control malaria?
e. Why are mosquitoes referred to as parasites?

Jss3 English

Instruction: Form the list of words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the option that best
completes the sentence

1. Your brother ___my brother (a)know (b)is know (c)is knowing (d)knows
2. David ____the piano at church (a)play (b)plays (c)player (d)is play
3. It_____ courage to __________the class(a)took/repeat (b)takes /repeat (c)taking/ repeat
(d)is taking /be repeating
4. Paul______to work every day though he hates exercise (a)is running (b)runs (c)run (d)is
to be running
5. Favour sat behind a _______desk whenever she come to the church (a)big wooden brown
(b)big brown wooden (c)wooden big brown (d)brown big wooden
6. These clothes __________too small for me, need to do some shopping by weekend
(a)were (b)is (c)being (d)are
7. Sugar and floor ______needed for the recipe(a)is (b)they (c)are (d)is being
8. The men will have _____tickets for the match (a)their (b)are (c)its (d)them
9. The book is for _______and _________(a)you/me (b)you/it (c)you/they (d)you/I
10. Dad walks into town _____________(a)impatiently every morning (b)every impatiently
morning (c)impatiently morning every (d)every morning impatiently

In each of the following sentence, there is one word underlined. From the list of word lettered A
to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite to the underlined word

11. The expert from the head office made the other engineers look like (a)students
(b)illiterates (c)novices (d)recruits
12. The boy ______the business his father founded (a)destroyed (b)moulded (c)scattered
13. The project has slowed down (a)accelerated (b)hurried up (c)hastened(d)pickup
14. Your story is fictitious. Give a _________account of what actually happened
(a)pleasant(b)probable (c)factual (d)good
15. In the Niger Delta, rainfall is abundant in July but in February (a)rare (b)scarcity(c)scare

From the list of words lettered A-D below choose the one which is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word(s) as used in each of the sentences.

16. His answers at the interview were precise and to the point (a)short (b)prompt (c)accurate
17. The long dress hampers my movement (a)prevents (b)hinders (c)deter (d)stops
18. The students’ union has demonstrated its determination to bring change (a)implemented
(b)Stage (c)approved (d)shown
19. Her mother suggested she should buy more durable clothes (a)comfortable (b)expensive
(c)expensive (d)lasting
20. The president has announced his intention to bring industries to the country
(a)implemented (b)staged (c)approved(d)Shown
Fill In the gaps with the most suitable words from the option lettered A – E

21. She could dance will _______she could not sing at all (a)and (b)but (c)for (d)or €nor
22. The woman is an authority ____flowers (a)at (b)with (c)on (d)by €over
23. The prodigal son spent his money ______ (a)patiently (b)sparingly (c)thoroughly (d)lavishly
24. The weather was wet and ______(a)nasty (b)hot (c)foggy (d)mysterious €rowdy
25. She was shocked _______the extent of the devastation (a)for (b)at (c)with (d)about €on

Section B


Acts of indiscipline seem to have become normal phenomena in our everyday lives. For some
people, an act of indiscipline is a sign of modernity, fashion or masculinity. Indiscipline among youths
does not reflect only in their ways of dressing but also their attitude towards life and in ways of doing
things. The dictionary define indiscipline as the lack of control and obedience and deviation from
acceptable patterns of behavior

Though technology and modernity can be termed as the main determinants of development in a
country, discipline also counts. It must be put into consideration that it only take discipline to rise to the
height of civilization. Who could have thought that Egypt, in Africa, could be the first nation in the world
to attain a level of civilization? Looking back at the history of Egypt, one can say emphatically that it
takes discipline to build the massive pyramids that are now generating incomes for the country through

The reason for acts of indiscipline among youths cannot be attributed solely to the individual but also to
the environment or the society in which the individual is raised. Though from a tender age one is
influenced by society and the environment, parental responsibility is the major influence in one’s life,
given the fact that parent have the major responsibility of nurturing the child. This is so because, to the
child , the guardian or parents are the only people to be trusted. Train a child in a way he should grow
and when he is old, he will never depart from it, goes a verse from the holy scripture.

Acts of discipline begin from our various homes. If a child is not taught how to shown discipline, the
possibility of the child living a life of indiscipline is very high. It is very easy for a child to cope blindly,
attitudes from parents or guarelian, especially when these attitudes exceptionally go against the norms
and values of the society. Though charity begins at home, the tendency for a child to stray from the
path of a disciplined life is faster in terms of peer pressure influence. Peer pressure, so far, has been a
fast generator of bad habits. A well –behaved person would love to make it a point to adhere to all the
rules and regulations of the community, but for peer group influence or she may decide to go against
them. Indiscipline among youths results in social evils. Youths learn drug abuse from their unruly street
mates leading to robbery and other violent crimes. Drug abuse disorganizes the mind of youths and
emboldens them to commit crimes such as rape and rebellion. Peer group influence also pushes some
youths to join secret cults.


1. Why did the writer say acts of indiscipline have become normal phenomena? Because ____
2. Who does the pronoun them in the 5 TH paragraph refer to?
3. What are the consequence of indiscipline mentioned in the passage
4. What was some people’s opinion on indiscipline the society.
5. According to the passage what is the determinant of development in a country?
6. Write for each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can
replace it as it is used in the passage

(i) adhere (ii) nurturing (iii)tender (iv) phenomena (v) solely

Ss1 English

In each of the following sentences, there is one word or group of words underlined and one gap. From
the list of words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word or group of words and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap
in the sentence.

1. The workers expected management to be……rather than indifferent to their welfare. A. different
from B. interested in C. opposed to D. careful of
2. Words spoken in the heat of an argument could offend rather than ….. A. pacific B. amuse C.
inspire D. irritate
3. they have declared the student a suspect, he may turn out to be ….. A. miserly B. careful C.
thoughtful D. extravagant
4. Some outspoken social critics live a ….family live A. reserved B. happy C. boisterous D. still
5. While the manger was prudent in his expenditure, his deputy was …..A. miserly B. careful
thoughtful D. extravagant
6. The cultured and the …… are known by their conduct. A. barbaric b.Ignorant C. clean D. lazy
7. Many Africans now live in abject poverty instead of enjoying the ….of the countries A. comfort B.
greatness C. possessions D. affluence
8. Tunde seldom asks questions in class and was….very careful when he did. A. hardly B.
sometimes C. often D. never

From the word letter A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following

9. Tests revealed that the winning athlete had taken performance-enhancing….A.drugs B. tablets C.
vitamins D. capsules
10. The lawyer’s client was ….under oath in the law court. A. investigated B. interrogated C. cross-fired
D. cross-examined

11. That Fulani man has a large ……….. of cattle A. herd B. flock
12. multitude D. swine
13. The relationship between the couple is ……for lack of communication, A. tense B. strained C.
relaxed D. uneasy
14. Many players have complained about biased…by referees A. officiating B. control C. direction D.
15. Government officials have to swear to ….of secrecy A. an oath B. avow C.a pledge D. an Act
16. The students……the planned meeting with the new principal. A refused B. neglected C. boycotted D.

16. She won by…..because her opponent the …..for cheating in examinations. A. defeat B. default C.
defiance D.defence
17. Some candidates have developed the ……for cheating in examinations. A. instinct B. addiction C.
knack D. habit
18. The secretary was….from her job for absenteeism A. evicted B. dismissed C. rejected D. eliminated

From the word lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by
the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below:
19. A. mass b. ant C. pass D. ward
20. Story A. drought B. spot C. fought D. through
21. Sack A. back B. dark C. task D. false
22. Look A. fool B. could C. boulder D. biology
23. Best A. leopard B. regal C. saying D. legal
24. Cool A. foot B. cook C. pull D. brute
25. Sit A. creature B. colleague C. wanted D. police
26. Rush A. bush B. plough C. put D. rough
27. Worse A. sort B. urge C. worn D. gorge
28. Mother A. perky B. mercy C. surprise D. purchase
29. Fair A. wear B. dear C. here D. mere
30. Make A. height B. weigh C. says D. plait

Section B
Write an essay on any of the following:

1. Your sister wants to marry a man from another ethnic group against your mother’s wishes.
Write a letter to your mother giving her at least three reasons why she should accept your
sister’s decision.
2. Your school’s literary and Debating Society has organized a debate on the topic: “The Television
is Doing More Harm Than Good to Our Youths”. Write your contribution for or against the topic.
3. Write a story which ends with the words “Had I known, I wouldn’t have believed him”.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

When health workers first came to the village and talked about family planning, no one took
them seriously, including Amusa, whose young wife was then pregnant with their first baby. Had
their fathers and forefathers before them not had as many wives and children as they
desired? And had they not been able to take care of their families? So everyone shunned the
family planning clinic which was established in the village shortly afterward.

Twelve years later, Amusa was a clerical assistant in the city and lived with his wife and
eight children in a single room because he could not afford larger quarters. For as long as he
could remember, his large family had been going through difficult times, which appeared to be
worsening lately. Only yesterday, his third child had been sent away from school because her
parents could not replace her old and torn school uniform. Last year, their first son could not
proceed to the secondary school as the family could not afford the cost. Then recently, the
landlord had announced his intention to increase the rent.

Amusa found himself thinking about the days when he was himself a young child. His own
father had two wives and thirteen children, yet as far as he could remember, the family had no
faced anything similar to what he was going through now. He suddenly realized that this was
because the time had changed and that the requirements of modern living put great pressure on
large family sizes. His father’s time and age had been different: he had been a successful farmer
in the village, had lived in his own house, employed members of his large family as farm hands
and fed everyone from the abundance of the farm. On the other hand, Amusa lived in the city on
a limited income. He had no farm land nor even a vegetable garden, and had to pay for
everything, from his rented room to be smallest domestic need of his family. And at four or five
times what they cost a few years before!

It was then that he sadly remembered the health workers and their gospel of family
planning. How he wished he had listened and taken their advice! Unfortunately, he had not. And
what was even more unfortunatewas that the millions in Amusa’s shoes became wiser only when
it was too late.


1. advice do you think the health workers gave to the villagers?

2. Give two reasons why the villagers did not take the health workers seriously.
3. Give two indication of Amusa’s financial difficulties
4. Mention any two differences between Amusa’s condition and his father’s
5. “And had they not been able to take care of their families?”
6. What literary device is used in this expression
7. What does it mean?
8. For each of the following words or phrases, find another words or phrase which means the same and
which an replace it as it is used in the passage;

(i) shunned (ii) established; (iii) announced; (iv) going through (v) limited; (vi) shoes

In each of the following sentences there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words
lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and
that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. The handsome profit for her fish business made Mrs. Uba stop complaining about her husband’s
__________ salary. A. ugly B. meagre C. modest D. lowly.
2. Chief Osa prefers fame in the village to ________ in the city. A. neglect B. ignorance C. poverty
D. obscurity.
3. The media houses should employ both the novice and the _____ journalist A. apprentice B.
probationer C. newcomer D. veteran.
4. While the registrar considers the matter insignificant his deputy sees it as _____ A. minute
crucial C. compulsory D. marvellous
5. It pays to the firm rather than ________ in a case like this. A. flexible B. frank C. irresponsible D.
6. Usually, Joseph is articulate in his speech, but today he sounds ________ A. clear B. turgid C.
timid incoherent
7. The man’s first wife is loyal while the second is _______ A. unfaithful B. unkind C. selfish hostile
8. Rather than convict him, the impartial judge ______ him. A. blamed B. dismissed C. upheld
9. Instead of reconciling her parents, Roxance worked hard at _______ them. A. dividing B.
destroying separating D. isolating
10. We thought that Uncle Sam’s health has improved but it has rather ________ A. persisted
deteriorated C. deepened D decreased

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentence.

11. One very important aspect of human relationship is _________ trust. A communal B. individual
C. mutual D personal
12. The two tasks were performed ______and we were able to finish early. A. alternatively B.
simultaneously C. consecutively d. separately
13. The committee is charged with finding a ______ solution to the crisis A. lengthy B. current C.
lasting D. strong.
14. We are worried by the ______ that exists between the two factions of the party. A. distraction
B. commotion confusion D. rivalry
15. Our teacher was not speaking ______ when the said that the bursar was under a cloud A.
literally B. simply frankly D. directly
16. The signature on the document lacked ______, so it was rejected. A. clarity authenticity C.
formality D. simplicity
17. Everyone could tell that Binta was happy from the ______ on her face A. picture B. appearance
expression D. sight
18. His last novel was ______ by his visit to the prisons inspired B. generated C. conceived D.
19. As a result of the power cut, production at the paint factory came to a __________ A. hold-up B.
blockade stands D. suspense.
20. Several ______ were passed at the meeting A. memoranda B. decisions C. resolutions D. action.

In this section, choose the word that has the some vowed and
consonant sounds as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

21. Car A. plantain B. massive C. garment D. matter

22. Bond hound B. dove C. month D. stop
23. Cut song B. pull C. tongue D. lock
24. Birth A journal B. amour C. path tour
25. Height knife B. neighbour C. Milk D. favourite
26. Beige A gauge B. barrage C. strange D. purge
27. Crunch A chief chemist C. champagne D chart
28. Hang singlet B. danger C. twinge D. fringe
29. Throat writhe B. Thomas C. Smith D. thyme
30. Fan A. nerve B. vandal C. of D. phrase

Section B

In this section, answer only one question. Your answer should not be less than 450 words.

You have recently moved into a new neighborhood with your parents. Write a letter to your sister who
is studying overseas giving, at least, three reasons for disliking the new place.
Writer an article for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: Vocational Training is the answer
to unemployment among youths.

Your country’s public Transport System is not functioning properly. Write a letter to the minister of
Transport highlighting the courses and suggesting, at lealest, two measures to remedy the situation.

You are the Chief Speaker in a debated on the topic: The youths of today are more interested in the
pursuit of pleasure than in academic work. Write your speech for or against the situation.

Write a story to illustrate the saying: A good name is better than riches (10 marks)


Answer all the questions in this section

It was little past 10 am but the medium sized hall hat served as a prayer house was already brimming
with people from different parts of the metropolis, who had come to seek cure or answers to their
problem. The majority of this lot were those with seemingly intractable mental health conditions. The
superintendent of the prayer house in question was often spoken of in whispers as possessing uncanny
spiritual power to exorcise evil spirits. It was also believed that he had answers to mimeos illnesses that
denied orthodox medication. Wednesday of each week was set aside for these heating sessions.

On this particular Wednesday, noisy supplications to the Most High and ceaseless invocation of His
name to free those supposedly held captive by alleged evil spirits had reached fever pitch. Suddenly, a
middle-aged man broke loose from the crowd and ran as fast as his knobbly legs could permit. Some
male workers from the prayer house gave him a hot chase.

At first, bemused by-standers rained curses on the fleeing man, wondering daylight rob a house of God.
They obviously mistook the man for a robber fleeing from the scene of his crime. But he was not.
Minutes later, he was caught and chained hands and feet, despite his struggle against his captors who
intermittently lashed him with horse-whip. As he was being violently dragged along the street, the man
ceaselessly mattered incomprehensible words that sounded like the muttering of a colony of baboons.
Then, a dear picture of the situation dawned on the on-lookers. The man, after all, was not a thief and
had stolen nothing; rather, his ability to think and reason properly had taken flight of him. Simply put, he
was mentally deranged.

The above incident is a common occurrence in many parts of the country. It aptly underscores the
deviating mental health conditions plaguing a sizeable number of people in recent times. It also points
to the unspeakable and inhuman treatment which people with such health disorders suffer at the hands
of self-styled spiritualists. This is the usual lot of mental patients whose family members refuse to take
advantage of orthodox treatment.


1. What brought the people to the prayer house?

2. State the functions of the superintendent of the prayer house.
3. What was wrong with the on-lookers’ assessment of the run-away man?
4. Mention two instances of inhuman treatment in the passage
5. What is the writer’s attitude towards the treatment of lunatics at prayer house?
6. “… the muttering of a colony of baboons” what figure of speech is contained in this
7. “…… whose family members refuse to take advantage of orthodox treatment.”
8. What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?
b. What is its function?
9. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and which
can replace it as it is used in the passage:






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