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1 2201921520181 VEDIKA GUPTA AI4 Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921520182 VIDHI MITTAL AI4 Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921520183 VIPIN KUMAR PAL AI4 Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921520184 VIRAT MISHRA AI4 Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921520185 VISHAL AI4 Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921520186 VISHAL AI4 Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921520187 VISHAL KUMAR SINGH AI4 Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921520188 VISHAL PATEL AI4 Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921520189 VIVEK KUMAR AI4 Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921520190 VIVEK KUMAR MISHRA AI4 Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921520191 WORSHIP AGRAWAL AI4 Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921520192 YADAV SURAJ SANTOSHKUMAR AI4 Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921520193 YANA GUPTA AI4 Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921520194 YASH DEV PANDEY AI4 Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921520195 YASH KUMAR AI4 I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921520196 YASH MEHTA AI4 Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921520197 YASH SHARMA AI4 Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921520198 YASH SRIVASTAVA AI4 Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921520199 YASHIKA PRAJAPATI AI4 Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921520200 YUGANK SINGH AI4 Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921520201 ABHISHEK RATHI AI4 Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921520202 ADITI SAXENA AI4 Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921520203 ADITYA PATHAK AI4 Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921520204 AMAN KUMAR AI4 Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921520206 DHRUV VERMA AI4 Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921520207 HARSH TYAGI AI4 I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921520208 HARSH VARDHAN AI4 Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921520209 KAVISHA MISHRA AI4 Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921520210 KULBHUSHAN SHANDILAYA AI4 I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921520211 PRANAV PANDEY AI4 Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921520212 RISHABH GAUR AI4 Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921520213 SHIV KUMAR TIWARI AI4 Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921520214 SIDDHANT SEKHAR SINGH AI4 Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921520215 TANISH CHAUHAN AI4 Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921520216 TRILOK CHAND SHARMA AI4 Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921520217 UTKARSH PANDEY AI4 Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921520218 VISHESH YADAV AI4 Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201921640055 SOURABH UDAYRAJ GUPTA AI4 Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2301921529001 ABHISHEK KUMAR CHAURASIA AI4 Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2301921529002 ANSHU KUMAR AI4 Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2301921529003 BHANU PRATAP SINGH AI4 Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2301921529004 HARSH KR SHARMA AI4 ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2301921529005 HARSH KUMAR AI4 Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2301921529006 HEMANT SHARMA AI4 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2301921529007 HUSAIN JAMIL KHAN AI4 “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2301921529008 KANZA NAJMI AI4 ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2301921529009 PRAKSHAL JAIN AI4 “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2301921529010 SAKSHAM KUMAR PACHORI AI4 Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2301921529011 SMRITI SINGH AI4 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2301921529012 Vidit AI4 Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2301921529013 Yuvraj Pandey AI4 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2101921520050 AVANEESH YADAV AI4 Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2101921520061 BIBHAKAR SINGH AI4 Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2101921520137 RAGHAV KAPIL AI4 Current Management Models
55 2101921520145 RISHABH NARAYAN TRIPATHI AI4 Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.

1 2201921640001 AABHAS SRIVASTAVA AIML Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921640002 ABHINAV ANKIT AIML Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921640003 ABHINAV KUMAR AIML Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921640004 ABHISHEK YADAV AIML Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921640005 ADITYA PATHAK AIML Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921640006 AKSHAT BALIYAN AIML Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921640007 AKSHAY RAJ AIML Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921640008 ANAND YADAV AIML Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921640009 ANJALI SHAKYA AIML Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921640010 ANKIT KANDPAL AIML Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921640011 ANSHIKA RAWAT AIML Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921640012 ANSHUL KUMAR AIML Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921640013 ANUP YADAV AIML Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921640014 ARYAN Gupta AIML Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921640015 AYUSH BAJPAI AIML I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921640016 AYUSHI AGRAWAL AIML Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921640017 AYUSHI AGRAWAL AIML Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921640018 CHAITANYA AIML Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921640019 DAKSH PACHAURI AIML Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921640020 DAKSH WADHWA AIML Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921640021 DHRUV UPADHYAY AIML Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921640022 DIVYANSH TRIVEDI AIML Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921640023 HARSHIT LUTHRA AIML Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921640024 HIMANSHU GUPTA AIML Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921640025 HIMANSHU SHARMA AIML Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921640026 IPSITA SINGH AIML I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921640027 JAY KUMAR SONI AIML Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921640028 KAJAL MISHRA AIML Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921640029 KSHITIJ PUN AIML I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921640030 KUMAR HARSH AIML Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921640031 KUNAL BAGHEL AIML Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921640032 MOHD FAZALUR RAHMAN AIML Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921640033 MOHD WASIF ALI AIML Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921640034 MOHIT GUPTA AIML Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921640035 PRANSHU SHARMA AIML Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921640036 PRIANSU KUMAR RAI AIML Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921640037 PRIYANSHU RAWAT AIML Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201921640038 PUNYA JAIN AIML Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2201921640039 RACHIT SRIVASTAVA AIML Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2201921640040 RISHI KESHARI AIML Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2201921640041 RISHIK MASAND AIML Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2201921640042 RITIK JAISWAL AIML ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2201921640043 ROHAN HAZRA AIML Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2201921640044 SAKET KUMAR AIML Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2201921640045 SAMBHAV JAIN AIML “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2201921640046 SHASHANK SRIVASTAVA AIML ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2201921640047 SHASHWAT TRIPATHI AIML “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2201921640048 SHIDDHANT BHARDWAJ AIML Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2201921640049 SHIVAM KUMAR AIML Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2201921640050 SHIVANG SHARMA AIML Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2201921640051 SHIVANSH GUPTA AIML Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2201921640052 SHRESTH GARG AIML Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2201921640053 SHUBHAM TAYAL AIML Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2201921640054 SNEHA SINGH AIML Current Management Models
55 2201921640055 SOURABH UDAYRAJ GUPTA AIML Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.
56 2201921640056 SURYANSH SRIVASTAVA AIML Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
57 2201921640057 SUYASH MISHRA AIML Comparing the four orders of nature.
58 2201921640058 SUYASH VIKRAM SINGH AIML Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
59 2201921640059 SWARAJ KUMAR GUPTA AIML Success = Values + Skills
60 2201921640060 UJJWAL AMRIT AIML Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
61 2201921640061 VAIBHAV TIWARI AIML Guidlines for professional ethics.
62 2201921640062 VANSHUL AIML Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
63 2201921640063 VARDHMAN GUPTA AIML Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
64 2201921640064 VIVEK SHARMA AIML Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
65 2201921640065 YASH SINHA AIML Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
66 2201921640066 AMAN BANSAL AIML Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
67 2201921640067 ADARSH VERMA AIML Ethical Human Conduct.
68 2201921640068 KASHISH JAIN AIML ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
69 2201921640069 KRISHNA TOMAR AIML Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
70 2201921640070 VASHU CHAUDHARY AIML Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
71 2201921640071 VEDIKA GUPTA AIML “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
72 2201921640072 VICKY KUMAR GUPTA AIML ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
73 9001 AVINASH SINGH AIML “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
74 9002 HIMANSHU BHARDWAJ AIML Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
75 310021 ASHU JHA AIML Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
76 310057 MAHIEE AIML Existence means units submerged in space.
77 30011 ADITI GUPTA AIML Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
78 310110 SHREYA GUPTA AIML Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.

1 2201921530001 AAGYA SINHA AIML1 Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921530002 AASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH AIML1 Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921530003 AASTHA CHAUHAN AIML1 Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921530004 ABHAY BHARDWAJ AIML1 Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921530005 ABHIJEET TRIPATHI AIML1 Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921530006 ABHINAV MADDHESIYA AIML1 Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921530007 ABHISAR GUPTA AIML1 Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921530008 ABHISHEK KUMAR CHANDRA AIML1 Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921530009 ACHCHANS MISHRA AIML1 Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921530010 ADARSH SINGH AIML1 Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921530011 ADARSH YADAV AIML1 Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921530012 ADITI ARYA AIML1 Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921530013 ADITI SINGH AIML1 Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921530014 ADITI SINGH AIML1 Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921530016 ADITYA RAJ SRIVASTAV AIML1 I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921530018 ADITYA VINAYAK AIML1 Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921530019 AFTAB AHAMAD AIML1 Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921530020 AJAY KUMAR AIML1 Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921530021 AKASH KUMAR AIML1 Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921530022 AKASH KUMAR THAKUR AIML1 Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921530023 AKASH SINGH AIML1 Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921530024 AKHAND SINGH AIML1 Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921530025 AKHIL SINGH AIML1 Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921530026 AKSHAY GUPTA AIML1 Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921530027 AKSHITA GUPTA AIML1 Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921530028 ALOK KUMAR DWIVEDI AIML1 I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921530029 AMAN KUMAR AIML1 Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921530030 AMBUJ SHUKLA AIML1 Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921530031 AMIR AIML1 I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921530032 AMIT SINGH AIML1 Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921530033 ANAND SINGH AIML1 Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921530034 ANANT DIXIT AIML1 Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921530035 ANANT KUMAR MISHRA AIML1 Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921530036 ANAS AMIN USMANI AIML1 Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921530037 ANJANA KUMARI AIML1 Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921530038 ANKITA SONI AIML1 Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921530039 ANUBHAV JAIN AIML1 Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201921530040 ANUGRAH STEVE MASSEY AIML1 Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2201921530041 ANUSHKA PANDEY AIML1 Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2201921530042 ANUSHKA SINGH AIML1 Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2201921530043 ARPIT AGRAHARI AIML1 Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2201921530044 ARSH CHAUDHARY AIML1 ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2201921530045 ARYAN KAUSHIK AIML1 Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2201921530046 ARYAN SHUKLA AIML1 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2201921530047 AYUSH BHARDWAJ AIML1 “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2201921530048 AYUSH GUPTA AIML1 ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2201921530049 AYUSH MISHRA AIML1 “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2201921530050 AYUSH TOMAR AIML1 Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2201921530051 AYUSHMAAN RATHI AIML1 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2201921530052 BARKHA KUMARI AIML1 Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2201921530053 BHARAT KRISHNA VERMA AIML1 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2201921530054 BHAVISHYA TAWAR AIML1 Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2201921530055 CHETAN SHARMA AIML1 Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2201921530056 DEEPANJU KATIYAR AIML1 Current Management Models
55 2201921530057 DHEERAJ FULARA AIML1 Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.
56 2201921530058 DHRUV AGRAWAL AIML1 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
57 2201921530059 DILIP KUMAR AIML1 Existence means units submerged in space.
58 2201921530060 DIVISHA GARG AIML1 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.

1 2201921530061 DIVYAM CHAUDHARY AIML2 Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921530062 DIVYANSH PARIHAR AIML2 Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921530063 DIVYANSH SINGH AIML2 Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921530064 DIVYANSHI SHARMA AIML2 Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921530065 DIVYANSHU MAURYA AIML2 Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921530066 DIVYANSHU PANDEY AIML2 Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921530067 GAURI VERMA AIML2 Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921530068 GUNJAN SHARMA AIML2 Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921530069 HARSH KAUSHIK AIML2 Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921530070 HARSH KUMAR AIML2 Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921530071 HARSH SINGH AIML2 Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921530072 HARSHI GUPTA AIML2 Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921530073 HIMANSHI AIML2 Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921530074 HIMANSHU MISHRA AIML2 Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921530075 HRITIK TANWAR AIML2 I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921530076 JAMES BHATI AIML2 Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921530077 JANESHWAR PANDEY AIML2 Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921530078 JANMEY JAI AIML2 Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921530079 KARTIK JADAUN AIML2 Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921530080 KARTIK YADAV AIML2 Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921530081 KASHISH VERMA AIML2 Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921530082 KESHAV DHAMA AIML2 Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921530083 KHUSHI GOUR AIML2 Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921530084 KHUSHI GUPTA AIML2 Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921530085 KHUSHI MANGLIK AIML2 Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921530086 KISHAN YADAV AIML2 I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921530087 KRATIGYA BANSAL AIML2 Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921530088 KUNAL PRATAP SINGH AIML2 Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921530089 KUNAL SHARMA AIML2 I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921530090 KUNDAN KUMAR GIRI AIML2 Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921530091 KUSHANK GARG AIML2 Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921530092 LAKSHYA AGARWAL AIML2 Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921530093 LAKSHYA SOLANKI AIML2 Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921530094 LAXYA RAJWAR AIML2 Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921530095 MADHUKAR VERMA AIML2 Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921530096 MADHURENDRA KUMAR AIML2 Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921530097 MANISH KUMAR SINGH AIML2 Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201921530098 MAYANK KUMAR SINGH AIML2 Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2201921530099 MD KAIF AIML2 Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2201921530100 MIMANSHA AGRAHARI AIML2 Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2201921530101 MISHTHI GOEL AIML2 Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2201921530102 MOHD FAISAL KHAN AIML2 ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2201921530103 MOHD SUHEL IMSHAD AIML2 Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2201921530104 MOHIT KUMAR AIML2 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2201921530106 MYRA JAISWAL AIML2 “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2201921530108 NIDHI SINGH AIML2 ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2201921530109 NIHAL KUMAR AIML2 “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2201921530110 NIKHIL SHARMA AIML2 Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2201921530111 NIRAJ SINGH AIML2 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2201921530112 NISHANT PARIHAR AIML2 Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2201921530113 NITIN KUMAR AIML2 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2201921530114 NITIN SINGH AIML2 Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2201921530115 OM BANSAL AIML2 Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2201921530116 PARTH AIML2 Current Management Models
55 2201921530117 PARTH PANDEY AIML2 Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.
56 2201921530118 PIYUSH SINGH AIML2 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
57 2201921530119 PRABHAKAR YADAV AIML2 Existence means units submerged in space.
58 2201921530120 PRACHI AIML2 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.

1 2201921530121 PRADHUMN SINGH AIML3 Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921530122 PRAKHAR AIML3 Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921530123 PRAKHAR SRIVASTAVA AIML3 Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921530124 PRANJAL VARSHNEY AIML3 Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921530125 PRANSHU KAMBOJ AIML3 Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921530126 PRATHAM DANGAICH AIML3 Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921530127 PRINCE KUMAR YADAV AIML3 Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921530128 PRINCE RAJOORA AIML3 Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921530129 PRINCE TIWARI AIML3 Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921530130 PRITESH KUMAR AIML3 Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921530131 PRIYANSH RAJORA AIML3 Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921530132 PRIYANSHU KUMAR TIWARI AIML3 Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921530133 PRIYANSHU MAURYA AIML3 Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921530134 PUSHPENDRA AIML3 Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921530135 RAGHURAJ PRATAP YADAV AIML3 I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921530136 RAKSHIT KAUSHIK AIML3 Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921530137 RANI CHAUHAN AIML3 Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921530138 RANJEET KUMAR AIML3 Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921530139 RAVI YADAV AIML3 Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921530140 RISHABH RAJ SINGH AIML3 Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921530141 RISHABH SINGH AIML3 Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921530142 RISHABH YADAV AIML3 Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921530143 RISHI SRIVASTAVA AIML3 Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921530144 RITESH KUMAR AIML3 Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921530145 RITI THAKUR AIML3 Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921530146 ROHAN BHARDWAJ AIML3 I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921530148 RUDRA MISHRA AIML3 Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921530149 SACHIN TIWARI AIML3 Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921530150 SAHIL PACHAURI AIML3 I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921530151 SAMEER YADAV AIML3 Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921530152 SAMRIDDHI SETH AIML3 Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921530153 SAMYAK JAIN AIML3 Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921530154 SANDEEP SINGH AIML3 Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921530155 SANYA JAISWAL AIML3 Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921530156 SANYAM GARG AIML3 Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921530157 SARANSH PATEL AIML3 Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921530158 SARTHAK Shukla AIML3 Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201921530159 SATISH KUMAR GUPTA AIML3 Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2201921530160 SAUMAY GUPTA AIML3 Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2201921530161 SHASHANK DADHICH AIML3 Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2201921530162 SHIVAM MISHRA AIML3 Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2201921530163 SHIVANG ARYA AIML3 ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2201921530164 SHREEYANSHI YADAV AIML3 Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2201921530165 SHRESTH GUPTA AIML3 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2201921530166 SHREYA GUPTA AIML3 “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2201921530168 SHUBH BAJPAI AIML3 ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2201921530169 SHUBH SHARMA AIML3 “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2201921530170 SIDHANT SINGH AIML3 Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2201921530171 SIMRAN KAUR AIML3 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2201921530172 SOMESH KUMAR SINGH AIML3 Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2201921530173 SOUMIL PUNDIR AIML3 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2201921530174 SOUMYA RAWAT AIML3 Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2201921530175 SRAJAN TIWARI AIML3 Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2201921530176 SRISHTI SINGH AIML3 Current Management Models
55 2201921530177 SUBODH KUMAR AIML3 Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.
56 2201921530178 SUMIT MISHRA AIML3 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
57 2201921530179 SURYANSH SINGH AIML3 Existence means units submerged in space.
58 2201921530180 SURYANSH TIWARI AIML3 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
59 2201921530181 SWAPNIL SRIVASTAVA AIML3 Current Management Models

1 2201921530184 TANYA BHATI AIML4 Basic Aspirations: 'To Be', 'To Get' & 'To Become'.
2 2201921530185 TANYA PATEL AIML4 Need, Process & Basic Guidlines of Value Education.
3 2201921530186 TARUN AIML4 Self Exploration: Content & Process.
4 2201921530187 TUSHAR RANJAN AIML4 Natural Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance & Imagination.
5 2201921530188 UDIT DWIVEDI AIML4 Human Targets & Current Scenario.
6 2201921530189 UJJWAL RAJPOOT AIML4 Universal Humane Order & Humane Tradition.
7 2201921530190 UTKARSH JINDAL AIML4 Happiness, Excitement, Prosprity & Wealth.
8 2201921530191 UTKARSH SINGH AIML4 Value Education as a transformation tool to bring human consciousness from animal consciousness.
9 2201921530192 VAIBHAV KATIYAR AIML4 Maslow's pyramid & Human Value philosophy.
10 2201921530193 VANSH JAIN AIML4 Comparing Self (I) & Body.
11 2201921530195 VEDPRAKASH MISHRA AIML4 Human imagination & Sensations.
12 2201921530196 VIDUSHI MISHRA AIML4 Sanyam: Nurturing, Protecting & Rightly Utilising our Body.
13 2201921530197 VIVEK KUMAR AIML4 Concept of Holistic Health.
14 2201921530198 YASH PANDEY AIML4 Comprehensive Program for maintaining one's Holistic Health.
15 2201921530199 YASH VARSHNEY AIML4 I' am the seer,doer & enjoyer Body is my gadget.
16 2201921530200 ADITYA VIDHURI AIML4 Dimensions of Humane Order & their role in nullifying the impact of social offseting.
17 2201921530201 AKSHITA SINGH AIML4 Care & Guidance : Excellence improvement across the generations.
18 2201921530202 AMAN SHARMA AIML4 Respect : Right Evaluation on the basis of Self(I).
19 2201921530203 ANIKET BANSAL AIML4 Differentiation: Insult or disrespect.
20 2201921530204 ARYAN PANWAR AIML4 Trust on intentions & Doubt on intentions.
21 2201921530205 DIYA SATYAWALI AIML4 Established Feelings & Expressed Feelings.
22 2201921530206 GARBHIT SHARMA AIML4 Wrong Evaluation : Insult or disrespect.
23 2201921530207 HARSH VARDHAN SINGH AIML4 Excellence & Competition (To be special)
24 2201921530208 JANAK MITTAL AIML4 Affection & Love: Real life comparison.
25 2201921530209 JAYANT KUMAR AIML4 Sanyam & Care: Real life Comparison.
26 2201921530210 KANISHKA VERMA AIML4 I am like you & You are like me.
27 2201921530211 KUSHAGRA DUBEY AIML4 Reverence,Gratitude & Glory: Real life comparison.
28 2201921530212 LALIT SINGH RAWAT AIML4 Education a tool for setting right understanding from childhood to adulthood perspective.
29 2201921530213 RAJAT KUMAR SINGH AIML4 I am like you , You are like me & we are complement to each other.
30 2201921530214 SATYAM JAISWAL AIML4 Mutual Enrichment among the orders of nature.
31 2201921530215 SHASHWAT SETH AIML4 Comparing the four orders of nature.
32 2201921530216 SUHANI GOEL AIML4 Co existence is existence: Concept of 'Shunya'.
33 2201921530217 VISHNU KUMAR RAWAT AIML4 Success = Values + Skills
34 2201921630020 DIVYANSHU SHUKLA AIML4 Interconnectedness & mutual fulfilment.
35 2201921630030 KUMAR DEV AIML4 Guidlines for professional ethics.
36 2201921630041 PIYUSH PANDEY AIML4 Eco friendliness, People friendliness & Recyclability: three important ingredients to the production process.
37 2201921630060 UTKARSH SINGH AIML4 Assuming without knowing creates more problems than solutions.
38 2201920310042 HARSHIT PANDEY AIML4 Swatva, Swatantrata & Swarajya: Real life scene.
39 2201920310120 TARNEET SINGH AIML4 Concept of SSDD,SVDD & SSSS.
40 2301921539001 ABDUL HANNAN IBRAHIM AIML4 Natural Acceptance & Experiential Validation: Mechanism for Self Exploration.
41 2301921539002 ADARSH KUMAR SINGH AIML4 Ethical Human Conduct.
42 2301921539003 ADITYA SINGH AIML4 ‘Existence is Gathansheel and Gathanpurna and also there is Kriyapurnata and Acharanpurnata in existence’.
43 2301921539004 AKSHARA KUMARI AIML4 Understanding of the harmony in existence influence the R&D progress in Science and Technology
44 2301921539005 ANNU CHAUDHARY AIML4 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.
45 2301921539006 AVNISH YADAV AIML4 “The pleasures that we derive from the sensations are short lived, and the efforts to extend them leads to misery”
46 2301921539007 Ayush AIML4 ‘Human being is the co-existence of the Self and the Body’
47 2301921539008 FARHAN ANSARI AIML4 “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary and not complete for humans.”
48 2301921539009 GURUDAYAL SINGH AIML4 Tendencies of human consciousness & animal consciousness.
49 2301921539010 MANTHAN SINGH AIML4 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
50 2301921539011 MUKUL AIML4 Existence means units submerged in space.
51 2301921539012 MUSAB AIML4 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
52 2301921539013 RANJAN KUMAR AIML4 Contradictions & dilemmas in professional life.
53 2301921539014 SAGAR SINGH AIML4 Ethics & holistic technologies: Real life scenario.
54 2301921539015 SAPNA KANAUJIA AIML4 Current Management Models
55 2301921539016 TARUN SONI AIML4 Ptential, Ability & Competence: Real life examples.
56 2301921539017 Vikas Kumar Yadav AIML4 Human Values means Participation of human order in the existence.
57 2101921530089 MANIT SRIVASTAVA AIML4 Existence means units submerged in space.
58 2101921530109 PRASHANT KUMAR SHARMA AIML4 Existence means co existence and only alternative to this is co destruction.
59 2101921520137 RAGHAV KAPIL AIML4 Current Management Models
60 2101921520145 RISHABH NARAYAN TRIPATHI AIML4 Human to Human relationship ‘Is’ or being ‘Created’.

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