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You are on page 1of 2 uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Learn more (hitps://policies. OK, gotit Google Cloud oO Google Cloud Skills Boost help_outlimeguage menu Introduction to Generative AL Introduction to Generative Al “Leaming Path Gpath/118) navigate_next jp nviisieoue tmpltelS36) navigate_next Introduction to Gem Introduction to Generative Al: Quiz Your score: 60% Passing score: 80% ‘Unfortunately, you need at least a 80% to pass this assessment. Not to worry though, review your answers and try again. check1 What are foundation models in Generative Al? A foundation model is the first step in the generative Al process, responsible for creating the basic building blocks that are used to create more complex models. A foundation model is used to improve the performance of other models by fine-tuning other models, which can help them to learn how to generate more accurate and realistic content. A foundation model is a large Al model pretrained on a vast quantity of data that was "designed to be adapted” (or fine-tuned) to a wide range of downstream tasks, such as sentiment analysis, image captioning, and object recognition. chee! A foundation model is used to create new types of software that can generate different types of content. navigaviowefore Next navigl »

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