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APRIL 29- May 3, 2024

Another week again, in online classes. After a tiring week I am beyond grateful that
during inline classes, we don’t have a formal class and just a few of our teachers made an online
class. On Tuesday, we the grade 11 students are tasked to attend the career guidance talk, and it
was fun knowing the fact that we can have inspirations through our speakers and being educated
about what to pursue in our future. After that, two of our teacher made an online class, I was able
to attend the first class which is during 1 pm, but then I was so disappointed on myself because I
didn’t got to attend the second subject’s class because I slept and that time I didn’t know that we
will be having an online class, so when I wake up the online class was ended. On Wednesday it
was a special non-working day because it was Labor Day, so we just meet up with our group and
make our project. On Thursday, a few of our teachers again made an online class, just 2 subjects
made, one on the morning and one again in the afternoon. I was so disappointed to myself for
that day because I didn’t participate well in recitation, and I felt sad about it. Another reason
why, it’s because our internet connection was very poor, and I can’t really focus and listen to the
lesson. It was a great week after all, I really enjoyed it and make some core memories that I’m
going to cherish.

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