Assignmnent No. 6 Solution

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Manufacturing Process Technology I & II _ Assignment 6 Solution

Q1. The primary deformation zone in metal cutting operation is located around which
of the following?

(a) Tool chip interface

(b) Around shear plane

(c) Tool workpiece interface

(d) Tool face

Q2. Temperature rise in primary and secondary deformation zone is generally due to:

(a) Friction between tool and chip; and Rubbing action of tool piece with workpiece,

(b) Plastic deformation of metal in shear zone; and friction between tool and chip,

(c) Rubbing action of tool piece with workpiece; and plastic deformation of metal in shear
zone, respectively.

(d) None of the above.

Q3. If heat transferred to atmosphere is neglected, then what is the average amount of
heat in % carried away by the chips?

(a) 15

(b) 96

(c) 20

(d) 70

Q4. Which of the following condition/conditions produce continuous chips?

(a) Large rake angle

(b) Lower uncut chip thickness

(c) Cutting with cutting fluid

(d) All of the above.

Q5. Built-up edge is produced at:

(a) Larger rake angle

(b) Lower uncut chip thickness

(c) Low rake angle

(d) All of the above.

Q6. If the cutting speed is doubled, then what will be the effect on tool life according to
Taylor’s tool life (n=0.596)?

(a) New tool life will be half the original one.

(b) New tool life will be 5/16 times the original one.

(c) New tool life will be double the original one.

(d) New tool life will be 1/20 times the original one.

Q7. Which of the following is not an example of solid-state welding?

(a) Diffusion welding

(b) Friction welding

(c) Cold welding

(d) Thermit welding

Q8. Induction welding is an example of:

(a) Cold welding

(b) Chemical welding

(c) Electric welding

(d) Hot Forge welding

Q9. Which of the following is not an important factor in solid-phase welding?

(a) Type of bonding

(b) Surface deformation

(c) Recrystallization

(d) Surface films

Q10. A direct current welding machine with a linear power source characteristic
provides open-circuit voltage of 80 V and short circuit current of 800 A. During welding
the machine, the measured arc current is 500 A corresponding to an arc length of 5.0
mm, and the measured arc current is 460 A corresponding to an arc length of 7.0 mm.
the linear voltage (V)-arc length (L) characteristic of the welding arc can be given as
(where V is in volt, and L is in mm)

(a) V = 20+8L

(b) V = 80+2L

(c) V = 20+2L

(d) V = 80+8L

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