3A-3B - Direct Object Pronouns

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Direct Object Pronouns (DOP)

DIRECT OBJECT The direct object of a verb receives the action of the verb directly. What that means is that the direct object receives the action that the subject and verb performs. In the sentence Matt pushes Jon, Matt is the subject and push is the verb. The noun that is directly receiving the action is Jon. EXAMPLE Matt reads the book to Jon. The verb (action) is read. Who reads? Matt. So Matt is the subject, and reads is the conjugated verb. What does he read, or what directly receives the action of his reading? The book. The book, then, is the direct object (D.O.). Matt is not merely reading the book, but somebody is indirectly receiving that reading: Jon. Matt reads the book to Jon, so Jon is an indirect object (I.O.) (we will discuss indirect objects in chapter 4). Matt (subject) reads (verb) the book (D.O) to Jon (I.O.). PRONOUNS Pronouns are substitutes for nouns. Instead of saying the book, we may say it and instead of Jon, we will often say him. It and him are pronouns. Lets reconsider the above sentence: Matt reads the book to Jon. The book is a D.O. noun. Jon is an I.O. noun. Matt reads it to him. it is a D.O. pronoun, and him is an I.O. pronoun. Now apply that to Spanish: Direct Object Pronouns (Chapter 3A) Spanish English me te lo, la nos los, las me you (fam.) you (formal), he, she, it us (m. or f.) you (pl.), them Indirect Object Pronouns (Chapter 4) Spanis English h to/for me me to/for you (fam.) te to/for you (formal), to/for him, le to/for her to/for us nos to/for you (pl.), to/for them les Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns Spanish English
Yo tengo el libro. Yo lo tengo. Ellos no nos ven. l me da un regalo. I have the book. I have it. They do not see us. He gives me a gift.

PRINCIPIO EN PRCTICA Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns Spanish English

l compra las plumas. l las compra. Juan ve a Mara. Juan la ve. He buys the pens. He buys them Jon sees Mary. Jon sees her.


In the present perfect: Lo veo todos los das. Before the conjugated verb.

When the verb is in the infinitive: Lo quiero dar. Before the conjugated verb as separate entities. or-

Quiero darlo. Attached to the infinitive. ySpanish.com Direct Object Pronoun Practice

A. Fill in the blank with the correct DOP. 1. They want the book. Ellos ______ quieren. 2. I know them. (Juan and Maria) Yo _______ conozco.

3. Juan knows me. l _______ conoce. 4. You love me. T _______ amas.

5. Yall drink milk. Uds. _______ beben. 6. He buys the magazines. l _______ compra. m 7. They see Maria. Ellos _______ ven. 8. I have the pen. Yo _______ tengo. 9. You guys want the ball. 10. I love you. _______ quieren.

_______ amo.

B. Translate the following sentences by writing the correct form of the verb. 11. You-all (formal) understand the lesson. (comprender) Uds. la _____________________. 12. She watches television. (mirar) Ella la _____________________. 13. You (familiar) understand the lesson. (comprender) La __________________. 14. I love her. (amar) La _________. 15. She believes it. (creer) Lo _______. C. Answer the questions using DOPs. 16. Dnde compra Pablo los libros? _______ compra en la librera. 17. Conoces la capital de Espaa? S, _______ conozco. 18. Miras las telenovelas? S, _______ miro. 19. Dnde estudia Sr. Norton el espaol? l _______ estudia en Latinoamrica. 20. Comprenden ustedes esta leccin? S, _______ comprendemos.

These questions are modified from www.StudySpanish.com a great resource for practicing this stuff!!

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