Benefits of Delhi Metro

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Benefits of Delhi Metro

P Time saving Ior commuters.

Delhi Metro is more convenient Ior the commuters and Passengers which save
the lot oI time and energy.

P #eliable and saIe journey.
NEW DELHI: From October 2, one coach in every Metro train will be
reserved exclusively Ior women, making the journey in crowded trains more comIortable Ior
halI oI Delhi's populace. To start with, this is going to be tried out on an experimental basis.
About 25 oI all Metro commuters are women. A recent survey conducted by DM#
revealed that the number oI women using the system is on the rise. A decision was, thereIore,
taken to reserve one oI the Iour coaches in every train Ior women only. The reserved ladies
coach will be the Iirst coach next to the drivers cab in every train and accompanying children
up to 12 years oI age will also be allowed to travel in the reserved coaches.

P #eduction in atmospheric pollution.
The system is already helping to take the edge oII Delhi's mammoth traIIic
and pollution problems. An average oI 500,000 commuters travel underground daily instead
oI driving their own cars and scooters or packing into buses. As a result, authorities say,
pollution levels in Delhi are down by a third, and they see no need to add to the city's Ileet oI
7,500 buses. ongestion has eased to where those buses now travel an average oI 11 mph.
That's up Irom around 8 mph beIore the metro was builta serious achievement in a city
with world-class traIIic jams.

P #eduction in accident.
Delhi, the national capital with the population oI about 12 million is, perhaps,
the only city oI its size in the world, which depends almost entirely on buses on it sole
mode oI mass transport.bus services are inadequate and heavily over-crowded. This
situation had led to proliIeration oI personalised vehicles, so much so that Delhi has more
registered vehicle than the total number oI vehicles in Mumbai, alcutta and hennai put
together. Nearly 70 oI these are two wheelers. The result oI extreme congestion on the
road, ever slowing speeds, increasing accident rate, Iuel wastage and environmental
pollution. Delhi has now become the Iourth most city in the world, with automobiles
contributing more than two thirds oI the total atmospheric pollution. Pollution related
health problems are reaching disconcerting levels.

P #educed Iuel consumption.
lndlas naLlonal caplLal uelhl flghLlng Lhe Lrafflc lncreaslng and soarlng fuel prlces
has found a savlor uelhl MeLro 8all CorporaLlon whlch accordlng Lo lndusLry body ASSCCPAM
has helped reduce Lhe huge number of road vehlcles whlch save luel worLh 8s 8000 crores
durlng 201011 uelhl MeLro from Lhe beglnnlng has helped Lo reduce Lhe more Lhan flve lakh
vehlcles ln Lhe sLreeLs of Lhe clLy leadlng Lo savlngs of 8s 8000 crores fuel durlng 201011
whlch can gradually lncrease 8s 20 000 crores by 2020

P #educed vehicle operating costs.
When DM# expects that in 2021, 12.6 million commuter trips will be
handled by metro, it means some passengers traveling by other modes at present will be
shiIted to metro. Who are these people? Are they car users? Or bus users? Or two-wheeler
users or others?
Mode of trips made by mode Average trip length of mode
Two wheeler 17.59 10.03
Three wheeler 2.80 6.14
ar 6.94 11.28
Taxi 0.06 11.47
Bus 62.0 10.66
Others 10.61 ----

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