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The Parent Trap

Written by Erich Kastner, David Swift

Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this! Don’t
you realize what’s happening?!? Don’t you ;ind it peculiar that we both
look so much alike and have the same birthday and… (putting it all
together) Oh man, this is beyond coincidence, this is beyond
imagination! I only have a Father, you only have a mother… You’ve
never seen your Dad, I’ve never seen my Mom. I never met her. She
and my Dad split up when I was a baby, maybe even before, I'm not
He doesn't like to talk about her... but I know she was really beautiful.
My Dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer and he
caught me looking at it all the time so he gave it to me to keep. You
have one picture of your Dad, I have one old picture of my Mom, but at
least yours is probably a whole picture, Mine’s just this pathetic little
thing, ripped right down the middle... What are you rummaging in
your trunk for?

This. is. So. Freaky.

Annie, We’re sisters… No, we’re twins!

Has our Mom ever been close to remarrying? Dad never
did. He always says I'm the only girl in his life.

You know it's interesting - neither of them ever got married again. You
know what that means? Secretly, in their innermost heart of hearts,
they must still be in love with each other. That's the way true love
works. History's ;illed with stories of lovers parted by some silly
misunderstanding. And, Dad can be unbelievably stubborn when he
wants to be.

I have a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea! I’m serious. I am a total genius!

You are related to a bona ;ide genius, Ann. You wanna know what dad
is like, right? And I’m dying to know mom. So, what I’m thinking is,
don’t freak out, okay? I think we should switch places! When camps
over, I’ll go back to London as you, and you go back to California as me!
Annie, come on, we can pull it off. We’re twins, aren’t we? So, what’s
the problem? I’ll teach you to be me, and you teach me to be you. Look,
I can do you already. ‘Yes, you want know the difference between us? I
have class and you don’t”. Come on, Ann, I gotta meet my mom. And
the truth is, you know, if we switch, sooner or later they’ll HAVE to un
switch us! And that means they’ll have to meet again, face to face, after
all these years.

Thank you! I told you I’m brilliant.

Time: 2mins, 42 secs.

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