MPHO 640 - Homework 4-11-20

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Suzanne Burgee - Homework # 4

Week 10 Questions (26 points)

Must complete:

1. Lead exposure has been a long standing public health problem in the U.S., however many improvements have
been made to reduce lead poisoning. Compared earlier decades, has lead exposure increased or decreased?
What are the differences in lead exposure levels between SES groups? Find one health promotion
program/policy aimed at reducing lead exposure. Has this health promotion program/policy been effective?
Why? (10 points)

2. What major environmental health problem happened in Flint, Michigan in recent years? Why did it take so long
for action to occur? What recommendations have been made to ensure an event like this won’t happen again?
How do these recommendations align with the Health Impact Pyramid and/or social ecological model? (10

3. During natural disasters and other emergency preparedness events, what population groups have the most risk
of experiencing negative health effects? Why?( 6 points)

Week 11 Questions (24 points)

Must complete:

1. Select a health condition (e.g., diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc.) and develop a similar diagram as Figure 26-
3 on page 537 of your text or refer to lecture slides for week 11. In this diagram, illustrate how at least two
variables related to social justice (e.g., poverty, poor housing, stress, etc.) can influence the health condition.
Please write at least three sentences describing your diagram. You may choose the health condition that you
selected for your paper topics. The diagram doesn’t have to “look pretty”—content is most important. (10

2. On page 2, of the Williams, Costa, Odunlami & Mohammed (2008) article, the story of Dr. Julian Tudor Hart is
described. Does Dr. Hart’s story support that interventions at the individual-level of the social ecological model
can improve health? Why or why not? (4 points)

3. What is one main takeaway message about social justice that you have learned by taking this course? How can
this takeaway message be applied in your future work post-graduation? (4 points)

Select one:

4. How do politics and/or the nature of our U.S. political system influence social justice issues and public health
practice at the national, state and local levels? (6points)

5. What is one objective that you would add to Healthy People 2030 or alter/remove from Healthy People 2020?
Why? (6 points)

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