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API Connect


Product Guide
Product Guide
Revision Number: 1.1

Issue Date: 07/08/2017

Copyright notice

© 2017 Equifax Information Services and Solutions Limited

This document is the intellectual property of Equifax Information Services and Solutions Limited. The
information contained in this document is confidential and may not be stored, copied, given, lent or in
any way transmitted to any other company or person without the express written consent of Equifax
Information Services and Solutions Limited.

Revision control

Revision Date Description

0.9 10/9/2012 Draft Release for API Connect PPSR product guide
1.0 5/10/2012 Review comments from Daniel Lim merged
1.0.1 29/11/2012 Review comments from Daniel Lim addressed
1.1 07/08/2017 Updated to include option to compress PSF reports
1.2 06/12/2017 Added apiconnect end points.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Audience ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Terminology .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Background ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Privacy................................................................................................................................................... 12
Connecting to Equifax PPSR Web Services ......................................................................................... 13
SOAP Request and Response.............................................................................................................. 14
Message Authentication ........................................................................................................................ 17
PPSR SOAP Header ............................................................................................................................. 18
SOAP Webservices URLs..................................................................................................................... 19
Product Errors ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Authentication and Availability Error ................................................................................................. 20
Validation Error ................................................................................................................................. 21
Concepts ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Registrations ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Registration Numbers, Tokens and Change Numbers ..................................................................... 24
Secured Party Groups and Access Codes ....................................................................................... 24
Web Services ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Registration Service .............................................................................................................................. 29
Create Registrations ......................................................................................................................... 29
Description .................................................................................................................................... 29
Request ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Response ...................................................................................................................................... 44
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................... 47
Business Rules.............................................................................................................................. 48
Upload Registration Attachment ....................................................................................................... 57
Description .................................................................................................................................... 57
Request ......................................................................................................................................... 58
Response ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................... 61
Business Rules.............................................................................................................................. 62
Retrieve Registration ......................................................................................................................... 63
Description .................................................................................................................................... 63
Request ......................................................................................................................................... 65

Reponse ........................................................................................................................................ 67
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................... 78
Business Rules.............................................................................................................................. 79
Retrieve Registration Attachment ..................................................................................................... 80
Description .................................................................................................................................... 80
Request ......................................................................................................................................... 81
Response ...................................................................................................................................... 83
Fault .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Business Rules.............................................................................................................................. 85
Amend Registration ........................................................................................................................... 87
Description .................................................................................................................................... 87
Request ......................................................................................................................................... 90
Response .................................................................................................................................... 103
Fault Messages ........................................................................................................................... 105
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 106
Discharge Registration .................................................................................................................... 115
Description .................................................................................................................................. 115
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 117
Response .................................................................................................................................... 119
Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 120
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 121
Transfer Single Collateral Registrations ......................................................................................... 122
Description .................................................................................................................................. 122
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 124
Response .................................................................................................................................... 126
Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 128
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 129
Reset Registration Token................................................................................................................ 131
Description .................................................................................................................................. 131
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 133
Response .................................................................................................................................... 134
Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 135
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 136
Reissue Verification Statement ....................................................................................................... 137
Description .................................................................................................................................. 137
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 139
Response .................................................................................................................................... 141
Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 141

Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 142
Search Service .................................................................................................................................... 144
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 144
Business Scenarios ......................................................................................................................... 145
Search Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 148
Search Number ........................................................................................................................... 148
Declaration of Authorised Purpose ............................................................................................. 148
Point-in-Time Search .................................................................................................................. 148
Access Restrictions ..................................................................................................................... 148
“Exact” Match .............................................................................................................................. 149
Search Result Access Expiry and Search Certificate Access Expiry ......................................... 149
Search Operation Usage ............................................................................................................. 149
Registration Number Search ........................................................................................................... 151
Description .................................................................................................................................. 151
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 153
Response .................................................................................................................................... 154
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 160
Fault ............................................................................................................................................ 160
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 161
Serial Number Search ..................................................................................................................... 162
Description .................................................................................................................................. 162
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 164
Response .................................................................................................................................... 165
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 172
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 172
NevdisData ...................................................................................................................................... 174
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 177
Grantor Search ................................................................................................................................ 178
Description .................................................................................................................................. 178
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 180
Response .................................................................................................................................... 183
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 189
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 193
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 194
Grantor and Event Date Range Search .......................................................................................... 197
Description .................................................................................................................................. 197
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 200
Response .................................................................................................................................... 202

Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 207
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 208
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 210
Retrieve Search Result ................................................................................................................... 212
Description .................................................................................................................................. 212
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 214
Response .................................................................................................................................... 215
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 228
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 228
Retrieve Search Result Registration Attachment ........................................................................... 229
Description .................................................................................................................................. 229
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 231
Response .................................................................................................................................... 233
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 234
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 234
Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail ............................................................................................ 236
Description .................................................................................................................................. 236
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 238
Response .................................................................................................................................... 240
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 244
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 245
Filter Grantor Search Result ........................................................................................................... 246
Description .................................................................................................................................. 246
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 248
Response .................................................................................................................................... 250
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 254
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 255
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 259
Filter Grantor and Event Date Search Result ................................................................................. 262
Description .................................................................................................................................. 262
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 262
Response .................................................................................................................................... 264
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 268
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 269
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 270
Ordinal Search ................................................................................................................................ 272
Description .................................................................................................................................. 272
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 273

Response .................................................................................................................................... 275
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 277
Common Elements ...................................................................................................................... 278
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 281
Retrieve Registration History Detail ................................................................................................ 283
Description .................................................................................................................................. 283
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 285
Response .................................................................................................................................... 287
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 291
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 292
Obtain Search Certificate ................................................................................................................ 293
Description .................................................................................................................................. 293
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 296
Response .................................................................................................................................... 299
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 300
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 301
Retrieve Search Certificate ............................................................................................................. 303
Description .................................................................................................................................. 303
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 305
Response .................................................................................................................................... 306
Fault Message ............................................................................................................................. 308
Business Rules............................................................................................................................ 309
Common Messages for Collateral Registration Service ................................................................. 310
Search Summary ........................................................................................................................ 310
Filter Summary ............................................................................................................................ 311
Result Detail ................................................................................................................................ 311
ResultSequenceNumber ............................................................................................................. 311
RestrictionDetail .......................................................................................................................... 311
RegistrationDetail ........................................................................................................................ 312
ChangeHistory............................................................................................................................. 312
Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service ....................................................... 322
Common Fields, Common Messages and Common Business Rules ............................................ 323
Common Fields/Types ................................................................................................................ 323
Common Fault Messages ........................................................................................................... 324
Messages .................................................................................................................................... 324
Types ........................................................................................................................................... 324
References .......................................................................................................................................... 326
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 327

Examples............................................................................................................................................. 347
Create Registration Soap Messagese ............................................................................................ 348
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 348
Response .................................................................................................................................... 350
Grantor Search Soap Messages ..................................................................................................... 351
Request ....................................................................................................................................... 351
Response .................................................................................................................................... 352

This manual outlines Equifax API Connect PPSR product details. API Connect PPSR is offered over
SOAP only.

If you are not familiar with the Equifax API Connect protocol, please refer API Connect Getting
Started Guide

API Connect PPSR provides a new web services interface to interact with Australian Government
Personal Property Security Register (PPSR). This document provides the details on how to consume
the Equifax web services.

Customer Request Message (1) PPSR Request Message (2)

VedaConnect Aus Govt

Customer Response Message(4) PPSR Response Message (3)

Equifax’s web services interface is described in Web Services Description Languge (WSDL).
Customers planning to use API Connect PPSR Web Services need to comply with the interface
described in the WSDL file.

API Connect PPSR web services will interface with PPSR via PPSR B2G link, which is also a SOAP
based web service.

Descriptions given in this manual should always be used in conjunction with the WSDL
provided for the product.

The audience for this document is primarily

 Those wishing to develop software to interface with API Connect PPSR web services
 Those wishing to understand the business rules related to API Connect PPSR products

The scope of the document is primarily

 Defining and describing the interfaces to web service methods for API Connect PPSR product
 Defining the business rules related to the API Connect PPSR product

There are three pre-requisites before a client can use API Connect web services operations.

 Pre-requisite 1 – Get Equifax Digital Certificates. You need Equifax Digital Certificates to
establish a secure connection to API Connect over an HTTPS channel. Please refer API
Connect Getting Started Guide on how to establish a secure connection to API Connect over
HTTPS channel

 Pre-requisite 2 – Get Username and Password. Once a secure channel is established, all
SOAP messages sent over it need to be authenticated. This authentication information is sent
using SOAP headers.

 Pre-requisite 3 – Get WSDL. API Connect PPSR web services are defined in the WSDL
(Web Services Description Language). It is recommended to use the latest version of the
WSDL to create your client programs.

If you don’t meet the above three prerequisites, please contact your Equifax account manager or
Equifax Technical Support

API Connect is the new brand name used for products offered over secure HTTPS channel using
SOAP or Equifax XML protocol.

If you are not familiar with the API Connect products, Equifax XML or SOAP interfaces, please refer to
the API Connect Getting Started Guide.

Prior to the introduction of the Personal Properties Securities Act, the law on personal property
securities was governed by more than 70 Commonwealth and State and Territory Acts. Under these
Acts the registration and searching of security interests in personal property varied according to the
legal form of the Debtor, the nature of the Collateral, the legal form of the security interest and the
location of the Collateral.

Commonwealth legislation supported by a single comprehensive national registration regime has

established rules that determine priorities between competing interests in the same property, protect
third parties such as purchasers of property who have no knowledge of existing security interests, and
protect security holders against loss, or subordination of their interest to potential purchasers or other

The aim of PPS Act is to increase certainty in relation to the law and practice on personal property
securities. A key benefit of this Act will be to allow creditors to more efficiently manage the risk of
Debtor default, and to enhance the confidence of those acquiring personal property that it is not
subject to a prior encumbrance.

The Act implements a single legal framework for taking and enforcing security interests in personal
property regardless of:

 the legal form of the Grantor – for example: individual, company or co-operative
 the nature of the Collateral – for example: whether the Collateral is agricultural produce, plant
and equipment, accounts receivables or intellectual property
 the legal form of the security interest – for example: legal mortgage, charge or pawn; and
 location of the Collateral – that is: regardless of where in Australia the Collateral is located

In very broad terms, the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) is a public real-time Register
where security interests in collateral are registered and stored.

Financiers with Security Interests against an item of personal property can register Collateral that is
subject to a personal property interest on the PPSR. Financiers are referred to as a “Secured Parties”
and can be an individual or an organisation, more than one individual, more than one organisation or
a combination of organisations and individuals.

Privacy legislation requires that access to consumer credit files and other credit information is strictly
regulated. Severe penalties exist for breach of privacy.

If you have any concerns, please contact your Equifax representative.

Connecting to Equifax PPSR Web Services
There are two pre-requisites before a client can use Equifax PPSR web services operations.

Pre-requsite 1 – Establish a secure connection to API Connect over a secure HTTPS channel

Pre-requsite 2 – Once a secure channel is established, all SOAP messages sent over it need to be

This authentication information is sent using SOAP headers.

The sections below describe the details of the two pre-requisites in detail.

Please refer API Connect Getting Started Guide on how to establish a secure connection to API
Connect over HTTPS channel

SOAP Request and Response
API Connect PPSR uses SOAP over HTTP as the transport mechanism between your client
application and Equifax System. SOAP messages are sent over secure HTTP using SSL (HTTPS)

The message description is provided in the webservices description file, WSDL. WSDL is provided at
the end of the document as a reference. Please ensure you are using the correct version of the
WSDL. Latest version at the time of this release of the document is vgate_ppsr-v0-6-0.wsdl

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Content-Type: application/soap+xml <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://">


HTTP POST </soap:Header>


….. Veda Product Specific Messages...

SOAP Message (Request)



Customer Application Veda Connect

(Java, C#...) ( SOAP based product)



SOAP Message ( Response)

Programming Model for VedaConnect

SOAP based products

The figure above doesn’t show the security layers. All messages between the client and the server
should be over HTTPS.

If you are not familiar with the API Connect security setup, please refer API Connect Getting Started

The request message has three parts.

1. SOAP Envelope
2. SOAP Header
3. SOAP Body

API Connect PPSR SOAP request example.

API Connect PPSR SOAP response example.

Message Authentication
All SOAP messages to Equifax need to be authenticated using the username and password provided
by Veda.

WS-Security is used for authentication of customers. The username and password for a B2G
customer location user must be provided in the appropriate SOAP header. Please contact Equifax if
you require authentication and other account information which need to be included in all SOAP
headers. Authentication information includes

1. Username
2. Password
3. Client Code
4. Business Unit Code
5. Security Code

See section PPSR SOAP Header on how to pass the authentication information using SOAP Header

The structure of PPSR SOAP header for all request messages is same.


SOAP Webservices URLs
API Connect Company PPSR is available at two locations

1. Test Environment URL

IP Address:

2. Production System URL

IP Address:

Product Errors
There are two major types of errors in VedaConnect system.

1. Authentication & Availability Error

2. Validation Error

Authentication and Availability Error

If the WS-Security header information is not provided or correct, a SOAP fault will be returned with an
appropriate WS-Security fault code, fault string, fault actor and detail.

Example below

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<soapenv:Text xml:lang="en-US">Policy Falsified</soapenv:Text>
<l7:policyResult status="Authentication Failed"

Examples of SOAP faults related to authentication and availability include

 Malformed Request Message or Missing Mandatory Fields

policyResult status="Bad Request"

 Wrong Username or Password

policyResult status="Authentication Failed

 Connection Fault
policyResult status="Service Not Found

 Application Fault
policyResult status="Error in Assertion Processing

 Server Error
policyResult status="Service Temporarily Unavailable

Validation Error
The Equifax system has found the envelope or the format of the request to be invalid, the client
would receive a Validation Error.

Example of a validation error for PPSR

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<soap:Header xmlns:soap="">
<v:identity xmlns:v="">
<Code xmlns="">
<Reason xmlns="">
<Detail xmlns="">

<ns11:message>A registration with the registration number of 201107210002198
does not exist.</ns11:message>

In the above example, the user may not be not authorized to access this product or other validation
issues. In this situation, please contact Equifax Support. Equifax Support contact details are
provided in the API Connect Getting Started Guide.

A Registration has the following:

A description of the collateral that is registered. Each registration describes the collateral by the class
of collateral (eg motor vehicle, watercraft, intangible, financial. Depending on the class of collateral,
there may be other attributes used to describe the collateral, such as a serial number (eg motor
vehicle VIN) or a free text description.

The type of collateral being registered. Registrations are either for commercial property or consumer
property, based on the use of the property.

The secured party (or secured parties) that have the security interest in the collateral (eg a bank that
is lending money using the collateral as security).

The grantor (or grantors) that have granted the security interest in the collateral. This is often, but not
always, the debtor. For some registrations there will not be any grantor recorded – this is based on
factors such as the type of collateral. For example, a consumer registration that is described by a
serial number cannot have a grantor defined.

The primary purpose of the PPSR is to allow for registration of collateral that is subject to a security
interest. However, existing registers that are replaced by PPSR (such as state-based registers of
encumbered vehicles) allow for additional interests in collateral to be registered. For example, police
forces registering hoon liens. The majority of registrations in PPSR will be for security interests,
however PPSR will also allow for registration of other kinds of interest.

The period during which the registration is in effect – the Start Time and the End Time for the

Other attributes that describe either the collateral or the registration itself. There are a number of
Boolean attributes that indicate things such as whether the collateral is inventory, whether assets are
subject to control, whether the security interest is a purchase money security interest. Some classes
of collateral allow a free text description to be added. Some collateral classes also allow a file (eg a
PDF document) to be uploaded and attached to the registration.

As described, some combination of the above information is required at time of registration. Once a
registration is created, it can be amended or discharged. A registration will expire when the End Time
is before the current time.

ra t

tr a e
gis arg
i st



Re isch





Only certain aspects of a registration can be amended. For all other fields, a new registration
reflecting the new situation needs to be created and the old registration discharged. An amended
Registration will be in effect from the time the changes are recorded on the PPSR system.

A history of all changes made to a registration is kept and can be viewed when required. This also
makes it possible to view a Registration as it was at a particular point in time.

When a registration is first made and whenever the registration is amended or discharged, a
Verification Statement will be sent to the secured parties.

Registration Numbers, Tokens and Change Numbers

Registrations are the key type of record on the Register. Each Registration when created is assigned
a unique Registration Number to identify it. Each time a change is made to a Registration, including
Creation, Amend and Discharge, a unique Change Number is created. Expiry does not cause a
change number to be generated.

The combination of Registration Number and Change Number will identify a Registration record for an
item of property at a particular point in time, according to the Register.

Each Registration is issued with a Registration Token (or Token). A Token is used to authorise a user
to Amend or Discharge a Registration. See Figure 2. A record of the Token should be kept safe and
made available only to personnel authorised to Amend or Discharge a Registration. There is only one
Token per Registration. If a Token is lost or compromised a new Token can be requested.

Create Registration Amend Registration

Secured Party Group

Registration Number
Grantor Details
Change Number
Input Collateral Description
Registration Token (or SPG
Collateral Details
Access Code)
Registration Details

Registration Start Date / Time
Registration End Date / Time

Amendment Start Date /


Registration Number
Output Change Number New Change Number
Registration Token

Attachement may be provided in the Create Registration message as well as in the Amend
Registration request. Refer item “Create Registration” and item “Amend Registration” in section
Registertion Service, for more details.

Secured Party Groups and Access Codes

A secured party is an individual or organisation that holds a security interest. A secured party uses the
PPSR to register a registration.

A secured party group consists of one or more secured parties (either individuals or organisations as
shown in Figure 3). A secured party can be in more than one Secured Party Group however it is
separately defined within each group. It will not be possible to say "what groups is this secured party

Company Company Company Company


Secured Party Secured Party

Group 1 Group 2

It is the secured party group that is associated with a registration, even if the secured party group
comprises only one secured party.

Secured Party Secured Party

Group 1 Group 2

Collateral Registations Collateral Registations

for SPG1 for SPG 2

Each Secured Party Group is allocated a unique Secured Party Group Number, used to identify the
Secured Party Group. The Secured Party Group needs to exist prior to using it in a Registration. It is
necessary to know the Secured Party Group Number for the Secured Party Group in order to create a
registration for that Secured Party Group.

Each Secured Party Group has an ‘Address for Service.’ This is the address to which PPSR will send
notices. When sending a notice to the Secured Parties, PPSR will send one notice to the ‘Address for
Service’ rather than a separate notice to each Secured Party.

A search for Registrations will reveal the names and identifying numbers (e.g. ACN, ARSN, ARBN,
ABN) of the Secured Parties recorded on Registrations returned in the search result, and also show
the Address for Service of the Secured Party Group, but will not reveal address or contact details of
the Secured Parties or other details of the Secured Party Group. Secured Party Group Numbers are
not disclosed by a search for Registrations. Note that there is no facility to search PPSR for Secured
Parties or for the Registrations made by particular Secured Parties.

Changes will not be allowed to the Secured Parties in a Secured Party Group once it has been
formed. That is it is not possible to either add or delete a Secured Party from a Secured Party Group.
See Figure 5. It will be necessary to create a new Secured Party Group. It will be possible to
change the address and contact details of the Secured Parties or the ‘Address for Service’ of the
Secured Party Group.

Company Company Company Company Company Company

Secured Party Secured Party Secured Party

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

To add Secure To delete Secure

Parties – make a Parties – make a
new SPG new SPG

If the Secured Party is an organisation and has supplied an ACN, ARBN or an ARSN the number will
be attempted to be verified with ASIC, or if an ABN was supplied it will be attempted to be verified
with the ABR. The name returned from ASIC or ABR will be included on Verification Statements and
will be the name stored in the Name field of the Secured Party. If for any reason the verification
attempt was not successful, the supplied information will be recorded. If a collateral record that is
associated with a particular Secured Party Group is changed (ie a new change number generated) or
a search certificate for it is requested and there remains Secured Party details that are not verified, a
further attempt to verify the Secured Party details will be made. If an organisation legally changes it
name, an ability to ‘Reverify’ the Secured Party Group on the PPSR system can be done to reflect
these changes. Any updated details retrieved from these external registers will be used to update the
Secured Party Group record in the PPSR and will be used from then on.

If a Secured Party Group wishes to transfer some or all of its registrations to another Secured Party
Group it can be done. The need to use this capability would most likely arise in a merger, acquisition,
de-merger or company restructure situation. The following scenario displayed in Figure below of
Company D acquiring Company A and becoming the Secured Party to Company A’s Registrations is
illustrative of this function.

Company Secured Party Company Secured Party
A Group 1 D Group 4

Party Group ABC

DEF Party Group PQR

Company D acquires Company A and transfers the Registrations ABC and DEF from Secured Party
Group 1 to Secured Party Group 4. No other details change on the transferred registrations.

When registrations are transferred between Secured Party Groups, an amendment is made to every
registration that is transferred. Only one Verification Statement is produced covering all the
transferred registrations, but the Verification Statement is sent to both the old and the new Secured
Party Groups.


Company D
Party Group ABC
Company A


Each Secured Party Group is issued with an Access Code. The Secured Party Group Number and
Access Code is used to authorise the transfer of a Secured Party Group’s Registrations and changes
to the address details within a Secured Party Group. The Secured Party Group Number and Access
Code is also an alterative authorisation mechanism for a registration linked to the Secured Party
Group. Supplying this combination instead of a Registration Token, will authorise a user to Amend or
Discharge a Registration.

Web Services
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is used to define the web service contracts and can be
used by many development tools to generate code for connecting to and invoking the web services.
All messages sent to and received from PPSR will need to comply with the Equifax PPSR WSDL.

API Connect PPSR product provides two types of web services.

1. Registration Services.
2. Search Services.

No Service Type Service Name

1 Registration Create Registration
2 Registration Upload Registration attachment
3 Registration Retrieve Registration
4 Registration Retrieve Registration Attachment
5 Registration Amend Registration
6 Registration Discharge Registration
7 Registration Transfer Single Collateral Registrations
8 Registration Reset Registration Token
9 Registration Reissue Verification Statement

1 Search Registration Number Search

2 Search Serial Number Search
3 Search Grantor Search
4 Search Ordinal Search
5 Search Grantor And Event Date Range Search
6 Search Retrieve Search Result
7 Search Retrieve Search Result Registration Attachment
8 Search Obtain Search Certificate
9 Search Retrieve Search Certificate
10 Search Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail
11 Search Retrieve Registration History Detail
12 Search Filter Grantor Search Result
13 Search Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result

Registration Service
The Collateral Registration Service contains operations that create and manage Registrations. These

1. Create Registrations
2. Upload Registration Attachment
3. Retrieve Registration
4. Retrieve Registration Attachment
5. Amend Registration
6. Discharge Registration
7. Transfer Single Collateral Registration
8. Reset Registration Token
9. Reissue Verification Statement

Create Registrations
This operation is used to submit an application to add new Registrations to PPSR.

The operation will be used most commonly to create a single new Registration each time the
operation is called. The request message provided when the operation is called must provide all the
information required to create the new Registration record in PPSR. This includes the attributes used
to describe the collateral being registered, the identity of the Secured Party Group and (if required)
the Grantor(s).

It is possible to use the operation to create more than one Registration as part of the one
application. However, there are restrictions on the Registrations that can be created within the one
application. All Registrations must have the same Collateral Type (Commercial or Consumer) and
must be for the same Secured Party Group and Grantor(s). Allowing multiple Registrations to be
created at the same time allows for scenarios such as a lender providing finance to a car dealer for
the purchase of multiple cars.

To facilitate creation of multiple registrations within the one application, the data elements that are
common to each registration only need to be provided once. These common data elements will be
applied to each Registration record that is created. In the schema for the request message for the
Create Registrations operation, common data elements have been grouped separately from other
Registration data elements that need to be individually specified for each Registration.

There are many optional data elements within the request message. Depending on the Collateral
Type (i.e. Commercial or Consumer), Collateral Class (e.g. Motor Vehicle, Watercraft, Agriculture,
Intellectual Property, etc.) and whether the collateral is described by a serial number, some data
elements will not be relevant, some data elements will be relevant but optional, and some data
elements will be mandatory. In the schema for the request message for the Create Registrations
operation, data elements are only shown as mandatory if they are always mandatory for every
Registration. Optional data elements must only have a value provided when the data element is
relevant for the particular Registration.

PPSR will validate the data provided in each call to the Create Registrations operation to ensure: all
mandatory data is provided; that data is not provided when it is not relevant; and the provided data
contains acceptable values. Whether particular data elements that are not always mandatory, are

mandatory for a specific Registration, is not documented in this document. The document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral” (available from the govdex website )
defines the business rules regarding optional and mandatory data requirements for specific Collateral
Types and Collateral Classes. Note: Many of the business rules checks that are performed by PPSR
refer to whether a data element is allowed, relevant or required for the registration. The document
“PPSR - - Describing Collateral” should be referred to for the specific rules that apply for
specific Collateral Types and Collateral Classes.

Not all Registrations can have a Grantor recorded when the Registration is created in
PPSR. Whether a Registration allows or requires a Grantor will depend upon the Collateral Type,
Collateral Class and whether the collateral is described by a serial number. If at least one of the
Registrations in the request message requires a Grantor, then at least one Grantor must be specified
in the request message. If none of the Registrations in the request message allows a Grantor, then
do not include any Grantors in the request message. If one or more Grantors is included in the
request message then all of the Grantors will be included in each of the Registrations created in
PPSR that allow a Grantor; the Grantors will not be included in the Registrations that do not allow a

If any of the Registrations in the request are to be created with any Attachments, the Attachment may
be uploaded as part of the Create Registration request or may previously have been uploaded to
PPSR using the Upload Registration Attachment operation before calling the Create Registrations
operation. The Upload Registration Attachment operation will return an Attachment Id for the
uploaded attachment. This Attachment Id is then included in the Create Registrations request
message in order to add the Attachment to the appropriate Registration. If uploading the attachment
as part of the Create Registration request the Attachmnet Id will automatically be retrieved from PPSR
as inserted into the Create Registration request. Each Attachment uploaded to PPSR can only be
associated with one Registration. Once a Registration has been saved with a particular Attachment
Id, the same Attachment Id cannot be used to save with another Registration. The business rules
applicable to the Upload registration Attachment operation will also apply to the Create Registration

There is a limit applied to the number of Attachments that can be added to a single Registration. The
limit, which is currently 20, may change over time. Users will be advised of any changes to this limit.

The business rule checks that are performed by PPSR when a call is made to the Create
Registrations operation are listed in the Business Rules section. If there are any violations of any of
these business rules, details of the business rule that was violated will be returned as a SOAP
fault. Provided all common business rules are passed, all business rule checks for the registration
data will be performed on all the data provided in the request message and a complete list of
business rules violated will be returned in the SOAP fault.

To maximise the number of successful registrations and to minimise fees incurred for defective
registrations Equifax will validate Org Ids for Grantor Organisations, prior to submission to PPSR, and
the user given the choice of whether or not to continue with the registration if an Org Id validation fails.

Receive Customer’s
“Create Registration”

Are any Grantors Yes


Did Customer Request No Initiate ASIC “Org

Is Collateral Class “Motor
VIN Validation? Id” Request
Initiate “VIN vehicle”?
Request Yes Yes


Receive “VIN Receive “Org Id”

Validation” Response
Response Yes

Were VIN
Validations Were All Organisation
Successful? Number Validations
Yes Successful?

The Customer Response

Message will include details of No
all VIN Validation failures.
Validation Failure
Does Customer want to Validation Failure
Continue Registration? Customer

No The Customer Response

Message will include details of
all Org Id validation failures.

Does Customer want

to Upload

Does Customer want to

Yes Continue Registration?
Initiate PPSR Initiate PPSR
"Upload "Create
Registration Registrations" No
Attachment" Request

Receive PPSR
Receive PPSR

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




Class Element Type Notes
CreateRegi BaseRequest BaseReques See Common Fields, Common Messages and
strationsRe Message tMessage Common Business Rules section
validateVIN boolean Equifax initiates a VIN validation request if this flag is
continueUpon boolean If this element is true, Equifax continues with the
VINValidation Create Registration Request with PPSR even if the
FailureOrServi VIN validation fails. Applicable only if Collateral class
ceNotAvailabl is Motor Vehicle.
continueUpon boolean If this element is true, Equifax continues with the
OrganizationN Create Registration Request with PPSR even if the
umberValidati Org ID validation fails. Only applicable if Grantor Type
onFailureOrSe is “Organisation”
ble Will not be included in the PPSR Request message.
registrationAtt Registration If not populated by the user this field will be populated
achmentConta AttachmentC with the Customer Reference Number (from the user
iner ontainerType defined fields) if provided; otherwise it will be left
CreateRegistr CreateRegist
ationsRequest rationsReque
CreateRegi CommonRequ CommonReq Common Fields, Common Messages and Common
strationsRe estType uestType Business Rules
SecuredParty string(20) The Secured Party Group Number identifies the
GroupNumber Secured Party Group for the Registration(s).
IsTransitional boolean Indicates if the Registrations are for an interest that
existed prior to the registration commencement time
of PPSR. If there is more than one new Registration
included in the request and any of them are
transitional registrations, then all of them must be
transitional registrations.

Registrations can only be created in PPSR as

transitional registrations for a period of 2 years
following the registration commencement time of
CollateralType NewRegistra The Collateral Type for all of the Registrations
tionCollateral included in the request
NewRegistrati List<NewColl One or more items of collateral. A separate
ons ateralRegistr Registration will be created for each
ation> NewCollateralRegistration in the list.
Grantors List<NewGra Zero, one or more grantors.
Only provide NewGrantors if there is at least one
NewCollateralRegistration that allows a grantor.
If at least one NewCollateralRegistration requires a
grantor, then at least one NewGrantor must be

Do not provide any NewGrantors if none of the

NewCollateralRegistrations allows a grantor. Please
note that this is subject to specific collateral
type/class. For some collateral type no grantors are

allowed and for some one grantor must be provided.
NewCollate NewRegistrati short A unique sequence number must be provided for each
ralRegistrat onSequenceN registration in order to uniquely identify the registration
ion umber in the request when creating multiple registrations

The first NewCollateralRegistration in a request

message should have a
NewRegistrationSequenceNumber value of 1; the
second NewCollateralRegistration in a request
message should have a
NewRegistrationSequenceNumber value of 2, and so

When the new Registrations have been created in

PPSR and the Registration Numbers assigned by
PPSR are provided in the response message, the
Registration Numbers in the response message are
linked to the sequence numbers in the request

This number will be used to associate business rule

violations (if any) with a particular registration. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail will include the
NewRegistrationSequenceNumber value for any
violations related to the NewCollateralRegistration.
This number is not stored in PPSR as part of the
Registration record.
EarlierRegistra string(20) The Registration Number of an existing earlier
tionNumber registration where the earlier registration relates to the
same security interest. The earlier registration must
still be current (not expired/discharged or removed).
GivingOfNotic string(50) An optional identifier that a Secured Party can specify
eIdentifier for the registration.

PPSR does not perform any validation of the value.

The giving of notice identifier is included in any
communication sent from the PPSR to the
registration’s address for service (e.g. verification
CollateralClas NewRegistra The Collateral Class for the registration.
sType tionCollateral Not all Collateral Classes can be used for every
ClassType Registration. The Collateral Classes that can be used
depend upon the value of CollateralType.
SerialNumber NewRegistra If the collateral in the registration is described by a
Details tionSerialise serial number, the SerialNumberDetails element must
dCollateralD be provided with details of the serial number.
SerialNumberDetails can only be provided if the
Collateral Type and Collateral Class allow for
collateral to be described by a serial number.

SerialNumberDetails must not be provided if the

Collateral Type and Collateral Class do not allow for
collateral to be described by a serial number.
SerialNumberDetails must be provided if the Collateral
Type and Collateral Class do not allow for collateral to
be described other than by a serial number.
CollateralDesc string(500) A free text description of the collateral.

Whether a free text description is allowed and whether
it is mandatory for a registration is described in the
document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral”

CollateralDescription must not be provided if a free

text description is not allowed.

CollateralDescription must be provided if a free text

description is mandatory.

Note: if there is insufficient space to adequately

describe the collateral and attachments are allowed
for the registration, additional description can be
provided in a file attachment with the registration.
IsRegistration boolean If “true”, identifies that the End Time for the
EndTimeNotSt registration has a value of “Not Stated”.
Whether the End Time for a registration can be “Not
Stated” for a registration is described in the document
“PPSR - - Describing Collateral”

Only provide a value if “Not Stated” is allowed for the


If “Not Stated” is allowed for the registration, then a

value must be provided.
RegistrationEn dateTime The date and time that the registration will expire.
If a value for RegistrationEndTime is provided, the
time provided should be 23:59:59. If it is not, it will not
generate an error. The message will still be accepted
and the time will be changed to 23:59:59.

If the End Time for a registration can be “Not Stated”

and the value of IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated is
True, then a value must not be provided for

If the End Time for a registration cannot be “Not

Stated”, then a value must be provided for

If the End Time for a registration can be “Not Stated”

and the value of IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated is
False, then a value must be provided for

The maximum End Time that can be provided for a

registration depends upon the Collateral Type,
Collateral Class and whether the collateral is
described by a serial number. If a
RegistrationEndTime is provided and the value
exceeds the maximum End Time allowed, it will not
generate an error. The message will still be accepted
and the End Time will set to 23:59:59 on the date of
the maximum allowed End Time for the registration.

If a RegistrationEndTime is provided, it cannot be on a

date prior to the current date.

IsPMSI boolean Whether the registration is a purchase money security
interest (PMSI).

Whether a registration is a PMSI is not relevant for all

registrations and is described in the document “PPSR
- - Describing Collateral v1.01”.

Only provide a value for IsPMSI if whether or not a

registration is a PMSI is relevant.

If whether or not a registration is a PMSI is relevant

then a value for IsPMSI must be provided.
IsInventory boolean Whether the collateral is inventory.

Whether the collateral is inventory is not relevant for

all registrations and is described in the document
“PPSR - - Describing Collateral”.

Only provide a value for IsInventory if whether or not

the collateral is inventory is relevant.
If whether or not collateral is inventory is relevant then
a value for IsInventory must be provided.
AreAssetsSubj boolean Whether the collateral is an asset subject to control.
Whether the collateral is an asset subject to control is
not relevant for all registrations and is described in the
document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral”.

In addition, for some registrations whether the

collateral is an asset subject to control is only relevant
if the collateral is inventory.

Only provide a value for AreAssetsSubjectToControl if

whether or not the collateral is an asset subject to
control is relevant.

If whether or not collateral is an asset subject to

control is relevant then a value for
AreAssetsSubjectToControl must be provided.
AreProceedsC boolean Whether or not proceeds are claimed.
Whether proceeds are claimed is not relevant for all
registrations and is described in the document “PPSR
- - Describing Collateral”.

Only provide a value for AreProceedsClaimed if

whether or not proceeds are claimed is relevant.

If whether or not proceeds are claimed is relevant

then a value for AreProceedsClaimed must be
ProceedsClai string(500) A free text description of the proceeds claimed.
n If whether proceeds are claimed is not relevant for the
registration, or the value provided for
AreProceedsClaimed is False, then a value for
ProceedsClaimedDescription must not be provided.

If whether proceeds are claimed is relevant and the

value provided for AreProceedsClaimed is True, then

providing a value in the ProceedsClaimedDescription
element is optional. However, if a value is not
provided, PPSR will set the description of proceeds
claimed to “All present and after acquired property”.
IsSubordinate boolean Whether the registration is subordinate to another
security interest. A value of “true” indicates the
registration is subordinate to another security interest.
A value of “false” indicates that whether or not the
registration is subordinate to another security interest
is not stated.
Attachments List<NewAtta A list of Attachments (if any) to be saved as part of the
chment> registration.

Attachments are not allowed for all registrations.

Whether attachments are allowed is described in the
document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral”.

Attachments must only be provided if attachments are

allowed for the registration.
NewRegistr SerialNumber NewRegistra The type of the serial number used to describe the
ationSeriali Type tionSerialNu collateral.
sedCollater mberType
alDescripti The type of serial number that can be used depends
on upon the values of CollateralType and
CollateralClassType and is described in the document
“PPSR - - Describing Collateral”.
SerialNumber string(50) The value of the serial number used to describe the
AdditionalVehi AdditionalVe If the collateral being described by serial number is for
cleDetails hicleCollater the Collateral Class of Motor Vehicle, the
alDescription AdditionalVehicleDetails must be provided.

If the collateral being described by serial number is for

any other Collateral Class, the
AdditionalVehicleDetails must not be provided.
AdditionalAircr AdditionalAir If the collateral being described by serial number is for
aftDetails craftCollatera one of the following Collateral Classes:
lDescription Aircraft Engine
Small Aircraft
the AdditionalAircraftDetails must be provided.

If the collateral being described by serial number is for

any other Collateral Class, the
AdditionalAircraftDetails must not be provided.
AdditionalV VehicleRegistr string(20) The registration plate number of the vehicle can
ehicleCollat ationNumber optionally be provided.
VehicleDescri string(500) If the type of serial number used to describe the
ptiveText collateral is a Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's Number,
then a free text description of the vehicle can be
provided in the VehicleDescriptiveText. However, the
VehicleDescriptiveText must not be provided if a value
has been provided for VehicleRegistrationNumber.

If the type of serial number used to describe the

collateral is anything other than a Motor Vehicle

Manufacturer's Number, then a value must not be
provided for VehicleDescriptiveText.
AdditionalA Manufacturers string(100) The name of the manufacturer.
ircraftCollat Name
eralDescrip A value for the ManufacturersName must be provided
tion in the following cases:

Collateral Class is Aircraft Engine and the type of

serial number used to describe the collateral is an
Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Airframe and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is an Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Helicopter and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is a Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number

A value for the ManufacturersName must not be

provided in all other cases.
Manufacturers string(50) A generic model designator provided by the
Model manufacturer.

A value for the ManufacturerModel must be provided

in the following cases:

Collateral Class is Aircraft Engine and the type of

serial number used to describe the collateral is an
Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Airframe and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is an Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Helicopter and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is a Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number

A value for the ManufacturerModel must not be

provided in all other cases.
AircraftNationa string(50) The aircraft nationality (the state of registry e.g.
lity ‘Australia’).

A value for the AircraftNationality is optional and may

be provided in the following cases:

Collateral Class is Airframe and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is an Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Helicopter and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is a Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Small Aircraft and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is an Aircraft
Nationality Code and Registration Mark

A value for the AircraftNationality must not be

provided in all other cases.
AircraftNationa string(100) The nationality (e.g. ‘VH’ for Australia) and registration
lityCodeAndR marks assigned pursuant to the Chicago Convention.
k A value for the
AircraftNationalityCodeAndRegistrationMark is
optional and may be provided in the following cases:

Collateral Class is Airframe and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is an Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number

Collateral Class is Helicopter and the type of serial

number used to describe the collateral is a Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number

A value for the

AircraftNationalityCodeAndRegistrationMark must not
be provided in all other cases.

Note: If the Collateral Class is Small Aircraft, the

Aircraft Nationality Code and Registration Mark must
be provided in the SerialNumber element, and the
SerialNumberType must be
AircraftNationalityCodeAndRegistrationMark. There
must be no value provided in the
AircraftNationalityCodeAndRegistrationMark element.
NewAttach NewAttachme short A unique sequence number must be provided for each
ment ntSequenceNu attachment in order to uniquely identify the attachment
mber when there is more than one attachment in the

The first NewAttachment in a request message should

have an NewAttachmentSequenceNumber value of 1;
the second NewAttachment in a request message
should have an NewAttachmentSequenceNumber
value of 2, and so on.

If there is more than one registration with attachments

in the request, the NewAttachmentSequenceNumbers
must be unique across all registrations in the request
(i.e. do not restart the sequence at 1 for each
This number will be used to associate business rule
violations (if any) with a particular attachment. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail will include the
NewAttachmentSequenceNumber value for any
violations related to the NewAttachment.

This number is not stored in PPSR as part of the

Registration record.
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id for the attachment to be saved as
part of the registration.

The Attachment Id must be for an attachment that has

already been uploaded to PPSR using the Upload
Registration Attachment operation,

The Attachment Id must not have already been used

for another registration.

NewGranto NewGrantorSe short A unique sequence number must be provided for each
r quenceNumbe grantor in order to uniquely identify the grantor in the
r request when there is more than one grantor in the

The first NewGrantor in a request message should

have a NewGrantorSequenceNumber value of 1; the
second NewGrantor in a request message should
have a NewGrantorSequenceNumber value of 2, and
so on.

This number will be used to associate business rule

violations (if any) with a particular grantor. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail will include the
NewGrantorSequenceNumber value for any violations
related to the NewGrantor.

This number is not stored in PPSR as part of the

Registration record.
GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the Grantor is an organisation or an
individual. If the CollateralType is Consumer, then
only grantors who are individuals can be provided.
Organisation GrantorOrga If the grantor is an organisation, a value for
nisation Organisation must be provided.

If the grantor is not an organisation, a value for

Organisation must not be provided.
Individual NewGrantorI If the grantor is an individual, a value for Individual
ndividual must be provided.

If the grantor is not an individual, a value for Individual

must not be provided.
GrantorOrg OrganisationN Organisation The type of the number used to identify the
anisation umberType NumberType organisation (e.g. ACN, ARBN, ARSN, ABN).

Only provide a value for OrganisationNumberType if

the grantor is an organisation that will be identified in
PPSR by its organisation number.

If a value is provided for OrganisationNumberType

then a value must also be provided for
OrganisationNumber and a value must not be
provided for OrganisationName.

If a value is not provided for OrganisationName then a

value must be provided for OrganisationNumberType.
OrganisationN string(50) The value of the number used to identify the
umber organisation.

Only provide a value for OrganisationNumber if the

grantor is an organisation that will be identified in
PPSR by its organisation number.

If a value is provided for OrganisationNumber then a

value must also be provided for
OrganisationNumberType and a value must not be
provided for OrganisationName.

If a value is not provided for OrganisationName then a

value must be provided for OrganisationNumber.

OrganisationN string(250) The name of the organisation.
Only provide a value for OrganisationName if the
grantor is an organisation that will not be identified in
PPSR by an organisation number.

If a value is provided for OrganisationName then a

value must not be provided for
OrganisationNumberType or OrganisationNumber.

If a value is not provided for OrganisationName then a

value must be provided for OrganisationNumberType
and OrganisationNumber.

The value provided must contain only 7-bit ASCII

NewGranto FamilyName string(40) The family name of the grantor.
The value provided must contain only 7-bit ASCII
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the grantor.

The value provided must contain only 7-bit ASCII

DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the grantor.

Note: A time should not be specified. However, if a

time component is specified it is ignored by PPSR.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes

CreateRegistrationsR CreateRegistrations CreateRegistrations
esponseMessage Response ResponseType
CreateRegistrationsR CommonResponseT CommonResponse
esponseType ype Type
Registrations List<RegistrationInf There will be one
o> RegistrationInfo in the list of
Registrations for each
NewCollateralRegistration that
was provided in the request
RegistrationInfo NewRegistrationSeq short The same value as the
uenceNumber NewRegistrationSequenceNu
mber in the corresponding
NewCollateralRegistration that
was provided in the request
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
assigned by PPSR to the
ChangeNumber long The Change Number assigned
by PPSR to the initial version
of the Registration.
A Change Number is unique
across PPSR and is used to
show the order of changes to
Every time a Registration is
amended, including the
original creation of the
Registration, a unique
sequential Change Number is
assigned to the version of the
Registration record. This
Change Number will be
unique and sequentially
allocated across all changes
to all Registration records, not
just across the changes to the
one Registration.
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
RegistrationStartTim dateTime The date and time that the
e registration is first registered in
PPSR. Shows the day, month,
year, hour, minute and
second. The value is set by
the system when the
registration is saved to the
When there is more than one
NewCollateralRegistration in
the request message, all
registrations created at the
same time will have the same
RegistrationStartTime value.

RegistrationEndTime dateTime The date and time that the
registration will expire. See the
corresponding element of the
ype for more details.
IsRegistrationEndTi boolean Indicates whether the
meChanged RegistrationEndTime was
changed by PPSR while
creating the registration.
This can occur in the following
If the value for
RegistrationEndTime in the
request message is greater
than the maximum end time
allowed for this combination of
Collateral Type, Collateral
Class and whether the
collateral is described by a
serial number, the time
component will be set to
23:59:59 on the date of the
maximum allowed End Time
for the registration.
If the value for
RegistrationEndTime in the
request message is provided
and has a time component
that is not 23:59:59, the time
component will be set to

Fault Message

Class Element Type Notes

PpsrCollateralRegistr PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultDet
ationCreateValidation ail
ApplicationValidation List<PpsrValidation A list of validation errors in the
Errors Error> data that is common to all
Registrations in the request
CollateralRegistratio List<PpsrValidation A list of validation errors in the
nValidationErrors ErrorGroup> data for Registrations in the
request message.
AttachmentValidatio List<PpsrValidation A list of validation errors in the
nErrors ErrorGroup> data for attachments in the
request message.
GrantorValidationErr List<PpsrValidation A list of validation errors in the
ors ErrorGroup> data for grantors in the request
PpsrValidationErrorGr SequenceNumber short Identifies the sequence number
oup of the element in the request
message for which validation
errors have occurred. For
example, if the
PpsrValidationErrorGroup is for
validation errors associated
with a
NewCollateralRegistration in
the request message, the value
of SequenceNumber will be the
value of the
ber of the
NewCollateralRegistration in
the request message.
ValidationErrors List<PpsrValidation A list of validation errors in the
Error> data for the element in the
request message identified by
the SequenceNumber.
PpsrValidationError ErrorNumber string(10) The ErrorNumber is used to
identify the specific validation
error that occurred, or the
specific business rule that was
not complied with.
ErrorMessage string A description of the error.

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetailand the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35004. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported. In the following table, the value in the SOAP Fault column
indicates which group of errors in the PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail that a
violation of the business rule will be reported in (ApplicationValidationErrors,
CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors, AttachmentValidationErrors or GrantorValidationErrors), as
well as the value of the ErrorNumber for the business rule that has been violated.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The CreateRegistrationsRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 If the current system date and time Fault Detail Type:
(Canberra date time) has passed PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the transitional period (2 years ultDetail
following the registration ApplicationValidationErrors
commencement time of PPSR), Error Number: 32012
then the value for IsTransitional
must be “false”.
0-30 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
not be an empty string. ultDetail
Error Number: 32013
0-40 The value of Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
be for an existing Secured Party ultDetail
Group. ApplicationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32014
0-50 At least one Fault Detail Type:
NewCollateralRegistration must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
provided. ultDetail
Error Number: 32146
0-60 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
NewCollateralRegistration is PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
provided, then each ultDetail
NewCollateralRegistration must CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
have a unique Error Number: 32145
0-70 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
EarlierRegistrationNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
element, then the value must be a ultDetail
Registration Number for an CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
existing registration. Error Number: 32010
0-80 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
EarlierRegistrationNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
element, then the value must be a ultDetail
Registration Number for a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
registration that is still current (i.e. Error Number: 32011
not expired, discharged or
0-90 The value for CollateralClassType Fault Detail Type:
is allowed for the provided PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
CollateralType. ultDetail

Error Number: 32110
0-100 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
describing collateral by a serial ultDetail
number must be allowed for the CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
provided CollateralType and Error Number: 32112
SerialNumberDetails must not be
provided if the CollateralType and
CollateralClassType do not allow
for collateral to be described by a
serial number.
0-110 If a value is not provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
describing collateral without a ultDetail
serial number must be allowed for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the provided CollateralType and Error Number: 32113
0-120 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value of the SerialNumberType ultDetail
must be allowed for the provided CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
CollateralType and Error Number: 32111
0-130 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value provided in the ultDetail
SerialNumber must not be an CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
empty string. Error Number: 32001
0-140 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element and PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the SerialNumberType provided is ultDetail
“VIN”, then the SerialNumber CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
provided must be 17 characters in Error Number: 32141
length, excluding white spaces.
0-150 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element and PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value in the ultDetail
CollateralClassType is for a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Collateral Class other than Motor Error Number: 32115
Vehicle, then
AdditionalVehicleDetails must not
be provided.
0-160 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
and the SerialNumberType is not ultDetail
Motor Vehicle Manufacturer’s CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Number, then a value must not be Error Number: 32116
provided in the
0-170 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the SerialNumberType is Motor ultDetail
Vehicle Manufacturer’s Number CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
and a value has been provided in Error Number: 32043
the VehicleRegistrationNumber
element that is not an empty string,
then a value must not be provided
in the VehicleDescriptiveText that

is not an empty string.
0-180 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element and PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value in the ultDetail
CollateralClassType is for one of CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the Collateral Classes of Aircraft Error Number: 32117
Engine, Airframe or Helicopter,
then AdditionalAircraftDetails must
be provided.
0-190 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberDetails element and PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value in the ultDetail
CollateralClassType is for a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Collateral Class other than Aircraft Error Number: 32118
Engine, Airframe, Helicopter or
Small Aircraft, then
AdditionalAircraftDetails must not
be provided.
0-200 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalAircraftDetails element PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
and: ultDetail
the CollateralClassType is Aircraft CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Engine and the SerialNumberType Error Number: 32036
is Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s
Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
then a value must be provided for
ManufacturersName and the value
must not be an empty string.
0-210 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
ManufacturerName element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the CollateralClassType and ultDetail
SerialNumberType must be one of: CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the CollateralClassType is Aircraft Error Number: 32119
Engine and the SerialNumberType
is Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s
Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
0-220 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalAircraftDetails element PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
and: ultDetail
the CollateralClassType is Aircraft CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Engine and the SerialNumberType Error Number: 32037
is Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s
Number, or
the CollateralClassType is

Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
then a value must be provided for
ManufacturersModel and the value
must not be an empty string.
0-230 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
ManufacturersModel element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the CollateralClassType and ultDetail
SerialNumberType must be one of: CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the CollateralClassType is Aircraft Error Number: 32120
Engine and the SerialNumberType
is Aircraft Engine Manufacturer’s
Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
0-240 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AircraftNationality element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the CollateralClassType and ultDetail
SerialNumberType must be one of: CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the CollateralClassType is Error Number: 32040
Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
the CollateralClassType is Small
Aircraft and the SerialNumberType
is Aircraft Nationality Code and
0-250 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:
AircraftNationalityCodeAndRegistr PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
ationMark element, then the ultDetail
CollateralClassType and CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
SerialNumberType must be one of: Error Number: 32041
the CollateralClassType is
Airframe and the
SerialNumberType is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the CollateralClassType is
Helicopter and the
SerialNumberType is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
0-260 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
CollateralDescription, then a free PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
text description must be allowed ultDetail
for the registration. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32029

0-270 If a free text description is Fault Detail Type:
mandatory for the registration, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
a value must be provided for ultDetail
CollateralDescription and the value CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
must not be an empty string. Error Number: 32028
0-280 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then providing a “Not Stated” end ultDetail
time must be allowed for the CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
registration. Error Number: 32031
0-290 If providing a “Not Stated” end time Fault Detail Type:
is allowed for the registration, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
a value must be provided for ultDetail
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32108
0-300 If a value is not allowed and is not Fault Detail Type:
provided for PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated, ultDetail
then a value must be provided for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
RegistrationEndTime. Error Number: 32123
0-310 If a value is allowed and is Fault Detail Type:
provided for PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated ultDetail
and the value is “false”, then a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
value must be provided for Error Number: 32032
0-320 If a value is allowed and is Fault Detail Type:
provided for PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotStated ultDetail
and the value is “true”, then a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
value must not be provided for Error Number: 32033
0-330 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEndTime, it must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
be before the current date. ultDetail
Error Number: 32122
0-340 If whether a registration is a PMSI Fault Detail Type:
is not relevant for the registration, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value for IsPMSI must not ultDetail
be provided. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32023
0-350 If whether a registration is a PMSI Fault Detail Type:
is relevant for the registration, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
type of serial number, then a value ultDetail
for IsPMSI must be provided. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32103
0-360 If whether collateral is inventory is Fault Detail Type:
not relevant for the registration, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value for IsInventory must ultDetail
not be provided. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32024
0-370 If whether collateral is inventory is Fault Detail Type:
relevant for the registration, then a PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
value for IsInventory must be ultDetail
provided. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32104
0-380 If whether the collateral is an asset Fault Detail Type:
subject to control is not relevant for PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa

the registration, then a value for ultDetail
AreAssetsSubjectToControl must CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
not be provided. Error Number: 32109
0-390 If whether the collateral is an asset Fault Detail Type:
subject to control is relevant for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
registration, but is not relevant ultDetail
because asset subject to control is CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
subject to the collateral being Error Number: 32025
inventory and the value of
IsInventory is “false”, then a value
for AreAssetsSubjectToControl
must not be provided.
0-400 If whether the collateral is an asset Fault Detail Type:
subject to control is relevant for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
registration, and is also relevant ultDetail
because asset subject to control is CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
subject to the collateral being Error Number: 32105
inventory and the value of
IsInventory is “true”, then a value
for AreAssetsSubjectToControl
must be provided.
0-410 If whether the collateral is an asset Fault Detail Type:
subject to control is relevant for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
registration regardless of whether ultDetail
the collateral is inventory, then a CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
value for Error Number: 32135
AreAssetsSubjectToControl must
be provided.
0-420 If whether proceeds are claimed is Fault Detail Type:
not relevant for the registration, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value for ultDetail
AreProceedsClaimed must not be CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
provided. Error Number: 32124
0-430 If whether proceeds are claimed is Fault Detail Type:
relevant for the registration, then a PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
value for AreProceedsClaimed ultDetail
must be provided. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32126
0-440 If whether proceeds are claimed is Fault Detail Type:
not relevant for the registration, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value for ultDetail
ProceedsClaimedDescription must CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
not be provided. Error Number: 32030
0-450 If whether proceeds are claimed is Fault Detail Type:
relevant for the registration, and PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value of AreProceedsClaimed ultDetail
is False, then a value for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
ProceedsClaimedDescription must Error Number: 32125
not be provided.
0-460 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
Attachments element and at least PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
one NewAttachment is provided, ultDetail
then attachments must be allowed CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
for the registration. Error Number: 43004
0-470 If more than one NewAttachment Fault Detail Type:
is provided (across all PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
NewCollateralRegistrations in the ultDetail
request message), then each AttachmentValidationErrors
NewAttachment must have a Error Number: 43012

0-480 If more than one NewAttachment Fault Detail Type:
is provided (across all PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
NewCollateralRegistrations in the ultDetail
request message), then a AttachmentValidationErrors
NewAttachment must not have the Error Number: 43013
same AttachmentId as another
NewAttachment already provided.
0-490 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a NewAttachment PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
must be for an Attachment that has ultDetail
been uploaded to PPSR by this AttachmentValidationErrors
Account Customer. Error Number: 43014
0-500 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a NewAttachment PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
must not be for an Attachment that ultDetail
has already been associated with AttachmentValidationErrors
an existing Registration (even if Error Number: 43008
the existing Registration has
expired, been discharged,
removed or archived, or the
Attachment has been removed
from the existing Registration).
0-510 The number of NewAttachments Fault Detail Type:
for a single PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
NewCollateralRegistrations must ultDetail
not exceed the maximum allowed CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
number of Attachments for a Error Number: 43005
0-520 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
Grantors element and at least one PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
Grantor is provided, then there ultDetail
must be at least one ApplicationValidationErrors
NewRegistration provided that Error Number: 32136
allows a Grantor.
0-530 If a NewRegistration is provided Fault Detail Type:
that requires a Grantor, then at PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
least one Grantor must be ultDetail
provided. RegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32027
0-540 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
CollateralType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
Consumer, then there must not be ultDetail
any Grantors with GrantorType GrantorValidationErrors
that is not Individual. Error Number: 32132
0-550 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
Unsupported. ultDetail
Error Number: 32016
0-560 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
Organisation, then a value must ultDetail
not be provided for the Individual GrantorValidationErrors
element. Error Number: 32055
0-570 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
Organisation, then a value must be ultDetail

provided for the Organisation GrantorValidationErrors
element and a value must be Error Number: 32128
provided for either
OrganisationName or
OrganisationNumber where the
value is not an empty string.
0-580 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
Organisation element, then a value PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
must not be provided for both ultDetail GrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationName and Error Number: 32121
0-590 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
a value must also be provided for ultDetail GrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32107
0-600 If a value is not provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
a value must not be provided for ultDetail GrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32127
0-610 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumberType element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value must not be ultDetail
Unsupported. GrantorValidationErrors
Error Number: 32017
0-620 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationName element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
the value provided must only ultDetail
contain 7-bit ASCII characters GrantorValidationErrors
Error Number: 32004
0-630 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value must not be provided ultDetail
for the Organisation element. GrantorValidationErrors
Error Number: 32056
0-640 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then a value must be provided for ultDetail
the Individual element with values GrantorValidationErrors
provided for both FamilyName and Error Number: 32129
GivenNames that are not empty
0-650 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then the value provided for ultDetail
FamilyName must only contain 7- GrantorValidationErrors
bit ASCII characters Error Number: 32006
0-660 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
then the value provided for ultDetail
GivenNames must only contain 7- GrantorValidationErrors
bit ASCII characters Error Number: 32007
0-670 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
Individual element, and a value PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
has been provided for DateOfBirth, ultDetail
then the value must not be later GrantorValidationErrors
than the current date (as per Error Number: 32015
Canberra time).
0-680 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
Individual element, and a value PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa

has been provided for DateOfBirth, ultDetail
then the calculated age (as per GrantorValidationErrors
Canberra time) must not be more Error Number: 32138
than 120 years old.
0-690 If more than one Grantor is Fault Detail Type:
provided, then each Grantor must PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
have a unique ultDetail
NewGrantorSequenceNumber. GrantorValidationErrors
Error Number: 32148
0-700 If more than one Grantor is Fault Detail Type:
provided, then a Grantor must PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFa
not be an exact replica (i.e. have ultDetail
all the same values) of another GrantorValidationErrors
Grantor already provided. Error Number: 32133

Upload Registration Attachment
Attachments can be uploaded to PPSR as a part of the “CreateRegistrations” Operation or may be
uploaded using the “UploadRegistrationAttachment” Operation.

Refer to the Create Registration section on how to attach an attachment in the “CreateRegistrations”
operations. The business rules described in this section also apply for uploading attachments as a
part of the “CreateRegistrations” Operation.

When an attachment is uploaded, the file name of the attachment must be provided. An optional
description of the attachement can also be provided.

When an Attachment is uploaded to PPSR, the Attachment will be checked for conformance with
PPSR requirements for Attachments. This includes:

 Checking the file for viruses and other malware.

 Ensuring the file is a file type that can be accepted as an Attachment. Currently only pdf file
type is accepted but this may change over time. Any changes to the accepted file types will
be communicated to users.
 Ensuring the file size is within the file size limit for Attachments. The file size limit is currently
specified as 10MB but may change over time. Any changes to the file size limit will be
communicated to users.

When the Attachment has been checked and accepted by PPSR, the Attachment will be allocated a
unique Attachment Id. The Attachment Id needs to be provided in the subsequent request to create
or amend a Registration in order to add the Attachment to the Registration.

Each Attachment uploaded to PPSR can only be associated with one Registration. Once a
Registration has been saved with a particular Attachment Id, the same Attachment Id cannot be used
to save with another Registration, even if the existing Registration has expired or the Attachment has
been removed from the existing Registration.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
UploadRegistrationAt BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessag
tachmentRequestMe age e
UploadRegistration UploadRegistrationAt
AttachmentReques tachmenRequestTyp
t e
UploadRegistrationAt CommonRequestT CommonRequestTyp
tachmentRequestTyp ype e
AttachmentFileNa string(255) The file name of the
me attachment.
Attachment byte[] The attachment file as a byte
AttachmentDescrip string(250) An optional description of the
tion attachment.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
UploadRegistrationAt UploadRegistration UploadRegistrationAt
tachmentResponseM AttachmentRespon tachmentResponseT
essage se ype
UploadRegistrationAt CommonResponse CommonResponseT
tachmentResponseT Type ype
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
AttachmentId long A unique identifier of the
attachment allocated by PPSR
to the attachment. The
Attachment Id needs to be
provided in the subsequent
request to create or amend a
Registration in order to add the
Attachment to the Registration.

Fault Message
Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistrati PpsrSoapFaultDeta PpsrSoapFault
onUploadAttachmentFa il Detail
AttachmentFileNam string(255) The file name of the attachment
e that resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
UploadRegistrationAttachmen Error Number: 50005
tRequest element must be
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentFileName must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationUploadAttachmentFault
be an empty string. Detail
Error Number: 43000
0-30 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentFileName must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationUploadAttachmentFault
contain any of the following Detail
characters: Error Number: 43015
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)
. (period) as the first or last
any control character (e.g.
0-40 The Attachment file must not Fault Detail Type:
contain a virus or other PpsrCollateralRegistrationUploadAttachmentFault
malware. Detail
Error Number: 43011
0-50 The file type of the Fault Detail Type:
Attachment file must be a file PpsrCollateralRegistrationUploadAttachmentFault
type that can be accepted by Detail
PPSR as an Attachment. Error Number: 43003
0-60 The file size of the Fault Detail Type:
Attachment file must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationUploadAttachmentFault
greater than the maximum Detail
allowed file size. Error Number: 43006

Retrieve Registration

This operation is used to retrieve the current version of a Registration. This allows the secured party
to review the current information held in PPSR for the registration prior to performing some other
action for the registration, such as amending or discharging the registration.

The Registration Number of the Registration needs to be provided in the request to identify the
specific registration to be retrieved.

Access to retrieve the specific registration needs to be authorised. To authorise access, the request
message must include either:

 the Registration Token for the registration; or

 the Secured Party Group Number of the Secured Party Group for the registration, and the
Secured Party Group Access Code for the Secured Party Group.

The user also has the option to retrieve any attachments to the registration as part of the Retrieve
Registration operation. As such the business rules related to the Retrieve Registration Attachment
operation also apply for the Retrieve Registration operation.

Receive Customer’s
“Retrieve Registration”

Did Customer Supply

Registration Token or
SPG Number and SPG No
Access Code?


Generate PPSR
"Retrieve Registration"

Generate Input
Receive “Retrieve Validation Error
Registration” Response Response

Please provide a Registration

Token or a SPG Number &
Initiate PPSR SPG Access Code
“Retrieve Yes Did Customer
Registration Request
Attachment” Attachments?

Receive “Retrieve

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveRegistrationReq BaseRequestMessage BaseReque
uestMessage stMessage
RetrieveRegistrationReq RetrieveRe
uest gistrationRe
retrieveAttachments boolean Option of requesting registration
attachments within the Retrieve
Registration Product.

agd:RetrieveRegistration ref Refers to the name of

RequestType RetrieveRegistrationRequestTy
pe element in the namespace
RetrieveRegistrationReq CommonRequestType CommonRe
uestType questType
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of the
Registration to be retrieved.
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token for the
Registration to be retrieved.
SecuredPartyGroupNum string(20) The Secured Party Group
ber Number of the Secured Party
Group for the Registration to be
retrieved. Only provide the
SecuredPartyGroupNumber if
the RegistrationToken is not
SecuredPartyGroupAcc string(50) The Secured Party Group
essCode Access Code for the Secured
Party Group. Only provide the
e if the RegistrationToken is not

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveRegistrationRe RetrieveRegistration RetrieveRegistrationR
sponseMessage Response esponseType
RetrieveRegistrationRe CommonResponseT CommonResponseTy
sponseType ype pe
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
CollateralRegistratio CollateralRegistration The Registration for the
n requested
CollateralRegistration RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the registration.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of
the current version of the
EarlierRegistrationN string(20) The Registration Number
umber of an earlier registration
where the earlier
registration relates to the
same security interest.
IsTransitional boolean Indicates if the registration
is for an interest that
existed prior to the
commencement time of
IsMigrated boolean Indicates if the registration
was migrated from an
existing register.
RegistrationStartTim dateTime The date and time the
e registration was first
registered in PPSR.
IsRegistrationEndTi boolean If “true”, identifies that the
meNotStated End Time for the
registration has a value of
“Not Stated”.
If “false”, an End Time will
be specified in the
If not specified, the
registration cannot have a
“not Stated” End Time and
an End Time will be
specified in the
RegistrationEndTim dateTime The date and time that the
e registration will expire.
Only provided if
Stated is “false” or not
RegistrationChange dateTime The date and time that the
Time registration was last
amended (or created if not
SecuredPartyGroup ColateralRegistrationS The Secured Party Group
ecuredPartyGroup for the registration.

Grantors List< Grantor > The Grantors for the
GivingOfNoticeIdenti string(50) An optional identifier that a
fier Secured Party Group has
specified for the
AddressForService AddressForService The Address for Service
for the registration.
RegistrationKind string(200) The RegistrationKind of
the registration.
IsSecurityInterestRe boolean Indicates whether the
gistrationKind registration is for a security
If “true”, the Registration
Kind is a security interest.
If “false”, the Registration
Kind is not a security
CollateralType CollateralType The Collateral Type of the
CollateralClassType CollateralClassType The Collateral Class of the
SerialNumberDetails SerialisedCollateralDe If the collateral in the
scription registration is described by
a serial number, the
element contains the
details of the serial
CollateralDescription string(500) A free text description of
the collateral.
IsPMSI ExtendedBooleanType Whether the registration is
a purchase money security
interest (PMSI).
If not specified, whether
the registration is a PMSI
is not relevant.
IsInventory ExtendedBooleanType Whether the collateral is
If not specified, whether
the collateral is inventory
is not relevant.
AreAssetsSubjectTo ExtendedBooleanType Whether the collateral is
Control an asset subject to control.
If not specified, whether
the collateral is an asset
subject to control is not
AreProceedsClaime ExtendedBooleanType Whether or not proceeds
d are claimed.
If not specified, whether or
not proceeds are claimed
is not relevant.
ProceedsClaimedDe string(500) A free text description of
scription the proceeds claimed.
IsSubordinate boolean Whether the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest. A value
of “true” indicates the

registration is subordinate
to another security
interest. A value of “false”
indicates that whether or
not the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest is not
Attachments List<AttachmentDetail If the registration has any
> attachments, the
Attachments element
contains details of the
Note that this element
does not contain the actual
attachment file. The
ment operation is used to
retrieve the actual
attachment file..
MigrationDetail MigrationDetail If the registration is a
migrated registration
(IsMigrated will be “true”),
this will contain further
details that relate to
migrated registrations.
SerialisedCollateralDe SerialNumberType SerialNumberType The type of the serial
scription number used to describe
the collateral.
SerialNumber string(50) The value of the serial
number used to describe
the collateral.
AdditionalVehicleDet AdditionalVehicleColla If the collateral being
ails teralDescription described by serial
number is for the
Collateral Class of Motor
Vehicle, the
will be populated.
If the collateral being
described by serial
number is for any other
Collateral Class, the
will be null.
AdditionalAircraftDet AdditionalAircraftCollat If the collateral being
ails eralDescription described by serial
number is for one of the
following Collateral
Aircraft Engine
Small Aircraft
will be populated.
If the collateral being
described by serial

number is for any other
Collateral Class, the
will be null.
AdditionalVehicleCollat VehicleRegistration string(20) The registration plate
eralDescription Number number of the vehicle.
VehicleDescriptiveT string(500) If the type of serial number
ext used to describe the
collateral is a Motor
Vehicle Manufacturer's
Number, a free text
description of the vehicle.
AdditionalAircraftCollat ManufacturersName string(100) The name of the
eralDescription manufacturer.
ManufacturersModel string(50) A generic model
designator provided by the
AircraftNationality string(50) The aircraft nationality (the
state of registry e.g.
AircraftNationalityCo string(100) The nationality (e.g. ‘VH’
deAndRegistrationM for Australia) and
ark registration marks
assigned pursuant to the
Chicago Convention.
CollateralRegistrationS SecuredPartyGroup string(20) The Secured Party Group
ecuredPartyGroup Number Number of the Secured
Party Group for the
SecuredParties List<CollateralRegistra The Secured Parties that
tionSecuredParty> make up the Secured
Party Group.
CollateralRegistrationS SecuredPartyType SecuredPartyType Indicates whether the
ecuredParty Secured Party is an
organisation or an
Organisation SecuredPartyOrganisa If the Secured Party is an
tion organisation, the details of
the organisation.
Individual SecuredPartyIndividua If the Secured Party is an
l individual, the details of
the individual.
SecuredPartyOrganisa OrganisationNumber OrganisationNumberT The type of the number
tion Type ype used to identify the
organisation (e.g. ACN,
There is a value for
only if the Secured Party is
an organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationNumber string(50) The value of the number
used to identify the
There is a value for
OrganisationNumber only
if the Secured Party is an
organisation that is

identified in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the
If the Secured Party is an
organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation name, this
will be the name of the
organisation specified
when the Secured Party
Group for the registration
was created.
If the Secured Party is an
organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation number, this
will be the name of the
organisation retrieved from
ARBN) or ABR (for ABN)
for the organisation
number. If the
organisation number does
not exist in ASIC or ABR,
or ASIC/ABR has not been
successfully contacted yet
to verify the organisation
number, then the
OrganisationName will
display a value indicating
the verification status of
the organisation number.
SecuredPartyIndividual FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
Secured Party.
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
Secured Party.
Grantor GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the
Grantor is an organisation
or an individual. .
Organisation GrantorOrganisation If the grantor is an
organisation, the details of
the organisation.
Individual GrantorIndividual If the grantor is an
individual, the details of
the individual.
GrantorOrganisation OrganisationNumber OrganisationNumberT The type of the number
Type ype used to identify the
organisation (e.g. ACN,
There is a value for
only if the Grantor is an
organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationNumber string(50) The value of the number
used to identify the

There is a value for
OrganisationNumber only
if the Grantor is an
organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the
There is a value for
OrganisationName only if
the Grantor is an
organisation that is
identified in PPSR by its
organisation name.
GrantorIndividual FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the
AddressForService Addressee string(50) If an addressee has been
specified in the Address
for Service, this will be the
If an addressee has not
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.
B2GAccountCustom string(20) If a B2G address has been
erNumber specified in the Address
for Service, this will be the
Account Customer
Number of the B2G
Account Customer whose
B2G Mailbox will be used
for notifications.
If a B2G address has not
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.
B2GAccountCustom string(250) If a B2G address has been
erName specified in the Address
for Service, this will be the
name of the B2G Account
Customer whose B2G
Mailbox will be used for
If a B2G address has not
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.
EmailAddress string(250) If an email address has
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be the email address.
If an email address has
not been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.

FaxNumber string(20) If a fax number has been
specified in the Address
for Service, this will be the
fax number.
If a fax number has not
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.
MailingAddress Address The postal mail address
specified in the Address
for Service.
PhysicalAddress Address If a physical address has
been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be the physical
If a physical address has
not been specified in the
Address for Service, this
will be null.
Address ISO3166CountryCod string(2) The ISO 3166 country
e code of the country for the
CountryName string(50) The name of the country
specified by the
Line1 string(50) The first line of the
Line2 string(50) The (optional) second line
of the address.
Line3 string(50) The (optional) third line of
the address.
Locality string(50) The suburb or town of the
Postcode string(10) The postcode of the
State string(20) The state/province of the
AttachmentDetail AttachmentId long A unique identifier of the
attachment in PPSR.
AttachmentDescripti string(250) An optional description for
on the attachment.
AttachmentFileNam string(255) The filename of the
e attachment.
AttachmentFileSizeB int The size of the Attachment
ytes in bytes.
IsMigratedAttachme boolean For registrations that were
nt migrated from other
registers prior to
commencement of PPSR,
an attachment may have
been created when the
Registration was migrated
from its source register
that contains additional
data provided by the
source register that is not
supported by PPSR.

indicates whether the
attachment is such an
Note that attachments that
existed in source registers
prior to migration to PPSR
and have been brought
across to PPSR are not
migrated attachments and
the value of
IsMigratedAttachment will
be “false”.
MigrationDetail SourceRegister string(200) The name of the register
the registration was
migrated from.
OriginalStartDate string(50) The original start date of
the registration as
recorded on the source

Fault Message
Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nRetrieveFaultDetail etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The RetrieveRegistrationRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
an empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
for an existing Registration. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber and Error Number: 32142
must not be provided.
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must Error Number: 32139
be provided and the value must
not be an empty string.
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode Error Number: 32140
must be provided and the value
must not be an empty string.
0-70 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the RegistrationToken PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
must be correct for the Error Number: 34004
0-80 If the SecuredPartyGroupNumber Fault Detail Type:
and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode Error Number: 32008
are provided, the
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must
be the correct
SecuredPartyGroupNumber for the
Registration and the
must be correct for the
0-90 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveFaultDetail
Error Number: 32097
0-100 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveFaultDetail
Error Number: 32098
0-110 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
marked as “access is restricted”. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveFaultDetail
Error Number: 32002
0-120 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveFaultDetail
Error Number: 32096

Retrieve Registration Attachment

This operation is used to retrieve an Attachment for a Registration.

Attachments may be retrieved as part of the Retrieve Registration operation or separately using this
Registration Registration Attachment operation. This allows the secured party to review the current
information held in PPSR for the registration prior to performing some other action for the registration,
such as amending or discharging the registration.

Only Attachments that are associated with the current version of a Registration can be retrieved using
this operation. Attachments that are only associated with previous versions of a Registration can only
be retrieved using the Collateral Registration Search Service.

Access to retrieve the specific Attachment needs to be authorised. The same authorisation used for
the Retrieve Registration operation is also used for the Retrieve Registration Attachment operation.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

RetrieveRegistrationAtt BaseRequestMessa BaseRequestMe
achmentRequestMess ge ssage
RetrieveRegistration RetrieveRegistra
AttachmentRequest tionAttachmenR
RetrieveRegistrationAtt CommonRequestTy CommonReques
achmentRequestType pe tType
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id of the
Attachment to be retrieved.
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of the
Registration to which the
Attachment belongs.
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token for the
Registration to which the
Attachment belongs.
SecuredPartyGroup string(20) The Secured Party Group

Number Number of the Secured Party
Group for the Registration to
which the Attachment belongs.
Only provide the
SecuredPartyGroupNumber if
the RegistrationToken is not
SecuredPartyGroup string(50) The Secured Party Group
AccessCode Access Code for the Secured
Party Group. Only provide the
if the RegistrationToken is not

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

RetrieveRegistrationAtt RetrieveRegistration RetrieveRegistra
achmentResponseMes AttachmentRespons tionAttachmentR
sage e esponseType
RetrieveRegistrationAtt CommonResponseT CommonRespon
achmentResponseTyp ype seType
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
Attachment byte[] The attachment file as a byte
AttachmentFileNam string(255) The file name of the attachment.

Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nRetrieveAttachmentFau etail
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id that resulted
in the error.
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
RetrieveRegistrationAttachment Error Number: 50005
RequestMessage element must
be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
an empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
for an existing Registration. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber and Error Number: 32142
must not be provided.
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber Error Number: 32139
must be provided and the value
must not be an empty string.
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode Error Number: 32140
must be provided and the value
must not be an empty string.
0-70 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the RegistrationToken PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
must be correct for the Error Number: 34004
0-80 If the Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNumber and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode Error Number: 32008
are provided, the
must be the correct
SecuredPartyGroupNumber for
the Registration and the
must be correct for the
0-90 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveAttachmentFaul
Error Number: 32097
0-100 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveAttachmentFaul
Error Number: 32098
0-110 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
marked as “access is restricted”. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveAttachmentFaul
Error Number: 32002
0-120 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveAttachmentFaul
Error Number: 32096
0-130 The AttachmentId must be for an Fault Detail Type:

Attachment that is associated PpsrCollateralRegistrationRetrieveAttachmentFaul
with the current version of the tDetail
Registration (i.e. the Error Number: 43016
AttachmentId must not be for an
Attachment that was previously
associated the Registration but
has since been removed from
the Registration).

Amend Registration

This operation is used to amend an existing Registration. Only current Registrations can be
amended, that is, only Registrations that have not expired, been discharged or removed from
PPSR. A current Registration that has been marked by the Registrar as “access is restricted” cannot
be amended.

Not all attributes of a Registration can be amended. If an attribute that cannot be amended needs to
be changed it will be necessary to create a new Registration with the required details and discharge
the existing Registration. The schema of the request message for the Amend Registration operation
does not include data elements for attributes of a Registration that cannot be amended.

The schema of the request message contains data elements for all attributes of a Registration that
can be amended. However, not all attributes are relevant for all Registrations. Where an attribute for
a specific Registration is not relevant, a value must not be provided in the data element for that
attribute in the request message. Refer to the document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral”
(available from the govdex website ) for details of which attributes are
relevant for specific Collateral Types and Collateral Classes.

Only values for attributes that are to be updated need to be provided in the corresponding data
elements in the request message. For any data element that is missing or has a null value in the
request message, the value of the corresponding attribute will be left unchanged. Data elements for
attributes that are not being changed can optionally be provided.

If a new Attachment is to be added to a Registration, the Attachment may be uploaded as part of the
Amend Registration request or may previously have been uploaded to PPSR using the Upload
Registration Attachment operation before calling the Amend Registration operation. The Upload
Registration Attachment operation will return an Attachment Id for the uploaded attachment. This
Attachment Id is then included in the Amend Registration request message in order to add the
Attachment to the Registration. The business rules applicable to the Upload registration Attachment
operation will also apply to the Create Registration operation.

PPSR will validate the data provided in each call to the Amend Registration operation to ensure: that
data is not provided when it is not relevant; and the provided data contains acceptable
values. Whether particular data elements are relevant is not documented in this specification. The
document “PPSR - - Describing Collateral” should be referred to for the specific rules about
whether a data element is allowed, relevant or required, that apply for specific Collateral Types and
Collateral Classes.

It is not possible to amend a Grantor for an existing Registration. If the details for a Grantor need to
be changed it will be necessary to amend the Registration by removing the existing Grantor and
adding another Grantor with the correct details.

It is not possible to change the Secured Party Group for an existing Registration using the Amend
Registration operation. The Transfer Single Collateral Registration operation or the Transfer Single
Registration operation should be used to change the Secured Party Group for an existing
Registration. Note: to change the Secured Party Group for all registrations belonging to the Group use
the Transfer All Registrations operation available on the VedaCheck website.

It is not possible to change the Address for Service for an existing Registration using the Amend
Registration operation. The Address for Service must be changed for the Secured Party Group
recorded for the Registration using the VedaCheck website, and this change will then be reflected on
all Registrations for the Secured Party Group.

It is not possible to amend an Attachment for an existing Registration. If the details for an Attachment
need to be changed it will be necessary to amend the Registration by removing the existing
Attachment and adding another Attachment with the correct details.

Some Registrations that have been migrated from existing registers at the time of commencement for
PPSR may have an unknown Collateral Type, Collateral Class or Motor Vehicle serial number type. It
is not possible to amend these registrations. A new Registration will need to be created and the
migrated Registration can be discharged. The EarlierRegistrationNumber attribute of the new
Registration can be used to link the new Registration with the migrated Registration.

Receive Customer’s
“Amend Registration”

Did Customer Supply

Registration Token or
SPG Number and SPG
No Access Code?

Is Registration Token or
Yes SPG Number and SPG
Any PPSR DB Data being Access Code Correct?
Updated? No No

Check against
Veda DB
Does Customer want
to Upload
Yes Attachments?


Initiate PPSR
"Upload Generate PPSR
Registration "Amend Registration"
Attachment" Request
Request Save Updated
Registration Data
to Veda DB

Receive PPSR
Registration Generate
Attachment" Unauthorised
Response Receive “Amend Access Error
Registration” Response Response

Generate Input
Validation Error

Please provide a Registration Generate

Token or a SPG Number &
SPG Access Code Customer

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
AmendRegistrationRe BaseRequestMessag BaseRequestMessag
questMessage e e
AmendRegistrationR AmendRegistrationR
equest equestType
AmendRegistrationRe CommonRequestTyp CommonRequestTyp
questType e e
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Registration to be
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token for
the Registration to be
SecuredPartyGroupN string(20) The Secured Party Group
umber Number of the Secured
Party Group for the
Registration to be amended.
Only provide the
if the RegistrationToken is
not provided.
SecuredPartyGroupA string(50) The Secured Party Group
ccessCode Access Code for the
Secured Party Group. Only
provide the
ode if the RegistrationToken
is not provided.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of the
current version of the
This is used to prevent
concurrent updates in case
more than one user (over all
channels) is attempting to
update the same
Registration at the same
CollateralRegistration CollateralRegistratio The details of the
Amendments nAmendments Registration to be amended.
CollateralRegistration IsRegistrationEndTim boolean Indicates whether the
Amendments eNotStated Registration has a “Stated”
or “Not Stated” End Time,
Only needs to be provided if
the End Time for the
registration is being changed
from a “Stated” End Time to
a “Not Stated” End Time, or
from a “Not Stated” End
Time to a “Stated” End Time.
Can optionally be provided if
the End Time is not being
changed or if the End Time
is being changed from one
“Stated” End Time to another
“Stated” End Time.
If the registration currently
has a “Not Stated” End Time
and this is now being

changed to a “Stated” End
Time, then a value must be
be specified in the
RegistrationEndTime dateTime The date and time that the
Registration will expire.
Only needs to be provided if
the registration currently has
a “Stated” End Time and the
End Time is being changed,
or if the registration currently
has a “Not Stated” End Time
and this is now being
changed to a “Stated” End
GivingOfNoticeIdentif string(50) An optional identifier that a
ier Secured Party can specify
for the Registration.
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there is
no identifier recorded for the
CollateralDescription string(500) A free text description of the
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there is
no text description recorded
for the registration.
AreProceedsClaimed ExtendedBooleanTy Whether or not proceeds are
pe claimed.
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
The value cannot be
changed to “Unknown” – if
“Unknown” is provided, the
value for the registration
must currently be
If the value is being changed
from “True” to “False”, the
current value recorded for
for the registration will be
cleared. Do not provide a
value for
in the request message.

ProceedsClaimedDe string(500) A free text description of the

scription proceeds claimed.
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended,
or if the value of

AreProceedsClaimed is
being changed from
“Unknown” or “False” to
Providing a value that is an
empty string will update the
description of proceeds
claimed recorded for the
registration to the default
value “All present and after
acquired property”.
Not providing a value when
the value of
AreProceedsClaimed is
being changed from
“Unknown” or “False” to
“True” will update the
description of proceeds
claimed recorded for the
registration to the default
value “All present and after
acquired property”.
IsSubordinate boolean Whether the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest.
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
A value of “true” indicates
the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest. A value of
“false” indicates that whether
or not the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest is not
AdditionalVehicleDet AdditionalVehicleColl Only needs to be provided if
ails ateralDescriptionAm the Collateral Class of the
endments registration is Motor Vehicle,
the collateral in the
registration is described by
serial number and any of the
additional vehicle details are
to be amended.
AdditionalAircraftDet AdditionalAircraftColl Only needs to be provided if
ails ateralDescriptionAm the Collateral Class of the
endments registration is Aircraft
Engine, Airframe, Helicopter
or Small Aircraft, the
collateral in the registration
is described by serial
number and any of the
additional aircraft details are
to be amended.
AttachmentsToAdd List<NewAttachment A list of Attachments (if any)
> to be added to the
Attachments are not allowed
for all registrations. Whether
attachments are allowed is

described in the document
“PPSR - - Describing
Attachments must only be
provided if attachments are
allowed for the registration.
AttachmentsToRemo List<RemovedAttach A list of Attachments (if any)
ve ment> to be removed from the
GrantorsToAdd List<NewGrantor> Zero, one or more grantors
to be added to the
Only provide NewGrantors if
there is at least one grantor
to be added, and the
Registration allows a
Do not provide any
NewGrantors if no grantors
are to be added to the
existing Registration.
GrantorsToRemove List<RemovedGranto Zero, one or more grantors
r> to be removed from the
Only provide
RemovedGrantors if there is
at least one grantor to be
Do not provide any
RemovedGrantors if no
grantors are to be removed
from the existing
All details of each grantor in
this list must exactly match
(not case sensitive) the
details of an existing grantor
within the Registration.
If it is mandatory for the
Registration to have a
Grantor recorded and the list
of Grantors to be removed
included all Grantors
currently recorded for the
registration, then there must
be at least one NewGrantor
AdditionalVehicleColl VehicleRegistrationN string(20) The optional registration
ateralDescriptionAme umber plate number of the vehicle.
ndments Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there is
no registration plate number
recorded for the registration.
VehicleDescriptiveTe string(500) If the type of serial number
xt used to describe the
collateral is a Motor Vehicle
Manufacturer's Number, an

optional free text description
of the vehicle. However, the
VehicleDescriptiveText must
not be provided if a value
has been provided for
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there is
free text description of the
vehicle recorded for the
AdditionalAircraftColl AircraftNationality string(50) The optional aircraft
ateralDescriptionAme nationality.
ndments Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there is
no aircraft nationality
recorded for the registration.
AircraftNationalityCo string(100) The optional nationality and
deAndRegistrationMa registration marks assigned
rk pursuant to the Chicago
Only needs to be provided if
the value is to be amended.
Providing a value that is an
empty string will clear the
current value so that there
are no registration marks
recorded for the registration.
Note that the nationality and
registration marks can only
be amended when they are
recorded as additional
aircraft details, and not when
they are recorded as the
serial number of the
NewAttachment NewAttachmentSequ short A unique sequence number
enceNumber must be provided for each
attachment being added in
order to uniquely identify the
attachment when there is
more than one attachment
being added in the request.
The first NewAttachment in a
request message should
have an
mber value of 1; the second
NewAttachment in a request
message should have an
mber value of 2, and so on.
This number will be used to
associate business rule

violations (if any) with a
particular attachment. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail
will include the
mber value for any violations
related to the
This number is not stored in
PPSR as part of the
Registration record.
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id for the
attachment to be added to
the registration.
The Attachment Id must be
for an attachment that has
already been uploaded to
PPSR using the Upload
Registration Attachment
operation (see Error!
eference source not found.
Error! Reference source
not found.).
The Attachment Id must not
have already been used for
another registration, or been
used previously on this
RemovedAttachment RemovedAttachment short A unique sequence number
SequenceNumber must be provided for each
attachment being removed in
order to uniquely identify the
attachment when there is
more than one attachment
being removed in the
The first
RemovedAttachment in a
request message should
have an
ceNumber value of 1; the
second RemovedAttachment
in a request message should
have an
ceNumber value of 2, and so
This number will be used to
associate business rule
violations (if any) with a
particular attachment. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail
will include the
ceNumber value for any
violations related to the
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id for the
attachment to be removed

from the registration.
The Attachment Id must be
for an attachment that exists
on the current version of the
The Attachment Id must not
be for an attachment that is
a migrated attachment (i.e.
an attachment for a migrated
registration that was created
when the registration was
migrated from its source
register that contains
additional data provided by
the source register that is not
supported by PPSR).
NewGrantor NewGrantorSequenc short A unique sequence number
eNumber must be provided for each
new grantor in order to
uniquely identify the grantor
in the request when there is
more than one new grantor
in the request.
The first NewGrantor in a
request message should
have a
er value of 1; the second
NewGrantor in a request
message should have a
er value of 2, and so on.
This number will be used to
associate business rule
violations (if any) with a
particular grantor. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail
will include the
er value for any violations
related to the NewGrantor.
This number is not stored in
PPSR as part of the
Registration record.
GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the
Grantor is an organisation or
an individual. If the
CollateralType is Consumer,
then only grantors who are
individuals can be provided.
Organisation GrantorOrganisation If the grantor is an
organisation, a value for
Organisation must be
If the grantor is not an
organisation, a value for
Organisation must not be
Individual NewGrantorIndividua If the grantor is an individual,
l a value for Individual must

be provided.
If the grantor is not an
individual, a value for
Individual must not be
RemovedGrantor RemovedGrantorSeq short A unique sequence number
uenceNumber must be provided for each
grantor to be removed in
order to uniquely identify the
grantor in the request when
there is more than one
grantor to be removed in the
The first RemovedGrantor in
a request message should
have a
umber value of 1; the second
RemovedGrantor in a
request message should
have a
umber value of 2, and so on.
This number will be used to
associate business rule
violations (if any) with a
particular grantor. In the
SOAP fault, the fault detail
will include the
umber value for any
violations related to the
This number is not stored in
PPSR as part of the
Registration record.
GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the
Grantor to be removed is an
organisation or an individual
Organisation GrantorOrganisation If the grantor to be removed
is an organisation, a value
for Organisation must be
If the grantor to be removed
is not an organisation, a
value for Organisation must
not be provided.
Individual GrantorIndividual If the grantor to be removed
is an individual, a value for
Individual must be provided.
If the grantor to be removed
is not an individual, a value
for Individual must not be
GrantorOrganisation OrganisationNumber OrganisationNumber The type of the number used
Type Type to identify the organisation
(e.g. ACN, ARBN, ARSN,
Only provide a value for
OrganisationNumberType if

the grantor is an
organisation that will be
identified in PPSR by its
organisation number.
If a value is provided for
then a value must also be
provided for
OrganisationNumber and a
value must not be provided
for OrganisationName.
If a value is not provided for
OrganisationName then a
value must be provided for
OrganisationNumber string(50) The value of the number
used to identify the
Only provide a value for
OrganisationNumber if the
grantor is an organisation
that will be identified in
PPSR by its organisation
If a value is provided for
OrganisationNumber then a
value must also be provided
for OrganisationNumberType
and a value must not be
provided for
If a value is not provided for
OrganisationName then a
value must be provided for
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the
Only provide a value for
OrganisationName if the
grantor is an organisation
that will not be identified in
PPSR by an organisation
If a value is provided for
OrganisationName then a
value must not be provided
for OrganisationNumberType
or OrganisationNumber.
If a value is not provided for
OrganisationName then a
value must be provided for
and OrganisationNumber.
When adding a new Grantor,
the value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GrantorIndividual FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the

DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the
grantor. If the Grantor to be
removed does not have a
date of birth recorded
(possible for migrated
registrations), do not provide
a value for DateOfBirth.
Note: A time should not be
specified. However, if a time
component is specified it is
ignored by PPSR.
NewGrantorIndividual FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the
Note: A time should not be
specified. However, if a time
component is specified it is
ignored by PPSR.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
AmendRegistrationRe AmendRegistrationR AmendRegistrationR
sponseMessage esponse esponseType
AmendRegistrationRe CommonResponseT CommonResponseT .
sponseType ype ype
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Collateral that was
ChangeNumber long The new Change Number
assigned by PPSR to the
amended version of the
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
RegistrationChangeT dateTime The date and time that the
ime registration was amended in
PPSR. Shows the day,
month, year, hour, minute
and second. The value is
set by the system when the
amended registration is
saved to the Register.
RegistrationEndTime dateTime The date and time that the
registration will expire.
IsRegistrationEndTim boolean Indicates whether the
eChanged RegistrationEndTime was
changed by PPSR from the
value provided in the request
message while amending
the registration.
This can occur in the
following cases:
If the value for
RegistrationEndTime in the
request message is greater
than the maximum end time
allowed for this combination
of Collateral Type, Collateral
Class and whether the
collateral is described by a
serial number, the time
component will be set to
23:59:59 on the date of the
maximum allowed End Time
for the registration.
If the value for
RegistrationEndTime in the
request message is provided
and has a time component
that is not 23:59:59, the time
component will be set to

Fault Messages
Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nAmendFaultDetail etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Class Element Type Notes

PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nAmendValidationFaultD etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of the
Registration being amended.
CollateralRegistratio List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors
nValidationErrors ionError> related to amendments in the
request message other than
adding or removing Grantors.
AddedAttachmentVa List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors in the
lidationErrors ionErrorGroup> data in the request message
for attachments to be added.
RemovedAttachment List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors in the
ValidationErrors ionErrorGroup> data in the request message
for attachments to be removed.
AddedGrantorValidat List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors in the
ionErrors ionErrorGroup> data in the request message
for grantors to be added.
RemovedGrantorVali List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors in the
dationErrors ionErrorGroup> data in the request message
for grantors to be removed.
PpsrValidationErrorGrou SequenceNumber short Identifies the sequence number
p of the element in the request
message for which validation
errors have occurred. For
example, if the
PpsrValidationErrorGroup is for
validation errors associated
with a Grantor to be added, the
value of SequenceNumber will
be the value of the
of the NewGrantor in the
request message.
ValidationErrors List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors in the
ionError> data for the element in the
request message identified by
the SequenceNumber.
PpsrValidationError ErrorNumber string(10) The ErrorNumber is used to
identify the specific validation
error that occurred, or the
specific business rule that was
not complied with.
ErrorMessage string A description of the error.

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetail and the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35006. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported.

In the following table, the value in the SOAP Fault column indicates which group of errors in the
PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetail that a violation of the business rule will be
reported in (CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors, AddedAttachmentValidationErrors,
RemovedAttachmentValidationErrors, AddedGrantorValidationErrors or
RemovedGrantorValidationErrors), as well as the value of the ErrorNumber for the business rule that
has been violated.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
AmendRegistrationRequest Error Number: 50005
element must be provided.
0-20 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
be an empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber Fault Detail Type:
must be for an existing PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Registration. Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber Error Number: 32142
ode must not be provided.
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber Error Number: 32139
must be provided and the
value must not be an empty
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessC Error Number: 32140
ode must be provided and the
value must not be an empty
0-70 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
RegistrationToken must be Error Number: 34004
correct for the Registration.
0-80 If the Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
and Error Number: 32008
ode are provided, the
must be the correct
for the Registration and the
ode must be correct for the

0-90 The ChangeNumber provided Fault Detail Type:
must be the current PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
ChangeNumber for the Error Number: 32094
0-100 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
Error Number: 32097
0-110 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
Error Number: 32098
0-120 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
marked as “access is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
restricted”. Error Number: 32002
0-130 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
Error Number: 32096
0-140 The Collateral Type of the Fault Detail Type:
Registration must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
“Unknown”. Error Number: 32149
0-150 The Collateral Class of the Fault Detail Type:
Registration must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
“Unknown”. Error Number: 32150
0-160 If the Registration is for a Fault Detail Type:
motor vehicle that is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
described by a serial number, Error Number: 32166
the Serial Number Type must
not be “Unknown Motor
Vehicle Identifier”.
0-170 A value must be provided for Fault Detail Type:
CollateralRegistrationAmend PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendFaultDetail
ments. Error Number: 32009
0-180 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails then PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the Collateral Class of the l
Registration must be Motor CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Vehicle and the collateral in Error Number: 32137
the Registration must be
described by a serial number.
0-190 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails, and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the SerialNumberType l
recorded for the Registration CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
is not Motor Vehicle Error Number: 32116
Manufacturer’s Number, then
a value must not be provided
in the VehicleDescriptiveText.
0-200 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails, and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the SerialNumberType l
recorded for the Registration CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
is Motor Vehicle Error Number: 32159
Manufacturer’s Number, and
a value is provided in
that is not an empty string,
and a value currently exists in
VehicleDescriptiveText for the
Registration, then a value

must be provided in
VehicleDescriptiveText that is
an empty string.
0-210 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails, and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the SerialNumberType l
recorded for the Registration CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
is Motor Vehicle Error Number: 32160
Manufacturer’s Number, and
a value is provided in
VehicleDescriptiveText that is
not an empty string, and a
value currently exists in
for the Registration, then a
value must be provided in
that is an empty string.
0-220 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalVehicleDetails, and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the SerialNumberType l
recorded for the Registration CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
is Motor Vehicle Error Number: 32161
Manufacturer’s Number, and
no values currently exist in
and VehicleDescriptiveText
for the Registration, then
values must not be provided
in both
and VehicleDescriptiveText
that are not empty strings.
0-230 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AdditionalAircraftDetails then PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the Collateral Class of the l
Registration must be CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Airframe, Helicopter or Small Error Number: 32158
Aircraft, and the collateral in
the registration must be
described by a serial number.
0-240 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AircraftNationality, then the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
Collateral Class of the l
Registration and Serial CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Number Type must be one of: Error Number: 32040
the Collateral Class is
Airframe and the Serial
Number Type is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the Collateral Class is
Helicopter and the Serial
Number Type is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
the Collateral Class is Small
Aircraft and the Serial
Number Type is Aircraft
Nationality Code and
0-250 If a value is provided in the Fault Detail Type:

RegistrationMarks element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then the Collateral Class of l
the Registration and Serial CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Number Type must be one of: Error Number: 32041
the Collateral Class is
Airframe and the Serial
Number Type is Airframe
Manufacturer’s Number, or
the Collateral Class is
Helicopter and the Serial
Number Type is Helicopter
Manufacturer’s Number
0-260 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
CollateralDescription, then a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
free text description must be l
allowed for the Registration. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32029
0-270 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
CollateralDescription and the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
value is an empty string, then l
a free text description must CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
not be mandatory for the Error Number: 32028
0-280 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotSta PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
ted, then providing a “Not l
Stated” end time must be CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
allowed for the Registration. Error Number: 32031
0-290 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotSta PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
ted and the value is “true”, or l
a value is not provided for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotSta Error Number: 32033
ted and the current value for
the Registration is “true”, then
a value must not be provided
for RegistrationEndTime.
0-300 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsRegistrationEndTimeNotSta PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
ted and the value is “false”, l
and there is no current value CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
of the RegistrationEndTime Error Number: 32162
for the Registration, then a
value must be provided for
0-310 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEndTime, it must PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
not be before the current l
date. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
Error Number: 32122
0-320 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AreProceedsClaimed, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
whether proceeds are l
claimed must be relevant for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the Collteral Registration. Error Number: 32124
0-330 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AreProceedsClaimed, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
the value must not be l
“Unsupported”. CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors

Error Number: 32018
0-340 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AreProceedsClaimed and the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
value is “Unknown”, then the l
current value of CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
AreProceedsClaimed for the Error Number: 32153
Registration must be
0-350 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
ProceedsClaimedDescription, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then whether proceeds are l
claimed must be relevant for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
the Registration. Error Number: 32030
0-360 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
AreProceedsClaimed and the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
value is “False” or l
“Unknown”, then a value for CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
ProceedsClaimedDescription Error Number: 32154
must not be provided.
0-370 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentsToAdd element PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
and at least one l
NewAttachment is provided, CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
then attachments must be Error Number: 43004
allowed for the Registration.
0-380 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
NewAttachment is provided, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then each NewAttachment l
must have a unique AddedAttachmentValidationErrors
NewAttachmentSequenceNu Error Number: 43018
0-390 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
NewAttachment is provided, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then a NewAttachment must l
not have the same AddedAttachmentValidationErrors
AttachmentId as another Error Number: 43019
NewAttachment already
0-400 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewAttachment must be for l
an Attachment that has been AddedAttachmentValidationErrors
uploaded to PPSR by this Error Number: 43014
Account Customer.
0-410 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewAttachment must not be l
for an Attachment that has AddedAttachmentValidationErrors
already been associated with Error Number: 43008
an existing Registration (even
if the existing Registration
has expired, been
discharged, removed or
archived, or the Attachment
has been removed from the
existing Registration).
0-420 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
RemovedAttachment is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
provided, then each l

RemovedAttachment must RemovedAttachmentValidationErrors
have a unique Error Number: 43020
0-430 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
RemovedAttachment is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
provided, then a l
RemovedAttachment must RemovedAttachmentValidationErrors
not have the same Error Number: 43021
AttachmentId as another
RemovedAttachment already
0-440 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedAttachment must be l
for an Attachment that is RemovedAttachmentValidationErrors
associated with the current Error Number: 43022
version of the Registration.
0-450 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
AttachmentId in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedAttachment must l
not be for an Attachment that RemovedAttachmentValidationErrors
is a migrated attachment. Error Number: 43023
0-460 The total of: Fault Detail Type:
the number of current PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
attachments already on the l
registration CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
plus the number of Error Number: 43024
less the number of
must not exceed the
maximum allowed number of
Attachments for a
0-470 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorsToAdd and at least PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
one NewGrantor is provided, l
then a Grantor must be CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
allowed for the Registration. Error Number: 32136
0-480 If the value of Collateral Type Fault Detail Type:
for the Registration is PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
Consumer, then there must l
not be any NewGrantors in AddedGrantorValidationErrors
GrantorsToAdd with Error Number: 32132
GrantorType that is not
0-490 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail
must not be Unsupported. AddedGrantorValidationErrors
Error Number: 32016
0-500 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Organisation, then a value l
must not be provided for AddedGrantorValidationErrors
Individual. Error Number: 32055
0-510 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Organisation, then a value l

must be provided for AddedGrantorValidationErrors
Organisation and a value Error Number: 32128
must be provided for either
OrganisationName or
OrganisationNumber where
the value is not an empty
0-520 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
Organisation in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor, then a value l
must not be provided for both AddedGrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationName and Error Number: 32121
0-530 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor, then a value l
must also be provided for AddedGrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32107
0-540 If a value is not provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor, then a value l
must not be provided for AddedGrantorValidationErrors
OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32127
0-550 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumberType in PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail
a NewGrantor, the value must AddedGrantorValidationErrors
not be Unsupported. Error Number: 32017
0-560 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationName in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor, then the value l
provided must only contain 7- AddedGrantorValidationErrors
bit ASCII characters Error Number: 32004
0-570 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Individual, then a value l
must not be provided for the AddedGrantorValidationErrors
Organisation element. Error Number: 32056
0-580 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Individual, then a value l
must be provided for the AddedGrantorValidationErrors
Individual element with values Error Number: 32129
provided for both
FamilyName and
GivenNames that are not
empty strings.
0-590 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Individual, then the value l
provided for FamilyName AddedGrantorValidationErrors
must only contain 7-bit ASCII Error Number: 32006
0-600 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
is Individual, then the value l
provided for GivenNames AddedGrantorValidationErrors
must only contain 7-bit ASCII Error Number: 32007
0-610 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:

Individual in a NewGrantor, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
and a value has been l
provided for DateOfBirth, then AddedGrantorValidationErrors
the value must not be later Error Number: 32015
than the current date (as per
Canberra time).
0-620 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
Individual in a NewGrantor, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
and a value has been l
provided for DateOfBirth, then AddedGrantorValidationErrors
the calculated age (as per Error Number: 32138
Canberra time) must not be
more than 120 years old.
0-630 If more than one NewGrantor Fault Detail Type:
is provided, then each PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor must have a l
unique AddedGrantorValidationErrors
NewGrantorSequenceNumbe Error Number: 32148
0-640 If more than one NewGrantor Fault Detail Type:
is provided, then a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
NewGrantor must not be an l
exact replica (i.e. have all the AddedGrantorValidationErrors
same values) of another Error Number: 32165
NewGrantor in the request
0-650 If any NewGrantors are Fault Detail Type:
provided, then a NewGrantor PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
must not be an exact replica l
(i.e. have all the same values) AddedGrantorValidationErrors
of an existing Grantor Error Number: 32133
recorded for the Registration.
0-660 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
RemovedGrantor is provided, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then each RemovedGrantor l
must have a unique RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
RemovedGrantorSequenceN Error Number: 32148
0-670 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail
RemovedGrantor must not be RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
Unsupported. Error Number: 32016
0-680 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor is l
Organisation, then a value RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
must not be provided for Error Number: 32055
0-690 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor is l
Organisation, then a value RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
must be provided for Error Number: 32128
Organisation and a value
must be provided for either
OrganisationName or
OrganisationNumber where
the value is not an empty

0-700 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
Organisation in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor, then a l
value must not be provided RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
for both OrganisationName Error Number: 32121
and OrganisationNumber.
0-710 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor, then a l
value must also be provided RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
for OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32107
0-720 If a value is not provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor, then a l
value must not be provided RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
for OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 32127
0-730 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumberType in PpsrCollateralRegistrationCreateValidationFaultDetail
a RemovedGrantor, the value RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
must not be Unsupported. Error Number: 32017
0-740 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor is l
Individual, then a value must RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
not be provided for the Error Number: 32056
Organisation element.
0-750 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType in a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor is l
Individual, then a value must RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
be provided for the Individual Error Number: 32129
element with values provided
for both FamilyName and
GivenNames that are not
empty strings.
0-760 If more than one Fault Detail Type:
RemovedGrantor is provided, PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
then a RemovedGrantor must l
not be an exact replica (i.e. RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
have all the same values) of Error Number: 32165
another RemovedGrantor in
the request message.
0-770 If any RemovedGrantors are Fault Detail Type:
provided, then a PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantor must be an l
exact match (i.e. have all the RemovedGrantorValidationErrors
same values) of an existing Error Number: 32157
Grantor recorded for the
0-780 If a Grantor is mandatory for Fault Detail Type:
the Registration, then after all PpsrCollateralRegistrationAmendValidationFaultDetai
RemovedGrantors have been l
removed and all NewGrantors CollateralRegistrationValidationErrors
have been added, there must Error Number: 32027
be at least one Grantor for
the Registration.

Discharge Registration

This operation is used to immediately expire (i.e. discharge) an existing Registration. Only current
Registrations can be discharged, that is, only Registrations that have not already expired or been
removed from PPSR. To discharge a current Registration that has been marked by the Registrar as
“access is restricted”, the Regsitrar must be contacted to arrange for the Registration to be
discharged by the Registrar.

PPSR will discharge the Registration by setting the end time of the Registration to the current date
and time.

Once a Registration has been discharged, it cannot be retrieved, amended, transferred, or discharged

While migrated Registrations that have an unknown Collateral Type or Collateral Class cannot be
amended using the Amend Registration operation, they can be discharged.

Receive Customer’s
Registration” Request

Did Customer Supply

Registration Token or
SPG Number and SPG No
Access Code?


Generate PPSR
Registration" Request

Generate Input
Receive “Discharge Validation Error
Registration” Response Response

Please provide a Registration

Token or a SPG Number &
SPG Access Code


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
DischargeRegistratio BaseRequestMessag BaseRequestMessag
nRequestMessage e e
DischargeRegistratio DischargeRegistratio
nRequest nRequestType
DischargeRegistratio CommonRequestTyp CommonRequestTyp
nRequestType e e
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Registration to be
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token for
the Registration to be
SecuredPartyGroupN string(20) The Secured Party Group
umber Number of the Secured
Party Group for the
Registration to be
discharged. Only provide
if the RegistrationToken is
not provided.
SecuredPartyGroupA string(50) The Secured Party Group
ccessCode Access Code for the
Secured Party Group. Only
provide the
ode if the RegistrationToken
is not provided.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of the
current version of the
This is used to prevent
discharging a Registration
that has since been changed
(e.g. amended, transferred,
discharged) by another user
via any channel.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
DischargeRegistratio DischargeRegistratio DischargeRegistratio
nResponseMessage nResponse nResponseType
DischargeRegistratio CommonResponseT CommonResponseT
nResponseType ype ype
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Registration that was
ChangeNumber long The new Change Number
assigned by PPSR to the
discharged version of the
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
RegistrationEndTime dateTime The date and time that the
registration was discharged.
The value will reflect the
PPSR system date and time
that this operation was

Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistrati PpsrSoapFaultDetai PpsrSoapFault
onDischargeFaultDetail l Detail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The DischargeRegistrationRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber must be for Fault Detail Type:
an existing Registration. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is provided, Fault Detail Type:
the SecuredPartyGroupNumber and PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode must Error Number: 32142
not be provided.
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must be Error Number: 32139
provided and the value must not be
an empty string.
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode must Error Number: 32140
be provided and the value must not
be an empty string.
0-70 If the RegistrationToken is provided, Fault Detail Type:
the RegistrationToken must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
correct for the Registration. Error Number: 34004
0-80 If the SecuredPartyGroupNumber and Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode are PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
provided, the Error Number: 32008
SecuredPartyGroupNumber must be
the correct
SecuredPartyGroupNumber for the
Registration and the
SecuredPartyGroupAccessCode must
be correct for the
0-90 The ChangeNumber provided must Fault Detail Type:
be the current ChangeNumber for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationDischargeFaultDetail
Registration. Error Number: 32094
0-100 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationDischargeFaultDetail
Error Number: 32097
0-110 The Registration must not already be Fault Detail Type:
expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationDischargeFaultDetail
Error Number: 32098
0-120 The Registration must not be marked Fault Detail Type:
as “access is restricted”. PpsrCollateralRegistrationDischargeFaultDetail
Error Number: 32002
0-130 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationDischargeFaultDetail
Error Number: 32096

Transfer Single Collateral Registrations

This operation is used to transfer a single Registration from one Secured Party Group to another
Secured Party Group. Only current Registrations can be transferred; that is, only Registrations that
have not expired, been discharged or removed from PPSR. A current Registration that has been
marked by the Registrar as “access is restricted” can be transferred.

The transfer of a single Registration occurs immediately when the request message is processed.

A copy of the Verification Statement that is produced for the transferred Registration is sent to the
Address for Service for both the original and the new Secured Party Groups.

A new Registration Token is generated by PPSR and sent to the Address for Service for the new
Secured Party Group. In order to make future amendments to the Registration or discharge the
Registration, the new Registration Token or the Secured Party Group Access Code for the new
Secured Party Group must be provided.

Receive Customer’s
“Transfer Single
Registration” Request

Did Customer Supply

Registration Token or
“Transfer From SPG” No
Access Code?


Generate PPSR
"Transfer Single
Registration" Request

Receive “Transfer Generate Input

Single Registration” Validation Error
Response Response

Please provide a Registration

Token or the Transfer From
SPG Access Code


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




Class Element Type Notes
TransferSingleRegistr BaseRequestMessag BaseRequestMessag
ationRequestMessag e e
TransferSingleRegist TransferSingleRegist
rationRequest rationRequestType
TransferSingleRegistr CommonRequestTyp CommonRequestTyp
ationRequestType e e
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Registration to be
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token for
the Registration to be
TransferFromSecure string(20) The Secured Party Group
dPartyGroupNumber Number of the Secured
Party Group from which the
Registration is to be
TransferFromSecure string(50) The Secured Party Group
dPartyGroupAccessC Access Code for the
ode Secured Party Group from
which the Registration is to
be transferred. Only provide
roupAccessCode if the
RegistrationToken is not
TransferToSecuredP string(20) The Secured Party Group
artyGroupNumber Number of the Secured
Party Group to which the
Registration is to be

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
TransferSingleRegistr TransferSingleRegist TransferSingleRegist
ationResponseMessa rationResponse rationResponseType
TransferSingleRegistr CommonResponseT CommonResponseT
ationResponseType ype ype
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number of
the Registration that was
ChangeNumber long The new Change Number
assigned by PPSR to the
transferred version of the
This will be null if the
Registration has been
marked as Access is
RegistrationChangeT dateTime The date and time that the
ime registration was transferred
in PPSR. Shows the day,
month, year, hour, minute
and second. The value is
set by the system when the
transfer is recorded in the
This will be null if the
Registration has been
marked as Access is
IsAccessRestricted boolean Indicates whether the
Registration has been
marked as Access is

Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nTransferSingleFaultDet etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.
TransferFromSecure string(20) The Secured Party Group
dPartyGroupNumber Number of the Secured Party
Group from which the
Registration is to be
TransferToSecuredP string(20) The Secured Party Group
artyGroupNumber Number of the Secured Party
Group to which the
Registration is to be

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
TransferSingleRegistrationRequest Error Number: 50005
element must be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
for an existing Registration. PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupA Error Number: 32173
ccessCode must not be provided.
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is not Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupA Error Number: 32174
ccessCode must be provided and
the value must not be an empty
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the RegistrationToken PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
must be correct for the Error Number: 34004
0-70 The Fault Detail Type:
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupN PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
umber must not be an empty string. ail
Error Number: 32175
0-80 The Fault Detail Type:
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupN PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
umber must be the correct ail
SecuredPartyGroupNumber for the Error Number: 32176
0-90 If the Fault Detail Type:
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupA PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
ccessCode is provided, the Error Number: 32177
ccessCode must be correct for the
0-100 The Fault Detail Type:
TransferToSecuredPartyGroupNum PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
ber must not be an empty string. ail
Error Number: 32178
0-110 The value of Fault Detail Type:
TransferToSecuredPartyGroupNum PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
ber must be for an existing Secured ail
Party Group. Error Number: 32179
0-120 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
Error Number: 32097
0-130 The Registration must not already Fault Detail Type:
be expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
Error Number: 32098
0-140 The Registration must not be Fault Detail Type:
archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet

Error Number: 32096
0-150 The Fault Detail Type:
TransferFromSecuredPartyGroupN PpsrCollateralRegistrationTransferSingleFaultDet
umber and the ail
TransferToSecuredPartyGroupNum Error Number: 32182
ber must not be the same Secured
Party Group Number.

Reset Registration Token

This operation is used to reset the Registration Token for a Registration. A Secured Party Group can
use this operation if they have forgotten the Registration Token for one of their Registrations or
believe the current Registration Token has been compromised.

When this operation is called, PPSR generates a new Registration Token for the specified
Registration and sends it to the Secured Party Group’s Address for Service.

Receive Customer’s
“Reset Registration
Token” Request

Did Customer Supply SPG

Number & SPG Access
Code? No


Generate PPSR "Reset

Registration Token"

Receive “Reset Generate Input

Registration Token” Validation Error
Response Response

Please provide SPG Number

& SPG Access Code


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

ResetRegistrationToke BaseRequestMessage BaseRequestMessag
nRequestMessage e
ResetRegistrationToke ResetRegistrationTo
nRequest kenRequestType
ResetRegistrationToke CommonRequestType CommonRequestTyp
nRequestType e
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the Registration to
reset the Registration
SecuredPartyGroupNu string(20) The Secured Party Group
mber Number of the Secured
Party Group for the
Registration to reset the
Registration Token.
SecuredPartyGroupAc string(50) The Secured Party Group
cessCode Access Code for the
Secured Party Group.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
ResetRegistrationToke ResetRegistrationT ResetRegistrationToken
nMessage okenResponse ResponseType
ResetRegistrationToke CommonResponse CommonResponseType
nResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.

Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nResetRegistrationFault etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
ResetRegistrationToken Error Number: 50005
Request element must
be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
must not be an empty Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber Fault Detail Type:
must be for an existing PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Registration. Error Number: 32005
0-40 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNum PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
ber must not be an Error Number: 32139
empty string.
0-50 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupAcc PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
essCode must not be an Error Number: 32140
empty string.
0-60 The Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNum PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
ber must be the correct Error Number: 32008
ber for the Registration
and the
essCode must be
correct for the
0-70 The Registration must Fault Detail Type:
not be removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationResetRegistrationTokenFaultDeta
Error Number: 32097
0-80 The Registration must Fault Detail Type:
not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationResetRegistrationTokenFaultDeta
expired/discharged. il
Error Number: 32098
0-90 The Registration must Fault Detail Type:
not be marked as PpsrCollateralRegistrationResetRegistrationTokenFaultDeta
“access is restricted”. il
Error Number: 32002
0-100 The Registration must Fault Detail Type:
not be archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationResetRegistrationTokenFaultDeta
Error Number: 32096

Reissue Verification Statement

This operation is used to resend a Verification Statement for a specified version of a Registration to
the Secured Party Group’s Address for Service.

Receive Customer’s
“Reissue Verification
Statement” Request

Did Customer Supply

Registration Token or
SPG Number & SPG No
Access Code?


Generate PPSR
"Reissue Verification
Statement" Request

Receive “Reissue Generate Input

Verification Statement” Validation Error
Response Response

Please provide a Registration

Token or a SPG Number &
SPG Access Code


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
ReissueVerificationStat BaseRequestMessage BaseRequestMessag
ementRequestMessage e
ReissueVerificationSta ReissueVerificationSt
tementRequest atementRequestType
ReissueVerificationStat CommonRequestType CommonRequestTyp
ementRequestType e
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the Registration to
reissue the Verification
RegistrationToken string(50) The Registration Token
of the Registration to
reissue the Verification
SecuredPartyGroupNu string(20) The Secured Party Group
mber Number of the Secured
Party Group of the
Registration to reissue
the Verification
Statement. Only provide
ber if the
RegistrationToken is not
SecuredPartyGroupAc string(50) The Secured Party Group
cessCode Access Code for the
Secured Party Group.
Only provide the
ssCode if the
RegistrationToken is not
ChangeNumber long The Change Number
identifying the version of
the Registration and its
Verification Statement.
Every time a Registration
is changed, PPSR
creates a new version of
the Registration. Each
Registration version is
identified by a system
generated unique
Change Number, along
with its own Verification
To reissue a Verification
Statement for a specific
version of a Registration,
use the Change Number
that corresponds to that
version of the

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

ReissueVerificationStatem ReissueVerificationSt ReissueVerificationStat
entResponseMessage atementResponse ementResponseType
ReissueVerificationStatem CommonResponseT CommonResponseTyp
entResponseType ype e
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of
the transaction in

Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nReissueVerificationStat etail
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number that
resulted in the error.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
ReissueVerificationStatem Error Number: 50005
entRequest element must
be provided.
0-20 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
not be an empty string. Error Number: 32144
0-30 The RegistrationNumber Fault Detail Type:
must be for an existing PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
Registration. Error Number: 32005
0-40 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumbe Error Number: 32142
r and
Code must not be
0-50 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
not provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupNumbe Error Number: 32139
r must be provided and the
value must not be an
empty string.
0-60 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
not provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
SecuredPartyGroupAccess Error Number: 32140
Code must be provided
and the value must not be
an empty string.
0-70 If the RegistrationToken is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
RegistrationToken must be Error Number: 34004
correct for the Registration.
0-80 If the Fault Detail Type:
SecuredPartyGroupNumbe PpsrCollateralRegistrationAccessFaultDetail
r and Error Number: 32008
Code are provided, the
r must be the correct
r for the Registration and
Code must be correct for
0-90 The ChangeNumber Fault Detail Type:
provided must exist for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
Registration. aultDetail
Error Number: 32106
0-100 The Registration must not Fault Detail Type:
be removed. PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
Error Number: 32097
0-110 The Registration must not Fault Detail Type:

be expired/discharged. PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
Error Number: 32098
0-120 The Registration must not Fault Detail Type:
be marked as “access is PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
restricted”. aultDetail
Error Number: 32002
0-130 The Registration must not Fault Detail Type:
be archived. PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
Error Number: 32096
0-140 The Verification Statement Fault Detail Type:
for the specified PpsrCollateralRegistrationReissueVerificationStatementF
RegistrationNumber and aultDetail
ChangeNumber must have Error Number: 32192
already been produced.

Search Service

The Collateral Registration Search Service has a number of operations that allow searching the
Register, working with search results and requesting search certificates.

There are four primary search operations that correspond to the four different types of search that can
be performed on the Register. They are:

 Registration Number Search

 Serial Number Search
 Grantor Search
 Ordinal Search

There is a fifth primary search operation that corresponds to a variation of the Grantor Search

 Grantor And Event Date Range Search

The Grantor And Event Date Range Search operation has been explicitly separated from Grantor
Search to simplify the definition and provision of the search criteria for this variation of Grantor

The remaining operations are used to work with the search results returned from one of the search
type operations. They include:

 Retrieve Search Result

 Retrieve Search Result Registration Attachment
 Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail
 Filter Grantor Search Result
 Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result
 Retrieve Registration History Detail
 Obtain Search Certificate
 Retrieve Search Certificate

Business Scenarios
The business scenario for using each of these operations is specified below

Scenario Description Service Operations

to use
Finding registered There are several different classes of registrations that
interests in relate to items that can be described by serial
collateral items number. These include motor vehicles, watercraft,
that are described aircraft and intellectual property.
by serial number
To conduct a search on an item of collateral described
by serial number, the following search criteria are
 Collateral Class
 Serial Number, and
 Type of Serial Number.

The search will return a list of the registrations that Serial Number
match the search criteria. The list may be empty. Search

Scenario Description Service Operations

to use
Finding registered Descriptions of collateral that are not described by
interests that are serial number will vary from one record to
not described by another. The only reasonable way of determining
serial number whether an item of collateral not described by serial
number is subject to a security interest is to conduct a
Grantor Search. The search can be narrowed by
Collateral Type / Class and other criteria if so desired.

To conduct this search identifying details of the

Grantor need to be supplied. For an individual it would
include Family Name, Given Names and Date Of
Birth. For an organisation an identifying number such
as ACN, ARBN, ARSN or ABN, otherwise the
organisation’s name. Where a specific collateral class
is specified as part of the search criteria, the search
will also include the classes of “all present and after
acquired property” and “all present and after acquired
property except”.

The search will return a count of the registrations that Grantor Search
match the search criteria.

If the number of registrations that match the search Filter Grantor

criteria are very large, the search result can be filtered Search Result
to provided a smaller number of matches.

The matching registrations can be retrieved to view the Grantor Search, or

details of the registrations. Retrieve Grantor
Search Result
Finding a specific This is a search for a specific registration by its
Registration Registration Number.
The current details for the Registration will be returned. Registration

Number Search

Scenario Description Service Operations

to use
Viewing history This will facilitate an understanding of all of the
details of a changes made to a registration found in a prior
registration that has search, from its initial registration to its current state.
been identified in a
prior search The data required is:
 the Registration Number
 the Change Number
 the Search Number (that returned the
registration number quoted above)

The details of the specified Registration immediately Retrieve

after the specified Change Number will be returned. Registration History
Retrieving an If an attachment to one of the search results needs to
attachment to a be viewed, it can also be returned.
Registration found in
a Search. The data required is:
 the Search Number
 the Registration Number
 the Change Number
 the Attachment Id

The attachment is returned. Retrieve Search

Result Registration

Comparing the order This is a specialised search that will allow the
of Registrations as determination of the order of two registration
they were recorded events. A registration event is either the start time of
in the Register registration, the change time of a Change Number or
the end time of registration. It should be understood
this DOES NOT in itself determine priority. It
determines which registration event occurred first on
the PPS Register.

The data required to conduct this search are the two

registration numbers and optionally the change
numbers for the registrations that are being
The result returned will be the order of the two Ordinal Search
registration events.

Scenario Description Service Operations

to use
How to get a Search It is possible to get a search certificate from the PPS
Certificate on a Register to show a particular result of most of the
Search Result searches described above.

To get a search certificate the Search Number for the Obtain Search
search result must be provided. Where there are Certificate
multiple registrations in the search result for a

Grantor search, the Registration Number of an
individual registration in the search result must be
provided. To get a search certificate for an earlier
version of a registration in a search result, the
Change Number for the required version must be

The search certificate will be produced Obtain Search

asynchronously and can be retrieved once it is ready. Certificate, or
Retrieve Search

If the search certificate is for a single registration that Obtain Search

has one or more attachments, the attachment can be Certificate, or
downloaded separately for inclusion in the search Retrieve Search
certificate. Certificate

How to Reissue a If a search certificate was issued and there is a need

Search Certificate for that certificate to be reissued it can be done. It
will have the same certificate number.
The search certificate number is required for this Obtain Search
transaction to be completed. Certificate
If the certificate number cannot be supplied a new
certificate will need to be requested as described
If the search certificate is for a single registration that Obtain Search
has one or more attachments, the attachment can be Certificate, or
downloaded separately for inclusion in the search Retrieve Search
certificate. Certificate

Scenario Description Service Operations

to use
How to Reissue a If for any reason a verification statement needs to be
Verification reissued there is a facility to do so.
The data required is:
 Registration Number
 Change Number
 Registration Token or Secured Party Group
Number and Access Code

The reissued verification statement will be sent to the Reissue Verification

‘Address for Service.’ Statement

Search Concepts
This section identifies important concepts used within the Search Services that must be understood to
successfully use the search operations.

Search Number
Each search undertaken against the Register is allocated a unique Search Number. This Search
Number must be provided when performing subsequent operations on the search result such as:

 retrieving attachments for registrations included in the search result

 retrieving details of earlier versions of registrations included in the search result (when the
registration has been amended)
 filtering the search result (Grantor searches only)
 requesting a search certificate
 retrieving the result at a later time

The Search Number is returned from most operations provided by the Search Services, and is
required to be provided as input for many of the operations used after the initial search request.

Note that a Search Number from a search performed through the XML channel can be used to later
access the search result through VedaCheck (web channel), and vice-versa.

Declaration of Authorised Purpose

When a user searches the PPSR for Registrations against a Grantor that is an individual (not an
organisation), they are required to make a declaration stating they are doing so for an authorised
purpose as set out in the PPS Act. When the Grantor Search operation is used to search for an
individual Grantor, a field must be provided indicating the person conducting the search has made this

Point-in-Time Search
In general, searches of the Register will search against the current information in the Register at the
time the search is executed, However, Serial Number Search and Grantor Search can be executed
as a “point-in-time” search. This is a search that reflects the Register at a point in time in the
past. The details of the Registrations returned in the search result will be the details that were current
at the point in time of the search. Only authorised internal PPSR staff are able to perform point-in-
time searches. If a point-in-time search is required please contact the PPS Registrar directly.

Access Restrictions
A Registration may have access restrictions placed upon it. These restrictions are used by the PPS
Registrar if it is necessary to remove a registration from the Register or to limit the details of a
registration that are returned in a search of the Register. In general, searches of the Register will only
return current Registrations. Only authorised internal PPSR staff are able to retrieve details for
registrations that have restrictions applied. If these details are required please contact the PPS
Registrar directly.

If, when retrieving a search result, access restrictions have been placed on a Registration since the
time of the original search, the Registration will still be included in the search result. However the
details of the Registration will be limited.

“Exact” Match
In general, Registrations must match specified search criteria exactly in order to be returned in a
search result. However, some leeway is provided for some search criteria for Grantor Search and
Serial Number Search to return “close” matches.

However, it is important to note that searches do not allow for the use of wild cards as search
criteria. This is particularly important, for example, when searching by individual Grantors where
Family Name, Given Names and Date of Birth must all be provided as search criteria.

Search Result Access Expiry and Search Certificate Access Expiry

When a search is executed, the search result will be available for processing on PPSR for a period of
time. During this time the search result can be retrieved again, filtered, and the attachments
downloaded. This time is called the search result access period. The expiry time of the search result
access period will be returned in the response message for a search, and is currently 24 hours.

If retrieving or processing of the search result is performed after the access period has expired a fee
will be charged (equivalent to the original search fee) and the access expiry period will be reset.

When a search certificate is requested, the search certificate will remain available on PPSR for
retrieval at a later time. At the time the search certificate is requested, the expiry time of the search
certificate access period will be returned in the response message. A fee will be charged to retrieve a
search certificate from PPSR at a later time.

During the search certificate access period, the search certificate can be downloaded multiple
times. If the search certificate is for a single registration that has one or more attachments, the
attachments can be downloaded during the search certificate access period.

If a search certificate is retrieved after the search certificate access period, a further search certificate
access period will be established. The expiry time of the new search certificate access period will be
returned in the response message.

Search Operation Usage

Each of the five search type operations has different messages, but all follow a common structure.

Each type of search is performed synchronously and has a request message and a response

 The request message contains the search criteria for the required search
 The response message contains a number of fields that are common to all search types, such
as the Search Number and search result expiry time, and result details that are specific to the
type of search

For some search types the response message will contain all the information required for the search
and no further operations need to be called. For some search types, separate operations may need
to be called to retrieve all the details available.

The response message for Ordinal Search contains the full search result details and no futher
information is available for the search result. Further information about a Registration in an Ordinal
Search can be found by peforming a Registration Number Search, however this is treated as a
completely separate search.

The response message for Registration Number Search contains the full current details of the
Registration and a summary of the change history of the Registration. In order to return an
attachment for a Registration or the full details of an earlier version of the Registration from the
change history, it is necessary to call separate operations (Retrieve Search Result Registration
Attachment, Retrieve Registration History Detail).

The response message for Serial Number Search contains the full current details of all Registrations
that matched the search criteria and a summary of the change history of each Registration. In order
to return an attachment for one of the Registrations or the full details of an earlier version of one of the
Registrations, it is necessary to call separate operations (Retrieve Search Result Registration
Attachment, Retrieve Registration History Detail).

The response message for both Grantor Search and Grantor And Event Date Range Search may only
contain a count of the number of Registrations that matched the search criteria or may also contain
full details of all the Registrations that matched the search criteria, depending upon the preference
submitted by the user in the request message. If only the summary count details are returned it is still
possible to subsequently retrieve the full current details of matching Registrations by calling a
separate operation (Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail), which can be used to retrieve the
Registrations in the search result. In order to return an attachment for one of the Registrations or the
full details of an earlier version of one of the Registrations, it is necessary to call separate operations
(Retrieve Search Result Registration Attachment, Retrieve Registration History Detail). A feature of
working with the search result for Grantor Search or Grantor And Event Date Range Search is the
ability to filter the search result, using a separate operation (Filter Grantor Search Result or Filter
Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result).

For any search type, a search certificate can be requested using the Obtain Search Certificate
operation. The search certificate will be produced asynchronously. Production of the search
certificate will be queued for immediate processing and most certificates should be available within a
matter of seconds. However, as many search certificates will require verifications to be undertaken
with systems external to PPSR (e.g. verification of Grantor ACNs with ASIC) the time required to
produce the certificate will depend upon the number of verifications required for the certificate and the
overall demand for verifications with external systems. The search certificate can also be retrieved
again at a later time using the Retrieve Search Certificate operation. If the search certificate is for a
single registration that has one or more attachments, the attachments will be returned in the Obtain
Search Certificate response and can also be downloaded at a later time using the Retrieve Search
Certificate Registration Attachment operation.

Registration Number Search

This operation is used to search the Register for a Registration with a specific Registration Number.

If there is no Registration on the Register with the specified Registration Number, the Result Count in
the Search Summary of the response message will be 0 and the Result Detail in the response
message will be empty.

If there is a Registration on the Register with the specified Registration Number, the Result Count in
the Search Summary of the response message will be 1 and the Result Detail in the response
message will be populated. However, the Registration Detail in the Result Detail will only be
populated if the Registration is a current, expired (including discharged) Registration.

Users will be given the option of obtaining a Search Certificate for their search result. Users should
populate the searchCertificateRequired field.

If the Search Certificate does not become available within Equifax’s timeout constraints a warning
message will be included in the response message. See certificateUnavailableWarningMessage field
for details.

Number Search”

Generate PPSR
"Search by
Number" Request

Receive PPSR
“Search by

Did Customer
Request Search


Input requires the "Search

Receive “Request Number" from the Search by
Search Certificate” Initiate PPSR Registration Number Response
Response "Request Search
Input requires the "Search
Certificate Number" from the
Request Search Certificate
Initiate PPSR Receive “Retrieve
“Retrieve Search Search Certificate”
Certificate” Request Response

No Is the Certificate


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

SearchByRegistrationNu BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
mberRequestMessage age
SearchByRegistrati SearchByRegistration
onNumberRequest NumberRequestType
searchCertificateRe Boolean Users will be given the
quired option of obtaining a
Search Certificate for
their search result
SearchByRegistrationNu CommonRequestT CommonRequestType
mberRequestType ype
SearchCriteria SearchByRegistration

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
SearchByRegistration SearchByRegistrati SearchByRegistrationN
NumberResponseMes onNumberRespons umberResponseType
sage e
certificateUnavaila String If the Search Certificate
bleWarningMessag does not become available
e within Equifax’s timeout
constraints a warning
message will be included
in the response message.
ingMessage field for
searchCertificateN String Provide certificate number
umber if the request message
is true
RetrieveSearchCer RetrieveSearchCertifica
tificateResponseTy teResponseType
SearchByRegistration CommonResponse CommonResponseType
NumberResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary
SearchCriteria SearchByRegistrationN This is a repeat of the
umberSearchCriteria search criteria in the
request message.
SearchResult SearchByRegistrationN

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchByRegistrationNu RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
mberSearchCriteria of the Registration to

Class Element Type Notes

SearchByRegistrationNu ResultDetail ResultDetail If there is no Registration
mberSearchResult on the Register with the
specified Registration
Number, the Result Detail
in the response message
will be null.
If there is a Registration
on the Register with the
specified Registration
Number, the Result Detail
in the response message
will be populated.
SearchResultRetrie dateTime The date and time the
vedDateTime result of the search was
retrieved. This is not the
date and time the search
was executed (which will
be in the SearchSummary
in the response
message). The search
result may be retrieved at
a time after the search
was executed.

See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
SearchByRegistrationNumberRequest Error Number: 50005
element must be provided.
0-20 The SearchCriteria element must be Fault Detail Type:
provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41052
0-30 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41000

Serial Number Search

This operation is used to retrieve Registrations for an item of collateral that is described by a specific
serial number. Normally this search only returns current registrations and limited details for restricted
access Registrations.

Note that there can be multiple current registrations against a single serial number (though in most
circumstances it is expected there will only be a single current registration).

A search result for a Search By Serial Number for a motor vehicle may include data from NEVDIS
(National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System) for the specified serial
number. Whether NEVDIS is called for a particular search will depend on the type of motor vehicle
serial number entered in the search criteria and also upon the Registrations that are matched against
the search criteria. NEVDIS will always be called when the search criteria is for a VIN or Chassis
Number. NEVDIS will not normally be called when the search criteria is for a Motor Vehicle
Manufacturer’s Number, unless there is a Registration with a VIN, Chassis Number or Unknown Motor
Vehicle Identifier that is the same value as the Motor Vehicle Manufacturer’s Number specified in the
search criteria.

PPSR will only make one attempt to contact NEVDIS for the search result. If NEVDIS does not
respond, the NEVDIS data in the response will not be populated and a message advising this will be

Users will be given the option of obtaining a Search Certificate for their search result.

If the Search Certificate does not become available within Equifax’s timeout constraints a warning
message will be included in the response message.

Customer’s “Serial
Number Search”

Generate PPSR
"Search by Serial
Number" Request

Receive PPSR
“Search by Serial

Did Customer
Request Search


Initiate PPSR Input requires the "Search

Receive “Request
"Request Search Number" from the Search by
Search Certificate” Serial Number Response

Input requires the "Search

Certificate Number" from the
Request Search Certificate
Initiate PPSR Receive “Retrieve
“Retrieve Search Search Certificate”
Certificate” Request Response

No Is the Certificate


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

SearchBySerialNumber BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
RequestMessage age
SearchBySerialNu SearchBySerialNumbe
mberRequest rRequestType
SearchBySerialNumber CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
RequestType pe
SearchCriteria SearchBySerialNumbe

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->






<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



Class Element Type Notes

SearchBySerialNumbe SearchBySerialNu SearchBySerialNumber
rResponseMessage mberResponse ResponseType
certificateUnavaila string
searchCertificateN string
RetrieveSearchCer RetrieveSearchCertifica
tificateResponseTy teResponseType
VINValidationResul VINValidationResultDet
t ailsType
validationSummary ValidationSummaryTyp
SearchBySerialNumbe CommonResponse CommonResponseType
rResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary
SearchCriteria SearchBySerialNumber This is a repeat of the
SearchCriteria search criteria in the
request message.
SearchResult SearchBySerialNumber

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchBySerialNumberS SerialNumberType SerialNumberSearchC The type of the serial
earchCriteria riteriaType number to search for.
SerialNumber string(50) The value of the serial
number to search for.
PointInTimeDateTi dateTime A date and time in the
me past that is the point in
time to search the
A value can only be
provided if the Account
Customer is authorised to
perform point-in-time
IncludeCurrent boolean If “true”, current
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”, current
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
archived or removed
registrations, then
IncludeCurrent must be
IncludeExpired boolean If “true”,
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”,
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
registrations, then
IncludeExpired must be
IncludeArchived boolean If “true”, archived
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”, archived
registrations will not be
included in the search

If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
archived registrations,
then IncludeArchived
must be “false”.
IncludeRemoved boolean If “true”, removed
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”, removed
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
removed registrations,
then IncludeRemoved
must be “false”.

Class Element Type Notes

SearchBySerialNumberS ResultDetails List<ResultDetail> A list of registrations that
earchResult match the search criteria.

SearchResultRetrie dateTime The date and time the

vedDateTime result of the search was
retrieved. This is not the
date and time the search
was executed (which will
be in the SearchSummary
in the response
message). The search
result may be retrieved at
a time after the search
was executed.
TransitionalPeriodM string(200) A message that will only
essage be included during the
transitional period. This
message is used to
indicate that some
registrations may not be
on the register.
After the end of the
transional period this will
always be null.
NevdisData NevdisData If the search is for a motor
vehicle and NEVDIS has
been called, this will
contain the data retrieved
from NEVDIS.

The NevdisData class is used to return data received by PPSR from NEVDIS. This is used to provide
information from NEVDIS in a search result for a Search By Serial Number for a motor vehicle search.

If a B2G Account Customer wants to convey any of the information related to NEVDIS to the end user
(e.g. on a screen or printed report), the B2G Account Customer will need to provide information in a
form approved by the Registrar.

Class Element Type Notes

NevdisData VerificationStatus IdentifierVerification Indicates whether NEVDIS was able
StatusType to be contacted to verify the vehicle
identifier, and if NEVDIS was able to
be contacted, indicates whether a
matching vehicle record was found. If
at least one matching vehicle record
was found, the details of each
matching vehicle will be provided in
the NevdisVehicles element.
If the VerificationStatus is
“NotVerified” and the B2G Account
Customer wishes to convey this
information to the end user (e.g. on a
screen or printed report), the form of
words used in the explanation will
need to be in an approved form
agreed with the Registrar.
NevdisVehicles List<NevdisVehicle If verification with NEVDIS was
> successful (VerificationStatus is either
“Found” or “NotFound”), this will
contain a list of all matching vehicles
returned from NEVDIS. The list will
be empty if the VerificationStatus is
If verification with NEVDIS was
unsuccessful (VerificationStatus is
“NotVerified”) the NevdisVehicles
element will be null,
NevdisVehicle VehicleIdentifier NevdisVehicleIdenti Provides the identifier of the matched
fier vehicle.
VehicleDetail NevdisVehicleDetai Provides details of the matched
l vehicle.
StolenDetails List<StolenDetail> Provides a list of stolen restriction
records related to the matched
vehicle. If the vehicle or some
component of the vehicle (e.g. plates,
engine) has been reported as stolen,
there can be a separate stolen
restriction against each identifier
related to the vehicle.
The list will be empty if there are no
stolen restriction records returned
from NEVDIS.
WrittenOffDetails List<WrittenOffDeta Provides a list of written-off records
il> related to the matched vehicle. A
vehicle can be written-off as a
repairable write-off, repaired and then
written-off again, so there can be

multiple records for a vehicle.
The list will be empty if there are no
written-off records returned from
NevdisVehicleId IdentifierType NevdisVehicleIdenti Indicates whether the matched
entifier fierType vehicle was matched on a VIN or
Chassis Number.

IdentifierValue string(50) The value of the VIN or Chassis

Number of the matched vehicle.
NevdisVehicleD Jurisdiction string(3) The state or territory of the most
etail recent vehicle registration recorded
for the vehicle.
The value can be null if the vehicle
has never been registered.
JurisdictionParticip boolean Indicated whether or not the state or
ation territory of the most recent vehicle
registration recorded for the vehicle
has agreed to participate in providing
vehicle and registration information
for PPSR.
If the value is “false”, the Registration
and VehicleDescription elements will
not be populated.
The value can be null if the vehicle
has never been registered.
Registration NevdisRegistration Details of the most recent vehicle
registration recorded for the vehicle.
The value can be null if the vehicle
registration details are not returned
from NEVDIS.
VehicleDescription NevdisVehicleDesc Details that describe the particular
ription vehicle.
The value can be null if the vehicle
description details are not returned
from NEVDIS.
NevdisRegistrat ExpiryDate string(50) The registration expiry date of the
ion most recent vehicle registration
recorded for the vehicle.
The value can be null if the expiry
date is not returned from NEVDIS.
PlateNumber string(20) The registration plate number of the
most recent vehicle registration
recorded for the vehicle.
The value can be null if the plate
number is not returned from NEVDIS.
NevdisVehicleD Make string(100) The make of the vehicle.
escription The value can be null if the make is
not returned from NEVDIS.
Model string(100) The model of the vehicle.
The value can be null if the make is
not returned from NEVDIS.
Colour string(100) The colour of the vehicle.
The value can be null if the colour is
not returned from NEVDIS.
BodyType string(100) The body type of the vehicle.
The value can be null if the body type
is not returned from NEVDIS.
VehicleType string(100) The type of the vehicle.

The value can be null if the type is not
returned from NEVDIS.
ManufactureYear string(4) The year of manufacture of the
The value can be null if the year of
manufacture is not returned from
ComplianceYearMo string(7) The year and month on the
nth compliance plate of the vehicle.
The value can be null if the year and
month of compliance is not returned
from NEVDIS.
EngineNumber string(100) The engine number of the vehicle.
The value can be null if the engine
number is not returned from NEVDIS.
StolenDetail StolenSummary string(100) Provides a summary of the
information for the stolen restriction
WrittenOffDetail WrittenOffSummary string(100) Provides a summary of the
information for the written-off record.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
SearchBySerialNumberRequest Error Number: 50005
element must be provided.
0-20 The SearchCriteria element must Fault Detail Type:
be provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41052
0-30 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumberType must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Unsupported. Error Number: 41093
0-40 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SerialNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41001
0-50 If the SerialNumberType provided Fault Detail Type:
is “VIN”, then the SerialNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
provided must be 17 characters in Error Number: 41003
length, excluding white spaces.
0-60 If IncludeExpired is “true”, the Fault Detail Type:
Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
authorised to perform a search on Error Number: 41015
expired/discharged registrations.
0-70 If IncludeRemoved is “true”, the Fault Detail Type:
Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
authorised to perform a search on Error Number: 41017
removed registrations.
0-80 If IncludeArchived is “true”, the Fault Detail Type:
Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
authorised to perform a search on Error Number: 41016
archived registrations.
0-90 At least one of IncludeCurrent, Fault Detail Type:
IncludeExpired, IncludeRemoved PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
and IncludeArchived must be “true”. Error Number: 41002
0-100 If PointInTimeDateTime is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the Account Customer PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
must be authorised to perform a Error Number: 41018
point-in-time search.
0-110 If PointInTimeDateTime is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the date/time must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
less than the current date/time. Error Number: 41019

Grantor Search

This operation is used to retrieve Registrations where one of the Grantors matches a specified
Grantor. As the Grantor Search has the potential to include the largest number of Registrations in the
result (possibly thousands of Registrations against a single company); Equifax’s Grantor Search will
provide customers with the option of receiving a Summary Response or a Detailed Response.
Grantor Search provides additional search criteria to the user to allow them, for example, to only
return Registrations for specified Collateral Classes.

If the user requests a Grantor Search with a Detailed response a multi-step process to retrieve the
search results will be performed, as shown by the activity diagram below. In this case the Equifax
PPSR system will automatically initiate the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail request. Whilst
PPSR limit the number of matches returned each time the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail
operation is called, Equifax’s system will automatically initiate multiple calls to this service until such
time as all matching Registrations have been returned.

If a user has initially requested a Summary response, before calling the Retrieve Grantor Search
Result Detail operation, if the number of Registrations that match the search criteria is very large, the
user may choose to filter the Registrations in the initial search result. As well as the initial search
criteria, additional filtering criteria can be used to reduce the number of Registrations that might need
to be returned. The Filter Grantor Search Result operation is used to filter the search result. The
response message for the Filter Grantor Search Result operation returns the number of Registrations
from the initial search that match the filter criteria. The Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail
operation can then be used to retrieve Registrations that match the filter criteria.

Using the Filter Grantor Search Result operation does not need to occur immediately after the initial
Grantor Search. It can be used after the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation has been
used to retrieve some or all of the Registrations in the search result. Further, after calling the Filter
Grantor Search Result operation to apply a filter, the Filter Grantor Search Result operation can be
called again to apply a different filter. Each time a filter is applied using the Filter Grantor Search
Result operation, the filter is applied to the complete initial search result from the Grantor Search.

Filtering does not entail an additional fee; it is part of retrieving the results of the initial
search. However, all filtering and retrieval of search results needs to be completed before the search
result expiry time, otherwise an additional fee will apply.

Whenever a call to the Filter Grantor Search Result operation is called, PPSR will assign a new Filter
Number to the application of the filter criteria. This Filter Number must be provided in requests to
return the Registrations in the search result using the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail

Note that a Filter Number is always assigned by PPSR to the full search result from a Grantor Search,
even though the search result has not yet been filtered. The initial search result is assigned a Filter
Number of 1. Subsequent calls to the Filter Grantor Search Result operation will result in sequential
Filter Numbers being assigned. When a call is made to the Retrieve Search Result operation at a
time after access to the initial search result has expired, a new Filter Number will be assigned to the
full search result from the original search, even though the search result has not yet been filtered
during the subsequent access to the search result.

If the Grantor Search request specified an organisation identified by a number (ACN, ARBN, ARSN or
ABN), PPSR will attempt to verify the number using an external register. If this verification is
successful and the number exists on the external register, the name of the organisation will be
returned as part of the search results. Note that PPSR will not search the PPS Register for

Registrations using this name, it will only search for Registrations where the Grantor is identified by
the specified number.

“Grantor Search”

Generate PPSR
"Search By
Grantor" Request

Receive “Search
By Grantor”

Input requires the "Search

Number" from the "Search By
Grantor" Response
Initiate PPSR
Did Customer request "Retrieve Grantor
Summary or Detailed? Search Result
Detail" request

Input requires the "Start Result
Sequence Number"
Receive “Retrieve determined from the last
Grantor Search Result Sequence Number in
the Previous Response
Result Detail”

Were all Results

Returned in the
Response? Compare the Result Count
between the “Search By
Yes Grantor” and Result Sequence
Number in the “Retrieve
Grantor Search Result Detail”


A Grantor Search can result in a large amount of data being returned. The response data message
can be compressed, reducing the amount of data transmitted. To specify compressed results the
HTTP standard header value “Accept-Encoding” should be set to “gzip, deflate” in the Request

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

When using this header value decompression of the response will be required, this can be achieved
by using an appropriate web services client framework and ensuring that sufficient memory is
available on the target machine to perform the decompression.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



Class Element Type Notes

SearchByGrantorReque BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
stMessage age
SearchByGrantorR SearchByGrantorRequ
equest estType
Detailed Boolean As the Grantor Search
has the potential to
include the largest
number of Registrations in
the result (possibly
thousands of
Registrations against a
single company);
Equifax’s Grantor Search
will provide customers
with the option of
receiving a Summary
Response or a Detailed
SearchByGrantorReque CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
stType pe
SearchCriteria SearchByGrantorSear
AcceptGrantorIndivi boolean When a user searches the
dualSearchDeclarat PPSR for registrations
ion against an individual
grantor, they are required
to make a declaration
stating they are doing so
for an authorised purpose
as set out in the PPS Act.
If the grantor type in the
search criteria is
Individual, a value must
be provided indicating

whether the user has
made the required
If the grantor type in the
search criteria is
organisation, null must be

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->





Class Element Type Notes

SearchByGrantorResp SearchByGrantorR SearchByGrantorRespo
onseMessage esponse nseType
SearchByGrantorResp CommonResponse CommonResponseType
onseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary
SearchCriteria SearchByGrantorSearc
SearchResult SearchByGrantorSearc

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchByGrantorSearch GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the
Criteria grantor is an organisation
or an individual.
GrantorOrganisatio GrantorOrganisationS If the grantor is an
nSearchCriteria earchCriteria organisation, a value for
hCriteria must be
If the grantor is not an
organisation, a value for
hCriteria must not be
GrantorIndividualSe GrantorIndividualSear If the grantor is an
archCriteria chCriteria individual, a value for
riteria must be provided.
If the grantor is not an
individual, a value for
riteria must not be
PointInTimeDateTi dateTime If the search is to be
me executed as a “point-in-
time” search, the date and
time for the point in time.
SecurityInterestsOn boolean If “true”, only registrations
ly that are security interests
will be included in the
search result.
If “false”, registrations for
all registration kinds will
be included in the search
CollateralClassSear List<CollateralClassSe An optional list of
chCriteria archCriteriaType> collateral classes. If
provided, the registrations
in the search result will be
for one of the provided
collateral classes.
IsPMSISearchCriter SearchSelectionFlagT Indicates whether
ia ype registrations that are
returned should be based
on whether or not they are

IncludeNonTransitio boolean If “true”, registrations that

nal are not transitional will be
included in the search
If “false”, registrations that
are not transitional will be
excluded from the search
IncludeNonMigrate boolean If “true”, registrations that
dTransitional are transitional but not
migrated will be included

in the search result.
If “false”, registrations that
are transitional but not
migrated will be excluded
from the search result.
IncludeMigratedTra boolean If “true”, registrations that
nsitional are migrated transitional
will be included in the
search result.
If “false”, registrations that
are migrated transitional
will be excluded from the
search result.
IncludeCurrent boolean If “true”, current
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”, current
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
archived or removed
registrations, then
IncludeCurrent must be
IncludeExpired boolean If “true”,
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”,
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
registrations, then
IncludeExpired must be
IncludeArchived boolean If “true”, archived
registrations will be
included in the search
If “false”, archived
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
archived registrations,
then IncludeArchived
must be “false”.
IncludeRemoved boolean If “true”, removed
registrations will be
included in the search

If “false”, removed
registrations will not be
included in the search
If an Account Customer is
not authorised to return
removed registrations,
then IncludeRemoved
must be “false”.
RegistrationNumber SortOrderType Indicates the order in
SortOrder which registrations are
included in the search
result in ascending or
descending order.

GrantorOrganisationSea OrganisationNumbe OrganisationNumberT The type of the number

rchCriteria rType ype used to identify the
organisation (e.g. ACN,
value for
should only be specified if
the grantor to be
searched for is identified
in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationNumbe string(50) The value of the number
r used to identify the
A value for
should only be specified if
the grantor to be
searched for is identified
in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the
A value for
OrganisationName should
only be specified if the
grantor to be searched for
is identified in PPSR by its
organisation name.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GrantorIndividualSearch FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
Criteria individual grantor to
search for.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
individual grantor to
search for.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII

DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the
individual grantor to
search for.
Note: A time should not
be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by

Class Element Type Notes

SearchByGrantorSearch FilterNumber int The Filter Number that
Result applies to the search
MaximumNumberO int The maximum number of
fReturnedRegistrati registrations that can be
onsPerRetrieve returned in a single call to
the Retrieve Grantor
Search Result Detail
TransitionalPeriodM string(200) A message that will only
essage be included during the
transitional period. This
message is used to
indicate that some
registrations may not be
on the register.
After the end of the
transional period this will
always be null.
GrantorOrganisatio GrantorOrganisationW If the search was for a
nSearchCriteriaVeri ithVerificationStatus grantor organisation
ficationDetail identified by
OrganisationNumber and
, then this will be details of
the external verification
with either ASIC or ABR.
SearchResultSumm SearchByGrantorSear Provides information
ary chResultSummary about the number of
registrations in the search
result for different
collateral classes and
collateral types.
GrantorOrganisationWith OrganisationNumbe OrganisationNumberT The type of the number
VerificationStatus rType ype used to identify the
organisation (e.g. ACN,
OrganisationNumbe string(50) The value of the number
r used to identify the
OrganisationNumbe IdentifierVerificationSt Indicates whether
rVerificationStatus atusType ASIC/ABR was able to be
contacted to verify the
organisation number, and
if ASIC/ABR was able to
be contacted, indicates
whether the organisation

number was verified as
valid by ASIC/ABR.
If the VerificationStatus is
“NotVerified” and the B2G
Account Customer wishes
to convey this information
to the end user (e.g. on a
screen or printed report),
the form of words used in
the explanation will need
to be in an approved form
agreed with the Registrar.
OrganisationName string(250) If the organisation number
has been verified as valid
with ASIC/ABR, this is the
name of the organisation
provided by ASIC/ABR.
If the organisation number
has not been able to
verified as valid with
ASIC/ABR, this will be
SearchByGrantorSearch CollateralTypeSum List<CollateralTypeSe A list that contains a
ResultSummary mary archSummarySummar record for each collateral
yDetail> type for which there are
one or more registrations
in the search result.
CollateralClassSum List<CollateralClassSe A list that contains a
mary archSummarySummar record for each collateral
yDetail> class for which there are
one or more registrations
in the search result.
CollateralTypeSearchSu CollateralType CollateralType
CollateralTypeResu int The number of
ltCount registrations in the search
result for the collateral
CollateralClassSearchSu CollateralClass CollateralClassFilterCr
mmarySummaryDetail iteriaType
CollateralClassRes int The number of
ultCount registrations in the search
result for the collateral

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail and the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35020. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported. In the following table, where the Fault Detail Type in the
SOAP Fault column is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail, the Error Number is the
value that will provided in the ErrorNumber field of the group of errors.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The SearchByGrantorRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The SearchCriteria element Fault Detail Type:
must be provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41052
0-30 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
be Unsupported. ail
Error Number: 32016
0-40 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Organisation, then a value ail
must not be provided for the Error Number: 41032
a element.
0-50 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Organisation, then a value ail
must be provided for the Error Number: 41033
eria element and a value must
be provided for either
OrganisationName or
OrganisationNumber where the
value is not an empty string.
0-60 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorOrganisationSearchCrit PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
eria element, then a value ail
must not be provided for both Error Number: 41034
OrganisationName and
0-70 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
then a value must also be ail
provided for Error Number: 41035
0-80 If a value is not provided for Fault Detail Type:
the OrganisationNumber PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
element, then a value must not ail
be provided for Error Number: 41036
0-90 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumberType PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
element, the value must not be ail
Unsupported. Error Number: 32017
0-100 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationName element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet

then the value provided must ail
only contain 7-bit ASCII Error Number: 41037
0-110 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Individual, then a value must ail
not be provided for the Error Number: 41038
eria element.
0-120 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Individual, then a value must ail
be provided for the Error Number: 41039
a element with values provided
for both FamilyName and
GivenNames that are not
empty strings.
0-130 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Individual, then the value ail
provided for FamilyName must Error Number: 41040
only contain 7-bit ASCII
0-140 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Individual, then the value ail
provided for GivenNames must Error Number: 41041
only contain 7-bit ASCII
0-150 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorIndividualSearchCriteri PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
a element, the value provided ail
for DateOfBirth must not be Error Number: 41042
later than the current date (as
per Canberra time).
0-160 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Individual, then a value must ail
be provided for Error Number: 41043
Declaration and the value must
be “true”.
0-170 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
IsPMSISearchCriteria element PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
must not be Unsupported. ail
Error Number: 41094
0-180 If any values are provided in Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
CollateralClassSearchCriteria ail
element, then all values Error Number: 41095
provided must not be
0-190 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumberSortOrder PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
element must not be ail
Unsupported. Error Number: 41096
0-200 At least one of Fault Detail Type:
IncludeNonTransitional, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet

IncludeNonMigratedTransitiona ail
l and Error Number: 41044
must be “true”.
0-210 If IncludeExpired is “true”, the Fault Detail Type:
Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
authorised to perform a search ail
on expired/discharged Error Number: 41015
0-220 If IncludeRemoved is “true”, Fault Detail Type:
the Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
authorised to perform a search ail
on removed registrations. Error Number: 41017
0-230 If IncludeArchived is “true”, the Fault Detail Type:
Account Customer must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
authorised to perform a search ail
on archived registrations. Error Number: 41016
0-240 At least one of IncludeCurrent, Fault Detail Type:
IncludeExpired, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
IncludeRemoved and ail
IncludeArchived must be “true”. Error Number: 41002
0-250 If PointInTimeDateTime is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the Account PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
Customer must be authorised ail
to perform a point-in-time Error Number: 41018
0-260 If PointInTimeDateTime is Fault Detail Type:
provided, the date/time must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
be less than the current ail
date/time. Error Number: 41019

Grantor and Event Date Range Search

This operation is used to retrieve Registration events that occurred in a specified date range for
Registrations against a specified Grantor that are current at the time the search is undertaken.

An “event” is one of the following:

 Initial creation of the Registration on the Register

 An amendment to the Registration
 A change of address for service for the Secured Party Group recorded on the Registration
 A transfer of the Registration from one Secured Party Group to another Secured Party Group.

This search allows the user to find Registration events that occurred in the specified time period for
Registrations (against the specified Grantor) that are effective at the time of the search. An example
of this would be that there may be 2000 Registrations returned for an organisation Grantor – all are
effective at time of search. However the user is looking for Registrations that they knew were either
made or added collateral to during the specified time period. This search allows them to identify those

It is important to note that this search only returns events for Registrations that are current at the time
the search is undertaken. Therefore this search will never return the “Discharge Registration” event,
even if the event occurred in the specified date range. This also applies to the “Remove Registration”
event, unless the Registration has been subsequently re-instated.

As the Grantor and Event Date Range Search has the potential to include a large number of
Registrations in the result (possibly thousands of Registrations against a single company); Equifax’s
Grantor and Event Date Range Search will provide customers with the option of receiving a Summary
Response or a Detailed Response.

If the user requests a Grantor and Event Date Range Search with a Detailed response a multi-step
process to retrieve the search results will be performed, as shown by the activity diagram below. In
this case the Equifax PPSR system will automatically initiate the Retrieve Grantor Search Result
Detail request. Whilst PPSR limit the number of matches returned each time the Retrieve Grantor
Search Result Detail operation is called, Equifax’s system will automatically initiate multiple calls to
this service until such time as all matching Registrations have been returned.

If a user has initially requested a Summary response, before calling the Grantor and Event Date
Range Search service Registration details must be retrieved by initiating a separate Retrieve Grantor
Search Result Detail transaction.

The search result for a Grantor And Event Date Range Search differs from a Grantor Search in that
the same Registration can be included more than once in the search result Grantor And Event Date
Range Search. This can occur when the same Registration has more than one event that occurs
within the specified date range. In this case, each instance of the Registration (i.e. each Registration
event) will include details of the Registration as a result of that event.

In other respects, Grantor And Event Date Range Search is used in the same way as Search By
Grantor. That is, Grantor And Event Date Range Search uses a multi-step process to retrieve the
search results. In order to filter the search result for Grantor And Event Date Range Search, the
Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result operation is used instead of the Filter Grantor
Search Result operation. However, the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation is used to
return details of the Registrations for both Grantor Search operation and the Grantor And Event Date
Range Search operation.

The multistep process is shown in the activity diagram below

“Grantor & Event
Date Range
Search” Request

Generate PPSR
"Search By
Grantor & Event
Date Range"

Receive “Search
By Grantor &
Event Date
Range” Response

Input requires the "Search

Number" from the "Search By
Initiate PPSR Grantor & Event Date Range"
Did Customer request Detailed "Retrieve Grantor Response
Summary or Detailed? Search Result
Detail" Request

Input requires the "Start Result
Sequence Number" determined
from the last Result Sequence
Number in the Previous Response

Receive “Retrieve
Grantor Search
Result Detail”

Were all Results

Returned in the
Response? No
Compare the Result Count
Yes between the “Search By
Grantor & Event Date Range”
and Result Sequence Number
in the “Retrieve Grantor
Search Result Detail”


The search result for a “Search By Grantor And Event Date Range” differs from a “Search By Grantor”
in that the same Registration can be included more than once in the search result for “Search By
Grantor And Event Date Range”. This can occur when the same Registration has more than one
event that occurs within the specified date range. In this case, each instance of the Registration (i.e.
each Registration event) will include details of the Registration as a result of that event.

“Search By Grantor And Event Date Range” differs from a “Search By Grantor” in that Search By
Grantor And Event Date Range cannot be executed as a “point-in-time” search.

In other respects, Search By Grantor And Event Date Range is used in the same way as Search By
Grantor. That is, Search By Grantor And Event Date Range uses a multi-step process to retrieve the
search results. In order to filter the search result for “Search By Grantor And Event Date Range”, the
“Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result” operation is used instead of the “Filter Grantor
Search Result” operation. However, the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation is used to
return details of the Registrations for both Search By Grantor operation and the Search By Grantor
And Event Date Range operation.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
SearchByGrantorAndEv BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
entDateRangeRequestM age
SearchByGrantorA SearchByGrantorAnd
ndEventDateRange EventDateRangeRequ
Request estType
Detailed Boolean This option will provide
customers with the option
of receiving a Summary
Response or a Detailed
SearchByGrantorAndEv CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
entDateRangeRequestT pe
SearchCriteria SearchByGrantorAnd
AcceptGrantorIndivi boolean When a user searches the
dualSearchDeclarat PPSR for registrations
ion against an individual
grantor, they are required
to make a declaration
stating they are doing so
for an authorised purpose
as set out in the PPS Act.
If the grantor type in the
search criteria is
Individual, a value must
be provided indicating
whether the user has
made the required
If the grantor type in the
search criteria is
organisation, null must be
Note: the search
declaration may also be
required when searching
for an organisation
Grantor described by
ABN. If this becomes the
case it will be included in
a later release of this

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


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Class Element Type Notes

SearchByGrantorAndE SearchByGrantorA SearchByGrantorAndEv
ventDateRangeRespo ndEventDateRang entDateRangeRespons
nseMessage eResponse eType
SearchByGrantorAndE CommonResponse CommonResponseType .
ventDateRangeRespo Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary .
SearchCriteria SearchByGrantorAndEv
SearchResult SearchByGrantorSearc

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchByGrantorAndEv GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the
entDateRangeSearchCri grantor is an organisation
teria or an individual.
GrantorOrganisatio GrantorOrganisationS If the grantor is an
nSearchCriteria earchCriteria organisation, a value for
hCriteria must be
If the grantor is not an
organisation, a value for
hCriteria must not be
GrantorIndividualSe GrantorIndividualSear If the grantor is an
archCriteria chCriteria individual, a value for
riteria must be provided.
If the grantor is not an
individual, a value for
riteria must not be
RegistrationEventFr dateTime The first date in the date
omDate range of events to include
in the search.
Events that occurred on
this date will be included
in the search result.
Note: A time should not
be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by
RegistrationEventT dateTime The second date in the
oDate date range of events to
include in the search.
This must be on or after
te and must be on or
before the current date.
Events that occurred on
this date will be included
in the search result.
te and
are the same, the search
will only look for events
that orccured on the
specified date.
Note: A time should not
be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by

GrantorOrganisationSea OrganisationNumbe OrganisationNumberT The type of the number
rchCriteria rType ype used to identify the
organisation (e.g. ACN,
A value for
should only be specified if
the grantor to be
searched for is identified
in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationNumbe string(50) The value of the number
r used to identify the
A value for
should only be specified if
the grantor to be
searched for is identified
in PPSR by its
organisation number.
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the
A value for
OrganisationName should
only be specified if the
grantor to be searched for
is identified in PPSR by its
organisation name.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GrantorIndividualSearch FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
Criteria individual grantor to
search for.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
individual grantor to
search for.
The value provided must
contain only 7-bit ASCII
DateOfBirth dateTime The date of birth of the
individual grantor to
search for.
Note: A time should not
be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail and the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35020. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported. In the following table, where the Fault Detail Type in the
SOAP Fault column is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail, the Error Number is the
value that will provided in the ErrorNumber field of the group of errors.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
SearchByGrantorAndEventDateRa Error Number: 50005
ngeRequest element must be
0-20 The SearchCriteria element must Fault Detail Type:
be provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41052
0-30 The value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
Unsupported. etail
Error Number: 32016
0-40 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
Organisation, then a value must etail
not be provided for the Error Number: 41032
0-50 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
Organisation, then a value must be etail
provided for the Error Number: 41033
element and a value must be
provided for either
OrganisationName or
OrganisationNumber where the
value is not an empty string.
0-60 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorOrganisationSearchCriteria PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
element, then a value must not be etail
provided for both Error Number: 41034
OrganisationName and
0-70 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then a value must also be provided etail
for OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 41035
0-80 If a value is not provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumber element, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then a value must not be provided etail
for OrganisationNumberType. Error Number: 41036
0-90 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationNumberType PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
element, the value must not be etail
Unsupported. Error Number: 32017
0-100 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
OrganisationName element, then PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD

the value provided must only etail
contain 7-bit ASCII characters Error Number: 41037
0-110 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then a value must not be provided etail
for the Error Number: 41038
0-120 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then a value must be provided for etail
the Error Number: 41039
element with values provided for
both FamilyName and
GivenNames that are not empty
0-130 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then the value provided for etail
FamilyName must only contain 7- Error Number: 41040
bit ASCII characters
0-140 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then the value provided for etail
GivenNames must only contain 7- Error Number: 41041
bit ASCII characters
0-150 If a value is provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorIndividualSearchCriteria PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
element, the value provided for etail
DateOfBirth must not be later than Error Number: 41042
the current date (as per Canberra
0-160 If the value provided for the Fault Detail Type:
GrantorType element is Individual, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
then a value must be provided for etail
AcceptGrantorIndividualSearchDe Error Number: 41043
claration and the value must be
0-170 The date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventToDate must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
be later than the current date (as etail
per Canberra time). Error Number: 41045
0-180 The date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventToDate must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultD
be before the date specified in the etail
RegistrationEventFromDate. Error Number: 41046

Retrieve Search Result

This operation is used to retrieve a search result subsequent to the initial search. It requires the
Search Number to identify the specific search result required. In other words, this operation returns
the original results of a previous search, even though those results may have been subsequently
modified by applying additional processes such as filtering.

This product is also used in conjunction with the other retrieval products that have an expiry date.
When the retrieval expiry date has passed, the Retrieve Search Result process must be requested in
order to reset the expiry date. This will also result in a fee being charged by PPSR. When a request
for another retrieval product is received Equifax will check if the retrieval expiry date has passed and if
so automatically initiate a Retrieve Search Result to reset the expiry date and thus enable completion
of the customer’s original request.

The response message includes the same search result that was returned in response to the original
search request. The search is not executed again. If the original search was a Grantor Search or
Grantor And Event Date Range Search, this provides access to the full original search result,
regardless of any filtering that may have previously occurred. If, when retrieving a search result,
access restrictions have been placed on a Registration since the time of the original search, the
Registration will still be included in the search result however the details of the Registration will be
limited by the level of authorisation for the user.

As well as the search result, the response message includes the search summary. This allows the
search type of the original search to be identified. The search summary also includes the expiry time
of the search result access period.

The response message also includes the original search criteria (as the retrieve search result
operation will be used after the initial search, the original search criteria may not be available to the

The particular search criteria and search result record included in the response will depend on the
search type of the original search.

Equifax will only allow the retrieval of search results for searches originally performed through

“Retrieve Search
Result” Request

Did the searches

originally performed No
through Veda


Generate PPSR
"Retrieve Search
Result " Request

Generate Error

Original search not known to

Veda Advantage

Receive PPSR
“Retrieve Search
Result” Response

Has Access Expiry

Successful Period Lapsed?
No Response? Generate Late Fee
Successful Notification
Response? Yes Yes
Check against Veda
Yes No
A Late Retrieval Fee has been
No charged as the Search Results
Access Period had expired.

Save “Access to Generate

Search Result Expiry Customer
Time” Response

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

RetrieveSearchResultRe BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
questMessage age
RetrieveSearchRes RetrieveSearchResult
ultRequest RequestType
RetrieveSearchResultRe CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType .
questType pe
SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of
the search.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->





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<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->






Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveSearchResult RetrieveSearchRes RetrieveSearchResultR
ResponseMessage ultResponse esponseType
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveSearchResult CommonResponse CommonResponseType .
ResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary
SearchCriteria SearchCriteria The search criteria used
for the original search.
SearchResult SearchResult The search result from the
original search.
SearchCriteria SearchByRegistrati SearchByRegistrationN This element will only be
onNumberSearchC umberSearchCriteria populated when the
riteria original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By
Registration Number.

SearchBySerialNu SearchBySerialNumber This element will only be

mberSearchCriteria SearchCriteria populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Serial

SearchByGrantorS SearchByGrantorSearc This element will only be

earchCriteria hCriteria populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Grantor.

SearchByGrantorA SearchByGrantorAndEv This element will only be

ndEventDateRang entDateRangeSearchCr populated when the
eSearchCriteria iteria original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Grantor
And Event Date Range.

OrdinalSearchSear OrdinalSearchSearchCr This element will only be

chCriteria iteria populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was an Ordinal Search.

SearchResult SearchByRegistrati SearchByRegistrationN This element will only be

onNumberSearchR umberSearchResult populated when the
esult original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,

was a Search By
Registration Number.

SearchBySerialNu SearchBySerialNumber This element will only be

mberSearchResult SearchResult populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Serial
SearchByGrantorS SearchByGrantorSearc This element will only be
earchResult hResult populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Grantor.

SearchByGrantorA SearchByGrantorSearc This element will only be

ndEventDateRang hResult populated when the
eSearchResult original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was a Search By Grantor
And Event Date Range.

OrdinalSearchSear OrdinalSearchSearchR This element will only be

chResult esult populated when the
original search, identified
by the SearchType in the
SearchSummary element,
was an Ordinal Search.

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The RetrieveSearchResultRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41006

Retrieve Search Result Registration Attachment

This operation is incorporated into Equifax’s Grantor Search and Grantor and Event Date Range
Search operations. However it is also offered as a stand-alone product for customers who initially
requested a Summary response from their Grantor/Grantor and Event Date Range Search and/or
customers who have filtered their Grantor Search results, and who subsequently want to view the
search result detail.

To request this as a stand-alone transaction the customer must previously have performed a
Grantor/Grantor and Event Date Range Search (Summary).

This operation will only be available if the original search was performed through Equifax.

Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation retrieves Registrations that are included in the
search result for a Grantor Search or a Grantor and Event Date Range Search. The Retrieve Grantor
Search Result Detail operation can be called for the complete search result, or it can be called after
the search result has been filtered (using either the Filter Grantor Search Result operation or the Filter
Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result operation).

When retrieving Registrations using the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation, the Search
Number of the original search and the Filter Number of the required filter must be provided in the
request message. Note that even the full search result has a Filter Number, even though the search
result has not been filtered.

PPSR limit the number of Registrations that can be retrieved in a single Retrieve Grantor Search
Result Detail request (the maximum number is returned in the search result for both Search By
Grantor and Search By Grantor And Event Date Range), however Equifax’s system will automatically
initiate multiple calls to this service until all matching Registrations have been returned, and as a
result the user is only required to submit a single request.

Each Registration that meets the original search criteria or subsequent filter criteria is assigned a
ResultSequenceNumber. The ResultSequenceNumber of the first Registration in the search result
(or filtered search result) will be 1, and then continue in an unbroken sequence incremented by 1 for
each Registration, such that the last Registration in the result has a ResultSequenceNumber equal to
the total number of Registrations returned by the search or filter operation.

Receive Customer’s
“Retrieve Search
Result Registration
Attachment” Request

Did the searches

performed through
No Veda


Has “Search Result

Generate PPSR Access Expiry” date
"Retrieve Search passed?
Result " Request


Generate PPSR
Generate Late Fee
"Retrieve Search
Generate Error Notification
Result Registration
Response Response
Attachment" Request

Original search not

known to Veda
Receive “Retrieve
Search Result” Receive “Retrieve
Response Search Result
Attachment” Response

Save Updated
Access Expiry Date

Generate Customer

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveSearchResultRe BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
gistrationAttachmentReq age
RetrieveSearchRes RetrieveSearchResult
ultRegistrationAttac RegistrationAttachmen
hmentRequest tRequestType
RetrieveSearchResultRe CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
gistrationAttachmentReq pe
SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of
the search which returned
the specified Registration
Number and Change
Number for which the
Attachment is retrieved.
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the Registration for
which the Attachment is to
be retrieved.
The Registration Number
must be for a Registration
that was included in the
search result.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of
the version of the
Registration for which the
Attachment is to be
The Change Number
must be correct for the
specified Registration.
The Change Number
provided must be for a
change to the specified
Registration that occurred
on or before the highest
Change Number included
in the search result for the
AttachmentId long The Attachment Id of the
Attachment to be
The AttachmentId must
be for an Attachment that
was included on the
version of the Registration
specified by the
RegistrationNumber and

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

RetrieveSearchResultRe RetrieveSearchRes RetrieveSearchResult
gistrationAttachmentRes ultRegistrationAttac RegistrationAttachmen
ponseMessage hmentResponse tResponseType
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveSearchResultRe CommonResponse CommonResponseTy
gistrationAttachmentRes Type pe
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
Attachment byte[] The attachment file as a
byte array.
AttachmentFileNam string(255) The file name of the
e attachment.

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
RetrieveSearchResultRegistrationAttac Error Number: 50005
hmentRequest element must be
0-20 The value provided for SearchNumber Fault Detail Type:
must not be an empty string. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Error Number: 41006
0-40 The search must not have been an Fault Detail Type:
Ordinal Search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Error Number: 41025
0-50 The current time must be before the Fault Detail Type:
AccessToSearchResultExpiryTime of PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
the search. ail
Error Number: 41031
0-60 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
empty string. ail
Error Number: 41026
0-70 The RegistrationNumber must have Fault Detail Type:
been included in the search result for PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
the SearchNumber. ail
Error Number: 41027
0-80 If the RegistrationNumber is for a Fault Detail Type:
registration marked as “access is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
restricted”, the Account Customer must ail
be authorised to return “access is Error Number: 41091
restricted” registrations.
0-90 If the RegistrationNumber is for an Fault Detail Type:
archived registration, the Account PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Customer must be authorised to return ail
archived registrations. Error Number: 41013
0-100 If the RegistrationNumber is for a Fault Detail Type:
removed registration, the Account PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Customer must be authorised to return ail
removed registrations. Error Number: 41014
0-110 The value provided for ChangeNumber Fault Detail Type:
must not be an empty string. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Error Number: 41028
0-120 The ChangeNumber must be correct Fault Detail Type:
for the RegistrationNumber. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
Error Number: 41029
0-130 The Change Number provided must be Fault Detail Type:

for a change to the specified PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
registration that occurred on or before ail
the highest Change Number included in Error Number: 41030
the search result for the registration.
0-140 The AttachmentId must be for an Fault Detail Type:
Attachment that was associated with PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDet
the version of the Registration at the ail
specified Change Number. Error Number: 41092

Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail

This operation is incorporated into Equifax’s “Grantor Search” and “Grantor and Event Date Range
Search” operations. However it is also required to be offered as a stand-alone product for customers
who initially requested a summary response from their “Grantor”/”Grantor and Event Date Range”
Search and/or customers who have filtered their Grantor Search results, and who subsequently want
to view the search result detail.

To request this as a stand-alone transaction the customer must previously have performed a
“Grantor”/”Grantor and Event Date Range” Search (Summary).

This operation will only be available if the original search was performed through Equifax.

“Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail” operation retrieves Registrations that are included in the
search result for a Search By Grantor or a Search By Grantor and Event Date Range search. The
Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation can be called for the complete search result, or it can
be called after the search result has been filtered (using either the Filter Grantor Search Result
operation or the Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result operation).

When retrieving Registrations using the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation, the Search
Number of the original search and the Filter Number of the required filter must be provided in the
request message. Note that even the full search result has a Filter Number, even though the search
result has not been filtered.

The Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail operation has a limit on the number of Registrations that
can be retrieved in a single request (the maximum number is returned in the search result for both
Search By Grantor and Search By Grantor And Event Date Range). If the number of Registrations
that match the search criteria, or the filter criteria if a filter has been applied, is greater than the
maximum number that can be retrieved in one request, the Retrieve Grantor Search Result Detail
operation will need to be called more than once to retrieve all the matching Registrations.

Each Registration that meets the original search criteria or subsequent filter criteria is assigned a
ResultSequenceNumber. The ResultSequenceNumber of the first Registration in the search result
(or filtered search result) will be 1, and then continue in an unbroken sequence incremented by 1 for
each Registration, such that the last Registration in the result has a ResultSequenceNumber equal to
the total number of Registrations returned by the search or filter operation.

The ResultSequenceNumber for a particular Registration in a search result is always relative to the
Filter Number. The same Registration may have a different ResultSequenceNumber for different
Filter Numbers for the one Search Number.

“Retrieve Grantor
Search Result
Detail” Request

Did the searches

No performed through


Has “Search Result

Generate PPSR Yes Access Expiry” date
"Retrieve Search passed?
Result " Request

Input requires the "Search
Generate Error
Number" from the "Search By
Response Grantor" Response
Initiate PPSR
Generate Late Fee
"Retrieve Grantor
Original search not Notification
Search Result
known to Veda Response
Advantage Detail" request

Input requires the "Start Result

Receive “Retrieve Sequence Number" determined
Search Result” from the Record Count in the
Response Previous Response

Receive “Retrieve
Grantor Search
Save Updated Result Detail”
Access Expiry Date Response

Were all Results

Returned in the



For details on RetrieveGrantorSearchResultDetailResponseType element, refer to Types section on
“Grantor and Event Date Search”

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveGrantorSearchR BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage .
esultDetail age
RetrieveGrantorSea RetrieveGrantorSearc
rchResultDetail hResultDetail
Request RequestType
RetrieveGrantorSearchR CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
esultDetail RequestType pe
SearchNumber string(20) The SearchNumber of the
search result.
FilterNumber int The FilterNumber of the
search result or after
application of a filter to the
search result.
MaximumNumberO int The maximum number of
fRegistrationsToRet registrations to be
urn returned. This must not
be greater than the value
eve that was provided in
the search result.
StartResultSequenc int The
eNumber ResultSequenceNumber
of the first Registration to

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->





Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveGrantorSearch RetrieveGrantorSe RetrieveGrantorSearch
ResultDetailResponse archResultDetailRe ResultDetailrResponse
Message sponse Type
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveGrantorSearch CommonResponse CommonResponseType
ResultDetailResponse Type
ResultCount int The number of
registrations returned in
the response message.
This will usually be the
same as the
rationsToReturn in the
request message. It may
be less than the
rationsToReturn in the
request message when
ber plus the
rationsToReturn is less
than the total number of
registrations in the search
result or filtered search
ResultDetails List<ResultDetail> A list of registrations in the
search result or filtered
search result starting with
ber in the request
SearchResultDetail dateTime The date and time the
RetrievedDateTime search result details in the
response message were
retrieved from PPSR.
Note that the details of
registrations returned will
depend on any restrictions
on the registration at the
time the result details are

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The RetrieveGrantorSearchResultDetail Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The value provided for SearchNumber Fault Detail Type:
must not be an empty string. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
Error Number: 41006
0-40 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search that was a Search By PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
Grantor or Search By Grantor And Event etail
Date Range. Error Number: 41058
0-50 The current time must be before the Fault Detail Type:
AccessToSearchResultExpiryTime of the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
search. etail
Error Number: 41031
0-60 The FilterNumber must be valid for the Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
Error Number: 41059
0-70 The number of Registrations in the Fault Detail Type:
search result or filtered search result PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
must be greater than zero. etail
Error Number: 41060
0-80 The StartResultSequenceNumber must Fault Detail Type:
be greater than or equal to 1 and less PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
than or equal to the number of etail
Registrations in the search result or Error Number: 41061
filtered search result.
0-90 The Fault Detail Type:
MaximumNumberOfRegistrationsToRetur PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultD
n must be greater than 0 and less than or etail
equal to the Error Number: 41062
sPerRetrieve that was provided in the
search result.

Filter Grantor Search Result

This operation is used to reduce the number of Registrations returned from a Grantor Search by
filtering out those Registrations that may not be relevant. Using this operation is an optional step in
working with the search result.

To request this transaction the customer must previously have performed the Grantor Search through

Users will be given the option of requesting a Summary or Detailed response.

Customer’s “Filter
Grantor Search
Result” Request

Did the searches

performed through
No Veda



Has “Search Result

Generate PPSR Access Expiry” date
"Retrieve Search No
Result " Request

Generate PPSR
"Filter Grantor
Search Result"
Generate Late Fee Request
Generate Error Response

Original search not

known to Veda
Receive “Filter
Advantage Grantor Search
Result” Response
Input requires the "Search
Number" from the "Search By
Grantor" Response
Initiate PPSR
Did Customer Detailed "Retrieve Grantor
Search Result
Summary or
Detail" Request
Receive “Retrieve Detailed?
Search Result”
Input requires the "Start Result
Sequence Number" determined
Receive “Retrieve from the last Result Sequence
Number in the Previous Response
Grantor Search
Result Detail”
Generate Response

Were all Results

Returned in the
Save Updated Yes Compare the Result Count
Access Expiry Date between the “Search By
Grantor” and Result Sequence
Number in the “Retrieve
Grantor Search Result Detail”

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
FilterGrantorSearchResu BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage .
ltRequestMessage age
FilterGrantorSearch FilterGrantorSearchRe
ResultRequest sultRequestType
FilterGrantorSearchResu CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
ltRequestType pe
SearchNumber string(20) The SearchNumber of the
search result to filter.
FilterCriteria SearchByGrantorFilter

For details on RetrieveGrantorSearchResultDetailResponseType element, refer to Types section on

“Grantor and Event Date Search”

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->





Class Element Type Notes

FilterGrantorSearchResu FilterGrantorSearch FilterGrantorSearchRe
ltResponseMessage ResultResponse sultResponseType
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveGrantorSea RetrieveGrantorSearc
rchResultDetailRes hResultDetailRespons
ponseType eType
FilterGrantorSearchResu CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
ltResponseType pe
FilterSummary FilterSummary
FilterCriteria SearchByGrantorFilter

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchByGrantorFilterCr CollateralTypeFilter List<CollateralType> A list of the collateral
iteria Criteria types for registrations to
be kept in the filtered
search result. For
example, to exclude
registrations that are
Consumer property, do
not include “Consumer” in
the list.
Only include collateral
types that were included
in the original search
result That is, the filter
criteria cannot be used to
expand the colleral types
returned in the original
search result.
If no collateral types are
provided in the filter
criteria, no filtering by
collateral type will be
CollateralClassFilte List<CollateralClassFil A list of the collateral
rCriteria terCriteriaType> classes for registrations to
be kept in the filtered
search result. For
example, to exclude
registrations that are All
present and after-
acquired property or All
present and after-
acquired property except
…, do not include
“AllPapNoExcept” and
“AllPapWithExcept” in the
Only include collateral
classes that were
included in the original
search result That is, the
filter criteria cannot be
used to expand the
colleral classes returned
in the original search
If no collateral classes are
provided in the filter
criteria, no filtering by
collateral class will be
LastChangeTimeYe int For a registration in the
ar original search result to
be kept in the filtered
search result, the last
change time for the
registration must be in the

The value must be
entered as a four digit
StartTimeYear int For a registration in the
original search result to
be kept in the filtered
search result, the start
time for the registration
must be in the specified
The value must be
entered as a four digit
SecurityInterestsOn boolean If “true”, only registrations
ly that are security interests
will be kept in the filtered
search result.
If “false”, registrations for
all registration kinds will
be kept in the filtered
search result.
If the original search
criteria provided the value
“true” for the
search criteria, then the
value provided in the filter
criteria must not be
“false”. That is, the filter
criteria cannot be used to
expand the registration
returned in the original
search result to include
non-security interests.
IsPMSIFilterCriteria SearchSelectionFlagT Indicates whether
ype registrations that are kept
in the filtered search
result should be based on
whether or not they are a
If the original search
criteria provided the value
“Include” or “Exclude” for
then the value provided in
the filter criteria must be
the same. For example, if
the original search criteria
was to only include PMSI
registrations, the filter
criteria cannot expand the
registrations returned in
the original search result
to include non-PMSI
IncludeNonTransitio boolean If “true”, registrations that
nal are not transitional will be
kept in the filtered search

If “false”, registrations that
are not transitional will be
excluded from the filtered
search result.
If the original search
criteria provided the value
“false” for the
search criteria, then the
value provided in the filter
criteria must not be “true”.
That is, the filter criteria
cannot be used to expand
the registrations returned
in the original search
result to include non-
transitional registrations.
IncludeNonMigrate boolean If “true”, registrations that
dTransitional are transitional but not
migrated will be kept in
the filtered search result.
If “false”, registrations that
are transitional but not
migrated will be excluded
from the filtered search
If the original search
criteria provided the value
“false” for the
itional search criteria, then
the value provided in the
filter criteria must not be
“true”. That is, the filter
criteria cannot be used to
expand the registrations
returned in the original
search result to include
non-migrated transitional
IncludeMigratedTra boolean If “true”, registrations that
nsitional are migrated transitional
will be kept in the filtered
search result.
If “false”, registrations that
are migrated transitional
will be excluded from the
filtered search result.
If the original search
criteria provided the value
“false” for the
al search criteria, then the
value provided in the filter
criteria must not be “true”.
That is, the filter criteria
cannot be used to expand
the registrations returned
in the original search
result to include migrated

transitional registrations.

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail and the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35020. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported. In the following table, where the Fault Detail Type in the
SOAP Fault column is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail, the Error Number is the
value that will provided in the ErrorNumber field of the group of errors.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
FilterGrantorSearchResultReq Error Number: 50005
uest element must be
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
for an existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41006
0-40 The SearchNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
for a Search By Grantor. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41063
0-50 The current time must be Fault Detail Type:
before the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
AccessToSearchResultExpiry Error Number: 41031
Time of the search.
0-60 The FilterCriteria element must Fault Detail Type:
be provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41053
0-70 If any values are provided in Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
CollateralTypeFilterCriteria, ail
then all values provided must Error Number: 41907
not be Unsupported.
0-80 If any values are provided in Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
CollateralTypeFilterCriteria, ail
then all of the collateral types Error Number: 41064
in the
must have been included in
the original search result (see
Summary in the
in section Error! Reference
ource not found. Error!
Reference source not
0-90 If any values are provided in Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
CollateralClassFilterCriteria ail
element, then all values Error Number: 41095
provided must not be

0-100 If any values are provided in Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
CollateralClassFilterCriteria ail
element, then all of the Error Number: 41065
collateral classes in the
must have been included in
the original search result (see
Summary in the
in section Error! Reference
ource not found. Error!
Reference source not
0-110 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
LastChangeTimeYear must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
a four digit year. ail
Error Number: 41066
0-120 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
LastChangeTimeYear must be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
a four digit year that is the ail
current year or earlier. Error Number: 41067
0-130 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
StartTimeYear must be a four PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
digit year. ail
Error Number: 41068
0-140 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
StartTimeYear must be a four PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
digit year that is the current ail
year or earlier. Error Number: 41069
0-150 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SecurityInterestsOnly is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
“false”, then the original search ail
criteria for Error Number: 41070
SecurityInterestsOnly must
also have been “false”.
0-160 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsPMSIFilterCriteria must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
be Unsupported. ail
Error Number: 41094
0-170 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsPMSIFilterCriteria is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
“Include”, then the original ail
search criteria for Error Number: 41071
IsPMSISearchCriteria must
also have been either “Include”
or “Either”.
0-180 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsPMSIFilterCriteria is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
“Exclude”, then the original ail
search criteria for Error Number: 41072
IsPMSISearchCriteria must
also have been either
“Exclude” or “Either”.
0-190 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IsPMSIFilterCriteria is “Either”, PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
then the original search criteria ail

for IsPMSISearchCriteria must Error Number: 41073
also have been “Either”.
0-200 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IncludeNonTransitional is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
“true”, then the original search ail
criteria for Error Number: 41074
IncludeNonTransitional must
also have been “true”.
0-210 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IncludeNonMigratedTransition PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
al is “true”, then the original ail
search criteria for Error Number: 41075
al must also have been “true”.
0-220 If the value provided for Fault Detail Type:
IncludeMigratedTransitional is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDet
“true”, then the original search ail
criteria for Error Number: 41076
must also have been “true”.

Filter Grantor and Event Date Search Result

This operation is used to reduce the number of Registrations returned from a Grantor And Event Date
Range Search by filtering out those Registrations that may not be relevant. Using this operation is an
optional step in working with the search result.

To request this transaction the customer must previously have performed the Grantor and Event Date
Range Search through Equifax.

Users will be given the option of requesting a Summary or Detailed response.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
FilterGrantorAndEventD BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage .
ateRangeSearchResultR age
FilterGrantorAndEv FilterGrantorAndEvent
entDateRangeResu DateRangeSearchRes
ltRequest ultRequestType
FilterGrantorAndEventD CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
ateRangeSearchResultR pe
SearchNumber string(20) The SearchNumber of the
search result to filter.
FilterCriteria SearchByGrantorAnd

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->






Class Element Type Notes

FilterGrantorAndEventD FilterGrantorAndEv FilterGrantorAndEvent
ateRangeSearchResultR entDateRange DateRangeSearchRes
esponseMessage ultResponseType
FilterGrantorAndEventD CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
ateRangeSearchResultR pe
FilterSummary FilterSummary
FilterCriteria SearchByGrantorAnd

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
SearchByGrantorAndEv RegistrationEventFr dateTime The first date in the date
entDateRangeFilterCriter omDate range of events to be kept
ia in the filtered search
Events that occurred on
this date will be kept in
the filtered search result.
The value must not be
before the date specified
as the
te in the original search
criteria. That is, the filter
criteria cannot expand the
registration events
returned in the original
search result to include
registration events that
occurred before those in
the original search result.
Note: A time should not
be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by
RegistrationEventT dateTime The second date in the
oDate date range of events to
include in the search.
This must be on or after
te and must be on or
before the current date.
Events that occurred on
this date will be included
in the search result.
te and
are the same, the search
will only look for events
that orccured on the
specified date.
The value must not be
after the date specified as
in the original search
criteria. That is, the filter
criteria cannot expand the
registration events
returned in the original
search result to include
registration events that
occurred after those in the
original search result.
Note: A time should not

be specified. However, if
a time component is
specified it is ignored by

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail and the value of the
ErrorNumber is 35020. The PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail allows multiple
business rule violations to be reported. In the following table, where the Fault Detail Type in the
SOAP Fault column is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFaultDetail, the Error Number is the
value that will provided in the ErrorNumber field of the group of errors.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
FilterGrantorAndEventDateRangeS Error Number: 50005
earchResultRequest element must
be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41006
0-40 The SearchNumber must be for a Fault Detail Type:
Search By Grantor And Event Date PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Range. Error Number: 41056
0-50 The current time must be before the Fault Detail Type:
AccessToSearchResultExpiryTime PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
of the search. Error Number: 41031
0-60 The FilterCriteria element must be Fault Detail Type:
provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41053
0-70 The date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventFromDate must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFa
not be before the value of ultDetail
RegistrationEventFromDate Error Number: 41047
specified in the original search.
0-80 The date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventToDate must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFa
be later than the value of ultDetail
RegistrationEventToDate specified Error Number: 41048
in the original search.
0-90 Either the date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventFromDate must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFa
be later than the value of ultDetail
RegistrationEventFromDate Error Number: 41049
specified in the original search, or
the date specified in the
RegistrationEventToDate must be
before the value of
RegistrationEventToDate specified
in the original search. That is, the
filtered date range must be less
than the date range in the original

0-100 The date specified in the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventToDate must not PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchValidationFa
be before the date specified in the ultDetail
RegistrationEventFromDate. Error Number: 41046

Ordinal Search

This operation is used to determine the order of two specified registration events. The search result is
whether one of the events occurred before, after, or at the same time as the other event.

The result that two events happened at the same time can only occur if the two events relate to the
original creation of transitional Registrations on PPSR.

The event types for each Registration that can be compared are:

 The Start Time of the Registration

 The Change Number of a change to a Registration (including the original creation of the
 The End Time of the Registration

Note that it is not possible to use Ordinal Search to compare the End Times of two Registrations.

The criteria for each event include the Registration Number and the event type. When the specified
event type for a Registration is Start Time or End Time, no further criteria needs to be provided for the
Registration. When the specified event type for a Registration is Change Number, the required
Change Number must be provided.

It is possible to provide the same Registration Number for both of the registration events.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
OrdinalSearchRequestM BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
essage age
OrdinalSearchRequ OrdinalSearchRequest
est Type
OrdinalSearchRequestT CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
ype pe
SearchCriteria OrdinalSearchSearch

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



Class Element Type Notes

OrdinalSearchRespons OrdinalSearchRes OrdinalSearchRespons
eMessage ponse eType
OrdinalSearchRespons CommonResponse CommonResponseType .
eType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchSummary SearchSummary
SearchCriteria OrdinalSearchSearchCr
SearchResult OrdinalSearchSearchR

Fault Message
Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD .
nSearchOrdinalSearchV etail
RegistrationEventOn List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors
eValidationErrors ionError> related to the details provided
for registration event one.
RegistrationEventTw List<PpsrValidat A list of validation errors
oValidationErrors ionError> related to the details provided
for registration event two.
PpsrValidationError ErrorNumber string(10) The ErrorNumber is used to
identify the specific validation
error that occurred, or the
specific business rule that was
not complied with.
ErrorMessage string A description of the error.

Common Elements
Class Element Type Notes
OrdinalSearchSearchCrit RegistrationEventO RegistrationEvent The first of the registration
eria ne events to be included in
the ordinal search.
Note that the order of
inclusion of the two
registration events in the
search criteria has no
bearing on the search
RegistrationEventT RegistrationEvent The second of the
wo registration events to be
included in the ordinal
RegistrationEvent RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the registration.
RegistrationEventT RegistrationEventType The type of registration
ype event.
ChangeNumber long If the event type is
Change Number, the
value of the Change
Number must be
The value must be null if
the event type is not
Change Number.

Class Element Type Notes

OrdinalSearchSearchRe OrdinalSearchSear OrdinalSearchSearch
sult chResultDetail ResultDetail
SearchResultRetrie dateTime The date and time the
vedDateTime result of the search was
retrieved. This is not the
date and time the search
was executed (which will
be in the SearchSummary
in the response
message). The search
result may be retrieved at
a time after the search
was executed.
OrdinalSearchSearchRe OrdinalSearchResu OrdinalSearchResultT Indicates whether one
sultDetail lt ype registration event
occurred before, after or
at the same time as the
other registration event.
TransitionalMessag string(200) Where both registrations
e are transitional
registrations (ie. migrated,
pre-load or transitional
registrations made post
commencement time);
and the event being

compared for BOTH
registrations is the original
registration event in
PPSR, a message is
returned indicating this
fact. For example:
“Both registrations are
transitional – we cannot
determine the order of
these registrations”.
The TransitionalMessage
is populated when the
ordinal search result is
that both events
happened at the same
RegistrationOne OrdinalRegistrationDet Provides further details
ail about the registration in
the first of the registration
events specified in the
search criteria.
RegistrationTwo OrdinalRegistrationDet Provides further details
ail about the registration in
the first of the registration
events specified in the
search criteria.
OrdinalRegistrationDetail RegistrationEvent RegistrationEvent The registration event
included in the search
criteria for the ordinal
EventTime dateTime The date and time of the
registration event
specified in the search
If the event type is Start
Time, the value will be the
registration Start Time.
If the event type is
Change Number, the
value will be the Change
Time for the Change
If the event type is End
Time, the value will be the
registration End Time,
unless the registration has
a “not stated” end time in
which case the value will
be null.
If the registration is
removed, archived and/or
marked as “access is
restricted” (in which case
the IsRemoved,
IsArchived and/or
element will be “true”) and

the Account Customer is
not authorised to retrieve
the details of registrations
with the particular
restriction, the EventTime
will be null.
IsAccessRestricted bool Indicates whether the
registration is Access is
This will be null if the
registration has been
removed or is archived
and the Account
Customer is not
authorised to access
removed or archived
IsArchived bool Indicates whether the
registration is archived.
Note: an ordinal search
can only be performed for
an archived registration if
the user is authorised to
retrieve archived
IsRemoved bool Indicates whether the
registration is removed.
Note: an ordinal search
can only be performed for
a removed registration if
the user is authorised to
retrieve removed
RegistrationEvent RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the registration.
RegistrationEventT RegistrationEventType The type of registration
ype event.
ChangeNumber long If the event type is
Change Number, the
value of the Change
The value will be null if
the event type is not
Change Number.

Business Rules
Many business rule violations will be returned as a SOAP Fault where the content of the SOAP fault
detail element is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidationFaultDetail and the value
of the ErrorNumber is 35021. The
PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidationFaultDetail allows multiple business rule
violations to be reported. Two groups of errors are provided: one for business rule violations related
to the details provided for registration event one; and a second for business rule violations related to
the details provided for registration event two. In the following table, where the Fault Detail Type in
the SOAP Fault column is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidationFaultDetail , the
Error Number is the value that will provided in the ErrorNumber field of the relevant group of errors.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The OrdinalSearchRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The SearchCriteria element Fault Detail Type:
must be provided. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41052
0-30 The RegistrationNumber of Fault Detail Type:
a RegistrationEvent must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
not be an empty string. onFaultDetail
Error Number: 41007
0-40 The RegistrationNumber of Fault Detail Type:
a RegistrationEvent must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
be for an existing onFaultDetail
Registration. Error Number: 41008
0-50 If the Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventType is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
EndTime in onFaultDetail
RegistrationEventOne, the Error Number: 41009
must not be EndTime in
0-60 If a RegistrationEvent has a Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventType of PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
ChangeNumber, a value for onFaultDetail
the ChangeNumber of the Error Number: 41010
RegistrationEvent must be
0-70 If a RegistrationEvent has a Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationEventType of PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
StartTime or EndTime, a onFaultDetail
value for the Error Number: 41011
ChangeNumber of the
RegistrationEvent must not
be provided.
0-80 If a ChangeNumber is Fault Detail Type:
provided for a PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
RegistrationEvent, it must onFaultDetail
be a valid Change Number Error Number: 41012
for the RegistrationNumber.
0-90 If the RegistrationNumber Fault Detail Type:
of a RegistrationEvent is for PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
an archived registration, the onFaultDetail
Account Customer must be Error Number: 41013

authorised to return
archived registrations.
0-100 If the RegistrationNumber Fault Detail Type:
of a RegistrationEvent is for PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchOrdinalSearchValidati
a removed registration, the onFaultDetail
Account Customer must be Error Number: 41014
authorised to return
removed registrations.

Retrieve Registration History Detail

This operation returns an earlier version of a Registration than the version that was included in a
search result.

This product cannot be requested unless a previous search has been performed.Equifax will only
allow a Retrieve Registration History Detail request to be processed when the original search was
performed through Veda

Receive Customer’s
“Retrieve Registration
History Detail” Request

Did the searches

performed through


Has “Search Result

Generate PPSR Yes Access Expiry” date
"Retrieve Search passed?
Result " Request


Generate PPSR
Generate Late Fee "Retrieve
Generate Error Notification Registration
Response Response History Detail"

Original search not

known to Veda
Receive “Retrieve
Search Result”
Receive “Retrieve
History Detail”
Save Updated
Access Expiry Date


If the Access to Search Result Expiry Time has lapsed a warning message will be included in the
Customer Response Message informing the customer that a late fee has been incurred.

If the original search was not performed through Equifax an error response will be returned.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveRegistrationHist BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage .
oryDetailRequestMessa age
RetrieveRegistratio RetrieveRegistrationHi
nHistoryDetailRequ storyDetailRequestTyp
est e
RetrieveRegistrationHist CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
oryDetailRequestType pe
SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of
the search which returned
the specified Registration
Number and Change
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the Registration for
which the history details
are to be retrieved.
The Registration Number
must be for a Registration
that was included in the
search result.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of
the change for which the
history details are to be
The Change Number
must be correct for the
specified registration.
The Change Number
provided must be for a
change to the specified
registration that occurred
on or before the highest
Change Number included
in the search result for the

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveRegistrationHi RetrieveRegistratio RetrieveRegistrationHist
storyDetailResponseM nHistoryDetailResp oryDetailResponseType
essage onse
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveRegistratio RetrieveRegistrationHist
nHistoryDetailResp oryDetailResponseType
SearchSummary SearchSummary
RetrieveRegistrationHi CommonResponse CommonResponseType .
storyDetailResponseTy Type
ResultDetail ResultDetail Note that the
ChangeHistory in the
ResultDetail will not be

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
RetrieveRegistrationHistoryDetailR Error Number: 50005
equest element must be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41006
0-40 The search must not have been an Fault Detail Type:
Ordinal Search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41025
0-50 The current time must be before Fault Detail Type:
the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
AccessToSearchResultExpiryTime Error Number: 41031
of the search.
0-60 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
an empty string. Error Number: 41026
0-70 The RegistrationNumber must Fault Detail Type:
have been included in the search PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
result for the SearchNumber. Error Number: 41027
0-80 If the RegistrationNumber is for a Fault Detail Type:
registration marked as “access is PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
restricted”, the Account Customer Error Number: 41091
must be authorised to return
“access is restricted” registrations.
0-90 If the RegistrationNumber is for an Fault Detail Type:
archived registration, the Account PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Customer must be authorised to Error Number: 41013
return archived registrations.
0-100 If the RegistrationNumber is for a Fault Detail Type:
removed registration, the Account PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Customer must be authorised to Error Number: 41014
return removed registrations.
0-110 The ChangeNumber must be Fault Detail Type:
correct for the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
RegistrationNumber. Error Number: 41029
0-120 The Change Number provided Fault Detail Type:
must be for a change to the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
specified registration that occurred Error Number: 41030
on or before the highest Change
Number included in the search
result for the registration.

Obtain Search Certificate

Whilst the PPSR require separate requests for requesting and retrieving Search Certificates, Equifax’s
system combine both of these into a single Obtain Search Certificate request. The generated
certificate is a PDF file that can be printed to provide evidence of the search result. Search
Certificates may only be obtained for searches originally performed through Veda.

The search operation is used to request the generation of a search certificate for a search result or a
specific Registration returned by a search. The same operation is used to request a search certificate

 the entire search result (for Search By Grantor or Search By Grantor And Event Date Range,
a search certificate for the entire search result is only allowed when there are no records in
the search result) – just provide the Search Number in the request message;
 the current details (at the time of the search) for a single Registration in the search result –
provide the Search Number, the Registration Number and (optionally) the Change Number in
the request message; or
 a previous version (at a specified Change Number) for a single Registration in the search
result – provide the Search Number, the Registration Number and the Change Number in the
request message.

If a Change Number is not provided when a Registration Number has been provided, then the search
certificate will be issued for the version of the registration that was returned in the search result. This
allows for a search certificate to be requested for a registration that has been marked as “access is
restricted” and the Change Number has not been provided in the search result.

Note: It is possible for the same registration to be included more than once in the search result for a
Search By Grantor And Event Date Range. If a search certificate is requested for such a registration
without specifying a Change Number, the search certificate will be issued for the latest Change
Number that was returned in the search result for the specified Registration Number. When an
“access is restricted” registration is included more than once in a search result, the user will only be
able to produce a search certificate for the latest Change Number. The only time this would make any
difference to the search certificate produced would be when the end time of the registration differs
between the two Change Numbers.

The search certificate will be produced asynchronously. Production of the search certificate will be
queued for immediate processing and most certificates should be available within a matter of
seconds. However, as many search certificates will require verifications to be undertaken with
systems external to PPSR (e.g. verification of Grantor ACNs with ASIC) the time required to produce
the certificate will depend upon the number of verifications required for the certificate and the overall
demand for verifications with external systems.

If the certificate is not available within Equifax’s timeout constraints, the response message will
contain the Search Certificate Number for the search certificate that will be produced. The Retrieve
Search Certificate operation may subsequently be used to retrieve the search certificate using the
Search Certificate Number.

If the search certificate includes a registration that has one or more attachments, the search certificate
PDF file will include two pages for each registration attachment. The first page describes the
attachment and the second page is a placeholder for the attachment. Equifax’s system will

automatically download the attachments and include them in the response to the Obtain Search
Certificate transaction, for insertion into the Search Certificate.

Information on retrieve search operation can be found under “Retrieve Search Certificate” operation

“Obtain Search

Was original
Performed No
Generate Error
through Veda? Response

Original search not known to
Veda Advantage

Receive “Request Initiate PPSR

Search Certificate” "Request Search
Response Certificate"

Input requires the "Search

Certificate Number" from the
Initiate PPSR Receive “Retrieve
Request Search Certificate
“Retrieve Search Search Certificate” Response
Certificate” Request Response

Has response No
timeout period No Is the Certificate
expired? Ready?

Certificate Not
Yet Available
Search Certificate [Insert Search
Certificate Number] is not yet
available. Please try again later
using the Retrieve Search
Certificate function.


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes
obtainSearchCertificateR BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
equest age
RequestSearchCert RequestSearchCertific
ificateRequest ateRequestType
RequestSearchCertificat CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
eRequestType pe
SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of
the search result for which
the Search Certificate is
RegistrationNumber string(20) The Registration Number
of the registration for
which the Search
Certificate is required.
Provide a Registration
Number if the required
Search Certificate is for a
single registration in the
search result for a Search
By Serial Number, Search
By Grantor, Search By
Grantor And Event Date
Range or Search By
Registration Number.
Do not provide a
Registration Number if the
required Search
Certificate is for one of the
The entire search result
for a Search By Serial
A Search By Serial
Number for which there
are no registrations in the
search result.
A Search By Grantor or
Search By Grantor And
Event Date Range for
which there are no
registrations in the search
A Search By Registration
Number and there is no
registration for the
Registration Number
specified in the search
An Ordinal Search.
If a Registration Number
is provided, the
Registration Number must
be for a registration that
was included in the
search result.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of

the version of the
registration for which the
Search Certificate is
A Change Number must
be provided only if a
Registration Number is
The Change Number
provided must be correct
for the specified
The Change Number
provided must be for a
change to the specified
registration that occurred
on or before the highest
Change Number included
in the search result for the
If a Change Number is not
provided when a
Registration Number has
been provided, then the
search certificate will be
issued for the version of
the registration that was
returned in the search
result. Note: It is possible
for the same registration
to be included more than
once in the search result
for a Search By Grantor
And Event Date Range. If
a search certificate is
requested for such a
registration without
specifying a Change
Number, the search
certificate will be issued
for the latest Change
Number that was returned
in the search result for the
specified Registration

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
obtainSearchCertificat RequestSearchCer RetrieveSearchCertifica
eResponse tificateResponse teResponseType
warningMessage String
searchCertificateN String
RequestSearchCertific CommonResponse CommonResponseType
ateResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchCertificateN string(50) The Search Certificate
umber Number generated by
PPSR for this Search
Certificate request.
SearchCertificateR dateTime The date and time the
equestedDateTime Search Certificate was
AccessToSearchC dateTime The date and time of
ertificateExpiryTim expiry of the search
e certificate access period.

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Business Rules in Section “Retrieve Search Certificate” also need to be complied.

Rule No. Business Rule SOAP Fault

0-10 The Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
RequestSearchCertificateRequest Error Number: 50005
element must be provided.
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchNumber must not be an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
empty string. Error Number: 41005
0-30 The SearchNumber must be for an Fault Detail Type:
existing search. PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Error Number: 41006
0-40 If the search was an Ordinal Search, Fault Detail Type:
a value must not be provided for PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
RegistrationNumber. Error Number: 41050
0-50 If the search was a Search By Fault Detail Type:
Registration Number, Search By PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Grantor, Search By Grantor And Error Number: 41051
Event Date Range or Search By
Serial Number and there were no
registrations returned in the search
result, a value must not be provided
for RegistrationNumber.
0-60 If the search was a Search By Fault Detail Type:
Grantor or Search By Grantor And PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
Event Date Range and there was at Error Number: 41088
least one registration returned in the
search result, a value must be
provided for RegistrationNumber.
0-70 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
RegistrationNumber must be for a Error Number: 41027
registration that was included in the
search result.
0-80 If a value is not provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber, a value must PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
not be provided for ChangeNumber. Error Number: 41055
0-90 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
ChangeNumber, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
ChangeNumber must be correct for Error Number: 41029
the RegistrationNumber.
0-100 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
ChangeNumber, the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
ChangeNumber must be for a Error Number: 41030
change to the specified registration
that occurred on or before the
highest Change Number included in
the search result for the registration.
0-110 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:
RegistrationNumber and the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
specified registration is archived, the Error Number: 41089
Account Customer must be
authorised to return archived
0-120 If a value is provided for Fault Detail Type:

RegistrationNumber and the PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
specified registration is removed, Error Number: 41090
the Account Customer must be
authorised to return removed

Retrieve Search Certificate

Whilst search certificates can be obtained using “Obtain Search Certificate” operation, a separate
“Retrieve Search Certificate” operation can be used for the following situations:

 The Obtain Search Certificate service did not return the certificate due to a timeout.
 The customer lost their original certificate.

Retrieve Search Certificate can only be requested if the customer has previously performed an
“Obtain Search Certificate” transaction through Veda.

The Equifax version of Retrieve Search Certificate will check if the Access To Search Certificate
Expiry Time has elapsed and if so will automatically initiate a Request Search Certificate Result
transaction to reset the access period.

The search certificate will be produced asynchronously to the request for the search
certificate. Production of the search certificate will be queued for immediate processing and most
certificates should be available within a matter of seconds. If the Retrieve Search Certificate
operation is called before the Search Certificate has been produced, the response message will
contain a null value in the SearchCertificateFile element of the response.

If the search certificate includes a registration that has one or more attachments, the search certificate
PDF file will include two pages for each registration attachment. The first page describes the
attachment and the second page is a placeholder for the attachment. Equifax’s system will
automatically download the attachments and include them in the response to the Retrieve Search
Certificate transaction.

“Retrieve Search

Was original
Search No
through Veda?

Generate PPSR
"Retrieve Search
Certificate " Request

Generate Error

Only Search Certificates originally

requested through Veda may be
Receive PPSR
“Retrieve Search
Certificate” Response

Is the Certificate No Has response

Ready? timeout period

Certificate Not Yet

Search Certificate is not yet

available. Please try again later.

Has Access Expiry

Successful Period Lapsed?
No Response? Generate Late Fee
Successful Notification
Response? Yes Yes
Check against Veda
Yes No
A Late Retrieval Fee has been
charged as the Search
No Certificate Access Period had
Save “Access to
Search Certificate Generate
Expiry Time” Customer

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

Class Element Type Notes

RetrieveSearchCertificat BaseRequestMess BaseRequestMessage
eRequestMessage age
RetrieveSearchCert RetrieveSearchCertific
ificateRequest ateRequestType
RetrieveSearchCertificat CommonRequestTy CommonRequestType
eRequestType pe
SearchCertificateN string(50) The Search Certificate
umber Number of the required
Search Certificate.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:data="" xmlns:veda="
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


Class Element Type Notes
RetrieveSearchCertific RetrieveSearchCer RetrieveSearchCertifica
ateResponseMessage tificateResponse teResponseType
lateFeeWarningMe String A Late Retrieval fee has
ssage been charged as the
Search Result Access
Period had expired
RetrieveSearchCertific CommonResponse CommonResponseType
ateResponseType Type
PpsrTransactionId long A unique identifier of the
transaction in PPSR.
SearchCertificateN string(50) The Search Certificate
umber Number of this Search
SearchCertificateC dateTime The date and time the
reatedDateTime Search Certificate was
If the Search Certificate
has not been produced
yet, this will be null.
AccessToSearchC dateTime The date and time of
ertificateExpiryTim expiry of the search
e certificate access period.
SearchCertificateFi string(255) The file name for the
leName Search Certificate PDF
If the Search Certificate
has not been produced
yet, this will be null.
SearchCertificateFi byte[] The PDF file that is the
le Search Certificate as a
byte array.
If the Search Certificate
has not been produced
yet, this will be null.
Attachments List<AttachmentDetail> If the search certificate is
for a single registration
that has one or more
attachments, the
Attachments element
contains details of the
Note that this element
does not contain the actual
attachment file. The
operation is used to
retrieve the actual
attachment file.
If the Search Certificate
has not been produced
yet, this will be null, even if
the certificate is for a
single registration that has
If the search certificate is

for a single registration
that has attachments, but
the search certificate
shows that the registration
is access restricted and
only limited details for the
registration are included in
the certificate, the
Attachments element will
be null.
AttachmentDetail AttachmentId long A unique identifier of the
attachment in PPSR.
AttachmentDescrip string(250) An optional description for
tion the attachment.
AttachmentFileNa string(255) The filename of the
me attachment.
AttachmentFileSize int The size of the Attachment
Bytes in bytes.
IsMigratedAttachm boolean For registrations that were
ent migrated from other
registers prior to
commencement of PPSR,
an attachment may have
been created when the
Registration was migrated
from its source register
that contains additional
data provided by the
source register that is not
supported by PPSR.
indicates whether the
attachment is such an
Note that attachments that
existed in source registers
prior to migration to PPSR
and have been brought
across to PPSR are not
migrated attachments and
the value of
IsMigratedAttachment will
be “false”.

Fault Message
See Section below – “Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service”.

Business Rules
Rule Business Rule SOAP Fault
0-10 The RetrieveSearchCertificateRequest Fault Detail Type: PpsrSoapFaultDetail
element must be provided. Error Number: 50005
0-20 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchCertificateNumber must not be PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
an empty string. Error Number: 41083
0-30 The value provided for Fault Detail Type:
SearchCertificateNumber must be for an PpsrCollateralRegistrationSearchFaultDetail
existing search certificate. Error Number: 41084

Common Messages for Collateral Registration Service
This section describes classes that are common to more than one Collateral Registration Search
Service operation.

Search Summary
The SearchSummary class contains information that is common to all search types and is provided in
the response message to the initial search and also when search results are retrieved at a later time.

The SearchSummary includes the date and time of expiry of the search result access period

If a request to work with the search result (e.g. retrieving a previous version of a Registration in the
search result, retrieving an attachment for a Registration in the search result, filtering the search
result) is made after the search result access period expires, it will be necessary to call the Retrieve
Search Result operation. This will begin a new access period. The new search result access expiry
time will be included in the SearchSummary returned in the response to the Retrieve Search Result

Class Element Type Notes

SearchSummary SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of the
search. This number can
be used to retrieve a
search result at a later
time. The Search Number
is also used to perform
other operations related to
the search result.
SearchExecutedDa dateTime The date and time the
teTime search was executed on
ResultCount int The number of
registrations returned from
the search.
For Search by Registration
Number the result count
will be either 1 or 0. If the
registration Number
specified in the search
criteria does not exist on
the Register the result
count will be 0.
For Ordinal Search the
result count will always be
AccessToSearchR dateTime The date and time of
esultExpiryTime expiry of the search result
access period.
SearchType SearchType The type of search

Filter Summary
The FilterSummary class contains information that is common to the Filter Grantor Search Result and
Filter Grantor And Event Date Range Search Result operations and is provided in the response
message for these operations.

Class Element Type Notes

FilterSummary SearchNumber string(20) The Search Number of the
search that has been
FilterNumber int The Filter Number that
applies to the filtering of
the search result.
FilterExecutedDate dateTime The date and time the filter
Time was executed on PPSR.
ResultCount int The number of
registrations returned from
the filtering of the search

Result Detail
The ResultDetail class contains information for a single Registration that is returned in a search result.
Where more than one Registration is returned by a search, the ResultDetail will be provided for each

The structure is illustrated in the diagram below. The following describes the four main elements of
the ResultDetail class:

The ResultSequenceNumber is an integer that uniquely identifies the position of the Registration in
the ordered sequence of all Registrations included in the search result, or after applying a filter to the
search result (Search By Grantor and Search By Grantor and Event Date Range only).

For Search By Registration Number, the ResultSequenceNumber will always be 1.

For Search By Serial Number, Search By Grantor and Search By Grantor and Event Date Range, the
ResultSequenceNumber of the first Registration in the search result (or filtered search result) will be
1, and then continue in an unbroken sequence incremented by 1 for each Registration, such that the
last Registration in the result has a ResultSequenceNumber equal to the total number of Registrations
returned by the search or filter operation.

The ResultSequenceNumber will be null when the ResultDetail is included in the reponse to the
Retrieve Registration History Detail operation.

A Registration may have a number of flags associated with it that describe the state of the
Registration. Generally a Registration that has any of these flags set is not returned in a search result
unless that state is specifically requested in the search criteria. Usually Registrations with any of
these states are only accessible to the Registrar, but a subset of the Registration data can be
returned for certain search types (in particular Search By Registration Number).

If, when retrieving a search result, access restrictions have been placed on a Registration since the
time of the original search, the Registration will still be included in the search result however the
details of the Registration will be limted by the level of authorisation for the user.

The restriction flags are:

IsRemoved – indicates that the Registrar has removed the Registration from the Register. If a user
that has not been authorised for access to removed Registrations performs a Search By Registration
Number for a removed Registration, they will be informed that the Registration has been removed but
will not be able to retrieve any details for the Registration.

IsArchived – indicates that the Registration has been archived and is no longer generally available
for searching. If a user that has not been authorised for access to archived Registrations performs a
Search By Registration Number for an archived Registration, they will be informed that the
Registration has been archived but will not be able to retrieve any details for the Registration.

IsAccessRestricted – indicates that the Registrar has marked the Registration as “access is
restricted”. Restricted access Registrations can be included in a search result for all users of PPSR.
However, full details of a restricted access Registration can only be made available to users that have
been authorised by the Registrar. If a user has not been authorised for access to resricted access
Registrations, the only information provided about the Registration is the Registration Number and the
Registration End Time.

The RegistrationDetail class contains the current details of the Registration returned in a search
result. The RegistrationDetail class will be populated for a Registration that is included in the search
result unless there is a restriction flag set and the Account Customer is not authorised to access
Registrations with the particular restriction.

If the search result is for a point-in-time search (a search that reflects the Register at a time in the
past) the “current” details of the Registration will be the details that were current at the point in time of
the search.

If the search result is for a Search By Grantor And Event Date Range search, the “current” details of
the Registration will be the details that were current at the time of the Registration event (that is, the
details of version of the Registration in its Registration history as a result of the Registration event).

The RegistrationDetail class is also used for the earlier versions of a Registration when retrieved
using the Retrieve Registration History Detail operation. The “current” details of the Registration will
be the details of the specific version of the Registration.

The ChangeHistory class contains a summary list of all the changes that have been made to the
Registration returned in a search result. This includes the initial creation of the Registration on the
Register. The only details included in the summary are the Change Number, the type of change, and
the date and time of the change. The Change Number of a change can be used to drill down to
retrieve the details of the Registration after each change. The only changes included in the list of
changes are the changes up to and including the current information, as at the time of the search, for
the Registration. Even if the search result is retrieved at a time after the initial search time, when
further changes have been made to a Registration included in the search result, only changes up to
the time the initial search was performed will be included in the list of changes.

If the search result is for a “point-in-time” search (a search that reflects the Register at a time in the
past) the list of changes will only include changes up to the point-in-time of the search.

If the search result is for a Search By Grantor And Event Date Range, (a search that returns the
version of a registration as at the time of an event that occurred for that registration during a specified
date range) the list of changes will only include changes up to the version of the registration that is
included in the search result.

The ChangeHistory class will be populated for a Registration that is included in the search result
unless there is a restriction flag set and the Account Customer is not authorised to access
Registrations with the particular restriction.

The ChangeHistory class will not be populated for a Registration when the ResultDetail is included in
the reponse to the Retrieve Registration History Detail operation.

Class Element Type Notes

ResultDetail ResultSequenceNu short The sequence number of the
mber registration in the search
This will be null when the
ResultDetail is included in the
reponse to the Retrieve
Registration History Detail
RestrictionDetail RestrictionDetail The details of any restrictions
on the registration.
These restrictions include
Removed, Archived or
Access is Restricted.
RegistrationDetail RegistrationDetail The current details of the
This will be null if there is a
restriction flag set and the
Account Customer is not
authorised to access
Registrations with the
particular restriction.
Note that if the search is a
point-in-time search, the
details will be those that were
current at the point in time.
If the RegistrationDetail is
returned for an earlier version
of a registration from its
change history, this will be the
details that were current at
the time of the change.
ChangeHistory ChangeHistory The change history of the
registration returned from the
This will be null if there is a
restriction flag set and the
Account Customer is not
authorised to access

Registrations with the
particular restriction.
This will be null when the
ResultDetail is included in the
reponse to the Retrieve
Registration History Detail
RestrictionDetail RegistrationNumbe string(20) The Registration Number of
r the registration.
IsRemoved boolean Indicates whether the
registration has been
IsArchived boolean Indicates whether the
registration is archived.
IsAccessRestricted boolean Indicates whether the
registration has been marked
as Access is Restricted.
This will be null if the
registration has been
removed or is archived and
the Account Customer is not
authorised to access removed
or archived registrations.
RestrictedAccessD RestrictedAccessDetail If IsAccessRestricted is “true”,
etail this contains the limited
details that can be provided
for restricted access
If IsAccessRestricted is
“false” or null, this will be null.
RemovalDetail RemovalDetail If IsRemoved is “true” this
provides details of the reason
for removal.

If IsRemoved is “false” this

will be null.
RestrictedAccessDet RegistrationEndTi dateTime The date and time that the
ail me registration will expire. This
will be null if the end time of
the registration is not stated.
RestrictedAccessR string(200) The reason the registration
easonDescription has been marked Access is
If the B2G Account Customer
is not authorised to access a
restricted access registration,
this will be null.
RemovalDetail RemovalReasonD string(200) The reason why the
escription registration was removed.
If the B2G Account Customer
is not authorised to access
removed registrations, this
will be null.
RemovalReasonFu string(200) Optional additional
rtherDetails information related to the
removal of the registration.
If the B2G Account Customer

is not authorised to access
removed registrations, this
will be null.
RegistrationDetail RegistrationNumbe string(20) The Registration Number of
r the registration.
ChangeNumber long The Change Number of the
current version of the
EarlierRegistration string(20) The Registration Number of
Number an earlier registration where
the earlier registration relates
to the same security interest.
IsTransitional boolean Indicates if the registration is
for an interest that existed
prior to the registration
commencement time of
IsMigrated boolean Indicates if the registration
was migrated from an existing
RegistrationStartTi dateTime The date and time the
me registration was first
registered in PPSR.
RegistrationEndTi dateTime The date and time that the
me registration will expire. This
will be null if the end time of
the registration is not stated.
RegistrationChang dateTime The date and time that this
eTime version of the registration was
amended (or created if this is
the first version of the
SecuredParties List<CollateralRegistra The Secured Parties for the
tionSecuredParty> registration.
Grantors List<GrantorSearchDet The Grantors for the
ail> registration.
GivingOfNoticeIde string(50) An optional identifier that a
ntifier Secured Party Group has
specified for the registration.
AddressForService AddressForServiceSea The Address for Service for
rchDetail the registration.
RegistrationKind string(200) The RegistrationKind of the
IsSecurityInterestR boolean Indicates whether the
egistrationKind registration is for a security
If “true”, the Registration Kind
is a security interest.
If “false”, the Registration
Kind is not a security interest.
CollateralType CollateralType The Collateral Type of the
CollateralClassTyp CollateralClassType The Collateral Class of the
e registration.
CollateralClassDes string(200) This provides a description of
cription the Collateral Class of the

registration, including any
parent class. For example, if
the registration is for a Trade
Mark, the description of the
collateral would be “Intangible
property / Intellectual property
/ Trade mark”.
SerialNumberDetai SerialisedCollateralDe If the collateral in the
ls scription registration is described by a
serial number, the
SerialNumberDetails element
contains the details of the
serial number.
CollateralDescripti string(500) A free text description of the
on collateral.
IsPMSI ExtendedBooleanType Whether the registration is a
purchase money security
interest (PMSI).
If not specified, whether the
registration is a PMSI is not
IsInventory ExtendedBooleanType Whether the collateral is
If not specified, whether the
collateral is inventory is not
AreAssetsSubjectT ExtendedBooleanType Whether the collateral is an
oControl asset subject to control.
If not specified, whether the
collateral is an asset subject
to control is not relevant.
AreProceedsClaim ExtendedBooleanType Whether or not proceeds are
ed claimed.
If not specified, whether or
not proceeds are claimed is
not relevant.
ProceedsClaimedD string(500) A free text description of the
escription proceeds claimed.
IsSubordinate boolean Whether the registration is
subordinate to another
security interest. A value of
“true” indicates the
registration is subordinate to
another security interest. A
value of “false” indicates that
whether or not the registration
is subordinate to another
security interest is not stated.
Attachments List<AttachmentDetail If the registration has any
> attachments, the Attachments
element contains details of
the attachments.
Note that this element does
not contain the actual
attachment file. The
ationAttachment operation is

used to retrieve the actual
attachment file.
MigrationDetail MigrationDetail If the registration is a
migrated registration
(IsMigrated will be “true”), this
will contain further details that
relate to migrated
SerialisedCollateralD SerialNumberType SerialNumberType The type of the serial number
escription used to describe the
SerialNumber string(50) The value of the serial
number used to describe the
AdditionalVehicleD AdditionalVehicleCollat If the collateral being
etails eralDescription described by serial number is
for the Collateral Class of
Motor Vehicle, the
AdditionalVehicleDetails will
be populated.
If the collateral being
described by serial number is
for any other Collateral Class,
the AdditionalVehicleDetails
will be null.
AdditionalAircraftD AdditionalAircraftCollat If the collateral being
etails eralDescription described by serial number is
for one of the following
Collateral Classes:
Aircraft Engine
Small Aircraft
the AdditionalAircraftDetails
will be populated.
If the collateral being
described by serial number is
for any other Collateral Class,
the AdditionalAircraftDetails
will be null.
AdditionalVehicleColl VehicleRegistration string(20) The registration plate number
ateralDescription Number of the vehicle.
VehicleDescriptive string(500) If the type of serial number
Text used to describe the collateral
is a Motor Vehicle
Manufacturer's Number, a
free text description of the
AdditionalAircraftColl ManufacturersNam string(100) The name of the
ateralDescription e manufacturer.
ManufacturersMod string(50) A generic model designator
el provided by the manufacturer.
AircraftNationality string(50) The aircraft nationality (the
state of registry e.g.
AircraftNationalityC string(100) The nationality (e.g. ‘VH’ for
odeAndRegistratio Australia) and registration

nMark marks assigned pursuant to
the Chicago Convention.
CollateralRegistratio SecuredPartyType SecuredPartyType Indicates whether the
nSecuredParty Secured Party is an
organisation or an individual.
Organisation SecuredPartyOrganisa If the Secured Party is an
tion organisation, the details of the
Individual SecuredPartyIndividual If the Secured Party is an
individual, the details of the
SecuredPartyOrgani OrganisationNumb OrganisationNumberT The type of the number used
sation erType ype to identify the organisation
(e.g. ACN, ARBN, ARSN,
There is a value for
only if the Secured Party is an
organisation that is identified
in PPSR by its organisation
OrganisationNumb string(50) The value of the number used
er to identify the organisation.
There is a value for
OrganisationNumber only if
the Secured Party is an
organisation that is identified
in PPSR by its organisation
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the organisation.
If the Secured Party is an
organisation that is identified
in PPSR by its organisation
name, this will be the name of
the organisation specified
when the Secured Party
Group for the registration was
If the Secured Party is an
organisation that is identified
in PPSR by its organisation
number, this will be the name
of the organisation retrieved
from ASIC (for ACN, ARSN,
ARBN) or ABR (for ABN) for
the organisation number. If
the organisation number does
not exist in ASIC or ABR, or
ASIC/ABR has not been
successfully contacted yet to
verify the organisation
number, then the
OrganisationName will be
SecuredPartyIndividu FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
al Secured Party.
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the

Secured Party.
GrantorSearchDetail GrantorType GrantorType Indicates whether the Grantor
is an organisation or an
Organisation GrantorOrganisation If the grantor is an
organisation, the details of the
Individual GrantorIndividualSearc If the grantor is an individual,
hDetail the details of the individual.
GrantorOrganisation OrganisationNumb OrganisationNumberT The type of the number used
erType ype to identify the organisation
(e.g. ACN, ARBN, ARSN,
ABN). There is a value for
only if the Grantor is an
organisation that is identified
in PPSR by its organisation
OrganisationNumb string(50) The value of the number used
er to identify the organisation.
There is a value for
OrganisationNumber only if
the Grantor is an organisation
that is identified in PPSR by
its organisation number.
OrganisationName string(250) The name of the organisation.
There is a value for
OrganisationName only if the
Grantor is an organisation
that is identified in PPSR by
its organisation name.
GrantorIndividualSea FamilyName string(40) The family name of the
rchDetail grantor.
This will be populated only
when the Collateral Type of
the registration is Commercial
and the grantor is the grantor
that was specified in the
search criteria.
In all other cases for an
individual grantor, the family
name will not be populated.
The presence of the
indicates that there is an
individual grantor recorded for
the registration, but no details
of the individual grantor will
be displayed.
GivenNames string(80) The given names of the
This will be populated only
when the Collateral Type of
the registration is Commercial
and the grantor is the grantor
that was specified in the
search criteria.

In all other cases for an
individual grantor, the given
names will not be populated.
The presence of the
indicates that there is an
individual grantor recorded for
the registration, but no details
of the individual grantor will
be displayed.
AddressForServiceS Addressee string(50) If an addressee has been
earchDetail specified in the Address for
Service, this will be the
If an addressee has not been
specified in the Address for
Service, this will be null.
EmailAddress string(250) If an email address has been
specified in the Address for
Service, this will be the email
If an email address has not
been specified in the Address
for Service, this will be null.
FaxNumber string(20) If a fax number has been
specified in the Address for
Service, this will be the fax
If a fax number has not been
specified in the Address for
Service, this will be null.
MailingAddress Address The postal mail address
specified in the Address for
PhysicalAddress Address If a physical address has
been specified in the Address
for Service, this will be the
physical address.
If a physical address has not
been specified in the Address
for Service, this will be null.
Address ISO3166CountryC string(2) The ISO 3166 country code of
ode the country for the address.
CountryName string(50) The name of the country
specified by the
Line1 string(50) The first line of the address.
Line2 string(50) The second line of the
Line3 string(50) The third line of the address.
Locality string(50) The suburb or town of the
Postcode string(10) The postcode of the address.
State string(20) The state/province of the
AttachmentDetail AttachmentId long A unique identifier of the

attachment in PPSR.
AttachmentDescrip string(250) An optional description for the
tion attachment.
AttachmentFileNa string(255) The filename of the
me attachment.
AttachmentFileSize int The size of the Attachment in
Bytes bytes.
IsMigratedAttachm boolean For registrations that were
ent migrated from other registers
prior to commencement of
PPSR, an attachment may
have been created when the
Registration was migrated
from its source register that
contains additional data
provided by the source
register that is not supported
by PPSR.
indicates whether the
attachment is such an
Note that attachments that
existed in source registers
prior to migration to PPSR
and have been brought
across to PPSR are not
migrated attachments and the
value of
IsMigratedAttachment will be
MigrationDetail SourceRegister string(200) The name of the register the
registration was migrated
OriginalStartDate string(50) The original start date of the
registration as recorded on
the source register.
ChangeHistory ChangeDetails List<ChangeDetail> A summary list of all the
changes that have been
made to the Registration.
ChangeDetail ChangeNumber long The Change Number for this
ChangeType ChangeType The type of change to the
RegistrationChang dateTime The date and time of this
eTime change.

Common Fault Messages For Collateral Registration Service
Class Element Type Notes
PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nSearchFaultDetail etail

Class Element Type Notes

PpsrCollateralRegistratio PpsrSoapFaultDetail PpsrSoapFaultD
nSearchValidationFaultD etail
ValidationErrors List<PpsrValidati A list of validation errors
onError> related to the search or filter
PpsrValidationError ErrorNumber string(10) The ErrorNumber is used to
identify the specific validation
error that occurred, or the
specific business rule that
was not complied with.
ErrorMessage string A description of the error.

Common Fields, Common Messages and Common Business Rules
This section describes fields, messages and business rules which are common to all Collateral
Registration Service operations and Collateral Registration Search Service operations.

Common Fields/Types
The fields which are common to all request and response messages are:

Class Element Type Notes

CommonRequestType CommonB2GMes CommonB2GMess CommonRequestType is the
sageType ageType base class for the request
message used for all B2G
service operations.
CommonResponseTy CommonB2GMes CommonB2GMess CommonResponseType is the
pe sageType ageType base class for the response
message used for all B2G
service operations.
PpsrRequestMess long A unique message identifier that
ageId identifies this message uniquely
within the PPSR system.
RequestProcesse string(50) The PPSR system environment
dByEnvironment (e.g. Production, Discovery) that
processed the request message.
RequestProcesse dateTime The date and time when the
dDateTime request message was
CommonB2GMessag CustomersReque string(50) An identifier generated by the
eType stMessageId customer’s own software that will
uniquely identify each request
message within the customer’s
own software.
In a response message, this is
the same value contained in the
request message to which this
message is a response.
CustomersUserDe List<CustomersUse These are optional user defined
finedFields rDefinedField> fields to assist the B2G Account
Customer to better manage the
internal usage of the PPSR.
CustomersUserDefine FieldName string(50) A customer supplied name for
dField the reference field.
FieldValue string(50) A customer supplied value for
the reference field.

Common Fault Messages
All errors in Equifax web services are reported using SOAP faults. Equifax provides three fault

 VedaValidationFaultMessage
 VedaServiceFaultMessage
 VedaSystemFaultMessage


<wsdl:message name="VedaValidationFaultMessage">
<wsdl:part name="detail" element="flts:VedaValidationFaultDetail"/>

<wsdl:message name="VedaServiceFaultMessage">
<wsdl:part name="detail" element="flts:VedaServiceFaultDetail"/>

<wsdl:message name="VedaSystemFaultMessage">
<wsdl:part name="detail" element="flts:VedaSystemFaultDetail"/>


<xs:element name="VedaValidationFaultDetail">
<xs:complexType mixed="false">
<xs:complexContent mixed="false">
<xs:extension base="VedaFaultDetailType">

<xs:element name="VedaServiceFaultDetail">
<xs:complexType mixed="false">
<xs:complexContent mixed="false">
<xs:extension base="VedaFaultDetailType">

<xs:element name="VedaSystemFaultDetail">
<xs:complexType mixed="false">
<xs:complexContent mixed="false">
<xs:extension base="VedaFaultDetailType">

<xs:element name="VedaFaultDetail" type="VedaFaultDetailType"/>
<xs:complexType name="VedaFaultDetailType">
<xs:element name="faultCode" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element name="faultMessage" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="additionalDetails"

1. Personal Property Securities Register System Integration - B2G Interface Specification V 5.2


access code

The access code for the secured party group (SPG) is similar to a password. It can be used to access
registrations belonging to the SPG, and to access the SPG's workbench.


This refers to the account that is created prior to accessing the PPS Register. Creating an account
with the PPS Register is free of charge and enables users to access additional functionalities (for
example, to create reports). However creating an account is optional, and it is possible to access the
PPS Register without creating an account.

account administrator

The account administrator, also referred to as the account system administrator, is the person who
may manage users within an account for a PPS Register account customer. The account
administrator has wide ranging roles and permissions to be able to make updates and changes to the
account, including but not limited to:

create users

modify users

grant permissions (what transactions the user can perform), and

remove users.

account customer

An account customer is a person or entity that has an account with the PPS Register and is
authenticated (logged in) to use the PPS Register.

While it is not necessary to become an account customer to use the PPS Register, there are benefits
to being an account customer, including but not limited to:

being able to see all transaction usage and obtain full transaction listing of their account

being able to add multiple users to the account (delegated user management), and

use approval functions for reviewing and approving pending registration applications.

all present and after-acquired property (ALLPAAP)

The term 'all present and after-acquired property' (abbreviated to 'ALLPAAP') means:

personal property over which the grantor has an interest at the time the registration is made on the
PPS Register, and

personal property acquired after the registration is made on the PPS Register.

all present and after-acquired property, except (ALLPAAP, except)

The term 'all present and after-acquired property, except' (abbreviated to 'ALLPAAP, except') means
all present and after-acquired property, except for an item or class of personal property stated in the
registration as being exempt.

Amendment demand

A demand in writing, from a person with an interest in the collateral, requesting the secured party to
amend the collateral registration. This is sometimes referred to as a change demand.

ARBN (Australian Registered Body Number)

ARBNs are issued to registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies. The ARBN is a unique
identifier and no two bodies can have the same ARBN.

ARSN (Australian Registered Scheme Number)

ARSNs are issued to Managed Investment Schemes. The ARSN is a unique identifier and no two
bodies can have the same ARSN.


Australian Securities and Investments Commission


Attachment refers to:

the successful creation of a security interest in property that can be enforced against that property. or

a document which further describes the collateral that is uploaded as part of a registration.

Australian Business Register

A register of information provided to the Australian Taxation Office by businesses and other entities
when registering for an ABN.

authorised search purpose

The PPS Register can be searched using either

the serial number of the collateral (for example, the VIN of a motor vehicle), or

the details of the grantor.

Where a search is undertaken against an individual grantor, the PPS Act requires that the search
must be undertaken by a person with an authorised purpose

billing account

For account customers, PPS Register transaction charges can be billed to an account and a monthly
account statement will be issued.

business to government (B2G)

The channel through which business may transact with the PPS Register.

B2G account customer location

The range of IP addresses from which the B2G account customer interacts with the PPS Register.

casual user

Casual users access or use the PPS Register without having created an account. Casual users are
often individuals who use the PPS Register on a once-off or casual basis.

change number

A unique sequential number that is allocated for certain transactions relating to a registration,
including creation, amendment or discharge.

change type

This is the type of change that generates a change number for a registration.

chassis number

For a motor vehicle, the series of numbers/letters that are attached or stamped on the vehicle's
chassis by the vehicle manufacturer to uniquely identify the vehicle.

chattel paper

A writing which evidences both a monetary obligation and a security interest in, or lease of, specific
goods; for example, a hire-purchase agreement. It would not include a negotiable instrument, an
investment instrument, an investment entitlement or a document of title.

Chicago Convention

The Convention on International Civil Aviation signed on 7 December 1944 in Chicago. The Chicago
Convention establishes rules on the allocation of nationality and registration marks for aircrafts.

Under this Convention, Australia is assigned the nationality mark 'VH'. An example of a nationality and
registration mark for an Australian aircraft is 'VH-WOV'.

circuit layout

Circuit layout refers to the original layout designs for integrated circuits and computer chips. Circuit
layout rights are intangible personal property.

circulating asset

For the purposes of Part 9.5, has the meaning given in section 340 of the PPS Act.


Personal property that is the subject of a security interest. By way of example, the motor vehicle that
is provided as security for the loan given by a bank to finance its purchase.

collateral class

The following classes of collateral are prescribed in the PPS Regulations:



all present and after-acquired property

all present and after-acquired property, except

financial property

intangible property

motor vehicles

other goods, and


Each registration must only relate to a single collateral class.

collateral description

The description of the collateral being registered on the PPS Register.

collateral registration

A registration of a financing statement on the PPS Register. In addition to details about the collateral,
the registration also includes:

details about the grantor (where relevant), or secured party

details about the address for service (address to which correspondence relating to the registration
must be sent)

giving of notice identifier (see 'giving of notice identifier'), and

details about the security interest (for example, whether it is a purchase money security interest or
whether it is subordinate to another interest).

collateral registration identifier

A unique identification number allocated by the system to a collateral registration at the time of

commercial property

Personal property that is held in the course or furtherance, to any degree, of carrying on an
enterprise. It does not include consumer property – see 'consumer property'.

See definition of 'commercial property' in section 10 of the PPS Act.

conditions of use

Every user of the PPS Register must agree and adhere to the conditions of use when using the PPS
Register or data obtained from the PPS Register.

consumer property

Any personal property held by an individual, other than personal property held in the course or
furtherance, to any degree, of carrying on an enterprise to which an ABN has been allocated.

See definition for 'consumer property' in section 10 of the PPS Act.


Control is one way of perfecting a security interest in controllable property.

See definition for 'control' in section 10 of the PPS Act.


Copyright is a type of legal protection for ideas and information in certain forms. The most common
forms are: writings, visual images, music and moving images. Copyright is intangible personal


This refers to crops (whether matured or not and whether naturally grown or planted) that have not
been harvested.

Examples of crops include:

the products of agriculture or aquaculture, if the products have not been harvested, and

trees (but only if they are personal property), if the trees have not been harvested.


A debtor is:

a person who owes payment or performance of an obligation that is secured by a security interest in
personal property, or

a transferee of, or successor to, an obligation mentioned in paragraph (a).

discharged registration

A registration that has passed its expiry date or has been removed from the PPS Register.


end date

The end date of a registration. This is the date at which the registration expires.

Expiry will occur at the last moment of the nominated end date (that is, at 23:59:59 on the end date).

financial property

As a collateral class, includes chattel paper, currency, documents of title, investment instruments,
negotiable instruments, and investment entitlements.

financing statement

The data registered pursuant to an application for a registration.

financing change statement

The data amending a registered financing statement.

free access period

The period in which a search result may be accessed without payment of a further fee.

giving of notice identifier

The giving of notice identifier is the reference number or text that is used to identify, or to provide
more information, about the registration. The giving of notice identifier, where it exists, must be
included in correspondence to the secured party relating to that registration.


Goods means tangible personal property, including:




extracted minerals, and

satellites and other space objects

but does not include financial property or an intermediated security.


A person who owns or has an interest in the personal property to which a security interest is attached.

A grantor includes a person who receives goods under a commercial consignment, a lessee under a
PPS lease, and a transferor of an account or chattel paper.

grantor identification

Grantor identification or identifier refers to the details that are used to identify the grantor in a

The rules for grantor identification are set out in the PPS Regulations.

In brief, the Regulations provide that where the grantor is an individual, the identifiers are to be
sourced from the documents in this order:

the current driver's licence issued by an Australian state or territory

proof of age card issued by an Australian state or territory

Australian passport

Australian visa

passport from country grantor usually resides, or

details on birth certificate.

If the grantor is an organisation, different rules apply depending on whether the grantor is a body
corporate, a partnership, trustee of a trust, or a body politic.

See the PPS Regulations for more information on the grantor identification rules.


'Groups', in relation to transactions that can be undertaken on the PPS Register by a user, refers to
the logical grouping of roles for an account customer or internal organisation.

See roles and permissions for more information.

In relation to groups of secured parties, see SPG (secured party group).


Helicopter means machines (other than those used in military, customs or police services) lifted by
power-driven rotors and which are certified by a competent authority (in Australia this is the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority) to transport:

at least five persons including crew, or

goods in excess of 450 kg.

See definition of 'helicopter' in the Regulations.

Aircraft that is further described as helicopter must be described by serial number in a registration.
The serial number for helicopter comprises:

the helicopter's manufacturer's number; that is, the serial number attached to the helicopter by the

the manufacturer's name, and

the manufacturer's generic model description.

HIN (Hull Identification Number)

The unique identifier for a boat allocated by a registration authority of a state or territory or other
authorised persons.

identifier type

This is the type of identifier used for organisations (both grantors and secured parties), which includes

intangible property

Intangible property, for the PPS Act and the PPS Register, means personal property that is not any of
the following:

financial property

goods, or

an intermediated security (see 'intermediated security').

See definition of 'intangible property' under section 10 of the PPS Act.


In relation to personal property, includes a right in the personal property.

interested party

Any individual or business entity that is interested in a specific collateral registration and/or
information held on the PPS Register.

intermediated security

The right of a person in whose name an intermediary maintains a security account over personal

See definition of 'intermediated security' under section 15 of the PPS Act.

intellectual property (IP)

As a collateral class, includes rights in a design, patent, trade mark, copyright or circuit layout, or plant
breeder's rights.

See definition of 'intellectual property' under section 10 of the PPS Act.

internal organisation

The Registrar or the Personal Property Securities Service.

IP Australia

IP Australia administers the Australian IP rights system, specifically patents, trade marks, designs and
plant breeder's rights. See the IP Australia website for more information.

investment instrument

Refers to certain financial products, including:

a share in the body, or a debenture in a body

a derivative

a foreign exchange contract that is not a derivative

an interest in, or a unit in an interest in, a managed investment scheme

a unity in a share in a body, and

a financial product traded on the financial market that is operated in accordance with an Australian
market licence or exempt from the operation of Part 7.2 of the Corporations Act 2001;

but does not include:

the creation or transfer of a right to payment in connection with interest in land (where the written
evidence of the transfer does not specifically identify the land)

a document of title

an intermediated security, and

a negotiable instrument.

See definition of 'investment instrument' under section 10 of the PPS Act.


Personal property used in the ordinary course of business by an entity with an ABN, including:

property held for sale, or lease

property held to be provided under a contract for services

property held as raw materials or as work in progress, and

property used or consumed as materials.

See definition of 'inventory' under section 10 of the PPS Act.


Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia

key contact

The key contact for a PPS Register account customer is the person who will be contacted if there are
problems with the account.

Key contact details are not made available to the public.


Livestock includes:

while they are alive – alpacas, cattle, fish, goats, horses, llamas, ostriches, poultry, sheep, swine and
other animals

the unborn young of animals mentioned in paragraph (a), and

the products of livestock before they become proceeds (for example, the wool on a sheep's back
before the sheep is shorn).

manufacturer's number

The unique identifying numbers/letters that are stamped or attached to an aircraft or motor vehicle by
its manufacturer.

method of payment

Fees are charged for some transactions undertaken on the PPS Register.

Methods of payment include:

pay-as-you-go (fees paid by credit card as they are incurred – this is the default method)

pre-payment (users credit money into their account, and this account is drawn down as transactions
are being undertaken)

invoicing (the account customer is sent an invoice for transactions undertaken during the invoice

Account customers may apply to the PPS Registrar's Office to use a different payment method (other
than pay-as-you-go or pre-pay) for their account.

migrated security interest

Security interests that have previously been registered in a transitional register prior to PPS Register
registration commencement time, and which have been migrated to the PPS Register.

See definition for 'migrated security interest' in section 332 of the PPS Act.

migration time

The time at which data from transitional registers (registers of security interests in existence prior to
the PPS registration commencement time, such as the ASIC charges register and state and territory
registers of encumbered vehicles) are migrated to the PPS Register.

motor vehicle

A car, truck, motor bike, tractor, trailer, caravan or other property that:

has one or more motors with total power greater than 200 W and capable of propelling the property to
speeds of at least 10km/h, or

is capable, when being towed or attached to a motor vehicle, of travelling at a speed greater than 10

and which has a vehicle identification number, a chassis number, or a manufacturer's number.

multi user account

Multi user accounts are PPS Register accounts that can have more than one user. The account
administrator for such an account can create multiple users that can transact on behalf of the account.

nationality and registration mark

For an aircraft, this means the series of numbers and/or letters that are assigned to the aircraft under
the Chicago Convention.

The nationality mark for an Australian aircraft is 'VH', followed by a hyphen and registration mark of
three characters.

National Names Index

The National Names Index (NNI) is an index of Australian corporate and registered business names
and some incorporated associations. It is administered by the Australian Securities and Investments

To search the NNI, go to the ASIC Searches and Lodgements web page or for more information
about the NNI, see the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website.

negotiable instrument

Generally includes:

bills of exchange

promissory notes

letters of credit that must be presented to claim payment, and

writings that evidence a right to payment of money that is ordinarily transferred by delivery with an
endorsement or assignment.

The right given under a negotiable instrument is personal property.

See definition of 'negotiable instrument' under section 10 of the PPS Act.


National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System. NEVDIS is a national database of all
registered vehicles in Australia. The PPS Register interfaces with NEVDIS to provide additional
information on motor vehicles when registrations are made against motor vehicles as collateral, and
when searches are conducted.

official number

In relation to a ship or watercraft, means the six digit serial number allocated to the ship or watercraft
by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

See the AMSA website for more information about the official number of a ship or watercraft.

ordinal search

An ordinal search allows users to compare two registration events (start time, change number, end

organisational identifier

The organisation identifier is the name or number that identifies the organisation.

This can include the name, ACN, ABN, ARBN, or ARSN allocated to an organisation.

It is important to ensure that the correct organisation identifier is included in the registration (incorrect
identifiers for grantors may lead to the registration being ineffective). The identifier rules are contained
in the PPS Regulations.

original registration time

For migrated registrations, this means the time at which the registration that is migrated was first
registered on the transitional register.


A mortgage for a motor vehicle was registered on the Register of Encumbered Vehicles on 1 July
2008. This registration was migrated to the PPS Register. The original registration time shown on
PPS Register for this migrated registration will be 1 July 2008.

other goods

'Other goods' is a collateral class and means personal property that is goods, other than agriculture,
aircraft, motor vehicles and watercraft.


Bank X has a security interest over ABC Ltd's space satellite. A space satellite is a tangible property
(ie goods) but is not agriculture, aircraft, motor vehicle or watercraft. It is therefore assigned the
collateral class 'other good' in the registration.

outboard motor

outboard motor means an engine that:

has a propeller and a manufacturer's number,

is designed to be attached to a boat or vessel, and

is intended for use to propel a boat or vessel.

Outboard motors generally belong to the collateral class 'other goods'.


A patent is a right granted for any device, substance, method or process which is new, inventive and
useful. A patent is intangible personal property.

PBR (Plant Breeder's Rights)

PBRs are exclusive commercial rights to a registered variety of plants. PBRs are a form of intellectual
property and are administered under the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth). PBR is intangible
personal property. The Plant Breeder's Rights Act is available on the Comlaw website.

PCT number

Patent Cooperation Treaty number. An international patent application number issued under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty. See the IP Australia website for more information about the PCT number.

pending application

New registration applications that are incomplete can be saved as pending. A pending application has
no legal status and is not shown publicly on the PPS Register.

The PPS Register allocates a number to the pending application and the application can be accessed
by entering in this pending application number.

Pending applications are deleted after a set period. No records will be kept of deleted pending

pending application period

The period of time before which pending applications are deleted.


Perfection of a security interest gives it priority over unperfected security interests in the collateral. A
security interest may be perfected by registration, possession, or control. In certain circumstances, a
security interest may only be temporarily perfected.


Permissions, in relation to transactions on the PPS Register, refers to the ability to undertake tasks or
transaction on the PPS Register.

Each permissible action in the PPS Register should have at least one corresponding permission to
authorise it. For example, the details of a registration can be retrieved, provided the corresponding
registration token is supplied.

Permissions are not directly assigned to a user of the PPS Register. Roles are formulated from a
conglomeration of permissions. All actions that a user can take are authorised through the
appropriately assigned groups of roles.

See roles and groups for further information.

personal property

Any form of property, other than land or a right or entitlement under a Commonwealth, state or
territory law that declares that the right or entitlement is not personal property for the purposes of the
PPS Act.

Personal Property Securities Service

The Personal Property Securities Service supports the PPS Registrar by receiving and transmitting
requests and correspondence by telephone, faxes, mail and email. The Personal Property Securities
Service provides access to the PPS Register for users who cannot easily access the PPS Register via
the internet. It will also provide a help desk function for users of the PPS Register.

PMSI (purchase money security interest)

A PMSI is a security interest in collateral created by a seller who secures the obligation to pay the
purchase price, or a person who provides the value to purchase the personal property. A PMSI can
also be the interest of a lessor or bailor under a PPS lease or the interest of a consignor who delivers
property under a commercial consignment. Section 14 of the PPS Act provides the full definition of
this term.


Personal properties securities

PPS Act 2009

The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth), as amended from time to time. See the ComLaw
website to view the legislation.

PPS lease

A lease or bailment for an indefinite period or for more than one year. However, for serial numbered
goods (for example, motor vehicles), a PPS lease need only be for a term of 90 days.

PPS Regulations

The PPS Regulations are part of the legislation and provide the rules to administer it. Visit the
ComLaw website to view the PPS Regulations.

PPS Register

Personal Property Securities Register. A real-time online register where data in respect of security
interests, as well as certain prescribed personal property are registered. The PPS Register acts as a
noticeboard rather than as a definitive record of security interests in personal property. It is not a
register of title or ownership of personal property.

PPS Register administrator

A user who has been specifically granted the authority to manage some or all of the system, and may
have special privileges to override portions of the system.


The order in which interests in property are enforced. Priority is usually determined by the time of
creation of the interest, and earlier interest prevailing over a later interest. Division 3 of Part 2.6 of the
PPS Act outlines the rules governing the priority of security interests.

Privacy Act

Legislation that protects individuals from the unauthorised collection, storage, use and disclosure of
information about themselves and the possible compromises resulting from unauthorised release of
that information. The PPS Act states that an unauthorised search may contravene the Privacy Act


The identifiable or traceable personal property derived directly, or indirectly, from dealing with
collateral or the proceeds of collateral. An example of proceeds is money received on sale of the

registered users

PPS Register users who have completed a registration process and received a user ID and set a
password. A registered user logs on (authenticates) to the PPS Register using their user ID and
password. All account customer users and internal users will be registered users.


The Registrar of Personal Property Securities appointed in accordance with the Act and the staff who
work in the Registrar's Office.


A registered financing statement (as amended from time to time) with respect to a security interest or
personal property as prescribed.

registration commencement time

The date on which the PPS Register begins to operate. The registration commencement time is at:

the start of the first day of the month that is 26 months after the month in which this Act is given the
Royal Assent, or

an earlier time determined by the Minister.


If this Act were given the Royal Assent on 10 December 2009, the registration commencement time
under paragraph (a) would be the start of 1 February 2012.

registration end time / registration end date

The date on which the registration will end. For non-consumer property, there may be no stated end
time or the end time may be up to 25 years after registration. In the case of consumer or serial
numbered property, the end time may be up to seven years after registration.

registration events

The registration of a financing statement or a financing change statement with respect to a security
interest (includes discharge of a registration). A registration event will ordinarily generate a verification

registration kind

The PPS Register contains mostly registrations over personal property that is subject to a security
interest. However, there will also be other 'kinds' of registrations.

The registration kinds on the PPS Register include:

security interest

proceeds of crime

hoon lien

court order, and

other prescribed property (see the 'giving of notice identifier' details for information about why the
property is being registered on the PPS Register).

registration number

The registration number is provided to a user once a registration has been successfully made. The
registration number will need to be supplied in order to amend a registration.

registration states

A registration can be in one of the following states:



removed, or



The Regulations made under the PPS Act 2009. The PPS Regulations are available on the Comlaw

retention of title

Retention of title refers to the types of clauses that may be included in contracts where a purchaser
may take possession of property, but does not acquire title to the property from the seller until the full
purchase price is paid.


Roles are sets of permissions that can be applied to individual users. Users can take on more than
one role. The PPS Register will have a range of roles that can be assigned to authenticated users
(those users that have a security account by registering as a user) and for casual users (who are
unregistered users and therefore not logged in).

roles based access control

The PPS Register uses the Roles Based Access Control (RBAC) system to ensure that only
authorised users can perform certain register transactions. The RBAC model enables you to assign
certain groups of roles to certain users.


A roleset is the default set of roles given to the new account customer.

search certificate

If there is no evidence to the contrary, search certificates are proof of the data returned in a search
result, and are admissible as evidence in a court or tribunal.

search certificate number

A unique number that is assigned to each search certificate issued. Multiple search certificates can be
issued for each search number. The search certificate number can be used to reissue a search
certificate at a later time.

search number

A number that is returned with a search. It identifies the search that was undertaken. The search
number can be used to view the search result again at a later time.

secured party

The person who holds a security interest in personal property.

secured party group/s

Secured party groups are a system construct used in the PPS Register to define secured parties. A
secured party group consists of one or more secured parties (either individuals or organisations). It is
the secured party group that is assigned to a registration.

secured party group number

A unique identifier for each secured party group.

security agreement

An agreement or act by which a security interest is provided; or writing evidencing such an agreement
or act.

security interest

An interest in personal property provided for by a transaction that, in substance, secures payment or
performance of an obligation.

serial number

In relation to collateral, means a serial number by which the PPS Regulations require, or permit, the
collateral to be described in a registration.

The PPS Regulations provide that the following may be described by serial number:

commercial property that is:

motor vehicle

watercraft, and

certain intangible property (patent, trade mark, plant breeder's right, and design).

The PPS Regulations provide that the following must be described by serial number:

consumer property that is:

motor vehicle


certain intangible property (patent, trade mark, plant breeder's right, and design), and

aircraft (airframe, aircraft engine, helicopter and small aircraft).

commercial property that is:

aircraft (that is further described as airframe, aircraft engine, helicopter and small aircraft).

single user account

Single user accounts are PPS Register accounts that can only have one user. It will not be possible to
create other users to transact on behalf of the account. This type of account is for people who do not
work for any organisation but wish to transact with the PPS Register on an authenticated basis.

subordinate / subordination

A secured party can indicate at registration or subsequently (by using the amend registration function)
that a registration is (or is to be) subordinated to any other security interest. See section 61 of the
PPS Act for more details.

third party

An intermediary or broker who is authorised to conduct transactions on behalf of a secured party.


Each registration is issued with a registration token (or token). A token is used to authorise a user to
amend or discharge a registration. A record of the token should be kept safe and made available only
to personnel authorised to amend or discharge a registration. There is only one token per registration.
If a token is lost or compromised a new token can be requested.

trade mark

A trade mark can be a word, phrase, letter, number, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture, aspect of
packaging or a combination of these. It can also protect brand names. A trade mark is intangible
personal property.

transacting on behalf of

'Transacting on behalf of' is when a user transacts on the PPS Register on behalf of another person.
Typically this may be done when the Personal Property Securities Service undertakes a PPS Register
function on behalf of member of the public who has contacted them.

transitional register

Is a register that is held by the officer or agency of the Commonwealth or a state or a territory which
contains data which will be migrated to the PPS Register.

transitional registration

A registration on the PPS Register in relation to a transitional security interest.

transitional security agreement

Means a security agreement that is in force immediately before the registration commencement time
and that continues in force after that time.

See section 307 of the PPS Act for the definition of 'transitional security agreement'.

transitional security interest

A security interest that arises from a transitional security agreement.

See section 308 of the PPS Act for the definition of 'transitional security interest'.


unsupported data

Data in a transitional register that has no corresponding field in a PPS Register registration. If the data
provider wishes to include any of this data a facility to do so through the migration process has been
allowed for.

This 'unsupported data' can be included in the migration record and it will be stored with the migrated
registration in PPS Register as unstructured data.


Types of users in the PPS Register include casual users and account customers.

vehicle registration number

A series of numbers and/or letters that is assigned to a vehicle by the relevant road traffic authority
upon registration of a motor vehicle.

verification databases

A database (for example, NEVDIS, ABR & ASIC) against which PPS Register data will be verified.

verification reports

A report produced during migration of registrations from transitional registers to the PPS Register. The
verification report verifies which registrations were successfully to the PPS Register and those which
were not successfully migrated.

verification statement

A document confirming the details of a registration on the PPS Register to the SPG's address for

Secured parties should ensure that the details on the verification statement received are correct,
since certain mistakes will mean that the registration is ineffective.

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)

The VIN is a 17 character unique serial number used to identify a motor vehicle.

If a motor vehicle has a VIN, then a registration or a search for that motor vehicle on the PPS Register
should be made against that VIN.

One example each of a Registration Service and Search Service is provided. Before using this
example, you need to have the authentication information. Refer API Connect Getting Started Guide
for more details

You may run this example using SOAP UI tool or similar tools. Details of the SOAP UI tool are
provided in the API Connect Java Developers Guide.

Create Registration Soap Messagese

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-">



<data:Organisation xsi:nil="true"
<data:Organisation xsi:nil="true"
<data:Attachments xsi:nil="true"
<data:CollateralDescription xsi:nil="true"

<data:RegistrationEndTime xsi:nil="true"
<data:SerialNumberDetails xsi:nil="true"

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<soap:Header xmlns:soap="">
<v:identity xmlns:v="">
<v:createRegistrationsResponse xmlns:v="
<ns5:CreateRegistrationsResponseType xmlns:ns5="">
<data:CustomersRequestMessageId xmlns:data=""/>
<ns5:RegistrationEndTime xsi:nil="true"/>

Grantor Search Soap Messages

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
xmlns:v="" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-">
<grantorSearchRequest xmlns="">
<detailed xmlns="">true</detailed>
<SearchByGrantorRequestType xmlns="">


<env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
<soap:Header xmlns:soap="">
<v:identity xmlns:v="">
<v:grantorSearchResponse xmlns:v="">
<ns5:SearchByGrantorResponseType xmlns:ns5="">
<ns5:GrantorIndividualSearchCriteria xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns5:OrganisationName xsi:nil="true"/>

<ns5:PointInTimeDateTime xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns5:OrganisationName xsi:nil="true"/>



<ns5:CollateralClassSummary xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns5:CollateralTypeSummary xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns5:TransitionalPeriodMessage>As this search was performed during the
transitional period, not all registrations may be on the
<ns5:CustomersUserDefinedFields xsi:nil="true"/>
<ns5:ResultDetails xsi:nil="true"/>


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