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Person A: Hey there.

I couldn't help but notice you're here with a cast and some
injuries. What happened?

Person A: Malaria got me. I recently traveled to a region where it's prevalent, and
unfortunately, I didn't take the necessary precautions. Started feeling weak,
feverish, and just generally unwell.

Person A: They put me on antimalarial drugs and had to monitor my symptoms

closely. It's a bit of a process, but they caught it early, so the prognosis is good.

Person A: Ouch, that sounds painful. How did you break your leg?

Person A: Soccer can be intense. It's unfortunate you got injured, but at least it
sounds like the treatment is working for you. How's the pain?

Person A: Yeah, they advised rest and staying hydrated. Also, I need to complete
the full course of the antimalarial drugs even if I start feeling better before it's over.
Malaria can be tricky, and they want to make sure it's completely gone.

Person A: Definitely. Wishing you a speedy recovery with your leg. Let's hope we're
both back on our feet soon, enjoying life without any health setbacks.
Person B: Oh, hey. Yeah, I had a bit of a tumble at the park while playing soccer.
Broke my leg and got some cuts. How about you? What brings you to the hospital?

Person B: That sounds rough. I can't imagine dealing with something like that. What
was the treatment like?

Person B: I'm glad they caught it in time. Malaria can be pretty serious if left
untreated. As for me, they set my broken bone and stitched up the cuts. I'm on pain
medication and antibiotics to prevent infections.

Person B: Well, we were playing a friendly soccer match, and I went for a slide
tackle. Ended up colliding with another player, and the next thing I knew, I was on
the ground in pain.

Person B: It's manageable with the painkillers, and the doctors say I'll need some
physical therapy after the cast comes off. Did they give you any special instructions
or restrictions for malaria recovery?

Person B: That makes sense. It's essential to follow the doctor's advice. I guess we
both need some time to heal and recover.

Person B: Agreed. Take care, and here's to getting back to normal soon.

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