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Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

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Motility behavior and physiological response mechanisms of aerobic

denitrifier, Enterobacter cloacae strain HNR under high salt stress: Insights
from individual cells to populations
Meng Cheng a, 1, Hui-Min Fu a, b, 1, Zheng Mao a, c, Peng Yan a, Xun Weng a, Teng-Fei Ma b,
Xiao-Wei Xu a, Jin-Song Guo a, Fang Fang a, You-Peng Chen a, *
Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region's Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
National Research Base of Intelligent Manufacturing Service, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China
Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chongqing 400042, China


• Rotation velocity and vibration ampli­

tude of HNR were decreased under high
• As salinity increased, both ETSA and
ATP content gradually decreased in
• The ABC transporters were the limiting
factors of matter and energy metabolism
of HNR.
• The biofilm-related motility regulation
mechanism was activated under high
• Genetic diversity in motility regulation
makes HNR population more adaptable.


Editor: Qilin Wang The motility behaviors at the individual-cell level and the collective physiological responsive behaviors of aer­
obic denitrifier, Enterobacter cloacae strain HNR under high salt stress were investigated. The results revealed that
Keywords: as salinity increased, electron transport activity and adenosine triphosphate content decreased from 15.75 μg O2/
Aerobic denitrifiers g/min and 593.51 mM/L to 3.27 μg O2/g/min and 5.34 mM/L, respectively, at 40 g/L, leading to a reduction in
Flagellar motility
the rotation velocity and vibration amplitude of strain HNR. High salinity stress (40 g/L) down-regulated genes
Single-cell motion
involved in ABC transporters (amino acids, sugars, metal ions, and inorganic ions) and activated the biofilm-
Salt stress related motility regulation mechanism in strain HNR, resulting in a further decrease in flagellar motility ca­
pacity and an increase in extracellular polymeric substances secretion (4.08 mg/g cell of PS and 40.03 mg/g cell
of PN at 40 g/L). These responses facilitated biofilm formation and proved effective in countering elevated salt
stress in strain HNR. Moreover, the genetic diversity associated with biofilm-related motility regulation in strain
HNR enhanced the adaptability and stability of the strain HNR populations to salinity stress. This study enables a
deeper understanding of the response mechanism of aerobic denitrifiers to high salt stress.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y.-P. Chen).
Meng Cheng and Hui-min Fu contributed equally to all aspects of conceptualizing planning, sample and data collection, data analysis, and preparation of the
Received 23 October 2023; Received in revised form 20 December 2023; Accepted 6 January 2024
Available online 14 January 2024
0048-9697/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

1. Introduction allow for precise detection of nano-level vibrations of bacteria in the Z

direction. Our previous study employed SPRI to characterize the
Seawater substitution and production by various industries motility of aerobic denitrifying bacteria under high ammonia stress
discharge a large number of high-salt wastewater containing high con­ (Weng et al., 2022). Consequently, SPRI is a powerful analytical tool for
centrations of inorganic salts (3.0–3.5 wt%), which is the typical analyzing individual cell behavior (Zhang et al., 2016).
wastewater (Zhu et al., 2022). Compared with traditional physical and In this study, SPRI was employed to observe and record the motion
chemical methods, biological treatment technology has become one of behavior of aerobic denitrifier, Enterobacter cloacae strain HNR at the
the focuses of high-salinity organic wastewater treatment research due single-cell level under high salt stress. Additionally, transcriptomic
to its unique advantages of environmentally friendly and inexpensive methods, as well as physiological and biochemical characterization,
(Chen et al., 2022). Prior research has indicated that elevated salinity in were utilized to investigate the responsive collective behaviors of HNR
wastewater typically suppresses the activity of degradation enzymes, in high salinity conditions. Exploring the diverse roles of motility and
leading to reduced cellular activity. This condition can result in cell chemotaxis in the collective behaviors of aerobic denitrifiers is instru­
dehydration, lysis, and direct interference with the processing efficiency mental in understanding their regulatory mechanisms in response to
of functional microorganisms (Chen et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2016). salinity stress. These findings provide valuable theoretical insights and
Meanwhile, most of the microorganisms in biological wastewater suggestions for optimizing and regulating biological treatment processes
treatment systems are usually non-halophilic bacteria. The high-salinity for high-salt wastewater.
wastewater may
Interfere with the relative abundance of functional microorganisms 2. Materials and methods
and affect the removal of target pollutants (Qiu and Ting, 2013).
Therefore, high salinity is considered to be a limited factor for the 2.1. Bacterial culture
application of the biological wastewater treatment systems.
Wastewater, characterized by high concentrations of ammonia ni­ The aerobic denitrifier HNR (Ma et al., 2021) was chosen as the
trogen and salt, is frequently generated in aquaculture, desulfurization, experimental bacteria. HNR was isolated from activated sludge of a
salinization, and related industrial processes (Ji et al., 2021; Zhou et al., wastewater treatment plant by our research group, exhibiting a high
2020). The application of aerobic denitrification has garnered signifi­ nitrate removal performance of 109.92 mg N L− 1 d− 1. The components
cant interest as a prevalent method for treating such ammonia-rich of each liter of medium were detailed in the supplementary materials
wastewater. The conventional nitrogen removal process typically com­ and our previous study (Weng et al., 2022). The activated HNR was
prises two continuous steps: nitrification and anaerobic denitrification. cultured at 130 rpm and 28 ◦ C for subsequent experiments.
Nevertheless, nitrification and anaerobic denitrification demand strin­
gent operating conditions and are conventionally conducted separately. 2.2. Experimental design
This separation imposes elevated investment costs and operational in­
tricacies in engineering applications of the process (Xi et al., 2022). The The experimental groups were subjected to varying salinity levels
aerobic denitrification process is widely recognized as a promising and (expressed in terms of sodium chloride) of 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L, 30 g/L,
cost-effective alternative to the traditional nitrogen removal process (Ma and 40 g/L, aiming to simulate high-salt wastewater typical of con­
et al., 2022). However, aerobic denitrifiers are sensitive to environ­ ventional industrial settings (Shi et al., 2020; Yan et al., 2016). The
mental conditions (Wang et al., 2023a), such as salinity, which signifi­ groups without adding chloride ions was set as the control group in the
cantly impacts the nitrogen removal efficiency of saline wastewater. batch experiment. For the salinity stress experiment, the glucose solu­
Presently, research has primarily focused on screening salt-tolerant tion was sterilized in an autoclave at 110 ◦ C for 15 min, and the mixture
aerobic denitrifiers and studying the effect of salinity on their nitrogen of other components was sterilized in an autoclave at 121 ◦ C for 25 min.
removal performance (Chen et al., 2022; Xi et al., 2022). Limited The mixture was thoroughly mixed in a super-clean workbench before
attention has been given to the physiological and biomolecular response use. Several 250 mL conical bottles containing 100 mL of liquid medium
of aerobic denitrification under high salt stress. Furthermore, these with different salt concentrations were added with appropriate amount
studies have primarily focused on aggregate-level analysis, neglecting of bacterial solution and cultured at a constant temperature shaking
the role of individual bacterial motion behavior and bacterial chemo­ table at 130 rpm and 28 ◦ C. The culture in the logarithmic phase (OD
taxis in adverse environments (Colin et al., 2021). Analyzing the motion 600 = 0.6) of different experimental groups was centrifuged at 6000
behavior of single cells and exploring bacterial chemotaxis is crucial for rpm for 10 min, washed twice with 1 × PBS (pH = 7.5), and 10 μL of the
elucidating the authentic adaptation mechanisms employed by aerobic resulting cell pellet was added to the microwell sample cell. Next, an
denitrifiers in adverse environments. Such an investigation will provide appropriate amount of salt solution was added to achieve the desired
valuable insights into the physiological relevance of individual bacterial salinity concentration in the mixed solution. Subsequently, the solution
cells and bacterial populations under adverse conditions. was placed in the SPRI system to observe the single-cell motility
Multiple recent studies have demonstrated that flagellar motility and behavior. Statistical analysis was performed based on observations of six
chemotaxis can play diverse roles in collective behaviors, even within individual bacterial cells per salinity condition.
the same species. These roles are highly influenced by specific physio­ In addition, HNR culture in the logarithmic phase (OD600 = 0.6)
logical and environmental conditions (Colin et al., 2021). However, the were exposed to various salt solution environments for 20 min. After the
lack of in-situ, fast, and real-time analysis methods has impeded our incubation period, a suitable volume of the bacterial solution was
understanding of how the behavior of individual bacteria drives changes collected for subsequent analysis of physiological and biochemical
in population characteristics. Fortunately, advancements in optical im­ characteristics.
aging technology have led to the widespread use of surface plasmon
resonance imaging (SPRI) in biomolecular research. SPRI offers high 2.3. SPRI system
spatial resolution detection capabilities and a precise image analysis
process (Zhou et al., 2020). Its key advantages include high-throughput, The SPRI system was mainly composed of SPR light sources, a mi­
lossless in-situ observation, and real-time monitoring of biomolecular croscope containing high NA object mirrors, beam mirrors, inductive
interactions (Ma et al., 2018). Importantly, SPRI enables real-time and charge-coupled device cameras, sensor chips, sample microcardrons,
sensitive perception of single-cell movement. It accurately captures and and trace injection pumps. The SPR light source was composed of a 680
records the movement direction and velocity in the horizontal plane. NM ultra-radiated diode (QSDM-680-2, Qphotonics, the United States)
Additionally, its distance sensing capabilities in the vertical direction and light source drives (QSDIL-500, Qphotonics, the United States). The

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

details on the parameters were seen from our previous study (Weng bacteria undergo reversible attachment, they loosely adhere via a single
et al., 2022). pole, allowing for rapid rotation, vibration, or movement (Petrova and
Sauer, 2012). In this study, the rotational behavior of HNR over time
2.4. Observation and imaging of single-cell motion behavior under different salinity conditions was investigated, with the rotation of
bacteria in the absence of salt stress serving as a control. The corre­
The microwell sample cell was fabricated using poly mailing silicone sponding results are presented in Fig. 1.
(PDMS) and chip bonding techniques. Prior to use, the chip surface was In the control group, the average rotation speed was measured to be
thoroughly cleaned with acetone, absolute ethanol, and pure water for 5 15.67 rad/Frame. Compared to the control group, under 5 g/L salt
min respectively, followed by drying with nitrogen gas. To enhance stress, the average rotation speed of HNR initially increased by 18.8 %.
hydrophilicity for subsequent observations, the chip was then modified However, after 5 min, the average rotation speed of HNR decreased to
with a 0.1 mM sodium alginate solution and incubated overnight at 4 ◦ C. 40.1 % of the control group, and by 10 min, rotation ceased entirely.
Subsequently, the laser generator, SPR microscope, and image sensor When exposed to a 10 g/L salt stress, the average rotation speed of HNR
were activated. The laser intensity was adjusted to 130 mA, and the dropped to 49.4 % of the control group within 5 min, reaching a minimal
incident angle was optimized until the SPR intensity signal reached one- 0.25 rad/Frame, and subsequently halted. Similarly, under 20 g/L salt
third of the maximum value. After the SPRI system was set up, HNR and stress, rotation slowed to 4.77 rad/Frame (17.6 % of control) and
high-salt solution were added through two channels at the same time, stopped at 5 min. Exposure to 30 g/L and 40 g/L salt caused immediate
and then mixed to a specific concentration to observe the movement cessation of bacterial rotation.
changes of HNR in 0 min. The bacterial motion was recorded using a The introduction of 5 g/L of salinity initially resulted in an
charge-coupled device camera (Pike-032B, Allied Vision Technology, augmentation of rotational speed, attributable to the provision of Na+
Germany) at a frame rate of 50 frames/s, with an image resolution of ions from NaCl. These ions are known to enhance microbial flagellar
320 pixels × 240 pixels. motility, promote enzyme synthesis, and facilitate ATP synthesis (Pis­
Following image collection, the initial frame of the image sequence men, 2020; Xie and Cai, 2003). However, as the salinity increased to 10
was discarded to eliminate impurities and background noise signals. g/L and beyond, the rotation speed of HNR gradually decreased until it
Subsequently, denoising was performed using Gaussian filtering pro­ ceased. This result can be attributed to high salinity inhibiting metabolic
vided by Image J software. MATLAB (MathWorks Inc., USA) was utilized enzymes and suppressing HNR activity (Fu et al., 2019). This hypothesis
for further processing and description of the bacterial motion informa­ can be substantiated through an examination of the correlation between
tion under different salinity stress conditions. bacterial motility and physiological responses under salinity stress,
It is worth noting that previous study found that by comparing SPR coupled with an investigation into the associated alterations in meta­
imaging of live and dead bacteria, the error caused by Brownian motion bolic pathways.
was within 1 nm (Syal et al., 2016). In this study, the motion fluctuation
range of HNR could reach up to 200 nm, so it was negligible. 3.1.2. Bacterial vertical movement
When a solitary bacterium adheres to the chip, distinct nano-scale
2.5. Determination of physiological and biochemical characteristics of vertical motion ensues as an outcome of its metabolic processes (Weng
HNR et al., 2022). Syal et al. (2016) have demonstrated that bacterial nano-
motion correlates with bacterial metabolism, and sub-micron move­
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were extracted and quan­ ment is indicative of favorable bacterial metabolic activity. To obtain
tified as reported by Yin et al. (2015). The biofilm-forming capacity of the movement information of bacteria in the vertical direction, Image J
bacteria was determined by crystal violet staining (CV). The adenosine software was utilized to analyze the exponential attenuation relation­
triphosphate (ATP) content was determined using the BacTiter-Glo™ ship between the image light intensity and the vertical distance (Syal
reagent kit (Promega, USA). The electron transport system activity et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2015). The results are shown in Fig. 2.
(ETSA) was measured by iodonitrotetrazole (INT) (Tu et al., 2022). The In the control group, the maximum amplitude of vertical movement
ratio of live to dead bacteria was measured by the apoptosis fluorescent ranged from 75 to 104 nm. Under 5 g/L and 10 g/L salt stress, the
Hoechst 33342/PI double stain kit (Solarbio, China) (Wang et al., 2021). vertical motility of HNR exhibited slight inhibition compared to the
All the experiments were done in triplicate. control group. As the salinity increased to 20 g/L and beyond, the bac­
terial vertical movement was significantly impeded. Under 40 g/L salt
2.6. Pretreatment and testing of transcriptome samples stress, the vertical movement of bacteria nearly ceased. The metabolic
activity of living cells is associated with processes like cellular mem­
After resuscitation, HNR was incubated for another 7 h and placed in brane transfer, cytoplasmic fluidity, and changes in membrane lipid
sterile pure water containing 40 g/L NaCl and NaCl-free for 20 min. The components in response to environmental variations. These factors
bacteria were collected and washed twice with 1 × PBS (pH = 7.5). The contribute to the micro-movement of cells (Syal et al., 2016). The
pellet was rapidly transferred to a − 80 ◦ C freezer to prevent bacterial decrease in vertical movement indicated that salinity affected the ac­
RNA degradation. Later samples were sent with dry ice for tran­ tivity of HNR.
scriptomic testing.RNA extraction and transcriptome sequencing were
performed following previous work (Peng et al., 2019). Sequencing data 3.2. Metabolic characteristics of HNR based on population
generated from the Illumina platform had been submitted to NCBI
(PRJNA1028167) and was used for bioinformatics analysis. All analyses 3.2.1. EPS analysis
were performed using the Majorbio Cloud Platform. EPS plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of the
biofilm structure (Fu et al., 2022a). Previous study has shown that EPS
3. Results and discussion can enhance the adaptability of bacteria to salt stress by regulating cell
penetration pressure (He et al., 2020). EPS is mainly composed of pro­
3.1. Single-cell movement behavior under high salt stress tein (PN) and polysaccharides (PS), and a small amount of DNA (He
et al., 2020). This study mainly analyzed the concentration changes of
3.1.1. Bacterial rotation PN and PS under different salinity stress. The results were shown in
By analyzing the variation in SPR signal intensity associated with Fig. 3(a).
bacteria at different locations along the horizontal axis, it is possible to The amino acid composition and secondary structure of PN basically
extract information about the horizontal movement of bacteria. When contribute to hydrophobic interactions. PN with high molecular weight

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

Fig. 1. Rotation speed of HNR exposed to different salinities at 0, 5, 10, and 20 min. The acquisition t ime is 10 s. (a) the rotation speed of individual HNR under 5 g/
L salt stress; (b) the rotation speed of individual HNR under 10 g/L salt stress; (c) the rotation speed of individual HNR under 20 g/L salt stress; (d) the rotation speed
of individual HNR under 30 g/L salt stress; (e) the rotation speed of individual HNR under 40 g/L salt stress. (The control group was the rotation speed of individual
HNR in the same batch without adding salinity).

Fig. 2. Time domain measurement of vertical movement of HNR under salt stress of 0 g/L(a), 5 g/L(b), 10 g/L(c), 20 g/L(d), 30 g/L(e), and 40 g/L(f). The black color
represented the SPRI signal before the addition of the salt solution (control group), and the red color represented the SPRI signal after the addition of the salt solution
for 20 min (experimental group).

can provide more ion binding sites or polymer interaction sites to protect the increase of salinity, the PN content in EPS increased first and then
cells from external shocks (Dong et al., 2017). PN in EPS also partici­ decreased. At the salinity of 30 g/L, the PN content was the highest at
pates in the removal of some metal ions such as Na+, so that microor­ 42.74 mg/g cell. PS contained a large number of polar groups, which
ganisms maintain a normal physiological state (Hu et al., 2020). With had strong hydrophilicity. PS could thicken the hydration layer around

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

Fig. 3. Effect of salt stress on physiological and biochemical characteristics of HNR: The EPS content (a), biofilm formation capacity (b), ETSA content (c), and ATP
content (d) of HNR under salt stress of 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L, 30 g/L and 40 g/L.

the cell and enhance the density of biofilm (Zhao et al., 2022b). With the temperature stress, promoted the transition from a planktonic to a bio­
increase of salinity, the variation trend of PS concentration was similar film state, enhancing initial adhesion and subsequent biofilm develop­
to that of PN. The maximum content of PS was 11.82 mg/g cell at 20 g ment. Additionally, the decreased motility under high salt stress
NaCl/L. Under low salinity conditions, HNR secreted more EPS to resist appeared to significantly alleviate the metabolic burden associated with
the impact of salinity. However, the impact of high salinity might affect other physiological activities (such as, EPS secretion) during biofilm
the normal metabolic activity of HNR, thus reducing EPS secretion. formation.
Previous study has shown that the changes in PS content are more
sensitive than PN content (He et al., 2020). Therefore, a certain amount 3.2.2. Change of biofilm forming ability (BFA)
of salinity is more conducive to PS accumulation of HNR. The biofilm is considered to be conducive to the ability of microor­
The ratio of PN/PS is an important representation of EPS properties, ganisms to overcome the adverse environment and improve the ability
and the change of the ratio can reflect the hydrophobic changes of of functional microorganisms to resist environmental fluctuations (Fu
bacteria. It can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that the ratio was decreased first et al., 2022a; Fu et al., 2022b). However, biofilm formation is affected
and then increased, indicating that the hydrophobicity first decreased by many factors and salt stress is one of the important environmental
and then increased, indicating that the adhesion ability of HNR might stress. High salinity may cause physiological changes in bacteria and
increase after salinity stress of 20 g/L NaCl. affect the formation of biofilms. As shown in Fig. 3(b), compared with
During the process of biofilm formation, reversible and irreversible the control group, the biofilm forming ability showed an increasing
adhesion of bacteria to the surface is typically mediated by flagella, pili, trend except that the biofilm forming ability was slightly decreased
and EPS (Bowen et al., 2018). The initial step of adhesion involves under 5 g/L and 40 g/L salt stress. It can also be seen from the rotation
slowing down or stopping the rotation and vibration of flagella. High results of HNR (Fig. 1) that under short-term (<5 min) stress of 5 mg/L,
salt stress may inhibit flagella-mediated motility by increasing intra­ appropriate Na+ could enhance the movement ability of HNR, shorten
cellular signaling molecules, while simultaneously promoting the pro­ the residence time of HNR at the interface, which may further shorten
duction of EPS in the biofilm, thereby facilitating the adhesion of HNR to bacterial adhesion stage and inhibit biofilm formation of HNR (Fu et al.,
the substrate (Hickman and Harwood, 2008). Liu et al. (2023) demon­ 2021). When the salt concentration increased to 40 g/L, metabolic ac­
strated that reduced motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, induced by low- tivity and EPS secretion of HNR were significantly inhibited, thereby

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

reducing the biofilm-forming ability. mortality in HNR. This phenomenon also accounted for the observed
rapid decline in HNR rotational speed under conditions of elevated
3.2.3. Effects of salinity on ETSA and ATP salinity.
The carbon source metabolism and electronic transmission process
are closely related to bacterial movement and functional processes (Gu
3.3. Correlation between bacterial nano movement and metabolic
et al., 2022; Guo et al., 2022). By measuring the ETSA value and ATP
content, the impact of NaCl on the metabolic process of HNR was
analyzed. The results are shown in Fig. 3 (c,d). The ETSA of the control
The relationship between bacterial movement and physiological re­
group was 15.75 μg O2/g/min. Under 5 g/L salt stress, the ETSA of HNR
sponses was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis and shown in
increased to 27.32 μg O2/g/min, which was 173.5 % of the control
Fig. 5. First of all, relative vertical movement amplitude (RVMA) and
group. However, when the salinity was >10 g/L, the ETSA of HNR
relative average rotation rate (RARR) were significantly positively
decreased with the increase of salinity and finally decreased to 3.27 μg
correlated (R2 ≥ 0.61, p < 0.05), indicating that the vibration in the
O2/g/min at 40 g/L, which was only 20.8 % of the control group. These
vertical direction and the rotation in the horizontal direction were
results indicated that the electron transmission of respiratory chain was
relatively consistent. More importantly, RARR was significantly posi­
significantly inhibited, which was consistent with the rotational motion
tively correlated with ATP and ETSA (R2 ≥ 0.82, p < 0.05; R2 ≥ 0.94, p
of HNR.
< 0.05), significantly negatively correlated with PS and PN (R2 ≥ 0.69, p
ATP, as a source of energy for many basic reactions, is a key indicator
< 0.05; R2 ≥ 0.66, p < 0.05). RVMA was also significantly positively
of biological activity in all living cells (Zhao et al., 2022a). The changes
correlated with ATP (R2 ≥ 0.72, p < 0.05). ATP plays an important role
of the ATP content under different salt stress are shown in Fig. 3(d). The
in the bacterial flagellar rotation. The bacterial flagellar motility is
ATP content of HNR in the control group was 593.52 mM/L. Compared
mainly driven by protons, and the transmembrane potential is directly
with the control group, under salt stress of 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L, 30 g/L,
proportional to the rotation rate of the flagellar motor. This mechanism
and 40 g/L for 20 min, the ATP contents of HNR were reduced by 49.7
requires the consumption of ATP to expel H+ outside the bacteria to
%, 49.2 %, 85.4 %, and 99.1 %, respectively, which meant the greater
form a transmembrane gradient that rotates the flagellar motor
the salt stress, the greater the effect on the ATP content in HNR. These
(Wadhwa and Berg, 2022). The electron transfer process of the bacterial
results were consistent with the changes in the vertical movement trend
respiratory system is coupled with the formation of ATP, and the whole
of HNR.
process of ATP formation is accompanied by the phosphorylation of ADP
(Lobritz et al., 2015). Therefore, the strength of ETSA will indirectly
3.2.4. Effects of salinity on the ratio of live to dead bacteria
affect the rotation behavior of bacteria by affecting the amount of ATP
In this study, under salt stress of 5 g/L, 10 g/L, 20 g/L, 30 g/L, and
production in microorganisms. In this study, increasing salinity was
40 g/L for 20 min, the ratio of live to dead bacteria of HNR was tested for
observed to cause a reduction in electron transport activity, resulting in
viability. The results are shown in Fig. 4. Under salt stress of 5 g/L, 10 g/
a concurrent decrease in ATP content. Consequently, these reductions
L, and 20 g/L, the ratio of live to dead bacteria of HNR was not affected
led to a reduction in both the rotational velocity and vibrational
by the salinity. When the salinity increased to 30 and 40 g/L, the pro­
displacement of HNR. In addition, salinity stress synchronously
portion of HNR in the Q3-UR and Q3-LR area increased more, indicating
decreased the flagellar motility capacity of HNR and increased EPS
that the number of early apoptotic bacteria and necrotic bacteria
secretion, inducing bacterial aggregation and adhesion (Tan et al.,
increased. High salinity was hypothesized to induce damage and
2019), which might be conducive to the biofilm formation of HNR.

Fig. 4. Results of HNR staining of Hoechst 33342/PI under salt stress of 0 g/L(a), 5 g/L(b), 10 g/L(c), 20 g/L(d), 30 g/L(e), and 40 g/L(f), respectively. (Q3-LL, Q3-
LR, Q3-UR, and Q3-UL respectively, represent the areas of living bacteria, early-apoptotic bacteria, non-viable apoptotic bacteria, and necrotic bacteria).

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

Fig. 5. The nitrogen removal activity of HNR under salinity stress (a); Correlation between bacterial motility and physiological indicators of HNR (b). (Abbreviations:
relative vertical movement amplitude (RVMA); relative average rotation rate (RARR); biofilm formation ability (BFA); adenosine triphosphate (ATP); electron
transport system activity (ETSA); protein (PN) and polysaccharides (PS); Specific nitrogen removal activity (SNRA)).

There were also some correlations between physiological and were closely related to the physiological and biochemical indicators
biochemical characteristics. ATP is significantly positively correlated discussed earlier.
with ETSA (R2 ≥ 0.64, p < 0.05) and negatively correlated with PN (R2
≥ 0.83, p < 0.05). PS is significantly positively correlated with BFA (R2 3.4.1. Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and ABC
≥ 0.77, p < 0.05) and negatively correlated with ETSA (R2 ≥ 0.58, p < transporters
0.05). Previous studies showed that biofilm formation capacity was The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are crucial for
positively correlated with PN and PS content (Fu et al., 2022a; Tang providing intermediates, ATP synthesis, and metabolic energy during
et al., 2016). PN and PS contributed to the formation of biofilms, microbial growth (Guan et al., 2014). A previous study found that genes
especially PN (Fu et al., 2022b). However, under high salt stress, the related to the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation were down-
correlation between biofilm formation and PN was not significant (p > regulated in Nitrosomonas europaea under CeO2 nanoparticle exposure
0.05), and the correlation with PS was higher than that of PN, which (Wu et al., 2019). In this study, high salinity stress also decreased the
might be related to the adaptive adjustment of bacterial metabolic ATP content and might have an inhibitory effect on microbial energy
pathways under salt stress. metabolism. While, TCA cycle-related genes (fumA, sucACD, frdAB, aceE,
SNRA exhibited positive correlations with RVMA, RARR, ATP, and acnB, mqo, and pckA) and oxidative phosphorylation-related genes
ETSA, while displaying negative correlations with PN and PS. These (atpABEGH, cydAB, cyoB, frdAB, nuoCDM, ppa, and ppk) were signifi­
findings suggest a significant association between nitrogen removal cantly up-regulated under 40 g/L NaCl stress (Figs. S2 and S3). The
activity and the movement capacity and physiological characteristics of decline in ATP content can be attributed to the pronounced down-
HNR. Bacterial chemotaxis serves a crucial role in exploring nutrient regulation of multiple genes associated with ABC transporters. ABC
sources and identifying optimal growth niches, influencing chemo- transporters play a crucial role in regulating cellular defenses, including
effector preferences and flagellar gene regulation. Raina et al. (2023) ion homeostasis, nutrient absorption, and signaling molecule output in
investigated the impact of bacterial motility behavior on metabolic ex­ bacteria (Feng et al., 2022). Under 40 g/L NaCl stress, it was observed
changes at the single-cell level between the picophytoplankton Syn­ that genes involved in the transport of amino acids, sugars, metal ions,
echococcus and the heterotrophic bacterium Marinobacter adhaerens. and inorganic ions were markedly down-regulated (Fig. 6(a)), leading to
Utilizing motility and chemotaxis-deficient bacterial mutants, stable- the inhibition of corresponding signal transduction, substrate, and
isotope tracking revealed that chemotaxis increased nitrogen and car­ metabolite transport. Besides, the ABC transporter might be involved in
bon uptake by both partners up to 4.4-fold. In the context of this study, ATP synthesis by influencing ATP synthase activity (Fan et al., 2023).
high salt stress inhibited the movement performance and metabolic Consequently, this down-regulation diminished the ETSA and ATP
activity of HNR, leading to reduced substrate uptake capacity and ni­ synthesis of the entire bacterial population.
trogen removal performance.
3.4.2. Chemotaxis, flagellar assembly, and biofilm formation
3.4. Transcriptome analysis Chemotaxis is a fundamental mechanism utilized by bacteria to
locate and navigate toward nutrient sources. Bacteria achieve this by
In this part, transcriptomics techniques were used to analyze and modulating the direction of flagellar rotation, enabling them to move
compare differentially expressed genes of two representative culture away from unfavorable environments and toward favorable ones
conditions (Control, 40 g/LNaCl) to reveal the response mechanism of (Keegstra et al., 2022). Bacterial flagella serve as organelles crucial for
HNR to high salt stress at the gene level. bacterial propulsion and play a pivotal role in various functions asso­
According to the overall analysis of KEGG enrichment, the main ciated with bacterial pathogenicity. These functions encompass biofilm
pathways involved in up-regulated genes were in ribosomes, bacterial formation, protein export, and adhesion (Weng et al., 2022). Under 40
secretion systems, biofilm formation-Pseudomonas aeruginosa, lipopoly­ g/L NaCl stress, most of the genes related to chemotaxis (aer, cheAB,
saccharide biosynthesis, mismatch repair, purine metabolism, cheR, cheZ, gene1541, gene2372, mcp, tap, and tar) (Fig. S4), flagellar
aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis (Fig. S1). While the main pathways synthesis (fliCD, fliI, fliOZ, fliP, fliR, fliT, flgABD, flgK, and flgL), and
involved in down-regulated genes were ABC transporters, quorum regulation (csgD, flhCD, fliG, motAB, rcsA, and ycgR) were significantly
sensing, nitrogen metabolism, lysine degradation, etc. (Fig. S1), which up-regulated (Table S1). In addition, a large number of genes related to

M. Cheng et al. Science of the Total Environment 914 (2024) 170002

a b
Amino acid Sugar Metal ion Inorganic ion
livK gene1420
livM cysP
urtA gene1421 gene1030 csgC
urtB cysU
OmpR FlhDC RcsAB 4.0
gene1422 csgD
gene1031 4.0
urtD 3.0 pgaA
gene1769 cysW
urtE ibpA 2.0
pgaB 2.0

aapJ gene1033 Colanic acid

nrtA 1.0 CsgD pgaD 1.0
sitB 0.0
aapP malF flhC
Flagella 0.0

metI nrtB −1.0
metN malG −2.0
flhD −1.0

metQ nrtC flhE
malK −3.0 −2.0
afuA −4.0 rcsA
opuBD mglA −3.0
phnC YcgR
opuC mglB afuB ycgR
proX −6.0
afuC phnD yhjH
tauC mglC
−7.0 c-di-GMP YhjH −5.0

log2|FC log2|FC

Fig. 6. The down-regulated genes associated with ABC transporters of HNR under 40 g/L NaCl stress (a) (ABC transporters mainly transport amino acids, sugars,
metal ions and inorganic ions); Potential network of HNR biofilm-related motility regulation (b) (Abbreviations: ß-1,6-poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PGA); cyclic-di-
guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP)).

biofilm formation (Table S2), such as type II (gspCDEFGHJKL) and type 3.4.3. Other regulation
VI secretion protein (hcp, impABC, and impHJL), cyclic-di-guanosine After 40 g/L NaCl stress, the nitrogen metabolism-related genes of
monophosphate (c-di-GMP) (mucR, yedQ, yegE, yhjH, and CdgR), and HNR (map00910), narGHI, nasAB, and nirBD were significantly down-
EPS (bcsA, csgBC, wcaE, wcaLM, wecBC, and wza) were significantly up- regulated compared with the control (Table S3), and the proteins
regulated. Wang et al. (2023b) also reported a significant increase in the encoded by these genes were responsible for the reduction of nitrate
expression of flagella genes and chemotaxis genes in planktonic cells nitrogen to nitrous hydrogen and ammonia nitrogen. These results may
subjected to nutritional stress. indicate that high salinity stress may inhibit the transcription of genes
Based on the analysis and summary of transcriptome data and related related to nitrogen removal, thereby affecting the efficiency of nitrogen
literature, it was found that HNR had a biofilm-related motility regu­ removal of HNR. Previous study found that high salinity negatively af­
lation mechanism similar to E. coli (Fig. 6(b)) (Guttenplan and Kearns, fects nitrogen removal and sludge settling performance by hindering
2013; Weng et al., 2022). Motility plays a vital role in the initial stages of microbial metabolism and reducing the transport of compounds be­
biofilm formation, enabling bacteria to identify suitable environments tween the medium and cells (Chen et al., 2022).
or surfaces. High salt stress may inhibit flagellate-mediated movement KEGG enrichment results also showed that HNR necrotizing
by increasing intracellular signaling molecules, while promoting EPS apoptotic genes (CypA, Hsp90, GLUL, and PYGL) were upregulated
production in the biofilm, thus promoting adhesion process in the early (Fig. S5). These adjustments also explained the increase in the number of
stage of HNR biofilm formation. Once biofilm formation is initiated, an bacterial premature apoptosis and deaths as a result of the ratio of live to
increase in c-di-GMP levels is triggered through the action of phospho­ dead bacteria exposed to high salinities.
diesterases such as YhjH. Elevated c-di-GMP levels activate YcgR, which
interacts with the flagellar rotor, resulting in decreased rotation speed
and increased direction reversals. Concurrently, c-di-GMP activation of 3.5. Implications
CsgD stimulates curli biosynthesis while inhibiting the expression of
flagellar genes. Moreover, as a global regulator exerting post- Under short-term salinity stress, bacteria perform a series of physi­
transcriptional control, CsrA directly binds to mRNA, regulating the ological responses and movement behaviors. Limited by the small size
transcription of flhDC. CsrA also influences the expression of ß-1,6-poly- and lower technical resolution of bacteria, previous studies of bacterial
N-acetylglucosamine (PGA) polysaccharide synthesis operon by binding movement and physiological characteristics are usually performed at
to mRNA and obstructing the ribosome-binding site. Another potential the population level (Arora et al., 2007; Colin et al., 2021). In this study,
factor involved in motility inhibition is the Rcs phosphorelay system. horizontal and vertical movements of individual bacteria were observed
The RcsB protein, in conjunction with the accessory protein RcsA, ac­ and analyzed through SPRI, and related physiological characteristics
tivates the expression of colanic acid synthesis genes while directly were also investigated thoroughly, revealing information that begins to
repressing the flhDC promoter, consequently impeding motility. As the bridge the gap between the behavior of individual cells and populations.
biofilm matures, the accumulation of post-transcriptional regulators, In this study, we place particular emphasis on the lesser understood
such as CsrA, may lead to the reactivation of motility, suppression of aspect of bacterial chemotaxis driven by flagellar motility, focusing on
matrix expression, and ultimately facilitate cellular dispersal, initiating its physiological relevance for both individual bacterial cells and bac­
a new round of biofilm formation. terial populations. It is noteworthy that flagellar motility and chemo­
Upon exposure to high salinity, the activation of the biofilm-related taxis within the same bacterial species can serve multiple roles
motility regulation mechanism in HNR proves advantageous in coun­ contingent on varying physiological and environmental conditions
tering high salt stress. This activation facilitates bacterial aggregation, (Colin et al., 2021). One prominent function of bacterial chemotaxis is
and adhesion, and expedites biofilm formation. Notably, these findings the exploration of nutrient sources and the identification of optimal
align with the observed decrease in motility and the increase in EPS niches for growth, which may account for the preferences in chemo
content documented in this experiment. effector selection and flagellar gene regulation. Moreover, chemotaxis
can generally enhance the efficiency of environmental colonization by
motile bacteria, which involves intricate interactions between individ­
ual and collective behaviors and necessitates trade-offs between growth

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