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Name: Azzahra Zaskia Putri

Class: X-3


One day, the tall man in black t-shirt was walking aimlessly. His life had been in
turmoil lately, as he couldn't find a job. The man had accidentally bumped an old lady
who was also walking. The old lady seemed to be struggling. The man or better known
as 'Nim', his heart was not as bad as his appearance, without thinking he rushed to help
the old lady, and took the old lady back to her home.

They had been walking for thirty minutes. Nim was surprised, because the old
lady's house was very far away in the forest. They arrived at old lady’s house, Nim
hurried to say goodbye. On the way home, bad luck befell Nim, he got lost. Strange
voices started to come.

The voices insisted that Nim would not return, as he had set foot in their territory.
Nim was offered a luxurious life, an abundance of wealth if Nim agreed to stay in their
world. However, Nim apparently still had a conscience. Nim said out loud that the
world he lived in was more than enough, at least even though his life was simple, he
still had a family. The voices disappeared, leaving only Nim who now sat pensively on
the grass of his house.

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