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Statement of Purpose

This Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) is promulgated for the

purpose of prescribing the necessary rules and regulations for the consolidation of the
existing amount of application fee with the other fees paid by an enrollee and his/her
dependent spouse and/or children upon enrollment in the PRA Retirement Program.


General Coverage

SECTION 1. Applicability. — This IRR shall apply to principal retirees

and their dependent spouse and/or children enrolling in the PRA Retirement Program
upon effectivity hereof.

SECTION 2. Fees Included. — The Application fee shall be as follows:

a. US$1,400 — for principal retirees

b. US$300 — for each dependent spouse and/or child

That the aforesaid fees shall be inclusive of the NBI Clearance and Medical
Examination fees.


Procedural Requirement

SECTION 1. Upon completion of the SRRV Application Form, the

principal retiree, spouse, and each dependent submit the said form together with the
pictures, Bank Certificates on the Inward Remittance, other pertinent documents,
(e.g., Marriage Contract, Certificate of Family Register, if applicable, etc.), to the
PRA Representative at the One-Stop Processing Center (OSPC).

SECTION 2. Upon verification of the completeness of the documents

submitted, the PRA Representative issues a Payment Order for the application fee of
US$1,400 and U$300 (for each dependent spouse/child), or its equivalent amount in
Copyright 2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2022 1
Philippine Peso. The applicant/s presents the Payment Order to the Cashier for the
issuance of the Official Receipt (O.R.), a photocopy of which shall be maintained by
the PRA Representative. The O.R. serves as an endorsement for the applicant/s to
apply for the NBI Clearance and Medical Examination.

SECTION 3. Procedure for NBI Clearance and Medical Examination:


a. The applicant/s proceeds to the NBI Desk located at the OSPC,

present the O.R., and undergo name clearing. The NBI Clearance
shall be issued after two (2) to three (3) days.

b. Applicant/s proceeds to the Medical Service Provider's Desk

located at the OSPC for medical examination. If the applicant/s is
found to be fit to retire in the Philippines, the Medical Service
Provider issues the corresponding Medical Certificate.

SECTION 4. The existing rules enforced by PRA on the approval of the

Application and the issuance of the Special Resident Retiree's Visa shall apply
thereafter. Upon approval by the Bureau of Immigration of the Special Resident
Retiree's Visa (SRRV), the PRA Representative schedules the oath taking of the
applicant and thereafter releases the passport with the SRRV and the PRA I.D. Card.


Terms and Conditions

SECTION 1. It shall be the responsibility of PRA to remit to the NBI

Office and the Medical Service Provider the corresponding payments for their
services provided to the applicant/s.

a. For NBI Clearance, it shall be made daily at the PRA Office

located at the 29th Floor of Citibank Tower at 3:00 in the
afternoon, based on the number of receipts issued by NBI in a day.
Payment by PRA will come from the Resident Retiree Servicing
Center's Petty Cash Fund, the same being deducted also from the
US$1,400 and/or US$300 Application Fee;

b. For Medical Certification, it shall be made on the fifteenth (15th)

and thirtieth (30th) of each month, on a check payment basis,
depending on the amount charged by the Medical Service Provider,
the same being deducted also from the US$1,400 and/or US$300
Application Fee. TcDAHS

The amount remitted to the NBI and the Medical Service Provider shall be
based on their existing chargeable fees, as agreed upon with PRA, except when
adjusted after proper notice.

SECTION 2. Fees paid or expenses incurred for the Certificate of No

Criminal Record and/or Medical Examination obtained abroad or from any other local
clinics not accredited by PRA or from any other branch of NBI is NOT
Copyright 2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc. Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2022 2
REFUNDABLE and SHALL NOT be deducted from the US$1,400 and/or US$300
Application Fees paid to PRA.

SECTION 3. In case of non-issuance of NBI Clearance or Medical

Certificate through the OSPC due to the findings of criminal records or
communicable diseases respectively, the applicant/s shall be disqualified to enroll and
PRA shall refund the Application Fee/s paid by the applicant/s less the expenses
incurred for NBI Clearance, Medical Examination (amount dependent on the Medical
Service Provider), and Service Fee.

The Service Fee charged by PRA shall also be deducted from the Application
Fee/s in the event the applicant/s discontinues with his processed application even in
the absence of findings of criminal records or communicable disease as mentioned


Other Provisions

SECTION 1. Separability Clause. — The provisions of this

Implementing Rules and Regulations are hereby declared to be separable, and if any
provision or section of this IRR or application thereof to any person or circumstances
should for any reason be held invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or
unconstitutionality shall not affect the other provisions or sections of this IRR.

SECTION 2. Effectivity. — This IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) days
after its publication. IESTcD

2009 Implementing Rules and Regulations Consolidating the Application Fee

with the NBI Clearance and Medical Examination Fees

* See EO 1037 entitled "Creating the Philippine Retirement Park System,

Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes" (issued July 4, 1985).

See also Rules And Regulations Implementing Executive Order No.

1037 Creating The Philippine Retirement Park System, Providing Funds
Therefor And For Other Purposes (Otherwise Known As The Philippine
Retirement Authority) (issued April 10, 1987).

See further RA 11261 entitled "An Act Waiving Government Fees And
Charges In The Issuance Of Documents Required In The Application For
Employment Of First Time Jobseekers" (approved April 10, 2019).

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