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Integrative and Experimental Exercise Science, Institute for Sport Sciences, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany

ABSTRACT horizontally and vertically oriented exercises with similar effec-

Keller, S, Koob, A, Corak, D, von Schöning, V, and Born, DP. tiveness on COD speed.
How to improve change-of-direction speed in junior team sport KEY WORDS deadlift, heavy strength training, high pull, lateral
athletes—Horizontal, vertical, maximal, or explosive strength jump, power clean, squat
training? J Strength Cond Res 34(2): 473–482, 2020—The
purpose of the study was to compare the effects of 4 different
training methods on change-of-direction (COD) speed in junior
team sport athletes. Specifically, we investigated whether hor- INTRODUCTION

izontal load training incorporating lateral acceleration and any team sports are characterized by short
deceleration would induce superior performance adaptations sprints and frequent change-of-direction
with respect to COD speed, compared with common vertically (COD) movements (2,8,21,36). In soccer, for
oriented maximal strength (squats and deadlifts), explosive instance, 95% of the sprints cover less than
strength (power clean and high pull), and vertical jumping ex- 10 m, and 76% cover less than 5 m (8). Moreover, players
ercises. Male U15 team sport athletes (n = 45) were assigned perform on average 726 COD movements per game (2).
to 1 of 4 groups and performed 2 intervention training sessions Elite handball players perform about 1 COD movement
per week for 4 weeks, in addition to their usual sport-specific per minute as well as other frequent accelerations and decel-
training. Before and after the training period, COD speed, erations (21). In basketball, lateral movements predominate,
countermovement and drop jump heights, 1-legged lateral with 450 per game on average (36). Although these studies
jump, and standing long jump performance were assessed. show characteristic differences between sports, they also
All 4 training groups improved COD speed (p # 0.01, effect underscore the general importance of multidirectional and
COD movements in team sports.
size [ES] $1.35). Countermovement and 1-legged lateral jump
Despite the well-investigated complexity of COD move-
performance improved with the horizontal load (p , 0.01, ES =
ments in team sports, there is some debate among condi-
0.81 and p , 0.01, ES = 1.36), maximal (p = 0.01, ES = 0.56
tioning coaches and scientists on how best to improve COD
and p , 0.01, ES = 1.14), and explosive strength training (p ,
speed. An early review concluded that only minor improve-
0.01, ES = 0.95 and p , 0.01, ES = 1.60, respectively). The ments of COD speed can be achieved with traditional
standing long jump improved with the maximal (p , 0.01, ES = weight lifting programs incorporating bilateral squats, verti-
1.14) and explosive strength training (p , 0.01, ES = 0.60). In cal jumps, and Olympic lifts (3). Instead, unilateral strength
conclusion, all 4 training methods improved the COD speed in and power exercises and explosive lateral movements, such
junior U15 team sport athletes. These findings emphasize the as horizontal jumps, were recommended (3). In one recent
importance of well-developed lower-body strength and power, study, back squats and plyometric jumping exercise im-
which contribute to fast COD speed. From a practical perspec- proved linear sprint performance, but not COD speed in elite
tive, conditioning programs for junior athletes can incorporate soccer players (9). In another study, horizontal but not ver-
tical drop jumps substantially improved the COD speed of
Address correspondence to Sebastian Keller, elite handball players after 10 weeks of training (11).
34(2)/473–482 Although elite and professional athletes tend not to
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research benefit from traditional weight lifting programs, strength
Ó 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association and power seem to be positively related to COD speed in

VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 2 | FEBRUARY 2020 | 473

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Change-of-Direction Speed

recreational team sport players (24,30). For example, vertical strength (squat and deadlift), explosive strength (power
countermovement jump height is closely related to COD clean and high pull), and vertical jumping exercises.
speed (4). Furthermore, comparison between players’ dom-
inant and nondominant legs revealed a positive effect of leg METHODS
strength on COD speed (31). Mechanistically speaking, Experimental Approach to the Problem
greater strength and lean body mass are related to larger With a between-group repeated-measures design, we inves-
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hip abduction and knee flexion angles during the COD tigated the effects of 4 different training programs, incorpo-
movements, which result in a lowered center of mass and rating either horizontal load training, vertical jumping,
a more effective deceleration (34), shorter contact time (35), maximal, or explosive strength training, on COD speed
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and greater horizontal and vertical propulsive power in the during a 4-week training period. Two training sessions per
subsequent acceleration phase (34,35). week were performed in addition to the usual team sport–
In summary, the outcome of specific strength training specific training. The horizontal load and vertical jump
methods aiming to improve COD speed seems to depend on training comprised exercises with body weight only, while the
the performance level and lower-body strength. Elite ath- maximal strength training included back squats and deadlifts
letes usually have a well-developed lower-body strength, and with free weights and heavy additional loads. For the explo-
thus, unspecific bilateral strength training and vertical sive strength training, barbell exercises, in particular, the
acceleration exercises do not further improve the COD power clean and high pull were used to incorporate a full hip
speed (9,11). Therefore, drills including horizontal accelera- extension. The intervention training sessions lasted 45 mi-
tion and deceleration are warranted (3). It remains nonethe- nutes and were separated by at least 48 hours (Figure 1).
less unclear, which training methods most effectively Performance outcomes were determined before (pre-) and
improve the COD speed in well-trained junior team sport after (post-) the 4-week training period with a 2-way analysis
athletes. of variance (type of training 3 time). The dependent variable
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate 4 COD speed was assessed with 3 different tests comprising 4,
training programs with different loading characteristics 6, and 13 COD movements over total distances of 18, 24,
(horizontal load training vs. vertical jumping vs. maximal and 48 m, respectively. Leg power was assessed using both
vertically oriented (countermovement jump and drop jump)
strength vs. explosive strength training) on COD speed in
and horizontally oriented exercise tests (standing long jump
junior U15 team sport athletes. In particular, we addressed
and 1-legged lateral jump).
the question whether horizontal load training including
lateral acceleration and deceleration would induce superior Subjects
performance adaptations with respect to COD speed Young U15 team sport athletes (mean 6 SD: n=45, age: 14
compared with common vertically oriented maximal 6 0.8 years [range 12–15 years], body mass: 63 6 14 kg,

Figure 1. Study design with time plan and description of the 4 training groups.

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body height: 175 6 11 cm) competing in either soccer, hand- athletes reached the upper limit of the targeted repetition
ball, or basketball participated in this study. While we re- range. Each training session was supervised by an experi-
cruited well-trained athletes only, competing for the best enced strength and conditioning coach assuring that the
teams in their sport at a regional level for at least 3 years, athletes used a challenging weight while maintaining
our participants were distributed about the towns of the a high-quality lifting technique.
region and located with some distance to each other. There- The explosive strength training group (n = 12 basketball
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fore, the athletes were randomly assigned to the training players) performed the high pull and power clean exer-
groups with respect to their hometown to reduce the trav- cises with free weights and followed the same progression
eling effort and test our approach from a practical perspec- in terms of load and repetition number as the maximal
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tive. Our strength and conditioning coach attended the local strength training group. To maximize training effects,
training venues to supervise the training rather than the a strength and conditioning coach supervised all training
athletes traveling to our gym twice a week. After being sessions to ensure that exercises were performed with
informed about the benefits and potential risks of the study, a proper lifting technique, characterized by triple exten-
all athletes and their legal guardians gave written consent for sion (of the ankle, knee, and hip joints) and maximal
the athlete’s participation in the study. The study design was power production.
preapproved by the ethical review board of the University of All tests were performed indoors under the same ambient
Wuerzburg and complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. air conditions. Athletes performed the pre-test and post-test
wearing the same shoes and standard training clothing, and
Procedures at the same time of the day (between 16:00 and 20:00).
The training load for the 4 groups increased progressively Athletes were familiarized with the test procedures in the
throughout the 4-week intervention period. The horizontal week before pre-testing to minimize the learning effect
load training group (n = 12 soccer players) performed exer- between pre-test and post-test. Also, the order of the tests
cises characterized by horizontal acceleration and decelera- was standardized for the pre-test and post-test. The post-test
tion, to mimic the specific neuromuscular demand of COD was performed 3–4 days after the last training session.
movements. Throughout the training period, the load Before testing, the warm-up routine involved 10 minutes
increased progressively from 4 to 7 sets of 5 repetitions for of moderate-intensity running including three 5-, 10-, and
the 1- and 2-legged lateral and forward jumps, as well as the 20-m sprints for all players. Afterward, the players performed
specific COD drills. These incorporated slalom and zig-zag their individual light stretching routine for 5 minutes, which
running around cones and sidestep drills using a speed latter. was supervised by the test leader to assure the same
Athletes were encouraged to perform each exercise as fast procedure for both the pre-test and post-test. Body height
and explosive as possible with 2-minute rest in between. and weight (BF511; Omron Healthcare, Mannheim, Ger-
The vertical jumping group (n = 12 soccer players) per- many) were measured after the warm-up with the athletes
formed unloaded box jumps. Depending on the individual wearing no shoes.
training progress, the box height increased progressively
throughout the training period to ensure maximal neuro- Jumping Performance. To evaluate players’ dynamic leg
muscular activation while maintaining high-quality jumping power, countermovement and drop jump heights were mea-
and safe landing. The average box height increased from 70 sured (OptoJump; MicroGate, Bolzano, Italy). For each
cm in the first session up to 100 cm in the last week of jump, athletes performed 3 trials separated by a 2-minute
training. Throughout the training period, the number of sets recovery period. In case the third jump showed the greatest
increased from 3 to 6 with 2-minute rest in between. The height, a fourth trial was performed, and the best attempt
number of repetitions per set decreased from 8 to 5 from the was used for the statistical analysis. Athletes were instructed
first to the last week of training. In addition, for the sake of to keep their hands on their hips to isolate the leg movement
variety, each training session included any 2 of the following and minimize the involvement of the arms. Also, they were
reactive jumping exercises performed for 3 sets of 8–10 rep- instructed to land with straight legs (22).
etitions: drop jumps, drop landings, split-squat jumps, or Horizontal jump performance was assessed as described
multiple bounding. previously with 2-legged (forward) long jumps and 1-legged
The maximal strength training group (n = 9 handball play- lateral jumps (5,27). For both jumps, athletes were instructed
ers) performed deep back squats and deadlifts. The number to keep their hands on their hips and jump as far as possible
of sets increased from 4 to 6 with 3- to 5-minute rest in from a marked starting line. Long jump performance was
between. The number of repetitions per set decreased from defined as the distance from the heel to the starting line
10 to 4 between the first and last week of training. The measured to the nearest of 0.01 m with a measuring tape
weight was chosen to assure muscular failure in the last 2 fixed to the floor. A jump was considered valid when the
repetitions of the targeted repetition range while maintaining athletes kept their balance after landing and could stand still
a proper lifting technique as recommended previously (18). for at least 3 seconds with no readjustment of the foot
The weight was increased by 2.5 kg for the next set when the position.

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Change-of-Direction Speed

Lateral jumps were performed in the direction of the steps aiming for the contact plates 2.25 m to the left and
active leg. Athletes landed on the same leg and had to keep right, and finishing with a 4.5-m sprint backward to the
their balance, with no floor contact of the other foot, for 3 starting point. The T-shaped run had a total distance of
seconds. Jumping distance was measured as the difference in 18 m and included two 908 and two 1808 COD movements.
position of the medial edge of the foot at landing to the With the Speedcourt registering the foot touchdown at each
starting line, to the nearest of 0.01 m. The best attempt for contact plate, running pattern was controlled, and the total
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the right and the left legs were averaged and used to assess time to complete the test was recorded. The athletes were
the lateral jump performance. familiarized with the running pattern the week before pre-
testing and reminded of the running pattern with a diagram
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Change-of-Direction Speed. The COD speed was assessed with just before each test. The best of 3 attempts, which were
3 different tests on the Speedcourt (Q12 PRO; Globalspeed separated by at least 2 minutes of recovery, was used for
GmbH, Hemsbach, Germany). The Speedcourt is a 5 3 5-m the statistical analysis.
platform with 12 contact plates arranged in a symmetrical
pattern (Figure 2). When connected with a software (Spee- Statistical Analyses
dlab PRO; Globalspeed, Hemsbach, Germany), predefined All data are indicated as mean 6 SD. After the confirma-
multidirectional COD movements can be assessed. The first tion of normal distribution, a 2-way analysis of variance
protocol (6 COD test) required the players to complete with pre-test values as covariate to account for baseline
a total distance of 24 m interspersed with 6 COD move- differences (analysis of covariance)—training program (hor-
ments with angles between 64 and 1808. This has been izontal load training vs. vertical jumping vs. maximal
described as a valid and reliable procedure to assess COD strength training vs. explosive strength training) 3 time
speed with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.6% and an (pre-testing vs. post-testing)—was performed with partial
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.86 (14). With the eta2 and statistical power calculation. Bonferroni post
second protocol (13 COD test), players repeated the running hoc test and Cohen d effect sizes (ES) (15) were used for
pattern of the 6 COD test twice, resulting in a total distance all pairwise comparisons. An ES of ,0.2, ,0.6, and ,1.2
of 48 m and 13 COD movements. The reliability of the 13 was regarded as small, medium, and large, respectively
COD test has been described by a CV of 2.44% and an ICC (19). A 1-way analysis of variance was performed to com-
of 0.86 (14). pare the change values from pre- to post- among the 4
Finally, a T-shaped run was performed on the Speedcourt training groups and an alpha level of ,0.05 confirmed
to assess team sport–specific COD movements while mov- a statistically significant effect. All data were collected
ing forward, backward, and sideways. The reliability of the and prepared using Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft
T-shaped run has previously been described by a CV of 2.7% Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) and analyzed subsequently
and an ICC of .0.9 (32). The T-shaped run was initiated with SPSS Statistics for Windows Version 24.0 (IBM
with a straight 4.5-m sprint forward, followed by quick side- Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).

Figure 2. The running pattern for the (A) 6 COD test and (B) T-shaped run on the 5 3 5-m Speedcourt. With the 13 COD test, athletes repeated the running
pattern of the 6 COD test twice. COD = change-of-direction.

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TABLE 1. Effects of the 4 training programs on COD speed assessed with 3 different performance tests.*†

Training intervention Statistical analysis

Horizontal Vertical Maximal Explosive

load jump strength strength Partial Test
training training training training F Value p eta2 power

6 COD test [s]

Pre- 8.2 6 1.1 7.6 6 0.5 7.3 6 0.5 7.3 6 0.7 a) F(3,41) = 4 p = 0.02 0.21 0.75
Post- 7.4 6 0.4z 7.1 6 0.6z 6.6 6 0.2z 6.6 6 0.5z b) F(3,41) = 41 p , 0.01 0.50 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 0 p = 0.91 0.01 0.08
13 COD test [s]
Pre- 15.3 6 1.1 14.8 6 0.7 13.5 6 0.5 14 6 0.9 a) F(3,41) = 1 p = 0.45 0.06 0.23
Post- 14.1 6 1z 14 6 0.8z 12.7 6 0.4z 13.2 6 0.8z b) F(3,41) = 71 p , 0.01 0.64 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 1 p = 0.49 0.06 0.21

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

T-shaped run [s]

Pre- 6.5 6 0.3 5.8 6 0.4 5.5 6 0.3 5.5 6 0.6 a) F(3,41) = 5 p = 0.01 0.27 0.89
Post- 6 6 0.5z 5.6 6 0.4 4.8 6 0.6z§ 5 6 0.3z b) F(3,41) = 32 p , 0.01 0.44 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 1 p = 0.34 0.08 0.29

*COD = change-of-direction; n.s. = not significant.

†Data are presented as mean 6 SD. The significant differences were identified with a 2-way analysis of covariance: training program 3 time. a) Main effect: training program

(horizontal load vs. vertical jump vs. maximal strength vs. explosive strength training). b) Main effect: time (pre- vs. post-). c) Interaction effect: training program 3 time.
zSignificant difference compared with pre-.
§Significant difference compared with horizontal load training.

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Change-of-Direction Speed
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 2. Effects of the 4 training program on leg power.*

Training intervention Statistical analysis

Horizontal Vertical Maximal Explosive

load jump strength strength Partial Test
training training training training F Value p eta2 power

Countermovement jump height [cm]

Pre- 30.1 6 4 30.6 6 3.5 36 6 3.5 30 6 2.7 a) F(3,41) = 3 p = 0.05 0.17 0.63

Post- 32.1 6 3† 30.9 6 2.8 37.6 6 4.6† 31.9 6 3.1† b) F(3,41) = 29 p , 0.01 0.42 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 2 p = 0.1 0.14 0.52
Drop jump height [cm]
Pre- 29.8 6 3.9 27.3 6 4.1 31.7 6 6.6 24.4 6 6 a) F(3,41) = 4 p = 0.01 0.24 0.82
Post- 30.5 6 3.7 25.8 6 5.4 34 6 6.2† 26 6 6.1 b) F(3,41) = 4 p = 0.07 0.08 0.46
c) F(3,41) = 4 p = 0.02 0.21 0.77
Standing long jump [cm]
Pre- 171 6 14 161 6 26 191 6 11 172 6 18 a) F(3,41) = 2 p = 0.14 0.13 0.46
Post- 176 6 12 165 6 22 200 6 13† 181 6 21† b) F(3,41) = 22 p , 0.01 0.35 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 1 p = 0.44 0.06 0.23
One-legged lateral jump [cm]
Pre- 131 6 12 125 6 18 143 6 23 123 6 12 a) F(3,41) = 24 p , 0.01 0.65 1.0
Post- 142 6 9† 119 6 16†z 160 6 18†z 137 6 13† b) F(3,41) = 48 p , 0.01 0.54 1.0
c) F(3,41) = 16 p , 0.01 0.54 1.0

*Data are presented as mean 6 SD. The significant differences were identified with a 2-way analysis of covariance: training program 3 time. a) Main effect: training program
(horizontal load vs. vertical jump vs. maximal strength vs. explosive strength training). b) Main effect: time (pre- vs. post-). c) Interaction effect: training program 3 time.
†Significant difference compared with pre-.
zSignificant difference compared with horizontal load training.
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pre-test to the post-test, there were no significant differences

between the 4 training groups (Figure 3).
After 4 weeks of training, the countermovement and 1-
legged lateral jump performance improved with the hori-
zontal load (p , 0.01, ES = 0.81 and p , 0.01, ES = 1.36),
maximal strength (p = 0.01, ES = 0.56 and p , 0.01, ES =
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1.14), and explosive strength training (p , 0.01, ES = 0.95

and p , 0.01, ES = 1.60, respectively). The standing long
jump improved with the maximal strength (p , 0.01, ES =
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1.14) and explosive strength training (p , 0.01, ES = 0.60).

This study investigated whether horizontal load training
including lateral acceleration and deceleration would induce
superior performance adaptations with respect to COD
speed compared with common vertically oriented jumping,
maximal, and explosive strength training. The main findings
are that all 4 training methods, when performed for 4 weeks
twice per week, improved the COD speed and leg power to
a similar degree in junior U15 team sport athletes.
Previous research recommended that horizontal jumping
as well as specific COD drills incorporating horizontal and
lateral acceleration and deceleration are required to improve
COD speed, whereas the benefits of vertically oriented
jumping and traditional weight lifting exercises
(i.e., Olympic lifts, squats, and deadlifts) would be limited
(3). However, this was not the case for our U15 team sport
athletes participating in this study. Rather, horizontal load
training did not elicit greater benefits for COD speed com-
pared with the 3 vertically oriented training programs.
The discrepancy between the conclusion of the above
mentioned review article (3), and our findings may be due to
Figure 3. Change values of the change-of-direction (COD) speed
assessed by the (A) 6 COD test, (B) 13 COD test, and (C) T-shaped run
the different performance levels of the athletes participating
including movements forward, backward, and sideways in response to 8 in the research studies. It is likely that for elite athletes who
sessions of either horizontal load training, vertical jumping, maximal, or already possess well-developed lower-body strength and
explosive strength training. For the clarity’s sake, the standard error is
illustrated for the corresponding mean values. No statistically significant
power (16), a ceiling effect may exist, such that further gains
difference was evident between the training groups. in strength or nonspecific power do not benefit COD speed.
For instance, elite handball players improved COD speed
after 10 weeks of horizontal, but not vertical drop jumps
(11), whereas elite soccer players did not improve COD
RESULTS speed after 8 weeks of deep back squat or resisted sprint
The pre-test and post-test data of the 4 training groups are training (9). In recreational team sports, on the other hand,
presented in Tables 1 and 2. Change-of-direction speed COD speed was clearly related to leg strength. Stronger
improved with the 6 COD test and 13 COD test in all train- athletes produced higher deceleration and acceleration
ing groups executing either horizontal load training (p , forces, resulting in quicker directional changes (34). More-
0.01, ES = 1.35 and p , 0.01, ES = 1.48), vertical jumping over, the difference between faster and slower athletes
(p = 0.01, ES = 1.43 and p , 0.01, ES = 1.47), maximal became more pronounced as the COD angle, and with it,
strength training (p = 0.01, ES = 2.58 and p , 0.01, ES = the difficulty of the directional change increased (35).
2.20), or explosive strength training (p , 0.01, ES = 1.42 and In junior team sport athletes, the importance of lower-
p , 0.01, ES = 1.30, respectively). Performance in the T- body strength and power is clear. Young soccer players (13.2
shaped run including movements forward, backward, and 6 1.8 years) improved the COD speed with a 7-week verti-
sideways also improved with the horizontal load training cal jump training program more than the control group per-
(p , 0.01, ES = 1.95), maximal strength training (p , 0.01, forming the usual soccer training only (29). Elsewhere, there
ES = 1.94), and explosive strength training (p = 0.02, ES = was no difference between drop or countermovement jump
1.18). Comparing the change values of the COD speed from training, both of which improved the COD speed after 6

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Change-of-Direction Speed

weeks in junior (17.3 6 0.4 years) soccer players (37). Fur- position in preparation for the directional change and sub-
thermore, adding maximal strength training exercises such sequent acceleration phase (34). The increased eccentric
as back and front squats to the sport-specific training force production shortens the braking phase and ground
improved the COD speed in U15, U17, and U19 soccer play- contact times on the one hand (13,24) and increases the
ers (20). These results are also found with our junior U15 storage of elastic energy that is used during the concentric
team sport athletes. While all 4 training programs signifi- acceleration phase on the other hand (1,38). Thus, the stor-
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cantly improved the COD speed, the ES calculation revealed age of elastic energy is closely connected to the strength
largest effects (1.94–2.58) and highest effectiveness with the capacity and tendon stiffness (7,38). Trained jumpers, for
maximal strength rather than the horizontal load training. instance, with greater lower-body power showed a better
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Technically, the COD movement can be divided into 3 mechanical efficiency during the stretch-shortening cycle
phases. The actual directional change is preceded from the than untrained jumpers (25). The larger leg power improved
deceleration phase and followed by the acceleration in the the storage of elastic energy during the eccentric phase thus
new direction. To investigate our athletes’ deceleration skills, increasing the force output during the concentric phase (25).
we applied the 1-legged lateral jump that required the ath- When we tested the countermovement jump in our junior
letes to decelerate the movement and maintain balance for at U15 team sport athletes, we measured an improved jumping
least 3 seconds after the landing. Significant improvements height after the maximal and explosive strength training.
were obviously found with the horizontal load but not the The increased muscle strength might have enhanced the
vertical jump training. Interestingly, the free weight training storage of elastic energy thereby improving the COD speed
(maximal and explosive strength training) improved 1- even if no specific horizontally oriented training was
legged lateral jumping, although both training programs performed.
comprised vertically oriented exercises. However, during During the third phase of the COD movement, the
the COD movement, the deceleration phase and subsequent athletes accelerate in the new direction alike a sprint start.
transition into the directional change require the athletes to Therefore, the third phase is characterized by an explosive
maintain an optimal body position by applying horizontally whole-body extension forward similar to the standing long
as well as vertically oriented forces (34). During such a uni- jump. Since the linear acceleration primarily relies on the
lateral force production, the core strength becomes a key power production of the leg extensors (10,26), the maximal
element to maintain balance and stability (28,33). Free and explosive strength training showed largest improve-
weight training using heavy loaded barbell exercises is ments on the standing long jump performance. Especially,
well-known for its effects on the core strength and stability the power clean and high pull, emphasizing the so-called
(23) explaining why the maximal and explosive strength triple extension in the ankle, knee, and hip joints (12), pre-
training groups improved the 1-legged lateral jump while pared for the specific neuromuscular demand of the whole-
the vertical jump group using unloaded body weight exercise body extension forward during the acceleration phase of the
did not. COD movement, thus facilitating a high COD exit velocity
In addition, faster athletes demonstrated an altered COD and overall COD speed.
technique (34). Increased knee flexion and hip abduction
angle during the plant phase (34) allowed a lower-body cen- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
ter of mass and more stable body position, which in turn The performance level of athletes seems to substantially
facilitated a more efficient force production during the accel- impact the effect of various strength and conditioning
eration phase (35) and a greater exit velocity (34). We did programs aiming to improve COD speed. For elite athletes
not investigate alterations in COD technique. The horizontal who already possess well-developed lower-body strength
load training, however, showed a large improvement with and power (16), a ceiling effect may exist, such that further
the 1-legged lateral jump that requires both strength and gains in strength or power do not benefit COD speed. For
technical abilities to maintain balance after landing. these athletes, specific horizontally oriented exercises may
Improved technical skills on the on hand, and task-specific indeed be warranted to further improve the COD speed. In
training for the hip abduction and lateral abdominal muscles our junior U15 team sport athletes, however, all 4 training
on the other, might explain the improved COD speed with programs, ranging from task-specific horizontally oriented
the horizontal load training in the absence of any heavy exercises to nonspecific vertically oriented maximal strength
additional load. exercises, improved COD speed. Thus, in these subjects,
Dos’Santos et al. (13) demonstrated that the quality of the horizontal load training incorporating lateral acceleration
deceleration phase crucially contributes to high COD speed. and deceleration was not superior to vertical jumping, max-
Also, a current review article identifies the eccentric muscle imal, or explosive strength training to improve COD speed.
strength as key performance indicator for the deceleration From a practical perspective, strength and conditioning
phase of COD movements (6). Namely, stronger athletes programs should incorporate any or all of the investigated
produce greater horizontal and vertical eccentric forces training methods to best improve the COD speed in junior
and impulses to decelerate and maintain an optimal body team sport athletes. Importantly, with attention to safety, the
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