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CHAPTER > 20 Locomotion and Movement @ NEET Key NOTES Movement isa key characteristic shown by living organisms with few exceptions and may be defined as a change in posture o position, Voluntary movements result in locomotion. Walking, running, climbing, flying, swimming are some forms of locomotory rmovernents. Cilia in Paramecium and tentacles in Hydra help in locomotion along with their respective Functions + All locomotions are movements, but all movements are not locomotions. Types of Movement + Various movements exhibited by different cells and organs of human body are tabulated below ‘Types or Yes of Characters Examples “Amocbold Ec bypssdopoi formed Macrophages and bysteaming of he prtopawm. leuocyten Tin by sited epshsiom. —by lid epthelom, eg Fallon tabes of females “Muscular Estey the eonmctile Movement of, ibs, propery of muscles tongue Flagellar Efficedby the beating of Swimming of spermato fag Muscular System + Muscles are specialised tissues of mesodermal origin that may show both voluntary and involuntary movements. They possess properties sich as excitability, contractility, extensibility and elasticity + Based on their location, muscles are of three types, i. Skeletal muscles are the striated, multinucleate, Voluntary muscles. These are attaches tothe skeleton and hence are named skeletal muscles. They are involved in locomotory actions and changes in body posture * Visceral/Non-striated n muscles. These are uninucleate, non-striated, involuntary muscles. These ate located in the inner walls ‘of hollow visceral organs of the body like alimentary ‘anal, reproductive tract, ete. These help inthe transportation of food through digestive tract and {gametes through genital tract + Cardiac muscles are the muscles of heart. These resemble striated muscles but are uninuceate. These are involuntary in nature and are under indirect control of the nervous system. Structure of Skeletal Muscle + The skeletal muscle consists of multiple muscle bundles of fascicles, held together by fascia. Each muscle bundle contains a number of muscle fibres, surrounded by sarcolemma containing sareoplasm (cytoplasm of muscle fibre). scles ate also called as smooth * The arcoplasm contains myoglobin (red colour pigment), sarcosomes (mitochondria of muscle fibre) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (endoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibres that i the storehouse of caleium ions). + Each mscle fibee contains many thin and rod-like parallely arranged filaments in its sarcoplasm called myofilaments ‘or myofibrils. Muscle bres (rusce cas) sarcolemma Fascils (rusclo bundle) Diagrammate cross-sectional vow of a muscle Each myofibril has alternating dark (A or Anisotropic) and light (or Isotropic) bands. At the centre of A-band, Hezone (or Henson's zone) is present which isa ‘comparatively less dark zone, Further, atthe centre of He-zone, Mine is present In case of band, a dark membrane called Z-line is present at its centre. ‘The part of myofibril between two successive Z-lines is sarcomere (functional unit of myofibril). The striated appearance of skeletal muscles is due tothe distribution patter of two important proteins called actin and ‘myosin. ‘These proteins are arranged as ro-lke filaments, parallel to each other and also tothe longitudinal axis of the myofibrils. Actin filaments are thinner compared to ‘myosin filaments hence called thin and thick filaments, respectively. Structure of Contractile Proteins + Each actin (thin) filament is made of two “F” (filamentous) actins helically wound around each other. Each ofthese ‘F actins isa polymer of monomeric ‘G’ (lobular) actins. Two filaments of another protein called tropomyosin also run close tothe F actins throughout is length. A complex protein, troponin, is distributed at regular intervals on the tropomyosin, At resting phase, a troponin subunit masks the active binding sites for myosin on the actin laments Each myosin (thick) filament is also a polymerised protein containing many monomeric proteins called ‘meromyosin. Each meromyosin contains a globular head with a short arm (called the Heavy Meromyosin, i.e. HMM) and a til (called the Light Meromyosin, ie. LMM). The HMM component projets outward from the surface of plymerised myosin filament and forms ‘ross arm, The globular head isan active ATPase ‘enzyme and has binding sites for ATP and active sites for actin. Mechanism of Muscle Contraction + Ttisbest explained by the sliding filament theory which states that contraction ofa muscle fibre takes place by ‘the sling ofthe thin filaments over the thick filaments. ‘The electrical and biochemical events in muscle contraction are as follows ® Nene puso case oleae of aretichotne ton grep veces hobetmantc det ® seavencne pecan aoe dt nds te aap se mater (rp te caro epoanir hc eva Son ptt @ on prt ace spi tool mace arden Sonia oescan os ne scapuen @ Cavum ions tnd o roponin and change ts shape which nun charges: te stape ltepenyeat andempens Re sche sar ne ai, [Stee O ens wrest rcs | = Perna: peeks eto @ ‘sores te sarcomere shortens as show bow ‘band bene band ae Mine ee "ck _myolment snyotiamert Contraction ina sarcomere of muscles * Thie process continues til Ca2” are pumped back tothe sarcoplasmic cisternae, masking the actin filaments. This ‘causes relaxation ofthe muscle. + On the bass of amount of myoglobin in muscle fibres, these fare categorised into red and white muscle fibres, Red fibres contain more myoglobin and mitochondria as compared to white fibres, Red muscle fibres are aerobic muscles and white smuiscle fibres are anaerobic muscles. = Oxygen debt is the extra oxygen required by the body muscles luring relaxation or recovery period over the strensous state, + Rigor mortisis the state of body stiffening after death which occurs ‘due tothe permanent ireversible contraction between actin and myosin, which in tum occurs due t exhaustion of ATP from blood. Skeleton System ‘The human skeleton system consists of axial and appendicular skeletons. The total number of bones in an adult human is 206. The axial skeleton of human consists of 80 bones and the appendicular skeloton of human consists of 126 bones. ed 5 Banaton| SS ml Important Bones in Human Skeleton Partof Part of body” _endoskeeton 1. Avil skeleton (Total bones 80) Region Name of bone (Numbers) Head Canam * Occipital (1) » Parca @) + ronal (1) + Terporl 2) + Sphenoid (1) + Ethmoid (1) Sha Fac) + Neal@) + Vomer(1) region + Tupinl(2)_ + Lacrimal(2) + Zygomati(2) + Palatine 2) + Maxila(2) + Mandible (1) Partof Partot N ame of bone body” endaskeleton 8" (Numbers) * Males (2) + toes) + stapes (2) Backbone Neck + Verbal celuma ‘Thorax Stemum yo badly (1) Cervical venebae 7) + Thorac venta (12) + Lumbar veebrae (5) ~ Stra verebne or Sacrum (Sin eid (1) Coda vette or Coceyx (inch) + Sem) = Tweet (14) Ribs False bs (6) + Fea ib (4) + The skull region articulates with the superior region ofthe vertebral column withthe help of two ‘occipital condyles (dicondylic skull). «+ First vertebra isthe atlas and i articulates with the ‘occipital condyles. 1 Appendicular Skeleton (Totl bones 128) ‘Thorax Pec gre Shoulder Pele gle Fortis Upper arm = Writ Fingers ‘high ‘Shank Ale Sole Fingers + Scaula @) + Clavie 2) + Tamora) Hamers @) + Radius 2) ina 2} Carpls (16) + Macau (10) Phalnges (28) + Femur) = Tin) + Fibula 2) + Patella 2) + Tanals (1) + Metals (10) + Phalanges 28) * Acromion process of scapula articulates with clavicle. Glenoid cavity below acromion articulates ‘with the head of humerus to form the shoulder joint. “= Atthe point of fusion of lium, ischium and pubis, cavity called acetabulum is present with which the thigh bone. articulates, Joints ‘The points of contact betwen bones or between bones and cartilages are called joints, Bones articulate with one another atthe joint. Joints are of three types as follows + Fibrous joints, these do not allow any movement. These are found in between flat bones of skull which fase tend-to-end with the help of dence fibrous connective tissues in the form of sutures to form cranium, + Cartilaginous joints, these allow limited movements. In these joints, the bones involved are joined through cartilage, eg in between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column. ‘+ Synovial joints, these are characterised by the presence of synovial cavity between the articulating surface of two bones. Such an arrangement allows considerable ‘movement. Some examples are * Ball and socket j girdle) + Hinge joint (knee joint) + Pivot joint (between atlas and axis) (between humerus and pectoral joint (between the carpals) + Saddle joint (between carpals and metacarpals of thumb). Disorderds of Muscular and Skeletal System Some common disorders of muscular and skeletal system are as follows ‘+ Myasthenia gravis Autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular junction and leading to fatigue, weakening and paralysis ofthe skeletal muscles, + Muscular dystrophy Progressive degeneration ofthe skeletal muscles mostly duet genetic disorder + Tetany Rapid spasms (wild contractions) in the muscle due to lowe Ca? fons in body ls + Arthritis Inflammation of joints. * Osteoarthritis caused dc tothe wearing away ofthe corte which covers the bones in the joints. + Rheumatoid arthritis caused duc tothe inflammation of synovial membrane and can affect middle aged and older people + Osteoporosis Age related disorder characterised by decreased thane mass and increased chances of fractures, Gout Inflammation of joints due to the accumulation of uric acid exystals Mastering NCERT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TOPIC 1 ~ Types of Movement, Muscles and Mechanism of Muscle Contraction 1 Streaming of the eytoplasm/eyelosis is seen in () earthworm (@) leech 2 Amoeboid movements occur due to streaming of protoplasm in (@) macrophages and leucocytes (6) spermatozoa, Amoeba and erythrocytes (6) erythrocytes and leucoeytes (4) spermatozoa and macrophages 3 All locomotions are movements {@) and all movements are locomotions (6) butall movements are not locomotions (6) which result in no change of place or location (4) Either (a) (@) (@) Amoeba (6) Nereis 4 Ciliary movements within human body can be ‘observed in (a) trachea (©) Fallopian tube {) Both (a) and(b) ——_(@) None ofthese 5 Movement of our limbs, jaws, tongue, ete, requires (a) ciliary movement (©) amoeboid movement {€) muscular movement (2) Aagellar movement 6 Locomotion is effected due to (a) contractile property of muscles (©) movement of skeletal elements {€) motor signal through neural system (@) Allofthe above 7 In which of the following processes, flagellar movements are involved? {) Swimming of spermatozoa {(b) Maintenance of water eurent in spongocoe of sponges {€) Locomotion in Euglena (@) Allofthe above 8 Locomotory actions within human body are carried ‘out using (a) unstriped muscles (6) involuntary muscles () striated museles (2) visceral muscles Visceral muscles are likely to be found in () brain and spinal cord (b) digestive tact {) biceps and triceps (d) All ofthese O Visceral muscles are also called (a) smooth muscles (6) non-strated muscles (6) involuntary muscles (@) All ofthese Cardiac muscles are {a) smooth and voluntary (6) smooth and involuntary (6) strated and involuntary (d) striated and voluntary 12 The muscle bundles, fascicles are held together by the collagenous connective tissue called (a) iterated dise (6) myofibril (6) fascia (@) Allofthese 1B The sarcolemma lines a (a) muscle fibre () fascia {c) fascicle (@) Allof these 16 The storehouse of calcium ions in the musele fibre is (a) smooth endoplasmie reticulum (b) Golgi body {) sarcoplasmic reticulum (2) lysosomes 1S What is/are the function(s) of calcium? uPMER 2018 (a) Blood ciotting (&) Muscular contraction (e) Nerve conduction (@) All ofthese 16 Myofilaments or Myofibrils are (a) obliquely arranged filaments of muscle fibre (b) parallelly aranged filaments of musele fibre {) horizontally arranged filaments of musee fibre (@) radially arranged filaments of muscle fbre 17 Myofibrils appear striated due to the presence of {) actin in lighter region and myosin in darker region {(b) actin throughout the length of myofibrit {€) myosin in lighter region and actin in darker region (@) myosin thoughout the length of myofibril 18 The light and dark regions of myotibril are called (a) L-band and A-band, respectively {(b) L-band and D-band, respectively (6) A-band and I-band, respectively {(@) A-band and M-band, respectively 19 Actin and myosin filaments of muscles are also called (@) thick and thin filaments, respectively () thin and thick filaments, respectively (6) black and white filaments, respectively {@) white and black filaments, respectively 20 Choose the incorrect pair. (2) Globular head of meromyosin ~ Active ATPase enzyme (©) Thin fibrous membrane holding ~M-line thick filaments in A-band () Dark bands ~ Isotropie band (@) None ofthe above 21 In the centre of each I-band, there isan elastic fibre called () Line () Zatine fe) Adine (@) zone 22 A sarcomere in the myofibrils of musele is found in between two successive (a) Matines| () H-zones 23 Sarcomere isa (a) functional unit of contraction (©) portion of myofibil present in between two Metines {) complete bundle of muscles (@) portion of myofibil present in between two A-bands 26 The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to NET 2013, (a) the absence of myofibrils in the central portion of ‘Acband (the central gap between myosin filaments in the A. {) the central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filaments inthe A-band {@) extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A-band 25 F-actin sa polymer of (a) troponin () globular a {6} meromyosin (@) topomyosin 26 Identify 4, B and C in the given diagram. () Zatines (@) A-bands nd (a) A-Troponin, B-Tropomyosin, C- F-atin (©) A-Thiok filament, B-Troponin, C-Tropomyosin (¢) A-Myosin filament, B-Troponin, C-Tropomyesin, (@) A-Meromyosin, B-Troponin, C-Tropomyosin 27 Troponin bearing filament protein in thin filament is (a) actin (b) meromyosin (6) topomyosin (@) myosin 30 a ‘The active binding sites for myosin on actin filament ‘are masked by (a) Ca?* ions (©) troponin () Feactin {(@) wopomyosin Which one is incorrectly matched? (@) Heavy meromyosin. — Globular head (b) Smooth muscle — Involuntary musele {) Red muscle — Myoetobin (@) Troponin — Fibrous protein ‘Cross arms of the myosin monomer consist of (a) outward projection of G-actin filament {(b) outward projection ofthe head region of meromyosin {) outward projection ofthe tal region of meromyosin {(@) Both (b) and (e) Actin binding sites are located on (a) troponin (©) tropomyosin {e) meromyosin (@) Both (a) and (©) Identify 4, B, C and D in the given diagram and ‘choose the correct option. a (a) A-Actin binding site, B-ATP binding site, C-Head, D-Cross arm (&) A-Actin binding ste, B-ATP binding site, C-Head, D-Side am (©) A-Actin binding ste, B-ATP binding site, C-Head, D-Long arm (@) A~Actin binding ste, B-ATP binding site, C-Head, D-Shot arm Given below is the figure of a sarcomere. Identify the parts labelled as 4 to D and seleet the correct option, (a) Acband Hezone (0) Acband Zevon —eband (e) band Hline ——Z-zone Acad (@)Fband — Zsline——Hezone Acad Mechanism of musele contraction is best explained by (a) physical flament theory (b) chemical filament theory {c) sliding filament theory (2) jumping filament theory 35 Contraction of the muscles takes place by the sliding of (@) thick filament over thin flament () thin filament over thick filament (6) thin filament over thin filament (@) thick filament over tick filament Skeletal muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by (a) CNS () PNS (©) ANS (@) Neutral trans Motor unit is a (@) neuron only (b) muscle fibre only {€) motor neuron with muscle fibre (@) Allofthe above Neuromuscular junction isa junction between {@) to neurons and muscles, {(b) sensory neurons and muscles {€) motor neurons and sarcolemma of muscles {@) sensory neurons and sarcolemma of muscles Action potential in the sarcolemma of muscles is generated by {@) neuroinhibitors_(b) acetylcholine {c) methylchotine (@) etiylehotine Action potential in sarcolemma of muscles causes the release of which ions from sarcoplasmic reticulurn? (a) Nat @ cr (©) Ca (@) HCO; ‘41 Name the ion responsible for unmasking of active sites for myosin for eross-bridge activity during rmusele contraction, NEET 2016 (@) Calcium (©) Magnesium {) Sodium ( Povassium Upon stimulation of skeletal muscles, calcium is immediately made available for binding to troponin from {a) blood (©) Iymph {) sarcoplasmic reticulum (@) bone Calcium is important in skeletal muscle contraction because it NEET 2018 (a) detaches the myosin head from the actin filament (©) activates the myosin ATPase by binding it () binds o troponin to remove the masking ofactive sites, on actin for myosin {@) prevents the Formation of bonds between the myosin ross-bridges and the atin filament 37 40 42 ‘ole Identify A to E in the given diagram, = oN —— 46 Identify the state of sarcomere in the diagram and choose the correct option accordingly. Hane zone bane zine “Two sarcomeres (TOPIC 2 ~ skeletar system 51 Skeletal system consists of {@) bones and cartilages {(b) bones and muscles {) only bones (@) only eatilage '52 Hardness of the bones is due to (a) hard matrix made up of ealcium salts (b) ard matrix made up of phosphates {) hha matrix made up of sodium sats {(@) ard matrix made up of chelates ‘53 Cartilage has pliable matrix due to the presence of (a) chondroitin salts (b) osteoblast (6) chondroblast (@) osteoclast 47 (2) A-Contracting, B-Relaxed, C-Maximally contracted (©) A-Rolaxed, B-Contrating, C-Masimally contacted (©) A-Maximally contracted, B-Contracting, C-Relaxed (@) A-Relaxed, B-Maximally contracted, C-Contracting Consider the following events I. band shortens U.A-band retains its length IL, H-2one shortens IV, Sarcomere elongation \. ATP formation from ADP and Pi ‘Choose the option containing the events which do not ‘occur during skeletal muscle contraction, (@) Only (©) Only mt (©) IvandV (@) Only For how long, contraction of the muscles continues in sliding filament theory? () Till ATP binds to myosin head (©) Till ADP binds to myosin head () Till Ca2* present in sarcoplasm (@) Till polymerisation of myosin head is going on Muscle contains a ed coloured oxygen containing pigment called (@) rhodopsin (©) myoglobin (6) haemocyanin (@) Both) and (6) Aerobic muscles and anaerobic muscles are called (2) 104 fibres; white fibres, respectively (©) white fibres; od fibres, respectively (©) whit (@) re fibres; yellow fibres, respectively fibres: yellow fibres, respectively Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? ‘CBSE-AIPMT 2015 {@) Production of erythrocytes (b) Storage of minerals (6) Production of body heat —(d) Locomotion A U-shaped bone present atthe base of buccal cavity (@) cthmoid bone (©) malleus {) hyoid bone (@) lacrimal bone Find out the correct order of number of bones in the human skull (ic. cranial bone, facial bone, hyoid bone and middle ear bone, respectively. (@) 14,8, Land 3 () 6,8, [and (©) 14,8,3.and 1 (@ 8,14, Land 57 Which of the following bones isa part of human skull? (a) Frontal bone (b) Parietal bone-2 (©) Temporal bone-2_(@) All ofthese ‘58 Middle ear contains three tiny bones. 1. Maxillae 1, Malleus ML. Incus IV, Stapes V. Vorner (a) 1, Mand (©) M1, Uand1v (©) ILIV and V (@ L,tandV ‘59 Identify 4, B, Cand D in the given diagram of humans skull, choose the correct option, (a) A-Hyoid bone, B-Maxila, C-Froatal bone, D-Parietal bone (b) A-Hyoid bone, B-Maxila, C-Parietal bone, D-Frontal bone (6) A-Maxilla, BHyoid bone, C-Parietal bone, D-Frontal bone (@) A-Parietal bone, B-Frontal bone, C-Maxilla, D-Hyoid bone 60 Our vertebral column is formed by the (a) 26 serially arranged units called vertebrae (b) 27 serially arranged units called vertebrae {) 33 serially arranged units called verebrac {(@) 35 serially arranged units called vertebrae 61 Examine the figure of vertebral column (right lateral view) and identify 4, B, C, D, Eand F. A B c > por (@) Lumbar Thoracic Carvie!—InerverebalSserum Coney vercbre rebrse venetre die (@) Cenical Thoracic Lamar Ieee Sacrum Coeeyx vere sertnae vereme dive (©) Thoracic Cervical Inervencbral Lumbar Coseyx Sasrum vertebrae ventric disc verte (@ Cereal Thor Lanter —_ttereersbeal Coseyx Stern vereme vererae vereme dive 62 The human vertebral column is. (a) horizontally placed (b) dorsally placed (6) ventrally placed (@) longitudinally placed 63 Neural canal is (a) the solid portion of vertebrae through which the spinal cond passes () the hollow portion of vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes (©) Both a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 64 Atlasis {@) Istconvcal vertebra (b) 2nd cervical vertebra {) Istthoracie vertebra (@) 2nd lumbar vertebra 65 The number of cervical vertebrae in almost all. JIPMER 2019 ‘mammals is (a) four ©) five () six (@) seven 66 The vertebral column in humans (@) proteets the spinal cord (©) support the head (6) provides surface as an attachment fr ribs and ‘musculature of back (@) Allofthe above 67 Fused vertebrae in human are 1. Sacral I, Coceygeal IL. Thoracie IV. Cervieal V. Lumbar (@) Land It (©) Mand Vv (©) Vand (@) Mand 68 Flat bone on the ventral midline of thorax to which ribs are attached is (@) coceyx (©) sternum (6) sacrum (@) ribs 69 How many pairs of ribs are present in human skeleton? () 10 pairs (©) 12 pairs 6) 9 pairs (©) T pairs 70 Out of “X” pairs of ribs in humans only “Y* pairs are true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents values of ° and ¥ and provides their explanation, ‘NEET 2017 (@) X=12,7=7 Truwribe are atachod dorsally to vertebral column ad ventrally to the sterpam, () X=12,7=5 Thueribs are atchod drsally to verbal column ad serum onthe 0 ers, (@ X=24Y=7 Teribe ae dorsillyatached to vet column, but are fe on venta sid, (@ X=24,7=12 Trueribs are dorsally atached to verbal column, but are fee on vena side ‘71 False ribs are ventrally attached to (a) stemum through hyaline cartilage (b) seventh rib through hyaline cartilage {) seventh rib through fibrous earilage (@) sternum through fibrous cartilage 72 The rib cage is formed by (a) thoracievertcbrae(b) ribs {) stemum (@) Allofthese 7B Bones of the limbs along with their girdles constitute the (a) apendicular skeleton (b) axial skeleton {) apex skeleton (@) axis skeleton ‘Mo Each human limb is made of {a) 6Oones (6) 50 bones (e) 40 bones (4) 30 bones 75 Number of tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges in the hindlimbs of human are (a) 7.514 0) 85,14 ©9514 (8) 5,6,7 7G Which one is longest bone in human’? (a) Femur) Claviele (@) Tibia (@) Ulna 7 A cup-shaped bone that covers the knee ventrally is called (a) stapes (b) patella (@) malleus (4) incus ‘78 The triangular bone scapula is found on (a) dorsal part of thorax between 2nd and 7h ribs {(b) ventral part of thorax between 2nd and 7h ribs {c) medial pat of thorax between 2nd and 7th ibs (@) None ofthe above 79 Which of the following isa part of pectoral girdle? (@) Hlium () Ischium {) Acetabulum (€) Glenoid cavity 80 Glenoid cavity articulates (CBSE-AIPMT 2015 {a) clavicle with aeromion (6) scapula with aeromion {) clavicle with seapula(@) humerus with scapula 1 Pelvic girdle consists of (a) ilium and clavicle (b) two coxal bones {) two aeromion bones (d) acetabulum and glenoidl cavity 82 Cavity in coxal bone called acetabulum is formed by the fusion of (@) ilium and incus {) incus and ischium (©) lium and ischium () lium, ischium and pubis 83 The two halves of the pelvic girdle meet ventrally to form (a) fibrous pubie symphysis (b) fibrous pectoral symphysis () elastic pelvic symphysis (d) elastic coxal bone 86 Examine the figure of right pectoral girdle and forelimb and identify the parts labelled as 4, B, Cand D. A Bc D (a) Claviele Seapula Humerus Radius () Scapula Femur Ulna—Tarsal (6) Claviele Femur Radius Carpal (@) Claviele Humerus Uina 85 Identify the parts labelled as 4, B, Cand D in the given figure of right pelvie girdle and lower limb bone. TTarsals A 6 c D A 8 c D (@) Coxalbone Femur Tibia Fibula (b) Femur Coxalbone Tibia Fibula (©) Fula Tiba Coxal bone Femur (8) Femur Fibula Tibia Coxaltone 86 Pelvic girdle consists of two coxal bones and each ‘coxal bone consists lium Tl-Incus Ill Ischium IV. Pubis ‘Choose the correct option containing all correct bones. () I Mand tT ©) Mand 1v (6) Lilltand V (@) [tang IV 87 A cricket player is fast chasing a ball inthe field, Which one of the following groups of bones is directly contributing to this movement? (a) Mallous, ibis, metatarsals, femur (©) Pelvis, patella, tarsal, incus (6) Sternum, femur, tibia, fibula (@) Tarsals, femur, metatarsal, tibia oPIe 3 ~ Joints £88 Joints are point of contact between (a) muscles and bones (b) two bones (6) bones and cartilages (€) Both (b) and (©) {89 Fibrous joints are found in () between flat bones of skull, i, sutures (©) pubie symphysis (6) between vertebrae (@) Allofthe above 90 Cartlaginous joints in humans (@) permit any movement (b) permit imited movement (6) permit no movement (d) All ofthese ‘The cartilaginous joints contain (@)byaline cartilage (b fibrous cartilage (©) Both (a) and (6) —_(@) Either (a) or) 92 The pivot joint between atlas and axis is @ type of ‘NEET 2077, (©) cartilaginous joint 9 (@) fibrous joint (6) synovial joint (4) sada join 93 The characteristics and an example of a synovial joint in humans is NEET 2013, (Characteristics Examples (@)Fludearilage between two Kneejoins bones limited movements () Fluide hetwsen to joints Skull ones provides cushion (©) Fluidsiled synovial cavity Joint between alas and toe two bones nis (@)Lymphsilledbetwsen vo Gliding join between hones mite movement capa ‘96 Identify the synovial joints among the given options. I. Ballandsocket Il. Hingejoint ML Pivotjoints TV. Sutures of skull YV. Vertebral joints Select the correct option, (@) 1.1 Mand 1V (6) 1M, 1Vand V (©) MI 1VandV——(@) 1, Mand nt 95 Choose the incorrect pair. () Facial bones ~ Made up of 14 skeletal elements (b) Sacral vertebrae One and fased () Vertebrochondral ribs ~ False ribs (Sth, 9th, 10th) (@) Hinge joint Adjacent lumbar vertbrac ‘96 Select the correct matching ofthe type of the joint ‘with the example in human skeletal system. CBSE-AIPMT 2016 ‘Types of Joint Examples {@)Cartilaginos joint Borwcen font and prt {b)_ Pivot joint Between Sand th cervical vecbrae (©) Hing join Between humerus and pectoral gle (8) Gliding joint Between eapals 97 The joint of humerus with pectoral girdle is (2) hinge joint (@) pivot joint (6) non-movable joint (d) ball and socket joint 9B Whereis the saddle joint present in humans? (@) Between carpals and metacarpals of thumb (b) Between atlas and axis (6) Between radius and ulna (@) Between carpals and phallanges (TOPIC 4~ Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System 99 Which of the following diseases is an autoimmune disorder? NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) Myasthenia gravis (6) Arthritis {€) Osteoporosis (€) Gout 100 Which of the following muscular disorders is inherited? NET (National) 2019 (a) Muscular dystrophy (b) Myasthenia gravis () Botulism (@) Tetany OI In which of the following conditions, progressive ‘degeneration of skeletal muscles happens? (@) Myasthenia gravis (b) Muscular dystrophy (6) Tetany (@) Antitis 102 Lack of relaxation between successive stimuli in sustained musele contraction is known as NEET 2016 (a) fatigue (tetanus (@)tonus (8) spasm 103 Osteoporosis is (a) an age-related disorder (b) a gene related disorder {) a result of low Ca? ions in body (€) None ofthe above 104 Bones become fragile in {@) osteoporosis () gout (6) ants (6) None ofthese 105 Joint pain, stiffness and swelling are the most ‘common symptoms of (@) gout () tetany () ants (€) osteoporosis 106 Gout is caused due to the accumulation of (a) ghicose (©) uric acid erystals (6) bile (@) ammonia NEET SPECIAL TYPES QUESTIONS |. Assertion and Reason ® Direction (Q. No. 107-115) In each of the following ‘questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the statements, ‘mark the correct answer as (a) Ifboth A and R are true and R is the correct, explanation of A () Ifboth A and R are true, but R is not the correct. explanation of A (o) IFA is true, but Ris false (@ IFA is false, but Ris true 107 Assertion (A) Muscle fibre is a syncytium, Reason (R) The sarcoplasm of muscle fibre contains numerous nucle, 108 Assertion (A) On stimulation, a muscle cell releases calcium ions (Ca?*) from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Reason (R) By reacting with a protein complex, Ca” uncover active sites on the actin filaments, Assertion (A) Red muscles fibres depend on anaerobic process for enery. Reason (R) Red muscles fibres have more number of mitochondria in them. TO Assertion (A) Calcium is required for skeletal muscle ‘contraction, ‘AIMS 2019 Reason (R) Calcium influx releases acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction Assertion (A) The myosin rich zone called A-band ‘maintains its length during sarcomere contraction Reason (R) The length of I-band remains the same during muscle contraction, T2 Assertion (A) Knee joint isthe hinge type of joint. Reason (R) Femur and humerus are associated with the knee joint TIS Assertion (A) The most abundant joints in human, body are synovial joints Reason (R) Gliding joints offer movement in all the three planes/axis 16 Assertion (A) The cranium and carpals are parts of| axial skeleton, Reason (R) Both carpals and eranium have 8 bones each, TIS Assertion (A) Human skull is dicondyli. Reason (R) Its attached to vertebral column through ‘two occipital condyles. Il. Statement Based Questions TG Go through the following statements and choose the incorrect statement. (a) All movements are Tocomotions, but ll locomations are (©) The tentacles of Hydra are locomotory in function (6) In Paramecium, cilia help inthe movement of food through eytopharyns (@) Streaming of protoplasm in Amoeba isa type of amoeboid movement 17 Which of the following statements is/are true for ciliary movements? (a) Citi take part inthe propulsion of excretory products (©) Cilia ae present in trachea, vasa efferentia and oviduets {) Cilia are seen in Paramecium and other ciliates (@) Allofthe above 1B. Choose the incorrect statement about muscles, (a) Muscles are specialised tissues of mesodermal origin (b) About 40-50% ofthe body weight is eonributed by muscles (©) Muscles have special properties like excitability, conduetivity and extensibility (€) None ofthe above M19. Choose the incorrect statement about the skeletal muscles, (a) Their activites are under the voluntary control of the nervous system (©) They are known as unstiated muscles () They ae primarily involved in locomotory aetions and chaniges af body postures {(@) They are found close to skeletal components of body like bones 120 Select the incorrect statement (@) Voluntary movements in organism help in locomotion (©) Pscudopodial movements as in Amoeba are shown by eytoskeletal elements lke microfilaments (c) Dust particles are removed from traches duc tothe presence of ciliated epithelium on inner side (@) All the cardiac muscles are unbranched, strated and involuntary in nature 121 Pick out the incorrect statement. (a) Amount of myoglobin is high in red muscle fibres (©) White muscle fires possess low amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum {) Red muscle fibres contain abundant mitochondria, {(@) White musele fibres contain less amount of mitochondria 122 Select the correct option. NET (National) 2019 (a) 11dh and 12th pairs ofribs are connected to the sternum with the help of hyaline cartilage (&) Each rib isa fat thin bone and all the ribs are connected ‘dvsally to the thoraci vertebrae and ventrally to the stemum (©) There are seven pairs of vertebrostermal, thre pairs of| vertebrochondral and two pairs of vertebral ribs nh and 10th pars of rib articulate directly withthe sternum 125 Choose the correct statement(s). {@) Axial skeleton comprises 80 bones (b) Skull, vertebral column, sternum and ibs constitute the axial skeleton {€) Skull ha total 22 bones in cranial and facial region (@) Allofthe above 124 Select the incorrect statement {a) Each half of pectoral girdle consists ofa clavicle and scapula (6) Acromion isa flat, expanded process of ischium containing glenoid cavity {€) Clavicle is long slender bone with two curvatures {@) Force generated by muscles results in locomotion ‘through joints and thus, they act as fulerum 125 Select the correct statement regarding the speci disorder of muscular or skeletal system. (CBSE-AIPMT 2016 (a) Muscular dystrophy ~Age related shortening of muscles {(b) Osteoporosis -Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of factures with advancing age (6) Myasthenia gravis~Autoimmune disorder whieh inhibits sliding of myosin filaments (2) Gout-tnftammation of join due to extra deposition of calcium 126 Select the correct statement with respect to Tocomotion in humans. NET 2015, {a) A decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people (©) Accumulation of uric acid erystals in joints causes their inflammation {(€) The vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae (4) The joint between adjacent vertebrae isa fibrous joint @ 127 Consider the following statements 1. Humanribs are bicephalicasthey possess two articulation surfaces, 1, Floating ribs are not connected to sternum ventrally. Select the correct option. (a) Fist, is fae (b) Both I and I are true (©) Lis false, is true (@) Both I and IL are false 128 Which of the following properties of eardiae muscles are correct? 1. These arethe muscles ofthe heat. I, These arenon-stiated. TIL. Theseare involuntary in their functions. IV. Theseare controlled by nervous system directly Select the correct option. (a) Land i (b) Mand IV () Land IV (@) Mand 1 129. Consider the following statements. 1. Ciliary movements are observed in internal tubular organs. I, Allmuscle bundles contain a numberof fascia Select the correct option. (@) Listrve, Ils false () Both I and Il are true (6) Lis false, Iis rue (@) Both I and 11 ae false 130 Consider the following statements. 1. Muscle fibreis lined by the plasma membraneealled sarcolemma. TL Cytoplasmof the muscle fibre contains single nucleus. IL Inmuscle fibre, F-aetinand tropomyosin are helically ‘wound filaments, IV. Muscle Fibreisnota syneytium, ‘Choose the incorrect properties of muscle fibres. (@) Hand tv () Land il () Mand lV (@) Land lv Which of the following statements are false regarding the muscle structure? 1. Eachmyotiril consists of altemate light and dark bands. 1. Thin filaments are firmly attached tothe Z-line. TIL, M-line sa fibrous membranc in the middle of A-band, IV, Bothactinand myosin are rod-like stractures parallel ‘each otherand to longitudinal axis of myofibril ‘Choose the correct option. (@) Land It () Mand Vv (©) Mand i (€) None ofthese a 182 Consider the following statements 1. Inresting tate, edges of thin filament partially overlap theends of thick filament 1, He-zoneisthe overlapped area ofthick and thin filaments, Select the correct option. (a) Listrue, Ils false (6) Both I and I are true (6) Tisfalse, I is true (@) Both Tae Ila false ‘183 Consider the following statements with reference to muscle structure 1. Each myosinispolymerised protein. 1. Many metomyosins constitute one thick filament (nyosin. IL, Each meromyosin’ tails called Heavy Meromyosin (HMM) and head iscalled Light Meromyosin (LMM). IV. The globular head isan active ATPaseenzyme and has binding sites for ATP and active sites for actin, Choose the option with correct statements. (a) Land It () Mand IV {) All except Il (a) Land lV 134 Select the incorrect statements. 1. During musclecontraction, chemical energy changes into mechanical energy. T, Muscle fatigue occurs due to pyruvic acid formation, 1, Thereaction times different fr different muscle. IV, Muscle contraction doesnot need ATP. ‘Choose the correct option. (@) Land it (©) Wand it () Mandy (@) Mand Iv SS Identify the correct statements. 1. Acetylcholine isreleased when the neural signal reaches tothe motorend-plat, 1, Muscle contraction s initiated by signals sent by CNS. viaa sensory neuron. IIL, During muscle contraction, isotropic bands get elongated IV. Repeated activation ofthe muselescan lead to lactic acidaccumulation in them, Select the correct option. (a) Lond (6) Tand IV (@) Mand IM (4) Yand 1 136 Arrange the given steps of muscle contraction in the series of events from first t0 last |, Myosin head binds tothe exposed active siteon actinto orm across-bridge. IL, TheZ-line attachedto these actins are also pulled {inwards thereby, eausing shortening of sarcomere, alsocalledcontraction IIL, This pulls theattached actin filaments towards the ccentreof A-band. The correet option is @ Ions @ Isom 187 Arrange the following steps of muscle contraction in the sequence of events occurring first. 1. Receptorsites on sarcolemma IL. Nerveimpulse I, ReleaseofCa** IV. Acetylcholine release V. Shortening of sarcomere ‘VI. Neuromuscular junction VIL. Spread ofimpulse over satcolemmaon T-tubule ‘The correct option is @ I> Vio 15 VI MoV ©) I> IV>1> Vo Vio ov (©) HIV 15 VI> Vo Vo @ W119 Vio Vio Vom 138 Relaxation of the muscle takes place due t0 1. Pumping of Ca2* ions in sarcoplasmic reticulum, IL ATPaattached to myosin head and eross-bridge breaks down, TIL, Confirmational changes in troponin and masking the actin filament IV. Z-line pulled inward. Select the correct option. (@) L.Mlland1V () Ml and IV 139 Study the following statements. 1. Accumulation of acetic acid in muscles causes fatigue, II, Accumulation of acticacid in muscles causes anaerobic breakdown of glycogen, TL. Mitochondria are few in white fibres butamountof sarcoplasmicreticulumishigh IV. Corieyele does not oceur in museles. ® most @ Msis0 () Land it (@) [Mand Select the option with incorrect statements, (@) 1, Mand (©) 1, Mand IV (@ U,Uandv Ill. Matching Type Questions 140 Match the following columns. Column 1 Cotuma tt ‘ibs (Number npr) A. Truesibs 111,12 pis B. Fale ribs 28,9, 10 pairs (C. loaing ibs 3. Fist pits Codes ABC ABC @l 23 m1 3 2 3 2 1 @3 1 2 Val Match the following columns. 6S Match the following columns. Column 1 otamn i Colamnt Column i inp bones) ‘umber Goins) (Comte) A. Uinn 1. tones ‘A Foon 1. Ane verre B Cau 2. Stones B._ Carian ois 2. Pubic mys © Metals 3. Stones C._ Fibro cups fat_._Satee D._Phalnges 4 tbe Codes Codes AB ABC Apc D AB CD @i12 3 2 3 1 @3s 4 4 2 4 3 2 1 3 1 2 @2ot 3 oe nn y 146 Match the following columns. 142. Match the following columns Count Column i Cotuma o ‘Com Sine) A. Fitbonss 1. Callarbone = _ B._rlarbonss 2. Venera Atanas — Sanne C._ Glenoid cavity 3. Shoulder joint ‘estas & Sin aaa £_Ghowis 3. Sheer ©. Plage 3 innunber D. Gauls 4. Tin number Codes ABC D ABCD ea @24 3 1@3 2 41 Se pA Re @1 4 3 02 3 4 21 @13 2 4 m4 13 2 165. Match the folowing columns @41 2 3 @1 4 3 2 Cotem Column 1 1W67_ Match the fllseng joins with the bones involved. {teen ‘Gone eT fou A Hand 1 Fesr A tied 1 fae Comet Coleen cami coal A. Gldngjint 1. Between capes and metal of D. Ankle 4. Tarsals ‘amy Bing oi scons and axis cose went 2B Aa > © Pivotjint 3. Betwemn he cael @23 1 4 Sali ‘Between umn and la O43 12 @3 21 4 Codes 3124 ABC D AB CD 44 Match the following columns. @3 4 2 1 m4 t 203 @423 1 @1 3 2 Column Column i Cypeetveeis) ‘ne 148. Match the following columns A Covialvenine cent aaah B. Thon veins 2. near) ‘ene C._Lmlervenene 3. A. Myasthenia vs egenento of skeltal mls D._ Sera vein 4B ._ Muscular ystophy 2. Newomusculrjunstion feted Caudal vertebrae 5 7 C. Tetany 3. Low Ca**in body fluid Codes ‘D. Arthritis 4. Inflammation of joints: Apoc DE @123 45 Codes Os 43 21 ABC D ABC @s53 4 24 @4203 1 @m13 4 132 5 4 ©3412 213 NCERT & NCERT Exemplar MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS NCERT 149 Match Column I with Column I Column Colum A. Smothmuscle 1, Myoalin B. Troponin ——2._Thin filament ©. Redmuclo 3. Sars, D. Stl 4. Involuntary Codes ABC D AB CD @$2 1 3 4 123 @3 1 4 2 @12 3 4 NCERT Exemplar 150 Match the following columns Column 1 Column 1 A. Fastimnce fies Myoglobin B._ Slow male fies 2. Lactic acid C._Acin filament 3. Conte nit D._Sacomere 4 Codes A.B CD Boe D @!2 4 3@2 13 4 @21 4 3 @3 2 41 151 Ribs are attached t0 (a) scapula (©) sternum (o)elvile ilu 152. What is the type of movable joint present between the atlas and axis? (@) Pivot (6) Hinge () Saddle (@) Gliding 153 ATPase of the muscle is located in (@) actinin(&) troponin (c) myosin (d) actin 154 Intervertebral disc is found in the vertebral column of (a) binds (b) reptiles (6) mammals (4) amphibians 155 Which one ofthe following is showing the correct sequential order of vertebrae inthe vertebral column, ‘of human beings? {@) Cervical — Lumbar —Thoracie— Sacral —Cocey geal (6) Cervical —Thoracie— Sacral —Lumbar —Cooeygeal (6) Cervical — Sacral —Thoracic—Lumbar—Coceygeal (4) Cervical —Thoracie— Lumbar —Sacral —Coocygeal 156 Which one of the following pair is incorrect? (@) Hinge joint — between humerus and pectoral g (Pivot joint— between ala, axis and oecipital condyle {) Gliding joint — between the earpals {@) Saddle joint between carpals and metacarpal of thumb 157 Knee joint and elbow joint are examples of (@) sada joi | (ball and socket joint {6) pivot joint {@) hinge joint 158 Macrophages and leucocytes exhibit (a) ciliary movement (b) flagellar movement (c)amocboid movement (@) gliding movement 159 Which one of the following is nota disorder of bone? (a) Ants (b) Osteoporosis {) Rickets (@) Atherosclerosis, 160 Which one of the following statements is incorrect? (a) Heart muscles are striated and involuntary (b) The muscles of hands and legs are strated and voluntar {) The muscles located in the inner walls of alimentary canal are striated and involuntary (€) Muscles located in the reproductive tracts are unstrited and involuntary 161. Which one of the following statements is true? (a) Head of humerus bone articulates with acetabulum of pectoral girdle (b) Head of humerus bone articulates with glenoid cavity of pectoral girdle (6) Head of humerus bone articulates wit a cavity called acetabulum of pelvie girdle (@) Head of humerus bone articulates with glenoid cavity of pelvic girdle 162 Muscles with characteristic striations and involuntary (a) museles inthe wall of alimentary canal (©) muscles ofthe heart {c) muscles assisting locomotion {(@) muscles ofthe eyelids 163 Match the following columns. Colum 1 Column 11 AL Stern 1. Synovial Hid B._ Glenoid cavity 2. Veribrae .Freoly movablejoint 3, Pest girdle 1D. Cariginous joint Flat bone Codes ABC D AB CD @21 3 4 m4 3 1 2 @2 1 4 3 @4 1 2 3 (@nswers > Mastering NCERT with McQs 1@ 20 30) 40 Se n@ 2} Ba He Bw 21) 20) BB la) B25 OH) 30) 2m) 33H) O35) 1@ 20 80 #0) BO 51 (a) 32a) 3) S4W 53S 61) 20) 63.0) BH (a) 65 Ud) 210) 2d) Ba Aw 75 Ww) 81) 82) 83 fa) BE Ga) 8S) Hd) 92) BO) HM) 95 FOI () 102) 103 (a) 104 (a) 105 > NET Special Types Questions 107 (a) 108) 109 @d) 110) 117 (i) 118 i) 119 ) 120 (a) BT) 127 (b) 128 (a) — 129 (a) 130 (a) 31) 137 (a) 138d) 139 @) 140 @) HT) 147 (a) 148 (i) > NCERT & NCERT Exemplar Questions 149 (a) 150 (0) 151 @) 132) 153: 159 (i) 160 @) 161 0) 162 (b) 168 6a 7 8H ww 60) 7 @ Ba 9% we 26 (a) 7) WH) 29d) 30). 3) 37) BO) 39H ME) 6) TO) BO 49.) 50 56 (i) 57 Ud) SB) 59d) 60) 66 (i) 67 (a) BH) «69H 7% (a) 77 (0) 78a) 79) 80 a) 86 (0 87) B89 @)_—-90 9% id) 97 fd) 8H) 99) 100 a) 106 () 12 @ 13 @) 4) @) 6 ww) 122 ©) 123) 124) 125) 126) 132 @) 138 (@) 134d) 135) 136) 12 @) 48) 14) 14S fo) 146) 1540) 155.) 156) 157 158 0) Answers & Explanations 5 (c) Movement of limbs, jaws, tongue, ete, requires ‘muscular movement, The contractile propery ofthe muscles is effectively used for locomotion and other ‘movements by human beings and majority of ‘multicellular organisms £8 (b) Locomotory actions within human body are carried ‘out using strated muscles or skeletal museles. These ‘muscles ae closely associated with the skeletal components of the body and are primarily involved in Tocomotary actions and changes of body postures 9 (6) Visceral muscles are likey to be found in the inner walls of hollow visceral organs ofthe body like digestive tract, reproductive tract, ete. These do not exhibit any stition and are smooth in appearance. ‘called smooth muscles and non-s ated 15 (d) Calcium performs all the given functions, i. blood clotting, muscular contraction and nerve conduction. Ca" ions are helpful inthe formation of prothrombinase ‘which eatalyses the breakdown of prothrombin into thrombin and small peptide Fragments, Tarombin in turn is important forthe clotting of blood. Caleium plays a key regulatory role in musele contraction, It helps in exposing the active sites on the F-actin molecules for myosin eross-brdes. Calcium ions help inthe ‘transmission of nerve impulse at a chemical synapse 17 (a) Myofibils appear striated due to the presence of actin in lighter region and myosin in darker region. Each myofibil has a alte dark and light band on it due tthe distribution pattem of two important proteins, i. actin and myosin in these regions. 20 (c) The pair in option (cis incorrect, Its eoreet form is a8 follows Dark bands are called A-bands or Anisotropic bands ‘whereas light bands are Isotropic or band’, Rest ofthe pars are corectly matched 21 (b) In the centre ofeach Land, there isan elastic bre called Zeline, which bisects it The thin filaments are firmly attached to the Z-line 24 (c) The H-2one inthe skeletal muscle Fibres isthe central gap between actin filaments extending through ‘myosin filaments inthe A-band. Altemate arrangement of dark and light nds gives the striated appearance toa skeletal muscle. At the centre of ‘Acband, a comparatively less dark zone called H-zone is present 25 (b) Each actin (thin) filament is made up of two F-(flamentous) atin, whieh are helically wound to cach other. Each F-actin is a polymer of monomeric G (globular) actin 29 (d) The paiein option (A) i incoreetly matched. Is corrected form isa follows ‘Troponin is a complex protein distributed at regular intervals on tropomyosin, Rest ofthe pais are correctly matched 50 (b) The cross arms of myosin monomer consists of a head and shor sem which projets outwards at regular distance and angle from each other, from the surface of polymerised myosin filament. The globular head is an active ATPase enzyme and has binding sites for ATP tnd aetive sites for actin [31 (c) Active (binding) sites for atin are located on the lobular head of a meromyosin. The globular head is tn active ATPase enzyme which contains binding sites forboth ATP and actin, 35 (6) Mechanism of muscle contraction is best explained by the sliding filament theory. I states thatthe contraction of a muscle fibre takes place bythe ‘ofthe thin filaments over the thick Filaments ‘36 (a) Skeletal muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by Central Nervous System (CNS), via motor neurons. A motor neuron along with the muscle fibres connected to it constitute a motor unit. 39 (b) Arnewal signal reaching neuromuscular junetion releases a neurotransmitter, ie. acetylcholine. It ‘generates an action potential in the sarcolemma. This spreads through the muscle fibre and causes the release ‘of ealeium ions into the sarcoplasm, 43 (c) Caleium is important in skeletal muscle contraction because it binds to troponin to unmaskiexpose the active sites on actin for myosin binding. By ulin the energy from ATP hydrolysis, the myosin head now binds tothe exposed active sites on actin to form a cross-bridge. This polls the attached actin filaments towards the centre of A-band and the Z-line atached to these actns ate also pulled inwards thereby, causing contraction of muscle ‘45 (c) A-band or Anisotropic band remains unchanged during the contraction and relaxation ofthe skeletal ‘muscles. The H-zone narrows and even disappears ‘when the thin myofilaments meet atthe centre ofthe sarcomere, The size of Iband also decreases. 48 (c) Sliding of actin and myosin filaments continues Lill the Ca*ions are pumped back tothe sarcoplasmic cisternae, resulting in the masking of actin filaments. ‘This causes the return of Z-lines back to their original Position, ic. relaxation of musee fibre. 49 (b) Muscles contain a red coloured oxygen containing pigment called the myoglobin, Its abundantly found Inthe red muscle fibres than white muscle fibres, ‘56 (d) The numberof bones inthe parts of human skull such as carial bones, facial bone, hyoid bones and middle ear bones are 8,14, I and 6, respectively. Cranial bones are 8 in numer, which form the hard protective outer covering cranium forthe brain. The facial region is made up of 14 bones which form the front part of the skull AA single U-shaped bone called hyoid (1) is present a the base ofthe buccal cavity andi is also included inthe sll, Each mide ear contains three tiny bones, malleus (@),incus 2) and stapes @), collectively called ear ossieles, 660 (a) Our vertebra column is formed by 26 serially arranged units ealled vertebrae. The vertebral column is difereniated ino cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (Tofused) and coceyeeal (I-fused) regions tating from the skull, {64 (a) Atlas isthe frst cervical vertebrae of the spine. It tticulates with the ocepital condyles and forms the joint connecting the skull and spine 70 (a) In the rib cage, out ofthe 12 (X) pairs of tbs, 7%) pairs ofribs are called true ribs. These are the ribs which fre attached tothe sternum a the front (ventrally) and to the vertebral column at the back (dorsally). ‘71 (b) The Sth, Mh and 10th pairs of sibs do not articulate diretly with the sternum but are joined 0 the 7th pair of ribs with the help of hyaline cartilage, Thus, these are called the vertebrachonral or false ribs. 73 (a) Bones of the limbs along with their girdles eonstiute the appendicular skeleton. It consists of 126 bones 76 (a) Scapula is a large triangular fat bone situated inthe dorsal part of the thorax between the 2nd and the 7th ribs ‘The dorsal, lat, triangular body ofthe scapula has a slighty elevated ridge called the spine which projets as flat, expanded process called the aromion, 79 (d) Out ofthe given options, glenoid cavity isa part of the pectoral girdle. Pectoral girdle or Shoulder girdle is ‘composed of two separate halves, Each half consists of the scapula of shoulder bone and clavicle or collar bone the junetion of scapula and claviele, there is concave ‘depression, called glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the humerus to form a bal and socket joint lium, acetabulum and ischium are the parts of pelvic aindle £80 (4) Glenoid cavity articulates humerus with Seapul, Itis shallow and serves a the site of attachment of | tlenoid labrum (glenoid ligament), which forms fibrocarilaginous rim around the glenoid cavity {82 (d) Cavity n coxal bone called acetabulum is Formed at the site of fasion of iium, ischium and pubis. £85 (a) Two halves of pelvie girdle mect ventrally to form the pubic symphysis containing fibrous cartilage. £87 (d) A cricket player is fast chasing a ball n the field. The group of bones directly contributing to this movement are tras, femur, metatarsal and tibia. These ae the bones of for limbs £89 (a) Fibrous joins ae found in between the Hat bones oF Salli. stues. These are immovable a ixed joins {Go notalow any movemend, These sutures are formed by the end-to-end fasion ofthe bone withthe lp of dense fibrous connective tise 91 (a) The catilaginous ots ier conan hyaline cartilage, eg. i between ibs and sernim or fbrows carilag, ein pub symphysis ‘92 (c) The piv joint between als and ais i type of Synovial joint A considerable movement is allowed by Synovial joins. These ar surrounded by tubular articular caps The capsule consists of two layers. outer fibrous capsule and inner synovial membrane, which secretes Synovial fui, This lubricates and provides nourishment to articular cartilage 93 (Option () shows the core math Other option are incorrect and canbe comected as + Kee joins and idng joints between carps are also examples of synovial ois. + ons between the bones of sal ac example of fibrous joints whic are characterise by lck of movement. 95 (a) The pair in option (dis income. Its omost explanation is follows Hinge join is found in knees. The join between the adjacent vertebrae inthe vertebral Column is Carilagnous join and permits ited movements Rest ofthe pis are comely matched. 96 (a) Option (4 shows the correct match Other options are incoret and ean be corrected as + Carilginus joint is found between he vertebrae + Pit otis found between alas and ais + Hinge joints ound in bow, nes, ankle and Sntrplangel joints. {99 (a) Myasthenia gravis isa chronic autoimmune newromuscula disorder that causes weakness, fatigue ‘nd paralysis inthe skeletal bres that are involved breathing nd many various parts ofthe body including arms ad les. 101 (b) Muscular dystrophy is an inherited muscular disorder in which the skeletal muscles degenerate progressively Iti caused due to the absence of {ystophin protin which hes to kesp the muscle cells intaet 102 (b) Susan muscle contraction du tothe repeated stimulus caused by raid spasms in muscle duet low Ca" in body Audis known as tetanus. results in usc fatigue 103 (a) Osteoporosis an age-related disorder characterised by decreased bone massa bones loose minerals and fibres from the max eausing decreased hone mass and increased chances of factures. Decreased level of cxstogen sa common cause ofthis disease 104 (a) Bones become fragile in osteoporosis, due to the reduction in bone tissue mass and this causes a decrease in skeletal strength 108 (6) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion, Its corect explanation is as fallows A\ neural signal reaching the neuromuscular junction releases a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) which ‘generates an action potential in the sarcolemma, This spreads through the muscle fibre and causes the release ‘oF ealeium ions ino the sacoplasm, Increase in Ca” levels leads to the binding of calium to the subunit of troponin on actin filaments and thereby removes the masking of active sites for myosin, 109 (dl) Assertion is false, but Reason is true. Assertion can be corrected as Red musele fibres have more number of mitochondria but les sarcoplasmic reticulum. These fibres are dark red in colour due tothe presenes of myoglobin. These carry out aerobie respiration, White muscle fibres possess very less quantity of myoglobin and appear pale or whitish, Number of mitochondria ae also few i them, but the amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum is huge, These depend on anaerobic process for energy. MO (c) Assertion is tue, but Reason is false and can be ‘comocted as Calcium ions ae required for skeletal contraction. Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca” on receiving stimulus tthe neuromuscular junction or motor end plate, When a neural signal reaches the newromascular junetion, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine is Feleasod a this junction and generates an action potential in the sarcolemma, This spreads throughout the muscle fibre and causes the release ofthe calcium ions into the sarcoplsen. 171 (c) Assertion is tue, but Reason is false and can be corrected a8 The length ofthe -band shortens during muscle contraction. “The formation of eross-brdges causes the pulling ofthe aitached actin filaments towards the centre of A-band, The Zine attached to these atin ate also pulled inwards thereby, causing a shortening ofthe sarcomere, i. contraction, During the shortening ofthe muse, the [Lbands get reduced, whereas the A-bands retains is length 2 (c) Assertion i true, but Reason is false, Reason can be ‘corocted as Femur, iba, fibula and patela ar the bones which make tp the knee joint. 13 (c) Assertion is tus, but Reason is false. Reason can be ‘corrected a8 Gliding joints offer movement only in one plane or axis like back and forth and side-to-side movements, The most abundant joints in human body are synovial Joints. These are characterised by the presence ofa fluid led synovial cavity between the articulating surfaces ofthe two bones. These joints help in locomotion and ‘many other movements. These include ball and socket joint, hinge joint, pivot joint, gliding joint, etc ‘4 (a) Assertion is fale, but Reason is tre and Assertion fan be corrected as CCarpals or Wrst bones are a part of the appendicular skeleton, Cranium is part of the axial skeleton which forms the hard protective outer covering forthe brain ‘oth carpals and cranium bones a 116 (a) The statement in option (a) is incorrect and can be corrected as Al locomotions are movements, but all movements are ‘not locomotion, Locomotion is @ voluntary movement that results in change of place or location. However, ‘movement inthe alimentary canal isnot locomotion as itis involuntary in nature. Rest othe statements are correct, in number 119 (b) The statement in option (bis incorrect about the skeletal muscles and can be corrected as ‘Skeletal muscles are closely associated with the sel ‘components ofthe body. These havea striped appearance under the microscope and hence, ae called strated muscles, Rest ofthe statements are correct, 120 (<) The statement in option (a) is incoreet. It ean be corrected as Cardiac muscles are the muscles of heart, Many cardiae ‘muscle cells assemble in a branching pattem to form & ‘ardiae muscles and are thus branched. Based on appearance, cardiac muscles are striated and are also involuntary in nature. Rest ofthe statements 121 (b) The statement in option (bis incorrect. It ean be corrected as White musee fibres contain abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum, but very less amount of mitochondria, These ‘muscle fibres depend on anaerobic process for energy. Rest ofthe statements are correct. 122 () The statement in option (cis correct. Rest othe statements are incorrect and can be corected + Vertcrostema ibs are first seven pis of tue ribs ‘which are atached dorsally to thoracic vertebrae and ventrally tothe sternum. + Vertebrochondra ibs (Sth, 9th, 1th pais) ae false ribs which are not tached to stemum directly. These are altached to the seventh ib with the help of hyaline carilage, + Vertebral is are the last v0 pairs of floating ribs ‘which are atached to vertebrae dorsally and are not aitached ventral 124 (b) The statement in option (bis incorrect and can be corrected as Scaplla has an elevated ridge called the spine which projects as fat, expanded process called the acromion. ‘The claviele articulates to this and below acromion, slenoid cavity is present, which articulates with the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint 125 (6) The statement in option b) is correct regarding the specific disorder ofthe muscular or skeletal system, (Other statements are incorect and can be eorected as allows ‘+ Muscular dystrophy is a genctic disorder characterised by progressive weakness and degeneration ofthe set muscles that contol movement, ‘+ Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular autoimmune lisorder tht causes weakness inthe skeletal muscles + Goutis form of anh, characterised by severe pain, redness and endemes in joints. 126 (b) Statement in option (b) is correct with respect to Jocomotin in humans. Other statements are incorrect and can be corrected as + Adecrease level of oestrogen causes osteoporosis in ld people. ‘+ The verbal column has 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 throacic vertcbre, 5 lumbar vertebrae and a sacral used) and a coceygeal (I-fused) verebni. ‘+ The joint between te adjacent vertebrae inthe vertebral column is cartilaginous and nt fibrous join. Fibrous joints are shown bythe fat skull bone. 128 (a) Statements I and Il are correct regarding the properties of cardiae muscles. Statements If and IV are incorrect and ean be corrected as ‘+ Many cardiae muscle ells assemble in branching pattorn to fom a eadiae muscle, Based on appearance, these are strated. ‘+ These ae involuntary in nature as the nervous system oes not conto thot activities directly. 129 (a Statement Lis true, but statement I is false. I can be corrected a5 Bach musele bundle contains a numberof muscle fibres, Each skeletal musele is made up ofa number of muscle bundles or fascicles held together by a common collagenous connective tissu layer calle fas 130 (a) Statements Il and IV are incorrect regarding muscle fibres and can be corrected as ‘Muscle fibre isa syneytium asthe sarcoplasm (cytoplasm ofthe muscle fibre) contains many nuclei Statements Hand Il ate correct. 132 (a Statement Lis true, but statement Il is false. The Statement Il can be corrected as Hezone is the central part ofthe ‘not overlapped by the thin filaments. filament, whichis 135 (c) All statements except statement IIL are correct with reference to muscle structure. The incorrect statement, can be corrected as Each meromyosin has a globular head with a short arm (Heavy Meromyosin or HMM) and ati (Light “Meromyosin or LMM), 134 (a) Statements | and Il are core, while statements I and IV are incorrect, These ean be corrected as, ‘+ Muscle fatigue occurs due to Insc acid formation, ‘+ Muscle contraction requires ATP forthe formation and breakdown of eros-bridges 135 (}) Statomonts I and IV are correct, whereas Statements Il and II ar incorrect. These incorrect Statements can be corrected 3s ‘+ Muscle contraction is initiated by singals sent by CNS + During muscle contraction, I (isotropic) bands get reduced, whereas the A (anisotropic) bands retain its Tength 138 (a) The statements I, I and IIL are correct regarding relaxation of the muscle, Statement [V is incorrect and «ean be corected as The Z-lne attached to etins is pulled inwards during contraction of muscle, 139 () Statements I, IL and IV are incorrect. These can be comected a5 ‘+ Accumulation of lactic aid in muscles eauses muscle fatigue, + Repeated activation of museles can lead tothe sccumulation of lactic aid dve to anaerobic breakdown of glycogen in them, causing fatigue + Cori eyele isa eyeie process involving the formation ‘of lotic acd in the muscles and regeneration of ‘lycogen fom it (in the lver. Statement I isthe ‘correct statment 155 () ATPase of muscles is located in myosin, The lobular head of myosin in muscles contains the ATPase enzyme having binding sites for ATP and aotve sites for actin, 154 (c) Intervertebral dis i found in the vertebral column of| ‘mammals. These ae present between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae from second cervical vertebra tothe 155 (1) The vertebral columm i differentiated into Cervical (1), Thoracic (12), Lumbar (5), Sacral (1-fused), (Coceygeal(I-fased) and regions stating from the skull. ‘Thus, option () represents the correct sequence. 156 (a) ‘The pir in option (a) is incorrect. It can be corrected Hinge joint i found in knees, elbows, ete BBall and socket joints found between humerus and pectoral girdle Rest ofthe pairs ae correctly matched, 158 (c) Some specialised cells in blood like macrophages and Teacoeytes exhibit amocboid movement, These have the ability to each the interstitial laid by squeezing through the thin walls of ood vessels 159 (1) Atherosclerosis isa vascular disease (nota bone disorder), where arteries wall wt thicken asa result of invasion and accurmulation of WBC, containing both Iivings ative WBCs (White Blood Cell) and remnants ‘of dead WBCs along with cholesterol and triglycerides. Arthritis, osteoporosis and rickets are disorders of bones. 160 (c) Statement in option (c) i incorrect, I can be corrected ‘The visceral or smooth muscles located in the inner walls of alimentary canal are non-striated and involuntary in Rest ofthe statements are correct, 161 (b) Statement in option (bis correct, Rest ofthe statements are incorect and can be corected Head of humerus bone articulates withthe glenoid eavity ofthe pectoral girdle. ‘This results in the formation of shoulder joint (a type of ball and socket joint). The thigh bone articulates with the cavity, acetabulum of the pelvic gine

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