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International Standards and Recommended Practices Annex 4 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation _ Aeronautical Charts “This elton incorporates al {coptod bythe Counel pt Stn supercodes, on 19 Nove ‘ations of Annex, For information regarding the appcabiy ofthe Standards and Recommended Practices, See Chapter | and he Foreword Elventh Eaton ‘uty 2000 International Civil Aviation Organization Published in separate Engich, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spaneh eon | by INTERNATIONAL CVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION 900 Unversity Stet, Moira, Cuebos, Canada HOC OH? For ordering ifrmaton andor compet ating ef elen agen ‘aps bootele, eae goto ha ICAO webs mw eat Tent eon 2009 ‘leven eaton 2002 ‘Annex 4 Aeronautial Charts Order Numer AN. ISON 97892-0231.398-8 ©1cA0 2000 | its served. No par ofthis publication maybe reproduce, sted ina ‘etevl ystem or tanned any fr oF by any means, witht per erission in ring fom he rtematonal iv ation Organization. AMENDMENTS: ‘Amendments ae announced in the supplements © the Catalogwe of IC40 Publications: the Catalogue ad is sppleent se availble on the ICAO bole ‘twain int The space below is povided to keep a record of suk amendments [RECORD OF AMENDMENTS AND CORRIGENDA “AMENDMENTS ‘CORRIGENDA ate Dae Entre Dae ase No. | aptiabe | coed is No | ofieme | sted bss INCORPORATED IN THIS EDITION TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD. es) (CHAPTER I, Dsfinions applicability and avalbiliy 1 LL Definitions. 12 Applica a 13 Avalbiigy —— rl CHAPTER. Genera peciisions a 21 Operational requirements fr car i 22° Ter. - 23° Misclaacouiatiraation 28 Symbols 25 Unis ofmeasutement. nnn 26 Scale and projection 27 Dateof validity of aeronautical information 28 Speling of geographical mms. 29. Abbreviations. 210. Polieal boundais - 21 Colour 212 Relief “ 2.13 Probie, resid and danger tc. 2d Airtel ove inpaces. = = 215. Magnetic variation 2 216 Typography 217 Aeronautical dats cs 218 Common referece stems. ~ CHAPTERS. Acrodrome Obstacle Chart —ICAO Type A (Opetsing Limitations) 31 Fusco. a = 32. avalbiiy 33 Unis ofmessuement 34 Coverageandscle ML 35 Forma. : ie 2 36 Mdenticaion.. n 37. Magnetic variation : 2 35 Acronmtical data n 39° Aocurcy. 4 CHAPTER 4, Aerodrome Obsicle Chart —ICAO Type B 4 4 Funston son eo 4 42 Availity. : 4 43° Unie of measurement, 41 xsi ” ont Annex 4— Aeronautical Charts 44 Coverge and sae 7 $50 Foran gasnaas 46 Menucaion $7 Culureandtopoaphy —— 48 Magnetic variation 49. Aeronautical data $40 Aecurey (CHAPTERS, Aerodrome Terrain and Obstacle Chart — ICAO (Electronic) SAL Bune oon 52. Avalably 53. Identification nnn = 54 Charoverge. aa 55 Charteontent. 516 Accuracy and resolution 5.7 Blectronie fnesionaiy ae 58 Chart data roduc peiicaions. CHAPTER 6. Precision Approach Tenain Chart ICAO. 61 Pinion 2 62 Ava scene . 63 Sellen 64 eniesion:. 65 Planand profile information. ~ CHAPTER. Enroute Chart ICAO. z = 12 Ayala z oo 73 Coverage and enn 74 Projection 13 Menttieation 76 Cultueandtpograpy 17 Magni vaiton nsvnnssnnnnnonennnnnn 78 Bearings, tacks and adil 19 Acronticl dats 2 CHAPTERS. Area Chart ICAO, 81 Function 82 Avail 3 aa 85 86 Culture and wpograpy 87 Magnetic variation, ve 3 Bewings, wacks and ails. 59 Aeron dats ries oo 61 Annes 4 — Aeronastcal Chars Page (CHAPTER 9. Standard Deparare Chart — Instrumeat SID) —ICAO. on 8.1 uetion 4 92° valli - 3 83 Coverage andscale : ~ ae 4 94 Projetion.. ee s Cnn sa 95 Mdetifcaton " 92 916 Culture and topograpy - 92 9.7 Magnet vaition = 92 9:8 earings, racks and radial. aa 92 99 Aeron 8 = : cei 93 (CHAPTER 10, Standard Arrival Chart — : 104 Function. to ‘Avalbliy == co Coverage tnd sae. toa Projection, eee. IL ldentifeation. = i oe Culture and tpoaphy 02 ‘Magnets variation, a 02 ‘Beariogs, racks and radia. = 02 Acton denne E - joa CHAPTER 11, Instrument Approach Chart —ICAO. 112 Avalably M13. Coverage andsedlenn 14 Fomat : ILS Prjecto.. 1.6 enicaton 17 Cale and topesrap 18) Magnet varaton. 2 9 Bearings wacks and ada 0, Aetonsil athens (CHAPTER 12. Visual Approach Chart — ICAO, 121 Fenetion 122 Avail 123 Seale 124 Fmt 125 Projecto. 126 Menten. 127. Calare and topograpiy 128 Magnet variation 129° Beating, tacks and aia 0. Acronaiial dt. CHAPTER 13. Acrodeometeliprt Chart ICAO, 1 Fanation, s9n109 Annes ¢— Aeronautest Charis, Table of omens 132 Availability, — 133 Coverageand sede 1a Wentifeaton = : 13.5 Magnetic variation 136 Arodrometelipon dt, : = CHAPTER 14, Aerodrome Ground Movement Cha — ICAO. WAL Function, 142 Availabiy 143 Coverage and Selec 144 dentieaon — 145 Magnet variation, zi 146 Aerodrome dats. a CHAPTER 15. AirraftParking/Docking Crt —ICAO.. 15.1 Fonction ' 152 Avaliably, 2 133 Coverage and sale ISA entiation 155 Magnetic variation. 186 Aerodrome data (CHAPTER 16, World Acronauta! Chart —ICAO 11 090000 162 Avniabily, : 163 Seale, ~ 6 Pom : 16S. Prjecto 166. Wentiication. 167 Culture and opograsy 168 Magnetic vtation 169) Aeronautical dat CHAPTER 17. Aeronautical Chat —ICAO 1:50 000, IT Fenetion 112 Avalbliy, ” 173. Seales 2 174 Fomut. 115 Projection 116 entiation 17.7 Culture and topography 178 Magete variation. 179 Acrostic! dt, (CHAPTER 18, Aeronautical Navigation Cart —ICAO Small Scale 181 Function. _ 182 Avaiabiliy : 183 Coverage and sale. ssv1409 oa at 141 at 1 iat mL et 6 el 162 163 ies 66 6s ma m im im 172 02 173 3 ins ns et 1s ie is Table of Coments 184 ss 186 187 ie Projetion Cuitre ad pop ‘Magnets variation, ‘Acrostic! data, (CHAPTER 18. Plowing Chat —ICA0. wa 92 193 wa 195 96 wr 198 rr) eneton ‘Avalbliy ‘Coverage and scale Femi. : Projet entiation, Clare an opegrpi Magnetic variation. ‘Asronauial data, CHAPTER 20, lectonic Aeronautic! Chart Display — ICAO. 204 203 208 20s 206 (CHAPTER 21, aut 212 213 218 ais 216 217 28 219 Function, Ieferntion saa fr day. Display requirements. Prison a updating of data Performance tests, malfunction ars ‘od nications, Beck-up aragewenis Function, Aviad = Coverage snd sete : Prjcton entiestion Cire and topograpy ‘Mapai vartion Bearings ticks and radials ‘Acrontical da APPENDIX 1, Marginal ot 00 APPENDIX 2. ICAO cha symbols APPENDIX 3. Colour gid. APPENDIX 4. Hypsometic tnt guide ATC Surveillance Minimum Alte Cart ICAO. APPENDICES aw Page 12 ie ie ies ies ist ist ot ot ist i 92 192 132 192 s9ni09 Annex 4— Aeronautical Charts Table of Contents Page APPENDIX. Shes yout inde forthe Worl ‘Aeronautical Chat ICAO 1 00000 remove APP st APPENDIX. Aconautia dts quality equiremens ApP61 ror1109 FOREWORD Historia! background Standards nd Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Charts were fist adoptedby the Counciton 16 Apr! 198, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 ofthe Convention on International Civil Avinton (Chicago, 1944), nd wee designated s Annes 4 tothe Convention, They bosame apliceleon | March 194, “Table A shows the origin of subsequent amendments together wit ist of the principal subjects involved andthe dates on Which the Annex andthe amendments were adopted by the Council, when they’ became effective and when they became spplicae Action by Contracting States Nowheaton of diferences. The atenton of Contrcting Sts is dawn tothe obligation imposed by Ace 38 of the Convention by which Contncing States are requited to notify the Organization of any differences betweca thei national regulon and paces andthe International Standards contained in this Anbex and sty amendment thereto, Coctactng ‘States ae invited to extend ch noifeaton t any ifference rom the Recommended Practices contained inthis Anne, 20 any amendments thereto when the notification of such differences is important forthe safety of ai avigaton.Furer, Contracting States ar invited o keep the Organization curently informed of any difreces whic may subsequently ocarof ‘ofthe wilraval of any cflrences previously nlied A specific request for toufcalon of difereces Will be tat ‘Contacting States immediately fer the adoption of ach Amendment this Annex. ‘The attention of States is also dawn tothe provisions of Annex 15 related othe publiation of itferences between their ‘tional regulations and practices andthe related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices through the Aconsuial Information Service addition tothe obligation of Sates under Ariel 38 ofthe Convention, romulgation of information Information relating othe availabilty and amendment of aeronautical crs afetng sir operations, provided acordng to the Standas, Recommended Practices and Procedures specified in his Annes, Should be notified an take effet in acordane with Anne 15, Stats of Annex components ‘An Annes mae up ofthe following component pas, nt all of which, however, are necessarily Found in every Anne: they Inve thera indicted 1 Material comprising the Ame prope: 8) Standards nd Recommended Practices adopted by the Coun nde the provisions ofthe Convention, They are “efined as fllws Standard. Any specifeation for physical chaactestes, configuration, mate, performance, personel ot proces, te uifomn application of which is recognized ay neesary fo th safety or rgulrty of teratons Siemavigution and o which Contacting States wil coaform ia accordance wit the Convesion; in the event of ‘possiblity of emplianee,ntifistion othe Coun i compulsory under Aric ANNES “ s9aes Annes 4 — Aeronantcal Oars Foreword Recommended Practice. Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, mati, performance, ‘petsonnel or procedure, the uniform spplizaon of which s mcogaized as desirable inthe interes of ay, gular or ficiency of international avgation, and to which Coating Sates wll endesvour to conform in accordance withthe Convention 1») Appendices comprising mateial grouped separately fr convenience but forming part of th Standards and ‘Recommended Practices adoped by the Coane ©) Defnions ots used inthe Standards nd Recommended Practices which ar not self-explanatory in that hey do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A deiaition doesnot have an independent stats but ran eset rt ofeach Sander and Recommended Pace in which the ter suse, sine a change inthe mening ofthe fer would aft the specfeton 8) Tables and Figures, which add to ilsaate a Standard oe Recommended Practice and which ae refered 9 ‘herein, oem prt othe associated Standard or Resommended Practice and hive the sae uit. 2.— Material approved by the Council for publication in ssoktion wit the Standards and Recommended Practices 8) Foreword: comprising hsrial and explanstory material based onthe scion of the Council and inching an ‘explanation of the obligations of States with segard tothe application of the Standards and Recomended Pract ensuing rom the Convention andthe Rolston of Adeption, 1) lurodusions comprising explanatory material node atthe beponing of pars, chapters or tons ofthe ‘Annex to assist inthe understanding ofthe aplication of he ex. ©) Notes ince in he text, where appropiate, to give fica information o references bering on the Sanda ‘or Recammonded Practices in qustion, bu at onan par ofthe Standards or Recomended Prctae 4) Athens comprising material xpplementary tothe Standards und Reson Practices, inched as 3 ‘ude t their application. Selection of language ‘This Annex hasbeen adope in six languages — Eaglsh, Arabic, Chines, French, Russian and Spanish Each Contacting Stat isrequsedta sels neo those txts forth apo of matonal implementation spd fr oe ees provided forint Convention, eter through det use or Uoughtanslaton ito wn rattnal Ianguage, and Yo notify the Organization cordingly. Eaitoril practices ‘The following practic as been aered fo in overt indicate ata glance the sas ofeach statement: Standards have been pied in lightface roman; Recommended Pracces have been printed is light fice ais, the tats bing incited by the Prefix Recommendation; Nores hve been printed night face lic, the status boing indicated by the pei Note. 1s is tobe moe that inthe English text the following practice has boon adered to when writing the specifatons: ‘Standards employ the operative verb “shal” while Recommended Practices employ te operative ver soul” Throughout this document, measurements are given inthe merc system followed in parentheses by consponding measurements nthe foot pond system rsin109 iy Foreword Anes leromaatcal Charts Any reference oa potion of this document, which sided by a mumber andor ie, incldes al subdivisions of at portion. “ible A. Amendments to Annex deen soe sec) TWEscie Acuna Chs ‘Wald etn Ca (WAC) — 164008 Bron Rese Aru aag Chat ccm Chr Sb (Nove, eon Atma hrs 50 0 Aen Pig Cs Seniors 39 Tt Acemnia Rae Corr Pamog Car Sn ry 9) Amerie NO. Acca! Cs ‘eno WAC—ICAD 1 OC aha 2nitaion — AewamtalChns Det AC —CA0 1600; Aone Chas — ‘xg Dron ICAO 1S: ene re AO 13500 et ncinemt22 Pou Saen ‘oped tart TeX0 ot ann aA aio inst fio coe 20h erate aie Aen Ct Sy Dans, » Aen Cas_——_Dufens: WAC —CAO 1:1 Amoi Chat — ‘omic fSoskn KAD Sh Aa Cas &AD 139000 Apo (Conte sh ‘hrs —TeAD nang hs 1CA Aca Penge ‘ota Pes efi tena nme ” Acie env iene ee ae a, 3.3 TARE ArNnigtion Aro Oba Cha iil enn ICAO Chat Gateaoante Sy "or Rend ‘dha Cane ml. pes ‘ene dope Nea ak [Seamer 0 ria eae rni09 ssv09 ii ASAP ra | ey 99) Msi (aeMy19) eseg Agim Ney) CimieSitik—chah RACOPS Mosing ——_Dvlinins: Explsty nn Apne Dente of os ‘Daten, oil Asn Red Ae AISMAP Dison! Contra ary ie pane tinh ba, WAC Nee

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