BIOL 423 Syllabus and Application

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Applying for the 2023-2024 Dissection Team

General Information

Each year, students are given the opportunity to apply to join the following year’s
dissection team. The dissection team members prepare the demonstration cats and
cadavers for the Biology 223 and 224 labs and assist the lab instructors during the weekly
labs. As a member of the dissection team, you will have opportunities to sharpen your
dissection skills, deepen your knowledge of anatomy, and gain some teaching

Approximately 32 dissection team members are needed for fall and spring semesters.
Students should apply for a year-long appointment (Fall/Spring). The application for the
dissection team is due by April 8th (submit by email to our lab coordinator, Alicia
Huenefeld – Students will be notified of decisions
about their application as soon as possible after the due date, likely within one to two

Those applicants selected will typically be students who have received good grades in
both BIOL 223 and 224; however, there is no set GPA requirement. Applicants’
performance in the laboratory part of the BIOL 223/224 courses and their potential skills in
assisting student learning will be important considerations. Therefore, students who are
considering applying should talk with their lab instructor about their interest in being on the
dissection team. We discuss each applicant with their lab instructors, and
recommendations from lab instructors are an important component in the decision of
which applicants are selected.

The dissection team meets most Friday afternoons, usually from 1 to 4 pm; part of each
meeting is a review of the material to be presented during the following week and the rest
of the time is devoted to dissection work. Some weekly meetings are shorter if no
dissection is needed, but occasionally meetings are longer if dissections for the week are
complex. Each dissection team member will also be assigned to one 3-hour lab section
per week (or two labs per week in summer) to assist the lab instructor with teaching the
lab. Other duties may include assisting with set-up, proctoring, and grading of exams,
practicals, and quizzes in lab and lecture. Students considering applying for the
dissection team should be certain that they can be available on Friday afternoons and can
commit the time necessary for the teaching and other duties before applying.

Students who are selected will enroll in Biology 423 (Fall) and 424 (Spring) which are 3-
credit upper division Biology electives for which students will receive a letter grade, based
on attendance and completion of assigned duties. Please review the attached BIOL 423
syllabus for a more complete explanation of the course.
Application for Dissection Team
Fall 2023/Spring 2024 semesters

DUE DATE: April 15, 2023

NAME:________________________________________ Date:________________

Contact Information: Phone: _____________________ email: _______________________

Class standing next fall: Junior / Senior GPA: _______ Major: _______________

Expected date of graduation_______________ Total credit load for next fall____________

What semester/year were you enrolled in Biol 223______________ Biol 224____________

Who was your A&P lab TA? Biol223___________________ Biol224___________________

Please describe your qualifications, career goals, and reasons for wanting to participate in
this course.
BIOL 423 – Advanced Human Dissection I
3 Credits

Instructors: Dr. Jeffrey Baguley Dr. Jennifer Hollander

Office: 114 SFB 114 SFB
Phone: 784-4928 784-1793

Required Textbooks:
1. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edition by Martini
2. Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, 4th Edition by Prosser, Hollander, and Baguley

Course description: Admission into this course by application only. One 1-hour lecture followed by a 3-hour lab
each Friday afternoon. Students will prepare and review all materials including demonstration dissections of cats
and human cadaver for the weekly Biology 223 or 224 laboratory. Systems covered depend on if students are
assigned to dissect for BIOL 223 or BIOL 224 lab. Dissection assistants will assist lab instructors in teaching one
section of Biology 223 or 224 laboratory.

Course Schedule: Dissection lab 1:00 – 5:00 Friday, room 248 or 251 FA
Assisting in a teaching lab TBA room 248, 251 or 252 FA (3 hours per week)

Preparation of lab materials – grading will be based on attendance, participation, collegiality, cooperation, and
development of skills in dissection.
Assisting lab instructor – grading will be based on attendance, knowledge of lab demonstration materials,
effectiveness of assisting students, completion of tasks assigned by lab instructor.
Evaluation of dissections – Each week dissection quality will be evaluated by the instructor and dissection team
leaders. To receive an “A,” students must receive weekly evaluations where they have successfully completed
all tasks as outlined in the table below.
Point distribution – Each of the following categories are worth 10% towards the final grade. Letter grades will
be assigned as follows: A (90 – 100%), B (80 – 89%), C (70 – 79%), D (60 – 69%), F (0 – 59%)

Yes No
Friday Dissection (50% of Attendance (10%)
final grade) Cadaver Dissection (10%)
Cat Dissection (10%)
Dissections Clean (10%)
Labels Correct (10%)
Lab Assistance (50% of Attendance (10%)
final grade) Quiz Preparation (10%)
Assist with presentation (10%)
Equally assist each group (10%)
Lab Clean-up (10%)

Learning Outcomes
-Dissection team members will be able to dissect, identify and label human cadaver structures.
-Dissection team members will be able to cleanly dissect, identify and label cat structures.
-Dissection team members will be able to present and teach both cat and human body structures.
-Dissection team members will demonstrate team work skills.
Responsibilities during Dissection lab
-The cadavers are to be treated with respect at all times
-All students will do dissections of cats and the human cadavers, as well as any other dissectibles
-Review all dissections completed to be familiar with differences among specimens
-Make note of all labels so that these labels can be replaced during the week if missing

Responsibilities during Assisting in the teaching lab

-Prepare in advance for all of the materials to be covered in lab each week
-Arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of lab to assist lab instructor with set-up
-During the lab period, and again at the end of the lab, check all materials to ensure that tags/labels are present
and in the correct location
-Notify lab instructor if any structures on the dissections are damaged and no longer suitable for demonstration;
the lab instructor will need to be sure that this notification is also sent to all other lab instructors and
dissection team members who teach labs later in the week
-Assist lab instructor in setting up and giving weekly quizzes
-Assist lab instructor during lab by moving around the lab, interacting with students, helping students
understand the materials they are studying
-Be professional in interactions with the students

Other Responsibilities
-Assist with the setup, proctoring, grading of lab practicals
-Assist with proctoring and grading of at least one of the lecture exams

Academic Dishonesty Statement – Cases of academic dishonesty are viewed as a serious violation for the student
code of conduct. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
-Cheating on quizzes or exams including sharing answers with students in other sections of the course.

Any incidents of any type of academic dishonesty will result in a student receiving an F for the course. See the
“Student Conduct Information” section of the UNR General Catalog for specific University policies and procedures
regarding academic dishonesty.

Disability Statement - Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested
to contact both the instructor and the Disability Resource Center (Thompson Building – Suite 100), as soon as
possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
Advanced Human Dissection I, Biology 423
Schedule for Fall

For those assisting in BIOL 223 lab:

Dates Lab
Week Topic Dissection Other
(Fri) Manual
Introduction, Terminology, pgs. 1-
Histology, and Integumentary 26
Assist 224 group with circulatory pgs. 27-
2 Axial Skeleton Skeletal prep
dissection if needed 46
Appendicular Skeleton, pgs. 47-
3 New cadaver pick-up Clean immersion tables
Articulations 65

4 Review and locker assignments Set up practical assist with course exam

Begin cadaver dissection,

axial muscles
Muscular System Overview, pgs. 67-
6 complete muscle dissection
Axial Muscles 82
pgs. 83-
7 Appendicular Muscles

8 Review Practical set-up assist with course exam

9 PRACTICAL 2 Begin peripheral NS dissection

Central Nervous System, Brain pgs.

10 Finish peripheral NS dissection
and Brain Stem 101-114
Peripheral Nervous System, pgs.
11 Cow Eyes
Brachial and Lumbar Plexus 115-127
12 Special Senses: Eye and Ear assist with course exam

13 Thanksgiving Holiday, No Labs!

14 Review Practical set-up


* Remember - The Friday meetings are to prepare for the next week's material. Therefore, the week number on this schedule corresponds to the
Friday only, and the same material will be covered in the classes the following week.
Advanced Human Dissection I, Biology 423
Schedule for Fall

For those assigned to teach in BIOL 224:

Dates Lab
Week Topic Dissection Other
(Fri) Manual
Remove breastplate, begin p. 139-
1 Circulatory system overview
circulatory dissection 144
Complete circulatory p. 145-
2 Heart; Locker assignments
dissection 156
Circulatory and Lymphatic p. 157-
3 New cadaver pick-up Clean immersion tables
System 176

4 Review Set up practical assist with course exam

Start respiratory and

endocrine dissection
Respiratory and Endocrine p. 177-
6 Digestive dissection
System 195
p. 196-
7 Digestive System

8 Review Practical set-up assist with course exam

assist 223 group with NS

9 PRACTICAL 2 Urinary dissection
dissection if needed
assist 223 group with NS p. 216-
10 Urinary System Reproductive dissection
dissection if needed 229
p. 230-
11 Reproductive System Pregnancy prep
p. 240-
12 Pregnancy assist with course exam

13 Thanksgiving Holiday, No Labs!

14 Review Practical set-up


* Remember - The Friday meetings are to prepare for the next week's material. Therefore, the week number on this schedule
corresponds to the Friday only, and the same material will be covered in the classes the following week.

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