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Hana Hackbusch

NevadaFIT Mentor

September 2nd, 2022

Cocurricular Reflection

The two honors pillars that I believe I was able to gain more experience in would be

stewardship and resilience. In my NevadaFIT pack I was assigned 4 psychology majors even

though I am a neuroscience major. This experience was extremely rewarding and I was happy to

share my experiences with my mentees. When I was an incoming freshman I did not get to do

this program due to COVID. However, I wanted to give my mentees the experience that I would

have wanted. Providing them with resources, study tips, and a supportive environment were my

biggest goals. Being a mentor is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly because

cultivating good habits the first week of college can translate to their entire undergraduate career.

I believe that being a mentor allowed me to develop a better understanding of how to help guide

others to success.

The resilience piece of my development has to do with the long week of NevadaFIT. Due

to the long days and constant activities, classes, and studying that were required it was important

for me to understand the hardship of the situation and keep a positive attitude. Keeping my

mentees happy and helping them through challenging times throughout the week proved to be

very rewarding. Even with the little bumps throughout the week I was able to provide a solution

and we kept moving forward. I am so proud of my mentees' performances in their classes. One

example to demonstrate resilience is when my mentees were told they needed scantrons before

their psychology exam the day before the exam. We had to figure out a time in between their

schedules to get the scantrons at the wolf shop. Luckily everyone was able to get them before the
exam and they were able to see how to get their textbooks at the wolf shop! Being a NevadaFIT

taught me a lot about myself and helped me realize that I enjoy problem solving and mentorship

more than I had previously thought.

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