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Class 7- Test Chapter 1

TOPIC – Plant Tissues

Q1. Fill in the blanks. – 5M

1. Cells join together to form ------------

2. Different functions carried out by a special group of cells is called --------------------
3. Dividing cells helping in growth of plant are called ---------------.
4. Some cells become specialized and stop dividing, they are called -------------
5. There are --------- types of Meristematic Tissue.

Q2. Name the following. – 3M

1. They are responsible for increase in length of root and shoot.

2. They are found in the nodes of a plant.
3. They increase girth of plants and are also called cambium.

Q3. Complete the flow chart. – 5M

Q4 State the following – 5M.

1. They store food in a plant.

2. Parenchymatous cells containing chlorophyll.
3. Parenchymatous cells having star shaped air spaces.
4. They are absent in monocot plants.
5. They are dead tissues.
6. They are made up of more than one type of cell.
7. They conduct water and minerals.
8. They transport dissolved food material.
9. Function of Collenchyma
10. Function of sclerenchyma

Q5. Answer The following. – 2M

1. State 3 characteristics of the cells of meristematic tissue

2. State 3 characteristics of the cells of permanent tissue
3. Where are Parenchyma cells found?
4. What is division of labor in a tissue?

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