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University Abou-Bekr Belkaïd Academic year 2023/2024

Faculty of technology STI

Department of Hydraulics

PW N°2
OF ICE " Lf "

Determine the latent heat of fusion of the ice.


- Specific heat

The specific or mass heat of a body "c" ( .K-1 ) or ( .K-1 ) is the quantity of heat that
must be supplied to (or taken from) the unit mass of this body for its temperature to rise by 1°C.
m.c = C heat capacity of the body (J/K) or (cal/K).

- Water value:

The water equivalent (or water value) of a system is the mass of water "μe " exchanging the same
amount of heat with the outside when it undergoes the same temperature variation.
m.c.ΔT = μe Cwater . ΔT ΔT= (Tf-Ti)
For a calorimeter, the water value is the mass of water that removes the same amount of heat as the
calorimeter and its accessories (thermometer, stirrer, etc.).

m.c = Ccal (heat capacity of the calorimeter).

- Latent heat L:

- It is the heat released or supplied that leads to a change of state at constant temperature
(T change).
- In the case of melting ice, this is the amount of heat required to transform a unit mass of ice at
constant temperature (T = 0°C) from a solid to a liquid state.
Lf (J/kg) or (cal/kg). Lf latent heat of fusion

- Measuring heat quantities :

- The measurement is always assumed to be made in an adiabatic calorimeter, with no heat

exchange between the inside and outside.

ΣQi = 0 with Qi = mi .ci .ΔT when the exchange is due to a change in temperature

Qi =mi .L when the exchange is due to a change of state

A mass m1 of water of known specific heat is introduced into the calorimeter device: the
assembly (water + calorimeter device) reaches thermal equilibrium at temperature T 1. If Ccal
represents the heat capacity of the calorimeter, then the heat capacity of the system is (m1 c1 +C
cal ).

A fragment of ice of mass m2 and specific heat C2 , heated to temperature T2 , is introduced into the
water in the calorimeter. The system formed by the water, the container and the ice evolves towards a
new state of thermal equilibrium at the uniform temperature Tf : this evolution takes place at constant
pressure, without any work other than that of the pressure forces and without any exchange of heat
with the outside. The generalised law of mixing, in the case of more than two bodies in thermal
contact, allows us to write :

ΣQi = 0

(m1c1 + Ccal) (Tf-T1) + m2Lf + m2c1 (Tf-T2) = 0 If T2 = 0

(m1c1 + Ccal) (Tf-T1) + m2c2 (0-T2) + m2Lf + m2c1 (Tf-0) = 0 If T2 < 0

Hence the value of Lf when Ccal is known.


- Calorimeter - Thermometer - Balance

- Graduated Cylinder - Erlenmayer

- Ice cubes - Water

”Be careful with the thermometer: avoid physical and thermal shocks”


I- Determining the heat capacity of the calorimeter "C cal "

1. Take 250 ml (m1 =250g) of water using the graduated cylinder.

2. Place the water in the calorimeter, then measure its temperature with the thermometer (T1).
This is the initial temperature of the water and the calorimeter.
3. Using the measuring cylinder, take 250 ml of water and place in an Erlenmayer.

4. Heat the Erlenmayer in a water bath. Then measure the temperature of the hot water (T2).

5. Pour the hot water into the calorimeter (this part must be done quickly to avoid cooling the water).

6. Measure the equilibrium temperature (T eq1).

II- Determining the latent heat of fusion of ice

1. Pour 250 ml of cold water into the calorimeter.

2. Measure the temperature of the calorimeter T1.

3. Weigh the mass m3 =30 g of an ice cube, then measure its temperature (T3 ).

4. Place the ice sample in the calorimeter.

5. Stir until all the ice has melted and note the equilibrium temperature (Teq2 ).

Data: Cp(H2O)liquid =1 cal.g-1 .K-1 Cp(H2O)solid = 0.5 cal.g-1 .K-1

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