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The Role of Performance Appraisal System and Its Impact on Employee Motivation

Relangi Karthik

School of management
NIT Rourkela, Odisha


Performance appraisal systems are vital tools within organizations for evaluating employees'

job performance and providing constructive feedback. This article examines how these

systems influence employee motivation, referencing relevant theories, empirical studies, and

practical insights.

Theoretical Background

Performance appraisal systems link to motivational theories. Goal-setting theory emphasizes

challenging goals set through appraisals as drivers of motivation (Locke & Latham, 1990).

Similarly, expectancy theory highlights how performance appraisals shape employee beliefs

about their efforts leading to desired outcomes (Vroom, 1964).

Empirical Findings

Research indicates that well-structured performance feedback can positively impact

employee motivation and performance (Murphy & Cleveland, 1991). Autonomy and

competence, nurtured through effective appraisals, enhance intrinsic motivation (Deci et al.,


Connection to Job Satisfaction

Performance appraisals also influence job satisfaction. When employees receive valuable

feedback and recognition, their job satisfaction tends to increase (Judge et al., 2001).

Impact on Organizational Performance

Employee motivation triggered by performance appraisals extends to organizational

performance and productivity (Harter et al., 2002). Effective appraisals foster a culture of

growth and improvement.

Challenges and Future Outlook

Challenges include biases and communication issues in appraisals. To enhance effectiveness,

organizations should train managers for fair feedback, incorporate technology for accurate

assessments, and tailor approaches to individual employees.


In conclusion, performance appraisal systems play a pivotal role in influencing employee

motivation, impacting job satisfaction and organizational performance. Optimizing these

systems remains crucial for cultivating a motivated and engaged workforce.



Deci, E. L., Koestner, R., & Ryan, R. M. (1999). A meta-analytic review of experiments

examining the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Psychological Bulletin,

125(6), 627-668.

Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between

employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis.

Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-279.

Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction-job

performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin,

127(3), 376-407.

Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting & task performance.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Murphy, K. R., & Cleveland, J. N. (1991). Performance appraisal: An organizational

perspective. Allyn & Bacon.

Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York: Wiley.

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