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April 2024


1 Introduction

- The empowerment and autonomy of women and the im-

provement of their political, social, economic and health
status is a highly important end in itself. In addition, it is
essential for the achievement of sustainable development.
The full participation and partnership of both women
and men is required in productive and reproductive life,
including shared responsibilities for the care and nurtur-
ing of children and maintenance of the household. In
all parts of the world, women are facing threats to their
lives, health and well- being as a result of being overbur-
dened with work and of their lack of power and influence.
In most regions of the world, women receive less formal
education than men, and at the same time, women’s own
knowledge, abilities and coping mechanisms often go un-
recognized. The power relations that impede women’s
attainment of healthy and fulfilling lives operate at many

levels of society, from the most personal to the highly
Achieving change requires policy and programme ac-
tions that will improve women’s access to secure liveli-
hoods and economic resources, alleviate their extreme re-
sponsibilities with regard to housework, remove legal im-
pediments to their participation in public life, and raise
social awareness through effective programmes of edu-
cation and mass communication. In addition, improv-
ing the status of women also enhances their decision-
making capacity at all levels in all spheres of life, espe-
cially in the area of sexuality and reproduction. This,
in turn, is essential for the long- term success of popula-
tion programmes. Experience shows that population and
development programmes are most effective when steps
have simultaneously been taken to improve the status of

2 The Women’s Empowerment Principles

Created in a collaboration between the UN Global Com-

pact and UN Women, the Women’s Empowerment Prin-
ciples are used to empower women in the marketplace,
workplace and community

2.1 The Six Principles

• Principle 1:Create high-level corporate leadership for

gender equality
• Principle 2: Treat all people fairly at work, respect-
ing and supporting non-discrimination and human
• Principle 3: Ensure the health, wellbeing and safety
of all workers, whether male or female
• Principle 4: Promote education, training and profes-
sional development for women
• Principle 5: Implement supply chain, marketing prac-
tices and enterprise development that empower women
• Principle 6: Champion equality through community
initiatives and advocacy

3 Types of power and their domain

Types of power Empowerment Domain

power to make decisions political
power over resource economical

4 The global landscape of women’s empower-

Gender equality is a basic human right, and it is also

fundamental to having a peaceful, prosperous world.
But girls and women continue to face significant chal-
lenges all around the world. Women are typically under-
represented in power and decision-making roles. They
receive unequal pay for equal work, and they often face
legal and other barriers that affect their opportunities at
In the developing world, girls and women are often
seen as less valuable than boys. Instead of being sent to
school, they are often made to do domestic work at home
or are married off for a dowry before they are adults. As
many as 12 million underage girls are married every year.
While some progress is being made in various parts of
the world, there is still a great deal left to be done to
right the problems of gender inequality.
Empowering women is not just about granting them

rights and opportunities; it’s about recognizing their in-
herent strength, resilience, and potential. When women
are empowered, societies flourish, economies thrive, and
communities become more inclusive. By promoting gen-
der equality, providing access to education and health-
care, ensuring economic opportunities, and combating
discrimination and violence, we create a world where ev-
ery woman can realize her full potential. Empowerment
is not a privilege but a fundamental human right, and
by uplifting women, we build a brighter future for all.

W omenEmpowerment =
EqualOpportunities + Education + Support

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