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Time: 2016-12-26 Views: 679

Du Jiangbo

1. Personal Information
Title/Position: Lecturer
Correspondence Address: Department of Social Medicine and
Health Education, Nanjing Medical University, 101 Longmian Av.,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211166, P.R. China.
Tel: 86-25-8686-8424

2. Education

Baotou Medical College B.Med. 07/09 Preventive Medicine
Nanjing Medical College Ph.D. 07/15 Epidemiology & Biostatistics

3. Research Interests

Reproductive Epidemiology: a) the distributions and risk factors of reproductive related disease in population; b) principles, methods and
applications of epidemiology

4. Selected Publications

1.Du J, Zhu X, Xue W, Dai N, Gu Y, Zhu M, Wang C, Gao Y, Pan F, Ren C, Ji Y, Dai J, Ma H, Jiang Y, Chen J, Yi H, Zhao Y, Hu Z, Shen H, Jin
G. Telomere length, genetic variants and gastric cancer risk in a Chinese population. Carcinogenesis. 2015 May 29. pii: bgv075.

2.Du J, Xu Y, Dai J, Ren C, Zhu C, Dai N, Ma H, Shi Y, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H, Jin G.. Genetic variants at 5p15 are associated with risk and
early-onset of gastric cancer in Chinese populations. Carcinogenesis. 2013 Nov;34 (11): 2539-42.

3.Du J, Ji J, Gao Y, Xu L, Xu J, Zhu C, Gu H, Jiang J, Li H, Ma H, Hu Z, Jin G, Guo W, Chen X, Shen H. Nonsynonymous polymorphisms in
FAT4 gene are associated with the risk of esophageal cancer in an Eastern Chinese population. Int J Cancer. 2013 Jul 15;133(2):357-61.

Add: 101Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing 211166, P.R. China

Tel:The President's Office 86-25-86869077 Department of International Cooperation & Exchange 86-25-86869116

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