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Guests who are loyal and emotionally connected to us will return to St.

Regis because they will

remember how they felt when they stayed with us. Who are some of our most loyal guests? Why do
you think they continue to return?

Practicing Discretion
St. Regis hosts are experts at knowing how to take care of guests and protecting their privacy. Today
we will use a few scenarios to determine if a behavior would be considered discreet.

Facilitator: Read each of the scenarios below and ask hosts to determine if the behavior is discreet
and discuss why or why not.

Scenario 1: A world-famous musician is playing in a summer concert series. He is staying at the hotel
and is often seen in the bar and restaurant. You want to respect his privacy, so you discreetly take a
video with your phone and share it on social media, making sure not to mention the hotel.
Not discreet. It is not appropriate to take photos or recordings of a guest; guest photos or any
identifying information should never be posted on social media.

Scenario 2: You are providing a requested service in a guest’s suite, and you notice a book written by
a famous politician on their bed stand. You recently read this book and you attempt to start up a
conversation. The guest gives you a short one-word response and walks into the other room.
Not discreet. Keep your focus on your work when performing service in a guest’s room unless
you’ve already established a comfortable relationship. Recognize when a guest is not
interested in conversation. Politics and religion are subjects that should never be discussed.

Scenario 3: At a family gathering on your day off, you tell your cousins about a celebrity guest who
recently stayed at the hotel and ordered a $500 bottle of Champagne with breakfast.
Not discreet. Never inform friends and family of high-profile guests and the details of their

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