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Training estimate | DURBAN

Long Course
CAA/ATO 0379
Course Description
The RPL Long Course is designed for a candidate who does not
holds a prior CAR 61 Aviation License. The course caters for
candidates who are novices as well as candidates who are
experienced “drone” flyers.


‘Our Mission is to train the finest, most proficient and professional

Drone Operators in Southern Africa’

Candidates who wish to attend the RPL Short Course at RPAS Training Academy
must meet the below criteria:

• Be at least 18 years of age.

• Hold a valid Class 3 medical certificate.
• Hold an English Language Proficiency Certificate

Your Course will include:

• Theoretical Training and Manuals

• Theoretical Examinations
• Practical Flight Time
• Mock Test Evaluation
• Skills Test with a Designated RPAS Examiner

Item Description Estimate

Human Performance
Construction of Flight (MR)
6 Days R9,000
Radio Links
Air law
Flight Planning
Restricted Radio Telephony
Human Performance
Exams R700
Construction of Flight (MR)
Radio Links
Air law
Theory Subject Manuals
Manuals & Textbooks R800
Restricted Radio Handbook
Flight Practical Hours
3 Flight Hours Pre & De- Briefing R9,500
Aircraft & Battery Hire
Simulator Hours Simulator Free
Ground Evaluation Prep
Mock Skills Test Free
Questioner Prep
DRE Skills Test
Skills Test Ground Evaluation R2,500
Practical Flight Evaluation
Regulator RPL Licence Fees
Courier to and From SACAA Regulator
SACAA & Lunch R1,860
Domestic Courier Fee to Client
Lunch per day- Lectures Only



Quantity Description Estimate

Aeroplane Theory Lecture

Aeroplane Additional Aeroplane Exam R400
Aeroplane Manual
Flight Practical Hours
3 Flight Hours
Pre & De- Briefing R4,500
Aircraft & Battery Hire
Aeroplane Cat. DRE Skills Test
Skills Test Ground Evaluation R800
Practical Flight Evaluation
Aeroplane Category skills test must be completed in conjunction with the MR Course


Enrolment Forms
Company Name
Contact Person involved in RPAS
Company Details
Phone (work)
Phone (mobile)
Given name
Personal Identity number
Highest qualification
Medical aid
Doctor contact details
Blood group

Residential address

Contact details Postal address

Phone (home)
Phone (work)
Phone (mobile)
Next of kin Relation
Contact details
License required RPL (A) / RPL (MR) / RPL (H)
Copy of ID/passport
Copy of medical cert
Training agreement sign
Terms and conditions

The Remote Pilot License is designed for a candidate who holds a prior CAR 61 Aviation License. The course caters for
candidates who are novices as well as candidates who are experienced “drone” flyers.
• We reserve the right to postpone/cancel any course with fewer than 5 (five) attendees per course.
• Course dates and rates are subject to change.
• Pricing is based on the requirement as per the regulator, South African Civil Aviation Authority
• Any additional/remedial training required by the candidate to complete the course/training will be for the clients
• The pass mark for all examinations in 75% (seventy five percent)
o First or Second failed attempt- 7 (seven) day waiting period
o Third or more failed attempt- 2 (two) months waiting period
• A 2 (two) hour flight slot may be booked for practical training with a maximum of 4 (four) hours per day, with a
minimum 2 (two)-hour break between.
• After the completion of all examinations, a skill test must take place within 90 (ninety) days or all examinations
written will lapse.
• Our standard package includes a total of 3 (three) hours actual flight time per category.
• Training to be completed within 3 (three) months from start of course
• Lunch is included during lectures and not practical flight session, tests or when writing examinations
• 5 (Five) working days’ notice shall be given should you have any special dietary needs
• RPAS Training Academy will not he held liable for any food allergies.
• Courier fees for licences to be sent to you is limited to Domestic hubs. International postage must be arranged by
the client
• 1 (one) hour is defined as one-hour actual flight time logged
• Excluded from the pricing is a South African Aviation Medical Class III, English Language Proficiency and
restricted radio examination which must be completed before being recommended for the skills test
• Students will be exempt from having to complete English Language proficiency if the can provide certified copies
of the following:
o school-leaver’s certificate or a statement of results indicating Matric, O or M Level, with a pass in English first
language with a minimum symbol of D or its equivalent.
o Certified copy of a SAQA-recognised 2-year tertiary qualification with English either as a subject or English
as the language of tuition and examination.
o Proof of being a present or past native of a nation where English is the first language; e.g. UK, USA, Australia
or New Zealand.
• The Restricted Radio Licence Examination can only be completed at an approved South African Civil Aviation
Authority Test Centre. RPAS Training Academy has a list that will be issued to you where you may write this exam-
ination. RPAS Training Academy may not accept payment on behalf of you to pay the test centre for your exam-
• A South African Class III Medical is required prior to commencing of the course. Should the client elect to attend
the course before obtained the aviation medical certificate, he/she does so at their own risk and no refunds will
be processed for the course/s.
• Clients course fees shall be paid in full prior to commencement of course unless otherwise stipulated or agreed to
in writing.
Consent Form

I, …………………………………………………………………, the undersigned, hereby warrant that I have full contractual liabilities. I have read and I
understand and agree to each and every clause hereunder.

1. I agree to abide by the school rules and the Civil Aviation Regulations.
2. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless RPAS Training Academy (hereinafter “the Operator”), its members,
employees and agents from any liability of whatever nature arising from the use or operation of any aircraft, in any
manner whatever, by myself or a person acting on my behalf.
3. Without limiting the applicability of the aforementioned indemnity, the indemnity includes any liability which
may arise as a result of an act or omission, whether negligent or not, of members, employees or agents of the
Operator, whether during training, hire or charter of an aircraft.
4. I accept liability for the excess payment in the event of an insurance claim resulting from my use or operation of
an aircraft obtained from or through the Operator. I agree to maintain such personal excess insurance as required
to cover the full excess on each and every aircraft I rent or use and to give effect without delay to the procedures
required to facilitate payment by the insurers in the event of a claim.
5. I agree to give full effect to all procedures as may be required in the event of an insurance claim, to ensure that
such insurance payments are not unreasonably delayed.
6. I agree to, in the event of a dispute, bear the legal costs of myself and the Operator on an attorney and own client
7. I undertake to, immediately upon receipt by me or the Operator of a claim relating to my use of an aircraft, pay
that claim or, at my own option, instruct my attorneys to defend the claim on behalf of the Operator. I will bear
the costs of such defence at attorney and own client cost and the financial charges, including collection charges
and interest.
8. The Operator shall not be liable for damages suffered by me, or third parties and/or the property of such third
parties arising from the operation of an aircraft.
9. I acknowledge that RPAS Training Academy has a legally-mandated system of quality control that may, after con-
sultation between me and the Chief Flight Instructor, result in the termination of my training activities in the case
of unsatisfactory progress or conduct.
10. I also recognise the confidential nature of the internal documents of RPAS Training Academy, and agree not to
disclose the contents of any such documents to third parties without the express prior written consent of Chief
Flight Instructor.

Signed at ____________________________ this _______ day of ____________________________ 201______

____________________________ ______________________________
Instructor Signature Student Sign

___________________________ ______________________________
Witness 1 Witness 2
RPAS Training Academy

• These rules and guidelines are intended are intended as local rules for RPAS Training Academy only.
• They are to be adhered to at all times.
• This is by no means a complete set of guidelines.
• Any regulations as published in the NOTAMS, AIC’s, CAT’s and CAR’s shall take preference.
• Any additional limitations imposed by an instructor shall be the sole discretion of that instructor, provided that
these published guidelines are not exceeded:
1. All flights are to be authorized by the responsible instructor.
2. No students are allowed to fly when the surface winds is more than specified in RPAS Safety Submissions (CAR
3. All logbooks, training files and copies of licences shall be kept at the school for the duration of the training.
4. Training files remain the property of the school.
5. Smoking in the hangars, on the apron, in the classroom or while flying is strictly forbidden.
6. Each flight is to be preceded by a thorough pre-flight inspection, and all flight operations shall be conducted
strictly in accordance with the limitations and procedures contained in the aircraft flight manual.
7. Weight and balance is to be considered before every flight.
8. No aircraft shall be left unattended with the motors running.
9. Flying time shall be calculated from Take-off to landing.
10. Aircraft shall not be left outside at night or in inclement weather.
11. All accident and incidents shall be reported to the Accountable Manager or CFI.
12. After each flight a post-flight inspection shall be carried out.
13. Before take-off, a lookout turn of at least 360˚ must be completed to ensure that the airspace is clear.
14. No take-off shall be attempted without a radio broadcast.
15. Pilots shall ensure that they have the appropriate flight operations documentation for the area in which they are
flying in.

• It is the responsibility of the student to:

1. Adequately prepare for the Theoretical Knowledge Exam.
2. Familiarise himself/herself with the contents of the Training and Procedures Manual.
3. Familiarise himself/herself to the relevant Air Law.
4. Display respect for the law and the rules of airmanship.
5. Maintain flight safety as the first priority to all training activities.
• Students must not sign on for training within eight (8) hours of consuming alcohol or with an alcohol concen-
tration as indicated by a breath alcohol test of 0.02 or greater.

Signature of Student Name in Block Letter Date

Find Us here

449 Granite Drive, Kya Sands Business Park,
Kya Sands, 2163, Gauteng

Viljoen Rd
Knopjeslaagte 685- Jr

Hangar No 4, Virginia Airport
Durban North


Beechcraft Rd, General Aviation Area
Cape Town

Wild Clover Farm, R304


Pro-Office Park
N4 Business Park

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