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Come Across and Bump Into

'Come across' means to find something by chance. (It's possible to use it for people, but it's most often

used for things.) It's used when you're not looking for something but you find it while you're doing

something else.

'Come across' is type 3: transitive and not separable. The grammar is 'I came across it'.

 I came across a fabulous Portuguese cafe on my walk this morning.

 She came across some old photos when she was tidying up.

 I came across your school books yesterday. What should I do with them?

'Bump into' means to meet by chance. It's when you meet someone you know, but you weren't

planning to. It's also type 3.

 I bumped into Julie on the train.

 I'm sure we'll bump into each other around the office.

 She bumped into an old friend when she was on holiday in Australia.

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Let's practise!

Change the sentences so they include the phrasal verbs. Use 'come across' for things and 'bump into'
for people.

I met David by chance in the supermarket.

=> I bumped into David in the supermarket.

1. She met her old boyfriend by chance in Paris.

2. She found your camera by chance under the sofa.
3. We found a lovely little shop by chance near our hotel.
4. They met their teacher by chance at the park.
5. The found some baby photos by chance when they were cleaning.
6. We met our boss by chance when we were running.
7. I found a tiny park by chance when I was walking home from work.
8. Julie met an old friend by chance at the gym.
9. I met Luke by chance last night on the bus.
10. He found £20 by chance in his winter coat.

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1. She bumped into her old boyfriend in Paris.

2. She came across your camera under the sofa.

3. We came across a lovely little shop near our hotel.

4. They bumped into their teacher at the park.

5. They came across some old baby photos when they were cleaning.

6. We bumped into our boss when we were running.

7. I came across a tiny park when i was walking home from work.

8. Julie bumped into an old friend at the gym.

9. I bumped into Luke last night on the bus.

10. He came across £20 in his winter coat.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

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