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There is growing concern over the migration of rural people to cities, leading to a decreasing

population in the countryside. I would argue that this solution is positive.

Nowadays, many young people are reluctant to stay in the countryside due to underdeveloped
rural areas. For instance, in my parents' hometown, there wasn't even a cement road six years
ago. In the village, elderly people and their grandchildren were the groups living there to help
their children take care of them.

Young people are seeking to explore and discover new opportunities. Moving to bigger cities can
broaden their horizons, which could offer more job opportunities and generate dynamic changes.
Youngsters want to earn more money to support their families and provide them with a better
living environment. Additionally, living in the city is more convenient than in the countryside.
Cities offer more transportation options that could reduce travel time.

Moreover, education levels are higher in cities. With numerous renowned schools and
universities, many people pursue high academic qualifications to secure good jobs. The
infrastructure in cities is more developed and safer, leading to an improved quality of life.

In conclusion, I believe that moving to the city is a better choice for everyone. Living in the city
offers more benefits than living in the countryside.

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