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Why is understanding the limitations and various perspectives on ethics crucial for being a

top student in the study of international relations, especially concerning the peaceful
settlement of international conflicts?


Understanding the limitations and various perspectives on ethics is crucial for being a top student
in international relations, particularly in the context of the peaceful settlement of international
conflicts, for the following reasons:

1. Ethical Complexities in Conflict Resolution:

The application of ethics in international politics is less straightforward than in domestic politics
due to diverse cultural and religious values, the abstract nature of states, and the complex causation
in international actions. Recognizing these limitations helps students grasp why ethical decision-
making in conflict resolution is inherently challenging. For instance, leaders must sometimes make
morally complex decisions to avoid greater harm, as demonstrated by President Kennedy's
handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

2. Three Ethical Perspectives in Conflict Resolution:

- Skeptics believe that moral categories are irrelevant in international relations due to the absence
of global governance structures, emphasizing survival over ethical considerations.

- State Moralists argue for a society of states governed by rules, including non-intervention and
state sovereignty, which are crucial for peaceful interactions and conflict resolution.

- Cosmopolitans advocate for global justice and human rights, pushing for ethical considerations
that transcend national borders and promote peaceful resolutions through international cooperation
and legal frameworks.

3. Just War Doctrine and Ethical Warfare:

The Just War Doctrine provides a framework for evaluating the ethical implications of war,
insisting on principles such as just cause, right intention, and proportionality. This doctrine
underscores the importance of minimizing harm to civilians and maintaining ethical standards even
in conflict, which are essential for post-conflict peacebuilding and reconciliation.

4. Balancing Order and Justice in Peaceful Settlements:

Realists emphasize the necessity of international order as a foundation for justice, warning that
excessive focus on justice can lead to disorder and conflict. Understanding this balance is crucial
for students to evaluate when and how to pursue justice without undermining stability. For
example, during the Soviet crackdown in the Baltic republics, the U.S. prioritized arms control
negotiations over immediate punitive actions, seeking a peaceful resolution through diplomatic
means while still addressing human rights concerns.

5. Hybrid Ethical Approaches in Peacebuilding:

Successful conflict resolution often requires a hybrid ethical approach, combining elements of
skepticism, state morality, and cosmopolitanism. This approach enables students to navigate the
ethical complexities of peace settlements, acknowledging the plurality of principles and the need
for pragmatic solutions that consider both order and justice. It also highlights the importance of
international institutions and laws in facilitating peaceful conflict resolution.

6. Prudence in Ethical Decision-Making:

Applying morality in international politics requires careful consideration to avoid unintended
consequences. Prudence is essential in conflict resolution to ensure that moral judgments do not
exacerbate tensions. For instance, policymakers must balance moral outrage with strategic patience
to achieve sustainable peace, as rash decisions can lead to further conflicts [oai_citation:6,Ethics
in International Relations.pdf](file-service://file-qNNBwTZV7x5j55wF8EAOnD5z).

By comprehensively understanding these limitations and perspectives, a top student in

international relations can effectively analyze and contribute to the peaceful settlement of
international conflicts. This depth of understanding allows them to make informed judgments,
advocate for ethical considerations, and navigate the complex interplay between morality, order,
and justice in global affairs. This expertise is crucial for academic excellence and professional
success in the field of international relations.

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