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Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57

International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry
Structures AMCM’2017

Designing of cylindrical concrete tanks with regard to buckling and

second order effects
Anna Halickaa,*, Jerzy Podgórskia
Lublin Unioversity of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin, Poland


Structural designing of reinforced concrete structures consists in determination of the cross section height and amount of the
vertical and horizontal reinforcement on the basis of the internal forces. These forces are not determined correctly without
considering the structure deformation. It means that the geometric type nonlinearity should be regarded at least. In the case of
compression the buckling and the so called “second order effects” should be taken into account . The EC2-1-1 code gives the
general rules for such effects, but they are described in details only for columns and buildings. Therefore the aim of this paper is
to formulate recommendations which will be useful for reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks for liquids and particulate solids
compressed vertically (meridional compression) and horizontally (hoop compression). These recommendations are formulated on
the basis of nonlinear FEM analysis, which is preceded by analysis of expressions describing the critical stress of cylinders,
formulated by theory of elasticity.

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on Analytical Analytical Models
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and Masonry Structures.

Keywords: Concrete tanks, buckling, second order effects, FEM analysis

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+48 601-897-440

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1877-7058 © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and
Masonry Structures
Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57 51

1. Introduction

The walls of reinforced concrete tanks and silos may be tensioned or compressed. The horizontal (hoop)
compression occurs in the empty underground or underwater tanks. Horizontal compression may be also caused in
cylindrical tanks by prestressing. The vertical (meridional) forces are compressive in tank walls supported directly
on the plate or continuous basement.

Nv meridional axial force in the tank wall due to vertical force exerted on the upper edge of tank wall and its
self-weight, determined for unit cross section kN/m
Pv vertical force exerted on the upper edge of tank wall determined for unit cross section, kN/m
Pv,crit critical value of vertical force exerted on the upper edge of tank, determined for unit cross section, kN/m
p, pcrit vertical pressure exerted onto upper edge of the tank wall (p = Pv/t) and its critical value, kN/m2
Rh horizontal axial hoop force due to lateral pressure, determined for unit cross section (Rh = qr), kN/m
q, qcrit horizontal (lateral) pressure exerted on the tank wall from outside and its critical value, kN/m2
t thickness of cylindrical wall, m
r, l radius and length of cylindrical structure, m
E, Et secant and tangent modulus of structural material
ν Poisson coefficient of structural material
MEd total design bending moment
M0Ed first order design bending moment
NEd design value of axial load
NB buckling load based on nominal stiffness
β factor which depends on distribution of 1st and 2nd order effects
Ecm, Ecd mean (secant) and design values of concrete modulus
Es design value of modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel
fcm mean value of concrete compressive strength
Ic moment of inertia of concrete cross section
Is second order moment of area of reinforcement about centre of concrete area

While considering the horizontal or vertical compression the second order effects and buckling should be taken
into account. Such a recommendation was also formulated for concrete cylindrical tanks in [1] and even for
prestressed cylindrical tanks and silos in [2]. In these books, the equations describing the critical forces and critical
stress were quoted from theory of elasticity.
On the other hand, EC2-1-1 [3] gives the general rules for buckling and second order effects for the members
under compression, but they are described in details only for columns and buildings.
The two above-mentioned circumstances inspired the authors to undertake the buckling problem in concrete
cylindrical tanks and silos. The authors intended to present the up-to-date problem considerations and formulate
some recommendations for designers. The FEM analyses were performed with use of software Autodesk Simulation
Mechanical 2017 [4].

2. EC2-1-1 basic rules for buckling and second order effects

Buckling is defined by EC2-1-1 as the failure due to instability of a member or structure, under perfectly axial
compression and without transverse load. "Pure buckling" is not a relevant limit state in real structures, due to
imperfections and transverse loads.
For the stability analysis EC2-1-1 code recommends general method - the non-linear second-order analysis
(based on standard “σc- εc” relationship and consequently tangent concrete modulus) and two simplified methods
(based on the mean value of secant concrete modulus).
52 Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57

From two proposed by EC simplified methods, the “nominal stiffness method” is more useful for tank walls. In
this method the “nominal buckling load” and “nominal second order moments” are introduced:
§ β ·
M Ed = M 0Ed ¨1 + ¸. (1)
¨ N B N Ed − 1 ¸
© ¹
Above moment is sometimes greater than this corresponding to instability. This is to ensure that the total
moment is compatible with the cross-section resistance.
In accordance with EC2-1-1, second order effects may be ignored if they are less than 10% of the corresponding
first order effects. Assuming β = 1 in eq. (1), the second order effects may be ignored if the buckling load calculated
using mean value of concrete modulus is at least 11 times greater than the design value of axial load. Using general
method and “σc- εc” relationship, this ratio is much lower.

3. Critical buckling stress according to theory of elasticity approach

3.1. Cylindrical tanks loaded laterally

The critical lateral load resulting in buckling, depends mainly on the cylindrical shell radius and thickness of its
wall, as well as the modulus of elasticity of the structural material regarded as elastic one.
According to Timoshenko and Gere [3] the external lateral pressure qcrit and the critical internal hoop force
related to panel of the unit height (Rh,crit), which make the tank cross-section elliptic (Fig. 1) are equal:
3 E t3
E §t·
qcrit = 0.25 ¨ ¸ , Rh, crit = qcrit r = . (2)
(1 − ν 2 ) © r ¹ 4(1 − ν 2 ) r 2

Fig. 1. FEM model of the cylindrical shell loaded by external horizontal pressure and deformation of it under critical load (1st buckling mode)

3.2. Cylindrical tanks loaded vertically

The vertical load may result in buckling in different modes depending of the cylinder type. Below, the
expressions describing the critical load qcrit as well as the critical values of vertical force Pcrit related to panel of the
unit width (kN/m) are compiled.
The cylinder is regarded as short if [5]:

π 2 rt
l2 < . (3)
12(1 − v 2 )

The buckling mode in the case of short cylinder is shown in the Fig. 2 on the left side. The critical load and
critical vertical force are the following there:
Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57 53

π 2 Et 3 π 2 Et 4
σ crit = , Pv, crit = . (4)
12(1 − v 2 )l 2 12(1 − v 2 )l 2

When the concrete cylinder is regarded and value of Poisson ratio is taken as ν = 0.2, criterion for short cylinder
gives the simple formula:

l < 1.7052 rt . (5)

Assuming the real concrete tanks dimensions it can be concluded that only low reservoirs of large diameters (e.g.
tanks in savage plants) may be regarded as short ones. Nevertheless their vertical load is not large enough to cause
the buckling. Concrete silos and the majority of concrete tanks may be regarded not short ones.
In accordance with Timoshenko and Gere [5] and Flügge [6], among the shells which are not short i.e. the
inequality (3) is not true, the following buckling modes may be distinguished:
• cylinder of intermediate length:

3 Et 3 Et 2
σ crit = , Pcrit = (6)
5 r 3(1 − v 2 ) 5
r 3(1 − v 2 )

• very long cylinders:

π 2 Er 2 π 2 Er 2 t
σ crit = , Pcrit = (7)
2l 2 2l 2

• long cylinder with the edges, which may displace along the radius and isometric deformation takes place:

Et 2 ª § l ·2 º Et 3 ª § l ·2 º
σ crit = «2¨ ¸ + 3(1 −ν )» , Pcrit = «2¨ ¸ + 3(1 −ν )» . (8)
5(1 −ν ) r ¬« © r ¹
2 2
¼» 5(1 −ν )r ¬« © r ¹
2 2
If the critical stress is higher than the limit of proportionality (Hooke's law limit) in the short and long cylinders
(see Fig. 2 on the right side) in the equations (2,4,6,7,8) tangent modulus (Et) instead of Young's modulus should be
used. Then the eq. (6) changes [5]:

Et t Et t 2
σ crit = , Pcrit = . (9)
r 3(1 − v 2 ) r 3(1 − v 2 )

3.3. Analytical solutions versus real situations

It should be emphasized that structure performance differs from the analytical idealization and in the
consequence the real critical load differs from critical load calculated with use of above equations. Differences may
appear also due to support conditions and due to idealization of material. In the case of compressed concrete the
elasto-plastic material model is more appropriate than elastic one. What is more, the creep influences the long-term
concrete behavior. Actual parameters of tensioned concrete are changed with load increase, due to cracking. These
problems are mentioned in chapter 7.
The another source of inaccuracy of analytical solutions is the fact, that equations given in chapters 3.1 and 3.2
were formulated with utilization of constant value of material modulus, independent of load level. This relationship
between load and material modulus may be taken into account in FEM analysis, which allow to solve problems of
structure stability by use of rate procedure with tangent modulus value [7, 8, 9]. Such analyses are presented below.
Nevertheless, one should be conscious that the real structure performance may be different not only from theory
of elasticity, but also from performance of FEM model.
54 Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57

Table 1 Comparison of 1st mode buckling force for cylinders of l/r = 4, obtained from analytical expressions and FEM
FEM model
l r=4

Et 2
Basic equation Pcrit = α
r 3(1 − v 2 )

Coefficient α α = 0.6 in eq. (6), α = 0.371 in eq.(8)

Coefficient α from FEM

α = 0.394 α = 0.394 α = 0.962 α = 0.962

Table 2 Comparison of 1st mode buckling stress for cylinders of l/r = 2 and of l/r = 1, obtained from analytical expressions and FEM
FEM model
l r=2
l r =1

Et 2
Basic equation Pcrit = α
r 3(1 − v 2 )
Coefficient α α = 0.6 in eq. (6)

Coefficient α from FEM

α = 0.419 α = 0.452 α = 0.419

Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57 55

4. FEM analysis of tank wall stability

In order to show the possible buckling modes of cylindrical tanks and to verify the analytical expressions, the
FEM parametrical analyses were performed [4]. Various l/r ratios and support conditions were assumed.
In the following analyses concrete is treated as the linear-elastic material with tangent modulus value depending
on the load level. The rate procedure was used. At the first approximation the secant modulus Ecd = 30GPa was
assumed. Next, after the determination of the critical stress, the modulus value was corrected in the iterative way in
order to obtain the convergent solution. The expression describing the decrease of modulus with increase of
compressive stress σc given in EC2-1-1 [3] was used:

σc kη − η 2
= , (10)
f cm 1 + (k − 2)η

where ε c1 = 3.5 ⋅ 10 −3 , k = 1.05 E cm (ε c1 f cm ) , η = ε c ε c1

FEM models of cylinders under vertical compression allow to verify the analytical expressions (6) and (8). The
results for cylinders of various l/r ratio are compiled in the tables 1 and 2.
In order to verify the performance of long cylinder under lateral compression, the eq. (2) was written in the form:
E §t·
qcrit = α ¨ ¸ . (11)
1 −ν 2 © r ¹
and the long cylinder under lateral pressure was modeled (Fig. 2). It was found that coefficient α = 0.335 better fits
the results than α = 0.25 used in eq. (2).

Fig. 2. The 1st mode buckling deformations of cylinders: short thin cylinder (left) and cylinder where the critical stress is higher than the yield
stress (right)

5. Cylinders loaded both vertically and horizontally

The real work of tank walls and analysis of their stability are much more complicated than simple load cases
presented above. In addition to the vertical load exerted onto the upper edge, the self-weight exists and the lateral
pressure may be present.
In order to find the contribution of these loads in buckling effect, the FEM analysis was performed [4]. The
exemplary tank of 15 m in diameter, 30 m in height and the wall thickness of 20 cm, made of concrete (first
approximation - Et = 30 GPa) was modeled and calculated numerically using rate procedure and eq. (10).
The results are shown in the Fig. 4 in the form of the chart depicting the relationship between two parameters:
• ratio of the lateral pressure to the vertical pressure exerted onto the upper edge
q qt
ω= = , (12)
σ Pv

• coefficient μcrit describing the critical pressure, defined as follows

56 Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57

Et t2
σ crit = μ crit ⋅ 10 −3 . (13)
r 3(1 − v )2

Pictures shown on chart in Fig.3 are the sketches of 1st buckling mode of the tank shell. The buckling form at
ω = 0 corresponds to the buckling caused by the upper edge load and the self-weight of the tank wall. The bigger the
lateral pressure and the following ratio ω, the smaller buckling stress σcrit. The lateral pressure dramatically reduces
the critical vertical load. If ω is smaller than approximately 1.0, mainly the lateral pressure is responsible for
buckling. Such a situation usually takes place in concrete tanks.

Fig. 3. Influence of lateral pressure on the value of the critical force coefficient μ

The presented analysis indicates that only numerical methods give results which are more close to real structure
performance in buckling state than analysis of theory of elasticity carried out separately for vertical and lateral load.
Nevertheless the Fig. 4 may be helpful for designing the concrete tanks with use of analytical methods. The
coefficient μcrit may be used for correction (reduction) of Pcrit obtained from equations of theory of elasticity.

6. The example of concrete tank load with external pressure

As an example, the concrete tank of 15 m in diameter and 30 m in height was considered. The width of tank wall
was equal to 30 cm in down part (2 meters from the foundation plate) and 20 cm above. The wall is fixed in the
foundation plate supported by piles.
The vertical force on the upper edge (Pv = 2.5 kN/m) modeled the weight of tank cover and upper devices, the
variable technological load and snow. The lateral pressure was assumed as the external hydrostatic pressure
changing along the tank height from 0 in the upper edge of wall to 240 kPa in the down edge.
Stability analysis was performed [4, 7, 9] for the empty tank.
Concrete is treated as the linear-elastic material with tangent modulus value depending on the load level in
accordance with eq. (10), at the first approximation the secant modulus Ecd = 30 GPa was assumed. The convergent
solution was obtained when the tangent modulus Et reached 19.514 GPa. The 1st mode buckling is shown in Fig.4.
The critical vertical force was found as equal to pv,crit= 5.43 kN/m. Therefore:
Pv,crit 5.43
= = 2.17 . (14)
Pv 2 .5
Anna Halicka and Jerzy Podgórski / Procedia Engineering 193 (2017) 50 – 57 57

It should be emphasized that the Pv,crit/Pv ratio equal to 2.17 was obtained using tangent value of concrete
modulus and it is not relevant to be used in simplified method of EC2-1-1 eq.(1).

Fig.4. 1st mode of buckling for analyzed cement silo: vertical cross-section (on the left) and horizontal cross-section (on the right)

7. Corrections of stiffness due to concrete creep and reinforcement presence

The solution presented in chapter 6 regards only the concrete wall behavior without consideration of the effects
of cracking and creep on the overall performance, as well as reinforcement contribution.
The reinforcement contribution may be estimated using the EC2-1-1 expression for the nominal flexural stiffness:
EI = K c Ecd I c + K s Es I s (15)

Factors Kc (regarding effects of cracking, creep etc.) and Ks (regarding contribution of reinforcement) are given in
EC2-1-1 in details only for slender compressed members, but use these factors for statically indeterminable
structures is not recommended. However is seems reasonable to add the steel contribution like in eq. (15) with factor
Ks=1,0 dedicated for members with reinforcement ratio larger than 0.002. Steel agent enlarges the stiffness EI of
about 6 till 10% (the percentages increases with reduction of tangent concrete modulus due to increasing load).
The estimation of concrete creep influence may be based on use of effective concrete modulus [3] in nominal
stiffness method or by corrections of “σc- εc” relationship in general method.
However, the reinforcement contribution and creep influence were not involved in this study. They will be the
subject of next authors works.

8. Conclusions

Determination of critical force causing buckling of the cylindrical tank wall must be performed with regard to
contribution both vertical and lateral load. Lateral external pressure reduces vertical critical load.
The critical load should be calculated using rate procedure with tangent concrete modulus.
The analytical equations using the mean value of secant modulus and simplified EC2-1-1 method of tank stability
analysis may be regarded as only not very accurate approximations.


[1] J. Kobiak, W. Stachurski, Konstrukcje Īelbetowe v. 4 (in Polish), Arkady, Warsaw 1991.
[2] S. KuĞ, Konstrukcje koáowo-symetryczne. Rury, zbiorniki, silosy (in Polish). Arkady, Warsaw 1963.
[3] EC2-1-1:2008, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for building.
[4] Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2017, Autodesk Knowledge Network:
[5] P. Timoshenko, J. M. Gere, Theory of Elastic Stability, McFraw-Hill, London 1961, (polish edition, Teoria statecznoĞci sprĊĪystej, Arkady,
Warszawa 1963).
[6] W. Flügge, Stresses in Shells, Springer Verlag, New York 1967, (polish edition, Powáoki. Obliczenia statyczne, Arkady,Warszawa 1972).
[7] K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, London 1996.
[8] R.D. Cook, D.S. Malkus, M. E. Plesha, R. J. Witt, Concepts and Applications of FEA, Wiley, 2002
[9] G. Rakowski, Z. Kacprzyk, Metoda Elementów SkoĔczonych w mechanice konstrukcji, Ofic. Wyd. Polit. Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2005.

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