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Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)

nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians

ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Scope of Work Activity / Installation of Drop and Connecting Fibres into Customers Premises (Civil Crews - SWMS). Field survey prior to the installation of cables into
Task: the network. Installing a service drop cable, internal wiring into customer premises and telecommunication equipment, jumpering at point of
connection, construction activities.
Workplace or Works Multiple Sites/Premises National Accepted by Name:
Location: (Principal Contractor): Signature:
Accepted by Name:
(Principal Contractor): Signature:

Work must be performed in accordance with this SWMS Prepared by: Name:
(Copy of the SWMS kept at the site of the work and retained for the duration of the works. If
the SWMS is revised, all versions are kept). SWMS / Control Name:
Measures Review Signature:
Select all high-risk construction work that apply to the work

Risk of a person falling more than 2 metres Work on a telecommunication tower Demolition of load-bearing structure

Likely to involve disturbing asbestos Use of explosives Work in or near a confined space

Work on or near energised electrical installations or

Work on or near chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines Work on or near pressurised gas mains or piping

Tilt-up or precast concrete elements Diving work Work in an area with movement of powered mobile plant

Work in or near a shaft or trench deeper (excavated Temporary load-bearing support for structural Work in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable
depth more) than 1.5 m or a tunnel alterations or repairs atmosphere
Work in or near water or other liquid that involves a Work on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or
Work in areas with artificial extremes of temperature
risk of drowning other traffic corridor in use by traffic other than pedestrians
Plant / Equipment Chemicals / SDS Maintenance / Inspection Evidence on Site Qualifications & Training Required
● EWP, Excavator, Gas Detectors, Manholes ● Refer iDocs ● Calibration evidence, electrical inspection for ● RIIWHS302E - Implement Traffic Management
Guards and Barricading equipment. ● Access to SDS at site insulated EWP, in test dates for electrical Plan and HLTAID011 Provide First Aid (or
equipment. equivalent). Note: One person per site must
hold these.
● Refer this SWMS, SEERA for ACM and
Technical Competency.

ce St
Stream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
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bourne, VIC, 300
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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 1 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Permits Information Required Associated with the Activity/Task (Tick)

Traffic Plan Excavation 1.5m Authority to Work Isolation Permit Work at Heights Excavation Permit Other (specify):

PPE to be Uniform Footwear High Vis’ Hard Hat Eyewear Fall Arrest Gloves Hearing Dust Mask Face Shield Electrical Gloves
As defined in
this SWMS
What methods are in place to ensure the controls are Work Activity Prestart is in use – JSEA. Excavation Permit in place when required, hard copy on site, (as required), Requestor and Authoriser
implemented, monitored and reviewed? are trained. ServiceStream and subcontractor Supervision, as required by HSEMP and observations conducted consistent with HSEQ
Strategy Mobil plant pre-approved for use on the project.
Mobile plant operators hold high risk work licence (if required) and all mobile plant operators to have competency to operate validated.
All cable locator operators are to have successfully completed RIICCM202E Identify, Locate Protect Underground Services. Trained
competent workers as outlined in SEERA for their respective role
What are the emergency response or first aid provisions Worksites will have a minimum of one qualified First Aid person, Fire Extinguishers suitable for the tasks being performed. First Aid kit,
required for the work? Emergency Spill Response equipment where power plant is used. All sites must identify an emergency muster point and location of the
closest hospital with emergency department during the site pre-start meeting - record relevant details on JSEA.

Site Rules Additional Information and Instructions

Prepare Safe Work Method

More Effective
● Implementing any mandated controls specified by law.
SELECTING RISK CONTROLS: ● Substituting a new activity, procedure, plant, process or substance (e.g. scaffold in preference to ladders).
Any risk to health, safety or environment ● Isolating persons from the hazard (e.g. fence off areas for mobile plant operation).
must be eliminated, or if that is not ● Using engineering controls (e.g. guard rails, trench shields) - or a combination of the above.
reasonably practicable, reduced so far as is If any risk to health or safety remains, it must be reduced by using:
reasonably practicable by: ● Administration controls (e.g. activity specific safety training, work instructions, warning signs).
● PPE (e.g. respiratory protection, hardhats, high visibility clothing) - or a combination of the above.
Less Effective

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 2 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

CRITICAL Critical controls are crucial to preventing an unwanted event or mitigating the consequence of an unwanted event.
CONTROLS Critical controls that must be in place, for the whole task, to safely carry out high risk work tasks.

If the critical control is not in place or is not working effectively:

STOP work immediately, make safe and only continue work if the control is working effectively. Report the hazard or incident to a Service Stream Supervisor.

Fatigue ● Plan for and manage fatigue levels

● If driving, plan your trip
● Assess the risks (distance, road and weather conditions, start / finish times)
● Take regular breaks (every 2 hours). The workday should include driving time, for longer trips consider overnight stays

Fit for Work ● Distribution and consumption of alcohol on company premises is prohibited.
o Individuals must not exceed a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.00
o Individuals must have a saliva drug concentration below the cut off levels for tested drug classes
● Random Drug &Alcohol testing is conducted across all Service Stream work locations.
● Declare pre-existing injuries, illness, prescription medication which may affect your ability to work safely
Hazardous Energy ● When working on plant, equipment installations or any task where there is the possibility of activation of a hazardous energy source; the Lock, Tag, Clear, Try,
Sources (LTCT) process is used to secure all isolation points to ensure there is no chance of re-energisation, unexpected or unauthorised starting. Emergency stops,
interlocks, etc. are never used as a method of isolation.
● Group isolation processes are defined where work involves multiple people and multiple isolations and has been agreed and discussed with all workers prior to
● Exposure to hazardous energy sources is controlled by engineered systems such as interlocked guarding, barriers, enclosures, or other control that eliminates the
chance of a person interacting with the hazardous energy. The engineered controls meet the requirements of applicable Australian regulations, standards, and
codes of practice/ compliance codes.
Hot Works & ● Work planning and pre-start checks have identified potential fire and explosion risks arising from hot works and preventative and mitigating controls are identified in
Explosions an approved Hot Works Permit. A Hot Works Permit is in place for all tasks that produce heat, sparks, flame, etc. including welding, grinding, cutting and other heat
generating activities. • The Permit defines the emergency response and the emergency equipment required to be on site, including spotters and the post-works fire
watch timeframes; • Hot Work Permits are only valid for a maximum of one shift and must be re-issued if there is a shift or personnel change.
● Prior to works with a fire or explosion risk the potentially explosive or flammable atmospheres are tested and verified safe.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 3 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Materials Handling ● Always stop and assess loads prior to lifting

● Use two-man lift for heavier items or a mechanical aid Ensure your pathway is clear and free of obstacles
● Don’t attempt to lift just because you think you can - seek help
● Alternate / rotate with other workers where manual handling tasks are repetitive
● Always stretch / warm up before performing manual tasks
Safe Use of Motor ● All vehicle occupants wear seatbelts when vehicles are in operation (i.e. seatbelt is engaged prior to starting the engine and disengaged after the vehicle is powered
Vehicles down).
● Mobile phones and electronic devices are never used by drivers unless a completely hands-free functionality is available. Otherwise, the vehicle is parked and
powered down with keys removed from ignition.

Remote, Isolated or ● Vehicles provided for remote work or long-distance driving are fit for purpose and equipped with reliable communication equipment and vehicle location equipment
Lone Worker (e.g., GPS/Satellite tracker, Satellite Phone) that allows contact with emergency services and the worker’s Supervisor/Manager.
● Vehicles provided for remote work or long-distance driving are fitted with Emergency Response equipment, remote First Aid kits and survival supplies, appropriate
to the work and location. Emergency Response procedures are implemented, and workers are competent to follow them.
● A plan is in place to manage, monitor and communicate regularly with workers undertaking remote and isolated work (incl. management of risks associated with the
travel and the work undertaken).
Traffic and ● Vehicle movements at Service Stream controlled work sites including construction sites are managed through a traffic management plan(s) that controls the risks to
Pedestrian people, vehicles and plant and other site hazards.
Management ● Traffic management plans address the interface/interactions between public roads/areas and each controlled work zone.
● Traffic management plans prohibit reversing vehicles on site unless the reversing manoeuvre is controlled by a designated person/s who have a reliable system of
communication established with the vehicle operator (except for an established exclusion zone in which no other un-managed plant, vehicles or personnel
movements can occur).
● Traffic and pedestrian management at Service Stream controlled work sites is set up in accordance with the appropriate Service Stream Generic Traffic Guidance
Scenario Plans, and is under the management and control of an appropriately qualified person where indicated on the Scenario Card.
● Exclusion zones with hard physical controls or supervision are in place to prevent mobile plant encroaching on pedestrian and live traffic areas, and to control
unauthorised pedestrian and traffic access to work areas.
● Pedestrians are segregated from dedicated vehicle, plant and equipment routes by barriers that prevent/mitigate any potential impacts.
● Company sites including yards, construction sites, warehouse buildings, workshops, etc. have separated vehicle and pedestrian access and egress points and
separate designated paths of travel.
● There are clearly defined pedestrian routes in safe zones that use adequate barriers, flagging or other delineation to indicate safe access and egress.
Underground & ● Where planned work may risk striking underground services, Service Stream has consulted with the Client to identify possible alternatives to excavating near the
Overhead Services service.
● All underground services are positively identified for all services that intersect or run parallel to the path of excavation. This includes potholing at a frequency that
predictably shows depth and alignment.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 4 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

● There is an Authority to Work process in place that includes hold points including verification of positive location by a Service Stream representative (i.e.
Supervisor/Manager) prior to excavation, and an escalation and decision-making process where positive identification has not occurred.
● A Service Stream Supervisor is present on site (or a suitable alternative such as ‘Remote Supervisor’) for work around high-risk assets.
● Services with the potential to encroach within 5 metres of a planned excavation are positively identified and clearly marked, using vacuum excavation, non-
destructive digging, or hand digging.
● Where there is uncertainty regarding the location of underground services the location and path of underground services is positively identified by a competent
worker prior to any excavation. This is done by potholing via hand or non-destructive digging (including vacuum excavation) where it may cross the excavation, is
less than one metre laterally from the excavation or where excavation is within the minimum clearance distance set by the Asset Owner.
● Where positive identification of underground services is not achieved, work is stopped, the Service Stream Supervisor is contacted immediately, and additional
resources sourced to positively locate the services (includes Asset Owners).
● Where required for high-risk underground services, the Asset Owner is on-site during service location and/or excavation operations.
● Separation clearance distances are known for overhead services prior to commencement of works and spotters are in place with reliable communications to
prevent encroachment into no go zones.
● Where required by clients or asset owners, the asset owner representatives are on site to ensure overhead service no go zones are not breached by workers or
● Where overhead service no go zones may be breached, outages have been arranged and confirmed with the asset owner.

Use this section to plan the Job / Activity/ Task Steps

Task Activity Task Activity Task Activity

1 Work site preparation and clean up 7 Works undertaken at premise isolation box (PCD) 13 Transport and disposal of ACM

2 Opening and accessing pits and manholes 8 Jointing copper cables 14 Installing cable via roof/ceiling space or underfloor

Hauling or rod roping in pits and pipe Jointing / splicing of optic fibres Installing/repair cable, ground, internal wiring, wall socket via
3 9 15
building wall cavity
Working at heights - General (over 2m) Preparing the ACM work area General requirements for operation of plant, equipment and
4 10 16
Working at heights – accessing poles and aerial cable Mounting PCD and NTD Operation of mobile plant, lifting equipment
5 11 17
installation (over 2m)

6 Connection using coax cable 12 Personnel and tool decontamination 18 Use of power tools

Suspected ACM Fragments, make safe - assurance checks or


ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 5 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

1 Work site preparation ● Listen attentively when conflict arises, as it is important to prevent it from escalating.
and clean up ● Seek to understand the person’s point of view (i.e. put yourself in their shoes). Avoid becoming defensive.
● Acknowledge the issue or situation. Explain what options are available for a resolution. Be assertive, influence the aggressive person to calm down (if
● Resist the urge to retaliate
● Do not engage in an ongoing debate
● Respect personal space while maintaining a safe position. Never engage in any physical contact
● Know when to walk away
aggressive customers or members of • Obtain permission from customer before entering property. Team Leader
public • If person becomes agitated or aggressive, do not confront or provoke. Leave site if unsafe.
• Contact Supervisor to determine the most appropriate course of action.
● Plan for and manage fatigue levels
● If driving, plan your trip
● Assess the risks (distance, road and weather conditions, start / finish times)
● Take regular breaks (every 2 hours). The workday should include driving time, for longer trips consider overnight stays

Fatigue – Increased risk of accidents • Worker to manage workday and allow for sufficient work breaks. All workers
due to extended working hours and • Plan for and manage fatigue levels, if driving, plan your trip:
travel. • Assess the risks (distance, road and weather conditions, start / finish times)
• Take regular breaks (15 minutes every 2 hours). The workday should include driving time, for longer trips
consider overnight stays.
• Complete a Journey Management Plan when required to drive for more than two (2) hours, and/or in remote
areas. Also complete a Working in Rural or Remote Location Plan completed prior to undertaking work in a
remote location
• Refer Remote & Isolated Work - HSE Compliance Guide
● Device – Check device to ascertain if there is a dog alert for the property
● Observe – Check for any sign that a dog may be present
● Greet – If further access is required, proceed to engage property occupier
● Separate – Have the occupier separate the dog within a secure boundary
● Anchor – OR have the dog anchored to a permanent fixture
● Feedback – Confirm with the occupier that the dog is either separated or anchored

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 6 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

● Enter – Enter the property to complete the job.

unrestrained or aggressive dog • Ask customer to isolate or remove animals from work area (secured in house or other area) All workers
• Do Not enter property until dog has been restrained or removed from the work area.
sharps, needle sticks • Dispose of needle in approved container. Team Leader
adverse weather (hot, cold, lightning, • Check weather reports and re-schedule work if possible, when dangerous conditions are forecast. Take cover All workers
storms, floods etc) during storms (not under trees) Don’t work outdoors during thunder (lightning) storms. Note: If working on copper
Team Leader
network - stop till lightning storm passes.
• Observe all fire bans. Identify emergency evacuation point. Supervisor
• Take regular breaks, adequate fluid intake, work in shade during extreme temperatures, rotate staff,
• Ensure adequate wet or cold weather gear, if required.
• Wear protective clothing in heat (UV sunblock, broad brimmed hat, sunglasses, long pants and shirts).
protected or hazardous flora (plants) • Conduct a visual inspection of the work area to look for hazards associated with slips, trips and falls / hazardous All workers
/ fauna (animals) flora and fauna, and remove/control where possible
• Use web fencing or similar and create NO GO Zones for flora identified for protection to exclude from work areas.
• Snakes and spiders are never to be caught, harassed or interfered with.
• Be aware of snakes and spiders under debris or when lifting pit lids.
• Always wear safety boots, and use gloves.
waste water /sludge/ contaminants • If work cannot be undertaken without removing the wastewater or is unsafe to conduct activities due to the type of All workers
wastewater / sludge / contaminates, contact Supervisor to arrange a pump truck.
• Refer to CCD-MS-WIN-2178 Pits and Manholes Dewatering Work Instruction. Complete Appendix 1 – Asset
Water Contamination Field Guide to determine if water is safe to remove, and it is safe to discharge to the area
adjacent the pit.
• Must call Service Stream Supervisor prior to commencing dewatering activities. Service Stream Supervisor to
review and approve
- turbidity test
- location for discharge of water
- set up of filtration sediment bag on discharge hose.
• If the site does not meet specifications of Appendix 1 (i.e. Supervisor does not approve due to water
contamination, unsuitable discharge location or no filtration sediment bag on discharge hose), Supervisor to
arrange a vacuum extraction pump to remove water and discharge at appropriate location (receipt for discharge
to be uploaded as evidence).
• Where vacuum extraction pump is provided by a third party, Service Stream Supervisor is to ensure the work is
compliant with CCD-MS-WIN-2178 Pits and Manholes Dewatering Work Instruction.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 7 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

accessing private property, Native • Ensure LAC notification process has been implemented and you are authorised to enter work site All workers
title areas or heritage listed sites, • Consult with land owner / occupier before entering property and assess any site safety issues. Supervisor
sensitive/special locations such as • Permission to be approved by the client before entering site. This may include permit approvals.
rail corridors, schools etc • Client site inductions attended by all relevant staff prior commencement of works if required

working alone, isolated, remotely • Maintain regular contact with immediate Supervisor or SSM Supervisor when working alone or remotely. All workers
• Carry mobile phone at all times when away from the vehicle during work completion. Supervisor
• Check reception. If travelling into an area with limited/poor/no mobile reception, notify SSM Supervisor. Carry
satellite phone, where required.
• Carry extra water, food when working remotely.
• Complete a Journey Management Plan when required to drive for more than two (2) hours, and/or in remote
areas. Also complete a Working in Rural or Remote Location Plan completed prior to undertaking work in a
remote location
• Refer Remote & Isolated Work - HSE Compliance Guide and familiar with TELCO-PL-015 - Emergency
Response Plan
musculoskeletal injury (sprain/strain) • Use mechanical equipment where practicable, otherwise use two man lift for heavy items All workers
to worker • Job rotation & regular rest breaks

vehicle striking worker or member of • Refer to Generic Traffic Control Plans / Traffic Guidance Scenarios (TGS) cards Traffic Controller
general public • Traffic control to be set up in accordance with the most appropriate SSM Generic Traffic Control Plan Scenarios / Team Leader
Traffic Guidance Scenarios (TGS) cards. Traffic Plans may be amended if approved by SSM Supervisor and
qualified Traffic Controller. Supervisor
• Qualified Traffic Controller to set up traffic / pedestrian management around the site then reassess and
implement further controls as required.
• Traffic Control Plans are to be approved by SSM Supervisor prior to work commencing.
• Fencing / barriers in place to detour pedestrians and protect from work site.
• Display signage during & after working hours.
• Set signs up with 1.2 metre clearance – second line of cones as required in Plan.
• Pedestrian signs must show the intended action of the sign and must be visible from 10m.
Working in low light or night • Night work requires SSM approval. Project Manager/
• Obtain permits from local Road Authority/Council detailing restrictions required, with exclusions for emergency Supervisor /
All workers
• Provide information to affected parties (ie. hours of work, noise levels, traffic control arrangements, lighting
• Use artificial lighting to provide suitable visibility.
• Traffic management plans to reflect the impact of working in low light.
Slips, trips, falls • Worksite is to be kept clean and tidy at all times. All workers
• Do Not leave the worksite unattended unless is fully completed or site is suitably barricaded.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 8 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• Pack all tools and equipment away before leaving the worksite.
• Leave the site clean and in as close to original condition as practicable.
2 Opening & accessing asbestos containing material (ACM) • All concrete Telstra pits and ducts are to be presumed to be ACM. The only exception is where instruction from Technician
pits & manholes NBN to treat the specific pit as not containing asbestos.
• If ACM is identified that will be disturbed and/or prevents access (i.e. friable, damaged, pieces need to be
removed), to work in it - work must cease. Contact SSM Supervisor who will arrange licenced company to
conduct work.
• Friable ACM removal work must be performed by Class A licensed company.
• Non-Friable ACM removal work must be performed by Class A or B licensed company
hazardous or dangerous gases • Gas detection must be performed prior to opening an underground structure (e.g. Manhole & Special Work Technician
• Note: While some smaller pits are not considered manholes & Special Work Locations, they have the potential to
contain explosive gas. Testing for explosive gas is mandatory in pits when hot work is to be conducted.
• Use gas detector to check for contamination / low oxygen levels (oxygen: 19.5% - 23.5%; flammable gas
<5%LEL; carbon monoxide <30ppm).
• If gas is detected, do not enter unless the concentrations can be made safe by forced ventilation.
• Report the gas findings to Supervisor, who shall notify NBN.
• If the underground structure determined to be safe to enter, use gas detector to conduct continuous monitoring
for changes in levels.
• Refer: TELCO SAGS0016 Opening Pits and Manholes

Note: Telstra/nbn may define ● Work planning eliminates the need for confined space entry or where elimination is not possible, procedures
deep/offset manholes in exchanges minimise the number of people in the space and the duration of entry. All tasks that can be done outside the space
or cable chambers as Confined are completed outside the space.
Spaces. Only enter if authorised and ● Workers performing or supervising confined space work, or performing standby duties are competent and trained in
trained using Confined Space entry accordance with regulatory requirements.
requirements. ● A Confined Space Entry Permit is in place for the entire duration of each confined space entry. Permits are valid for
a maximum of one shift. On completion of the works the confined space is closed, secured and the permit is signed
off and closed out by the issuer.
● All potentially hazardous plant, services, energy sources and contaminants are isolated using Lock, Tag, Clear, Try,
(LTCT) process prior to any person entering the confined space.
● Atmospheric testing occurs prior to entry into a confined space or manhole and continues for the entire duration of
the work with readings recorded at a minimum of every 10 minutes. And backed up by continuous personal
monitoring devices.
● A trained standby person is in place to monitor the conditions in the confined space and:

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 9 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

- Has an effective and continuous means of communication with the workers in the confined space.
- Remains at the confined space entrance for the entire duration of the entry-works and performs no other work
tasks and does not enter the confined space at any time.
- Alerts the emergency response personnel to initiate rescue procedures if required.
● Workers who need to use self-contained breathing apparatus or similar equipment are trained and competent to use
the equipment, are medically fit and clean shaven to ensure an adequate seal and have fit checked the equipment
prior to entry.
● Intrinsically safe powered tools and equipment are used in confined spaces and manholes and do not generate
emissions or displace safe atmospheres.
● Emergency Response including Rescue and First Aid Procedures are in place for confined space entry and detailed
on the Confined Space Entry Permit. Emergency equipment is readily available at the work site and regularly
maintained. These procedures have been tested and the workers are competent.
confined space (Telstra Temporary • Check if marked or listed on Telstra SWL listings. If yes, must have two (2) person team with one as observer Technician
Hazard Location (THL) or Special outside pit/manhole.
Work Location (SWL)) • Check if listed on Telstra THL listings. If yes, entry is not permitted. Contact SSM Supervisor.
• Refer Working in NBN pits and manholes 007753; HSE Compliance Work Guide - manholes, pits and special
work locations; and Confined Space – Entry Permit System.
musculoskeletal injury (sprain/strain) • All covers must be opened during works. Technician
to worker handling pit lids/manhole • Inspect man hole / pit cover(s) for any deficiencies (i.e. cracking, improper seal, etc). Report all deficiencies to
covers your Supervisor.
• Use correct length pit key / tool to open pit / manhole lid
• Always lift lids with a pit key, if lid is stuck use a seal breaker to break seal first then lift lid with pit key
• NOTE: Correct manual handling technique is: lift pit lid using bent legs ensuring back is kept in a straight position
(bend then extend). Step backwards and drag lid over lip of the structure.
• Refer: TELCO SAGS0016 Opening Pits and Manholes
sharps, contaminants, hazardous • Inspect the pit for sharps, contaminants, spiders, snakes and/or other hazardous fauna Technician
fauna (animals), waste water, sludge • Use of plastic/metal tools to clean pits, do not use bare hands.
• If sharps are identified, Do Not pick up by hand. Use Sharps disposal kit.
• Contact SSM Supervisor to arrange pump truck if work cannot be safely completed without removal of waste
water/sludge. Refer to Environmental Operational Controls - Guidelines & Principles for Construction Activities
slip trips & falls • Pits and manholes must be barricaded at all times on all sides. Technician
• Ensure all covers, tools and equipment are contained within the barricaded area.
• Refer Job Step - Worksite Preparation and Clean Up

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 10 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

3 Hauling or rod roping asbestos containing material (ACM) • All fibrous cement conduits are to be presumed to be ACM. All workers
in pits and pipe • The use of air compressor or high-pressure water is prohibited on pits or pipes (ducts) identified or suspected to Team Leader
be made of non-friable asbestos
• Workers must be trained in Asbestos Awareness.
• If DBYD plans show ACM, then the site is to be treated as ACM unless confirmed that it is ACM free. All works
are to be conducted manually.
• Wear PPE:
- P2 respirator mask (wearer must be clean shaven and a “fit check” completed to ensure it is well sealed)
- Disposable gloves
• Minimise disturbance to pit when removing lid or working around pit. Avoid entering the pit.
• Use barricading and signage. Refer to Job Step - Work Site Preparation: Traffic Control.
• Use plastic sheeting to cover surfaces within the work area that may become contaminated.

Installation of Cables
• Do Not use compressed air in or around ACM conduits.
• Wet down equipment and apply cable slipping compound to the conduit.
• Do Not use metal stockings when pulling cables / fibre through asbestos conduits.
• Do Not use compressed air darts for pulling cable / fibre through asbestos conduits.
• Sleeves and tails to be used on all entry and exit points.

Decontamination of the Work Area

• Use damp rags or wet wipe to:
- clean the equipment
- wipe around the conduit, sections of exposed cable and the pulling eye at the completion of the pulling
- rope that has passed through any rollers,
- Wipe external surfaces of the waste bags/container to remove any adhering dust before they are removed from
the work area.
• Dispose of masks and gloves in heavy duty polythene bags (no larger than 1200mm x 900mm) disposal.
• All waste must be:
• double bagged and clearly marked ‘Caution Asbestos’.
• suitably contained and not damaged during transport. Do Not drag bags along the ground.
• All contaminated materials must be removed from site and disposed of at an appropriately licensed facility.
operating jinker, rope blowing gun • Check rodder is free from splints. All workers
• Wear PPE (gloves) at all times during task. Team Leader
• Keep cable tidy and in number ‘8’ configuration if cable is cut to size.
• Refer to Job Step - General Requirements for Operation of Plant, Equipment and Machinery, Operation of mobile
plant, lifting equipment and Use of Power Tools

ce St
Stream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
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bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 11 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

fibre optics during connection • All unterminated fibres must be capped / tapped. Technician
causing sharps • All cut Strands are to be treated as sharps waste and disposed of in a sharps container.

4 Working at heights - ● Physical barriers are in place to prevent the fall of a person from height including the edges of permanent or temporary structures,
General openings in roof, ceilings or floors (including skylights), deep excavations, mobile work platforms and plant and equipment or any
other place a person could fall from one level to another.
● Ceilings, roof spaces, roof surfaces, mezzanines, catwalks, elevated grid-mesh walkways and other elevated surfaces have controls
implemented (such as cover plates) to ensure the structural integrity of the work area and access/egress areas, and to prevent the
risk of falling through fragile material.
● Controls including barriers or covers are implemented to prevent the fall of a person into or through an opening such as excavations,
manholes and pits.
● Where physical barriers cannot be used, workers wearing a safety harness are attached to a loadbearing element or structure through
an approved anchor point installed by a person with qualifications or proof of competency per the manufacturer’s specification and
installation requirements. 100% attachment always.
● Work positioning or fall arrest systems are installed and used by trained and competent people and all components are inspected
prior to use. Procedures are implemented that are specific to work at heights tasks and their associated risks. 100% attachment
● Controls are implemented to eliminate or minimise as far as reasonably practicable; the risk of a person being struck by falling
objects. Controls include tethered/secured tools, equipment and materials and adequate exclusion zones with barriers, signage, and
● Elevated work areas or platforms are sufficiently enclosed to prevent the fall of materials from one level to another. This includes the
protection of temporary voids, openings, or penetrations.
● An adequate exclusion zone is in place whenever overhead work has the potential for tools, materials, or objects to fall.
● Adequate barriers are installed to protect workers and others from falling objects where work on multiple levels is required.
● All tools, equipment and materials used at height are secured by means of tethers, lanyards, or other appropriate means. This
includes when traversing to and from the work location using stairwells and multi-level workways. 100% attachment always.
● Controls (including lockable barriers) are in place to prevent unauthorised access to roofs, structures, plant, and equipment where
work at height controls are required or there is a risk of falling from one level to another on Service Stream controlled work sites.
falls from height (poorly restrained, • Workers must complete Working Safely at Heights Training. Worker
uneven / uneven ground, ladder • No items in pockets above waist height (shirt pockets) that could potentially fall when working at height. Team Leader
shifting, awkward postures) • Perform as much work as possible from the ground.
• Restrict work time on ladder to 20 minutes or work from an EWP or scaffolding. Supervisor

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 12 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• Clearly defined drop zone must be established with signage and barricading.
• Only one-handed work or visual inspections are to be carried out on ladders. Where this is not possible consider
working from an EWP or scaffolding. Refer to Job Step - General Requirements for Operation of Plant,
Equipment and Machinery and Operation of mobile plant, lifting equipment
• EWPs are to be chocked and locked.
• Ladders to be set on level ground, secure at top and bottom with ropes (base and head) or ladder anchor.
Ladder to be set up in 4:1 ratio. Lock extension ladders in place.
• Use three (3) points of contact during assent and descent.
• Tools and other items taken up on a ladder must be secured and tied in tool bucket or belt.
work on roof area • Do Not work on the roof without approval from SSM Supervisor. Worker
• Two person crew required when working at height (on a roof). One (1) as spotter from the ground. Team Leader
• Wear PPE (helmet, full body harness, attached through a safety line/tether).
• Conduct visual inspection from ladder of roof condition prior to accessing (slippery, brittle, loose tiles, sheeting). Supervisor
• Slide roof tile back and tie off to main roof rafter.
• Keep away from skylights.
damaged or poorly maintained • Only use commercial grade, non-conductive ladders. Regularly inspect ladder rungs for wear. Worker
ladder or EWP • Hired EWP must be within inspection date. Team Leader
● Electrical energy sources are isolated using the Lock, Tag, Clear, Try (LTCT) process when undertaking work on, or in close proximity to electrical
equipment where there is the potential for people or tools to make contact with exposed conductors, terminals or other potentially energised materials.
● Group isolation processes are defined where work involves multiple people and multiple isolations and has been agreed and discussed with all
workers prior to commencement.
● Ladders, tools and other equipment (incl. EWPs) and items used for electrical work or in proximity to exposed electrical conductors are insulated or
made from non-conductive materials (e.g., fibreglass).
● Work on energised equipment or systems is banned except were covered by an exemption from an Energy Regulator and performed in accordance
with their agreed high risk work procedures that meet the requirements of the relevant Code of Practice/Compliance Code.
● All electrical work (including work on electrical enclosures and equipment) is performed by licensed electrical workers who are authorised to work in
the State/Territory where the work is carried out.
● Electrical enclosures and switchboards include an intermediate barrier with lockable isolation points and are labelled with a unique identifier.
● Non-electrically licenced workers are only permitted to reset a circuit breaker, residual current devices (RCD) in electrical enclosures that are fitted with
an intermediate barrier.
● Electrical enclosures not fitted with an intermediate barrier are accessed by licenced electrical workers only and are kept locked.
● Overhead and underground services are identified and controls (incl. a competent spotter/ safety observer) are in place to prevent mobile plant, tools,
and equipment from entering an Asset Owner’s safe approach distances.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
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bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 13 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

LV and HV assets likely to be in • Minimise the time spent by workers in EPR hazard zones. Insulate yourself, tools and equipment. Refer to HV Technician / Worker
Earth Potential Risk (EPR) hazard asset owner and client for information, test the soil resistivity and the resistance of the earthing system, check for
zones. Common Multiple Earth Neutral (CMEN) earthing systems, and DBYD information.
• New equipment shall not be placed within EPR hazard zones, notify Service Stream Supervisor where an EPR
Note: likely to be anywhere around hazard may exist. Fit an EPR hazard ‘Danger Sign’ (where required).
the HV asset, with ground voltages • Do not splice/joint new cables to the existing network within EPR hazard zones. Refer to AS/NZS 3835 (various
that have a reference to a remote parts).
earth. • PPE items are required to work safely on identified EPR affected plant:
• Gloves (AS2225) – insulated gloves to the highest potential voltage expected.
• Clothing (‘long sleeved’ and trouser ‘long legged’) – non-synthetic clothing of non-fusible material and flame
• Footwear – Electrical insulated safety boots that are free from wear, tear and steel cap exposure.
• Safety glasses – non-conductive frames.
• Use electrical insulating mats with a 15kV rating (or greater) compliant to AS/NZS 2978.
● EME equipment is de-energised, isolated, and tagged prior to being worked on, and where reasonably practicable this includes other EME sources in
the surrounding EME controlled area.
● Workers always use calibrated personal monitoring equipment (i.e., RADMAN) or other ARPANSA Radiation Protection Standard (RPS3) compliant
PPE when in potential EME exposure zones
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic • A potential EME hazards on utility poles are normally identified by a sign with the Non-Ionising Radiation symbol Technician / Worker
Emissions (RF EME) from sources (yellow triangle) affixed below or adjacent the exclusion zone. Field workers must follow safe work practices on
(incl: Pole mounted RF infrastructure the signage and instructions from the structure/asset owner.
- Each owner’s instructions may vary, but typically you will be required to contact the owner by phone and obtain
/ Wireless ODU / Satellite ODU /
authorisation to isolate or switch off, (this mat be done remotely by the owner), before entering or working
microwave etc.) – cumulative around the antenna zone.
exposures. • When working in front of radome (antenna cover), isolate power by turning off the NTD and unplug power source
/ cable or power-over-ethernet cable.
• Do not place any part of the body within the beam path (parallel to the edge of the VSAT dish) when VSAT is
powered (occupational exclusion zone).
• Do not place any part of the body within non-occupational exposure limits of any other RF device co-located on
the roof.
5 Working at heights - work from pole • Worker must be accredited in accordance with local Utility Provider/Asset Owner requirements. Team Leader
accessing poles (current leakage, condemned, or • If high traffic area, (i.e. beside a highway) risk assessment (JSEA) may deem two man crew required. Contact Supervisor
SSM Supervisor if unsafe to work as one man crew.
- aerial cable structurally unsafe pole)
• Do Not use ladder to access private poles. Contact SSM Supervisor to arrange EWP.
• Wear PPE (helmet, full body harness, portable head light (were required) and pole strap).
• Telecommunications and Electricity Distributors use a national standard symbol to identify its poles that have
been determined as UNSAFE by a competent Pole Inspector. Report unsafe pole to the Service Stream

ce St
Stream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 14 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

Supervisor. Note: Refer Appendix 1 - Aerial Rules - Evoenergy NBN-DES-STD-2271for specific pole markings
for the ACT.
- Telstra Limited Service Life (LSL) Pole - an orange PVC band placed around the pole three (3) metres above
ground line with “X - Contact Your Manager before working on this pole” spaced along the tape.
- Orange PVC band attached with or without “X” and owner name along it.
- Single cross (X) or Double cross (XX) or Triple (XXX) cut or painted into the pole.
- Slash or half a cross (/) cut and or painted into to the pole. Pole pending confirmation of decision.
- Single or double band painted around the pole ( – or = );
- "Red cross" on a white disc.
- "Red cross in a red circle" painted on the pole.
- Aluminium disc with the letter "T" (pole being treated for termites).
- Horizontal line (approximately 150 - 200 mm long) cut or painted onto the pole.
- "T" cut or painted onto the pole (extension of the horizontal line above).
• Pole must be inspected (ground movement, damage, decay, split, corrosion, degradation, sounding test for
timber poles only, wet, etc). If the pole is defective / condemned – Do Not Climb, report unsafe pole to the
Service Stream Supervisor. Use of EWP is required.
• Electrical inspection – test pole and any attached conductive assets for touch potential hazards prior to initial
contact with the pole. If the pole is unsafe – Do Not Climb, report unsafe pole to the Service Stream Supervisor.
• Only fit aerial lead/cable if it does not place any additional load on the pole.
• Refer HSE Compliance Guide – Working on Poles and relevant nbn Aerial Rules.
unsafe access to pole (e.g. uneven • Confirm pole needs to be climbed to complete WO. Check for alternative access, EWP required. Team Leader
ground for ladder, tree branches, • If safe to do so, remove / trim vegetation, tree branches. If unsafe or branches to large – notify SSM Supervisor Supervisor
vegetation) and contact Council / Utility Asset Owner to conduct work.
• If able to safely access, complete as much of WO as practicable then contact SSM Supervisor to arrange EWP
(if required).
worker slipping/fall whilst • Ladder is placed against the pole on firm, level ground, dig down to level the ground if required Worker
climbing/working from ladder • The ladder is to be at an angle of 4:1 (one metre out for every four meters high)
• Pole chain is adjusted to suit the pole and it or the pole bow / strap is effectively resting against the pole
• Secure the ladder to the pole at waist level with a base rope to avoid outward slippage
• Tie the base rope on steins of ladder and around the pole / flag is hung from rope
• Climb with 3 points of contact at all times, once at height:
• Secure yourself to the pole using the pole strap, then secure ladder to the pole using head rope
• ONLY work on a job within easy arm’s reach from the ladder

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 15 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

LV and HV assets likely to be in • Minimise the time spent by workers in EPR hazard zones. Insulate yourself, tools and equipment. Refer to HV Technician / Worker
Earth Potential Risk (EPR) hazard asset owner and client for information, test the soil resistivity and the resistance of the earthing system, check for
zones. Common Multiple Earth Neutral (CMEN) earthing systems, and DBYD information.
• New equipment shall not be placed within EPR hazard zones, notify Service Stream Supervisor where an EPR
Note: likely to be anywhere around hazard may exist. Fit an EPR hazard ‘Danger Sign’ (where required).
the HV asset, with ground voltages • Do not splice/joint new cables to the existing network within EPR hazard zones. Refer to AS/NZS 3835 (various
that have a reference to a remote parts).
earth. • PPE items are required to work safely on identified EPR affected plant:
- Gloves (AS2225) – insulated gloves to the highest potential voltage expected.
- Clothing (‘long sleeved’ and trouser ‘long legged’) – non-synthetic clothing of non-fusible material and flame
- Footwear – Electrical insulated safety boots that are free from wear, tear and steel cap exposure.
- Safety glasses – non-conductive frames.
• Use electrical insulating mats with a 15kV rating (or greater) compliant to AS/NZS 2978.
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic • A potential EME hazards on utility poles are normally identified by a sign with the Non-Ionising Radiation symbol Technician / Worker
Emissions (RF EME) from sources (yellow triangle) affixed below or adjacent the exclusion zone. Field workers must follow safe work practices on
(incl: Pole mounted RF infrastructure the signage and instructions from the structure/asset owner.
/ Wireless ODU / Satellite ODU / - Each owner’s instructions may vary, but typically you will be required to contact the owner by phone and obtain
microwave etc.) – cumulative authorisation to isolate or switch off, (this mat be done remotely by the owner), before entering or working
exposures. around the antenna zone.
• When working in front of radome (antenna cover), isolate power by turning off the NTD and unplug power source
/ cable or power-over-ethernet cable.
• Do not place any part of the body within the beam path (parallel to the edge of the VSAT dish) when VSAT is
powered (occupational exclusion zone).
• Do not place any part of the body within non-occupational exposure limits of any other RF device co-located on
the roof.
Establish rescue provisions - lone • Set up safety line, serves two functions: Worker
worker • Lower and raise tools and equipment up and down the pole, and
• Rescue a person hanging from the pole belt/harness in the event of an emergency
• Ensure that the safety line crosses over itself at the back of the pole and is secured with a half-hitch at the front
of the pole.
working in vicinity of overhead power • Worker and spotter must be trained and competent in local Asset Owner safe approach distances (SAD’s). Worker
lines (electrocution / electric shock) Supervisor

ce St
Stream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 16 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

Nominal Phase to Phase AC Safe Approach

Voltage Distance (SAD’s)
Insulated LV cables up to 1000 0.5

Un-insulated LV conductors 1.0

up 1000

Un-insulated HV conductors 2.0

• Spotter/Rescue worker is required onsite when working within restricted work zones/exclusion zones (i.e.. where
there is a risk of LV encroaching the telecommunications corridor).
• Work crew must have at least one (1) person who has completed Power Awareness Training, Low Voltage
Rescue training and have an Electrical Power Pole Safety Rescue Kit.
• Note: Asset owners may define reduced/increased SAD at point of attachment at the premises, where defined, a
reduced distance can only be applied in consultation with your Service Stream Supervisor. Refer to the asset
owner web sites or nbn Aerial Rules.
6 Connection using Injury to persons • Workers must hold HFC endorsed / open registration Worker
coax cable • Workers conducting aerial work must hold aerial accreditation
• Always wear safety glasses when handling, cutting or terminating cable.
incorrect tools or equipment • Only use certified and calibrated tools, equipment that are in good condition. Worker
• Client approved tooling must be used at all times.
general public safety • Delineation between site and public access established. Worker
• All visitors to site must to report to Team Leader / Supervisor and sign onto JSEA.
7 Works undertaken at Faulty customer equipment • Use a volt stick to test for potential voltages related issues within the PCD from a customer premise (test all Technician
premise isolation box presenting a risk of electric shock metallic units / components).
(PCD) • If voltage is detected use PPE (LV gloves) and multi-meter to identify exact voltage potential.
• If voltage potential is detected above normal operating values, immediately cease works and contact your
Service Stream Field Supervisor for further direction.
• All tools and equipment must be insulated / non-conductive.
8 Jointing copper removing the cable sheath • Only use approved tools to cut and remove the sheath. Jointer
cables • Do Not use a Stanley knife.
working with lead cables • Beware of fumes if using a gas torch to open or close a lead joint. Jointer
• Let the air out of the cable before heating joint.
• Always wash hands after working with lead.
• Dispose of all waste in an environmentally manner.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 17 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

use of gas torch • Check area is free from explosive gases, leaf and foliage matter when using a naked flame. Jointer
• Use gas detector to constantly monitor changes if working in a manhole.
• Always direct the flame away from yourself.
• Have Emergency Contact details, fire extinguisher and other fire retardant, and a spotter in close proximity to
work area.
• Do Not perform work on Total Fire Ban day.
jointing of cables • Only use approved cable jointing tools. Jointer
• Take regular breaks.
• If possible, lift cables to be jointed up and work at waist height.
9 Jointing / splicing of injury to persons (laceration, cut) • All jointing workers must have successfully completed a recognised Optical Fibre Jointing Course and the Splicer
optic fibres appropriate Joint Closure Training Course.
• Cleaned, bare optical fibre has 125 µm diameter and is a potential source of irritation or infection. If required to
handle bare fibre, observe the following precautions:
• Always wear safety glasses when handling, cutting or terminating fibre.
• Avoid contact of the bare skin or eyes with the fibre ends.
• Remove fibre fragments from the skin immediately to avoid irritation or infection.
• Remove all fibre off-cuts from the work area, preferably using a small vacuum cleaner or adhesive tape, and
disposed of:
• in a commercial bin at the local exchange or
• depot, using a sealed container (e.g. the vacuum bag or some other firm container such as a cardboard or plastic
• Do Not leave fibres in public areas or dispose of in public bins.
incorrect tools or equipment • Only use certified and calibrated tools, equipment that are in good condition. Splicer
• Client approved tooling must be used at all times.
general public safety • Delineation between site and public access established. Splicer
• All visitors to site must to report to Team Leader / Supervisor and sign onto JSEA.
bare fibres • Technicians are to be Fusion/ Splicing and OTDR accredited. Splicer
• Use adhesive tape to pick up scraps, dispose into sharps container
laser and LED exposure • Only 'made for fibre optics' view scopes to be used to inspect fibre connector end faces. Use optical power Splicer
meter to ensure the fibres are dark.
• Caution when examining fibres. NEVER look down the fibre.
• Consider all fibres to be active.
• When using a visible or pulsed visible light source to check optical continuity, look at the fibre from an angle.
Keep fibre or connector at least 150mm away from face using filters on inspection microscopes or camera type.
• Fusion/ splicing and accredited workers to work on optical fibre.

ce St
Stream Lim
imiited, 357 C
ollins Street
eet,, Mel
bourne, VIC, 300
0 Revisi
on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 18 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

10 Preparing the ACM asbestos containing material (ACM) • The following PPE is mandatory: Technician
work area - Disposable Gloves
- Steel capped boots, gum boots or disposable boot covers.
- P2 mask or cartridge respiratory mask (AS/NZS 1716-2003 -Respiratory protective devices). .
• Always use double bagging.
• Advice to immediate vicinity – whom may be affected, prior to work commencing.
• Segregate the work area to ensure the public are kept away. The distance for segregation should be determined
by risk assessment (e.g. proximity to school zones, day care centres, hospitals, crowded events may require
more extensive barricading or work may need to be time slotted to avoid large numbers of pedestrians and
children). No access to the work zone without PPE.
• Place a plastic 200 micron drop sheet on the ground and secure in place using duct tape.
• Refer HSE Compliance Work Guide – ACM Removal, Transport and Disposal.
11 Mounting PCD and ● Concealed services in buildings and structures are positively identified prior to surface penetration.
NTD (including on ● Where concealed services are reasonably suspected to be present and cannot be positively identified, work is stopped, and a Service Stream
ACM sheeting) Supervisor is contacted immediately.
(including installing
● Workers who are required to penetrate surfaces where there are potentially concealed services have as their minimum equipment, a telescopic
power supply and camera and an accurate scanner capable of detecting a variety of materials including metal, plastics, wood and electrical conductors; and are
installation of competent in their use.
● Power is isolated by Lock, Tag, Clear, Try (LTCT) when entering roof/ceiling spaces and areas under floors, penetrating walls and surfaces in the
vicinity of existing services, a worker is unable to positively confirm the absence of services behind a wall or surface
drilling into wall (electricity, water, • Turn power off at the main switchboard and isolate / tag out (LTCT) before drilling into any material. Confirm with Worker
gas) – electrocution, fire, injury to the customer that appliances are working once electrical power is restored.
person, noise • All services must be positively identified before drilling into any building material. If not able to confirm location of
all services, contact SSM Supervisor.
• Wall Scanner must be used to identify the presence of services wherever drilling is to be conducted in the wall or
floor material (external and internal brick, render, timber, plasterboard, plywood etc.).
• Testing for dead prior to any work occurring – use a volt stick to check and turn on lights and power to confirm
• Locks and tags must remain in place until all workers have finished their tasks.
• Blind Drilling - where electrical assets may exist (noting electrical lead-ins are not isolated when you Lock out –
wear PPE when drilling into walls: eye protection, insulating gloves, cotton clothing against the skin, insulating
• Telescopic inspection camera and torch may also be used to check within the wall cavity for services/assets.
• Use battery powered, double insulated tools.
• Refer HSE Compliance Work Guide - Locating Services in Wall or Floor Cavities

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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 19 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• Wear PPE (P2 mask, gloves, hearing protection, safety glasses). Consider applying shaving cream around the
hole and drill bit to minimise the amount of dust generated (or have another worker use water from a spray
• Mount cables and wall plates minimum 150mm from power points and phone wall sockets in accordance with
AS3000 Wiring Rules.
• Check wiring prior to commissioning to ensure no exposed wires. Test as required.
• PCD and NTD separation distances from:
Low Voltage (LV) Cables
- Minimum 50mm or
- Barrier of durable insulating material / metal or
- Timber or metal stud, noggin, joist or rafter (any thickness) and
- Minimum 150mm between open telecommunications terminations and LV electrical terminations
High Voltage (HV) Cables
- Minimum 450mm from single core HV cables or
- Minimum 300mm without barrier or
• Minimum 150mm with barrier and minimum 175mm around barrier.
Refer also Task 14
• Use depth limiter on drill bits so drill only just penetrates through the mortar/brick/wall i.e. limits to 110mm
• Observe building entry point exclusion zone above and below the main switchboard, refer NBN-CON-BI-4671
Install Premises Connection Device (PCD) , Section 5.2.3 – exclusion zones picture below.

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Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

hazardous materials (battery leakage • Check battery for damage (cracks) or leakage prior to installing. Supervisor
- NTD) • Wear PPE (gloves) All Workers
• Wash hand after installing to remove any acid/gel residue.
asbestos containing material (ACM) • Workers installing cabling, PCD, NTDs in ACM sheet must have completed Asbestos Awareness training. Technician
• Before starting work determine if ACM present. If in doubt, assume it contains asbestos and treat as such.
Methods of determination:
- Ask the customer
- Request copy of ACM Register from persons with control of workplaces/certain commercial premises
- Look for “asbestos warning” sign
- Check the age of the building - ask the customer or check the meter board. The electricity meter often contains
a sticker with the year the building was finished.
• Drilling or breaking into ACM surfaces must only occur as a LAST RESORT. Always seek alternative route:
- Drilling through the brickwork mortar or
- Install via wall cavities; or
- Install on building material that does not contain ACM; or
- Install an external conduit/pipe.
• If alternative route is not practicable, obtain approval from customer. If customer says “no”, contact SSM
Supervisor prior to proceeding. SSM Supervisor may arrange licensed contractor to provide safe work area.
• Do Not work on ACM in the vicinity of air-conditioning intakes which could spread the fibres throughout the
• Do Not conduct work on ACM (friable) that is either damaged or in poor condition. Contact SSM Supervisor.
equipment selection • Use non-powered hand drill, or battery powered drill on the slowest speed, with dedicated and over sharpened Technician
drill bit, apply high pressure to punch through rather than drill.
• Disposable cleaning rags
• Bottle of water/misting spray bottle to wet drilling surfaces/rags
• Thickened substance (shaving cream, silicone gel) to apply to drilling surface to collect dust
• Duct tape & sealant
• A sturdy paper/foam cup or dust collection device (HEPA vacuum)
horizontal ACM surfaces (eaves • Refer to Job Step - Preparing ACM Work Area Technician
soffits, running cable) • Wet surface with spray bottle and apply duct tape, then thickened substance over point to be drilled. If possible,
remove roof tiles to access the eave from above. Apply duct tape and thickened substance to the exit point.
• Fill the foam cup with thickened substance.
• Using hand drill, pierce the foam cup, the drill bit is to extend past the rim of the cup. The shank of the drill bit
seals against the bottom of the cup
• Pressed the cup against the surface to be drilled and slowly drill through the surface.
• Remove the cup from the surface, then remove the tape.
• Use damp rag to clean debris from surface and drill bit
• Dispose of rag, tape and cup in asbestos waste bag/container.

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Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• Seal cut edges with sealant.

• If a cable is to be passed through, insert a sleeve to protect the inner edge of the hole
• Note: If using a dedicated dust collection device follow manufactures instructions
• Refer to Job Steps - Personal and Tool Decontamination & Transport and Disposal of ACM
vertical ACM surfaces (installing • Refer to Job Step - Preparing ACM Work Area Technician
PCD, NTD, running cable) • Wet surface with spray bottle and apply duct tape, then thickened substance over point to be drilled. If possible,
apply duct tape and thickened substance to the exit point.
• To install cable: slowly drill through the surface.
• To mount PCD/NTD: Cover metal plug thread with silicone gel and use hand drill to slowly screw in metal plug.
Repeat for additional holes.
• Use damp rag to wipe wall and drill bit.
• Dispose rag, in an asbestos waste bag/container
• Seal cut edges with sealant.
• If a cable is to be passed through, insert a sleeve to protect the inner edge of the hole
• Note: If using a dedicated dust collection device follow manufactures instructions
• Refer to Job Step - Personal and Tool Decontamination & Transport and Disposal of ACM
12 Personnel and tool asbestos containing material (ACM) • Use damp rags to clean down all tools/equipment used for ACM work, including water bottle/knapsack. Technician
decontamination • Carefully roll or fold any plastic sheeting used to cover any surface within the asbestos work area so as not to
spill any dust or debris that has been collected.
• P2 disposable mask is the last item of PPE removed and placed into bag. If filtered mask has been used, wipe
down with a damp rag and remove filters to be placed into asbestos bag.
• Dispose all used rags into asbestos bag.
• Contaminated PPE (i.e. gumboots/safety boots, coveralls, gloves, Glasses must be placed in a dedicated
sealable container marked with ‘Asbestos Dedicated Protective Equipment - Not to be used on Non-Asbestos
• Seal bag securely (Asbestos Bag Sealing):
• Twist the neck of the bag whilst sealing with duct tape. Once the neck of the bag is fully taped, bend the neck
over on itself and tape the end again (called “goose necking”).
• Place this sealed bag (1st bag) inside another Asbestos bag (Double bag – 2nd bag) and seal with duct tape.
• Spray and wet-wipe the external surfaces of the asbestos waste bags/container to remove any adhering dust
before they are removed from the asbestos work area
• Wash hands and face thoroughly with water.
• Do not overfill bags beyond half full and / or within lifting capabilities.
• Write project number with permanent marker on the outside of the bag.
• Bags shall not be left at a work-site to be picked up later.
• When lifting asbestos disposal bags that are heavy, ensure manual handling techniques are followed.

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nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

13 Transport and asbestos containing material (ACM) • ACM waste bags must be transported to a Service Stream warehouse (with an asbestos waste bin) or to a Technician
disposal of ACM licensed waste facility.
Licence Person
• Sealed asbestos double bags must be checked to ensure:
- All required PPE is sealed within the bags.
- Are marked with a project number using a permanent marker.
- Are marked with the removal duration time using a permanent marker (Victorian and Tasmania only).
• Only asbestos removed for Service Stream work is disposed in Service Stream provided bins and must be
logged into the Asbestos Bin Register.
• Refer HSE Compliance Work Guide – ACM Removal, Transport and Disposal
transportation of ACM to another • The transportation of waste to another State or Territory must comply with the laws of State or Territory that the Technician
state or territory wastes pass through.
Licence Person
• Workers are not permitted to transfer ACM between States and Territories without first completing appropriate
notification and obtaining approval before waste is moved.
14 Installing cable via ● Concealed services in buildings and structures are positively identified prior to surface penetration.
roof/ceiling space or ● Where concealed services are reasonably suspected to be present and cannot be positively identified, work is stopped, and a Service Stream
under floor Supervisor is contacted immediately.
● Workers who are required to penetrate surfaces where there are potentially concealed services have as their minimum equipment, a telescopic
camera and an accurate scanner capable of detecting a variety of materials including metal, plastics, wood and electrical conductors; and are
competent in their use.
● Power is isolated by Lock, Tag, Clear, Try (LTCT) when entering roof/ceiling spaces and areas under floors, penetrating walls and surfaces in the
vicinity of existing services, a worker is unable to positively confirm the absence of services behind a wall or surface.

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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 23 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

Ceiling hazards Refer Service Stream documents: Supervisor

• HSE Compliance Work Guides - Locating Services in Wall or Floor Cavities
All Workers
• Accessing Roof, Ceiling and or Under Floor Spaces
Refer nbn documents
• NBN-FLD-GDE-0582 FTTP Field Connection Guide - Unify
• NBN-CON-BI-4673 Install Network Termination Device (NTD)
• NBN-CON-BI-4671 Install Premises Connection Device (PCD)
• NBN-CON-BI-4672 Install Premises Internal Cable (PIC)

Step 1.
PCD to NTD Installation
Adhere to the standard installation rules as per nbn documents (which may be updated from time to time):
• PCD is installed close to the front of the house on non-street facing side of the premises to maintain existing
building aesthetics.
• The NTD can be mounted anywhere on the inside surface of the same external wall where the PCD is installed
• Cable distance (PIC) between PCD (or cable entry, if no PCD) and NTD will be no more than 12m.
• There are limited exceptions to the above:
• If only prohibited areas (i.e. Wet areas) are available within the 12m, then NTD placement may be extended
to the next closest suitable location. Note: Bedrooms are acceptable in this situation, if within 12m, or even
next available location.
• An internal wall, not externally facing, is only acceptable if:
- the Internal wall is within the 12m and
- the floor or ceiling spaces are accessible by walking/squatting, following HS&E assessment and
- there is an existing cable entry point or pathway into the internal wall (i.e no drilling into top or base plate
• If nbn cannot install within the above standard installation rules and the customer does not agree to where NTD
can be placed, then:
- The Technician should record this within the WOR notes and use PCR “EU Delay /NTD Declined/Cancelled” to
indicate action is with customer.
- the customer is to have a pathway installed as per nbn standards to the desired location and
- then nbn will return to complete the premise cable installation and activation.
• The customer is to have the pathway installed in line with “NBN-DES-STD-0011 Residential Preparation and
Installation Single Dwelling Units and Multi Dwelling Units” standard.
• This is a customer facing document and can be found on nbn website at In-home cabling | nbn
( and associated standard: Residential Preparation and Installation - Single Dwelling
Units (SDUs) and Multi Dwelling Units (MDUs) (
Note: As part of the customer improvement journey, nbn has also updated its public facing information on its
website, as well as information provided to RSPs. What to expect from the installation process | nbn

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Sttream Lim
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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 24 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

( Refer to the ‘10 guidelines we use when finding a suitable location for the nbn
connection box’ in the link.

Step 2.
Pre Entry Checks - If the following hazards exist, do not enter ‘STOP WORK’ and call your Supervisor – to discuss
alternate install methods prior, issuing a FS sequence if entry will occur and to add any additional controls to your
• Manhole inspection (look into the manhole) finds - three points of contact cannot be achieved whilst only
walking across ceiling joists (Walking and squatting only – this means being able to maintain 3 points of contact –
i.e. walking while holding onto rafters, squatting while holding joints with your hands. For clarity - no crawling on
your belly is permitted).
• Insulation is covering the ceiling joists (you cannot see where you will walk/crawl).
• There is no safe access (clearance height, access points) for your ladder (do not enter into/if cramped or
awkward space), or the manhole is not structurally sound.
• High temperature (as a guide - if above 35 degrees, will be above 50 in the roof).
• Electrical power supplies cannot be isolated/switched off at main switchboard.
• Ceiling Joists are spaced greater than 600mm apart.
• There is evidence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) in the space. Do not enter roof / ceiling space if roof
material is ACM and deteriorated.
• You see evidence of wildlife in the ceiling (i.e. snake skins)

Step 3.
If deemed safe, before ceiling entry, the following is required:
• Look at/in the manhole and assess before entering. Wear PPE as defined below
• Carry your mobile phone.
• Power is locked out and you upload artefacts of power locked out and a photo inside the roof as evidence.
• Advise the EU of your emergency contact card and planned time in the ceiling before entering it (this will have
your number first, then the supervisor number and lastly 000). If you do not exit as planned, please ask the EU to
contact the numbers on the card.
• Carry a volt stick to check anything metal (includes foil insulation) inside the roof is not live and check there is no
alternate power feed in the premise.
Note: ALSO refer detail in hazards and controls below.
heat stress (extreme temperature in • Check for alternative ways to run cable. Contact SSM Supervisor for advice, where required. Supervisor
roof/ceiling space) - Do Not enter roof/ceiling spaces in extreme heat or in hottest part of the day – reschedule.
- Drink plenty of water before entry All Workers
- Where practical - move roof tiles to let heat out. Replace tiles once work completed.
- Wear PPE (P2 dust mask, safety glasses, overalls)
• Take regular rest breaks outside of the ceiling

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Sttream Lim
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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 25 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

hazardous materials (pesticides, • Check with customer whether building roof/under floor has been treated with chemicals in last 24 hours. If Yes, Supervisor
fumigation), dust contact SSM Supervisor for advice. Note: If using a chemical requiring a 7 day withholding period – this is
All Workers
normally indicated with a tag in the meter box.
• If ok to proceed:
- Wear PPE (P2 dust mask, safety glasses, consider coveralls)
- Minimise disturbance to surrounding environment when in roof space/under floor
• Wash hands when finished working in roof/under floor
electric cables in work area • Where lockable isolation is not possible, a work process must be approved by a Service Stream leader, and the Supervisor
(electrocution, electric shock) process communicated to all workers.
All Workers
• Refer HSE Compliance Guide - Locating Concealed Services in Wall or Floor Cavities and TELCO SAGS0014
Poor light For ceiling and underfloor access and drilling into premise:
• De-energisation of energised conductors or equipment, by isolator/main switch/circuit breaker and use of Lock
(LTCT – Lock, Tag, Clear, Test) including dual supply systems (AC and/or DC) and working downstream of
• Testing for dead prior to any work occurring – use a volt stick to check and turn on lights and power to confirm
• Locks and tags must remain in place until all workers have finished their tasks.
• If lighting is poor, use torch or helmet mounted light when working in roof space/under floor.
• Where practicable, move roof tiles before entering roof/ceiling space to allow natural light in. Replace tiles once
work completed.
• Do Not touch any cables or equipment in the work area.
MDU / Duplex • If core boring/drilling is required through a fire stop (i.e. to run ducting/cable between units) – STOP WORK notify Supervisor
your field Supervisor.
All Workers
Building fire stops integrity has been • Any core boring/drilling must be wet method with P2 mask worn
diminished / compromised due to fire • Reinstate any fire stop material as soon as possible
stop penetrations • DO NOT leave a fire stop wall compromised (i.e. without sealing the penetration with fire retardant) over night
• Use fire retardant expanding foam to seal wall/ floor fire stop penetrations
• Take before and after dilapidation photos of all fire stop penetrations

Refer CCD-C-WIN-2571 MDU Firewall and Floor Penetration, which covers:

• If competent - maximum size hole is 40mm
• Before and after photos
• Apply Sticker
• QLD compliance certificate via a licenced company
• Photos sent to Service Stream as part of your as-built artifacts.

ce S
Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
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bourne, VIC, 300
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on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 26 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

musculoskeletal injury (sprain/strain) • Do Not enter roof/under floor space if work environment is not safe or easily accessed without excessive twisting, Supervisor
to worker (cramped, awkward bending, over-reaching.
All Workers
postures, bending, twisting) • Take regular rest breaks.

fall from height (through ceiling – • Use ladder to access roof/ceiling space via manhole. Ladder to be set up in 4:1 ratio, on firm and level ground, Supervisor
skylight, plasterboard etc) through the opening (extending 1m) secured at top and bottom (i.e. footed by a second person). Lock extension
All Workers
ladders in place.
• For ceiling manhole access/entry - extension ladders should extend into the ceiling only enough to support
transition for hold points within the ceiling space, they do not need to extend 1m into the ceiling.
• When using an A-Frame Ladder for climbing into a ceiling space via the manhole, place A-Frame Ladder with
600mm or less between top rung and manhole opening.
• Note: review need for a ladder stopper where a slip risk is evident and the ladder is not being used in the A
Frame position.
• Conduct visual inspection of roof/ceiling space prior to entering. Check the structure for available support beams
to work from. Do not climb onto or use for support suspended / false ceiling structures. Check manhole structure
- where you place your hands to ensure its sound and can take the weight you will apply to it.
• Stand/walk/crawl on support beams. Do Not put weight on insulation, plywood sheeting or plasterboard.
• Refer to Job Step - Working at Height (incl. customer roof, accessing poles, aerial installation)
• Refer TELCO SAGS0013 (a, b & c) Safe Use of Ladders
15 Installing/repair drilling into wall (electricity, water, • All services must be positively identified before drilling into any building material. If not able to confirm location of Worker
cable, ground, gas) – electrocution, fire, injury to all services, contact SSM Supervisor.
internal wiring, wall person • Wall Scanner must be used to identify the presence of services wherever drilling is to be conducted in the wall or
socket via building floor material (external and internal brick, render, timber, plasterboard, plywood etc.).
• Telescopic inspection camera and torch may also be used to check within the wall cavity for services/assets.
wall cavity
• After services have been positively identified, turn power off at the main switchboard and isolate / tag out (LTCT)
before drilling into any material. Confirm with the customer that appliances are working once electrical power is
• Use battery powered, insulated tools.
• Refer to HSE Compliance Work Guide - Locating Services in Wall Cavities
• Wear PPE (mask, gloves, hearing protection, safety glasses).
• Wear gloves when pushing/pulling cable through walls.
• Separation distances from Low Voltage (LV) Cables
- Minimum 50mm or
- Barrier of durable insulating material / metal or
- Timber or metal stud, noggin, joist or rafter (any thickness) and
- Minimum 150mm between open telecommunications terminations and LV electrical terminations
• Separation distances from High Voltage (HV) Cables
- Minimum 450mm from single core HV cables or

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Sttream Lim
imiited, 357 C
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ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 27 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

- Minimum 300mm without barrier or

- Minimum 150mm with barrier and minimum 175mm around barrier.
digging into ground (electricity, • Non conductive hand tools used. Worker
water, gas) – electrocution, fire, • Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) documentation used to help identify underground service locations. Supervisor
injury to person • Asset owners in attendance and permit requirements complied with, and a Service Stream supervisor has
approved works around high-risk assets.
• Note: Depth and alignment of underground services positively identified by hand tool excavation (potholing or
another endorsed method i.e. vacuum excavation), prior to mechanical excavation.
• Complete Authority to Work – Underground Asset Location CCD-C-FRM-2276 for all excavation work, including
hand excavation works.
• Ref: Locating Underground Services Assets - HSE Compliance Guide and SAGS0009 Potholing and Hand
exposure to asbestos containing • Refer Job Step 9 Mounting PCD and NTD on ACM sheeting (including installing power supply and installation of Worker
material cabling)
musculoskeletal injury (sprain/strain) • Use mechanical equipment where practicable, otherwise use two man lift for heavy items. Seek assistance from Supervisor
to worker (moving furniture, customer, where practicable.
All Workers
household items) • Take regular rest breaks.

16 General striking workers / MOPs, public • Plant requiring a licence must only be operated by a licenced operator. Team Leader
requirements for property, overhead services noise • Where the plant does not require a licence, the operator must be trained and hold a certificate / statement of Supervisor
operation of plant, competency and authority.
• Plant or machinery is to be inspected and approved by SSM prior to using. All Workers
equipment and
machinery • All machinery is to have Manufacturers Operations Manual and or additional instructions for operation (SOP,
SWMS etc).
• Plant or machinery must be regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s and legislative
requirements (where necessary).
• Pre-start check must be completed prior to daily plant operation.
• Complete pre-start checks. Ref: Daily Pre-Start Inspection Checklist CCDC- FRM-0388. All mobile plant to be
approved (Authorising Certificate) for use on site.
• Use a Spotter when dismounting plant from trucks or trailers or around the work site.
• Wear correct PPE for the particular plant (i.e. hearing protection, eye protection etc).
• Wear hard hats when Machinery is on site.
• Erect barricading around machinery area of operation to exclude general public and the other work crews not
working as Spotters.
• Machinery or Workers that are Not Electrical Line Accredited must maintain 3m clearance from power lines.
• Machinery working under power lines must have a Power Awareness Spotter for Power lines unless the machine
is fixed so that it will not break the 3m NO GO rule.

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Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• A dedicated Spotter is to be used to ensure that underground NO GO corridors are not encroached.
17 Operation of mobile rollover / run away / striking injury of • Complete pre-start checks. Ref: Daily Pre-Start Inspection Checklist CCDC- FRM-0388. Worker
plant, lifting plant or equipment • All mobile plant to be approved (Authorising Certificate) for use on site. Team Leader
equipment • Ground conditions to be checked prior to plant working in the area.
• Exclusion zone established, works shall cease if an unauthorised person enters the work zone.
• A continuous reliable means of communication between spotter and operator established
• All plant is to be parked on level ground when not in use and wheels chocked.
• Do Not operate plant on unstable ground.
• Seat Belts must be worn where fitted to plant.
• All plant must have approved rollover and fall from heights protection.
loading/unloading, movement of • Plant must be secured to the transport vehicle from ground level using guaranteed anchor points, in accordance Worker
plant, services and the like during with manufacturer’s specification.
transport and arrival or departure to • Wheeled plant (e.g. tipper, wheeled excavator) must be chocked before loosening chains or straps.
• Loads are prepared and managed in such a way that work can be done from ground level or with the use of a Team Leader
the site.
hard barrier system for edge protection. Supervisor
• Unload plant on level ground, ensuring there is sufficient area available for unloading and/or re-loading. Remove
the transport vehicle from the work area to minimise congestion if not required.
• Trailers – only loaded to capacity, fit for purpose, connected correctly and loads positioned/ distributed and
secured safely.
• Be aware of overhead power lines or other obstructions. Observe NO GO clearances during loading and
• Delivery drivers stay in a driver safety zone/vehicle until loading/unloading operations are completed.
• Use extreme caution when using rated dog clamps or rated nylon straps.
• Keep clear of loading ramps when lowering, lifting, loading and unloading.
• Clean plant and equipment prior to leaving site to avoid the spread of seeds, disease or pests.
• Ref: HSE CWG Sec 20 Transport, Heavy Vehicle – Chain of Responsibility.
unsafe (damaged, faulty, failed) plant • Where an item of plant or equipment is identified as unsafe (damaged, faulty), it must be tagged ‘Out of Service’ Worker
or equipment with appropriate tags and be isolated from use until made safe.
• Do Not use the plant or equipment until it has been made safe and returned to service.
• Plant must be maintained, serviced, and cleaned according to manufacturer’s specifications and daily pre-start Team Leader
checks conducted prior to use. Supervisor
• Plant must not be modified in without manufacturer’s or registered supplier’s approval.
• Powered mobile plant must be fitted with approved warning devices (i.e. audible device (beeper) when noise
exceeds 85dB, flashing lights).
• Changes or adjustments to equipment must be completed by a qualified operator or competent person.
fire, damage to environment, spills • Do Not park on areas with excessive vegetation (i.e. long dry grass) or other combustible material that may come Worker
into contact with hot exhaust parts. Spotter

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nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
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Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

• All plant must be fitted with a compliant working fire extinguisher. Team Leader
• Keep fuel storage quantities to a minimum. Spill kit is to be available at the worksite.
• Position bund under the fuel port when refuelling plant or equipment.
• Refer Environmental Operation Controls Guidelines & Principles for Construction Activities CCD-C-GLD-0598
elevated work platforms (EWP) • Licenced operator required if reaching above 11m. Worker
• Spotter must be present at all times when operating EWP. Spotter
• Log book (with up to date checks) and operating manual must be with EWP.
• Position EWP on firm ground. If load bearing capacity is in doubt Do Not use until engineering approval provided.
Anti-crush devices fitted to EWPs
• Apply brakes, cock wheels if on unstable ground. Use outriggers and suitable load bearing pads (where
necessary) to level EWP.
• Avoid areas with drains or manholes.
• Check for overhead powerlines or telecommunications cables.
• Return EWP to stowed position when not in use. Remove keys, chock wheels.
• Refer HSE Compliance Work Guide - Elevated Work Platforms.
18 Use of power tools ● Wear PPE when operating power tools (i.e., safety goggles / glasses, earplugs / earmuffs, gloves, safety boots, respiratory protection as required)
● All power cords tested and tagged for safety
● A portable RCD if 240v, corded power tools are being used
● Power tools electrically isolated before changing out tool bits or storing
● Maintained in a safe working condition with any guards in place and functioning as designed
● Portable power saws and grinders fitted with a ‘dead man’ switch that prevents the tool from being locked in the ‘on’ position
● The power tool being used within the scope of its capabilities and in accordance with the instruction manual
electrocution from faulty 240v tools • All electrical equipment must be compliant to Australian Standards. All Workers
and equipment • Use battery operated power tools whenever possible.
• Visually inspect power tools prior to use.
• 240v powered equipment must be tested and tagged (3 monthly or every 28 days on NSW construction sites).
• 240v powered equipment must be connected to a Residual Current Device (RCD).
• Where equipment is identified as unsafe (damaged, faulty, test out of date), it must be tagged ‘Out of Service’
with appropriate tags and be isolated from use until made safe.
• Do Not use the equipment until it has been made safe and returned to service.
drill or rotational machinery jamming • Use drill in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. All Workers
and or dropping • Use sharp drill bits and pilot holes for larger drill holes.
• Do Not cover locking switch which could lock on.
• Use side handles to gain leverage.

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nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Job / Activity / Task Step Person

Potential Hazards or Energies Control Measures
Task (List the work into logical
(Identify all hazards / risks associated with each
steps/order or in the (Determine what will be done to control the risk. (Person responsible for
# sequence they are carried
step that may cause harm to the worker, the
ensuring controls are in
environment, or general public) What will you do to make the activity as safe as possible?) place and effective)

rope blowing machine • Must be operated by a competent worker. All Workers

• Wear PPE (hearing protection, gloves)
• Check all safety pins in at joints of hose fittings.
• Place tool securely over end of conduit prior to operating.
• Do Not stand near exit point of conduit.
cable jinker • Wear PPE (gloves) Worker
• Detach from truck before use.
• Check cable drum is secured to jinker before operating.
19 Suspected ACM Asbestos exposure / contamination • Site Supervisor to be notified of suspected fragment Worker
Fragments - to work crew or public from • Workers to ensure they wear disposable gloves and P2 face mask Supervisor
assurance checks or inadequate ACM disposal processes • Barrier placed around suspected fragment site
testing • ACM Fragment to be wetted down if not in a wet state
Incorrect disposal of waste • Asbestos waste removal bags must be utilised to place fragment in for removal from site, ensuring goose neck,
double bag methodology is employed
• Dispose at licensed facility or consolidation bin
Removal for Testing purposes
• PPE as above
• When required to be taken off site for testing, attempt to leave in tack, if only a sample is required, wet down
before breaking off.
• Place in double sealed zip lock bags.
Unexpected Asbestos exposure / • In situations where suspected asbestos or ACM is unexpectedly found during the course of work it must be Worker
discovery of assumed it contains asbestos or ACM (until proven otherwise).
contamination to work crew or Supervisor
asbestos or ACM • Make the area safe.
public • Cordoning off and containing an area but do not include further disturbance or any removal (other than for
sampling purposes or to remove a small quantify of ACM fragments in order to make safe – refer above).
• Report the situation to the Service Stream supervisor.
• Where regarded as an incident or near miss, report the incident to Service Stream supervisor.
• Known or assumed asbestos or ACM disturbance or removal must only proceed where the work practices comply
with the requirements set out in this SWMS or SWMS - Unify Services ODM Civil Crews CCD C SWMS OOA

Site specific requirements (such as scope change or new hazards) – to be added below:

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nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Appendix 1 - Aerial Rules - Evoenergy NBN-DES-STD-2271

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Appendix 2 – Emergency Response

Pole Top Rescue
Assess situation first (DRSABCD)
1. Check for immediate hazards that may indicate the cause of the incidence i.e. electrical hazards, exposed conductors in close proximity
2. Check if the person is conscious by shouting – ‘Can you hear me’. If there is no answer call 000
3. If no immediate threat to person’s life, rescuer may choose to wait for emergency services to arrive
4. If life saving measures are required prior to assistance arriving (e.g. worker has an arrested fall and is suspended in an upright position likely to suffer suspension
intolerance) attempt to lower them down

If assessed as Safe and required - Perform Rescue

5. Only climb ladder if you are trained and verified as competent and the pole is verified as safe to climb
6. If safe (recheck ladder is secure), fit required PPE (harness, pole strap etc) and start climbing. Attach your pole strap at the earliest point possible
7. Loop the safety line through workers harness (through a 'D’ ring, preferably the back attachment point), then take the safety line and double it back to the clasp on the
safety line
8. Using your hand, take the weight of the casualty onto the safety line. With the weight supported, cut or disconnect the workers pole strap and lower them to the ground

Carry out first aid/life support on the ground. Note - ensure members of the public do not assist with retrieving the worker from the pole. Although members of
the public can be used to call for assistance or provide first aid once the worker is lowered to the ground.

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nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

In the event of a striking a concealed gas and power service within a building - Power
• Make safe and communicate with all occupants:
• DO NOT touch and device directly in contact with the damaged cable.
• DO NOT touch the damaged cable.
• Locate the disconnecting switch/breaker and turn it off (usually in your electrical meter box)
• DO NOT attempt to repair the damaged cable yourself.
• Immediately contact either electrical Distribution Company or a licensed electrician to repair the internal cable. All work must cease immediately.

In the event of a striking a concealed gas and power service within a building - Gas
• Make safe and communicate with all occupants:
• Eliminate ignition sources (i.e., do not smoke, do not light a match/lighter, extinguish any naked flames)
• DO NOT use any devices which may be an ignition source (i.e., mobile phones, power tools or appliances, electrical and light switches, and torches)
• Open doors/windows to vent any accumulated gas.
• Exit the building and do not re-enter.
• Keep people clear of the area around the building.
• Turn off the gas valve at meter position (usually near/in your gas meter box).
• DO NOT attempt to repair the damaged pipe yourself.
• Immediately contact either Gas Distribution Company or a licensed gas fitter to repair the leak for internal pipework.

Physical Violence – threat / verbal

• Do not challenge the aggressive person
• Leave house/site immediately if possible - evacuate quietly.
• Withdraw to a safe position or assembly point or drive some distance away from premises (do not continue to drive if distressed)
• When safe, notify your supervisor. Note: If unable to leave, call 000 (not supervisor), enable duress procedure (if applicable)
• Contact Police and report incident Immediately
• Withdraw to a safe position or assembly point and await arrival of Service Stream Supervisor and/or Police.

Contact Service Stream Supervisor / HSE Business Partner and notify them of the situation as soon as practical.

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Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Crew Review & Acknowledgment

By signing this record, I the undersigned confirm that I have: • been consulted in the development, or content, of the SWMS • reviewed the SWMS • understand the hazards that have been
identified and the controls in place and • know what I must do to safely complete the High Risk Construction Work tasks
I Accept the If no, please state the task that needs
Name Position Company SIGNATURE DATE
controls herein further considerations and/ or controls















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on: 5.0 - 12 April 2024
ABN: 87 081 540 847 Page 35 of 36
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
nbn Unify Services ODM Technicians
ServiceStream - Fixed Communications SWMS CCD-C-SWMS-OOB Version: 5.0

Step 1 – Consider Consequences Step 2 – Consider Likelihood Step 3 – Calculate Risk

What are consequences of this hazard occurring? What is the likelihood of the hazard consequence in Step 1 1. Take Step 1 rating and select the correct column.
Consider the most probable consequence occurring? 2. Take Step 2 rating and select the correct row.
3. Use risk score where two ratings cross on the matrix below.
Consequence of Result – Definitions Likelihood of Occurrence
Category Health and Safety Environmental Category Definition
- Major environmental incident resulting in significant harm to environment or
- Single or multiple fatalities - Is expected to occur in normal
human health Almost
Severe - Serious Injury/illness such as an amputation or circumstances
- Irreversible impact on an area of high conservation value or of special Certain
(5) irreversible disability
- Has turned into an event with high
(5) regularity in the past
- Regulator response involving investigation
- Serious Injury/Illness such as short to medium - Environmental incident that causes or threatens material harm to the - Will probably occur in most
Major term disability environment or human health Likely circumstances
(4) - Hospital Admission (more than 24 hrs.) - Adverse effect on an area of high conservation value or of special significance (4) - Has turned into an event with regularity in
- Immediately notifiable to regulator in accordance with legislative guidance the past
- On-site and/or off-site release or action resulting in clean-up or rectification at
- Lost Time Injury (LTI) low cost - Should occur at some time but distinct
Moderate - Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) - Release or action did not threaten material harm to environment (could not Possible probability will not
(3) - Hospital Admission (less than 24 hrs.) migrate to the land or stormwater drains) (3) - Has turned into an event from time to
- No material risk from the substance or action and the site can be easily time in the past
- Could occur at some time but is not
- Release or action that is uncontrolled or unplanned but does not leave site
Minor Unlikely anticipated
- First aid treatment boundary and is rectified immediately
(2) - No environmental harm caused or threatened
(2) - Has turned into an event only
occasionally in the past
- May occur only in exceptional
Insignificant Rare circumstances
- Minor injury not requiring treatment - Negligible environmental impact
(1) (1) - No evidence of having turned into an
event in the past
Risk Rating Consequence
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Severe (5)
Almost certain (5) Low Medium High Extreme Extreme

Likely (4) Low Medium High High Extreme

Possible (3) Low Medium Medium High Extreme
Unlikely (2) Low Low Medium Medium High
Rare (1) Low Low Medium Medium High

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