Economic Role of The City of London Thomas A. Money Walks

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Thomas, A 2014 Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in the

OPTICON City of London 1947–1993. Opticon1826, (16): 20, pp. 1-15, DOI: http://


Money Walks | The Economic Role of the

Street in the City of London 1947–1993
Amy Thomas*

Prior to the deregulation of the Thatcher years, the City of London (London’s finan-
cial district) was largely self-regulated, operating via what Michael Moran refers
to as ‘an explicit ideology of cooperative regulation’, institutionalized within a
system of market-specific, club-like bodies, such as the Stock Exchange and Lloyds
insurance market. Supervised and operated via its members, the components of
each institution were tied together through a mode of exchange that prized face-
to-face contact, reputation and trust, epitomised by the Stock Exchange motto
Dictum Meum Pactum (‘My word is my bond’). The latter was made concrete via
messenger-operated payment and clearing systems, organised around the hours of
trade, provoking the need for proximity between institutions and specific archi-
tectural arrangements and resulting in an urban agglomeration of banks and other
institutions in the immediate vicinity of the Bank of England.
The advent of digital technology entailed a decline in the economic significance of
pedestrian activity in the City. The shift from manual, paper operations to onscreen
transactions made redundant the kinetic network of brokers and messengers that
once formed the circulatory system for banking and finance. This paper considers
the way in which such shifts ultimately reconfigured the nature of the street as
public space and argues that, as fundamental parts of the financial transaction were
removed from the City’s thoroughfares, the street would no longer be an extension
of the workplace, but a space of leisure. Exploring concepts such as ‘transaction’,
‘regulation’ and ‘exchange’ as social processes with material consequences, this
paper attempts to chart the historical link between the street and economic activ-
ity, through analysis of the City’s myriad pedestrian ways and changing attitudes
to planning public space in the fifty years following the Second World War.

Introduction tion of substance into motion and

function, derives from the fact that
The dual nature of money, as a con- money is the reification of exchange
crete and valued substance and, at the among people, the embodiment of a
same time, as something that owes its pure function. (Simmel 1990: 176)
significance to the complete dissolu- Georg Simmel

* Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, United

To talk of the global economy today is to
Kingdom talk about movement. The rapid passage of capital between financial centres has led to
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the City of London 1947–1993

analyses of the economy as a ‘space of flows’ is often overlooked on account of its ‘in-
(Castells 1989), and a broader conceptualisa- between’ position, despite playing a funda-
tion of capital as a kinetic force. In reality, the mental role in the financial community prior
speed of digital technology means that trans- to the digitisation of trade. Furthermore,
actions today are not at all spatial or mobile. the connotations of movement associated
Financial markets consist of onscreen with the street, the road and the pedestrian
changes in title rights, rather than the physi- way in the financial context, go some way
cal act of exchange, and are reliant upon a to explaining our contemporary fascination
host of legal agreements such as labour, debt with economic ‘flows’.
and investment contracts and many more. The following discussion considers the role
The fiction of mobility provides a mode of of the street, alley and pedestrian way in the
diagramming this process, yet causes it to be shifting context of financial practice via an
abstracted from its material reality. analysis of the more mundane daily activi-
The process of exchange continues to be ties in the life of one of the world’s leading
dependent upon people and places. New financial centres, the City of London (hereaf-
financial centres are emerging all over the ter ‘the City’). The advent of digital technology
world in ever grander and more iconic entailed a decline in the economic significance
forms, whilst old ones consolidate their pres- of pedestrian activity in the City; the shift
ence with novel additions to their skylines. from manual, paper operations to onscreen
However, the advent of mobile technology transactions made redundant the kinetic net-
and the expansion of the Internet in recent work of brokers, messengers and bankers that
years have ensured that the material rela- once formed the circulatory system of the
tionship between exchange and place is less City. This paper considers the way in which
obvious. Historically, the transaction was such shifts ultimately reconfigured the nature
reliant upon the movement of people and of the street as public space, arguing that, as
paper in space (whether in the market, the fundamental parts of the financial transaction
square or the street) and was carried out in were removed from the City’s thoroughfares,
concrete places. Urban places could, there- the street would no longer be an extension of
fore, be more readily understood as material the workplace, but a space of leisure.
components in the complex process of finan-
cial exchange, unlike the symbolic role the Transactional channels
skyscraper has for the global economy today. Owned and administered by an independ-
Georg Simmel’s conception of money, as ‘the ent municipal authority known as the City of
reification of the pure relationship between London Corporation, the City is a juridically
things as expressed in their economic distinct enclave within Greater London and
motion’, seems an appropriate metaphor the UK, physically contained to little more
(Simmel 1990: 176). The financial centre, as a than a ‘Square Mile’. Officially ‘apolitical’,
tangible object, has, like money, become the the relationship of the Corporation with the
material symbol of the contractual relation- British government has been complex. The
ships between people ‘as expressed in their Corporation has existed since before Parlia-
economic motion’. ment, and is known for its host of ancient
This paper explores the relationship ceremonies and peculiar range of institu-
between transaction and place through an tions, such as the livery companies and its
analysis of the changing economic role of the Lord Mayor. It is also the only political con-
street in the City of London in the fifty years stituency in the country in which businesses
following the Second World War. Unlike the form the majority of the electorate – a prac-
exchange or marketplace, the street is a tice that was outlawed elsewhere in Britain
material element of economic activity that in the local government Act of 1963. It has
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the City of London 1947–1993

historically emphasized its right to inde- Unlike the digital clearing systems used
pendence from the state, and today retains by banks today, up until the late twentieth
the only non-parliamentary representative century, the settlement of accounts between
allowed into the Commons Chamber: the two parties in the City was a physical act, car-
Remembrancer, a lobbyist for the financial ried out via messengers and choreographed
services industry, charged with protecting according to a precise timetable. The process
the City’s rights and privileges (City of Lon- was separated into three independent sys-
don Corporation n.d.). tems: General Clearing, 9.15–10.30am; Town
As the former commercial heart of the Clearing, 2.30–3.45pm; and Cheque Clearing,
British Empire, the City was a concentrated a system initially dealing with the payment
example of the networked society that had of salaries. All three were operated via the
ensured the dispersal of privilege in Britain Bankers’ Clearing House, the institution at
and in the colonies for centuries. Defined the heart of the clearing system, to which all
by its gentlemanly code of conduct, epito- cheques were sent for payment. Situated in
mised by the Stock Exchange motto ‘Dictum the midst of the banking area on Lombard
Meum Pactum’ (‘My word is my bond’), the Street, the Clearing House remained empty
dense web of specialist financial sectors for large periods of the day, standing in the
that clustered within the boundary of the form of a small classical building, seemingly
City were linked by functional and famil- incommensurate with the 2–3 million pay-
ial networks, assisting an informal method ments that would be processed there daily
of self-regulated business practice that was – the result of its time-specific functionality
unique to Britain. Michael Moran defines the (Economists Advisory Group 1971: 282).
latter as ‘an explicit ideology of cooperative Town Clearing was the most important for
regulation’, unique in its formalisation of its institutions in the City as it was the only way
seemingly informal institutions into a collec- of processing high-value same-day payments,
tion of club-like establishments, such as the and thus involved nearly every institution in
Stock Exchange, the Baltic Exchange and the the City. Town Clearing required its members
Corporation of Lloyds, around which the City to reside in the Town Clearing Area, namely
would operate (Moran 2003: 2). the half-mile radius of the Bankers’ Clearing
Within the City, the components of this sys- House, for reasons of expediency (Hailey and
tem were linked through financial, social and Wanley 1973).1 Operated by messengers who
spatial operations that necessitated proxim- would bring the total number of cheques
ity. For example, all Stock Exchange member accrued by their bank to the Clearing House
firms were required to keep offices within at the end of the day, the system dealt with
seven hundred yards of the Exchange itself in high-value transactions that had a quick
order to take advantage of its centralised set- turnover time: a cheque between two town
tlement system (Thrift 1994: 343), whilst all branches received at 3pm would be cleared
of Lloyds’ member brokers were encouraged the same day; consequently the speed and
to base themselves in the immediate envi- efficiency of the system was of vital impor-
rons of the insurance market to facilitate the tance to the money market (Economists
spread of information. Beyond the confines Advisory Group 1971: 280). The result was
of the contained markets, there were also the a highly mechanised process, orchestrated
exchanges occurring between institutions, by a computing army of female clerical staff
most notably the banks, of which the clear- who were trained to process a minimum of
ing banks, discount houses and merchant 2,000 payments per hour and served by hun-
banks formed an important triumvirate geo- dreds of messengers moving rapidly through
graphically linked through Town Clearing the City’s streets at specific times of the day
(Courtney and Thompson 1996: xvii). (Battersby 1964).
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Prior to the automation of clearing and the construction of shopping arcades in

settlement procedures, the labyrinthine web Leadenhall Market and Old Broad Street, ‘and
of alleys and cut-throughs within the Town in some of the sunk roundabouts [...] where
Clearing Area formed an integral part of this small purchases can be made on the way to
transactional process. Their role as channels and from railway stations and during the
for capital had emerged from the activities lunch hour’; the closure of certain streets to
of the merchants and traders of the seven- all but service vehicles; and the widening of
teenth and eighteenth century, for whom pavements (Holden and Holford 1951: 289).
the alleyways and courtyards surrounding The large-scale incendiary bombing during
the Bank, the Royal Exchange and Lombard the Blitz had destroyed some 26.8 million
Street comprised the circulatory system for sq ft (31%) of the 85.8 million sq ft of office
the anatomy of finance and trade, permit- space in the City (City of London Department
ting face-to-face interaction and rapid com- of Architecture and Planning 1976), most
munication between the various commodity of which the Holden and Holford proposal
markets located in the coffee houses bur- sought to rebuild.2 After the delivery of pub-
ied deep within the blocks. Despite some lic spaces, roads and infrastructure, the report
sizeable infrastructural developments and calculated the required office floor space
building booms in the nineteenth and early area to be approximately five times that of
twentieth century, this tightly wound system available building sites, and subsequently
of passages and precincts were for the most enforced the first plot ratio regulation of 5:1
part retained to assist informal patterns of for all new developments, which was strictly
exchange as well as the settlement process implemented until it was abolished in 1994
that had grown in scale and complexity with (Holden and Holford 1951: 301). Where the
the rise of Britain’s imperial earnings. London Building Act had formerly placed
The physical and economic devastation restrictions on the height of a building, the
caused by both World Wars in the first half new law placed limits on the total area of a
of the twentieth century seemed to increase given building in relation to its site.
the importance of preserving and reinstat- The high demand for office space within
ing the City’s smaller streets to facilitate the the Town Clearing Area was acknowledged
rebuilding of markets. The latter was high- in the report by increasing the plot ratio to
lighted in post-war planning policy. William 5.5: 1 in the half-mile radius of the Bank of
Holford and Charles Holden’s 1947 plan England (Holden and Holford 1951: 302).
for rebuilding the City embraced the City’s The lack of floor space in the area meant that
‘private circulation’, proposing a network of office buildings were often buttressed up
pedestrian precincts connected by the exist- against each other, and consequently built
ing alleyways and courtyards (Holden and with myriad passages running through and
Holford 1951: 231–264). ‘There is, of course, between them in order to allow access for
even a functional pattern in the ant-heap’, those who worked deep within the block,
they argued, ‘the planner’s problem is to and to conform to the new daylighting
make this pattern more efficient’ (Holden code as set out in the reconstruction policy.
and Holford 1951: 232). Efficiency was to be Acting as convenient short-cuts, these nar-
met with greater provision for pedestrians, row, interlaced channels turned the mes-
including: ‘increased open space, generally sengers’ daily clearing walks into occasions
in small patches’; the linking up of such for opportunist espionage, as they walked
areas with ‘shopping centres, historic build- past offices, overhearing conversations and
ings, and open viewpoints by means of wider meeting other messengers on their daily
pavements [...] or tree planted streets [...] or in rounds (Courtney and Thompson 1996:
some cases subways under traffic crossings’; 205). Similarly, for those who were known
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by the gatekeepers, it was even possible to the City’s and the Government’s representa-
take a shortcut right through the Bank of tive in each territory, the Bank was effectively
England’s seemingly impenetrable fortress ‘an interface between the state and the mar-
walls, from Bartholomew Lane to Princes’ ket’ (Burn 1999: 241).
Street (Hennessy 1992: 338). The modus operandi in the City reflected
the prevailing Keynesian approach to eco-
The street as a mode of economic nomic policy of the post-war period: namely,
regulation that the most efficient way to stimulate eco-
The manual clearing systems had helped to nomic growth and curb inflation was by con-
keep the City’s self-regulatory practices in trolling demand via the state. In theory, this
place, reinforced by the Bank of England’s could be done through two agents: central
supervision. Acting as a porous barrier government, which would use taxes and pub-
between Westminster and the Square Mile, lic spending to affect productivity; and the
the Bank and its workforce comprising many central bank – the Bank of England – which
former City executives, had emerged during could control interest rates and therefore the
the nineteenth century as the central regula- supply of money in the system, acting as a
tor for the City due to its development into kind of monetary pump. In addition to keep-
the central bank. As Michael Pryke notes, this ing the accounts of the Exchequer and other
regulation expanded into the physical realm government departments, and acting as a
of the Square Mile, as the City’s built form registrar for all quoted Government securi-
had effectively developed around the Bank of ties, the Bank was responsible for control-
England, placing it at the core of a precisely ling the money supply via its activities in the
orchestrated spatio-temporal system, revolv- money markets – namely, the discounting of
ing around the hours of trade, settlement and commercial bills. The latter was executed via
clearing times, and the changing Bank Rate an intermediary agent known as the Discount
(Pryke 1991: 204). This was enforced through Houses: if the Bank wanted to inject money
the imposition of spatial rules to which all into the market it would buy commercial
companies and institutions had to conform, bills from the Houses; if it wanted to drain
the most important being the insistence on money it would sell bills (Ferris 1960: 72).
the close proximity of all banks to the Bank The Discount House brokers were required
of England to facilitate supervision and its to be extremely knowledgeable about the
own centralised settlement system, which it state of the market and, as such, they would
operated in its capacity as the ‘banker’s bank’ spend the first part of the morning making
(Pryke 1991: 204). the rounds on foot to relevant banks and
The village-like social structure and iso- institutions in the City, which on a good
lation of the financial core of the City had day could total in excess of 100 visits (Ferris
intensified in the post-war period, arguably 1960: 62). Sociability was essential and the
in response to the increasing interference of oral contract was sacrosanct, as most transac-
the state in City affairs. The encroachment tions were not finalised on paper until the
of the government – which had necessarily end of the day (Ferris 1960: 62–63). As the
tightened its grip on the City following the mediators between the Bank and the market,
collapse of the Gold Standard in 1931 and in the Discount Houses were granted privileged
the financially demanding years leading up access to the Bank’s fortress via the Discount
to the Second World War – culminated in Office, known in the City as ‘eyes and ears of
the nationalisation of the Bank of England the Bank’, or ‘the window in the windowless
in 1946. This transition reinforced the dual wall’ (Pryke 1991: 205; Kynaston 2000: 56).
nature of the Bank as regulator of, and spokes- Each morning, the manager of each Discount
person for, the City. Acting simultaneously as House would visit the Discount Office to give
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the Bank the general ‘feel’ of the market, so of the Eurocurrency markets, London’s first
it knew how much money to pump into the offshore currency markets, as well as a new
system (via the minimum lending rate of set of money markets in Local Authority
Treasury Bills – effectively an equivalent of Loans and Inter-bank lending that operated
setting interest rates). The Bank would then outside of these parameters. The new money
communicate the decision to buy or sell via markets dramatically altered the spatial oper-
an individual known as the special buyer, or ations of the City. The development of the
“hidden hand”’ (Ferris 1960: 72). The eco- Euromarket, followed by the emergence of
nomic purpose of this ritualistic process was a highly lucrative Eurobond market, resulted
to keep money in constant circulation and in a dramatic influx of international business,
avoid the idleness of spare cash. Indirectly, with the number of foreign banks in the City
the system also facilitated the territorial per- doubling from 77 in 1960 to 159 in 1970
sistence of tradition that had ensured the (Kynaston 2000: 501). The shortage of floor
reproduction of the City’s impermeable cul- space in the historic core and the growth of
ture for centuries. firms forced companies to seek accommoda-
tion beyond the traditional heart of the Town
New markets, new solutions Clearing Area (Kynaston 2011: 404).
Within the next decade, an increased rational- In addition, the mode of exchange itself
isation of economic modelling and financial was beginning to change. For the first time,
practices began to break down the synergy the Interbank markets permitted banks
between the City’s informal geography and to lend unsecured (i.e. without the liquid-
its informal mode of transaction. A scientific ity to back up the deal), a concept that was
overhaul of the mechanisms of the financial seemingly anathema to the City’s Dictum
system took shape throughout the 1960s: Meum Pactum ethos, relying on the credit-
the rise of ‘the analyst’ meant that banks worthiness of the individual. The increas-
were increasingly using statistics to assess ingly abstract and speculative nature of
the state of the market as opposed to the these new financial instruments ensured
biographical information and reputation of that the quantity of transactions was much
companies, merchant banks moved beyond higher than the quantity of final payments
their purely advisory capacity to become made, thereby creating a distortion between
specialists in takeovers and mergers, and the the spatial act and the transactional process
Stock Exchange introduced an examination on account of the incompatibility of their
for potential new brokers for the first time in relative speeds (Economists Advisory Group
its history. This process of rationalisation was 1971: 297).3 Initially, this increased speed
a response to broader shifts that were taking was predominantly facilitated by telephone
place in the context of international finance, trading, which still necessitated proximity
which would eventually eradicate the City’s between institutions for the final settlement
territorial practices. of accounts between parties, as well as unof-
For the last two decades, Britain’s Keynesian ficial visits to the banks to assess the state
approach to policy had been centred on pre- of the market, and the Bank’s own mode of
serving currency stability. Maintaining the intervention through the discount houses.
strength of Sterling was, of course, partly However, in line with the evermore scientific
ideological as the Sterling Area – Britain’s approach to financial practices, through-
empire-based currency zone – represented out the 1960s there were efforts to begin
Britain’s last stronghold over its imperial to automate the paper system, a develop-
dominion, which the Bank’s socio-spatial ment that was assisted by the passing of the
supervision in the City had helped to main- Stock Transfer Act in 1963, ensuring that cer-
tain. However, the 1960s saw the emergence tificates no longer needed to have a buyer’s
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name on a form, and thus eliminating the department, the transfer analyst, the transfer
necessary individualisation of every transac- department, the receiving department and
tion (Kynaston 2000: 139). the delivery department’ (Smith 1970: 926).
The impulse behind automation was Following this, the certificate would have to
largely for reasons of economy and efficiency. be packaged and sent to the transfer agent
By the end of the 1960s a number of finan- (where it would be handled by four differ-
cial institutions had invested in computers ent people: the window clerk, transfer ana-
as a way to counteract the shortages of cleri- lyst, examiner and cage clerk), before going
cal labour, wage increases, and increasing through the typing, proofing, balancing and
space restrictions following the first build- sorting departments, after which it would be
ing boom (Economists Advisory Group 1971: sent to the registrar to sign the certificate by
276). The innovations during the 1960s hand. Following this, it would be sent back
were predominantly process-driven, aim- to the transfer agent and then back to the
ing at reducing the costs caused by human original brokerage house for it to be logged
processing speeds and the time spent cor- once more, and then sent to the receiving
recting errors and inaccuracies in the paper party (broker, bank or individual) if necessary
system (Smith 1970: 926). America and its (Smith 1970: 927).
financial centres provided the inspiration While the City had its own idiosyncrasies,
for many of these improvements, which had the journey of the stock certificate or other
been at the forefront of computing solutions bill was similar in its geographical scope
since producing the first digital computer to that of New York, and with the number
in 1940 (Batiz-Lazo and Wood 2002: 9). The of articles cleared annually at the Bankers
Bank had sent members of its Accountants Clearing House rising from 397 million in
Department over as early as 1955 to review 1958 to 854 million in 1968, the system was
‘business machine equipment’, and most becoming increasingly clogged and subject
computers acquired in the City throughout to error (Economists Advisory Group 1971:
the 1960s were manufactured by American 278). Solutions such as punch card systems
companies (Bank of England 1955; Batiz- and magnetic ink, and even the use of CCTV
Lazo and Wood 2002: 9). for document transmission, were intro-
The impetus for innovation in both New duced to assist the centralisation of clearing
York and London was not so much the systems by ‘netting’ balances against each
transaction time itself, but rather that every other in electronic form and thereby limit-
institution was obliged to know the precise ing the amount of paper moving around
location of each certificate, as well as the the City (Economists Advisory Group 1971:
status of accounts, at any given moment. 239). In 1960, the Stock Exchange settle-
The latter was made increasingly difficult ment department was mechanised, with 18
with the rise in the number of transactions machines installed to carry out the activi-
that emerged with new and expanding mar- ties previously carried out by 150 workers,
kets, and the ever more complex methods whilst the Bankers’ Clearing House acquired
of processing, which required each paper new cheque sorting machines to manage the
certificate to pass through a vast number of increasing amounts of paper flooding in with
hands. As a commissioner of the Securities the new markets (Progress and Tradition:
Exchange Commission in New York wrote Electronic Robots 1960). The latter required
in 1970, in the case of stock certificates cheques to be in strict order and as such to
alone, each piece of paper would go through be delivered in boxes, loaded into trollies and
around 14 different processes and over four then transported by vans. Due to the lack of
‘street carries’ in the space of a few days, pass- access to the Clearing House on its cramped
ing through ‘the branch office, the receiving Lombard Street site, special electric vehicles,
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akin to small milk floats and designed to but from the more radical London County
be quiet, were developed so as not to dis- Council (LCC) Architects’ Department
turb surrounding offices. At one point the (Hebbert 1993: 435, 440). Whilst most of
street was even paved with rubber blocks the City’s planning decisions had been trans-
to dampen the noise (Cheque and Credit ferred back to the Corporation by 1955,
Clearing Company n.d.; Economists Advisory after a brief spell in LCC hands during the
Group 1971: 280). post-war period, the scale of bombsites in
Despite advances in technology, the domi- Paternoster Square and the Barbican necessi-
nance of pedestrian trading activity in the tated a collaborative approach to redevelop-
City prevailed until its digitisation in the ment between the two municipalities. These
1980s. However, much like attempts at vacant sites presented themselves to the
financial automation, the City’s planning LCC as opportunities for experimentation
department, for the first time in its history, with ‘three-dimensional planning’ via raised
took steps to actively programme pedes- walkways (Hebbert 1993: 435). Although, as
trian activity in the City. In 1967 and 1969, Michael Hebbert points out, this collabora-
two major surveys were conducted by the tive attempt was not without conflict, since
Corporation to calculate the movement of ‘the corporation’s natural preference was to
office-workers throughout the Square Mile.4 reinstate and widen the old street pattern,
The surveys represented a general mood in parcel the land into standard frontages, and
urban planning that viewed pedestrian free- sell them off to developers’ (Hebbert 1993:
dom as the mark of a civilised city, and traffic 441), by 1959 the LCC had convinced the
as the enemy. The growth in car ownership Corporation’s Common Council to enshrine
throughout the 1950s and 1960s had given the separation of pedestrians and vehicular
rise to an anxiety surrounding congestion traffic in policy, and the construction of high-
and collision in the urban realm, as well level walkways became a priority in City plan-
as to a planning rhetoric that favoured the ning (Hebbert 1993: 441, 443).
segregation of pedestrians and cars. At the The full extent of the City’s plans for the
regional level, this was implemented via Pedway were kept secret until the mid-
decentralisation policies and the construc- 1960s and not released publicly until 1976,
tion of satellite towns such as Croydon to at which point the scheme was under
stem the build-up of traffic in the city cen- threat from conservationists.5 However,
tre. At the urban scale, segregation was to be the plan was implemented wholeheartedly
based on the Corbusian model, with plan- throughout this period, and openings and
ners such as Sir Colin Buchanan propagating connections for the pedway network were
the division of the city into raised pedestrian incorporated within most commercial devel-
walkways with motorways below (Buchanan opments throughout the next decade. This
and Crowther 1963). It was from within this was in part due to the fact that developers
context that the Corporation momentar- would be offered incentives for their inclu-
ily implemented a scheme, which, if com- sion into schemes, usually in the way of plot
pleted, would have been the most radical ratio concessions, and were permitted to
infrastructural programme in the history use the connection platforms for temporary
of London ever to be built: the Pedway, a offices, thus producing additional revenue.6
30-mile network of raised walkways cover- The enthusiasm with which the network
ing the Square Mile. was implemented was justified by reasons
Unsurprisingly, the concept of vertical seg- of economy and efficiency in the financial
regation in the City did not emerge from the centre. ‘Business activities carried out within
Corporation’s conservative planning person- the City [are] known to be based on a long
nel (under the auspices of the City Engineer), tradition of personal contact’, claimed the
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scientific ‘Walkways Study’, which sought to to move beyond the traditional banking dis-
legitimise the scheme through further analy- trict to the north of the City, south of the
ses of ‘pedestrian and vehicular movement river and, more worryingly, to the West End
patterns, land use and activities, and physical and Mayfair (Pryke 1991: 209–10). Further-
development’ (City of London Department of more, the absorption of computer technol-
Architecture and Planning 1978: 29). ogy into most offices brought a shift in pace
Viewed as an efficient alternative to, what that was entirely incommensurate with the
City Architect Edwin Chandler described as, City’s face-to-face operations.
the City’s ‘utterly impracticable’ alleyways, Initially there was a general reluctance
the walkways were constructed in parallel to to abandon much of the old City’s ceremo-
the designated traffic routes (Chandler 1975: nial conduct, with persistent participation
91). Road widening, construction and large- in activities such as the visceral spectacle of
scale demolition took place throughout the messengers running to and from the Bank
City, attracting vociferous protest from con- every Thursday to communicate the Bank
servationists, which, alongside the unfeasi- Rate, notwithstanding a fully operational
ble cost of maintenance, would ultimately CCTV network (Economists Advisory Group
succeed in halting the pedway project. ‘It 1971: 295).7 Despite the increased automa-
is a very dangerous thing to create a situa- tion of clearing systems and rise in telephone
tion where you forget the prime function of usage, the fact was that, even into the 1970s,
the City and think of it in terms of a nice many firms preferred to retain the human
‘olde worlde’ tourist attraction,’ Chandler infrastructure of the traditional messenger-
argued in his defence; ‘the fact remains operated clearing systems in order to retain
that if you want something that is efficient the social structure and security that came
as a great financial centre then it is almost with it. ‘One of the reasons people had con-
impossible to carry it out on a major pres- centrated in the Square Mile was so that they
ervation basis’ (Chandler 1975: 91). Despite could be part of this system,’ stockbroker
Chandler’s petition, in 1978 the scheme was Nick Durlacher recalled; ‘messengers were
reduced to a ‘Minimum Network’, compris- an important part of all City businesses. [...]
ing existing sections that might have been I have a feeling that [they] may have been
made viable with the additions of links and more secure than the electronic technol-
bridges. However, by the time of the build- ogy we have now which can be hacked into’
ing boom of the 1980s, barely a fraction had (Courtney and Thompson 1996: 205).
been completed. Aside from the threat to the City’s value
system, founded upon face-to-face meet-
Dematerialisation and the ings and ritualistic displays of kinship, there
deregulated City were concerns surrounding the economic
The transition to the fast-paced Thatcherite viability of electronic methods (Economists
City occurred slowly and somewhat awk- Advisory Group 1971: 296). The pace of the
wardly throughout the following decade. paper system, which had emerged due to
The gradual concession of the government the geographical organisation of the City,
to the markets saw a shift in political ide- had become so ingrained into operations of
ology from the state allocation of funds the economy that faster technology initially
to that of a market economy, position- seemed problematic. Despite the potential
ing the paternalistic traditions of the City profitability of quicker settlement times with
under scrutiny from neoliberal politicians. computer-run settlement systems, it was
It was during this period that the Bank’s feared that ‘if any improvement is achieved
regulatory web began to fall apart, as more in the speed of payments transmission [...]
expanding City institutions made requests they will be faced with a loss of the interest
Art. 20, page 10 of 15 Thomas: Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in
the City of London 1947–1993

normally earned on money in the course of official system CHAPS, which was imple-
collection’, which for cheques could take up mented in 1984, was initially conceived as a
to three days (Nevin 1970: 209). Much in the member-run scheme that would reproduce
way that the pedways had threatened the the existing geographical arrangement, pro-
spatial practices of the club network through viding settlement for offices within a one-
geographical distortion, the electronic pay- mile radius of the Bankers’ Clearing House
ment systems threatened this system through in Lombard Street – the ‘CHAPS area’ (Hailey
temporal distortion (Pryke 1991: 203). and Wanley 1973).
The question remained, how could an Within the following five years, the gentle-
electronic programme reproduce the self- manly practices in the City would be rapidly
regulatory club-like arrangement that had subsumed by an uncompromising deregu-
for so long protected the City’s independ- latory impulse underpinned by monetarist
ence? The first form of electronic trans- experimentation. The power cuts, three-day
fer system of payments, known as ‘BACS’ week, high unemployment and uncontrolla-
(Bankers Automated Clearing System), ble inflation that had plagued the Heath gov-
was developed between clearing banks in ernment in the middle of the decade were
1968. However, it was not until 1972 that met by an IMF rescue operation in 1976,
attempts were made to devise a system to bearing the caveat of adopting monetarism
accommodate the high-value, same-day set- as an economic model. Now the money sup-
tlement in Town Clearing.8 One early proto- ply, not the state allocation of funds, was the
type developed by the Interbank Research primary concern, and ‘the City, [being] in
Organisation (IBRO), named SOVEREIGN, the business of moving and making money,
had been conceived to emulate the spatial was always likely to be more sympathetic to
form of town clearing, which, it argued, had the notion that money matters in economic
been ‘developed to fit the requirements of policy’ (Smith 1991: 81). The Bank embraced
their users, the convenience of their opera- monetarism, adopting the ideas of Milton
tors and the restrictions of their geography’ Friedman and the Chicago School even
(Hailey and Wanley 1973). before the Treasury, and, as economic his-
The hypothetical payment system was torian David Smith argues, ‘in the 1980s, [it
designed as an electronic version of the occasionally] appeared to act as the Treasury’s
City’s club-like organisation: a member-run monetarist conscience’ (Smith 1991: 81).
scheme that was centrally overseen by the The new scientific approaches to economic
Bank of England, mimicking the existing analysis ensured that an equally rational-
socio-geographical arrangement of the City ised and methodical approach to regula-
as it currently stood. Those who wished to tion and operation be adopted by the City
use the system were obligated to be ‘mem- Establishment. The closure of the Discount
bers of a suitable club’, as the clubs provided Office in 1976 ensured that the Bank’s mode
‘services to their members by accepting and of supervision as ‘a by-product of the mar-
retransmitting their messages, by acting on ket intelligence fathering operations of its
the contents of the messages and by vouch- Discount Office’ was replaced by the creation
ing for the good standing of their members’ of a specialist Supervision Division (Moran
(Hailey and Wanley 1973). The ‘clubs’ would 2003: 75). The secondary banking crisis of
be digital versions of existing institutions the 1970s had destroyed a number of smaller
such as Lloyds and the Stock Exchange, act- banks and threatened the elites, leading to
ing as informal modes of surveillance to the enforcement of the Banking Act 1979.
ensure ‘the authenticity, credit worthiness, The Act ensured that banking supervision
honesty and integrity’ of each ‘player’ in the became codified in law, that all regulatory
payments game (Hailey and Wanley 1973). bodies were to report to central government,
Although this plan was never executed, the and that the Bank of England’s role as a
Thomas: Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in Art. 20, page 11 of 15
the City of London 1947–1993

regulator of the City was enshrined in statute which point the Bank of England switched
(Moran 2003: 75). its Central Moneymarket Operations office
The dissolution of the Bank’s spatial and to a digital system entitled CREST (Bank of
visual mode of regulation was exacerbated England n.d.; Dennis 2002).
by the influx of international businesses. In the aftermath of the Big Bang, the City’s
With the abolition of the post-war exchange planning policies became more focused on
controls in 1979 and the subsequent deregu- the provision of space than the facilitation of
lation of the stock market in the Big Bang of movement. Despite protests from conserva-
1986, the number of foreign banks in the tion groups, by 1986 the City’s Local Plan was
City continued to increase, with require- redrafted to allow for the demolition of once
ments that exceeded capacity of the dark, “listed” historic buildings to expand its floor
cramped, and often listed Victorian and space by 25% (King 1990: 91, 98). The upper
Edwardian properties in the Square Mile. level policies of the 1970s, centred around
The need for large floor-plates and cavities to the pedways, were almost entirely aban-
support the wiring and cooling of computers, doned in favour of policy that catered for
and increased volumes of unrestricted trade, the construction of enormous developments
led to a loosening of planning restrictions using the Corporation’s newly acquired ‘air-
that would allow businesses to move beyond rights’ to span roads and railway tracks. With
the historic core to accommodate larger technological innovations increasing trans-
architectural footprints. By the 1980s, the action speeds, and the replacement of the
impact of financial deregulation had spread old City’s gentlemanly codes of conduct with
to the geographical arrangement of the City: a new international variant of business eti-
a host of new developments emerged at the quette, the streets and alleys were stripped
peripheries to attract and accommodate big- of their functional purpose and given a new
ger international corporations, forming new sartorial role as the backdrop to the theatre
financial villages based on American proto- of haut finance.
types more suited to the needs of its transat- This new role was taken seriously by the
lantic tenants. Corporation. The impact of the conserva-
The dispersal of offices, in tandem with tion lobby a decade earlier had ensured
the increases in volume and scale of finan- that, despite its more pragmatic impulses
cial transactions, were the dominant impe- regarding property development and demo-
tus for the implementation of the CHAPS lition, the historic face of the City’s streets
system in 1984. However, it wasn’t until and courtyards had become a key part of
1995 that Town Clearing officially ended the City’s branding strategy as an interna-
and the final ‘dematerialisation of money tional financial centre. By the time of the
market instruments’ finally took place (Bank publication of the Draft Local Plan in 1984,
of England n.d.). The pedestrian system per- pedestrian movement had been removed lin-
sisted alongside CHAPS for several years, guistically from the realms of business effi-
partly out of habit, partly due to the belief ciency and repositioned within two additions
that the efficiency of the old system would to the City’s planning lexicon: ‘townscape’
render the economic benefits of automa- and ‘environmental quality’ (City of London
tion too insignificant to bother (Clark 1984: Department of Architecture and Planning
36–7). It was the perceived risk of human 1984: 139–174).
error in the old system that finally put an Introduced for the first time in 1979, the
end to the employment of messengers for term ‘environmental quality’ was defined as
clearing and settlement in the City. In May the ‘degree of pleasure or displeasure experi-
1990, a financial messenger was robbed enced in living and working in, and in mov-
at knifepoint of £292m worth of bonds ing about, the City of London’. ‘While the
he was delivering in a City side street, at design of individual buildings is important’,
Art. 20, page 12 of 15 Thomas: Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in
the City of London 1947–1993

the 1979 ‘Background Study’ claimed, ‘so is industry. In other words, the street moved
the treatment of the spaces between and from being an extension of the office, to a
the settings within which they are seen’ place devoted to leisure.
(City of London Department of Architecture This paper has attempted to reveal the his-
and Planning 1979: 11; 43). Far removed torical relationship between the street and
from the statistical emphasis in the pedes- economic activity in the City as a reciprocal
trian and meeting surveys just one decade process. Prior to automation, the fine mesh
earlier, here the City’s ‘distinctive urban of smaller streets was both the product of
form and “grain”’, ‘close-knit building pat- mercantile and financial activity, and the cat-
tern’ and ‘strong general sense of enclosure’ alyst behind the geographical arrangement
would now provide spaces of entertainment of the clearing system. In regulatory terms,
between office hours, as opposed to func- the streets assisted a form of natural surveil-
tional appendages to the workplace (City lance via a kinetic fraternity of messengers,
of London Department of Architecture and whilst the movement of the discount brokers
Planning 1984: 146). By the beginning of between institutions permitted the Bank to
the 1990s, the conservationist attitude had act, oversee and, if necessary, intervene in the
been wholly subsumed within the City’s money markets. Throughout the process of
broader business strategy to reinstate itself automation in the 1960s and 1970s, the con-
as the world’s leading financial centre.9 flict between the speed of interpersonal and
Throughout the decade, a number of alleys, electronic modes of exchange meant that the
such as Pope’s Head Alley and Ship Passage, street became the subject of experimentation
were realigned or reinstated on account of for economic gain. In planning terms, the
the fact that ‘the relatively short walking Corporation looked for efficiency via whole-
distances between firms, institutions and sale reconstruction of the pedestrian net-
other services located in the City is seen to work above ground; whilst simultaneously
form a unique and valued feature of the at ground level, attempts at centralisation
City’s business environment’ (City of London and new inventions in the clearing systems
Department of Planning 1995: 81). were implemented to mechanise the existing
spatial process. This temporal incongruence
Conclusion between pedestrian pace and digital technol-
By the end of the twentieth century, the role ogy grew with the development of digital
of the street in the City had been radically technology. The latter was revealed in proto-
reconfigured. The terrorist bombings of the types for the automated clearing systems in
Provisional Irish Republican Army in 1992 the 1970s, in which the club-like social and
and 1993 demanded a re-writing of the City’s spatial arrangement of the City was used as
approach to security, public space and pedes- a basis for the organisational structure of the
trian access. Checkpoints positioned at the new, digital systems.
entrances to the Square Mile stemmed the The gradual disintegration of the overt
flow of traffic, indirectly placing the focus economic function of the City’s streets has
on pedestrian activity once more, yet the come about with the growing abstraction of
introduction of over 1,000 private surveil- financial instruments and increased mobility
lance cameras by 1996 ensured that this of the labour market. However, that is not
activity was to be heavily monitored (Coaffee to say that the role of the street has dimin-
2009: 115). Simultaneously, the discussion ished, but has taken on a different meaning;
of streets in planning terms had shifted away the City’s historic streetscape now forms the
from connotations of economic pedestrian setting for out-of-hours entertainment for
efficiency, towards a conception of the street workers, and simultaneously behaves as a
as public space designed to facilitate the branding mechanism to attract new workers
social accoutrements of the financial services and businesses to the City. Today the physical
Thomas: Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in Art. 20, page 13 of 15
the City of London 1947–1993

limitations of finance persist; geographical 2

The 1947 plan accommodated for a
proximity of institutions can have micro- future daytime population of 427,000
second advantages in the context of high (which was far higher than ever realised),
frequency trading, causing many firms to over 82 million sq. ft, dispersed across a
‘cluster’ in the same area (Mollan and Michie smaller area of land than that used by the
2012: 36).10 As Simon Mollan and Ranald City in the pre-war period (Economists
Michie have argued, ‘there has been no “end Advisory Group 1971: 46).
of geography” or “death of distance” because 3
For example, in May 1968 the Bank of
time is relative when dealing in financial England allowed the discount houses to
products where margins depend on fractions deal as principles in bills of exchange in
of a second when orders are placed’ (Mollan foreign currencies, and just two years
and Michie 2012: 38–39). Simultaneously, later, the members of the Union Discount
the face-to-face business ‘meeting’ continues Company were carrying walkie-talkies on
to take place, despite improvements in tech- their daily visits (Kynaston 2000: 504).
nology, rendering the City just as important 4
These were titled the ‘Business Contacts
as a place as it is a financial centre. Survey’ (1967) and ‘Pedestrian Movement
The emphasis on the mobility, invisibility Survey’ (1969). See, respectively: Econo-
and flexibility of the current global finan- mists Advisory Group (1971): 161–168;
cial arrangement only serves to reinforce its and City of London Department of Archi-
impermeability to those outside the system. tecture and Planning (1978): 21–24.
Aesthetically, such assumptions ignore per- 5
See 1976 Pedway map in City of London
haps the biggest environmental paradox of Department of Architecture and Plan-
financial capitalism: as the mechanisms of ning (1978).
exchange become increasingly invisible, the 6
Doubts about the Corporation’s ability to
environment that supports such processes, enforce such planning conditions in the
i.e. the financial center, is made increasingly more official capacity of planning permis-
visible. This paper has attempted to show that sions led to the passing City of London
financial activities are reliant on the relation- Various Powers Act (1967), which effec-
ships between individuals, places and spaces tively stated that Walkway provisions
and thus cannot be written off as abstract were compulsory for new schemes fall-
automaton, when the financial transaction is ing within the network, but that mainte-
in fact a process that underpins the basis of nance would be provided for by the Cor-
society. As Simmel so eloquently wrote, over poration (Great Britain, 1967).
a century before us: 7
The report quips, ‘like the traditional
It is [...] almost a tautology to say that top hat, [it] is little more than a gesture.
exchange brings about socialization: for Firms admit (a little shamefacedly) that
exchange is a form of socialization. It is one they get the news quicker by closed-
of those relations through which a number circuit television’ (Economists Advisory
of individuals become a social group, and Group, 1971).
‘society’ is identical with the sum of these 8
Clearing banks became known as retail
relations (Simmel 1990, p. 175). banks in 1973. Non-clearing banks were
able to use the system but only through
Notes using a clearing bank as an intermediary
There was a subset of Town Clearing that (Batiz-Lazo and Wood 2002: 11).
dealt with settlements for non-clearing 9
For more on the City’s self-conscious
banks and businesses located outside of planning policies, see Kaika, 2010.
the Town Clearing Area known as ‘Walks 10
City trading desk transactions with the
Clearing’. The latter were carried out by London Stock Exchange servers located
special messengers using carts. in the City was achieved in 0.1μs, while
Art. 20, page 14 of 15 Thomas: Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in
the City of London 1947–1993

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small, are important. ture and Planning 1976 City of London
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How to cite this article: Thomas, A 2014 Money Walks | The Economic Role of the Street in the
City of London 1947–1993. Opticon1826, (16): 20, pp. 1-15, DOI:

Published: 15 October 2014

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