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ENG21003 Scope & Technical System Design 2019

Task overview
You are to submit your group’s developed scope for the Industry Project, as well as your
group’s draft Technical System Design. This milestone is worth 10% of your overall grade.

Structure of submission
This submission will be in the form of a concise slide deck (PowerPoint presentation that
can also be provided as a document), aligned to your final submission. You are to submit
up to 3 slides on your group’s scope and up to 4 slides on your group’s Technical System
Design. You should also include a title slide with appropriate information.

Your group’s scope should:

• Refer to the overall client’s need and project scope
• Specify the considerations and assumptions your group has based on your specific
location, which could also include location details
• Specifically describe what is in and out of scope for your group

Your group’s Technical System Design should:

• Detail the overall system design for your group, using diagrams where appropriate
• Detail the assumptions you are making in your technical system design, either from
the overall assumptions for the project, or that are specific to your site or design
• Describe the technical system design in detail using appropriate equations
• At this stage you shouldn’t be providing details about the results of your models
(temperature changes over time), just the models themselves

You should consider the layout and look of your slide deck, as this method of
communication is somewhere between a presentation using slides, and a brief report. There
is generally more information on a slide deck than would usually be on presentation slides,
and the slides need to ‘speak for themselves’ and not rely on you presenting information.

At this stage it is up to your group what style you use in your slide deck, however we will
choose the best approach across all groups for the final presentation to the client.

Submission requirements:
• Save the report as a doc or docx with the following filename:
ENG21003 T3 2019 M1 [Group name].pptx (or .pdf)
• Submit through Canvas. Only one person from the group should submit the report.
• The due date for the submission is 25th August 2019 @ 23:59pm.
• If you wish to apply for special considerations see your Unit Convenor.

The submission will be reviewed against the attached rubric and grades and feedback will
be provided to your group in the following Tuesday studio session after submission.

Late submission policy

Late submissions are penalized at a drop of 10% per day after the due date up to a
maximum of 5 days (50%).

ENG21003 Scope & Technical System Design 2019

Criteria Sub-criteria Marks Proficiency

Advanced Proficient Developing No evidence
100% 65% 30% 0%
Clear scope
Detailed scope provided that goes Clear scope provided that builds on
provided for A scope is provided that is largely
beyond overall project scope. overall project scope. Articulates
Clear Scope group that builds 25 the overall project scope. Some Missing.
Clearly articulates scope using six what is being considered and not
from project attempt provided at considerations.
key elements of a scope. considered in the project.
specifics and
Detailed considerations are Some specific considerations A couple of specific considerations
Location considerations
10 incorporated based on location, incorporated based on location, incorporated based on location, Missing
specific provided and
based on thorough research. based on some research. based on some basic research.
considered in
Technical System Design
System Design
TSD provided is detailed. Uses
provided that is TSD provided that is clear. Uses TSD provided is unclear in parts.
Overall TS multiple diagrams accurately
clear and 15 diagrams to describe a thermal Uses a diagram to describe basic Missing
Design describe thermal model of the
accurately model. thermal equations.
proposed solution.
reflects proposed
Assumptions and
considerations Detailed assumptions are clearly
are clearly documented, all of which impact Assumptions are documented, most Some assumptions are provided, a
documented that 10 the model being proposed. of which impact the model being some of which impact the model Missing
in model
impact the TS Considerations based on location proposed. being proposed.
design being and environment are also included.
Model provided that uses equations
Detailed model to describe heat transfer,
Detailed Model provided that uses equations
provided temperature changes of materials, Model provided that uses some
model using 15 to describe heat transfer and Missing
including correct considerations of real system equations.
equations temperature changes of materials.
equations (efficiencies) and model
characteristics over time.
Layout and Presentation

ENG21003 Scope & Technical System Design 2019
Criteria Sub-criteria Marks Proficiency
Advanced Proficient Developing No evidence
100% 65% 30% 0%
Professional layout provided that is
Uses appropriate Consistent and clear layout Basic layout provided that changes
Layout & easy to follow and visually
and clear layout 10 provided that is easy to follow. through the slide deck. Visuals are Missing
Visuals engaging. Visuals provided are
and visuals Visuals provided are clear. unclear.
clear and detailed.
Appropriate Language of text appropriate for Language used not appropriate for
Appropriate content and client. Specific project terms are Language of text appropriate for client. Included technical jargon
Content & language used to 10 used accurately. Consistent fonts. client. Consistent fonts. Concise and/or acronyms that aren’t Missing
Language communicate to Concise but descriptive text. No and clear text. Some minor typos explained / correct. Mix of fonts,
the client typos. some text too small/large.
Overall look and
Clear slide deck that could be Unclear slide deck that would need
feel of the slide Very professional slide deck that
Aesthetics 5 provided to client with some many changes before being Missing
deck is could be provided to client as is.
changes. provided to the client

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